Lexicon of Rabbinic Greek
and Greek words in later Hebrew texts,
based on the Jastrow and Klein dictionaries
by Brayden Kohler
Sorted by Greek words in headword.
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ἀβάσκαντα - אֲבַסְקַנְטָה
0, Jastrow 182
(ἀβάσκαντα) unbewitched! may no harm befall you! Y. Ab. Zar. I, end, 40b א' לא אמר he did not say abascanta, but etc. Y. Ber. IV, 13c top (corr. acc.).
ἀβερτή - אֲוִירְטָא
1, Jastrow 637
(averta, ἀβερτή) knapsack. —Pl. אֲוִירְטִין. Tosef. Kel. B. Bath. IV, 10.
Ἀβραμίς - אברומא, אבדומא
2, Jastrow 214
hash or brine of a certain fish (Ἀβραμίς?). Succ. 18a (Ms. M. a. ed. אבד', v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.) [Rashi: ‘a very small fish’.]
ἀβραμίς (abramis) - אַבְרוֹמָה
3, Klein 158
name of a fish mentioned in the Talmud, usually identified with the bream. [Prob. from Gk. abramis (= bream).]
ἀγάλλοχον - *אַקְסִילָאלִיאָיָין
4, Jastrow 2934
(ξυλαλόη = ἀγάλλοχον) pieces of bitter aloë-wood. Targ. Ps. XLV, 9 Ar. (ed. אַקְסִיל אַלוּאוֹן combine) (h. text אֲהָלוֹת).
ἀγγαρεία - אַנְגַּרְיָא
5, Jastrow 2108
(ἀγγαρεία, angaria) forced labor, service, esp. seizure for public services or works. Y. Ber. I, 2d bot. איתצדית בא' וכ' I was pressed into service to carry myrtles &c. B. Mets. VI, 3 (78a) נעשית א' (the ass) was seized for public service. Ib. 78b בא' חוזרת in the case that the animal pressed into service is sent back again. Lev. R. s. 12 שמעון א' במדינתא they heard that seizure for public service was to take place in the country. Esth. R. introd. והלך זו א' hălakh (Ezra IV, 13) means angaria (v. אנגרוטינא). Snh. 101b; a. fr.—Pl. אַנְגַּרְיֹות. Lev. R. s. 23 אע"פ שהן נגבין … וא' though annonæ and angariæ are collected from them. Yalk. Esth. 1051 א' של נשים levies of women (for the king).—Trnsf. בא' as a forced labor, reluctantly. Midr. Till. Ps. CXII.—Pesik. R. s. 21 שלא באנגריס (corr. acc.) not as a forced labor.
ἀγγαρευτάς - אַנְגְּרַבְטֵיס, אַנְגְּרַוְטָא
6, Jastrow 2105
(ἀγγαρευτής, ἀγγαρευτάς) commissioner or superintendent of forced public labor; v. אַנְגַּרְיָא. Pesik. B’shall. 92b אתמני א' (for Var. v. Bub., note) was appointed angareutes.
ἀγγαρευτής - אַנְגְּרַבְטֵיס, אַנְגְּרַוְטָא
7, Jastrow 2105
(ἀγγαρευτής, ἀγγαρευτάς) commissioner or superintendent of forced public labor; v. אַנְגַּרְיָא. Pesik. B’shall. 92b אתמני א' (for Var. v. Bub., note) was appointed angareutes.
ἄγγελοι - אַנְגְּלֵי, אַנְגְּלַיָּא
8, Jastrow 2102
(ἄγγελοι, v. Perles Et. St. p. 113) messengers, angels. Targ. Job XV, 15; a. e.
ἀγγοθήκη - *אַנְטִיכִי
9, Jastrow 2181
(ἀγγοθήκη, ἐγγυθήκη, lat. mutilat. incitega) a receptacle for vessels, a stand for hanging in kettles, tripods &c. Sabb. III, 4 (41a); Gem. ib. one opin., בי כירי antichi (in the Mishnah) means a vessel suspended between fire places (heated bricks); another opin., בי דודי a metal vessel suspended within a caldron-like vessel, the vacant space beneath being filled with coals. Ib. (in evidence of the latter opin.) א' אע"פ שהיא גרופה וכ' Ms. M. (ed. אע''פ שגרופה וקטומה) an antichi, even when cleaned of coals &c. Y. Sabb. III, 6a bot. Tosef. Bets. III, 20. Y. ib. I, 60c bot. כהדא א' נפלת וכ' as in the case of an antichi which fell &c.—*M. Kat. 28b (in a funeral dirge) גוד גרמא מככא ונמטי מיא לא' take the bone (pin) out of the jaw (the base in which the vessel is suspended) and let water be put into the antichi, i.e. body and soul are now separated, the latter being the vessel going back to the (divine) spring; cmp. Koh. XII, 6 sq.; [Ms. M. … מבבא … לאנטוכיא, v. Rabb. D. S a. l. note.]
ἀγκολη [sic] - אוּנְקְלַי,
10, Jastrow 775
אָנְקְלַי f. (אנק, with ל format. ; = אוּנְקַי; corresp. to b. h. לוּלַי; Greek adapt. ἀγκολη [sic], LXX Ex. XXVI, 10; cmp. אוֹנִי as to contact of the two languages) prop. little (camel’s) neck, hence 1)hook, rack. Kel. XII, 2 א' של כתפין Ar. (ed. אונקליות, אונקלין with adject. in the sing., corr. acc.) the carriers’ hook attached to their yoke, pole &c. Ib. א' של דרגש the hook of the bedstead (used for fastening the girths to the posts); של נקליטין the rack of the bed-curtain, v. נַקְלִיטִין. Ib. 3 א' שבכותלים hook attached to walls.—T’bul Yom IV, 6 ואנ' שלהם קיימת and the hook (attached to the now broken yoke) remained unimpaired; a. fr.—Pl. אוּנְקְלָאוֹת, אָנְקְ', (אונקלין) אוּנְקְלִיּוֹת. Tam. III, 5; Mid. III, 5; a. fr.—Kel. l. c.; Tosef. ib. B. Mets. II, 4; v. אוּנְקַי.—2) [cmp. ἀγκαλίς in S.] the load carried on the hook, the farmer’s load of sheaves or bunches; cmp. בלונקי. Tosef. Maas. Sh. IV, 10. כל הא' the whole load. [Ib. 11 אונקולין, אונקלי, read with ed. Zuck. אינפולי].—3) Trnsf. (medic.) bent cartilage, esp. the cartilage (cart. ensiformis) at the end of the sternum which, being bent inside, presses on the stomach and creates nausea &c. Ab. Zar. 29a מעלין א' וכ' you are permitted to lift the cartilage on the Sabbath (by means of a bandage &c.). Ib. מאי א' וכ' what unklay is meant? Ans. the cartilage in front of the heart; v. אִיסְתּוֹמְכָא. | **Editor's Note: 'ἀγκολη' (which should probably have an acute accent on the penult) is unattested and probably should be ἀγκύλη or ἀγκάλη. It is possible, however, that Jastrow intended the word to be 'ἀγκολη' and had a practice of not putting accents on unattested/hypothetical words, 'ἀγκολη' being unattested/hypothetical).
ἀγκύλη (ankyle) - אוּנְקָל, אוּנְקְלִי
11, Klein 512
hook. PBH [A loan word from Gk. ankyle (= bend of the arm, hook), which is related to ankylos (= crooked, curved), ankol (= elbow), and cogn. with L. ancus (= crooked, curved), angulus (= angle, corner). See ‘angle’ (corner), and ‘angle’ (fishhook) in my CEDEL.]
ἀγορά - אֲגוֹֹרָא,
12, Jastrow 279
(ἀγορά) market-place, court-session, court. Pl. אֲגֹורָאֹות Git. 88b א' של נכרים (ed. אגוריאות corr. acc.) gentile courts.
ἀγοράνομος - אֲגַרְדְּמִיס
13, Jastrow 343
(freq. אגרדמים) m. (a corrupt. of ἀγοράνομος, v. אַגְרוֹנִימוֹס) agoranomos, corresponding to the Roman ædilis, market commissioner, gauger, &c. Ab. Zar. 58a א' נכרי (כותי, Ms. V. גוי א') a gentile agoran. —B. Kam. 98a א' טייעא an Arabian agoran.—B. Bath. 89a מעמידין א' וכ' Ar. (ed. מִין—plur.) an agoran. may be appointed for superintending measures, but not for fixing the prices.—Pl. אֲגַרְדְּמִין B. Bath. l. c. (v. supra). [Pesik. Asser p. 96a לא' שיצא (sing.) Ar. (ed. להגרונימוס read לא', cmp. Yalk. Ps. 729).]—אֲגַרְדִּימִים Sifra K’doshim ch. VIII; cmp. Y. B. Bath. V, 15a bot. [Oth. corrupt. v. Pesik. l. c. note.]
ἀγοράνομος - אַגְרוֹנִימוֹס
14, Jastrow 349
(corr. אַגְרוֹנוֹ'), contr. אַנְגַּרְמוֹס m. (ἀγοράνομος) agoranomos, market-commissioner; v. אֲגַרְדְּמִיס a. אַגְרוֹמֵי. Y. Dem. II, 22c top שהיה א' גדול the agor. was an influential man. Y. Ab. Zar. IV, 44b top. Lev. R. s. 1 אגרונימון (corr. acc.). Y. B. Bath. V, 15a bot. אנג' (twice); a. fr.
ἄγραφος - *אַגְרָפוֹס
15, Jastrow 362
(ἄγραφος) unwritten. Y. R. Hash. I, 57a bot. פרא בסיליאוס נומס א', cmp. Ar. h. v., a. s. v. בסיליאוס (ed. או נומוס או גריפיס) παρὰ βασιλέως ὁ νόμος ἄγραφος, for the king the law is unwritten (i.e. the king may disregard his own law). Lev. R. s. 35, beg. quot. in Ar. (missing in ed.).
ἄγριος - אַגְרִיאוֹן, אַגְרִיּוֹן
16, Jastrow 353
(ἄγριος, neut. or. acc.) wild (opp. אִימִירוֹן q. v.); rough. Gen. R. s. 77; Cant. R. to III, 6 כלב א'. Num. R. s. 11 (refer. to Gen. III, 8) שומע הקול א' after sinning, Adam heard the divine voice as a harsh one. Cant. R. to III, 7 (corr. acc.). Pesik. R. s. 15 בזעף א' וכ' … (leave out hebr. words as glosses to explain the Greek).
Ἀγρίππας - אַגְרִיפַּס
17, Jastrow 356
(Ἀγρίππας) Agrippa, 1) the last but one Herodian king of Judæa. Sot. VII, 8. , 1) the last but one Herodian king of Judæa. Sot. VII, 8. Lev. R. s. 3; a. fr.—2) a captain of the former.—Ab. Zar. 55a אגריפא שר צבא של א' Ms. M. (v. Rashi a. l. a. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note).
ἀγρονόμος (agronomos) - אַגְרוֹנוֹם
18, Klein 236
agronomist. FW [Gk. agronomos (= rural), compounded of agros (= field) and nomos, from the stem of nemein (= to assign, manage; to drive cattle, to pasture). The first element is cogn. with L. ager (= field, land); see אַקֽר. For the second element see ‘nemesis’ in my CEDEL.]
ἀγρονόμος (agronomos) - אַגְרוֹנוֹמוֹן
19, Klein 237
, agoranome, superintendent of the market. PBH [Gk. agronomos, compounded of agora (= market) and nomos, from the stem of nemein (= to assign, manage). cp. אַגְרֶגָט and אַגְרוֹנוֹם.]
ἄγω - אֲגוֹמֵין
20, Jastrow 265
(ἄγωμεν, fr. ἄγω) up! come on! Gen. R. s. 78.
ἄγωμεν - אֲגוֹמֵין
21, Jastrow 265
(ἄγωμεν, fr. ἄγω) up! come on! Gen. R. s. 78.
ἀγών - אָגוֹן
22, Jastrow 266
(ἀγών) assembly, esp. public games. Y’lamd. Emor (quot. in Ar, missing in Tanh.) א' נעשה במדינה.
Ἀδρίας - אַדְרִיאַס
23, Jastrow 460
(Ἀδρίας) Adriatic Sea. Tanḥ. B’resh. 7 בין א' לאוקיינוס between the Adriatic Sea and the Mediterranean.
ἀζαραπατεῖς - גְּזִירִיפַּטֵּי, גְּזִירְפַּטֵּי
24, Jastrow 5411
(ἀζαραπατεῖς, Pers. hazâr paiti; v. Perl. Et. St. p. 118, a. authorities quot. ib.) name of a class of oppressive Persian officers (chiliarchi). Taan. 20a. Snh. 98a; Sabb. 139a. [Ar. גאזי דפטי, גזי דפ'; Var. גזיר פ', גזיר דפ', גרז דיפטי, גיזרפטי, גוזרפ' &c., v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. c.]
ἀήρ - אָוִיר, אֲוִיר
25, Jastrow 634
(אור; cmp. רוּחַ a. רֶוַח); space corresp. to חָלָל, esp. 1)open, empty space, blank. Ohol. IV, 1 a tower שעומד בא' standing isolated. Ib. XVIII, 10 אוירָהּ של חצר the open space in the court-yard.—B. Bath. 163a—2) (cmp. b. h. מְאוּרָה) hollow, cavity of a vessel. Kel. II, 1 מיתטמאין ומטמאין בא' become unclean and make unclean by contact with the hollow (of the vessel).—Yeb. 67b נפק לא' העולם came forth into the lighted space of the world, i.e. was born; a. fr.—3) (cmp. ἀήρ, aër) air, atmosphere, climate, weather. Num. R. s. 14 הא' שממנו וכ' (as one of the elements of nature) out of which the wind was made.—Gen. R. s. 34 א' יפה fine weather; a. fr.—Pl. אֲוִירִיןblank spaces in writings. B. Bath. 163a.—אֲוִירוֹת climates. Gen. R. s. 34 ברית נחלקה לא' a covenant has been made in favor of climates, i.e. God has implanted in man a love of his native soil even in bad climates.
ἀήρ (aer) - אֲוִיר
26, Klein 440
air. PBH [From Gk. aer (= air), of uncertain origin.] See ‘air’ (atmosphere) in my CEDEL and cp. words there referred to. cp. אֲוִירִיָּה, אֲוִירִיּוּת, אורר, אִוֵּר, אֲוִירַאי, אֲוִירָה, אֲוִירוֹן, אֲוִירִי.]
ἀθανασία - אֲתָאנַסְיָא, אַתְנַסְיָיא, אַתָּנָסָיאָה
27, Jastrow 3399
(ἀθανασία) immortality. Cant. R. to I, 3 (referr. to על־מות, Ps. XLVIII, 15) תרגם עק' א' וכ' Aquila translates it athanasia (אל־מות), a world in which there is no death; Y. Meg. II, 73b אתא נסיא (combine into one w.); Y. M. Kat. III, 83b bot. Ar. (ed. אתנא סירא corr. acc.); Lev. R. s. 11, end (ed. incorr. transp.).
Ἀθῆναι - אַתִּינָס, אַתּוּנָא אַתִּינָה
28, Jastrow 3417
(Ἀθῆναι, acc. —ας) Athens, the capital of Attica; in Talm. liter. freq. mentioned for wisdom and wit. Bekh. 8b סבי דבי אתו' the elders (sages) of the Athenian school. Lam. R. to I, 1, s. v. Rabbathi, freq. אתינה a. אתינס.
ἀθλήτης - אַתְלִיטֵיס
29, Jastrow 3422
(ἀθλήτης) athlete, prize-fighter. Gen. R. s. 77 לא' (Ar. Var. להַ').—Pl. אַתְלִיטִין. Ib. s. 22.—אַתְלִיטִים Ex. R. s. 21, end. Y’lamd. Emor (quot. in Ar.) תוקעין תחלה ואח"כ האתליטין נכנסין first the trumpet is blown (signal), and then the fighters enter (metaphor of the sounding of the Shofar on the New Year, conquest of sin on the Day of Atonement, and carrying the palm on Succoth; v. בָּאיָין).
αἰγεία - אִיגִיאָה
30, Jastrow 1143
(αἰγεία, sub. δορά) goat-skin. Gen. R. s. 20, end.
Αἰγύπτιος - גִּיפְטִי
31, Jastrow 5649
(Αἰγύπτιος) Epyptian, Coptic. —Pl. גִּיפְטִים. Meg. 18a גיפטית לג' (Ar. גפתית לגפתים) to Egyptian Jews &c.—Fem. גִּיפְטִית in Egyptian or Coptic language. Ib.—Sabb. 115a. Ib.b תנא דג' the author of the rule concerning sacred writings in Egyptian &c. (ib.a). Cmp. גִּיוָוטָאֵי.
αἰσθητικός (aisthetikos) - אֶסְתֵּטִי
32, Klein 1755
esthetic. FW [Gk. aisthetikos (= perceptive), from aisthetos (= sensible, perceptible), verbal adj. of aisthaesthai (= to perceive), related to aio (= I hear; lit. ‘I perceive by the ear’), from IE base *awēi- (= to perceive). See אוֹדֽיוֹמֶטֶר and cp. אֲנֶסְתֶּסְיָה.]
ἀκακία - *אֲקַקְיָא
33, Jastrow 2938
(ἀκακία) the thorny acacia. Gitt. 69b Ar. (ed. אקיקא, corr. acc.).
ἄκανθος (akanthos) - קוֹצִיץ
34, Klein 25232
acanthus (botany). NH [Formed from קוֹץ through reduplication of the צ, hence properly loan translation of Gk. akanthos, which is related to akanta (= thorn).]
ἀκκούβιτον - *אַקּוּבִּיטוֹן, אַקְקוּבְטוֹן
35, Jastrow 2895
, m. (accubitum, ἀκκούβιτον) dining couch of the Roman nobility of the imperial period in place of the older triclinium. Lev. R. s. 7 מיסב על א' וכ' (Pesik. Eth. Korb. p. 61a הקוביטין; Yalk. Num. 777 איק'; ib. Lev. 479 קוב', קנב'; ib. Ps. 791 הננ' &c., corr. acc.; Pesik. R. s. 16, p. 83b ed. Fr. הקובטין) reclining on his accubitum.—לחם א', or ריפתא (ד)א' bread used at the meals of the nobility, fine bread. Targ. Y. II Gen. XL, 16 ריפתא קקבטון (read ריפתא דאקקובטון) bread of the nobles (h. text חרי). Pesik. R. l. c. p. 82a (ref. to לחם הפחה Neh. V, 18) הקקבטין sub. לחם; Pesik. l. c. p. 59a קקבטון (corr. acc.).
ἀκουστός (akoustos) - אֲקוּסְטִי
36, Klein 1991
acoustic. FW [Gk. akoustos. See אֲקוּסְטִיקָה and suff. □ִי.]
ἄκρα (akra) - אַקְרָה
37, Klein 2036
fortress, citadel. PBH [A loan word from Gk. akra (= end, point; esp.: the highest point, top of a hill, peak; citadel), properly subst. use of the f. of the adj. akros (= at the end, at the top, outermost), from ake (= edge), which is cogn. with L. ācer (= sharp). See ‘acrid’ in my CEDEL. cp. אַקְרוֹבָּט, אַקְרוֹבָּטִיקָה. cp. also אֲצֶטוֹן.
ἀκροστιχίς (akrostichis) - אַקְרוֹסְטִיכוֹן
38, Klein 2038
acrostic. FW [Gk. akrostichis, compounded of akros (= at the end, outermost; see אַקְרָה), and stichos (= row, line, rank, verse), which is related to steichein (= to go; to march in order). These words derive from IE base *stī̆gh– (= to stride, step, walk, climb). cp. the second element in קָדַסְטֶר.]
ἀλληγορία (allegoria) - אַלֶּגוֹרְיָה
39, Klein 1149
allegory. FW [Gk. allegoria (= figurative language), lit.: ‘a speaking about (seemingly) something else’. Compounded of allos (= other) and agoreyein (= to speak in the assembly), from agora (= assembly).]
ἄλλος - אַלּוֹֹן,
40, Jastrow 1817
(ἄλλος acc. ) another. Gen. R. s. 81 in Greek allon means אַחֵר; Pesik. Zakh. p. 24a א' תרי (read אַחֵר) another (one more).
ἅλμη - הִילְמִי
41, Jastrow 7859
(corr. הַלְמִי) f. (ἅλμη) brine for pickling. Sabb. XIV, 2. Ib. 108b. Y. ib. XIV, 14c top הי' צריכה אומן the preparation of halmé requires a trained person. Erub. 14b בהלמי Ar. (ed. בהי') in the law concerning halmé (Sabb. l. c.)—Pl. הִילְמִין or הַלְמִין. Y. Ter. X, 47a bot. מהלימין היו, read: מהילמין היה it (the taste) came from the brine.
ἅλμη (halme) - הִלְמִי
42, Klein 6402
brine (for pickling). PBH [Gk. halme (= brine), from hals (= salt), which stands for IE * sal–, whence also L. sāl, gen. sǎlis (= salt). See ‘salt’ in my CEDEL and cp. the first element in הֲלוֹגֶן.]
ἀλόη - אַלְוָא
43, Jastrow 1794
(ἀλόη, prob. of Semit. orig.) the impissated juice of aloes, used as a purgative. Git. 69b Ar. (ed. אילווא).
ἀλόη (aloe) - אָהָל
44, Klein 361
1) aloe. 2) an alkalic plant used as a soap. PBH 3) mesembryanthemum (botany). NH [Of uncertain origin. Perhaps borrowed from agaruh, aguruh (= aloewood), which are prob. of Dravidian origin. Gk. aloe (= aloe), is prob. a Heb. loan word. See ‘aloe’ in my CEDEL.]
ἀλόη (aloe) - אַלְוַי
45, Klein 1177
aloe (plant). PBH [L. aloē, from Gk. aloe, prob. borrowed from Heb. אַֽהָלִים, אֲהָלוֹת, which are perhaps borrowed from Old I. agaruḥ, aguruḥ (= aloewood).]
ἄλφα - אלפ"א
46, Jastrow 1936
1) ch. Alfa = Alef. Cant. R. beg. the poet כד עביד א' בית"א when writing alphabetical acrostics. Lam. R. introd. (R. Ḥama b. Ḥ.) מן תלתא תלתא פסוקי בא' בית"א belonging to the alphab. acrostics (in Lamentations) of three verses for each letter.; a. fr.—2) (ἄλφα) Alpha, the first letter of the Greek Alphabet. Shek. III, 2. Men. VIII, 1 א' לסולת best quality of flour. Ib. 6.
ἀλφαβητάριον - אַלְפַבֵּטָרִין
47, Jastrow 1939
(ἀλφαβητάριον) alphabetic acrostics, songs. Ruth R. to III, 13 (ed. אלפנטרין, אלפבתרין, corr. acc.).
Ἀλφαῖος - חִילְפַי, (חִלְפַי) חִילְפַיי
48, Jastrow 10058
Ḥilfay (Graecised Ἀλφαῖος, P. Sm. 1292), 1) an Amora (in Babli אִילְפָא, אִילְפַי). Y. Maasr. II, 49d bot. Y. Keth. VI, end, 31a; a. e.—2) Ḥ., grandson of R. Abbahu. Y. Bicc. II, 64d top.
ἀμβάτης - *אַמְבָּטֵיס
49, Jastrow 1975
(ἀναβάτης, contr. ἀμβάτης) prop. rider, traveller on horseback &c.; hence (sub. חמור) an ass used for marching through the desert alongside of (and sometimes tied to) the camel. Y. Sabb. V, 7b top מהו א' what is an ambates? חמר סלק the ass of the traveller (from Egypt to Asia). Y. Kel. VIII, 31c אבהנוס, אבחטס (corr. acc.). V. לִיבְדְּקֹוס.
ἄμβικος - אַנְבַּג, אַנְבְּגָא, אַנְפַּק, אַנְפְּקָא
50, Jastrow 2088
(v. נַבְגָּא; whence ἄμβικος, ἄμβιξ, ambiga) a small cup; a measure containing one fourth of a Log. B. Bath. 58b on the gates of … it is written, אנבג אנפק וכ' (Ms. differ. order) Anbag, Anpak a. Antal (as the same measures). Kid. 70a לישתי מר אנבגא will you take a cup (of wine &c.)? [Popular pronunciation: anpak.] Sabb. 109b אנפקא; a. e.
ἄμβιξ - אַנְבַּג, אַנְבְּגָא, אַנְפַּק, אַנְפְּקָא
51, Jastrow 2088
(v. נַבְגָּא; whence ἄμβικος, ἄμβιξ, ambiga) a small cup; a measure containing one fourth of a Log. B. Bath. 58b on the gates of … it is written, אנבג אנפק וכ' (Ms. differ. order) Anbag, Anpak a. Antal (as the same measures). Kid. 70a לישתי מר אנבגא will you take a cup (of wine &c.)? [Popular pronunciation: anpak.] Sabb. 109b אנפקא; a. e.
ἄμβιξ (ambix) - אַבִּיק
52, Klein 99
alembic, retort. NH [Prob. from Gk. ambix (= cup, cup of a still, alembic). Whence also Arab. al-anbiq. Of uncertain origin. See ‘alembic’ in my CEDEL.]
ἀμεθύστιον - הימיסיון, הימסיון, הימוס'
53, Jastrow 7878
, read: הֲמִיתִיסְטְיוֹן or אֲמִיתִיסְטְיוֹן m. (ἀμεθύστιον, dim. of ἀμέθυστος) amethyst, a jewel in the Highpriests’ breast-plate. Ex. R. s. 38, end (v. LXX Ex. XXVIII, 19).
ἀμέθυστος - הימיסיון, הימסיון, הימוס'
54, Jastrow 7878
, read: הֲמִיתִיסְטְיוֹן or אֲמִיתִיסְטְיוֹן m. (ἀμεθύστιον, dim. of ἀμέθυστος) amethyst, a jewel in the Highpriests’ breast-plate. Ex. R. s. 38, end (v. LXX Ex. XXVIII, 19).
ἀμίαντον - אַמְיַינְטוֹֹן, אַמְיַנְטוֹֹן
55, Jastrow 2022
(ἀμίαντος, ἀμίαντον) amiant, a variety of asbestos from which the reputed asbestos linen was spun, which was cleansed by being thrown into the fire. Cant. R. to IV, 11; Pesik. B’shall. p. 92a. [Deut. R. s. 7, end אסיטון; Midr. Till. to Ps. XXIII, 2 הסיטון; Yalk. Deut. 850 אמיטון; corr. acc.]—Deriv. המיינטון, read הַמְּיַינְטֵן he who cleanses the amiant. Y. Sabb. VII, 10c top.
ἀμίαντος - אַמְיַינְטוֹֹן, אַמְיַנְטוֹֹן
56, Jastrow 2022
(ἀμίαντος, ἀμίαντον) amiant, a variety of asbestos from which the reputed asbestos linen was spun, which was cleansed by being thrown into the fire. Cant. R. to IV, 11; Pesik. B’shall. p. 92a. [Deut. R. s. 7, end אסיטון; Midr. Till. to Ps. XXIII, 2 הסיטון; Yalk. Deut. 850 אמיטון; corr. acc.]—Deriv. המיינטון, read הַמְּיַינְטֵן he who cleanses the amiant. Y. Sabb. VII, 10c top.
ἀμίαντος (amiantos) - אַמְיַנְטוֹן
57, Klein 1413
name of a kind of asbestos. PBH [Gk. amiantos (lithos), lit.: ‘undefiled (stone)’, from privative pref. a- and miatos (= stained, defiled), verbal adj. of mianein (= to stain, defile), which derives from IE base *mei-, *mai- (= to stain, defile). See ‘miasma’ in my CEDEL.]
Ἀμμαούς - אִמָּאוּס, אִימָּאוּס
58, Jastrow 1966
(Ἐμμαούς, Ἀμμαούς, hellenized form of חמה, חמתה) Emmaus, Ammaus, a town in the plain of Judæa (or Philistæa), renowned, in Talmudic days, for its warm springs and luxurious life. Koh. R. to VII, 7, a. e. [Ib. 11 אימוניס prob. אימאוס.] Cmp. דימסית. [Other forms: עמאוס, עמיס, אמאום, עמאים. For other places by that name, v. Neub. Géogr. p. 100.]
ἀμοιβή (amoibe) - אֲמֶבָּה
59, Klein 1349
amoeba. FW [Gk. amoibe (= change), related to ameibein (= to change), from copulative, pref. a- and IE base *meigw-, *migw- (= to change), whenœ also L. migrāre (= to wander). Copulative pref. a- stands for IE *sm-, a weak gradational form of IE base *sem- (= one, together). See ‘same’ and ‘migrate’ in my CEDEL.]
ἀμοιβή (amoibe) - חִלּוּפִית
60, Klein 9453
amoeba. NH [Formed from חלף I (= to change), a loan translation of Gk. amoibe (change). See ‘amoeba’ in my CEDEL.]
ἄμορφος (amorphos) - אֲמוֹרְפִי
61, Klein 1404
amorphous. FW [Formed with suff. □ִי from Gk. amorphos (= without form, shapeless, deformed) from privative pref. a- and morphe (= form, shape), which is of uncertain origin.]
ἄμυλον (amylon) - עֲמִילָן
62, Klein 21509
starch. PBH [From Gk. amylon (= fine meal, starch), properly neuter of the adjective amylos (= not ground at the mill), from privative pref. a– and myle (= mill). See privative pref. ‘a-’ and ‘mill’ in my CEDEL.]
ἀμφίβιος (amphibios) - אַמְפִיבִּי
63, Klein 1455
amphibian, amphibious. FW [Back formation from Gk. amphibios (= living a double life; i.e. ‘on land and in water’), from amphi (= around, round, about), and bios (= life).]
ἀμφίβραχυς (amphibrachus) - אַמְפִיבְּרָכוּס
64, Klein 1456
amphibrach (prosody). FW [Gk. amphibrachus (= short at both ends), from amphi (see אַמֽפִיבִּי) and brachus (= short).]
ἄμωμον - (חִימּוּם) חֲמָם
65, Jastrow 10473
(v. next w.; cmp. ἄμωμον, v. Sm. Ant. s. v.) amomum, an Indian (also Syriac) spice. Ukts. III, 5 (some ed. incorr. חמס); Nidd. 51b חימות (corr. acc.); Sifré Deut. 107 חימום; Y. Erub. IX, end, 25d חכם (corr. acc.); Y. Ḥag. III, 79c חמה (corr. acc.).—Gen. R. s. 45, beg. הִ' היא צריכה (הימוס, corr. acc.) she needs amomum (as medicine for sterility). Cmp. הִימַלְתָּא, אַמִּיתָא.
ἀνά (ana) - אָנָ□
66, Klein 1505
(before a vowel אָנ□) ana-, resp. an-. FW [Gk. ana-, resp. an- (= up to, upward, up, toward; exceedingly; back, backward; against), from ana (= up, on, upon; throughout; again), which is related to ano (= above), from IE base *anō- (= on, upon, above). cp. ‘on’, an ‘a’ (on) in my CEDEL.]
ἀναβάτης - *אַמְבָּטֵיס
67, Jastrow 1975
(ἀναβάτης, contr. ἀμβάτης) prop. rider, traveller on horseback &c.; hence (sub. חמור) an ass used for marching through the desert alongside of (and sometimes tied to) the camel. Y. Sabb. V, 7b top מהו א' what is an ambates? חמר סלק the ass of the traveller (from Egypt to Asia). Y. Kel. VIII, 31c אבהנוס, אבחטס (corr. acc.). V. לִיבְדְּקֹוס.
ἀνάγκῃ - *אֲנַנְקֵי
68, Jastrow 2257
adv. (ἀνάγκῃ) perforce, of necessity (corresp. to בנוהג שבעולם). Gen. R. s. 12 if a human being spreads a tent א' ע"י שהות וכ' it must in course of time become loose. Cmp. Y. Ber. I, 2d top.
ἀναιμία (anaimia) - אֲנֶמְיָה
69, Klein 1618
anemia, anaemia (disease). FW [Gk. anaimia (= want of blood, bloodlessness), from privative pref. an- and aima (= blood). cp. the first element in הֶמוֹגְלוֹבִּין.]
ἀναισθησία (anaisthesia) - אַנֶסְתֶּסְיָה
70, Klein 1626
anesthesis. FW [Gk. anaisthesia (= lack of sensation), from anaisthetein (= to be without sense of something, lack sensation), from privative pref. an- and aisthetos (= sensible, perceptible). See אֶסְתֶּטִי and suff. □יָה.]
ἀνάκλιτα (anaklita) - נַקְלִיט
71, Klein 19387
bed pole. PBH [From Gk. anaklita (= things leaned), neuter pl. of anaklitos, p. part. of anaklinein (= to make to lie back, to lean one thing against another), from ala (= up, on, upon), and klinein (= to cause to slope, slant, incline). See קְלִינִי.]
ἀναλογεῖον - אַנְלוֹגִין
72, Jastrow 2250
(ἀναλογεῖον) reading desk, pulpit. Kel. XVI, 7 Ar. אנלגין (Var. in R. S. אנליגין, ed. אנגלין; corr. acc.). Y. Meg. III, 73d bot. אנג', אינג' (corr. acc.). Tosef. Kel. B. Kam. II, 3 או לולגין פרוס' וכ' ed. Zuck. (Var. אלו לגין, ed. אולו לוגין read אנאלוגין; used as fem.) a reading desk spread out is clean, folded together is unclean (susceptible of levitical uncleanness).
ἀνάλυσις (analysis) - אֲנָלִיזָה
73, Klein 1613
analysis. FW [Gk. analysis(= a loosing, releasing), from analyein (= to unloose, release, set free), from ana (= up to, on, throughout), and lyein (= to unfasten, loosen, slacken), which is cogn. with Old I. lunā́ti, lunṓti (= cuts, cuts off), L. luere (= to loose, release; to atone for, expiate). See ‘lose’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘lysis’ ibid. cp. also אֲנָלִיטִי.]
Ἀνατόλιος - אַנְטוֹֹלִי
74, Jastrow 2167
(Ἀνατόλιος) Antoli. Y. Dem. V, 24d bot.
ἀνατομία (anatomia) - אֲנָטוֹמְיָה
75, Klein 1565
anatomy. [Ultimately from Gk. anatomia, anatome (= dissection), which is related to anatemein (= to cut up), from ana (= up, on, upon), and temein (= to cut). See אָטוֹם and suff. □יָה.]
ἀναφορά - אַנְפּוֹֹרָא
76, Jastrow 2270
(ἀναφορά) official return. Pl. אַנְפֹּורָאֹות. Pesik. Shek. p. 18b עשה שתי א' made out two military returns (census); Num. R. s. 2 אנפריאות; Pesik. R. s. 11 אפונראות (corr. acc.). [Not to be confounded with אַנְפָּרִיֹּות, pl. of אַנְפָּרוּת.]
ἀναφορά (anaphora) - אֲנָפוֹרָה
77, Klein 1631
anaphora — repetition of the same word in successive clauses (rhetorics). FW [Gk. anaphora (= a carrying back), from anapherein (= to carry back), from ana (= up to; back, backward), and pherein (= to bear, carry), which together with phor (= thief) derives from IE base *bher- (= to bear, carry). See אַשְׁבֹּרֶן. cp. פוּרוּנְקוּל, פּוּרְיָא, the first element in בֶּרוֹנִיקָה, and the second element in מֶטָפוֹרָה, סֶמָפוֹר, פוֹסְפוֹר, פֶּרִיפֶרְיָה, פרן, קָטַפְרֵס, תֵּיאוֹפוֹרִי. cp. also דִּיפֶרֶנֽצְיָאל and בָּרוֹן.]
ἀναχρονισμός (anachronismos) - אֲנַכְרוֹנִיזְם
78, Klein 1611
anachronism. FW [Ultimately from Gk. anachronismos (= anachronism), from anachronizein (= to refer to a wrong time), from ana (= up to, against), and chronos (= time). See כְּרוֹנִי and □ִיזְם.]
ανδρ - קְלָאפַנְדָּר קְלָפַ'
79, Jastrow 27041
(a comp. of κλεπ- and ανδρ-) ḳ’lafandar (Man-Stealer), fictitious name of one of the judges of Sodom. Gen. R. s. 50 Ar. (ed. קלא פ', combine); Yalk. ib. 84 קלפ'.
Ἀνδρέας - אַנְדְּרַיי
80, Jastrow 2132
(Ἀνδρέας) Andray. Y. Meg. IV, 75b; cmp. אַנְדְּרַאי.
ἀνδριάς - אַנְדְּרָטָא
81, Jastrow 2129
(a. contract. of ἀνδριάς‚—άντος) statue, also portable bust, image. Targ. Esth. III, 2—5 (some ed. pl., incorr.). R. Hash. 24b a synagogue דאוקימו בה א' Ms. M. (ed. הוה בה א') in which they placed a bust (of a Persian king). Snh. 62b; a. fr.—Pl. אַנְדְּרָטֵי, אַנְדְּרָטַיָּא. Ab. Zar. 40b א' של מלכים royal (imperial) busts. M. Kat. 25b אתעקרו כל א' Ms. M. (ed. אתקציצו) all royal statues were overthrown. Y. Ab. Zar. III, 42c top. [Gen. R. s. 8 אינדרטין, v. אַנְדְּרֹונִיטִיס.]
ἀνδριάς - אַנְדְּרִיאַנְטוֹֹס
82, Jastrow 2131
(ἀνδριάς—άντος) statue, v. אַנְדְּרָטָא. Ex. R. s. 27 נפלה … של אנדרואנטיא (read נפלטה לתוך ידו של א') it escaped into the hand of a (royal) statue; (v. ibid. ישבה על איקונין של מלך). Tanḥ. P’kudé, 4 אדריונטוס (corr. acc.); Ex. R. s. 51. [Gen. R. s. 8 אינדרטין, v. אַנְדְּרֹונִיטִיס; v. Ar. s. v. אדרינטיס.]
ἀνδριάς (andrias) - אַנְדַּרְטָא, אַנְדַּרְטָה
83, Klein 1528
resp. NH f.n. statue, image, bust. PBH, [Gk. andrias, gen. andriatos (= the image of a man, statue), from aner, gen. andros (= man), which is cogn. with Old I. náram (= man), na’ryaḥ (= virile). cp. דֶּנֽדִּי and the first element in אַנְדּֽרוֹלוֹמוּסְיָא, אַנְדּֽרוֹמֶדָה and in אַנְתּֽרוֹפּוֹלוֹגֽיָה.]
ἀνδρόγυνος - אַנְדְּרוֹֹגִינוֹס
84, Jastrow 2121
(ἀνδρόγυνος) hermaphrodite. Bicc. I, 5; a. fr.
ἀνδρόγυνος (androgynos) - אַנְדְּרוֹגִינוֹס
85, Klein 1525
hermaphrodite. NH [Gk. androgynos (= man-woman, hermaphrodite), from anes [sic], gen. andros (= man), and gyne (= woman). See ‘androgynous’ and ‘gynandrous’ in my CEDEL.]
ἀνδρολημψία - *אנדרולומוסיא
86, Jastrow 2123
(read אַנְדְּרֹולֵימְסְיָא), אַנְדְּרֹולֵמְסְיָה f. (popular pronunc. of ἀνδρολημψία = ἀνδροληψία; cmp. λῆμψις for λῆψις) seizure of men, a Greek right of reprisals (v. Sm. Ant. s. v.), in gen. punishment of men regardless of guilt or innocence. Gen. R. s. 26 א' באה וכ' an androlepsia comes which kills the good and the bad; Lev. R. s. 23; Num. R. s. 9; Y. Sot. I, 17a top.—Num. R. s. 5 in case of a rebellion עוש' בה א' the king orders an androlepsia. [Gen. R. s. 32 דרולמוסיא; Pesik. Vayhi, p. 67a; Tanḥ. Bo, 4; Pesik. R. s. 17 דורמסיאות, דורמסיות, דורמייס' (corr. acc.); cmp. Pesik. R. suppl., ed. Fr. p. 197a.]
ἀνδρολημψία (androlempsia) - אַנְדְּרוֹלוֹמוּסְיָא, אַנְדְּרוֹלוֹמוּסְיָה
87, Klein 1526
1) pestilence. PBH 2) confusion, chaos. NH [Gk. androlempsia, for androlepsia (= seizure of men in reprisal of the murder of a citizen abroad), compounded of aner,