Lexicon of Rabbinic Greek

and Greek words in later Hebrew texts,

based on the Jastrow and Klein dictionaries

by Brayden Kohler

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Introduction and Selection Criteria

ἀβάσκαντα - אֲבַסְקַנְטָה

0, Jastrow 182
(ἀβάσκαντα) unbewitched! may no harm befall you! Y. Ab. Zar. I, end, 40b א' לא אמר
he did not say abascanta, but etc. Y. Ber. IV, 13c top (corr. acc.).

ἀβερτή - אֲוִירְטָא

1, Jastrow 637
(averta, ἀβερτή) knapsack. —Pl. אֲוִירְטִין. Tosef. Kel. B. Bath. IV, 10.

Ἀβραμίς - אברומא, אבדומא

2, Jastrow 214
hash or brine of a certain fish (Ἀβραμίς?). Succ. 18a (Ms. M. a. ed. אבד', v. Rabb.
D. S. a. l.) [Rashi: ‘a very small fish’.]

ἀβραμίς (abramis) - אַבְרוֹמָה

3, Klein 158
name of a fish mentioned in the Talmud, usually identified with the bream. [Prob.
from Gk. abramis (= bream).]

ἀγάλλοχον - *אַקְסִילָאלִיאָיָין

4, Jastrow 2934
(ξυλαλόη = ἀγάλλοχον) pieces of bitter aloë-wood. Targ. Ps. XLV, 9 Ar. (ed. אַקְסִיל
אַלוּאוֹן combine) (h. text אֲהָלוֹת).

ἀγγαρεία - אַנְגַּרְיָא

5, Jastrow 2108
(ἀγγαρεία, angaria) forced labor, service, esp. seizure for public services or works.
Y. Ber. I, 2d bot. איתצדית בא' וכ' I was pressed into service to carry myrtles
&c. B. Mets. VI, 3 (78a) נעשית א' (the ass) was seized for public service. Ib.
78b בא' חוזרת in the case that the animal pressed into service is sent back again.
Lev. R. s. 12 שמעון א' במדינתא they heard that seizure for public service was to
take place in the country. Esth. R. introd. והלך זו א' hălakh (Ezra IV, 13) means
angaria (v. אנגרוטינא). Snh. 101b; a. fr.—Pl. אַנְגַּרְיֹות. Lev. R. s. 23 אע"פ
שהן נגבין … וא' though annonæ and angariæ are collected from them. Yalk. Esth.
1051 א' של נשים levies of women (for the king).—Trnsf. בא' as a forced labor, reluctantly.
Midr. Till. Ps. CXII.—Pesik. R. s. 21 שלא באנגריס (corr. acc.) not as a forced

ἀγγαρευτάς - אַנְגְּרַבְטֵיס, אַנְגְּרַוְטָא

6, Jastrow 2105
(ἀγγαρευτής, ἀγγαρευτάς) commissioner or superintendent of forced public labor;
v. אַנְגַּרְיָא. Pesik. B’shall. 92b אתמני א' (for Var. v. Bub., note) was appointed

ἀγγαρευτής - אַנְגְּרַבְטֵיס, אַנְגְּרַוְטָא

7, Jastrow 2105
(ἀγγαρευτής, ἀγγαρευτάς) commissioner or superintendent of forced public labor;
v. אַנְגַּרְיָא. Pesik. B’shall. 92b אתמני א' (for Var. v. Bub., note) was appointed

ἄγγελοι - אַנְגְּלֵי, אַנְגְּלַיָּא

8, Jastrow 2102
(ἄγγελοι, v. Perles Et. St. p. 113) messengers, angels. Targ. Job XV, 15; a. e

ἀγγοθήκη - *אַנְטִיכִי

9, Jastrow 2181
(ἀγγοθήκη, ἐγγυθήκη, lat. mutilat. incitega) a receptacle for vessels, a stand
for hanging in kettles, tripods &c. Sabb. III, 4 (41a); Gem. ib. one opin., בי
כירי antichi (in the Mishnah) means a vessel suspended between fire places (heated
bricks); another opin., בי דודי a metal vessel suspended within a caldron-like
vessel, the vacant space beneath being filled with coals. Ib. (in evidence of the
latter opin.) א' אע"פ שהיא גרופה וכ' Ms. M. (ed. אע''פ שגרופה וקטומה) an antichi,
even when cleaned of coals &c. Y. Sabb. III, 6a bot. Tosef. Bets. III, 20. Y. ib.
I, 60c bot. כהדא א' נפלת וכ' as in the case of an antichi which fell &c.—*M. Kat.
28b (in a funeral dirge) גוד גרמא מככא ונמטי מיא לא' take the bone (pin) out of
the jaw (the base in which the vessel is suspended) and let water be put into the
antichi, i.e. body and soul are now separated, the latter being the vessel going
back to the (divine) spring; cmp. Koh. XII, 6 sq.; [Ms. M. … מבבא … לאנטוכיא, v.
Rabb. D. S a. l. note.]

ἀγκολη [sic] - אוּנְקְלַי,

10, Jastrow 775
אָנְקְלַי f. (אנק, with ל format. ; = אוּנְקַי; corresp. to b. h. לוּלַי; Greek
adapt. ἀγκολη [sic], LXX Ex. XXVI, 10; cmp. אוֹנִי as to contact of the two languages)
prop. little (camel’s) neck, hence 1)hook, rack. Kel. XII, 2 א' של כתפין Ar. (ed.
אונקליות, אונקלין with adject. in the sing., corr. acc.) the carriers’ hook attached
to their yoke, pole &c. Ib. א' של דרגש the hook of the bedstead (used for fastening
the girths to the posts); של נקליטין the rack of the bed-curtain, v. נַקְלִיטִין.
Ib. 3 א' שבכותלים hook attached to walls.—T’bul Yom IV, 6 ואנ' שלהם קיימת and the
hook (attached to the now broken yoke) remained unimpaired; a. fr.—Pl. אוּנְקְלָאוֹת,
אָנְקְ', (אונקלין) אוּנְקְלִיּוֹת. Tam. III, 5; Mid. III, 5; a. fr.—Kel. l. c.;
Tosef. ib. B. Mets. II, 4; v. אוּנְקַי.—2) [cmp. ἀγκαλίς in S.] the load carried
on the hook, the farmer’s load of sheaves or bunches; cmp. בלונקי. Tosef. Maas.
Sh. IV, 10. כל הא' the whole load. [Ib. 11 אונקולין, אונקלי, read with ed. Zuck.
אינפולי].—3) Trnsf. (medic.) bent cartilage, esp. the cartilage (cart. ensiformis)
at the end of the sternum which, being bent inside, presses on the stomach and
creates nausea &c. Ab. Zar. 29a מעלין א' וכ' you are permitted to lift the cartilage
on the Sabbath (by means of a bandage &c.). Ib. מאי א' וכ' what unklay is meant?
Ans. the cartilage in front of the heart; v. אִיסְתּוֹמְכָא. | **Editor's Note:
'ἀγκολη' (which should probably have an acute accent on the penult) is unattested
and probably should be ἀγκύλη or ἀγκάλη. It is possible, however, that Jastrow
intended the word to be 'ἀγκολη' and had a practice of not putting accents on unattested/hypothetical
words, 'ἀγκολη' being unattested/hypothetical).

ἀγκύλη (ankyle) - אוּנְקָל, אוּנְקְלִי

11, Klein 512
hook. PBH [A loan word from Gk. ankyle (= bend of the arm, hook), which is related
to ankylos (= crooked, curved), ankol (= elbow), and cogn. with L. ancus (= crooked,
curved), angulus (= angle, corner). See ‘angle’ (corner), and ‘angle’ (fishhook)
in my CEDEL.]

ἀγορά - אֲגוֹֹרָא,

12, Jastrow 279
(ἀγορά) market-place, court-session, court. Pl. אֲגֹורָאֹות Git. 88b א' של נכרים
(ed. אגוריאות corr. acc.) gentile courts.

ἀγοράνομος - אֲגַרְדְּמִיס

13, Jastrow 343
(freq. אגרדמים) m. (a corrupt. of ἀγοράνομος, v. אַגְרוֹנִימוֹס) agoranomos, corresponding
to the Roman ædilis, market commissioner, gauger, &c. Ab. Zar. 58a א' נכרי (כותי,
Ms. V. גוי א') a gentile agoran. —B. Kam. 98a א' טייעא an Arabian agoran.—B. Bath.
89a מעמידין א' וכ' Ar. (ed. מִין—plur.) an agoran. may be appointed for superintending
measures, but not for fixing the prices.—Pl. אֲגַרְדְּמִין B. Bath. l. c. (v. supra).
[Pesik. Asser p. 96a לא' שיצא (sing.) Ar. (ed. להגרונימוס read לא', cmp. Yalk.
Ps. 729).]—אֲגַרְדִּימִים Sifra K’doshim ch. VIII; cmp. Y. B. Bath. V, 15a bot.
[Oth. corrupt. v. Pesik. l. c. note.]

ἀγοράνομος - אַגְרוֹנִימוֹס

14, Jastrow 349
(corr. אַגְרוֹנוֹ'), contr. אַנְגַּרְמוֹס m. (ἀγοράνομος) agoranomos, market-commissioner;
v. אֲגַרְדְּמִיס a. אַגְרוֹמֵי. Y. Dem. II, 22c top שהיה א' גדול the agor. was
an influential man. Y. Ab. Zar. IV, 44b top. Lev. R. s. 1 אגרונימון (corr. acc.).
Y. B. Bath. V, 15a bot. אנג' (twice); a. fr.

ἄγραφος - *אַגְרָפוֹס

15, Jastrow 362
(ἄγραφος) unwritten. Y. R. Hash. I, 57a bot. פרא בסיליאוס נומס א', cmp. Ar. h.
v., a. s. v. בסיליאוס (ed. או נומוס או גריפיס) παρὰ βασιλέως ὁ νόμος ἄγραφος, for
the king the law is unwritten (i.e. the king may disregard his own law). Lev. R.
s. 35, beg. quot. in Ar. (missing in ed.).

ἄγριος - אַגְרִיאוֹן, אַגְרִיּוֹן

16, Jastrow 353
(ἄγριος, neut. or. acc.) wild (opp. אִימִירוֹן q. v.); rough. Gen. R. s. 77; Cant.
R. to III, 6 כלב א'. Num. R. s. 11 (refer. to Gen. III, 8) שומע הקול א' after sinning,
Adam heard the divine voice as a harsh one. Cant. R. to III, 7 (corr. acc.). Pesik.
R. s. 15 בזעף א' וכ' … (leave out hebr. words as glosses to explain the Greek)

Ἀγρίππας - אַגְרִיפַּס

17, Jastrow 356
(Ἀγρίππας) Agrippa, 1) the last but one Herodian king of Judæa. Sot. VII, 8. , 1)
the last but one Herodian king of Judæa. Sot. VII, 8. Lev. R. s. 3; a. fr.—2)
a captain of the former.—Ab. Zar. 55a אגריפא שר צבא של א' Ms. M. (v. Rashi a. l.
a. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note).

ἀγρονόμος (agronomos) - אַגְרוֹנוֹם

18, Klein 236
agronomist. FW [Gk. agronomos (= rural), compounded of agros (= field) and nomos,
from the stem of nemein (= to assign, manage; to drive cattle, to pasture). The
first element is cogn. with L. ager (= field, land); see אַקֽר. For the second
element see ‘nemesis’ in my CEDEL.]

ἀγρονόμος (agronomos) - אַגְרוֹנוֹמוֹן

19, Klein 237
, agoranome, superintendent of the market. PBH [Gk. agronomos, compounded of agora
(= market) and nomos, from the stem of nemein (= to assign, manage). cp. אַגְרֶגָט
and אַגְרוֹנוֹם.]

ἄγω - אֲגוֹמֵין

20, Jastrow 265
(ἄγωμεν, fr. ἄγω) up! come on! Gen. R. s. 78.

ἄγωμεν - אֲגוֹמֵין

21, Jastrow 265
(ἄγωμεν, fr. ἄγω) up! come on! Gen. R. s. 78.

ἀγών - אָגוֹן

22, Jastrow 266
(ἀγών) assembly, esp. public games. Y’lamd. Emor (quot. in Ar, missing in Tanh.)
א' נעשה במדינה.

Ἀδρίας - אַדְרִיאַס

23, Jastrow 460
(Ἀδρίας) Adriatic Sea. Tanḥ. B’resh. 7 בין א' לאוקיינוס between the Adriatic Sea
and the Mediterranean.

ἀζαραπατεῖς - גְּזִירִיפַּטֵּי, גְּזִירְפַּטֵּי

24, Jastrow 5411
(ἀζαραπατεῖς, Pers. hazâr paiti; v. Perl. Et. St. p. 118, a. authorities quot.
ib.) name of a class of oppressive Persian officers (chiliarchi). Taan. 20a. Snh.
98a; Sabb. 139a. [Ar. גאזי דפטי, גזי דפ'; Var. גזיר פ', גזיר דפ', גרז דיפטי, גיזרפטי,
גוזרפ' &c., v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. c.]

ἀήρ - אָוִיר, אֲוִיר

25, Jastrow 634
(אור; cmp. רוּחַ a. רֶוַח); space corresp. to חָלָל, esp. 1)open, empty space,
blank. Ohol. IV, 1 a tower שעומד בא' standing isolated. Ib. XVIII, 10 אוירָהּ
של חצר the open space in the court-yard.—B. Bath. 163a—2) (cmp. b. h. מְאוּרָה)
hollow, cavity of a vessel. Kel. II, 1 מיתטמאין ומטמאין בא' become unclean and
make unclean by contact with the hollow (of the vessel).—Yeb. 67b נפק לא' העולם
came forth into the lighted space of the world, i.e. was born; a. fr.—3) (cmp.
ἀήρ, aër) air, atmosphere, climate, weather. Num. R. s. 14 הא' שממנו וכ' (as one
of the elements of nature) out of which the wind was made.—Gen. R. s. 34 א' יפה
fine weather; a. fr.—Pl. אֲוִירִיןblank spaces in writings. B. Bath. 163a.—אֲוִירוֹת
climates. Gen. R. s. 34 ברית נחלקה לא' a covenant has been made in favor of climates,
i.e. God has implanted in man a love of his native soil even in bad climates.

ἀήρ (aer) - אֲוִיר

26, Klein 440
air. PBH [From Gk. aer (= air), of uncertain origin.] See ‘air’ (atmosphere) in
my CEDEL and cp. words there referred to. cp. אֲוִירִיָּה, אֲוִירִיּוּת, אורר,
אִוֵּר, אֲוִירַאי, אֲוִירָה, אֲוִירוֹן, אֲוִירִי.]

ἀθανασία - אֲתָאנַסְיָא, אַתְנַסְיָיא, אַתָּנָסָיאָה

27, Jastrow 3399
(ἀθανασία) immortality. Cant. R. to I, 3 (referr. to על־מות, Ps. XLVIII, 15) תרגם
עק' א' וכ' Aquila translates it athanasia (אל־מות), a world in which there is no
death; Y. Meg. II, 73b אתא נסיא (combine into one w.); Y. M. Kat. III, 83b bot.
Ar. (ed. אתנא סירא corr. acc.); Lev. R. s. 11, end (ed. incorr. transp.).

Ἀθῆναι - אַתִּינָס, אַתּוּנָא אַתִּינָה

28, Jastrow 3417
(Ἀθῆναι, acc. —ας) Athens, the capital of Attica; in Talm. liter. freq. mentioned
for wisdom and wit. Bekh. 8b סבי דבי אתו' the elders (sages) of the Athenian school.
Lam. R. to I, 1, s. v. Rabbathi, freq. אתינה a. אתינס.

ἀθλήτης - אַתְלִיטֵיס

29, Jastrow 3422
(ἀθλήτης) athlete, prize-fighter. Gen. R. s. 77 לא' (Ar. Var. להַ').—Pl. אַתְלִיטִין.
Ib. s. 22.—אַתְלִיטִים Ex. R. s. 21, end. Y’lamd. Emor (quot. in Ar.) תוקעין תחלה
ואח"כ האתליטין נכנסין first the trumpet is blown (signal), and then the fighters
enter (metaphor of the sounding of the Shofar on the New Year, conquest of sin
on the Day of Atonement, and carrying the palm on Succoth; v. בָּאיָין).

αἰγεία - אִיגִיאָה

30, Jastrow 1143
(αἰγεία, sub. δορά) goat-skin. Gen. R. s. 20, end.

Αἰγύπτιος - גִּיפְטִי

31, Jastrow 5649
(Αἰγύπτιος) Epyptian, Coptic. —Pl. גִּיפְטִים. Meg. 18a גיפטית לג' (Ar. גפתית לגפתים)
to Egyptian Jews &c.—Fem. גִּיפְטִית in Egyptian or Coptic language. Ib.—Sabb.
115a. Ib.b תנא דג' the author of the rule concerning sacred writings in Egyptian
&c. (ib.a). Cmp. גִּיוָוטָאֵי.

αἰσθητικός (aisthetikos) - אֶסְתֵּטִי

32, Klein 1755
esthetic. FW [Gk. aisthetikos (= perceptive), from aisthetos (= sensible, perceptible),
verbal adj. of aisthaesthai (= to perceive), related to aio (= I hear; lit. ‘I
perceive by the ear’), from IE base *awēi- (= to perceive). See אוֹדֽיוֹמֶטֶר and
cp. אֲנֶסְתֶּסְיָה.]

ἀκακία - *אֲקַקְיָא

33, Jastrow 2938
(ἀκακία) the thorny acacia. Gitt. 69b Ar. (ed. אקיקא, corr. acc.).

ἄκανθος (akanthos) - קוֹצִיץ

34, Klein 25232
acanthus (botany). NH [Formed from קוֹץ through reduplication of the צ, hence properly
loan translation of Gk. akanthos, which is related to akanta (= thorn).]

ἀκκούβιτον - *אַקּוּבִּיטוֹן, אַקְקוּבְטוֹן

35, Jastrow 2895
, m. (accubitum, ἀκκούβιτον) dining couch of the Roman nobility of the imperial
period in place of the older triclinium. Lev. R. s. 7 מיסב על א' וכ' (Pesik. Eth.
Korb. p. 61a הקוביטין; Yalk. Num. 777 איק'; ib. Lev. 479 קוב', קנב'; ib. Ps. 791
הננ' &c., corr. acc.; Pesik. R. s. 16, p. 83b ed. Fr. הקובטין) reclining on his
accubitum.—לחם א', or ריפתא (ד)א' bread used at the meals of the nobility, fine
bread. Targ. Y. II Gen. XL, 16 ריפתא קקבטון (read ריפתא דאקקובטון) bread of the
nobles (h. text חרי). Pesik. R. l. c. p. 82a (ref. to לחם הפחה Neh. V, 18) הקקבטין
sub. לחם; Pesik. l. c. p. 59a קקבטון (corr. acc.).

ἀκουστός (akoustos) - אֲקוּסְטִי

36, Klein 1991
acoustic. FW [Gk. akoustos. See אֲקוּסְטִיקָה and suff. □ִי.]

ἄκρα (akra) - אַקְרָה

37, Klein 2036
fortress, citadel. PBH [A loan word from Gk. akra (= end, point; esp.: the highest
point, top of a hill, peak; citadel), properly subst. use of the f. of the adj.
akros (= at the end, at the top, outermost), from ake (= edge), which is cogn.
with L. ācer (= sharp). See ‘acrid’ in my CEDEL. cp. אַקְרוֹבָּט, אַקְרוֹבָּטִיקָה.
cp. also אֲצֶטוֹן.

ἀκροστιχίς (akrostichis) - אַקְרוֹסְטִיכוֹן

38, Klein 2038
acrostic. FW [Gk. akrostichis, compounded of akros (= at the end, outermost; see
אַקְרָה), and stichos (= row, line, rank, verse), which is related to steichein
(= to go; to march in order). These words derive from IE base *stī̆gh– (= to stride,
step, walk, climb). cp. the second element in קָדַסְטֶר.]

ἀλληγορία (allegoria) - אַלֶּגוֹרְיָה

39, Klein 1149
allegory. FW [Gk. allegoria (= figurative language), lit.: ‘a speaking about (seemingly)
something else’. Compounded of allos (= other) and agoreyein (= to speak in the
assembly), from agora (= assembly).]

ἄλλος - אַלּוֹֹן,

40, Jastrow 1817
(ἄλλος acc. ) another. Gen. R. s. 81 in Greek allon means אַחֵר; Pesik. Zakh. p.
24a א' תרי (read אַחֵר) another (one more).

ἅλμη - הִילְמִי

41, Jastrow 7859
(corr. הַלְמִי) f. (ἅλμη) brine for pickling. Sabb. XIV, 2. Ib. 108b. Y. ib. XIV,
14c top הי' צריכה אומן the preparation of halmé requires a trained person. Erub.
14b בהלמי Ar. (ed. בהי') in the law concerning halmé (Sabb. l. c.)—Pl. הִילְמִין
or הַלְמִין. Y. Ter. X, 47a bot. מהלימין היו, read: מהילמין היה it (the taste)
came from the brine.

ἅλμη (halme) - הִלְמִי

42, Klein 6402
brine (for pickling). PBH [Gk. halme (= brine), from hals (= salt), which stands
for IE * sal–, whence also L. sāl, gen. sǎlis (= salt). See ‘salt’ in my CEDEL
and cp. the first element in הֲלוֹגֶן.]

ἀλόη - אַלְוָא

43, Jastrow 1794
(ἀλόη, prob. of Semit. orig.) the impissated juice of aloes, used as a purgative.
Git. 69b Ar. (ed. אילווא).

ἀλόη (aloe) - אָהָל

44, Klein 361
1) aloe. 2) an alkalic plant used as a soap. PBH 3) mesembryanthemum (botany). NH
[Of uncertain origin. Perhaps borrowed from agaruh, aguruh (= aloewood), which
are prob. of Dravidian origin. Gk. aloe (= aloe), is prob. a Heb. loan word. See
‘aloe’ in my CEDEL.]

ἀλόη (aloe) - אַלְוַי

45, Klein 1177
aloe (plant). PBH [L. aloē, from Gk. aloe, prob. borrowed from Heb. אַֽהָלִים, אֲהָלוֹת,
which are perhaps borrowed from Old I. agaruḥ, aguruḥ (= aloewood).]

ἄλφα - אלפ"א

46, Jastrow 1936
1) ch. Alfa = Alef. Cant. R. beg. the poet כד עביד א' בית"א when writing alphabetical
acrostics. Lam. R. introd. (R. Ḥama b. Ḥ.) מן תלתא תלתא פסוקי בא' בית"א belonging
to the alphab. acrostics (in Lamentations) of three verses for each letter.; a.
fr.—2) (ἄλφα) Alpha, the first letter of the Greek Alphabet. Shek. III, 2. Men.
VIII, 1 א' לסולת best quality of flour. Ib. 6.

ἀλφαβητάριον - אַלְפַבֵּטָרִין

47, Jastrow 1939
(ἀλφαβητάριον) alphabetic acrostics, songs. Ruth R. to III, 13 (ed. אלפנטרין, אלפבתרין,
corr. acc.).

Ἀλφαῖος - חִילְפַי, (חִלְפַי) חִילְפַיי

48, Jastrow 10058
Ḥilfay (Graecised Ἀλφαῖος, P. Sm. 1292), 1) an Amora (in Babli אִילְפָא, אִילְפַי).
Y. Maasr. II, 49d bot. Y. Keth. VI, end, 31a; a. e.—2) Ḥ., grandson of R. Abbahu.
Y. Bicc. II, 64d top.

ἀμβάτης - *אַמְבָּטֵיס

49, Jastrow 1975
(ἀναβάτης, contr. ἀμβάτης) prop. rider, traveller on horseback &c.; hence (sub.
חמור) an ass used for marching through the desert alongside of (and sometimes tied
to) the camel. Y. Sabb. V, 7b top מהו א' what is an ambates? חמר סלק the ass of
the traveller (from Egypt to Asia). Y. Kel. VIII, 31c אבהנוס, אבחטס (corr. acc.).
V. לִיבְדְּקֹוס.

ἄμβικος - אַנְבַּג, אַנְבְּגָא, אַנְפַּק, אַנְפְּקָא

50, Jastrow 2088
(v. נַבְגָּא; whence ἄμβικος, ἄμβιξ, ambiga) a small cup; a measure containing one
fourth of a Log. B. Bath. 58b on the gates of … it is written, אנבג אנפק וכ' (Ms.
differ. order) Anbag, Anpak a. Antal (as the same measures). Kid. 70a לישתי מר
אנבגא will you take a cup (of wine &c.)? [Popular pronunciation: anpak.] Sabb.
109b אנפקא; a. e.

ἄμβιξ - אַנְבַּג, אַנְבְּגָא, אַנְפַּק, אַנְפְּקָא

51, Jastrow 2088
(v. נַבְגָּא; whence ἄμβικος, ἄμβιξ, ambiga) a small cup; a measure containing one
fourth of a Log. B. Bath. 58b on the gates of … it is written, אנבג אנפק וכ' (Ms.
differ. order) Anbag, Anpak a. Antal (as the same measures). Kid. 70a לישתי מר
אנבגא will you take a cup (of wine &c.)? [Popular pronunciation: anpak.] Sabb.
109b אנפקא; a. e.

ἄμβιξ (ambix) - אַבִּיק

52, Klein 99
alembic, retort. NH [Prob. from Gk. ambix (= cup, cup of a still, alembic). Whence
also Arab. al-anbiq. Of uncertain origin. See ‘alembic’ in my CEDEL.]

ἀμεθύστιον - הימיסיון, הימסיון, הימוס'

53, Jastrow 7878
, read: הֲמִיתִיסְטְיוֹן or אֲמִיתִיסְטְיוֹן m. (ἀμεθύστιον, dim. of ἀμέθυστος)
amethyst, a jewel in the Highpriests’ breast-plate. Ex. R. s. 38, end (v. LXX Ex.
XXVIII, 19).

ἀμέθυστος - הימיסיון, הימסיון, הימוס'

54, Jastrow 7878
, read: הֲמִיתִיסְטְיוֹן or אֲמִיתִיסְטְיוֹן m. (ἀμεθύστιον, dim. of ἀμέθυστος)
amethyst, a jewel in the Highpriests’ breast-plate. Ex. R. s. 38, end (v. LXX Ex.
XXVIII, 19).

ἀμίαντον - אַמְיַינְטוֹֹן, אַמְיַנְטוֹֹן

55, Jastrow 2022
(ἀμίαντος, ἀμίαντον) amiant, a variety of asbestos from which the reputed asbestos
linen was spun, which was cleansed by being thrown into the fire. Cant. R. to
IV, 11; Pesik. B’shall. p. 92a. [Deut. R. s. 7, end אסיטון; Midr. Till. to Ps.
XXIII, 2 הסיטון; Yalk. Deut. 850 אמיטון; corr. acc.]—Deriv. המיינטון, read הַמְּיַינְטֵן
he who cleanses the amiant. Y. Sabb. VII, 10c top.

ἀμίαντος - אַמְיַינְטוֹֹן, אַמְיַנְטוֹֹן

56, Jastrow 2022
(ἀμίαντος, ἀμίαντον) amiant, a variety of asbestos from which the reputed asbestos
linen was spun, which was cleansed by being thrown into the fire. Cant. R. to
IV, 11; Pesik. B’shall. p. 92a. [Deut. R. s. 7, end אסיטון; Midr. Till. to Ps.
XXIII, 2 הסיטון; Yalk. Deut. 850 אמיטון; corr. acc.]—Deriv. המיינטון, read הַמְּיַינְטֵן
he who cleanses the amiant. Y. Sabb. VII, 10c top.

ἀμίαντος (amiantos) - אַמְיַנְטוֹן

57, Klein 1413
name of a kind of asbestos. PBH [Gk. amiantos (lithos), lit.: ‘undefiled (stone)’,
from privative pref. a- and miatos (= stained, defiled), verbal adj. of mianein
(= to stain, defile), which derives from IE base *mei-, *mai- (= to stain, defile).
See ‘miasma’ in my CEDEL.]

Ἀμμαούς - אִמָּאוּס, אִימָּאוּס

58, Jastrow 1966
(Ἐμμαούς, Ἀμμαούς, hellenized form of חמה, חמתה) Emmaus, Ammaus, a town in the plain
of Judæa (or Philistæa), renowned, in Talmudic days, for its warm springs and luxurious
life. Koh. R. to VII, 7, a. e. [Ib. 11 אימוניס prob. אימאוס.] Cmp. דימסית. [Other
forms: עמאוס, עמיס, אמאום, עמאים. For other places by that name, v. Neub. Géogr.
p. 100.]

ἀμοιβή (amoibe) - אֲמֶבָּה

59, Klein 1349
amoeba. FW [Gk. amoibe (= change), related to ameibein (= to change), from copulative,
pref. a- and IE base *meigw-, *migw- (= to change), whenœ also L. migrāre (= to
wander). Copulative pref. a- stands for IE *sm-, a weak gradational form of IE
base *sem- (= one, together). See ‘same’ and ‘migrate’ in my CEDEL.]

ἀμοιβή (amoibe) - חִלּוּפִית

60, Klein 9453
amoeba. NH [Formed from חלף I (= to change), a loan translation of Gk. amoibe (change).
See ‘amoeba’ in my CEDEL.]

ἄμορφος (amorphos) - אֲמוֹרְפִי

61, Klein 1404
amorphous. FW [Formed with suff. □ִי from Gk. amorphos (= without form, shapeless,
deformed) from privative pref. a- and morphe (= form, shape), which is of uncertain

ἄμυλον (amylon) - עֲמִילָן

62, Klein 21509
starch. PBH [From Gk. amylon (= fine meal, starch), properly neuter of the adjective
amylos (= not ground at the mill), from privative pref. a– and myle (= mill). See
privative pref. ‘a-’ and ‘mill’ in my CEDEL.]

ἀμφίβιος (amphibios) - אַמְפִיבִּי

63, Klein 1455
amphibian, amphibious. FW [Back formation from Gk. amphibios (= living a double
life; i.e. ‘on land and in water’), from amphi (= around, round, about), and bios
(= life).]

ἀμφίβραχυς (amphibrachus) - אַמְפִיבְּרָכוּס

64, Klein 1456
amphibrach (prosody). FW [Gk. amphibrachus (= short at both ends), from amphi (see
אַמֽפִיבִּי) and brachus (= short).]

ἄμωμον - (חִימּוּם) חֲמָם

65, Jastrow 10473
(v. next w.; cmp. ἄμωμον, v. Sm. Ant. s. v.) amomum, an Indian (also Syriac) spice.
Ukts. III, 5 (some ed. incorr. חמס); Nidd. 51b חימות (corr. acc.); Sifré Deut.
107 חימום; Y. Erub. IX, end, 25d חכם (corr. acc.); Y. Ḥag. III, 79c חמה (corr.
acc.).—Gen. R. s. 45, beg. הִ' היא צריכה (הימוס, corr. acc.) she needs amomum (as
medicine for sterility). Cmp. הִימַלְתָּא, אַמִּיתָא.

ἀνά (ana) - אָנָ□

66, Klein 1505
(before a vowel אָנ□) ana-, resp. an-. FW [Gk. ana-, resp. an- (= up to, upward,
up, toward; exceedingly; back, backward; against), from ana (= up, on, upon; throughout;
again), which is related to ano (= above), from IE base *anō- (= on, upon, above).
cp. ‘on’, an ‘a’ (on) in my CEDEL.]

ἀναβάτης - *אַמְבָּטֵיס

67, Jastrow 1975
(ἀναβάτης, contr. ἀμβάτης) prop. rider, traveller on horseback &c.; hence (sub.
חמור) an ass used for marching through the desert alongside of (and sometimes tied
to) the camel. Y. Sabb. V, 7b top מהו א' what is an ambates? חמר סלק the ass of
the traveller (from Egypt to Asia). Y. Kel. VIII, 31c אבהנוס, אבחטס (corr. acc.).
V. לִיבְדְּקֹוס.

ἀνάγκῃ - *אֲנַנְקֵי

68, Jastrow 2257
adv. (ἀνάγκῃ) perforce, of necessity (corresp. to בנוהג שבעולם). Gen. R. s. 12
if a human being spreads a tent א' ע"י שהות וכ' it must in course of time become
loose. Cmp. Y. Ber. I, 2d top.

ἀναιμία (anaimia) - אֲנֶמְיָה

69, Klein 1618
anemia, anaemia (disease). FW [Gk. anaimia (= want of blood, bloodlessness), from
privative pref. an- and aima (= blood). cp. the first element in הֶמוֹגְלוֹבִּין.

ἀναισθησία (anaisthesia) - אַנֶסְתֶּסְיָה

70, Klein 1626
anesthesis. FW [Gk. anaisthesia (= lack of sensation), from anaisthetein (= to be
without sense of something, lack sensation), from privative pref. an- and aisthetos
(= sensible, perceptible). See אֶסְתֶּטִי and suff. □יָה.]

ἀνάκλιτα (anaklita) - נַקְלִיט

71, Klein 19387
bed pole. PBH [From Gk. anaklita (= things leaned), neuter pl. of anaklitos, p.
part. of anaklinein (= to make to lie back, to lean one thing against another),
from ala (= up, on, upon), and klinein (= to cause to slope, slant, incline). See

ἀναλογεῖον - אַנְלוֹגִין

72, Jastrow 2250
(ἀναλογεῖον) reading desk, pulpit. Kel. XVI, 7 Ar. אנלגין (Var. in R. S. אנליגין,
ed. אנגלין; corr. acc.). Y. Meg. III, 73d bot. אנג', אינג' (corr. acc.). Tosef.
Kel. B. Kam. II, 3 או לולגין פרוס' וכ' ed. Zuck. (Var. אלו לגין, ed. אולו לוגין
read אנאלוגין; used as fem.) a reading desk spread out is clean, folded together
is unclean (susceptible of levitical uncleanness).

ἀνάλυσις (analysis) - אֲנָלִיזָה

73, Klein 1613
analysis. FW [Gk. analysis(= a loosing, releasing), from analyein (= to unloose,
release, set free), from ana (= up to, on, throughout), and lyein (= to unfasten,
loosen, slacken), which is cogn. with Old I. lunā́ti, lunṓti (= cuts, cuts off),
L. luere (= to loose, release; to atone for, expiate). See ‘lose’ in my CEDEL and
cp. ‘lysis’ ibid. cp. also אֲנָלִיטִי.]

Ἀνατόλιος - אַנְטוֹֹלִי

74, Jastrow 2167
(Ἀνατόλιος) Antoli. Y. Dem. V, 24d bot.

ἀνατομία (anatomia) - אֲנָטוֹמְיָה

75, Klein 1565
anatomy. [Ultimately from Gk. anatomia, anatome (= dissection), which is related
to anatemein (= to cut up), from ana (= up, on, upon), and temein (= to cut). See
אָטוֹם and suff. □יָה.]

ἀναφορά - אַנְפּוֹֹרָא

76, Jastrow 2270
(ἀναφορά) official return. Pl. אַנְפֹּורָאֹות. Pesik. Shek. p. 18b עשה שתי א' made
out two military returns (census); Num. R. s. 2 אנפריאות; Pesik. R. s. 11 אפונראות
(corr. acc.). [Not to be confounded with אַנְפָּרִיֹּות, pl. of אַנְפָּרוּת.]

ἀναφορά (anaphora) - אֲנָפוֹרָה

77, Klein 1631
anaphora — repetition of the same word in successive clauses (rhetorics). FW [Gk.
anaphora (= a carrying back), from anapherein (= to carry back), from ana (= up
to; back, backward), and pherein (= to bear, carry), which together with phor (=
thief) derives from IE base *bher- (= to bear, carry). See אַשְׁבֹּרֶן. cp. פוּרוּנְקוּל,
פּוּרְיָא, the first element in בֶּרוֹנִיקָה, and the second element in מֶטָפוֹרָה,
סֶמָפוֹר, פוֹסְפוֹר, פֶּרִיפֶרְיָה, פרן, קָטַפְרֵס, תֵּיאוֹפוֹרִי. cp. also דִּיפֶרֶנֽצְיָאל
and בָּרוֹן.]

ἀναχρονισμός (anachronismos) - אֲנַכְרוֹנִיזְם

78, Klein 1611
anachronism. FW [Ultimately from Gk. anachronismos (= anachronism), from anachronizein
(= to refer to a wrong time), from ana (= up to, against), and chronos (= time).
See כְּרוֹנִי and □ִיזְם.]

ανδρ - קְלָאפַנְדָּר קְלָפַ'

79, Jastrow 27041
(a comp. of κλεπ- and ανδρ-) ḳ’lafandar (Man-Stealer), fictitious name of one of
the judges of Sodom. Gen. R. s. 50 Ar. (ed. קלא פ', combine); Yalk. ib. 84 קלפ'

Ἀνδρέας - אַנְדְּרַיי

80, Jastrow 2132
(Ἀνδρέας) Andray. Y. Meg. IV, 75b; cmp. אַנְדְּרַאי.

ἀνδριάς - אַנְדְּרָטָא

81, Jastrow 2129
(a. contract. of ἀνδριάς‚—άντος) statue, also portable bust, image. Targ. Esth.
III, 2—5 (some ed. pl., incorr.). R. Hash. 24b a synagogue דאוקימו בה א' Ms. M.
(ed. הוה בה א') in which they placed a bust (of a Persian king). Snh. 62b; a. fr.—Pl.
אַנְדְּרָטֵי, אַנְדְּרָטַיָּא. Ab. Zar. 40b א' של מלכים royal (imperial) busts.
M. Kat. 25b אתעקרו כל א' Ms. M. (ed. אתקציצו) all royal statues were overthrown.
Y. Ab. Zar. III, 42c top. [Gen. R. s. 8 אינדרטין, v. אַנְדְּרֹונִיטִיס.]

ἀνδριάς - אַנְדְּרִיאַנְטוֹֹס

82, Jastrow 2131
(ἀνδριάς—άντος) statue, v. אַנְדְּרָטָא. Ex. R. s. 27 נפלה … של אנדרואנטיא (read
נפלטה לתוך ידו של א') it escaped into the hand of a (royal) statue; (v. ibid. ישבה
על איקונין של מלך). Tanḥ. P’kudé, 4 אדריונטוס (corr. acc.); Ex. R. s. 51. [Gen.
R. s. 8 אינדרטין, v. אַנְדְּרֹונִיטִיס; v. Ar. s. v. אדרינטיס.]

ἀνδριάς (andrias) - אַנְדַּרְטָא, אַנְדַּרְטָה

83, Klein 1528
resp. NH f.n. statue, image, bust. PBH, [Gk. andrias, gen. andriatos (= the image
of a man, statue), from aner, gen. andros (= man), which is cogn. with Old I. náram
(= man), na’ryaḥ (= virile). cp. דֶּנֽדִּי and the first element in אַנְדּֽרוֹלוֹמוּסְיָא,
אַנְדּֽרוֹמֶדָה and in אַנְתּֽרוֹפּוֹלוֹגֽיָה.]

ἀνδρόγυνος - אַנְדְּרוֹֹגִינוֹס

84, Jastrow 2121
(ἀνδρόγυνος) hermaphrodite. Bicc. I, 5; a. fr.

ἀνδρόγυνος (androgynos) - אַנְדְּרוֹגִינוֹס

85, Klein 1525
hermaphrodite. NH [Gk. androgynos (= man-woman, hermaphrodite), from anes [sic],
gen. andros (= man), and gyne (= woman). See ‘androgynous’ and ‘gynandrous’ in
my CEDEL.]

ἀνδρολημψία - *אנדרולומוסיא

86, Jastrow 2123
(read אַנְדְּרֹולֵימְסְיָא), אַנְדְּרֹולֵמְסְיָה f. (popular pronunc. of ἀνδρολημψία
= ἀνδροληψία; cmp. λῆμψις for λῆψις) seizure of men, a Greek right of reprisals
(v. Sm. Ant. s. v.), in gen. punishment of men regardless of guilt or innocence.
Gen. R. s. 26 א' באה וכ' an androlepsia comes which kills the good and the bad;
Lev. R. s. 23; Num. R. s. 9; Y. Sot. I, 17a top.—Num. R. s. 5 in case of a rebellion
עוש' בה א' the king orders an androlepsia. [Gen. R. s. 32 דרולמוסיא; Pesik. Vayhi,
p. 67a; Tanḥ. Bo, 4; Pesik. R. s. 17 דורמסיאות, דורמסיות, דורמייס' (corr. acc.);
cmp. Pesik. R. suppl., ed. Fr. p. 197a.]

ἀνδρολημψία (androlempsia) - אַנְדְּרוֹלוֹמוּסְיָא, אַנְדְּרוֹלוֹמוּסְיָה

87, Klein 1526
1) pestilence. PBH 2) confusion, chaos. NH [Gk. androlempsia, for androlepsia (=
seizure of men in reprisal of the murder of a citizen abroad), compounded of aner,
gen. andros (= man), and the stem of lambanein (= to take). See ‘andro’ and ‘lemma’
in my CEDEL.]

ἀνδροληψία - *אנדרולומוסיא

88, Jastrow 2123
(read אַנְדְּרֹולֵימְסְיָא), אַנְדְּרֹולֵמְסְיָה f. (popular pronunc. of ἀνδρολημψία
= ἀνδροληψία; cmp. λῆμψις for λῆψις) seizure of men, a Greek right of reprisals
(v. Sm. Ant. s. v.), in gen. punishment of men regardless of guilt or innocence.
Gen. R. s. 26 א' באה וכ' an androlepsia comes which kills the good and the bad;
Lev. R. s. 23; Num. R. s. 9; Y. Sot. I, 17a top.—Num. R. s. 5 in case of a rebellion
עוש' בה א' the king orders an androlepsia. [Gen. R. s. 32 דרולמוסיא; Pesik. Vayhi,
p. 67a; Tanḥ. Bo, 4; Pesik. R. s. 17 דורמסיאות, דורמסיות, דורמייס' (corr. acc.);
cmp. Pesik. R. suppl., ed. Fr. p. 197a.]

Ἀνδρομέδα (Andromeda) - אֵנְדְּרוֹמֶדָה

89, Klein 1527
Andromeda (astronomy). FW [From Gk. Andromeda, daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia
in Greek mythology, who was placed as a constellation in heaven. Lit. meaning ‘mindful
of her husband’; compounded of aner, gen. andros (= man), and medesthai (= to be
mindful of, give heed to, think of), which is related to medon, medeon (= guardian,
ruler), properly pres. part. of the ancient verb medein (= to protect, rule over).
See ‘meditate’ in my CEDEL.]

ἀνδρωνῖτις - *אַנְדְּרוֹֹנִיטִין, אַנְדְרוֹֹנִיטִיס

90, Jastrow 2127
(ἀνδρωνῖτις) banqueting hall, royal reception hall. Gen, R. s. 8 אדריינטיס אני
עושה אותה Ar. ed. Koh. (ed. אינדרטין; corr. acc.) I shall make it into (use the
vacant ground for the erection of) a banqueting hall. [The context forbids the
identification of our w. with אַנְדְּרִיאַנְטוֹֹס.]

ἀνεμώνη (anemone) - נַעֲמָן

91, Klein 19142
pleasantness (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Is. 17:10 in the pl. in
the phrase נִטְעֵי נַעֲמָנִים, ‘plants of pleasantness’). [Formed from נעם I with
adj. suff. □ָן. Gk. anemone (= the wind flower), prob. derives from נַעֲמָן. See
‘anemone’ in my CEDEL. cp. proper name נַעֲמָן.]

ἀνθερεών (anthereon) - סַנְטֵר

92, Klein 20470
jaw, jawbone. PBH [Of uncertain origin; possibly derived from Gk. anthereon (= chin).

ἀνθολογία (anthologia) - אַנְתּוֹלוֹגְיָה

93, Klein 1659
anthology. FW [Gk. anthologia (= a flower gathering), from anthologos (= gathering
flowers), which is formed from anthos (= flower), and legein (= to gather). See
אַנְטִילוֹפָּה, לִגְיוֹן and suff. □יָה.]

ἀνθράκιον - טַרְקְיָא, טַרְקִין

94, Jastrow 12084
s. v. בלס: תַּרְקְיָא; cmp. anthracias, ἀνθράκιον) name of a gem. Targ. O. Ex.
XXVIII, 19 (Y. ערקין, corr. acc.); ib. XXXIX, 12. Targ. Y. Num. II, 18.

ἄνθρωπος - אַנְתְּרוֹפִּי

95, Jastrow 2314
anthropeus (man), an assumed form for ἄνθρωπος, for the purpose of deriving another
assumed form (אַנְתְּרוֹפִּיָּא) anthropeia (woman). Gen. R. s. 18; s. 31 did
you ever hear people say gynios and gyneia (from γύνη, woman), or anthropeus, anthropeia,
gabra (man) gabratha (woman)? but you do say (in Hebrew) ish and ish-sha, both
of the same root (as an evidence of the primitiveness of the Hebrew language).

ἀνθύπατος - אַנְטִיפִּיטָא, אַנְטִיפִּיטָה, אַנְטִיפּוּתָא, פִּיתָא

96, Jastrow 2194
… m. (corrupt. of אַנְתּוּפָּטָא ἀνθυπατος [sic]) proconsul (residing in Cæsarea).
Y. Meg. III, 74a; Y. Ber. V, 9a top; Koh. R. to III, 6. [Ib. to XI, 1 אוטפיטא,
אנטפיטי and var. corrupt. in var. ed.] | **Editor's Note: It is unclear why Jastrow
dropped the accent on 'ἀνθύπατος,' but given its attestation, we include the corrected
word for this entry.

ἀνταγώνισμα (antagonisma) - אַנְטָגוֹנִיזְם

97, Klein 1562
antagonism. FW [Gk. antagonisma, from antagonizesthai (= to struggle against), from
anti (see אַנְטִי□) and agonizesthai (= to struggle), from agon (= assembly; contest
in the games), from agein (= to lead, guide), which is cogn. with L. agere (= to
set in motion, drive, lead). See ‘agent’ (adj.) in my CEDEL. For the ending see
suff. □ִיזֽם.]

Ἀντάραδος - אַנְטַרְדּוֹס, אַנְטַרְדָּס

98, Jastrow 2211
(Ἀντάραδος) Antaradus, a Syrian town opposite the Isle of Aradus. Y. Bets. III,
62a top. Y. Sabb. I, 4a bot. אנטייריס (corr. acc.).—Cmp. עַנְתּוּרְדַּיָּא.—Deriv.
אַנְטְרִידָנָאֵי inhabitants of Ant. Targ. Y. II, Gen. X, 18.

Ἀντάρης (Antares) - אַנְטָרֶס

99, Klein 1586
Antares (astronomy). FW [Gk. Antares, lit.: ‘opposite (the planet) Mars’, from anti
(= opposite); (see אַנְטִי□), and Ares (= Mars), which derives from are (= bane,
ruin). This word is related to arein (= a cursing, menacing).]

ἀντί (anti) - אַנְטְאַרְקְטִי

100, Klein 1561
antarctic. FW [Properly ‘opposite to the north’, from Gk. anti (see אַנְטִי□) and
arktos (= bear; the constellation of the Great Bear). See אַרֽקֽטִי.]

ἀντί (anti) - אַנְטִי□

101, Klein 1567
(before a vowel אַנְט□) FW anti-, resp. ant-, pref. meaning ‘opposite, against,
instead’. [Gk. anti-, ant- (= over against, opposite, before, instead of) which
is related to anta, anten (= opposite). cp. ‘ante-’ and ‘anti-’ in my CEDEL. cp.
also אַנְטִיקְוַארְיוֹן.]

ἀντί (anti) - אַנְטִיקְוַארְיוֹן

102, Klein 1580
antiquity store, secondhand bookstore. FW [From L. antīquārius (= pertaining to
antiquity), from antīquus (= old), from ante (= before), which is related to Gk.
anti (= over against, opposite, before, instead of). See אַנְטִי□.]

ἀντί (anti) - אַנְטַרְקְטִי

103, Klein 1588
Antarctic, pertaining to the South Pole or regions near the South Pole. FW [Properly
‘opposite to the north’, from Gk. anti (= opposite), and arktos (= bear; the constellation
of the Great Bear). See אַנְטִי□ and אַרְקְטִי.]

Ἀντι-Καίσαρος - אַנְטִיקֵיסַר

104, Jastrow 2197
(Ἀντι-Καίσαρος) Pro-Cæsare, the highest dignitary next to the Emperor; in gen.
vice-roy. Gen. R. s. 53; s. 85, end (also אנטקיס').

ἀντία (antia) - אַנְטִילְיָה

105, Klein 1573
a water-scooping machine. PBH [Borrowed from Gk. antia (= hold of a ship; reservoir),
which together with antlion (of s.m.) derives from antlos (= hold of a ship; bucket).
See אַנֽטָל.]

Ἀντίγονος - אַנְטִיגְנוֹס, אַנְטִיגְנָס

106, Jastrow 2173
(Ἀντίγονος) Antigonus, 1) A. of Sokho, disciple of Simon the Just. , 1) A. of
Sokho, disciple of Simon the Just. Aboth I, 3.—2) Bets. 34a, a. fr. R. Elazar son
of A.—Tem. 21a ed. (Ar. אטיטס). [Y. Snh. I, 19d, v. אגניטוס.]

ἀντιγραφή - אַנְטִיגְרָפִין

107, Jastrow 2174
(ἀντιγραφή) 1) (= ἀντίγραφον) duplicate. Targ. Esth. III, 14 Mus. (ed. דיטגמא);
Esth. R. to ibid. (explain. פתשגן ib.).—2)answer to a letter. Gen. R. s. 67 הב
לי א' Ar. (ed. אנטיגרפא, corr. פי …) give me an answer (to the emperor’s letter).
Ib. הן א' where is the answer?

ἀντίγραφον - אַנְטִיגְרָפִין

108, Jastrow 2174
(ἀντιγραφή) 1) (= ἀντίγραφον) duplicate. Targ. Esth. III, 14 Mus. (ed. דיטגמא);
Esth. R. to ibid. (explain. פתשגן ib.).—2)answer to a letter. Gen. R. s. 67 הב
לי א' Ar. (ed. אנטיגרפא, corr. פי …) give me an answer (to the emperor’s letter).
Ib. הן א' where is the answer?

ἀντίδικος - אַנְטִידִיקוֹס

109, Jastrow 2175
(ἀντίδικος) opponent in a suit, in gen. adversary. Gen. R. s. 82.—Ib. s. 100 אנטירוקוס
(corr. acc.); Pesik. Naḥa’mu p. 126a; a. fr.—Pl. אַנְטִידִיקִיןparties to a suit.
Deut. R. s. 5 האנטיריקון (corr. acc.).

Ἀντίνους - אַנְטִינוּס

110, Jastrow 2185
(Ἀντίνους) Antinous; v. אטיטס.

Ἀντιόχεια - אַנְטוּכְיָא, אַנְטוּכְיָה, אַנְטוּכִיאָה, אַנְטְיוכִיאָה

111, Jastrow 2165
(Ἀντιόχεια) 1)Antioch, surnamed Epidaphnes, the capital of Syria founded by Seleucus
Nicator, situated on the Orontes. Targ. Y. Num. XIII, 21; a. e. (Hamath in Bible).—Keth.
67a. Gitt. 44b; a. fr.—Y. Shek. VI, 50a bot. דפני של א' Daphne near Ant.; Lev.
R. s. 19 כייא …—2)the country or district of Ant. , Antiochene. Y. Dem. II, 22d
top; Y. Nidd. III, 48a bot.; a. e.; v. חֹולַת, חוּלְתָּא a. חֲמַת.

ἀντίχρησις - אַנְטִיכְרִיסִיס

112, Jastrow 2182
(ἀντίχρησις) an agreement allowing the creditor the use of a pledged object (in
place of interest on the loan). Y. B. Mets. VI, end, 11a הדא א' ריבית הוא antichresis
is considered usury.

ἀντλεία - אַנְטְלַיָּא, אַנְטִילַיָּיא

113, Jastrow 2204
(of אנטל; from which Greek ἄντλος, ἄντλον &c. and our w. ἄντλεία [sic], antlia)
baling out bilge-water, pump (with wheels and buckets). Ruth R. to II, 19 גלגל
אנטי'; Lev. R. s. 34 אנטל' (ed. אנטילא, corr. acc.) the pumping wheel. Tosef. Makhsh.
III, 4 מפני א' שלהן on account of their baling machine (besprinkling the wheat).
Ib. Mikv. IV, 2 אנטיליא. | **Editor's Note: 'ἄντλεία' is possibly as mistake and
should be 'ἀντλεία' with only one accent.

ἄντλον - אַנְטְלַיָּא, אַנְטִילַיָּיא

114, Jastrow 2204
(of אנטל; from which Greek ἄντλος, ἄντλον &c. and our w. ἄντλεία [sic], antlia)
baling out bilge-water, pump (with wheels and buckets). Ruth R. to II, 19 גלגל
אנטי'; Lev. R. s. 34 אנטל' (ed. אנטילא, corr. acc.) the pumping wheel. Tosef. Makhsh.
III, 4 מפני א' שלהן on account of their baling machine (besprinkling the wheat).
Ib. Mikv. IV, 2 אנטיליא. | **Editor's Note: See note on 'ἀντλεία - אַנְטְלַיָּא,

ἄντλος - אַנְטְלַיָּא, אַנְטִילַיָּיא

115, Jastrow 2204
(of אנטל; from which Greek ἄντλος, ἄντλον &c. and our w. ἄντλεία [sic], antlia)
baling out bilge-water, pump (with wheels and buckets). Ruth R. to II, 19 גלגל
אנטי'; Lev. R. s. 34 אנטל' (ed. אנטילא, corr. acc.) the pumping wheel. Tosef. Makhsh.
III, 4 מפני א' שלהן on account of their baling machine (besprinkling the wheat).
Ib. Mikv. IV, 2 אנטיליא. | **Editor's Note: See note on 'ἀντλεία - אַנְטְלַיָּא,

ἄντλος (antlos) - אַנְטָל

116, Klein 1584
vessel. PBH [Gk. antlos (= hold of a ship; bucket), prob. standing for antlos, from
am-thlos-s, and related to ame (= bucket). See ‘amnion’ in my CEDEL and cp. אַנְטִילְיָה.

ἀντωνυμία (antonymia) - אַנְטוֹנִים

117, Klein 1566
antonym. FW [Formed from Gk. antonymia (= a word used for another, a pronoun), from
anti (= instead of; see אַנְטִי□), and onyma, dialectal form of onoma (= noun).
See נוֹמִינָלִי.]

ἀνώμαλος (anomalos) - אֲנוֹמָלִי

118, Klein 1539
anomalous. [Formed with adj. suff. □ִי from Gk. anomalos (= unequal), which is formed
from privative pref. an and omalos (= even), from omos (= one and the same), which
derives from IE base *sem- (= one, together). See ‘same’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘anomalous’
ibid. cp. אֲנוֹרְמָלִי.]

Ἀξεινῶν - גַּלְאַקְסִינוֹן

119, Jastrow 5710
(ed. גלא ק') (γαλῆ Ἀξεινῶν) [fur of] the weasel imported by the Axeinoi (living
around the Pontus Axenus or Euxenus); ermine (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Pellis). Gen.
R. s. 20, end (גלא) גלי ק'. Y. Sabb. II, 4d bot. (rendition of תַּחַשׁ) גלקטינון;
Koh. R. to I, 9 גלטינון (corr. acc.). Ib. והכלב גלבטינון (read גלכסינון) and the
dog shall wear ermine fur.

ἄξιος - אַקְסְיוֹס, אַכְסְיוֹס

120, Jastrow 2932
(ἄξιος) worthy, adequate. Gen. R. s. 46 ‘I am God Shadday’ (Gen. XVII, 1) is translated
by Aquila אקווס ואקנוס Ar. (ed. אכסיוס, אכסיוט, corr. acc.) ἄξιος and (καὶ) ἵκανος,
adequate and sufficient (competent); cmp. ibid. דייך וכ' it is sufficient for thee
that I am thy protector.

ἀξίωμα - אַכְסְיוֹמָא

121, Jastrow 1724
(ἀξίωμα) request, petition. Midr. Till. to Ps. VI, end אחרים מקבלים אנ' וכ' (corr.
אכ') others receive the petition presented to him אני איני מבקש אלא אנסיומין שלי
(corr. acc., insert שאתה תקבל) I only ask that thou mayest receive my petition
thyself. Ib. to Ps. CII אל תתן א' שלי בתוכה (read שלו); [the entire passage is
obscure and seems out of place].

ἀξίωμα (axioma) - אַקְסְיוֹמָה

122, Klein 2017
axiom. FW [Gk. axioma (= that which is thought worthy), from axioun (= to think
worthy), from axos (= worthy; properly ‘weighty’), from the base of agein (= to
lead), used in the sense of ‘to weigh’, which is cogn. with L. agere (= to set
in motion, drive, lead). See אַקֽטוּאָלִי.]

ἀπάθεια (apatheia) - אַפַּתְיָה

123, Klein 1929
apathy. FW [Ultimately from Gk. apatheia (= freedom from suffering, impassibility),
from apathes (= without suffering, impassible), from privative pref. a- and pathos
(= feeling, suffering, passion). See פָּתוֹס and cp. ‘apathy’ in my CEDEL.]

ἀπαντή - אַפַּנְטֵי

124, Jastrow 2743
(ἀπαντή = ἀπάντησις) encountering. —לא' (= εἰς ἀπαντήν, h. לקראת) to meet, to receive.
Tanḥ. Emor 22 לא' של טלך to salute the king. Pesik. R. Ten Command. 1 לא' של מלך
וכ' (some ed. לאנפטי, corr. acc.) to salute his father the king. Cant. R. to I,
12 לאפנתי (corr. acc.). Y. Ab. Zar. II, 41b bot. לפגטי; Midr. Sam. ch. VII לאפרכי
דידיה (corr. acc., or Var. לאפי). [Yalk. Esth. 1058 לאנפטי some ed., read: אַנְבְּטֵי.

ἀπαντήν - אַפַּנְטֵי

125, Jastrow 2743
(ἀπαντή = ἀπάντησις) encountering. —לא' (= εἰς ἀπαντήν, h. לקראת) to meet, to receive.
Tanḥ. Emor 22 לא' של טלך to salute the king. Pesik. R. Ten Command. 1 לא' של מלך
וכ' (some ed. לאנפטי, corr. acc.) to salute his father the king. Cant. R. to I,
12 לאפנתי (corr. acc.). Y. Ab. Zar. II, 41b bot. לפגטי; Midr. Sam. ch. VII לאפרכי
דידיה (corr. acc., or Var. לאפי). [Yalk. Esth. 1058 לאנפטי some ed., read: אַנְבְּטֵי.

ἀπάντησις - אַפַּנְטֵי

126, Jastrow 2743
(ἀπαντή = ἀπάντησις) encountering. —לא' (= εἰς ἀπαντήν, h. לקראת) to meet, to receive.
Tanḥ. Emor 22 לא' של טלך to salute the king. Pesik. R. Ten Command. 1 לא' של מלך
וכ' (some ed. לאנפטי, corr. acc.) to salute his father the king. Cant. R. to I,
12 לאפנתי (corr. acc.). Y. Ab. Zar. II, 41b bot. לפגטי; Midr. Sam. ch. VII לאפרכי
דידיה (corr. acc., or Var. לאפי). [Yalk. Esth. 1058 לאנפטי some ed., read: אַנְבְּטֵי.

ἀπάντησον - *אַפַּנְטִיסוֹן

127, Jastrow 2744
(ἀπάντησον) go to meet (to join battle). Pesik. R. s. 31 translating kadd’ma panav
(Ps. XVII, 13). [Correct: אין לנו זוג להזדווג לה אלא אתה קומה ד' קדמה פניו א' לה;
v. Midr. Till. to Ps. l. c.]

ἀπειλέω - אַפִּילוֹן, אַפִּילְיוֹן,

128, Jastrow 2688
(ἀπειλῶν, ἀπειλέων, part. pres. of ἀπειλέω, prob. borrowed fr. Aquila to Ps. CIV,
32) threatening. Y. Ber. IX, 13c bot. הוא א' לעולמו להחריבו He looks upon his world
threatening to destroy it. Cant. R. end, that time חושב הקב"ה אפילו להחריבו וכ'
(read אפילון לעולמו להח') the Lord plans threatening &c. Y’lamd. beg. (quot. in
Ar. with ref. to Ps. l. c.) מסתכל אפיליון של עולם (read על עולמו) He looks threatening
upon His world; cmp. Midr. Till. to Ps. XVIII, 8; Yalk. II Sam. 158.

ἀπειλέων - אַפִּילוֹן, אַפִּילְיוֹן,

129, Jastrow 2688
(ἀπειλῶν, ἀπειλέων, part. pres. of ἀπειλέω, prob. borrowed fr. Aquila to Ps. CIV,
32) threatening. Y. Ber. IX, 13c bot. הוא א' לעולמו להחריבו He looks upon his world
threatening to destroy it. Cant. R. end, that time חושב הקב"ה אפילו להחריבו וכ'
(read אפילון לעולמו להח') the Lord plans threatening &c. Y’lamd. beg. (quot. in
Ar. with ref. to Ps. l. c.) מסתכל אפיליון של עולם (read על עולמו) He looks threatening
upon His world; cmp. Midr. Till. to Ps. XVIII, 8; Yalk. II Sam. 158.

ἀπειλῶν - אַפִּילוֹן, אַפִּילְיוֹן,

130, Jastrow 2688
(ἀπειλῶν, ἀπειλέων, part. pres. of ἀπειλέω, prob. borrowed fr. Aquila to Ps. CIV,
32) threatening. Y. Ber. IX, 13c bot. הוא א' לעולמו להחריבו He looks upon his world
threatening to destroy it. Cant. R. end, that time חושב הקב"ה אפילו להחריבו וכ'
(read אפילון לעולמו להח') the Lord plans threatening &c. Y’lamd. beg. (quot. in
Ar. with ref. to Ps. l. c.) מסתכל אפיליון של עולם (read על עולמו) He looks threatening
upon His world; cmp. Midr. Till. to Ps. XVIII, 8; Yalk. II Sam. 158.

ἀπό (apo) - אַפּוֹ□

131, Klein 1768
pref. in words of Greek origin meaning ‘from, away from, asunder, separate’. FW
[Gk. apo (= from, away from), cogn. with Old I. ápa (= away from), L. ab (= away
from, from). See ‘of’ in my CEDEL and cp. אַבְּ□. cp. also פּוֹסְט.]

ἀποθήκη - אַפֹּותִּיקִי

132, Jastrow 2649
(ἀποθήκη) store-house, store. Targ. Y. I, Gen. XXIV, 2. Ib. v. 10 שפר א' וכ' the
best things of his store (Y. II אַפּוּתְיָקִי …, Ar. only דְּיָתִיקִי, v. Gen.
R. s. 59).—Y. Sabb. IV, beg. 6d bot., opp. to אצל בעה"ב in dwelling rooms, cmp.
הֶפְתֵּק.—Pl. h. אַפֹּותִּיקָאֹות. Ex. R. s. 30 יש לך א' וכ' hast thou store-houses
where to put them?—Ch. אַפֹּותִּיקַיָּא, אַפֹּותִּיקֵי. Targ. Y. I Deut XXXII,
34; a. e.—Y. Ned. IX, 41c bot.

ἀποθήκη - הֶפְתֵּק

133, Jastrow 8228
(פתק to cut, divide off; Var. lect. v. infra) the store-room in the dwelling house
out of which the daily portions of provision and work are distributed; also the
retailer’s shelves &c., contrad. to אוצר ware-house. Ab. Zar. II, 7 (39b) הבאין
מן הה' the preserved locusts which the merchant takes from the shelves, contrad.
to מן הסלולה, those laid out in baskets in front of the counter. Ib. 40b מן הה'
מן האוצר ומן הספינה (not הסלולה, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 5); Tosef. ib. IV (V),
12 מן הפתק וכ' ed. Zuck. (Var. הפתיק, cmp. הֶמְסֵס for fusion of article) from
the shelves, the ware-room or the ship.—Sabb. 50a; Tosef. ib. III (IV), 19 גיזי
צמר של ה' cut wool stored in the pantry (intended for spinning; Rashi: from the
merchant’s shelves). [Ar. s. v. אפתק reads: אוּפְתֵּק, noting a Var. ה'. One Ms.
Ar., a. Mish. ed. Nap. read אפותיק for אוּפְתֵּיק, induced by phonetic resemblance
to ἀποθήκη. V. Ar. ed. Koh. s. v. אפתק, a. Rabb. D. S. to Ab. Zar. 39b note 8.

ἀποθήκη (apotheke) - אַפּוֹתֵיקָה

134, Klein 1797
storehouse. FW [Gk. apotheke (= granary, storehouse; lit.: ‘a place wherein to lay
up something’), from the stem of apotithenai (= to put away), from apo (= away
from, from; see אַפּוֹ□) and tithenai (= to put, place). See תִּיק and cp. אִפּוֹתֵיקָה
and דִּיָּתֵקֵי. cp. also הֶפְתֵּק.]

ἀποθήκη (apotheke) - הֶפְתֵּק

135, Klein 6909
storeroom for food. PBH [Gk. apotheke (= granary, storehouse). See אַפּוֹתֵיקָה.

ἀποκαλυπτικός (apokalyptikos) - אַפּוֹקָלִיפְּטִי

136, Klein 1789
apocalyptic(al). FW [Gk. apokalyptikos, from apokalyptein. See אַפּוֹקָלִיפְּסָה
and adj. suff. □ִי.]

ἀποκοτταβίζειν - אַפִּיקְטְוִיזִין, אַפִּיקְטְפִיזִין

137, Jastrow 2714
(corr. אַפּוֹ') f. (ἀποκοτταβίζειν) orig. playing at cottabus, or squirting wine
into a bowl; trnsf. (S.) the gourmand’s practice of taking an emetic before meal;
to vomit. Sabb. 12a; 123ab. Ib. XXII, 6. Tosef. ib. XVI (XVII), 22, Var. ed. Zuck.
אפקטויזין. Succ. 40b; B. Kam. 102a; Sifra B’har ch. I, end אפיקטפיזים (corr. acc.).
[A noun ἀποκοττάβισις to which our w. would correspond, is not in the vocabulary.

ἀποκοττάβισις - אַפִּיקְטְוִיזִין, אַפִּיקְטְפִיזִין

138, Jastrow 2714
(corr. אַפּוֹ') f. (ἀποκοτταβίζειν) orig. playing at cottabus, or squirting wine
into a bowl; trnsf. (S.) the gourmand’s practice of taking an emetic before meal;
to vomit. Sabb. 12a; 123ab. Ib. XXII, 6. Tosef. ib. XVI (XVII), 22, Var. ed. Zuck.
אפקטויזין. Succ. 40b; B. Kam. 102a; Sifra B’har ch. I, end אפיקטפיזים (corr. acc.).
[A noun ἀποκοττάβισις to which our w. would correspond, is not in the vocabulary.

ἀπόστολος - *אַפֹּוסְטוֹמוֹס, אַפֹּוסְטְמוֹס

139, Jastrow 2632
(Var. פוסטמוס, פס') pr. n. m.Apostomos (Postomos), one who is mentioned as having
burned the Law [and put up an idol in the Temple]. Taan. IV, 6; Y. ib. 68cd; Yalk.
II Kings 250. [Prob. an officer of king Antioch Epiphanes of Syria; perh. a popul.
corrupt. of ἀπόστολος, cmp. II Macc. VI, 1.]

ἀπόφανσις - אַפֹּופְסִין, אַפֹּופְסִיס

140, Jastrow 2638
(ἀπόφασις, ἀπόφανσις) verdict, dispensation. [Variously corrupted: איפופסין, איפוספ',
איפרפס &c.] Y’lamd. to Gen. III, 1 quot. in Ar. (ref. to Prov. XVIII, 7) the fools
give out האפופסין שלהן their own verdict. Pesik. R. s. 44 איספוסין, אפוספיס (corr.
acc.). Ib. s. 46 (ed. Fr. p. 187b) ניתן פאופרי read נטל א' he received his verdict
(of expulsion from Eden). Y. Sot. VII, 21d bot.; Y. R. Hash. I, 57a bot. איפ';
a. fr. [Tanḥ. Sh’moth 13 שנטלו אפופסים, read אַפּוּכִי.]—Midr. Till to Ps. XVII;
Yalk. Ps. 670 two curiosi (v. הנדיוסין) רצין בהפרכוס (באין באיפרפוס) (read באפופסיס)
run (come) each with a verdict; v. בָּאיָין.—Lev. R. s. 21, beg. אפופסיות Ar.,
read with ed. אפופסיס.

ἀπόφασις - אַפֹּופְסִין, אַפֹּופְסִיס

141, Jastrow 2638
(ἀπόφασις, ἀπόφανσις) verdict, dispensation. [Variously corrupted: איפופסין, איפוספ',
איפרפס &c.] Y’lamd. to Gen. III, 1 quot. in Ar. (ref. to Prov. XVIII, 7) the fools
give out האפופסין שלהן their own verdict. Pesik. R. s. 44 איספוסין, אפוספיס (corr.
acc.). Ib. s. 46 (ed. Fr. p. 187b) ניתן פאופרי read נטל א' he received his verdict
(of expulsion from Eden). Y. Sot. VII, 21d bot.; Y. R. Hash. I, 57a bot. איפ';
a. fr. [Tanḥ. Sh’moth 13 שנטלו אפופסים, read אַפּוּכִי.]—Midr. Till to Ps. XVII;
Yalk. Ps. 670 two curiosi (v. הנדיוסין) רצין בהפרכוס (באין באיפרפוס) (read באפופסיס)
run (come) each with a verdict; v. בָּאיָין.—Lev. R. s. 21, beg. אפופסיות Ar.,
read with ed. אפופסיס.

ἀπραγία - אַפְּרַגְיָא, אַפְּרַגְזְיָא, אַפְּרַגְסְיָא

142, Jastrow 2797
(ἀπραγία, ἀπραξία) inactivity, cessation of labor, holiday. Pesik. Sh’mini, p.
195a (v. Buber note 66 to p. 193a) if both of us open (sales) at the same time
הרי אנו עושין אפרגיא במדינה (Ar. Var. אפרגיזא, אפרגינה, read אפרגזיא) we shall
create a cessation of labor in the district (as all the laboring people will run
to the market town on one and the same day; Yalk. Num. 782 זול from misunderstanding);
Cant. R. to VII, 2 אפרגייס (read אפרגייא or אפרגסייא). Pesik. R. s. 41 R. Yonathan
… had goods with him והייתה אפרגיס (corr. acc.) and there was inactivity and dull
business in consequence thereof [for which Yalk. Ps. 758 ולא היה יכול למוכרה—prob.
to be read אַפְּרַטוֹס ἄπρατος unsaleable].

ἀπραξία - אַפְּרַגְיָא, אַפְּרַגְזְיָא, אַפְּרַגְסְיָא

143, Jastrow 2797
(ἀπραγία, ἀπραξία) inactivity, cessation of labor, holiday. Pesik. Sh’mini, p.
195a (v. Buber note 66 to p. 193a) if both of us open (sales) at the same time
הרי אנו עושין אפרגיא במדינה (Ar. Var. אפרגיזא, אפרגינה, read אפרגזיא) we shall
create a cessation of labor in the district (as all the laboring people will run
to the market town on one and the same day; Yalk. Num. 782 זול from misunderstanding);
Cant. R. to VII, 2 אפרגייס (read אפרגייא or אפרגסייא). Pesik. R. s. 41 R. Yonathan
… had goods with him והייתה אפרגיס (corr. acc.) and there was inactivity and dull
business in consequence thereof [for which Yalk. Ps. 758 ולא היה יכול למוכרה—prob.
to be read אַפְּרַטוֹס ἄπρατος unsaleable].

ἄπρατος - אַפְּרַגְיָא, אַפְּרַגְזְיָא, אַפְּרַגְסְיָא

144, Jastrow 2797
(ἀπραγία, ἀπραξία) inactivity, cessation of labor, holiday. Pesik. Sh’mini, p.
195a (v. Buber note 66 to p. 193a) if both of us open (sales) at the same time
הרי אנו עושין אפרגיא במדינה (Ar. Var. אפרגיזא, אפרגינה, read אפרגזיא) we shall
create a cessation of labor in the district (as all the laboring people will run
to the market town on one and the same day; Yalk. Num. 782 זול from misunderstanding);
Cant. R. to VII, 2 אפרגייס (read אפרגייא or אפרגסייא). Pesik. R. s. 41 R. Yonathan
… had goods with him והייתה אפרגיס (corr. acc.) and there was inactivity and dull
business in consequence thereof [for which Yalk. Ps. 758 ולא היה יכול למוכרה—prob.
to be read אַפְּרַטוֹס ἄπρατος unsaleable].

Ἄραδος - רוֹדוֹס

145, Jastrow 28418
(a corrupt. of Ἄραδος) Aradus, v. אַרְוָוד. Y. Meg. I, 71b bot. (expl. ארודי, Gen.
X, 18) ר'; [The context forbids thinking of Rhodus].—[Y. Yeb. VIII, 9b bot. ברודוס,
read with Y. Kidd. IV, 66b top, a. Y. Bicc. I, 64a בדָרוֹם.]

ἀργαπέτης - אַלְקַפְטָא, אַרְקַפְטָא, אַרְקַבְטָא

146, Jastrow 1951
(ἀργαπέτης, ארגבטא, Palm. inscript., Zeitschr. der Deutsch. Morgenl. Ges. XVIII,
89—90; Syr. ארזבד, Pers. arzabedes; v. Perl. Et. St. p. 105) Arkafta, a high dignitary
in Persia. Targ. Y. Gen. XLI, 44 (ed. Vienna אַלְקַפֶּטַע); a. e.—Shebu. 6b אלקפ'.
Y. ib. I, 32d bot. ארקב'. Y. Ber. II, 5a top Ar. (ed. בסא …, corr. acc.).—Zeb.
96b (prov.) ארקפת' נקטן ביד ריח' אתי ליה ליד Ms. M. (ed. אלקפתא נקטן ריחא …) the
Ark. took us by the hand, and the scent came into the hand (undue pride of accidental

ἀργεμώνη (argemone) - אַרְגָּמָן

147, Klein 2072
purple, red purple. [Prob. a loan word from Akka. argamannu, whence also Aram.–Syr.
אַרְגְּוָנָא, whence Arab. ’urjuwān. For the change of m to w in words of Akka.
origin cp. מַרְחֶשֽׁוָן, כִּסְלֵו. Gk. argemone (= a kind of poppy), is prob. a
loan word from Heb. אַרְגָּמָן; see ‘Argemone’ in my CEDEL. cp. אַרְגְּוָן.]

ἀργενταρία - אַרְגֶּנְטָרְיָא, אַרְגֶּנְטָארְיָיא, אַרְגֶּנְטָרִין

148, Jastrow 2995
(ἀργενταρία, argentarium) silver-case, plate, table service (of silver or gold).
Pesik. Baḥod. p. 106b ארגנטין Ar. Var. (ארגנטרין ed. Koh.; ed. אנגיטירין); Yalk.
Ex. 271 ארגניטין (cmp. versions ibid. a. Ar. s. v., in order to arrive at a correct
reading of the whole passage). Y. Peah VIII, 21b אגנטין, ארגנטורין (corr. acc.).
Esth. R. to I, 4 ארגוטדיא, ארגנאטרייא (corr. acc.).

ἀργέστης - אַרְגֶּסְטֵיס, (ארגסטס, אגריסטיס)

149, Jastrow 2996
(ἀργέστης) the brightening, epithet of various winds (cmp. אִסְתָּן); West-North-West,
West-South-West. Num. R. s. 13 אני מביא רוח א' וכ' I shall cause to pass over
the world an argestes in which both winds (the Northern and the Southern) shall
do service; Cant. R. to IV, 16 ארג'; Lev. R. s. 9 ארגסטס; Ar. Var. אגרסטיס.

ἄργυρον - *אַרְגְּרוֹן

150, Jastrow 2998
(read אַרְגוּרֹון) m. (ἄργυρον) a small silver coin, also called milliarium. Y.
Peah VIII, 21a top ובלבד וכ' provided you do not refuse him his customary argyron
(the beggar’s penny); v. B. Bath. 9a

ἀριθμητική (arithmetike) - אֲרִיתְמֶטִיקָה

151, Klein 2148
arithmetic. FW [Ultimately from Gk. arithmetike techne (= the art of counting),
from arithmein (= to number, count, reckon), from arithmos (= number), from IE
base *riī̌ (= to count). Base *rī̌- is prob. an enlargement of base *ar- (= to
join), whence L. arma (= weapons), ars (= art), etc. See אַרְטִיסְט and cp. the
second element in לוֹגָרִיתְם.]

ἀριστητής - אֲרִיסְטָא

152, Jastrow 3114
(corrupt. of אריסטיטא, ἀριστητής) break-fasting, in gen. invited guest. Pl. אֲרִיסְטִין,
אֲרִיסְטַיָּיא. Koh. R. to I, 3 שביק א' וכ' let the guests eat (some ed. אריסטון,
our guests?). Lev. R. s. 28 אריסייא (corr. acc.). Lam. R. to IV, 2 ביני א' among
the seated guests.

Ἀριστόβουλος - אֲרִיסְטוֹבּוֹלוֹס, אֲרִיסְטוֹבְלוֹס

153, Jastrow 3115
(Ἀριστόβουλος) Aristobule, brother of Hyrcan, son of Alexander Jannai. Men. 64b;
B. Kam. 82b; a. e.

ἄριστον - אֲרִיסְטוֹן,

154, Jastrow 3117
(ἄριστον) orig. morning meal, later principal meal, dinner, repast. Y. Ber. IV,
7b אין הווה לכון א' כ' if ye are invited to a dinner, and the day is advanced,
&c. Y. Snh. III, 21c top גו א' during dinner. Ib. VI, 23c; a. fr.

ἄριστον (ariston) - אֲרִיסְטוֹן

155, Klein 2142
a solemn feast, festive banquet. PBH [Gk. ariston (= morning meal, breakfast; later
‘the midday meal’), formed from the locative a(i)eri (= in the morning). The suff.
– sto–n in ariston stands for *d-to-, zero degree of root ed- (= to eat), whence
Gk. edein, esthiein, L. edere (= to eat).]

ἀριστῶν - אֲרִיסְטוֹן,

156, Jastrow 3118
Ariston. Ḥall. IV, 11; Y. Shebi. VI, end, 37a (a Syrian land-owner).—Y. Yeb. XVI,
end, 16a חד א' one Ariston. [‘One of the βουλὴ ἀριστῶν mentioned Cod. Theod. Lib.
XII, Tit. 888, Frankel M’bo p. 65a.]

Ἄρκαι - אַרְקָא,

157, Jastrow 3234
(Ἄρκη, Ἄρκαι) Arca, also called A. Cæsarea, Cæs. Libani, at the North-Western foot
of Mount Lebanon. Gen. R. s. 37 (interpreting הערקי Gen. X, 17) א' דליבנן (some
ed. ארקס). [Cmp. ערקת לבנה Bekh. 57b, v. Neub. Géogr. p. 33; 299.]

Ἄρκη - אַרְקָא,

158, Jastrow 3234
(Ἄρκη, Ἄρκαι) Arca, also called A. Cæsarea, Cæs. Libani, at the North-Western foot
of Mount Lebanon. Gen. R. s. 37 (interpreting הערקי Gen. X, 17) א' דליבנן (some
ed. ארקס). [Cmp. ערקת לבנה Bekh. 57b, v. Neub. Géogr. p. 33; 299.]

ἁρμονία (harmonia) - הַרְמוֹנְיָה

159, Klein 7163
harmony. FW [Gk. harmonia (= a fitting together, joining, proportion, concord, agreement,
musical harmony), related to harmozein (= to fit together, adapt, accommodate),
harmos (= a joining), from IE base * ar– (= to join), See אַרְטִיסֽט and cp. words
there referred to. cp. also הַרְמוֹנִיקָה, הרמן and the second element in פִילְהַרְמוֹנֽיָה.
For the ending see suff. □יָה.]

ἁρπάγιον - (אֲפַרְכָּס) אַרְפְּכָס

160, Jastrow 3228
(ἅρπαξ = ὑδράρπαξ, ἁρπάγιον) clepsydra, water-clock. Kel. XIV, 8; XXX, 4 אר' Ar.
(ed. אפ'). Gen. R. s. 4 הבא אר' get me a clepsydra.

ἅρπαξ - (אֲפַרְכָּס) אַרְפְּכָס

161, Jastrow 3228
(ἅρπαξ = ὑδράρπαξ, ἁρπάγιον) clepsydra, water-clock. Kel. XIV, 8; XXX, 4 אר' Ar.
(ed. אפ'). Gen. R. s. 4 הבא אר' get me a clepsydra.

ἀῤῥαβών - רַהֲבוֹנָא

162, Jastrow 28371
(Syr.; readapt. fr. ἀῤῥαβών, v. עֵרָבוֹן) earnest-money. Targ. II Esth. III, 11
ed. Lag. (ed. דַּהֲבוֹנָא).

ἀρτάβη - אַרְדַּב, אַרְדְּבָא

163, Jastrow 3002
(ἀρτάβη, Syr. ארדבא, ארטבא) Artaba, a Persian and Egyptian dry measure (v. Zuckerm.
Jüd. Masse p. 47; Sm. Ant. s. v.). B. Mets 80b א' לעריבה Ar. (ed. אדריב) an Artaba
is an unreasonable additional load for a small boat called Arebah. Erub. 102a Ar.
(ed. אדריבא, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 20).

ἀρτοκόπιον - ארתוקופיון

164, Jastrow 3252
, read אַרְטֹוקֹופְיֹון m. (ἀρτοκόπιον) bakery, v. ארטקפא.

ἀρτόκοπος - אַרְטְקָפָא

165, Jastrow 3076
(ἀρτόκοπος) baker, בית א' bakery. Midr. Sam. ch. XIX בית א' שלו (Var. ארתוקופיון
q. v.) a rendition of beth hallaḥmi, I Sam. XVI, 1) to his (Jesse’s) bakery, שהוא
בא וכ' (read with Yalk. Sam. 124 והוא יבוא וכ') and he (Jesse) shall come out (to
the bakery) from Bethlehem (to meet Samuel there). Yalk. l. c. ארנקפאן, ארכ' (corr.

ἀρχαϊκός (archaikos) - אַרְכָאִי

166, Klein 2153
archaic. FW [Gk. archaikos (= old-fashioned, antiquated), from archios (= ancient),
from arche (= beginning, origin). See אַרְכִי and suff. □ִי.]

ἀρχαιολογία (archaiologia) - אַרְכֵיאוֹלוֹגְיָה

167, Klein 2165
archaeology. NH [Gk. archaiologia (= the study of ancient things), compounded of
archaios (= ancient), and – logia. See אַרְכִי and □לוֹגְיָה.]

ἀρχαϊσμός (archaismos) - אַרְכָאִיזְם

168, Klein 2154
archaism. FW [Gk. archaismos, from archaizein (= to be old-fashioned, copy the ancients
in language), from archaios (= ancient). See אַרְכָאִי and suff. □ִיזְם.]

ἀρχεῖον - אַרְכִיּוֹן

169, Jastrow 3144
(ἀρχεῖον, archivum) prefecture, public building, archive. Tanḥ. Ki Thetsé 9 he
went לא' של וכ' into the Egyptian archive; Pesik. Zakh. p. 27a לבית א' Ar. (ed.
ארמון, corr. acc.); Yalk. a. l. ארכוון (some ed. ארמון, corr. acc.). Esth. R. to
I, 3 להדא א' דגדר as in the state-house of Gadara. [Ex. R. s. 5 בית ארמון corr.

ἀρχεῖον - עַרְכִי

170, Jastrow 22590
(עָרַךְ; an adapt. of ἀρχή, ἀρχεῖον) recorder’s office for pedigree, deeds of sale
&c. Kidd. IV, 5 בע' הישנה, v. אַרְכִי I.—Pl. עַרְכָאוֹת. Gitt. 44a כותב ומעלה בע'
וכ' (Ar. בערכין) he writes (a deed of sale) and has it recorded in the office of
gentiles (Romans); Ab. Zar. 13a בע' שלהן; Tosef. ib. I, 8 בעַרְכָאִים; Tosef. M.
Kat. II, (I), 1 בעַרְכָיִים. Gitt. I, 5; Tosef. ib. I, 4 שטרות העולים בע' וכ' (Var.
בעַרְכָיוֹת) deeds entered in gentile offices. Tosef. B. Bath. VIII, 2 כתב והעלה
להם בערכאים זכה להם הערכיים if he wrote (a deed of donation for ten persons) and
had it recorded for them in the office, the office took possession in their behalf;
ib. 3 עַרְכָאִין … עַרְכָיִין; a. e.

ἀρχεῖον (archeion) - אַרְכִיּוֹן

171, Klein 2167
archives. PBH [Gk. archeion (= public building, town hall), pl. archeia (= public
records, the archives), from arche (= beginning, origin). See אַרְכִי.]

ἀρχή - אַרְכִי,

172, Jastrow 3140
(ארך, v. עַרְכִי; an adaptation of ἀρχή, cmp. אַרְכָן) term of office, office, court
of elders. Num. R. s. 9 whoever was signed as a witness בא' ישנה וכ' (Kidd. IV,
5 ערכי q. v.) in the old court of Zepphoris.—Y. M. Kat. II, end, 81b מעלה לאַרְכִיָים
he (the gentile) takes the deed to their (gentile) office for recording. Y. Gitt.
I, 43d top.—Ruth R. to I, 3 א' של בנך דוחקת the time of thy son’s accession to
office presses. Deut. R. s. 2 הגיע א' וכ' surrender thy office to Joshua. Ib. a
prefect שהיה בא' שלו who was in his office; a. fr.—Pl. אַרְכִיּוֹת. Ruth. R. l.
c. א' א' הן the terms of office are predestined (cmp. Sabb. 30a bot. ואין מלכות
וכ'). [עַרְכָאוֹת, v. עַרְכִי.]

ἀρχή - עַרְכִי

173, Jastrow 22590
(עָרַךְ; an adapt. of ἀρχή, ἀρχεῖον) recorder’s office for pedigree, deeds of sale
&c. Kidd. IV, 5 בע' הישנה, v. אַרְכִי I.—Pl. עַרְכָאוֹת. Gitt. 44a כותב ומעלה בע'
וכ' (Ar. בערכין) he writes (a deed of sale) and has it recorded in the office of
gentiles (Romans); Ab. Zar. 13a בע' שלהן; Tosef. ib. I, 8 בעַרְכָאִים; Tosef. M.
Kat. II, (I), 1 בעַרְכָיִים. Gitt. I, 5; Tosef. ib. I, 4 שטרות העולים בע' וכ' (Var.
בעַרְכָיוֹת) deeds entered in gentile offices. Tosef. B. Bath. VIII, 2 כתב והעלה
להם בערכאים זכה להם הערכיים if he wrote (a deed of donation for ten persons) and
had it recorded for them in the office, the office took possession in their behalf;
ib. 3 עַרְכָאִין … עַרְכָיִין; a. e.

ἀρχή (arche) - אַרְכִי

174, Klein 2162
rule, dominion; term of office, office. PBH [Gk. arche (= beginning, first cause,
origin, first principle; office), from the stem of archein (= to begin, rule),
whence also archos (= leader, chief, ruler). cp. אַרְכָאִי, אַרְכִי□, אַרְכִיּוֹן,
□ַרֽכֽיָה, the first element in אַרְכֵיאוֹלוֹגְיָה and the second element in מַטְרִיאַרְכָט,
הִיֶּרַרְכְיָה, פּוֹלֵימַרְכוּס. cp. also עַרֽכִּי.]

ἀρχή (arche) - עַרְכֵּי

175, Klein 21995
recorder’s office, registry, archives. PBH [From Gk. arche (= beginning, origin;
magistracy, office). See אַרְכִי and cp. עַרְכָּאָה.]

ἀρχι - אַרְכִי,

176, Jastrow 3142
(Greek pref. ἀρχι—) chief of (gen. followed by a pl.) as א' בִּרְיוֹנִים chief of
the castle guard. Pesik. Ekha p. 122b Ar. (ed. אדני מריונים, corr. acc.); v. respective

ἀρχι (archi) - אַרְכִי□

177, Klein 2163
archi– (a pref. meaning ‘chief’, ‘primitive, original’). FW [Gk. archi–, related
to archos (= leader, chief, ruler). See אַרְכִי.]

ἀρχιλήστης - אַרְכִילֵיסְטֵיס

178, Jastrow 3148
(ἀρχιλήστης) chief robber, leader of a gang. Gen. R. s. 48; a. fr. [Frequ. ארכיליסטים,
divide in two words, v. אַרְכִי III, a. לֵיסְטֵיס.] [Yalk. Ex. 255 ארכיליסטוסין,
טוטין …, read אִיסְכּוֹלַסְטִיקִין.—Midr. Sam. s. XXV, end ארכיליסטים some ed.,
v. אָרְכֵיסְטֵיס.]

ἀρχιλῃστής (archilestes) - אַרְכִילִיסְטִיס

179, Klein 2174
gang leader, robber, chief. PBH [Gk. archilestes (= robber chief), compounded of
archi– (see אַרְכִי□ and lestes (= robber). See לִסְטִים.]

Ἀρχῖνος - הַרְכִּינָס

180, Jastrow 8327
(Ἀρχῖνος) Harkinas, father of R. Dosa. R. Hash. II, 8 (25a) הר' Mish. a. Ms. M.
(ed. הוֹרְ'); Mish. Pes. a. Y. ed. ארכינס, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note). Tosef. Neg.
I, 6 הרכ'; (ib. Kel. B. Bath. IV, 14 הורקינס). Yeb. 16a; a. fr.

ἀρχιστρατηγός - *אַרְכִיסְטְרָאטֵיגוֹס, אַרְכִיסְטְרָטֵיגוֹס

181, Jastrow 3151
(ἀρχιστρατηγός) commander in chief; also chief magistrate (v. אִסְטְרָטֵיגוֹס).
Gen. R. s. 58; (Ex. R. s. 31 אסטרט').

ἀρχιτέκτων - אַרְכִיטִיקְטוֹן, אַרְכִיטִיקְטוֹס

182, Jastrow 3145
(ἀρχιτέκτων, architectus) architect, engineer. Gen. R. s. 24, beg. לא' שבנה וכ'
to be compared to an engineer that built the fortifications of a principality;
Num. R. s. 9, beg. לארכי קיטון קטאד' (corr. acc., and insert שנעשה) to an architect
that was appointed &c.; a. fr.—Pl. אַרְכִיטֶקְטוֹנִין, אַרְכִיטֶקְטִין. Y. Ber.
IX, 13a top טקטנן … (corr. acc.).

ἄρχων - אַרְכוֹנְטוֹס, אַרְכוֹנְטָס

183, Jastrow 3138
(ἄρχων, -οντος) archont, city-magistrate, prefect. Y. Taan. IV, 69a top. Lam. R.
to II, 2; IV, 18. Gen. R. s. 76 ארכוננוס (corr. acc.). [The office of a city mayor
or senator in the Roman days was often ruinous to its occupants; v. Sm. Ant. s.
v. Senatus.]

ἄρχων - אַרְכָן,

184, Jastrow 3156
(ארך, an adaptation of ἄρχων) elder, magistrate. B. Bath. 164b a letter of divorce
dated בשנת פלוני א' (Var. עַרְכָן, עַרְכָאן v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 3 sq.; cmp.
עַרְכִי) in the year when—was magistrate; v. דּוּגִין.—Pl. אַרְכוֹנוֹת. Cant. R.
to VII, 9. Ch. אַרְכוֹן, אַרְכוֹנָא.

ἄρχων (archon) - אַרְכוֹן

185, Klein 2159
ruler. PBH [From Gk. archon (= ruler), properly pres. part. of archein (= to rule).

ἀρωγοναύτης - *אֲרוֹגְנַוְטֵיס, אֲרוֹגְנַוְטֵין

186, Jastrow 3017
(ἀρωγοναύτης sub. δαίμων) helper of sailors, Arogonautes, a demon. Gen. R. s. 63;
Y. Ter. VIII, 46c top; Yalk. Gen. 110, variously corrupted ארגינטין, ארגיניטון,
ארגניטין, אנגיטריס.

ἄρωμα (aroma) - אֲרוֹמָה

187, Klein 2097
aroma. FW [Gk. aroma (= fragrance, odor, spice), of uncertain origin.]

ἀρωματικός (aromatikos) - אֲרוֹמָתִי

188, Klein 2098
aromatic. FW [Gk. aromatikos, from aroma. See אֲרוֹמָה with suff. □ִי.]

ἄσβεστος (asbestos) - אַזְבֶּסְט

189, Klein 641
asbestos. FW [Gk. asbestos (lit.: ‘unquenchable, inextinguishable’), from pref.
a-, and sbestos, verbal adj. of sbennunai (= to quench, extinguish), which derives
from IE base *gwes- (= to quench, extinguish).]

ἄσημος - אֲסִימוֹן

190, Jastrow 2437
(ἄσημος, -ον) uncoined metal, bulion. B. Mets. IV, 1 א' קונה וכ' the uncoined metal
buys the coined, i.e. by delivering the uncoined, which is considered as goods,
the purchase is concluded. Ib. 47b; a. fr.

ἀσήμων (asemon) - אֲסִימוֹן

191, Klein 1694
1) uncoined metal; worn coin. PBH 2) metal token (to be used in subways, telephone
booths, etc.). NH [Gk. asemon (= uncoined metal, bullion), properly subst. use
of the neuter of the adj. asemos (= without token), which is formed from privative
pref. a-, and sema (= sign, token). See סִימָן.]

ἀσθενής (asthenes) - אִסְטְנִיס

192, Klein 1681
sensitive, fastidious, squeamish. PBH [Gk. asthenes (= weak), lit.: ‘without strength’,
from privative pref. a-, and sthenos (= strength), which is of uncertain origin.

ἄσθμα (asthma) - אַסְתְּמָה

193, Klein 1757
asthma. FW [Gk. asthma (= hard-drawn breath), which prob. stands for an-sthma and
derives from IE base *an- (= to blow, breathe), whence also anemos (= wind), L.
animus (= breath of air, air, breath). For other derivative of base *an- see אֲנִימִיזֽם.

Ἀσία (Asia) - אַסְיָה

194, Klein 1693
Asia. FW [Gk. Asia, from Akka. aṣū (= to go out; to rise — said of the sun), which
is related to Heb. יָצָא (= he went out; it rose — said of the sun). Accordingly
Asia orig. denoted ‘the Region of the Rising Sun’ in contradistinction to Europe
which orig. meant ‘the Region of the Setting Sun’ (see אֵירוֹפָּה). cp. the second
element in אֵירַסְיָה. cp. also Asia and ‘wudu’ in my CEDEL.]

ἄσιλλα (asilla) - אֵֽסֶל

195, Klein 1716
pole, yoke. PBH [Hebraization of Gk. asilla (= yoke), which is of unknown origin.

ἀσκάνδης - אִיסְקוּנְדְּרֵי, אִסְק', סְקוּנְדּרֵי

196, Jastrow 1499
(Pers. iskodâr, ἀσκάνδης, σαγγάνδης, ἀστάδης; v. Perles Et. St. p. 113) prop. despatch-bearers,
name of a game, a kind of chess. Kidd. 21b באי' אטללתו Ar. (Var. Ar. בסק'; ed.
איסקומדרי) you must have played at iskundré (instead of studying). Shebu. 29a דילמא
איס' וכ' (Ms. M. איסקודרי) perhaps he gave them checkers (tokens in game) and passed
them for Zuzé. Ned. 25a. Cmp. איסקרנדה.

ἀσκαύλης - *ארקילין, ארקלין

197, Jastrow 3239
, read אַסְקַוְלִין m. (ἀσκαύλης) performer on the bag-pipe. Targ. II, Esth. I,
3 א' אזיל וכ' a bag-piper walks at (over) the head of all (ref. to the wind passing
over the flax stalks on the field; in a riddle on linen).

ἀσπάραγος - אִיסְפַּרְגּוֹס, אִסְפַּ'

198, Jastrow 1489
(ἀσπάραγος) 1)asparagus, also shoots of cabbage, like asparagus in form. Ned.
VI, 10 if one vows abstinence from cabbage אסור בא' he is forbidden to eat asparagus
(the latter being considered a species of the genus ‘cabbage’). Tosef. Dem. IV,
5 לקנב את הא' שׁבו to cut off the stalks thereon (and throw the remainder away).—2)asparagus,
a beverage of wine or beer with asparagus. Ber. 51a. Pes. 110b. Kid. 70a אי' דקריוה
וכ' aspar. as the educated call (the morning drink). [Yalk. Gen. 34 איספרגוס read
אִיסְפַרְגִּיס (σφραγίς) seal, v. סְפַרְגִּיס.]

ἀσπάραγος (asparagos) - אַסְפָּרָגוּם

199, Klein 1742
asparagus. PBH [Gk. asparagos, prob. meaning lit. ‘a sprout’ and related to sparagan
(= to swell, be ripe), from IE base *sper(eg)-, *spher(e)g- (= ‘to sprout, swell,
burst’), whence also L. spargere (= to scatter). See ‘sparse’ in my CEDEL and cp.
‘asparagus’ ibid.]

ἄσπρος - *אַסְפְּרוֹן

200, Jastrow 2520
(ἄσπρος, ον) white, opp. מוורון (μαυρός) black. Gen. R. s. 7 מוו' וחד א' Ar. (ed.
מיירן) a white fish and a black fish; (Yalk. Gen. 12 חיוור a. אוכם; Y. Kil. I,
27a bot. לכיסא a. ירוקא).

ἀσσάριον (assarion) - אִסָּר

201, Klein 1752
a small Roman copper coin. PBH [Gk. assarion, from L. ās, gen. assis, prob. lit.
meaning ‘square piece of metal’ (such as the original form of the coin) and orig.
identical with assis, axis (= plank, disc), which is related to asser (= pole,
stake, post). See ‘ashlar’ in my CEDEL and cp. second ‘as’ ibid.]

ἀστάδης - אִיסְקוּנְדְּרֵי, אִסְק', סְקוּנְדּרֵי

202, Jastrow 1499
(Pers. iskodâr, ἀσκάνδης, σαγγάνδης, ἀστάδης; v. Perles Et. St. p. 113) prop. despatch-bearers,
name of a game, a kind of chess. Kidd. 21b באי' אטללתו Ar. (Var. Ar. בסק'; ed.
איסקומדרי) you must have played at iskundré (instead of studying). Shebu. 29a דילמא
איס' וכ' (Ms. M. איסקודרי) perhaps he gave them checkers (tokens in game) and passed
them for Zuzé. Ned. 25a. Cmp. איסקרנדה.

ἀστεροειδής (asteroides) - אַסְטֵרוֹאִיד

203, Klein 1683
asteroid. FW [From Gk. asteroides (= starlike), which is compounded of aster (=
star) and - oeides (= -like), from eidos (= form, shape). Gk. aster prob. goes
back to an IE primary form *astero, which is of uncertain Sem. origin. It possibly
derives from the name of the evening star called after the Sem. goddess Astarte,
i.e. Ishtar, Heb. עַשְׁתֹּרֶת. See אַפֽרוֹדִיטָה, and cp. אַסְטְרוֹלוֹג, אַסְטְרוֹנָאוּט,
אַסְטְרוֹנוֹם. For the etymology of ‘œides’ see אִידֵיאָה.]

ἀστήρ - אִיסְתִּירָא, אִסְ', אִיסְטְרָא, אִיצְטְרָא

204, Jastrow 1521
(contr. of אסתהרא &c., r. סהר, צהר; cmp. אִסְתַּהַר a. אִיסָר) 1)a silver coin,
(with זוזא or פשיטא, or sub. זוזא &c.) equal to a common (provincial) Sela, or
half a Zuz. Keth. 64a; Gitt. 45b, v. טרפעיקא. B. Mets. 102b. Bekh. 49b א' סורסיא
Syriac Istira (v. Zuckerm. Talm. Münz. p. 27). Kidd. 11b.—Pl. אִיסְתִּירֵי Gitt.
14a א' זוזי. Ḥull. 44b א' פשיטי.—Ib. 105a. 2)Hebr. pl. אִיצְטְרָאֹות. Tosef. Shek.
II, 4 א' של זהב (Var. אִיסְטְרָאֹות) gold coins (staters). Y. ib. III, 47c איצטלי
(corr. acc.). [Targ. II Esth. II, 7 יונית אִיסְתֵּירָא, a gloss to ככב נגהא, v.
אִסְתַּהַר, confounding our w. with ἀστήρ.]

ἀστρολογία - אַסְטְרוֹלוֹגְיָא, (אִיסְ', אסת', ), , (אִיצְ') אַצְ'

205, Jastrow 2403
(ἀστρολογία) astronomy, mostly astrology, sooth-saying, astrological prediction.
Y. Ab. Zar. II, 41a top הוה חמי בא' דידיה he foresaw by dint of astrol. speculation
(prob. to be read גין …, v. infra). Pesik. R. s. 14 אסטרוגילא (corr. acc.; cmp.
טְיָיר).—Pl. אַסְטְרֹולֹוגִין prop. astrologers, trnsf. astrological books, implements,
horoscope &c. Gen. R. s. 85 רואה היתה בא' וכ' she saw in her astrological books
(or horoscope). Deut. R. s. 8 מביט באסטרולוגים; Lev. R. s. 36 אצטרוגליס, לוגים
… &c. (corr. acc.).

ἀστρολογία (astrologia) - אַסְטְרוֹלוֹגְיָה

206, Klein 1685
astrology. FW [Ultimately from Gk. astrologia (= ‘astronomy’, later ‘astrology’),
from astrologos. See אַסְטְרוֹלוֹג. For the ending see suff. □יָה.]

ἀστρολόγος - אַסְטְרוֹלוֹגוֹס, (אַצְ', ; , אִיסְ', אִיצְ')

207, Jastrow 2402
(ἀστρολόγος) astronomer; astrologer. Y. Sabb. VI, 8d top חדא אי' (read חד) a certain
astrol.; a. fr.—Pl. אַסְטְרֹולֹוגִין (אַצְ' &c.). Targ. I Chron. XII, 32 ed. Rahm.
איצרולוגין (Var. איצטרו'). Ex. R. 1; a. v. fr.—Cant. R. to VII, 9 אַסְטְרֹולֹוגֹוסֵי.
[Yalk. Ex. 164 איסטרוגילין, a. other corruptions, corr. acc.]—V. also next w.—[As
regards צט for סט, v. Recens. Don. b. Librat ed. Filipp. p. 9.]

ἀστρολόγος (astrologos) - אַסְטְרוֹלוֹג

208, Klein 1684
astrologer. FW [Gk. astrologos (= ‘astronomer’, later ‘astrologer’), compounded
of astron (= star), and logos. See אַסְטְרוֹלוֹגְיָה.]

ἀστρονομία (astronomia) - אַסְטְרוֹנוֹמְיָה

209, Klein 1689
astronomy. FW [Ultimately from Gk. astronomia (= astronomy), from astronomos. See
אַסְטְרוֹנוֹם and suff. □יָה.]

ἀστρονόμος (astronomos) - אַסְטְרוֹנוֹם

210, Klein 1687
astronomer. FW [Gk. astronomos (= astronomer; lit: ‘star-arranger’), from astron
(= star), and nomos (= stranger), which is related to nemein (= to deal out, distribute).
See אַסְטֵרוֹאִיד and נוֹמָד and cp. the second element in אַסֽטְרוֹנוֹמֽיָה.]

ἀσυμμετρία (asymmetria) - אֲסִימֶטְרִיָּה

211, Klein 1696
asymmetry. FW [Gk. asymmetria (= incommensurability), from asymmetros (= incommensurate;
disproportionate), from privative pref. a-, and symmetros (= commensurable). See

ἄσφαλτος (asphaltos) - אַסְפַלְט

212, Klein 1730
asphalt. FW [Ultimately from Gk. asphaltos, which is of uncertain, possibly Sem.,

ἄτακτοι - *אטקטיא

213, Jastrow 1101
, prob. אֲטַקְטִין or אֲטַקְטֵי m. pl. (ἄτακτοι) undisciplined, irregular troops.
Pesik. Ekhah p. 122b (explaining: ‘thy princes are rebels’ Is. I, 23) אדוניך מריונים
דהוו מזיינין א' ‘thy lords are rebels’—for they equipped irregulars. [This seems
to be the proper version restored from Ar. a. Var.; v. Pesik. l. c. note 75.]

ἀτίμητος - אֲטִימִיטוֹן

214, Jastrow 1083
(neut., or accus. of ἀτίμητος (something) invaluable, priceless. Y. Peah I, 15d
bot. חד מרגלי טבא א' (read חדא) a pearl worth a priceless treasure. Gen. R. s.
35 end מרגלית אטימטון. *Ruth R. next to I, 18 מילא דאיסטופיטא read מרגליתא אטימיטא
an invaluable pearl.

ἄτομος (atomos) - אָטוֹם

215, Klein 776
atom. FW [Ultimately from Gk. atomos (= atom), properly ‘uncut, indivisible’, from
privative pref. a- and tomos, from temnein (= to cut), which derives from IE base
*tem-, *tm (= to cut). cp. ‘tome’ in my CEDEL. cp. also the second element in אֲנָטוֹמֽיָה.

ἄτονος - *איינים, אייניס

216, Jastrow 1241
Y. Dem. VII, 26b, R. S. to Dem. VII, 3 אטימויי', אטימוס, prob. אֲטֹונֹוס m. (ἄτονος)
languid, feeble.

ἀτροφία (atrophia) - אַטְרוֹפְיָה

217, Klein 814
atrophy (disease). FW [Gk. atrophia (= want of food), from atrophos (= not nourished,
ill-fed), from privative pref. a- and trophe (= food, nourishment), which stands
in gradational relationship to trephein (= to make solid, thicken, congeal, curdle;
to nourish; lit.: ‘to make thick’), from IE base *dhrebh- (= to make firm, curdle).
See ‘draff’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘trophic’ ibid. cp. also הִיפֶּרְטֽרוֹפֽיָה.]

αὐ - אַב־, אֶבְ־

218, Jastrow 12
a prefix of words of Greek origin answering to αὐ-, au-, e.g. אבטומטוס = αὐτόματος;
or to εὐ, e.g. אבגינוס = εὐγενής.

αὐθέντης - אַוְותֶּנְטִי, (אפתנטי)

219, Jastrow 598
(αὐθέντης) originator, author. Gen. R. s. 16 פרת א' של וכ' the Euphrates is the
originator (ultimate source) of the rivers (mentioned Gen. II, 10 sq.).—Pl. m.
אַוְותֶּנְטִין. Y’lamd. to Num. XI, 16 (quot. in Ar. s. v. אמתנטין) כנגד אפת' של
ישראל וכ' (corr. אוו') corresponding to the number of the originators of Israel,
for with seventy souls &c.—Fem. אַוְותֶּנְטִיֹּות, אַוְותֶּנְטִיאֹות. Pesik. Sh’kal.
p. 16b אומות א' (seventy) original nations.

αὐθεντία - אַוותֶּנְטְיָא, אַוְתֶּ', אַוְותֶּנְטְיָיה

220, Jastrow 597
(αὐθεντία) origin, reality; v. next w.—עיקר א' the very reality, virtuality. Gen.
R. s. 25 עיקר א' וכ' the real famine was destined to be in the days of Saul. Cant.
R. to I, 1 עיקר א' וכ' the real, authentic, among the several names of Solomon
&c. Koh. R. to I, 1 אית' (corr. acc.). Num. R. s. 10 אוותיננייה (corr. acc.).

αὔλισμος - *אַבְלוּסְמוֹס

221, Jastrow 164
(αὔλισμος) night-lodging in open air. כלי א' camping apparels (leather covers etc.).
Zeb. 94a Ar. (ed. אַכְסִלְגְיָא q. v.).

αὐλός (aulos) - אִירוֹס

222, Klein 1038
name of a musical instrument; perhaps a kind of drum. PBH [Of uncertain origin.
According to Dalman it derives from Gk. aulos (= flute).]

αὐτάρκεια (autarkeia) - אוֹטַרְקְיָה

223, Klein 433
autarky, self-sufficiency. FW [Gk. autarkeia, from autarkein (= to be self-sufficient),
which is compounded of auto- (see אוֹטוֹ□) and arkein (= to suffice), which is
related to arkos (= defense), arkios (= safe, sure), and cogn. with L. arcēre (=
to enclose, keep away, ward off). These words stand in gradational relationship
to Orcus, name of the god of the infernal regions in Roman mythology. cp. קְסַרְקָט.

αὐτοδίδακτος (autodidaktos) - אוֹטוֹדִידַקְט, אַבְטוֹדִידַקְט

224, Klein 416
autodidact, one self-taught. FW [From Gk. autodidaktos (= self-taught), from auto-
(see אוֹטוֹ□) and didaktos (= taught), verbal adj. of didaskein (= to teach). See

αὐτόματον - אַבְטוֹמְטוֹס

225, Jastrow 91
(αὐτόματος) self-moving, self-growing, spontaneous. Midr. Till. to Ps. I, 5 האומרים
א' הוא העולם Mus. (ed. טומטום, corr. acc.) who say the universe is a self-moving
power (has no creator). [Better: אַבְטוֹמְטוֹן (αὐτόματον, S.) chance.]

αὐτόματον (automaton) - אוֹטוֹמָט, אַבְטוֹמָט

226, Klein 419
automaton. FW [Gk. automaton, neuter of automatos (= acting of one’s own will, happening
of itself), compounded of auto- (see אוֹטוֹ□) and IE *mntós (= thinking), from
base *men- (= to think), whence also Gk. mentor (= adviser). See ‘mind’ in my CEDEL.

αὐτόματος - אַבְטוֹמְטוֹס

227, Jastrow 91
(αὐτόματος) self-moving, self-growing, spontaneous. Midr. Till. to Ps. I, 5 האומרים
א' הוא העולם Mus. (ed. טומטום, corr. acc.) who say the universe is a self-moving
power (has no creator). [Better: אַבְטוֹמְטוֹן (αὐτόματον, S.) chance.]

αὐτονομία - *אַבְטוֹנִיּוֹת

228, Jastrow 92
(= אַבְטוֹנוֹמִיּוֹת; αὐτονομία; v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Autonomi) cities enjoying their
own laws, jurisdictions. Y. Meg. I, 70a bot. שני א' (read שתי). Y. B. Bath. III,
14a top אבטנ'; Bekh. 55a שני אבטילאות (corr. acc., Ar. אבטלאות, אבטליות). [Cmp.
corruptions of אַגְרוֹנִימוֹס.]

αὐτονομία (autonomia) - אוֹטוֹנוֹמְיָה, אַבְטוֹנוֹמְיָה

229, Klein 422
autonomy. FW [Gk. autonomia (= independence), from autonomos. See אוֹטוֹנוֹמִי.

αὐτόνομος (autonomos) - אוֹטוֹנוֹמִי, אַבְטוֹנוֹמִי

230, Klein 421
autonomous. FW [Formed with adj. suff. □ִי from Gk. autonomos (= living by one’s
own laws), which is compounded of auto- (see אֹוטֹו□) and nomos (= law). See ‘nomo-’
in my CEDEL.]

αὐτώ (auto) - אוֹטוֹ□, אַבְטוֹ□

231, Klein 410
(before a vowel אוֹט□, אַבְט□) FW auto-, resp. aut-. [Gk. auto-, resp. aut-, from
autos (= self, same), which is of uncertain origin.]

ἄφες - אָפֵס, , (אָפֶס)

232, Jastrow 2749
, v. פסס to cut off) 1)to be gone. —[As a noun: there is an end of …] B. Bath.
111a אפס (דברי) זכריה (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.) (the words of) Zachariah (to whom
you refer as an authority) are (is) gone, i.e. they are no authority.—2) homiletically
used as though a Greek word (ἄφες) let go, leave alone. Pesik. Vattomer p. 130a
(ref. to heäfes, Ps. LXXVII, 9) לשון יוני הוא כמד"א אָפֵיס it is a Greek word,
as if you were to say, afes (let alone); Lam. R. to I, 2 וכמד"א אמר אפס (strike
out ואמר, a. read אפיס); Ex. R. s. 45 לשון יוני אפס הניח in Greek aphes means,
(he) let go; Yalk. Ps. 816.—[Gen. R. s. 40 (ref. to efes Jud. IV, 9); omitted in
Yalk. Gen. 67,—an interpolation from passages quoted above.]

Ἀφρική - אַפְרִיקִי (אַפְרִיקָא),

233, Jastrow 2823
(Africa, Ἀφρική) Africa, esp. Northern A., the Africa Propria or Vera of the Romans.
Y. Shebi. III, 36c bot. the Girgashite הלך לו לא' emigrated to Africa (Carthage).
Ib. ‘a land like your own’ (II Kings XVIII, 32) זו א' that means A.; Lev. R. s.
17; Deut. R. s. 5.—Snh. 91a אפריקיא (corr. acc.). Tam. 32a sq. מדינת א'; (Lev.
R. s. 27; Pesik. Shor p. 74a קרטיגנא, v. חֹשֶׁךְ). Lam. R. to I, 5. דוכוס דאפריקא
Duke (military governor) of A. (Egypt &c.).—Denom. אַפְרְקִיִּים, ch. אַפְרִיקָאֵי
Africans (Negroes). Sabb. 31a.—Targ. II Chr. XXI, 16.

Ἀφροδίτη - אַפְרוֹדִיטֵי

234, Jastrow 2803
(Ἀφροδίτη) Aphrodite, a Greek goddess (Venus). Ab. Zar. III, 4 מרחץ של א' a bath
where A. has a statue. Ib. we do not say, the bath has been built נוי לא' וכ' as
an ornament of A., but we say, A. is an ornamental attachment to the bath. Y. Shebi.
VIII, end 38b מזלפין להדא א' squirting water (as a libation) to A.

Ἀφροδίτη (Aphrodite) - אַפְרוֹדִיטָה

235, Klein 1900
(אַפְרוֹדִיטֵי in PBH) Aphrodite (Greek mythology). FW [Gk. Aphrodite, prob. a popular
alteration of Aphthothe, Attorethe (a change due to the influence of Gk. aphros,
‘foam’, from Phoen. עשתרת, Heb. עַשְׁתֹּרֶת (= the goddess of love), which is related
to Akka. Ashtarte, Ishtar. See עַשְׁתֹּרֶת. The explanation of the name Aphrodite
by Hesiod as ‘(the goddess) born of the foam (of the sea)’ is folk etymology. For
the change of sh to ph cp. Heb. שׁוּם, Arab. thum, VArab. fūm (= garlic); Heb.
גָּדִישׁ, Arab. jadath, VArab. jadaf (= mound, tumulus); and the Russian proper
name Feodor, which derives from Gk. Theodoros (= Theodore). cp. אַסְטֵרוֹאִיד.

ἀφύη (aphye) - עַפְיָן

236, Klein 21668
name of a fish (usually identified with the anchovy). PBH [From Gk. aphye (= small
fry of various fishes), which is of unknown etymology.]

ἀχάτης - אֲכָאטֵיס

237, Jastrow 1665
(ἀχάτης) agate. Ex. R. s. 38, end (ed. אבאטיס corr. acc.).

ἀχάτης (achates) - אָכָטִיס, אָכָט

238, Klein 1081
agate. FW [From Gk. achates, which is of uncertain origin. The name of the river
Achates is in Sicily, as well as the name of the faithful friend of Aeneas, prob.
derived from Gk. achates.]

ἀχρώματος (achromatos) - אַכְרוֹמָטִי

239, Klein 1123
achromatic. FW [Gk. achromatos (= colorless), from privative pref. a- and chroma
(= surface of the body, skin, color of the skin, color), which is related to chroia
(of s.m.), chrozein (= to touch the surface of a body, to tinge, to color), from
IE base *ghrōu-, *ghrō- (= to rub, smear, tinge), which is related to base *gher-
(= to rub). See ‘chrism’ in my CEDEL. For the ending see suff. □ִי.]

ἀψίνθιον - אַפְסִינְתִּין

240, Jastrow 2760
(ἀψίνθιον) absynth, worm-wood. Ab. Zar. 30a מר א' the bitter wine is that of absynth
(absinthites); v. פסינטון.

ἀψίνθιον (apsintheon) - אַפְסִנְתִּין

241, Klein 1880
Artemisia absinthium (botany). PBH [Gk. apsintheon (= wormwood), for Old Pers. origin.

Βαβυλών - בַּבְלוֹן

242, Jastrow 3520
, pr. n. (Βαβυλών) Babylon. Cant. R. to I, 6 (a legend about the origin of Rome)
and they called it רומי ב' Rome-Babylon.

βάϊνον - *בָּאיָין, בַּיָּין

243, Jastrow 3480
(βάϊον-βάϊς, a Coptic word; denomin. βάϊνος; cmp. I Macc. XIII, 5 1)palm-leaf, palm-branch.
Lev. R. s. 30; Pesik. Ul’kaḥ. p. 180a באגין (read באינון βάϊνον); Tanḥ. Emor 18
אגין (corr. acc.; ed. Bub. 27 אגוז [!]); Yalk. Lev. 651.—Midr. Till. to Ps. XVII
ובא; Yalk. Ps. 670 בימין (corr. acc.); v. אַפּוֹפְסִין.

βάϊνος - *בָּאיָין, בַּיָּין

244, Jastrow 3480
(βάϊον-βάϊς, a Coptic word; denomin. βάϊνος; cmp. I Macc. XIII, 5 1)palm-leaf, palm-branch.
Lev. R. s. 30; Pesik. Ul’kaḥ. p. 180a באגין (read באינון βάϊνον); Tanḥ. Emor 18
אגין (corr. acc.; ed. Bub. 27 אגוז [!]); Yalk. Lev. 651.—Midr. Till. to Ps. XVII
ובא; Yalk. Ps. 670 בימין (corr. acc.); v. אַפּוֹפְסִין.

βάϊον-βάϊς - *בָּאיָין, בַּיָּין

245, Jastrow 3480
(βάϊον-βάϊς, a Coptic word; denomin. βάϊνος; cmp. I Macc. XIII, 5 1)palm-leaf, palm-branch.
Lev. R. s. 30; Pesik. Ul’kaḥ. p. 180a באגין (read באינון βάϊνον); Tanḥ. Emor 18
אגין (corr. acc.; ed. Bub. 27 אגוז [!]); Yalk. Lev. 651.—Midr. Till. to Ps. XVII
ובא; Yalk. Ps. 670 בימין (corr. acc.); v. אַפּוֹפְסִין.

βάκχαρις - *בּוּכַּרְיָא, בּוּכַּרְיָה, (בַּכַּרְיָא

246, Jastrow 3708
(m. pl.?) f. (baccar, baccaris; βάκχαρις = ἄσαρον; v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Asaron, Löw
Pfl. p. 370) baccar, an aromatic plant supposed to be hazelwort or spike-nard.
Shebi. VII, 2 (Ms. M. כובריא). Tosef. Kil. III, 12 בורכייר ed. Zuck. (oth. ed.
ברכוייר, ברכוייד).

βαλανεύς - בַּלָּן, בַּלָּנִי

247, Jastrow 4342
(βαλανεύς) bathing master, bathing attendant (who receives a small coin as fee,
cmp. אוֹלְיָיר). Shebi. VIII, 5; v. בַּיָּיר. Y. B. Bath. IV, 14c bot. מקום הב'
the bathing master’s station (the income therefrom); a. fr.—Pl. כַּלָּנִין. Sabb.
IV, 2 קורות הב' the beams whereon the bathing masters are stationed.

βαλανεύς (balaneus) - בַּלָּן

248, Klein 3046
bath attendant. PBH [Hebraization of Gk. balaneus (= bathman), from balaneion (=
bath), which is of uncertain origin. cp. בַּלְנָרִים.]

Βάλης - בָּאלִי

249, Jastrow 3492
Bali (Οὐάλης, Βάλης, Valens). Ber. 25b; Taan. 18a. Sabb. 17b; Ab. Zar. 36b. Cmp.

βαλιστάριος - (בליסטורי) בַּלִּיסְטָרִי

250, Jastrow 4328
(ballistarius, βαλιστάριος) attendant of the catapult, also archer. Ḥull. 60b או
ב' היה … was Moses a hunter or an archer (to have known the nature of animals so

βάλιστρα - (בליצטרא) בַּלִּיסְטְרָא

251, Jastrow 4327
(ballistra, βάλιστρα) catapult, a war engine for throwing stones, or (b. manualis)
for arrows. Lam. R. to II, 2 אבני ב' stones thrown from the catapult. Y. Sot.
VIII, 22b bot. ברד כנגד בליצטורא שלהן; (Mekh. Bshall. s. 2 בלסטראות, pl.; Yalk.
Ex. 232 בלסיטראות, read בליסט') the hail stones correspond to the catapults in
the warfare of men. Pesik. R. s. 17; Pesik. Vayhi p. 67a אבני בלסתרא (corr. acc.).
Pesik. R. s. 29—30 (p. 139b ed. Fr.) את האבן בליסטרה (read אבן הבל'). Lam. R. introd.
(R. Josh. 2) אבני בליסטרוס (read … רא); a. fr.—Pl. בַּלִּיסְטְרָאוֹת. Yalk. l.
c., v. supra. Tanḥ. Bo 4; Shof’tim 14. Mekh. l. c. Midr. Till. to Ps. XVIII.

βάλλειν (ballein) - בַּלִּיסְטִיקָה

252, Klein 3032
ballistics. FW [From Gk. ballein (= to throw), which stands in gradational relationship
to bole, bolos (= a throw), belos (= bolt; arrow, dart); lit.: ‘something thrown’),
from IE base *gwel–, whence also Old I. apa-gūrya (= swinging), Avestic ni-jrā’ire
(= they are being hurled down). cp. בַּלִּיסֽטִרָה. cp. also בַּל II, בַּלֶּרִינָה,
הִיפֶּרְבּוּלָה, טֻרֽבָּל, מֶטַבּוֹלִיזְם, סִימְבּוֹלִי, עִנְבָּל, פָּרַבּוֹלָה,
פּֽרוֹבְּלֶמָה, פְּרוֹזְבּוֹל.]

βάλσαμον - בַּלְסָם, בַּלְסְמוֹן

253, Jastrow 4351
(בסם, with inserted ל = ר; hence βάλσαμον which was readopted as בלסמון; cmp. בְּלוּזְמָא)
balsam, aromatic gum. Gen. R. s. 91 (interpr. צרי) בלסם קטף the gum of the balsam
tree.—Targ. Cant. VII, 14. Lev. R. s. 31; Cant. R. to I, 15; a. e. Cmp. פַּלְסְמוֹן
a. אַפַּרְסָמוֹן.

βάλσαμον (balsamon) - אֲפַרְסְמוֹן

254, Klein 1915
balsam tree; balm. [According to Löw a blend of Gk. balsamon (see בָּשָׂם) and Aram.
אֲפוּרְסְמָא Syr. אֲפוּרְסֶמָא (= balsam tree, balm), which is a loan word from
Armenian aprsam.]

βάλσαμον (balsamon) - בַּלְסָם, בַּלְסְמוֹן

255, Klein 3051
balsam. PBH [A loan word from Gk. balsamon (= balsam), which itself is a loan word
from Heb. בָּשָׂם (q.v.).]

βάλσαμον (balsamon) - בֹּֽשֶׂם, בָּשָׂם, בֶּֽשֶׂם

256, Klein 3516
1) balsam tree, Balsamodendron Opolbalsamum. 2) balsam oil. 3) scent, fragrance.
[From בשׂם. cp. JAram. בּוּשֽׂמָא, בּוּסְמָא, Syr. בֶּשְׂמָא, Arab. basham (= spice,
balsam, perfume). Gk. balsamon (= balsam) — whence L. balsamum — is a loan word
from Heb. בָּשָׂם. cp. בֹּסֶם. cp. also בַּלְסָם, בַּלֽסֽמוֹן and אֲפַרְסֽמוֹן.

βάρβαρος - בַּרְבַּרוֹן

257, Jastrow 4626
(βαρβάρων, gen. pl. of βάρβαρος) of the barbarians. Lam. R. introd. (R. Josh. 2)
נקיטא ב' (read ניקיטא, νικῆτα βαρβάρων) O conqueror of the Barbarians (Jews). Y.
B. Mets. II, 8c, v. בַּרְבְּרַי.

βάρβαρος - בַּרְבָּרִי, בַּרְבַּר

258, Jastrow 4627
(βάρβαρος, babbler, Curt. Griech. Etym. p. 290) 1)foreigner (in a contemptuous
sense), barbarian. Esth. R. to II, 21 הב' הזה this barbarian (Mordecai, contrad.
to Cœlesyrians as Greeks); Targ. Esth. ib. בכיין.—Pl. בַּרְבְּרִיִּים, בַּרְבָּרִים.
Ex. R. s. 20. Lev. R. s. 11; a. fr.—2)an inhabitant of Barbaria (v. בַּרְבַּרְיָא).
Gen. R. s. 60 beg. כושי אחד או ב' אחד a Cushite or a Barbar; Cant. R. to II, 8
(for כותי read: כושי). Y. Succ. V, 55b top, v. next w.

βάρβαρος (barbaros) - בַּרְבָּר

259, Klein 3347
barbarian. PBH [Gk. barbaros (= non-Greek, foreign, barbarous), from IE base *barb–
(= to stammer, stutter, unintelligible).]

βαρβάρων - בַּרְבַּרוֹן

260, Jastrow 4626
(βαρβάρων, gen. pl. of βάρβαρος) of the barbarians. Lam. R. introd. (R. Josh. 2)
נקיטא ב' (read ניקיטא, νικῆτα βαρβάρων) O conqueror of the Barbarians (Jews). Y.
B. Mets. II, 8c, v. בַּרְבְּרַי.

βαρύτονος (barytonos) - בָּרִיטוֹן

261, Klein 3447
baritone. FW [Gk. barytonos (= heavy-toned, low-toned), compounded of barys (= heavy),
and tonos (= tone). See בָּרוֹגְרָף and טוֹן.]

βασίλεια - בָּסִילְיוֹן

262, Jastrow 4443
1) ( m. (βασίλειον, τὸ) royal seat, palace. Y. Snh. II, 20c מלכא יתיב על ב' דידיה
וכ' (read בי ב') the King sits in his palace, and thou sayest thou art the King?—2)
(genit. of βασίλεια, τὰ) of the palace, or of the royal affairs. Gen. R. s. 93
פטרון ב' (πάτρων τῶν βασιλείων) superintendent of &c.

βασίλειον - בָּסִילְיוֹן

263, Jastrow 4443
1) ( m. (βασίλειον, τὸ) royal seat, palace. Y. Snh. II, 20c מלכא יתיב על ב' דידיה
וכ' (read בי ב') the King sits in his palace, and thou sayest thou art the King?—2)
(genit. of βασίλεια, τὰ) of the palace, or of the royal affairs. Gen. R. s. 93
פטרון ב' (πάτρων τῶν βασιλείων) superintendent of &c.

βασιλεύς - בָּסִילְיוֹס, בָּסִילְייוֹס

264, Jastrow 4444
(βασιλεύς) king. Y. Ber. IX, 12d bot.; Gen. R. s. 8 (corr. acc.).

βασιλεύς - בָּסִילֵיאוֹס

265, Jastrow 4442
(βασιλέως, Genit. of βασιλεύς); v. בָּסִילְיוֹס. Y. R. Hash. I, 57a bot., v. אַגְרָפוֹס

βασιλέως - בָּסִילֵיאוֹס

266, Jastrow 4442
(βασιλέως, Genit. of βασιλεύς); v. בָּסִילְיוֹס. Y. R. Hash. I, 57a bot., v. אַגְרָפוֹס

βασίλικα - פַּסְלְקָאוֹת

267, Jastrow 24096
(βασίλικα, sub. κάρυα, basilicæ, sub. nuces) basilicæ, the best kind of nuts. Tosef.
Dem. I, 9 [read:] האגוזין ודורמסקיות ופ' (Var. והפסדקאות; ופסליא ed. Zuck., Var.
ופסיליה, standing for βασιλεια, a dittography of our w.) nuts, plums, and walnuts

βασιλική - (בסלקי) בָּסִילְקִי

268, Jastrow 4445
(βασιλική, sub. στοά) basilica, a building with colonnades for holding courts, also
meeting place for merchants, exchange, forum. Yoma 25a כמין ב' גדולה was built
in the style of a large basilica (semicircular). Tosef. Succ. IV, 6 (describing
the Alexandrian Synagogue); Succ. 51b. Gen. R. s. 68 עולים לב' וכ' one goes up
to the basil. and finds the King holding court. Ex. R. s. 15; Tanḥ. Ḥaye 3 שמא
אצל ב' וכ' perhaps he wanted me to wait for him near the basilica (on the forum).
Esth. R. to I, 3. Toh. VI, 8; Tosef. ib. VII, 12; a. fr. [Y. B. Bath. IV, 14c bot.
בסלקי, v. כַּלְכּוֹס.]—Pl. בָּסִילְקָאוֹת. Ab. Zar. 16b שלש ב' הן וכ' there are
three kinds of basilicas, for Kings (holding court), for baths, and royal treasuries
(τὸ βασιλικόν, sub. ταμεῖον, S.). Tosef. Ohol. XVIII, 18 selling wheat בב' שלהן
in their (the gentiles’) exchanges. [Lev. R. s. 34 בסלקי, read בפִילָקִי.]

βασιλική (basilike) - בָּסִילִיקָה

269, Klein 3130
בָּסִילְקִי PBH basilica. FW, [Gk. basilike (lit.: ‘royal colonnade’), f. of basilikos
(= kingly, royal), from basileus (= king), which is of uncertain origin. It is
perhaps a loan word from a language of Asia Minor; cp. Lydian battos (= king).

βασιλικόν - (בסלקי) בָּסִילְקִי

270, Jastrow 4445
(βασιλική, sub. στοά) basilica, a building with colonnades for holding courts, also
meeting place for merchants, exchange, forum. Yoma 25a כמין ב' גדולה was built
in the style of a large basilica (semicircular). Tosef. Succ. IV, 6 (describing
the Alexandrian Synagogue); Succ. 51b. Gen. R. s. 68 עולים לב' וכ' one goes up
to the basil. and finds the King holding court. Ex. R. s. 15; Tanḥ. Ḥaye 3 שמא
אצל ב' וכ' perhaps he wanted me to wait for him near the basilica (on the forum).
Esth. R. to I, 3. Toh. VI, 8; Tosef. ib. VII, 12; a. fr. [Y. B. Bath. IV, 14c bot.
בסלקי, v. כַּלְכּוֹס.]—Pl. בָּסִילְקָאוֹת. Ab. Zar. 16b שלש ב' הן וכ' there are
three kinds of basilicas, for Kings (holding court), for baths, and royal treasuries
(τὸ βασιλικόν, sub. ταμεῖον, S.). Tosef. Ohol. XVIII, 18 selling wheat בב' שלהן
in their (the gentiles’) exchanges. [Lev. R. s. 34 בסלקי, read בפִילָקִי.]

βασιλικόν - שׁוֹשַׁנָּה

271, Jastrow 29824
(b. h.; = שנשנ', fr. שֵׁן, cmp. סַנְסַן)flower, esp. lily. Cant. R. to II, 2; Lev.
R. s. 23, v. וֶרֶד I. Cant. R. to II, 1, v. חֲבַצֶּלֶת. Ib. המשובח שבמינים כש'
… שׁוֹשַׁנַּת העמקים (the righteous are compared to) the most precious of the various
kinds (of flowers), to the lily, and to the finest of that species which is the
lily of the valley. Ib. שושנת ההר the mountain lily. Lev. R. s. 12, beg., a. e.
כש' אדומה like a red lily (euphem. for light menstruation). Kil. V, 8 שושנת המלך
the king’s lily (κρίνον βασιλικόν), white lily; Tosef. ib. III, 13. Y. Succ. III,
53d, v. כַּרְמֶל; a. fr.—Trnsf. knob of a nail. Num. R. s. 14, v. מִסְמָר; Pesik.
R. s. 3.—[Yalk. Lev. 459, v. שׁוֹשָׁטָה.]

βάσις (basis) - בָּסִיס

272, Klein 3134
basis, base, foundation. PBH [Gk. basis (= a stepping, step, pedestal, foot, base),
from the stem of baino (= I go), which prob. stands for banio, from bamio, from
IE base *gwem (= to go, to come). cp. בִּימָה, cp. also the second element in אַמְבָּט,
אַקְרוֹבָּט, דְּיוּבִיט, פְּרוּזְבּוּטֽיָא, אִינֽוֶנֽטָר, קוֹנְבֶנְצְיָה.]

βάτος - בָּאטָא, בָּטָא

273, Jastrow 3477
(βάτος) prickly roach, a forbidden fish. —Pl. בָּאטֵי, בָּטֵי. Ab. Zar. 39a דהוה
קרי ליה בא' ed. (Ar. בטי) that he (the Gentile) called the brine baté

βάτος (batos) - בַּת

274, Klein 3535
‘bath’ — a liquid measure equal to one אֵיפָה. [Together with JAramבַּתָּא, בִּתָּא
(of s.m.), of uncertain origin. cp. בַּת III. Gk. batos (= a liquid measure), is
a Heb. loan word.]

βενεφικάλιοι - בְּנִיפִיקָרִין

275, Jastrow 4415
(beneficiarii, βενεφικάλιοι) the commander’s attendants, orderlies. Sifrè Deut.
317 (בני פיקרין, בני פוקרים corr. acc.); Yalk. Deut. 944 אלו ב' שלהם those are
their (the Roman) beneficiarii.

βενεφίκιον - (בנפיקין) בְּנִיפִיקִין

276, Jastrow 4414
(beneficium, βενεφίκιον) favor, grant, esp. the rights of a privileged person concerning
the protection of his character. Tanḥ. Korah (ed. Bub.) addit. 2 (cmp. Tanḥ. ib.
8) משל לשושבינה של בת המלך שביקש בני פיקון מן המלך (corr. acc.) this is to be compared
to a sponsor of the King’s daughter who claimed satisfaction of the King on the
ground of his privileges. He said to the King אם אינך תובע ב' שלי if thou wilt
not stand up for my privileges &c.; Num. R. s. 18 בנפקין שלך (corr. acc.).

βερεδάριος - בַּלְדָּר, בּוּלְדָּר

277, Jastrow 4278
(veredarius, βερεδάριος, with change of liquida) courier. Y. Taan. IV, 68c bot.
ביום ולילה נפק בלדרה וכ' could the courier go in one day and night from Jerusalem
to Tyre? Gen. R. s. 10. Ib. s. 78; a. e.—Pl. בּוּלְּדָּרִין, בּוּלְדָּארִין. Esth.
R. to I, 8 הכתבים והב' (strike out either of the two, v. Pesik. Shek. p. 14a, Cant.
R. to III, 4). Ib. ושלח בולדארין והחזיר וכ' and sent couriers (after them) and
had the letters brought back.

βερηδάριος (beledarios) - בַּלְדָּר

278, Klein 2985
1) courier. 2) postman. NH [From Gk. beledarios [sic], L. veredārius (= courier,
postboy); of uncertain etymology. cp. דֹּאַר.] | **Editor's Note: Beledarios may
be a typo and should be beredarios. Jastrow and Klein's own etymology of this word
suggests this is a typo.

βέστια - *בֶּסְטְיָא

279, Jastrow 4437
(βέστια, pl. = vestes) garments. Num. R. s. 7 כלים וב'. [Prob. our w. was a gloss
to כלים.]

βεστιάριος - *בִּסְתַּיָּיר

280, Jastrow 4474
(read בִּסְטַ') m. (vestiarius, βεστιάριος S.) the keeper of the (royal) wardrobe.
Pesik. R. s. 10.

Βηθφαγῆ - פָּאגֵי פַּגֵּי בֵּית פ'

281, Jastrow 22765
Beth Pagé (Βηθφαγῆ), a fortified suburb of Jerusalem. Pes. 91a (Ms. M. 2 פגים,
v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 5). Ib. 63b (Ms. M. 2 פגים); Men. 78b. Sot. 45a; Snh.
14b בית פאגי (Ms. M. בית הפאגי).

βῆλον - וִילוֹן

282, Jastrow 8454
(velum, βῆλον) door-curtain, curtain. Targ. Y. Ex. XXXVI, 37.—Kel. XX, 6 ועשאו
ו' (Ar. בילן) and made of it a curtain (or sail); Tosef. ib. B. Mets. XI, 8. Bets.
14b bot. ו' טמא וכ' a door-curtain is subject to levitical uncleanness, because
&c. Sabb. 138a Erub. 102a. Gen. R. s. 52, beg. [read:] וּוִילון מונח ביניהם with
a curtain let down between them; ib. s. 74; Lev. R. s. 1; Yalk. Job 897. Esth.
R. to I, 6 נגללין כו' זה וכ' they were rolled up like the curtain before the ark
of the Law; a. fr.—Esp. Vilon (Curtain), the lowest of the seven heavens. Ḥag.
12b. Ber. 58b ו' הוא דמגלגל Ms. M. (ed. דמקרע דמגלגל, one of which is a gloss)
the Curtain is rolled up (torn apart).—Pl. וִילָאוֹת. B. Bath. IV, 6 (67b) את הו'
Mish. a. Ms. M. (Bab. ed. בלניות, Y. ed. בולניות) the curtains belonging to the
bath-house. Ib. 67b בית הו' the room in which the curtains are kept. Tosef. ib.
III, 1 [read:] לא את הו' ולא את המרחצאות (הויסלאות ולא את, Var. הוילסאות, being
a copyist’s corrupt tautography).—Chald. pl.: וֵילָתָא. Targ. Ps. CV, 39 (not וֵילְתָא).—וֵילָוָון.
Targ. Y. Ex. XXVII, 9 (ed. Amst. וִילַיָן; Y. II וָוִילְוָון, read: וִוילָוָון);
ib. XXXVIII, 9 וִילֵוֵּי (corr. acc.). Ib. 12; 14 וִילַוֵן (corr. acc.). Ib. 15
וִלַוַן.—וֵילָוָתָא, constr. וֵילָוַת. Ib. XXXV, 17 וָוִילְוַת (corr. acc.). Targ.
Y. Num. III, 26 וִלַוַות.

βῆμα (bema) - בִּימָה

283, Klein 2868
platform, pulpit, stage. PBH [A loan word from Gk. bema (= pace, step, platform,
stage), which derives from the stem of bainein (= to go), whence also basis (=
a stepping, pedestal). See בָּסִיס and cp. בִּימָר.]

βηρύλλιον - בֵּירוּלִין

284, Jastrow 4164
(βηρύλλιον) beryll, a precious stone. Targ. Job XXVIII, 16. Ib. 18 (some ed. בִּירוּצִין
q. v., Ms. Var. פִּירוּצִין). Targ. Y. II Ex. XXVIII, 19 בירזלין (corr. acc.).
V. בִּירְלָא.

βήρυλλος - בִּירְלָא, בּוּרְלָא

285, Jastrow 4185
(βήρυλλος) beryll, a precious stone, prob. the Chrysoberyll or yellow emerald (h.
שֹׁהַם). Targ. O. Ex. XXVIII, 9; 20; a. e.—Targ. Cant. V, 14 (some ed. בִּרְלָא).—Pl.
בּוּרְלִין. Targ. Esth. I, 4.—V. בֵּירוּלִין.—Targ. Y. Ex. XXXIX, 13 בּוּרְלַת
חַלָּא sand-colored beryll. Ib. (I) XXVIII, 20 ובירליות חלא, prob. to be read בירולין
דחלא; Ib. (II) בדולחא (corr. acc.). [Ex. R. s. 38, end פראלוקין, prob. a corrupt.
of our w., cmp. LXX].

βηρύττα - *בּוּרְטְיָא

286, Jastrow 3814
(a corrupt. of verutum, βηρύττα, S.) spit. Sabb. 146a למיברז … בב' to break open
a barrel (of dates) by jamming a spit between the splices (Ms. M. קורבוי', Alf.
ed. Cost. בּרְזִיתָא). Snh. 27b top קתא דב' the handle of a burtya.

βῆτα - בֵּיטָא,

287, Jastrow 4035
(βῆτα) Beta, second letter of the Greek Alphabet. Shek. III, 2. Y. ed. (Bab. בי"תא
corr. acc.).

Βῆτα (Beta) - בֵּיתָא

288, Klein 2916
beta, name of the second letter of the Greek alphabet. PBH [Aram., from Gk. Beta,
Heb.–Phoen. בַּיִת (= house). The final a was added because a Greek word cannot
end with a t.]

βία - בִּיָּא, בִּיָיא, בִּיָּה, (בִּיאָה) בִּיָיה

289, Jastrow 3994
(via, late Gr. βία) highway, road. [As regards the import, in the Roman government,
of the office of commissioner on highways, v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Via.] Y. Ḥag. II,
77c bot.; Midr. Till. to Ps. CXIV, beg.; Yalk. ib. 794; Gen. R. s. 12 (corr. vers.
by comparison) אין לך (מקום ומקום) מדינה ומדינה שאין (לו) לה (איש) אדם ממונה על
ב' שלו there is not a district (place) which has not an officer appointed over
its highways; v. אגדיקוס a. אנגיטוס. Ib. do not read בְּיָהּ שמוbut בִּיָיה שמו
(Y. l. c. כי יה corr. acc.) (the overseer of) via (the maintenance of the world’s
roads) in His name; cmp. מָקוֹם. [For βία force, v. בִּיָיא II.]

βία - בִּיָיא, בִּיָיה

290, Jastrow 4046
(βία) 1)force, act of violence, extortion, wrong. Gen. R. s. 93 (play on bi, Gen.
XLIV, 18) ב' אתה מעביר עלינו thou passest violence over us (thou treatest us unjustly).
Ex. R. s. 20 שמא … ב' וכ' do I ever wrong any creature? Deut. R. s. 2 (play on
בבאה Ez. VIII, 5) הא ב' רבא לעלמא וכ' Oh, this great wrong in this world, v. infra.
*Y. Ned. III, 38a כן … כורוסתי בייה that is the way one says to his neighbor (read
כריזסתי χαρίζεσθαι βίᾳ) to do a favor perforce (ref. to an invitation accompanied
with a vow in case of refusal).—2) interj. (= h. וי) woe! help! Yoma 69b ב' ב'
וכ' woe, woe, it is this (the tempter) that destroyed the Temple &c. Yeb. 97b ב'
ב' מאה וכ' woe, woe over the brother who is &c. Lev. R. s. 17, end (play on בבאה,
v. supra) ב' ב' תותבא וכ' woe, woe, that the stranger dislodges the owner (idolatry
in the Temple).

βίαιον - *, *פְּרוֹזְבִּיֹּון

291, Jastrow 24412
(corr. פְּרֹוזְבִּיָּין) adv. (πρὸς βίαν, or βίαιον) by force, against one’s will.
Cant. R. to I, 2 חֵּעָשֶׂה את פ' שליח וכ' thou must be the messenger (to go) between
us and the Lord (ref. to Ex. XX, 19).

βιβάριον - בִּיבָר

292, Jastrow 4005
(vivarium, βιβάριον) vivarium, an enclosure in which live game, fish &c. (also wild
beasts) are kept. Snh. 39a לשדיוה לב' must be thrown into the vivarium. Ib. שדיוה
וכ' they threw him &c. but they (the beasts) did not eat him. Bets. 24a; a. fr.—Pl.
בִּיבָרִים, בִּיבָרִין. Ib. III, 1; a. fr. v. בִּיבָרְיָא.

βιβάριον (bibarion) - בֵּיבָר

293, Klein 2832
zoological garden. PBH [Gk. bibarion, identical with L. vīvārīum (= a place where
living animals are kept), properly, neuter of the adj. vivarius (= pertaining to
living creatures), used as a noun, from vīvere (= to live).]

βιβλιογραφία (bibliographia) - בִּיבְּלִיּוֹגְרַפְיָה

294, Klein 2830
bibliography. FW [Gk. bibliographia (= writing of books), compounded of biblion
and graphia; see בִּיבְּלִיּוֹגֽרָף and □גְרַפְיָה.]

βιβλιογράφος (bibliographos) - בִּיבְּלִיּוֹגְרָף

295, Klein 2828
bibliographer. FW [Gk. bibliographos (= writer of books, transcriber, copyist),
compounded of biblion (= little book), dimin. of biblos (= book;), and graphos
(see □גֽרָף).]

Βιθυνία - וְתִינְיָא, וְתוּ'

296, Jastrow 8519
(Βιθυνία) Bithynia, a province in the N. W. of Asia Minor. Targ. Y. Gen. X, 2 וְיַתִינְ',
וְיָתֶינְ' (read: וּוִית'; h. text תבל); Targ. I Chr. I, 5 (corr. acc.).—Gen. R.
s. 37, beg. (misplaced, v. אוסיא); Y. Meg. I, 71b bot. (Yoma 10a בית אונייקי).

Βιθυνιακή - וְתִינְיָיקִי, וְתוּ'

297, Jastrow 8520
(preced. Βιθυνιακή) Bithynian. Y. Ab. Zar. II, end, 42a גבינה וו', v. אוּנְיָיקִי.
Ab. Zar. II, 5 Y. ed. ותיר' (corr. acc.).

βίκιον - בִּיקְיָא

298, Jastrow 4152
(vicia, βίκιον) vetch. Y. Maasr. V, end, 52a. Tosef. ib. III, end בִּקְיָא. Y.
Ḥall. IV, 60b בִּקְיָיה.

βικίον (bikion) - בִּקְיָא, בַּקְיָא, בִּקְיָה, בַּקְיָה

299, Klein 3285
vetch. PBH [Gk. bikion, from L. vicia (= vetch), which prob. derives from IE *wei-q-,
enlargement of base *wei– (= to bend, to twist), whence L. viere (= to bend, to
twist), vītio (= vine). See ‘withy’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘vetch’ ibid.]

βίκος - בּוּקָא

300, Jastrow 3778
(cmp. אָבִיק, b. h. בַּקְבּוּק for which LXX, βύκος, βίκος; cmp. בועא, בוצין) 1)an
earthen vessel, pitcher. —Pl. בּוּקֵי. Ab. Zar. 37b, a. e. לא תתלו ביה ב' וכ' hang
not empty pitchers on R. N., i.e. do not pronounce him the author of such an absurdity;
a. fr.—2) (fr. its shape) hind leg, thigh. Ḥull. 42b; 54ab; v. אַטְמָא. [Ar. s.
v. פטם quotes בוכנא.]

βινδίκτα - *אנדכתרי, אנדוכתרי, אונדכתרי

301, Jastrow 2118
, a corruption of אוּנְדִּיקְטָא or אֲוִינְדִּיקְטָא f. (vindicta, Gr. form βινδίκτα,
οὐινδίκτα) manumission of a slave by declaration before court (v. Sm. Ant. s. vv.
Manumissio and Pileus). Gitt. 20a but does not go free בכתב שע"ג כיפה וא' (ought
to have read בכיפה וא', v. infra) by referring to his wearing a freedman’s cap
or to a vindicta; Y. ib. IV, 45d בכפה והרנירק טיאניס (read ובוינדיקטא); Treat.
Abadim ch. III (ed. Kirchh.) יוצא באנטוקטא (corr. acc.). [Commentators to Gitt.
l. c., misled by בכתב שע"ג וכ', guess at embroideries &c. V. Révue des Etudes Juives
1883, Nr. 13, p. 150.]

βιογραφία (biographia) - בִּיּוֹגְרַפְיָה

302, Klein 2841
biography. FW [Late Gk. biographia (= description of life), from Gk. bios (= life)
and – graphia, from graphein (= to write). See בִּיּוֹגֽרָף and □יָה.]

βίος (bios) - בִּיּוֹגְרַפְיָה

303, Klein 2841
biography. FW [Late Gk. biographia (= description of life), from Gk. bios (= life)
and – graphia, from graphein (= to write). See בִּיּוֹגֽרָף and □יָה.]

βίῤῥια - בִּירְיָא,

304, Jastrow 4172
(βίῤῥια, pl. of βίῤῥιον) birrus, a kind of cloak, v. בִּרְסִין. Y. Kil. IX, 32d
top quoted in R. S. to Kil. IX, 7 (ed. בריה, corr. acc.).

βίῤῥιον - בִּירְיָא,

305, Jastrow 4172
(βίῤῥια, pl. of βίῤῥιον) birrus, a kind of cloak, v. בִּרְסִין. Y. Kil. IX, 32d
top quoted in R. S. to Kil. IX, 7 (ed. בריה, corr. acc.).

βίρρος - בִּירוֹס

306, Jastrow 4165
(birrus, βίρρος) birrus, a travelling cloak, v. בִּרְסִין. Tosef. Meg. IV (III),
30 כידום, כידוס (corr. acc.).

βίῤῥος - בִּרְסִין (בִּרְסִים)

307, Jastrow 4763
(birrus, βίῤῥος, v. בִּירוֹס; formed with a geographical termination, cmp. בִּרְדְּסִין)
birrus, a cloak of thick woolen material. Kil. IX, 7 (Ms. M. a. Ar. בד'); Y. ib.
32d top בּוּרְסִין; expl. בריה, v. בִּירְיָא II. Sifré Deut. 234 סדסים read as
Yalk. ib. 933 בורס'.

βίρρος (birros) - בֵּרָס

308, Klein 3471
a heavy woolen blanket. PBH [Gk. birros (= large cloak with a hood), from L. birrus,
which is of Celtic origin. cp. בֶּרֶט.]

βίῳ (bio) - בִּיּוֹ□

309, Klein 2836
bio–. FW [Combining form meaning ‘life’. From Gk. bio-, from bios (= life), from
IE *gwiwos.]

βλασφημία - בְּלַסְפֵימְיָא

310, Jastrow 4352
(βλασφημία) blasphemy. Y’lamd. to Num. XXVIII, quot. (בליספ') in Ar.—Tanḥ. ed.
Bub. Tol’doth 21 בלסימיה (corr. acc.).

Βοηθός - בַּיְתוֹס, בַּיְיתוֹס

311, Jastrow 4215
(Βοηθός) Boëthus; 1) the founder of a sect similar to that of the Sadducees, named
בַּיְיתוֹסִין Boëthusians. . Ab. d’R. Nath. ch. V.—2) father of one Martha or
Miriam, a rich woman in the days of the siege of Jerusalem by Titus. Gitt. 56a.
Lam. R. to I, 16 מרים; Y. Keth. V, 30b bot. מרתא.—3) B. ben Zonin. Y. B. Mets.
V, 10b top; a. fr.—4) R. B.—Y. Erub. VI, 23c bot.

Βοηθός (boethos) - בַּיְתּוֹסִי

312, Klein 2917
Boethusian, member of a Jewish sect related to the Sadducees. PBH [Lit.: follower
of בַּיֽתּוֹס (= Boethus), from Gk. boethos, name of a priest whose son was made
high priest by Herod the Great.]

βολβός - בּוּלְבּוֹס

313, Jastrow 3714
(βολβός, bulbus) in gen. bulbous root, esp. bulbus, a delicious kind of onion, or
musk-hyacinth. —Pl. (בולפ') בּוּלְבְּסִין. Y. Dem. II, 22c bot. (ed. כולכסין, corr.
acc.). Ukts. III, 2 בולבסין Var. in Ar. s. v. בלפסין (ed. בלוסין, כלוסין; Maim:
ענב אלדיב = Solanum nigrum, v. Löw Pfl. p. 296 a. 393). [Gen. R. s. 41 בולבוס some
ed., read: בולמוס.]

βολβός (bolbos) - בֻּלְבּוּס, בּוּלְבּוּס

314, Klein 2975
1) a kind of onion. 2) bulb, tuber. NH 3) potato. NH [Gk. bolbos (= bulb, bulbous,
root, onion), from the reduplication of the IE imitative base *bol-. See ‘bulb’
in my CEDEL.]

Βόρσιππα - (בּוֹלְסִיף) בּוֹרְסִיף

315, Jastrow 3843
(Βόρσιππα) Borsif, a city near the site of Babylon, frequently identified with Babel.
Snh. 109a (phonetic etymol.) בור שפת Ar. (ed. שאפי, Var. שפיא; Yalk. Gen. 62 שפוי,
Var. ספר, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 5, a. Schr. KAT. p. 124; p. 278 sq.) an empty
pit. Sabb. 36a. Gen. R. s. 38 (calling it Bolsif, by play on ב̇ל̇ל ש̇פ̇ת, Gen.
XI, 9). Ab. Zar. 11b בית נכו בכורסי ed. (Ms. M. בית נבו שבבורסין, corr. acc.) the
temple of Nebo in Bors. (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note). Kidd. 72a פרת דבורסי the Euphrates
land near B.—Yoma 10a כלח זו פרת דבורסיף.

βουκκίων - בּוּקְיוֹן

316, Jastrow 3780
(βουκκίων, bucco; v. Sachs Beitr. II, 121; Sm. Ant. s. v. Atellanæ Fabulæ) bucco,
the clown in the Atellanæ Fabulæ of the Romans. Ab. Zar. 18b; Tosef. ib. II, 6
ב' ומוקיון; Y. ib. I, 40a מוקיון מופיון (corr. acc.) Bucco and Macchus.

βουλευτής - בּוּלְבּוּטֵיס, בּוּלְבּוּטֵס

317, Jastrow 3713
(corrupt. of βουλευτής) senator. Y. Taan. IV, 69a ארכינטס וב' (corr. acc.) archont
or senator; v. בּוּלֶבְטֵס.—Pl. בּוּלְבּוּטֵי. Gitt. 36b sq. (explain. פרוסבול)
פרוס בולי ובוטי (prob. a Babyl. corruption of בולי בולבוטי πρὸς βουλῇ βουλευτῶν)
before the council of senators. Ib. 37a (as if two words) בולי ובו' וכ' bulé are
the rich, bute (as if fr. בטט, play on עבט) the poor (broken ones).

βουλευτής - בּוּלֶבְטֵס, בּוּלֶוְוטֵס, בּוּלֶיוְטֵיס

318, Jastrow 3715
(incorr. … טוס) m. (βουλευτής, v. בולבוטס) senator, councilman. Gen. R. s. 76 this
one is rich נעבדיניה בל' (Yalk. Dan. 1064 בולטוס, corr. acc.) let us make him a
senator (to ruin him, v. ארכונטוס). Koh. R. beg. בלווטוס (corr. acc.); Cant. R.
beg. בוליוטוס.—Sifré Deut. 309 בליוסטוס, בלאיוסטוס; Yalk. ib. 942 בליוסטוס, corr.
acc.—Pl. בּוּלֶוְוטִין, בּוּלֶבְטֵי, טַיָּיא …, טַיָּיה … Y. Ḥag. II, 77d bot.
Lam. R. to II, 2. Ibid, לאיבדא (לע') בוליוטין, read לאיעבדא בוליוטיס; v. אַרְכוֹנְטוֹס.
Y. Peah I, 16a בולווטיה דציפורין the council of Sepphoris. Lev. R. s. 11 אלו הבוליותוס
(read … טין). Y. Sabb. XII, 13c bot.; Y. Hor. III, end, 48c בולווטייא family heads
entitled to seats in the Bulé of Sepphoris.

βουλή - בּוּלִי,

319, Jastrow 3722
(βουλή) council, assembly, esp. senate, city council. Y. Peah I, 15c top בפני כל
ב' שלו in the presence of the whole council over which he presided; Y. Kidd. I,
61b top. Ib. פטר ב', v. פַּטְרוֹבּוּלֹוס. Y. Yoma I, 39a top כולי (corr. acc.).
Y. M. Kat. II, 81b אם הזכירוך לב' וכ' if they have mentioned (nominated) thee for
the bulé, let the Jordan be thy neighbor, i.e. hide thyself in the bushes near
the Jordan. Ib. להפטר מב' to be exempt from serving in the bulé; Y. Snh. VIII,
26b top. Gen. R. s. 6 ב' ודימוס senate and people (senatus populusque). Ex. R.
s. 15 וכן דימוס וכן כולם (read בולי) and so did the people and so the senate. Gitt.
37a, v. בּוּלְבּוּטֵס.—Pl. בּוֹלִייּוֹת, בּוֹלָאוֹת. Y. Ned. III, 38a top; Y. Shebu.
III, 34d bot. כ"ד ב' twenty four city councils, i.e. cities or districts having
their own councilmen; [Tanḥ. Vayikra 7; Matt. 1 ב' אלפים עיירות]; Pesik. R. s.
22 אלות (read בולאות). Gitt. 37a

βούλιμος - בּוּלְמוֹס

320, Jastrow 3726
(βούλιμος, bulimus) ravenous hunger, bulimy, esp. faintness from fasting. Yoma
VIII, 6 (83a). Koh. R. to VII, 11 (some ed. incorr. … ות); a. fr.—Trnsf. ב' של
עריות morbid carnal appetite, sexual passion. Gen. R. s. 51; s. 41; a. e.

βούλιμος (boulimos) - בֻּלְמוּס, בּוּלְמוּס

321, Klein 3044
ravenous hunger, bulimia. PBH [Gk. boulimos (lit.: ‘ox hunger’), from bous (= ox),
and limos (= hunger), for whose etymology see my CEDEL s.v. ‘bulimia’.]

βουρδουλίζειν - בּוּרְדְּלָא, בַּרְדִּילָא

322, Jastrow 3806
(a corrupt. of flagellum, cmp. פַּרְגַּל; late Lat. burdillus; cmp. late Greek βουρδουλίζειν,
Sachs Beitr. II, 88 note) club, whip. —Pl. בּוּרְדְּלִיןblows, lashes. Pesik. B’shall.
p. 81b; Yalk. Ex. 225 בורלודין (corr. acc.; Mekh. B’shall. 1 מכות).—בַּרְדִּילַיָּא.
Num. R. s. 13 חמית שוטיא וב' she beheld the rods and whips.

βράκαι (brakai) - אַבְרָקַיִם

323, Klein 164
dual PBH breeches. [Formed with prosthetic אַ□ II from Gk. brakai, from L. brācae
(= breeches), which is a Gaulish word borrowed from Teutonic. cp. Old Eng. brēc
(= breeches), and see ‘breeches’ in my CEDEL.]

Βρεντέσιον - בַּלְדַּרְסִין

324, Jastrow 4279
(a corrupt. of Brundisii, Βρεντέσιον) Brundisium, a port in Calabria, Italy. Erub.
IV, 1 (41a); 43a Ms. M. (ed. פלנדרסין, Var. פלנדסין, פרנדסין, פלנדיסין, פרדיסין;
v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. notes). Cmp. בַּרְדְּסִין.

βρέχω - *בריכסון

325, Jastrow 4726
, read בְּרִיכְסִין (= ἔβρεξεν fr. βρέχω; ἐ rejected) it rained. Y. Shebu. III,
34d bot. if seeing that it has rained, one says קורי פלי ב', (κύριε πολὺ ἔβρεξεν)
‘By God, it has rained much’—this is a vain oath; Y. Ned. III, 38a top בלי קורי
בריקשון (corr. acc.); Pesik. R. s. 22 כלי קרי אברוכסים (corr. acc., read איבריכסין

βυκάνη - בוקינוס בּוּקִינוֹת בּוּקִינָס)

326, Jastrow 3781
(bucina, βυκάνη) bucinæ, horns used in the Roman camps to proclaim the watches of
the day and the night. Cant. R. to I, 12 he appointed over them (read:) קלאנין
בב' ושופר (v. Yalk. Cant. 983) criers with bucinæ and Shofar. Lev. R. s. 29; Pesik.
Baḥod. p. 152a; Yalk. Lev. 645; Num. 782; Ps. 840 (corr. acc.). [Midr. Till. to
Ps. LXXXI, 4 ספק ידים, read קרנות ב' וסלפינגין.]

βύκος - בּוּקָא

327, Jastrow 3778
(cmp. אָבִיק, b. h. בַּקְבּוּק for which LXX, βύκος, βίκος; cmp. בועא, בוצין) 1)an
earthen vessel, pitcher. —Pl. בּוּקֵי. Ab. Zar. 37b, a. e. לא תתלו ביה ב' וכ' hang
not empty pitchers on R. N., i.e. do not pronounce him the author of such an absurdity;
a. fr.—2) (fr. its shape) hind leg, thigh. Ḥull. 42b; 54ab; v. אַטְמָא. [Ar. s.
v. פטם quotes בוכנא.]

βυρσεῖον - *בּוּרְסִיוֹן

328, Jastrow 3841
(βυρσεῖον) tannery. Y. Sabb. V, 7b bot. עור מכורסינין (corr. acc.) hide from the

βυρσεύς - בּוּרְסִי, (ברסי)

329, Jastrow 3839
(βυρσεύς) tanner. Kidd. 82a (Ar. ברסי, ed. בורסקי q. v.) read: הגרע והבלן והב'
אין וכ' (v. Tosef. ib. V, 14; Kes. Mish. to Maim. M’lachim I, 6). Keth. 77a ב'
גדול a tanner on a large scale, ב' קטון on a small scale (who collects the excrements
himself). Tosef. Kidd. II, 2; 4 בורסקי ed. Zuck. (Var. בורסי). Pes. 65a; Kidd.
82b; a. fr.—Pl. בּוּרְסִיִּים. Succ. 51b Ms. M. (ed. טַרְסִיִּים).

βυρσεύς (byrseus) - בֻּרְסִי

330, Klein 3475
tanner. PBH [Gk. byrseus, from byrsa (= hide, leather), which is of uncertain origin.

βυρσική - בּוּרְסְקִי

331, Jastrow 3844
(βυρσική sub. τέχνη) 1)the tanning process, tannery, [fr. (= בעל ב') the tanner;
v. בּוּרְסִי]. Sabb. I, 2 ולא לב' nor must one enter the tannery (to look after
the process, shortly before Sabbath). Ib. 9b התחלת כ' the beginning of the tanner’s
work. Ib. ב' גדולה a tannery on a large scale; v. בּוּרְסִי. B. Bath. 21b ולא ב'
nor to put up a tanner’s workshop; a. fr.—2)Bursiké, a suburb of Tiberias. Cant.
R. to I, 4.

βυρσικός (byrsikos) - בֻּרְסְקִי

332, Klein 3478
1) tannery. PBH 2) tanner. PBH [In sense 1 from Gk. byrsikos (= tanner), from byrsa
(= hide, leather), in sense 2 from byrsike (= tannery), from byrsa. See בֻּרְסִי.

βύρσινος (bursinon) - אַבַּרְזִין

333, Klein 159
1) a cover of skin. 2) tarpaulin. NH PBH [Prob. from Avestic barezis (= cover).
Some scholars derive אַבַּרֽזִין from Gk. bursinon (= leathern cover), from bursa
(= hide, leather), which is of uncertain origin. cp. ‘burse’ in my CEDEL.]

βῶλος (bulos) - בּוּל

334, Klein 2621
block, lump. [Akka. bulu (= a block of dry wood), Gk. bulos (= a lump of earth).

βωμός - בִּימוּס, בִּימָס

335, Jastrow 4087
(an adaptation of βωμός, treated in inflection as a cacophemism = בי מיאוס, v. Tosef.
Ab. Zar. V, 6, quot. bel., cmp. איצטריא; Syr. בומסא, Ch. בַּמְסָא, בִּימְסָא,
בָּמֹוסָא) pedestal of idolatrous statuary. Ab. Zar. III, 7 a stone originally
hewn לב' for an idol’s pedestal. Tosef. ib. V (VI), 8 ב' שנפגם a broken bomos,
(contrad. to מזבח); Bab. ib. 53b bot. ב' אבן וכ' a bomos is made of one stone,
an altar of several. Tosef. ib. VI, 10; a. fr.—[Y. B. Mets. X, end, 12c העלה על
גבי ב', read דִּימֹוס.]—Pl. בִּימוּסָאֹות, בִּימוּסְיָאֹות, בִּימֹוסִיֹּות, בִּימְס'.
Ab. Zar. IV, 6 (53b) ב' של מלכים (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l., Mish. N. בומסיות) pedestals
temporarily put up for the reception of princes (governors). Ib. 54a בימסיאות בשעת
השמד Ms. M. (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) idolatrous pedestals (or altars) erected
during (the Hadrianic) persecution, אע"פ שהשמד בטל אותן הב' לא ביטלו although the
persecution has been repealed, they (the Romans) have not cancelled these altars;
v. בָּטֵל Pi.—Gen. R. s. 53, a. e. (some ed. בִּימָסֹות) altars. Tosef. Ab. Zar.
V (VI), 6 בֵּי מוּסְיָיאֹות ed. Zuck. (Var. בימסיות). [Ab. Zar. I, 7 (16a) בימוסיאות,
בימסיות, read with Ms. M. a. Ar. דִּימֹוסְיָאֹות.]

Γ - גַּם, (גמא) גַּאַם

336, Jastrow 5850
(preced.) joint, angle, esp. two sides of a rectangle. Erub. 55a כמין גם Ar. (ed.
גאם) in the shape of a right angle. Zeb. 53b גמא (Yalk. Lev. 441 גאם). Pes. 8b
שורה אחת כמין ג' one row of wine vessels, in the shape of &c., i.e. the front and
the whole upper layer. Y. ib. I, 27b bot. קולפו כמין גם.—Kel. XIV, 8 (מפתח) של
גם שנשבר מתוך גומו a key whose bit is joined (opp. to של ארכובה of one piece) broken
at its junction. [Sabb. 105a על הגם Ar., ed. על הגַּס, q. v.]—Pl. גַּמִּים, גַּמִּין.
Y. Pes. l. c. קולפו כמין שני ג' he takes off for examination two front and two
upper layers, v. supra. Ib. if the vessels are arranged like steps קולפו ג' ג'
he must examine by front and upper layers on each landing. B. Mets. 28a מדת גַּמָּיו
the combined measure of both dimensions of a piece of goods, square measure, opp.
מדת ארכו ומדת רחבו the measure of each dimension specified.—Sabb. 103b גַּמִּין,
v. גי"מל.—[Commentators explain our w. = Greek Gamma, Γ, whence the Var. גַּמָּא.

Γ - גַּמָּא

337, Jastrow 5851
(Γάμμα) 1)Gamma, the third letter of the Greek alphabet. Shek. III, 2 אלפא ביתא
ג' Ms. O. (ed. גמלא).—2)the shape of a Gamma, Γ, v. preced.

γάζα - גִּזָּא גַּזָּא

338, Jastrow 5372
(= גנזא; גנז; fr. which γάζα) treasure, collection. בי ג'־ treasury. Sabb. 63a
ומשתכחא בי ג' וכ' Ms. M. a. Ar. (ed. בְּגַזָּאֵי) it is found in the treasury (among
the collections) of queen &c. Yoma 51a בי ג' דאהרן Aaron’s (the Highpriest’s) fund.
Hor. 9a דיליך או דג' (Ms. M. דידיך דג', insert או, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) from
thy (the Highpriest’s) private money or from the fund?—Meïl. 17b עולו לבי ג' Ar.
(ed. עיילינהו לגניזה) go ye into the treasury (he took them to &c.). Ḥull. 139a
wherever the vowed sacrifice stands, בבי ג' דרחמנא וכ' it is in the Lord’s treasury
(it is to be considered as if its delivery had taken place).—[גִּזָּא Ber. 40ab
Ar., v. גַּוָּוזָא I.]

Γαλαξίας (Galaxias) - גָּלַקְסְיָה

339, Klein 4217
the ‘Milky Way’, galaxy. FW [Gk. Galaxias (= the Milky Way; lit.: ‘the Milky Circle’),
from gala (= milk).]

γαλῆ - גַּלְאַקְסִינוֹן

340, Jastrow 5710
(ed. גלא ק') (γαλῆ Ἀξεινῶν) [fur of] the weasel imported by the Axeinoi (living
around the Pontus Axenus or Euxenus); ermine (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Pellis). Gen.
R. s. 20, end (גלא) גלי ק'. Y. Sabb. II, 4d bot. (rendition of תַּחַשׁ) גלקטינון;
Koh. R. to I, 9 גלטינון (corr. acc.). Ib. והכלב גלבטינון (read גלכסינון) and the
dog shall wear ermine fur.

γαλήνη - גַּלֵּינֵי

341, Jastrow 5809
(γαλήνη) calm, stillness of wind and wave. Y. Yeb. XV, 15d top אם (היה) הים ג'
וכ' if there was a calm sea, and you looked around and there was none &c.; Y. Erub.
IV, 21d bot. גלנו ed. Krot. (corr. acc.).

γαλήνη (galene) - גָּלֵינֵי

342, Klein 4183
calmness. PBH [From Gk. galene (= calmness of the sea).]

γαμικά - גַּמִּיקִין

343, Jastrow 5889
(γαμικά, τὰ) marriage, nuptial feast (the guests of which are the witnesses of the
marriage; v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Marriage);wedding contract. Pesik. Haḥod. p. 52b;
Yalk. Ex. 190 a king married many wives ולא כתב להם לא ג' ולא איפטיא but did not
order in their behalf a record of the nuptial act or of the date of marriage וכיון
שנשא … וכתב לה ג' וכ' but when he married a woman of noble descent, he had her
marriage recorded as we read (Esth. II, 16) &c., v. אִיפַּטְיָא; Pesik. R. s. 15
כתובת גהיקן (read גמ'). Ex. R. s. 32 שאין ביניהם גמיסקין for there is between them
no wedding feast to testify to their alliance. Ib. s. 47 כתב לה גמיסקוס משלו he
had a marriage contract written at his own expense; עֲשֵׂה לה ג' ולואי וכ' prepare
thou the certificate, and would I could prevail upon myself to lend my signature
to it! [Var. in ed. a. Ar. גמיקן, גמיקון, גמיסקין, גמיסקוס, v. Ar. ed. Koh. s.
v. גמס, note.—The nouns γαμισκος, γαμισκα, as if from γαμίσκω, are not otherwise
recorded in the Greek vocabulary, and seem to be cacophemistic perversions; cmp.

Γάμμα - גַּמָּא

344, Jastrow 5851
(Γάμμα) 1)Gamma, the third letter of the Greek alphabet. Shek. III, 2 אלפא ביתא
ג' Ms. O. (ed. גמלא).—2)the shape of a Gamma, Γ, v. preced.

γάμμα (gamma) - גַּם, גַּמָּא

345, Klein 4227
. 1) gamma. 2) ‘gimel’. PBH [Gk. gamma, from Heb.–Phoen. גִּימֶל. See גִּימֶל and
cp. Heb. גָּמָל, Aram. גַּמֽלָא (= camel).]

γάμος - *גְּמוּמָסִית, גּוּמָּסִית

346, Jastrow 5866
(גמס, to couple; cmp. גמז) coupling song, a sarcastic adaptation of γάμος, to deride
the hymenean songs in their licentious application to sodomy and to copulation
of animals (cmp. אִיפּוֹתּוֹרוֹס). —Pl. גְּמוּמָסִיֹּות, גּוּמָּסִיֹּות (Ar. ed.
Koh. גַּמְסָסִיֹּות). Gen. R. s. 26 the generation of the flood were not doomed
to destruction עד שכתבו ג' לזכר ולבהמה until they composed hymenean songs for sodomy
&c.; Tanḥ., ed. Bub., B’resh. 22 גמיקיסום; 33 קמיסמסין, Var. קמיסקסין, Y’lamd.
quot. in Ar. גמיסיקין—(perversions arisen from confounding our w. with גַּמִּיקִין
q. v.); Yalk. Gen. 43 גממטיות (corr. acc.).; Lev. R. s. 23 גומסיות לזכר ולנקבה
(corr. acc.).

γαρασδοειδής - *גַּיְידּוֹר

347, Jastrow 5559
(γαΰδαρος, Sachs Beitr. I, 155; mod. Greek γάδαρος; prob. an adaptation of עָרוֹד,
v. S. s. v. γαρασδοειδής) a small ass. Y. B. Mets. VI, 11a. Cmp. גִּירְדּוֹנָא

γαΰδαρος - *גַּיְידּוֹר

348, Jastrow 5559
(γαΰδαρος, Sachs Beitr. I, 155; mod. Greek γάδαρος; prob. an adaptation of עָרוֹד,
v. S. s. v. γαρασδοειδής) a small ass. Y. B. Mets. VI, 11a. Cmp. גִּירְדּוֹנָא

γέεννα (geeina) - גֵּיהִנּוֹם, גֵּיהִנָּם

349, Klein 4030
hell. [ig.[[illegible]] spelt גֵּי־הִנּוֹם and meaning ‘the valley of Hinnom’, shortened
from גֵּי בֶן־הִנּוֹם (= the valley of the son of Hinnom), a valley south-west
and south of the old city of Jerusalem where children were sacrificed to Moloch;
see גַּי. Arab. jahannam (= hell) is borrowed from גֵּיהִנָּם. Gk. geeina is also
a Heb. loan word.]

γελοιαστήρ - *, *קְלוּסַנְטְרִין קְלוּסַנְתְּרִ'

350, Jastrow 27081
(a corrupt. of γελοιαστήρ = γελοιαστής) jesters, buffoons, king’s fools (v. קְלַסְתָּא).
Targ. Esth. II, 21 תרין ק' two merry-makers, opp. בַּכְיָן; Yalk. Esth. 1053 (in
Hebr. dict.) קלוסנט' (some ed. קְלוֹסְטְרִין, קְלִיסְטְ'), opp. בַּרְבָּרִי (v.,
however, קְלַסְרִיקִין).

γελοιαστής - *, *קְלוּסַנְטְרִין קְלוּסַנְתְּרִ'

351, Jastrow 27081
(a corrupt. of γελοιαστήρ = γελοιαστής) jesters, buffoons, king’s fools (v. קְלַסְתָּא).
Targ. Esth. II, 21 תרין ק' two merry-makers, opp. בַּכְיָן; Yalk. Esth. 1053 (in
Hebr. dict.) קלוסנט' (some ed. קְלוֹסְטְרִין, קְלִיסְטְ'), opp. בַּרְבָּרִי (v.,
however, קְלַסְרִיקִין).

γελοιαστής - קְלַסְתָּא

352, Jastrow 27186
(adapt. of γελοιαστής, as if a redupl. of קְלַס) jester, dancer, buffoon; ק' של
מלך King’s fool. Snh. 104b Ms. M. (in a passage omitted in ed.; Ar. s. v. קלסטר:
קלסתרא; Rashi קלסתר; Rev. des Ét. Juives XI, p. 215 קלסטר γελοιαστήρ; Yalk. Lam.
1000 רקד שהיה זמר dancer and musician).—V. קְלוּסַנְטְרִין.

γενέσια - גִּינִיסְיָא, גִּינִיסִין, (גִּינוּ', גְּנוּ')

353, Jastrow 5622
(γενέσια, τὰ) 1) (with יום) bithday festival, anniversary of death; in gen. commemorative
festival. Targ. Esth. III, 8. Targ. Y. Gen. XL, 20 גְּנוּסָא (v. גְּנִיסָא a.
גְּנוּסַיָּיא).—Ab. Zar. I, 3 (8a) יום ג' של מלכים royal anniversaries, expl. Y.
ib. 39c birthday festival (with ref. to Gen. XL, 20, v. supra); Bab. ib. 10a (after
discussion) יום שמעמידין בו המלך installation of a king (Roman emperor). Y. R.
Hash. III, 59a top; Yalk. Hab. 564. Ex. R. s. 15 יום ג' an anniversary (commemorative
of his delivery); a. e.—2) (= γενέθλια) descent, nobility of birth. Pesik. Naḥămu
p. 126ab; Yalk. Gen. 162 הודעתם ג' שלי (Gen. R. s. 100 הודעתי הוגנוסים corr. acc.)
ye have made known my noble descent. Pesik. Haḥod. p. 53a בת גִּינוּסִים; Pesik.
R. s. 15 בת גינסין (read גִּינִיסִין, Yalk. Ex. 190 only בת טובים) a woman of noble
birth. Cant. R. to I, 2; a. fr. [Sot. 36b גְּנִיסֵי מלכות וכ' Ar. (ed. גְּנוּנֵי)
I recognize in him royal nobility.]

γενναῖος (gennaios) - גִּנּוּן

354, Klein 4350
1) manner. PBH 2) (in pl.) גִּנּוּנִים etiquette. NH [Prob. from Gk. gennaios (=
generous, noble).]

Γεννησάρ - גִּינֵּיסַר, (גִּינּוֹ', גְּנֵי', גְּנוֹ')

355, Jastrow 5623
(Γεννησάρ, Γεννησαρέτ, a hellenization of כִּנֶּרֶת) Gennesar, Gennesaret, lake,
town and district of G. Pes. 8b פירות גינו' Gennes. fruits. Gen. R. s. 98 (etymology)
גנוסר = גני שרים princely gardens; Meg. 6a, v. כִּנָּרָא; a. e.—Pl. גִּינֵּיסַרְיוֹת.
Y. Meg. I, 70a bot. שני גו' היו (corr. acc.) were there two places of the name
of G.?

Γεννησαρέτ - גִּינֵּיסַר, (גִּינּוֹ', גְּנֵי', גְּנוֹ')

356, Jastrow 5623
(Γεννησάρ, Γεννησαρέτ, a hellenization of כִּנֶּרֶת) Gennesar, Gennesaret, lake,
town and district of G. Pes. 8b פירות גינו' Gennes. fruits. Gen. R. s. 98 (etymology)
גנוסר = גני שרים princely gardens; Meg. 6a, v. כִּנָּרָא; a. e.—Pl. גִּינֵּיסַרְיוֹת.
Y. Meg. I, 70a bot. שני גו' היו (corr. acc.) were there two places of the name
of G.?

γένος - גְּנִיסָא, (גְּנוּ') גְּנִיסְתָּא

357, Jastrow 6001
(adopted fr. γένος) gens, family, gentry. Targ. Y. Ex. XII, 47. Targ. Y. Deut.
XXIX, 17.—Targ. Y. Gen. VI, 9 (גְּנִסַּת) גְּנִיסַת נח of the family of Noah; a.
fr.—Pl. גְּנִיסָן, גְּנִיסָאתָא, גְּנִיסָתָא. Targ. Y. Deut. X, 6. Targ. Y. Num.
XXVI, 7 (some ed. גְנִיסְתָּא read … סָתָא). Targ. Job XXXI, 34; a. e.—Masc. pl.
גְּנִיסַיָּיא. Targ. Ps. CVII, 41, v. next w.

γένος (genos) - גְּנוּסְיָא, גְּנוּסְיָה

358, Klein 4355
birth. PBH [From Gk. genos (= birth, descent, race), from IE base * ĝen–, * ĝenē
(= to beget, produce).]

Γέραροι - גְּרָרִיקִי

359, Jastrow 6257
(a Greek formation fr. גְּרָר, LXX Γέραροι) Gerariké, the district of G’rar in Philistea.
Targ. Y. Gen. XX, 1 (Ar. a. Lev. גרדקי, corr. acc., ed. גְּרָר); ib. XXVI, 1.—Gen.
R. s. 64 גרדיקי (corr. acc.); Y. Shebi. VI, 36c bot. גרריקו (corr. acc.).

γέρδιος - גַּרְדִּי, גִּירְ'

360, Jastrow 6133
1) (גרד) wool-dresser, in gen. common weaver, diff. fr. טַרְסִי. [Our w. adopted
in Greek a. Latin γέρδιος, gerdius.] B. Bath. 21a one of the inmates of a court
הרוצה לעשות … ג' that wants to open a business as … weaver. Kel. XII, 4 מסמר הג'
the weaver’s pin (of the shuttle). Sabb. 93b קנה של ג' the weaver’s cane (quill);
Y. ib. X, 12c bot. גיר'; a. fr.—Pl. גַּרְדִּיִּים, גַּרְדִּין. Kidd. 82a; Tosef.
ib. V, 14. Eduy. I, 3; Sab. 15a.—Kil. IX, 10 גרדין, v. אוֹת II.—[2) (= גַּדְרִי)
of Gadara, v. אַבְנִימוֹס. ]

γερδιός (gerdios) - גַרְדִּי

361, Klein 4500
weaver. PBH [From Late Gk. gerdios (= weaver).]

γεω (geo) - גֵּיאוֹ□

362, Klein 4011
geo-. FW [Gk. geo (= pertaining to the earth), from ge (= the earth). Of unknown

γεωγραφία (geographia) - גֵּיאוֹגְרַפְיָה

363, Klein 4015
geography. FW [Gk. geographia (= description of the earth), from geographos (= earth-describing),
which is compounded of geo (see גֵּיאוֹ□) and – graphia (see □גְרַפְיָה.]

γεωδαισία (geodaisia) - גֵּיאוֹדֶסְיָה

364, Klein 4016
geodesy (the science of determining the shape and size of the earth). FW [Gk. geodaisia
(= division of the earth), compounded of geo- (see גֵּיאוֹ□) and the stem of daiesthai
(= to divide). See דֶּמוֹן.]

γεωμετρία (geometria) - גֵּיאוֹמֶטְרְיָה

365, Klein 4022
geometry. FW [Gk. geometria (= geometry), lit.: ‘measurement of the earth’, from
geometres (= land measurer, geometer), which is compounded of geo– and metrein
(= to measure), from metron (= measure). See גֵּיאוֹ□ and מֶטֶר.]

γεωμετρία (geometria) - גִּימַטְרִיָּא

366, Klein 4059
explanation of the sense of a word by substituting for it another word, so that
the numerical value of the letters constituting either word is identical. PBH [Usually
connected with Gk. geometria (= geometry), but prob. a metathesis of Gk. grammateia
(= play upon letters), from gramma (= letter; lit.: ‘that which is written’). See

γῆ κρητική - *גְּרֵתִיקוֹן, קְרֵטִיקוֹן

367, Jastrow 6264
(γῆ κρητική, creta) chalk, white earth used for cleansing silver ware. Sabb. 50a
גרתי' Ar. (ed. גרתקון, גרתקין); Y. Bets. IV, 62c bot. קרטי'; Tosef. ib. IV, 10
קירטון ed. Zuck. (Var. קרקתין, קרתתין). [Rashi to Sabb. l. c. expl. אלום, describing
tartar deposited in wine vessels; Ar.: pulverised resin.]

γῆ κρητική - *גְּרֵתִיקוֹן, קְרֵטִיקוֹן

368, Jastrow 6264
(γῆ κρητική, creta) chalk, white earth used for cleansing silver ware. Sabb. 50a
גרתי' Ar. (ed. גרתקון, גרתקין); Y. Bets. IV, 62c bot. קרטי'; Tosef. ib. IV, 10
קירטון ed. Zuck. (Var. קרקתין, קרתתין). [Rashi to Sabb. l. c. expl. אלום, describing
tartar deposited in wine vessels; Ar.: pulverised resin.]

γιγγίδιον - גִּנְגִּידִין

369, Jastrow 5945
(γιγγίδιον) gingidium, a kind of chervil (bitter herb; v. Sm. Ant. s. v.). Y. Pes.
II, 29c top (expl. תמכה).

γλαύκιον - *גְּלַבְקְיָא

370, Jastrow 5716
(γλαύκιον, glaucion) juice of glaucion, a plant like the horned poppy. Sifra Vayikra,
Ḥoba, Par. 12, ch. XXII המערב … ג' בשמן Ar. (ed. גלוביא, Var. בלבקיא &c., v. ed.
Weiss p. 28a note) he who adulterates oil with the juice of glaucium (selling it
for poppy-oil); Koh. R. to IX, 13 בלבקי; ib. to VI, 1 בלקיא; Tosef. B. Bath. V,
6 מי כגלקיא ed. Zuck. (Var. בלקיא); Yalk. Lev. 479 בלנקי (corruptions of כְּלַוְקְיָא
or כְּלַבְקְיָא; cmp. Löw Pfl. p. 205 a. 257). [Ar. a. Mus. seem to think of Lycium.

γλυπτόν - *גְּלִיבְטוֹן

371, Jastrow 5793
(γλυπτόν) carved. Y’lamd. to Deut. IV, 4 quot. in Ar., expl. פטורי ציצים (I Kings
VI, 18).

γλύφειν (glyphein) - גלף

372, Klein 4213
to engrave, carve. [Hebraization of Gk. glyphein (= to hollow out, engrave, carve),
which is cogn. with L. glūbere (= to peel, shell). See ‘cleave’ (= to split), in
my CEDEL. and cp. גְּלוּמָה and the second element in הִיֶּרוֹגְלִיפִים.] | — Qal
. גָּלַף he carved, engraved. — Pi. גִּלֵּף (of s.m.). — Pu. גֻּלַּף was carved,
was engraved.

γλωσσόκομον - גְּלוֹסְקְמָא, גְּלוֹסְקוֹם, דְּלוּסְקְמָא

373, Jastrow 5767
(γλωσσόκομον, v. LXX, II Chr. XXIV, 8; as to ד for ג', v. Liddell & Scott s. lit.
Δ) case, chest, coffin. Y. Sot. VII, 22d כמין גלוסקום a kind of casing; Y. Shek.
VI, 49d bot. גלוסקוים (corr. acc.).—Gitt. III, 3 if he found the document בג' …
Ar. (ed. בד') in a case; expl. ib. 28a טליקא דסבי a box for elders (for keeping
documents &c.); B. Mets. I, 8 Y. ed. ג' (Bab. 20a, b a. Mish. ד'). Meïl. VI, 1
ג' (Bab. ed. 21a ד'). M. Kat. 24b (ד') ג' הניטלת באגפיים a coffin carried by its
handles.—Pl. גְּלוֹסְקְמִין, גְּלוֹסְקְמָאוֹת, דְּ'. Meg. 26b דְּלֹוסְקְמֵי ספרים
(Alf. Ms. קְמָאוֹת …, ed. סקאות …) cases for books &c.—Ex. R. s. 30, end פותח הגלוסקאות
(corr. acc.) he opens the cases (containing his goods).

Γόργος - גּוֹרְגּוֹס

374, Jastrow 5337
(Γόργος) Gorgos. Treat. S’maḥ. II, 4 (Asheri to M. Kat. 141 גורגנוס).

γορίλλα (gorilla) - גּוֹרִילָה

375, Klein 3905
gorilla. FW [Gk. gorilla, from an African word quoted by the Punic navigator Hanno
in Periplus (about 470 B.C.E.).]

γράμμα - *גרמסין

376, Jastrow 6225
, prob. to be read גְּרַמָּטִין m. pl. (γράμμα, -ατος, = scrupulum, v. Sm. Ant.
s. v.) gramma, ½4 of an ounce. Y. Shek. II, 46d top, half a Shekel which makes
שיתא ג' (Bab. ed. to II 3 also גירומסין, Ms. M. גירמוסין, Yalk. Ex. 386 גרמיסין)
six grammata

γραμμαί (grammai) - גֵּרוּמִים

377, Klein 4530
small addition to the measure (which the vendor is accustomed to give to the buyer).
PBH [According to Levy, from Gk. grammai (= lines; hence small additions).]

γραμματεία (grammateia) - גִּימַטְרִיָּא

378, Klein 4059
explanation of the sense of a word by substituting for it another word, so that
the numerical value of the letters constituting either word is identical. PBH [Usually
connected with Gk. geometria (= geometry), but prob. a metathesis of Gk. grammateia
(= play upon letters), from gramma (= letter; lit.: ‘that which is written’). See

γραμματεῖον - גִּימַטְרְיָא, גְּמַטְרְיָא

379, Jastrow 5597
(a transpos. of γραμματεῖον, … άτια, pl.) 1)accounts. Y. Ter. V, 43c bot. חשבון
ג' arithmetical calculation.—2)the use of letters for their numerical value; homiletic
interpretation based on the numerical value of letters. Ber. 8a ת̇ו̇צ̇א̇ו̇ת̇ בגי'
וכ' the word totsaoth (Ps. LXVIII, 21) intimates 903 (causes of death). Lev. R.
s. 21 השטן גי' וכ'; Midr. Till. to Ps. XXVII השט"ן בגי' וכ' hassatan (the accuser)
counts 364; a. fr.—3)learned writing, cifer. Snh. 22a בגי' איכתיב (Ms. M. איתחזי)
the inscription of the wall was in cifers (א"ת ב"ש).—Pl. גִּימַטְרְיָאֹותarithmetic.
Ab. III, 18.

γραμματεῖον - גִּימַטְרְיוֹן, גִּימַטְרִיקוֹן

380, Jastrow 5598
(γραμματεῖον, γραμματικόν) same, cifer-writing. Y. Taan. III, 67a לישן גימטריון
וכ', v. אֶפְרָא. Pesik. R. s. 43 לשון גימטריקון הוא ת̇ה̇ו̇ הוא א̇ס̇ף̇ it is cipher
speech, Toḥu (I Sam. I, 1) is (in א"ת ב"ש) Asaf.

γραμματεῖον - *גְּרַמַּטְיוֹן

381, Jastrow 6213
(γραμματεῖον) bond, document. Ex. R. s. 15 גרמסיון (corr. acc.).

γραμματικόν - גִּימַטְרְיוֹן, גִּימַטְרִיקוֹן

382, Jastrow 5598
(γραμματεῖον, γραμματικόν) same, cifer-writing. Y. Taan. III, 67a לישן גימטריון
וכ', v. אֶפְרָא. Pesik. R. s. 43 לשון גימטריקון הוא ת̇ה̇ו̇ הוא א̇ס̇ף̇ it is cipher
speech, Toḥu (I Sam. I, 1) is (in א"ת ב"ש) Asaf.

γραφεῖον (grapheion) - גּוֹפָן

383, Klein 3892
script, kind or form of letters. PBH [Perhaps borrowed from Gk. grapheion (= writing),
from graphein (= to write).]

γραφική (graphike) - גְּרָפִיקָה

384, Klein 4634
graphics. FW [From Gk. graphike, from graphein (= to write). See □גּֽרָף.]

γραφο (grapho) - גְּרָפוֹ□

385, Klein 4627
grapho– (combining form). FW [Gk. grapho–, from graphein (= to write). See □גְּרָף.

γροφίων (grophion) - גְּרוֹפִית

386, Klein 4542
shoot of an olive or sycamore. PBH [From Gk. grophion (= shoot of olive used as
a seedling), whence Syr. גורפא.]

γρυμέα - גְּרוּמֵי, גְּרוּמְנֵי

387, Jastrow 6155
(γρυμέα, crumena, v. Lidd. a. Scott s. v.; = γρύτη) trumpery, broken pieces of
iron, glassware &c. B. Bath. 89b top דיגרומי ed. (Ms. M. דגרומני, Ar. בגרמני) scales
used for weighing &c.

γρύτη - גְּרוּטִי

388, Jastrow 6152
(γρύτη) trash, frippery, broken ware. Kel. XI, 3 a vessel made משברי כלים מן הג'
Ar. (ed. גרוטים, Bart. גרוטאות) out of fragments of vessels, or out of small ware
&c.—Pl. גְּרוּטָאוֹת. Sabb. 123a זורקה לבין הג' (Ms. O. גְּרוּטָאוֹתָיו; R. S.
to Kel. l. c. גְּרוּטוֹתָיו) he cast it among the rubbish (considering it no longer
a vessel); B. Mets. 52b בין גרוטותיו (Ms. M. לתוך גריטות'). Bekh. 13b; Ab. Zar.
53a; 71b; Tosef. ib. V (VI), 3. Tosef. Ḥull. I, 18.

γρύτη - גְּרוּמֵי, גְּרוּמְנֵי

389, Jastrow 6155
(γρυμέα, crumena, v. Lidd. a. Scott s. v.; = γρύτη) trumpery, broken pieces of
iron, glassware &c. B. Bath. 89b top דיגרומי ed. (Ms. M. דגרומני, Ar. בגרמני) scales
used for weighing &c.

γρύτη (gryte) - גְּרוּטָה, גְּרוּטָא, גְּרוּטִי

390, Klein 4522
1) junk, scrap-iron; PBH 2) old stuff. NH [From Gk. gryte (= trunk, box; whence
‘old things, scrap’).]

γυμνάσιον (gymnasion) - גִּימְנַסְיָה

391, Klein 4061
secondary school, high school. FW [Gk. gymnasion (= gymnastic school, school), from
gymnazein (= to practice gymnastic exercises; lit.: ‘to train naked’), from gymnos
(= naked); so called because the athletes trained naked. cp. גִּ׳ימֽקָנָה.]

γυνεος [sic] - גּוּנְיָא, גִּינְיָא

392, Jastrow 5295
(an assumed form corresp. to γυνεος [sic]) man, v. אַנְתְּרֹופִּי. Gen. R. s. 18;
s. 31. | Editor's Note: 'גִּינְיָא' is a made-up word in Gen. R. for the purpose
of showing no such word exists. Jastrow writes that were the word to exist, it
would be written 'γυνεος' but since it is a hypothetical word, Jastrow probably
chose to not put an accent on this word.

γυνή - גּוּנִי, גִּינִי

393, Jastrow 5294
(γυνή) woman. Gen. R. s. 18; s. 31; v. next w.

γύψος - גִּיפְסוֹס

394, Jastrow 5651
(γύψος) gypsum. Y. Sabb. II, 5a top; v. גִּפְסִים.

γύψος - גִּפְסִים, גִּיפְסִים

395, Jastrow 6063
(preced.; cmp. גֶּפֶת) paste, plaster, esp. gypsum. Kel. X, 2 we must use בסיד
בג' וכ' lime or gypsum &c. Y. M. Kat. I, 80b bot. גיבסם; Y. Shebi. III, 34c bot.
גִּיפְסוֹס, v. infra. Tosef. Kel. B. Kam. III, 4 גִּפְסִית ed. Zuck. (oth. ed.
גִּפְסִיס). Ḥull. 8a גפסית רותח; Pes. 75b גפסיס רותח, Ar. גפסים רותחין. Tosef.
Mikv. IV, 7 גפסים; a. fr. [Greek adoption: γύψος, readopted גִּיפְסוֹס, גִּיבְסוֹס.

γύψος (gypsos) - גִּפְסִיס

396, Klein 4447
gypsum. PBH [Gk. gypsos. See גֶּבֶס.]

δᾴδινος - דדנין

397, Jastrow 6426
, Y. R. Hash. II, 58a top, expl. עצי שמן (Mish. ib. II, 2), prob. דָּדִינִין (δᾴδινος,
pl.) pine-wood, (used for torches; Bab. ib. 23a אפרסמא; v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Taeda)

δαιμονικός (daimonikos) - דֶּמוֹנִי

398, Klein 5297
demonic. FW [From Gk. daimonikos (= possessed by a demon), from daimon; see דֶּמוֹן
and suff. □ִי.]

δάκτυλος (daktylos) - דַּקְטִיל

399, Klein 5437
dactyl (prosody). FW [Gk. daktylos (= finger; dactyl; so called in allusion to the
three joints of the finger). Of uncertain etymology.]

δαλματική - דַּלְמָטִיקִין

400, Jastrow 7135
(δαλματική, dalmatica) dalmatics, long undergarments of Dalmatian wool. Kil. IX,
7; expl. Y. ib. 32d top קובלין (read קולובין κολόβιον, v. Sm. Ant. s. v. δαλματική)

δαμασκηνόν - דַּרְמַסְקִינָא, דַּרְמַסְקִינִין

401, Jastrow 7398
(pl. of δαμασκηνόν) Damascene plums. Y. Sabb. I, 4a bot.; Y. Bets. III, 62a top
דורמסקנא, נה … Ber. 39a דורמסקין (Ms. M. margin דורמסקנין; Y. ib. VI, 10b bot.
אַחְוָנַיָּיא).—B. Kam. 116b top דורמסקנין. Tosef. Ter. VII, 13 דרמסקנין. Tosef.
Dem. I, 9 דורמסקיות ed. Zuck. (Var. דּוּרְמַסְקְנִיּוֹת).

Δαμασκηνόν (damaskanon) - דַּרְמַסְקִין

402, Klein 5518
Damascus plum, damson. PBH [From Gk. damaskanon, from Damaskos (= Damascus), from
Heb. דַּמֶּשֶׂק. cp. ‘damson’ in my CEDEL.]

δανάκη - דַּנְקָא

403, Jastrow 7223
(Pers. dânkh; δανάκη) Danka, a small Persian coin, the sixth of a Denar, in gen.
one sixth. B. Mets. 60b מאה בד' one hundred P’rutah for a d.—Ib. 39b ואידך תילתא
יהבינן ד' וכ' and of the remaining one third we give one sixth to the sister, and
for the other one sixth we appoint &c.—Zeb. 48a; Kerith. 22b בת ד', בר ד' worth
a d.—Sabb. 35a [read with Rashi:] א"ב פלגא דד' the difference between two thirds
and three fourths (of a mile) is half a sixth.—Pl. דַּנְקֵי. R. Hash. 26a (identified
with מְעָה a. קְשִׂיטָה).

δανειστής - דָּנִסְטֵיס, דָּנִיסְ', דָּאנִ'

404, Jastrow 7221
(δανειστής, danista) money-lender, usurer, creditor. Ex. R. s. 29 טוס … (corr.
acc.). Ib. s. 31, beg. דיוסטוס (corr. acc.). Num. R. s. 9, beg. הד' משבר שיניו
the lender breaks the debtor’s teeth (enforces his claim). Y. Sabb. II, 5b top
(ref. to יַשִּׁי, Ps. LV, 16) he makes the angel of death ד' שלו (some ed. דינ')
his creditor (to collect his debts, visit his sins). Y’lamd. Thazr. end (quot.
in Ar.) דנסטס, (Var. דינסטיס, corr. acc.). [Ib. to Deut. IV, 30 אני דינאסטוס וכ'
ed. Koh. (v. Var. ib.), v. דִּינָאטוֹס.]—Pl. דָּנִסְטִין. Ib. to Deut. XXIV, 10.—Y.
B. Mets. II, 8c אילין דאיסרטוס; Y. Ab. Zar. V, 42b bot. אילין דאוסיניסי, read:

Δαρεικός - דַּרְכּוֹן

405, Jastrow 7389
(late b. h. אֲדַרְכֹּן, hellenized Δαρεικός) Daric, a Persian gold (and silver)
coin, v. infra. —*Tosef. B. Bath. XI, 2 דָּרִיכוֹן ed. Zuck. (Var. דריאבון).—Pl.
דַּרְכּוֹנוֹת.—Shek. II, 1 (in carrying the half-Shekel contributions to Jerusalem)
מצרפין שקלים לד' (old ed. לדרב') you may exchange them for Darics. B. Bath. X,
2 (165b) if in a note is found ד' דאינונ וכ' (Var. דַּרְכְּמוֹנוֹמ) ‘Darics which
are’—and the rest is blurred. Shek. II, 4 after the Jews came from Babylonia היו
שוקלין ד' they offered their half-Shekels in (half-)Darics of silver (this being
the standard coin); Y. ib. 46d top ד' דינרין Darics, which is denars (of silver,
v. דִּינָר). Tosef. ib. II, 4; Y. ib. III, 47c bot. דרכונות של זהב (Bab. ed. Var.
דַּרְכְּמוֹנֵי זהב; Ms. M. דַּרְכּוֹנֵי).

δαρεικός (dareikos) - דַּרְכְּמוֹן

406, Klein 5513
1) name of an ancient Persian gold coin. 2) name of a Greek coin. NH [Prob. a blend
of Gk. dareikos (see אֲדַרְכּוֹן) and Gk. drachme, name of a silver coin (lit.:
‘a handful’), related to dragme (= handful), dragma (= a sheaf; lit.: ‘as much
as one can grasp, a handful’), from the stem of drassesthai (= to clutch, grasp,

δάφνη (daphne) - דַּפְנָא, דַּפְנָה

407, Klein 5385
resp. NH (pl. דַּפְנִים) daphne, laurel. PBH [From Gk. daphne (= laurel), which
is borrowed together with L. laurus (= laurel) from a language of Asia Minor. cp.
the second element in הַרְדּוּף, הַרְדּוּפֽנִין. cp. also ‘Daphne I’ and ‘Daphne
II’ in my CEDEL.]

δεῖγμα - דּוּגְמָא, דִּיגְמָא, דּוּגְמָה

408, Jastrow 6479
(δεῖγμα, cmp. παράδειγμα) 1)simile, illustration (cmp. מָשָׁל ל־, משל למה הדבר
דומה). Cant. R., introd. עד … היתה ד' up to Solomon’s days the method of argument
by illustration was unknown (in Hebrew literature).—2)show, exhibition, public
appearance. Y. Hor. III, beg. 47a די' דידכו דמי וכ' (prob. to be read דמיא) your
appearance resembles that of your Maker. Eduy. V, 6; Ber. 19a ד' השקוה it was for
show that they made her drink, i.e. they merely pretended to give her the real
‘bitter waters’; [oth. opin. they performed the act on one who was, like themselves,
a descendant of gentiles; Y. M. Kat. III, 81d דִּכְמָהּ השקוה, (a popular adaptation
of our w.; v. דִּכְמָא), expl. דִּכְוָותָהּ something like it]. Midr. Sam. ch.
XX (expl. תפקד לשלום, I Sam. XVII, 18) ד' דידהין how they look.—3)sample, example,
token (corresp. to h. אוֹת). Ḥag. 16a (play on ד̇ג̇ול מ̇רבבה, Cant. V, 10) ד̇וג̇מ̇א
הוא ברבבה שלו He is exemplified by His myriad (of angels), i.e. the Divine nature
is recognized indirectly from the nature of His ministering messengers, v. Cant.
R. to V, 9.—Keth. 28b קחו לכם ד' וכ' take a warning example &c. Taan. 23a ד' לדורות
a sample (of great fertility) as a lesson for future generations. Sabb. 30b I will
show thee דּוּגְמָתָן וכ' (Ms. M. דּוּגְמָתוֹ) the like thereof in this world.—Ib.
11b the dyer must not go out on the Sabbath בדו' שבצוארו (Ar. בדי' שבאזנו; Tosef.
ib. I, 8 בדו' שבאזנו) with the sample of colors around his neck, v. אוֹת II.—Num.
R. s. 6 (expl. Job XXXVI, 7 עיניו) ד' דידהו that which is like his own doing, i.e.
some realization of his ideal, v. עֵינָא; Midr. Sam. ch. XXVIII דוגמה דידהון; Gen.
R. s. 71 דוגמת דידיה (corr. acc.), v. next w.; a. fr.—Pl. דּוּגְמוֹת. B. Kam. 119b,
v. אוֹת II (Var. Ms. דּוּגְמָאוֹת). [Our w., owing to its phonetic resemblance
to דִּכְמָא, is inflected as though it were a native, whence the forms: דּוּגְמָה,
דּוּגְמת, דוּגְמָת־, דּוּגְמוֹת, and even a Var. to Tosef. Sabb. I, 8 דִּגְמוֹ,
as though fr. דֶּגֶם.]

δείγμα (deigma) - דֻּגְמָא, דֻּגְמָה

409, Klein 4820
sample, example, instance, specimen, type, model, pattern. PBH [From Gk. deigma
(= sample, specimen), from the stem of deikuynai (= to show), which is cogn. with
L. dicere (= to say, tell). See דִּיקְטָטוֹר.]

δέκα - *דִּיקָא

410, Jastrow 6986
(δέκα) ten. Ber. 56b (oneirocritical analysis of Kappadokia) קפא כשורא ד' עשרה
Kappa (v. כִּיפָּה) means beam, deka means ten; [v., however, דּוֹקְיָיא, a. Gen.
R. s. 68].

δέλτα (delta) - דֶּלְתָּא

411, Klein 5271
1) ‘delta’ — name of the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. 2) triangular area
formed at the mouth of some rivers. FW [JAram., from Gk. delta, from Heb.-Phoen.
דָּלֶת. See דָּלֶת].

δελφική - דְּלִפְקִי, דְּלוּפְקִי

412, Jastrow 7144
(δελφική = δέλφιξ, delphica, sub. mensa) delphica, a three-legged table used as
a toilet table or a waiter, contrad. fr. שלחן eating table (v. Becker Gallus, ed.
Göll II, p. 354). Kel. XXV, 1. Ib. XXII, 1; Tosef. ib. B. Bath. I, 9 דולפני (corr.
acc.). Ab. Zar. V, 5 (69a) דלפ' Ar. (Ms. M. דלוב', ed. דולב', v. Rabb. D. S. a.
l. note). Y. Dem. VI, 25d statuary made כמין ד' like a kind of delphica (for practical
use and not for idol worship, cmp. בָּסִיס). *Ex. R. s. 43 מגפפת לד' hugging the
statuary figure supporting a delphica (Num. R. s. 2 סריס).—Pl. דְּלִפְקִיּוֹת.
Y. Ab. Zar. III, 42c bot.

Δελφική (Delphike) - דֶּלְפֵּק

413, Klein 5260
1) small tripod, small table. PBH 2) counter. NH [Perhaps of Gk. Delphike (= a table
from Delphi).]

δελφίν - דּוּלְפִינִין

414, Jastrow 6558
pl. (δελφίν) dolphins (a fish about which many fables were circulated among the
ancients, cmp. Sm. Ant. s. v.). Bekh. 8a דולפנ' (Var. דּוּלְפִינָא, corr. acc.;
Ar. ed. pr. דִּילְ'); Tosef. ib. I, 11.

δέλφιξ - דְּלִפְקִי, דְּלוּפְקִי

415, Jastrow 7144
(δελφική = δέλφιξ, delphica, sub. mensa) delphica, a three-legged table used as
a toilet table or a waiter, contrad. fr. שלחן eating table (v. Becker Gallus, ed.
Göll II, p. 354). Kel. XXV, 1. Ib. XXII, 1; Tosef. ib. B. Bath. I, 9 דולפני (corr.
acc.). Ab. Zar. V, 5 (69a) דלפ' Ar. (Ms. M. דלוב', ed. דולב', v. Rabb. D. S. a.
l. note). Y. Dem. VI, 25d statuary made כמין ד' like a kind of delphica (for practical
use and not for idol worship, cmp. בָּסִיס). *Ex. R. s. 43 מגפפת לד' hugging the
statuary figure supporting a delphica (Num. R. s. 2 סריס).—Pl. דְּלִפְקִיּוֹת.
Y. Ab. Zar. III, 42c bot.

δεξαμενή - דִּכְסוּמִינִי, דִּכְסוּמְנִי, דוּכְ'

416, Jastrow 7075
(δεξαμενή) reservoir, tank. Pesik. R. s. 4.—Y’lamd. to Num. XX, 8 quot. in Ar.

δεσπότης (despotes) - דֶּסְפּוֹט

417, Klein 5341
despot. FW [From Gk. despotes (= master, ruler, tyrant), which stands for orig.
* dems-potā and properly means ‘lord of the house’, and is equivalent to Old I.
dám-patiḥ (= lord of the house). The first element stands in gradational relationship
to Gk. doma, L. domus (= house); see ‘dome’ (building) in my CEDEL and cp. דּוֹמִינוֹ.
The second element is related to Gk. posis (= husband), and cogn. with Old I. patiḥ
(= master, husband), L. potis (= able, powerful), potēns (= able, mighty, powerful);
see פּוֹטֶנְצְיָה.]

δεσποτικός (despotikos) - דֶּסְפּוֹטִי

418, Klein 5342
despotic. FW [Gk. despotikos (= inclined to tyranny, despotic), from despotes. See
דֶּסְפּוֹט and suff. □ִי.]

δηλάτωρ (delator) - דֵּילָטוֹר

419, Klein 5101
slanderer, informer. PBH [Late Gk. delator (= accuser, informer, denouncer), from
L. dēlātor, from dēlātus. used as p. part. of dēferre (= to bring or carry down,
indict, inform against). See ‘delate’ and adj. suff. ‘–ory’ in my CEDEL. cp. דֵּילָטוֹרְיָה.

δηλατωρία (delatoria) - דֵּילָטוֹרְיָה

420, Klein 5102
calumny, slander. PBH [Late Gk. delatoria, from delator (see דֵּילָטוֹר).]

δημαγωγία (demagogia) - דֶּמָגוֹגְיָה

421, Klein 5278
demagogy. FW [Gk. demagogia, from demagogos. See דֶּמָגוֹג and suff. □ִיה.]

δημαγωγικός (demagogikos) - דֶּמָגוֹגִי

422, Klein 5277
demagogic. FW [Gk. demagogikos (= fit for a popular leader), from demagogos. See
דֶּמָגוֹג and suff. □ִי.]

δημαγωγός (demagogos) - דֶּמָגוֹג

423, Klein 5276
demagogue. FW [From Gk. demagogos (= a popular leader, leader of the mob), which
is compounded of demos (= people) and agogos (= leading), from agein (= to lead,
guide, drive, carry off), which is cogn. with L. agere (= to set in motion, drive,
lead, conduct, guide, govern; to do, act). See דֶּמוֹטִי and אַקְטוּאָלִי.]

δημοκρατικός (demokratikos) - דֶּמוֹקְרָטִי

424, Klein 5303
democratic. FW [Back formation from Gk. demokratikos (= pertaining to democracy),
from demokratia. See דֶּמוֹקְרַטְיָה and adj. suff. □ִי.]

δῆμος - דִּימוֹס,

425, Jastrow 6907
(δῆμος) 1)people (populus). Gen. R. s. 6; Ex. R. s. 15, v. בּוּלִי II.—2)popular
gathering, public festival with games (δημοτικὸς ἀγών) given by Emperors or high
officials and connected with amnesty; in gen. amnesty, pardon. Y. Ber. IX, 14b
when the king נותן ד' grants a general pardon, opp. ספיקולה.—Kidd. 63a עשה כד'
הזה act as was done in that public game (Ar. דְּרוֹמוֹס).—Lev. R. s. 29, a. fr.
יצא בד' he was pardoned. Gen. R. s. 79 when he heard a divine voice say ד' ד' demos,
demos (pardon), the bird escaped, opp. ספיקולא; Y. Shebi. IX, 38d top; Pesik. B’shall.
p. 88b דיניס (corr. acc.); a. fr.—[Ex. R. s. 2, beg. ינתן בד', v. דִּימוֹסִין.—Gen.
R. s. 8 דִּימוֹסָהּ, v. דִּימוֹסְיָא.]—Pl. דִּימוֹסִיןpublic games. Cant. R. to
VII, 12 נטייל בד' וכ' let us take a walk among (observe) the amusements of the

δημόσια - (דמוסיא) דִּימוֹסְיָא

426, Jastrow 6909
(δημόσια, τὰ) 1)public affairs. Gen. R. s. 8 בד' של מדינה Ar. (ed. בדִימוֹסָהּ;
Yalk. Job 907 בדימוסיס) with the public affairs of the country.—2) (δημόσιος =
fiscus) state property. Y. Snh. X, 28b top ואחד ד' לכולן and one golden calf was
the common property of all the tribes. Gen. R. s. 84, end; Yalk. ib. 143 they sold
him לדמ' של וכ' to the public treasury (as a state slave).—3)(also as pl.)state-tax,
confiscation. Lev. R. s. 30 למגבי דמ' וכ' to collect the taxes &c. Ib. התיר …
מדמוסא שלהן (corr. acc.) he remitted one third of their due taxes; Pesik. Ul’kaḥ.
p. 182b. Ib. Shek. p. 11a sq. אייתי דִּימוֹסַיִּךְ bring thy demosia; Yalk. Ex.
386 דִּימוֹסַיִּיךְ; Yalk. Prov. 953.—Pl. (Hebr.) דִּימוֹסְיָאוֹת, דִּימוֹסִיּוֹת.
Lam. R. to III, 7.—4)public bath, v. דִּימוֹסִין.

δημόσιον - דִּימוֹסִין

427, Jastrow 6911
(δημόσιον) 1) (sub. βαλανεῖον) public bath. Y. Snh. VII, 25d top, a. fr. ד' דטיבריא
the baths of Tiberias. Koh. R. to V, 11 דִּימוֹסְיִין; a. fr.—Pl. דִּימוֹסְיָאוֹת,
דִּימוֹסִיּוֹת (דמוס'). Ab. Zar. I, 7 (16a) דימוסיא' Ar. (Ms. M. דומסיא', ed. בימ',
corr. acc.). Gen. R. s. 1 דמוסיות. Ib. s. 8; a. fr.—Y. Shebi. VIII, 38b bot. דומסייא
read דִּימוֹסַיָּיא public baths, opp. פריבטה private baths.—2)prison. Ex. R.
s. 2, beg. בדימוס (corr. acc.).

δημόσιος - (דמוסיא) דִּימוֹסְיָא

428, Jastrow 6909
(δημόσια, τὰ) 1)public affairs. Gen. R. s. 8 בד' של מדינה Ar. (ed. בדִימוֹסָהּ;
Yalk. Job 907 בדימוסיס) with the public affairs of the country.—2) (δημόσιος =
fiscus) state property. Y. Snh. X, 28b top ואחד ד' לכולן and one golden calf was
the common property of all the tribes. Gen. R. s. 84, end; Yalk. ib. 143 they sold
him לדמ' של וכ' to the public treasury (as a state slave).—3)(also as pl.)state-tax,
confiscation. Lev. R. s. 30 למגבי דמ' וכ' to collect the taxes &c. Ib. התיר …
מדמוסא שלהן (corr. acc.) he remitted one third of their due taxes; Pesik. Ul’kaḥ.
p. 182b. Ib. Shek. p. 11a sq. אייתי דִּימוֹסַיִּךְ bring thy demosia; Yalk. Ex.
386 דִּימוֹסַיִּיךְ; Yalk. Prov. 953.—Pl. (Hebr.) דִּימוֹסְיָאוֹת, דִּימוֹסִיּוֹת.
Lam. R. to III, 7.—4)public bath, v. דִּימוֹסִין.

δημοσιῶναι - *דִּימוֹסְנָאֵי, (דימסנאי) דִּימְסוֹנָאֵי

429, Jastrow 6915
(a corrupt. of δημοσιῶναι = publicani) farmers of public revenues under the Roman
government. Meg. Taan. ch. III, quot. in Snh. 91a [read:] איתבטילו ד' וכ' (v.
Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) the demosionai were removed.

δημοτικὸς - דִּימוֹס,

430, Jastrow 6907
(δῆμος) 1)people (populus). Gen. R. s. 6; Ex. R. s. 15, v. בּוּלִי II.—2)popular
gathering, public festival with games (δημοτικὸς ἀγών) given by Emperors or high
officials and connected with amnesty; in gen. amnesty, pardon. Y. Ber. IX, 14b
when the king נותן ד' grants a general pardon, opp. ספיקולה.—Kidd. 63a עשה כד'
הזה act as was done in that public game (Ar. דְּרוֹמוֹס).—Lev. R. s. 29, a. fr.
יצא בד' he was pardoned. Gen. R. s. 79 when he heard a divine voice say ד' ד' demos,
demos (pardon), the bird escaped, opp. ספיקולא; Y. Shebi. IX, 38d top; Pesik. B’shall.
p. 88b דיניס (corr. acc.); a. fr.—[Ex. R. s. 2, beg. ינתן בד', v. דִּימוֹסִין.—Gen.
R. s. 8 דִּימוֹסָהּ, v. דִּימוֹסְיָא.]—Pl. דִּימוֹסִיןpublic games. Cant. R. to
VII, 12 נטייל בד' וכ' let us take a walk among (observe) the amusements of the

δημοτικός (demotikos) - דֶּמוֹטִי

431, Klein 5288
popular, demotic (used esp. in the phrase כְּתָב דֶּמוֹטִי, ‘demotic writing’).
FW [Back formation from Gk. demotikos (= pertaining to the people, popular), from
demos (= district, country, land, people), which is a derivative of IE * dā-m,
an – m– enlargement of base * dā–, *dāi (= to divide). See דֶּמוֹן and cp. first
element in דֶּמָגוֹג and in דֶּמוֹגְרַפְיָה.]

δημοτικὸς ἀγών - דִּימוֹס,

432, Jastrow 6907
(δῆμος) 1)people (populus). Gen. R. s. 6; Ex. R. s. 15, v. בּוּלִי II.—2)popular
gathering, public festival with games (δημοτικὸς ἀγών) given by Emperors or high
officials and connected with amnesty; in gen. amnesty, pardon. Y. Ber. IX, 14b
when the king נותן ד' grants a general pardon, opp. ספיקולה.—Kidd. 63a עשה כד'
הזה act as was done in that public game (Ar. דְּרוֹמוֹס).—Lev. R. s. 29, a. fr.
יצא בד' he was pardoned. Gen. R. s. 79 when he heard a divine voice say ד' ד' demos,
demos (pardon), the bird escaped, opp. ספיקולא; Y. Shebi. IX, 38d top; Pesik. B’shall.
p. 88b דיניס (corr. acc.); a. fr.—[Ex. R. s. 2, beg. ינתן בד', v. דִּימוֹסִין.—Gen.
R. s. 8 דִּימוֹסָהּ, v. דִּימוֹסְיָא.]—Pl. דִּימוֹסִיןpublic games. Cant. R. to
VII, 12 נטייל בד' וכ' let us take a walk among (observe) the amusements of the

δι - דִּיוֹ,

433, Jastrow 6790
(δι-) two, double, a Greek prefix, sometimes used as a separate word (δύο) for etymological
purposes, and sometimes separated from its junction. Erub. 18a (explain. דיומדין,
v. דְּיוֹמַד) דיו עמודין two columns; ib. (expl. דיופרא, v. דִּיפְרָא) העושה ד'
פירות bearing fruits twice a year.—ד' זוגי, ד' פרצוף &c., v. דיוז', דיופ' &c.

δι - דיו־

434, Jastrow 6791
a Greek prefix.—1) = δι-, v. preced.—2) = δια-.

δί (di) - דִּי□

435, Klein 5043
di– (pref. meaning ‘two, double, twice’, used esp. in chemistry to denote two atoms,
molecules, radicals, equivalents, as the case may be). FW [Gk. di–, from dis (=
twice), which stands for * dwis and is related to Old L. dvis (whence L. bis) and
cogn. with Old I. dvíḥ, Avestie bish (= twice). See דִּיס□ and cp. בִּי□.]

δί (di) - דִּיאוֹרָמָה

436, Klein 5052
diorama. FW [Formed from Gk. di– (see דִּיאַ□) and orama (= that which is seen,
view, sight), from oran(= to see), which is cogn. with L. verērī (= to observe
with awe, revere, respect, fear). See ‘ware’ (= alert) in my CEDEL and cp. פָּנוֹרָמָה.

δια - דיו־

437, Jastrow 6791
a Greek prefix.—1) = δι-, v. preced.—2) = δια-.

δια (dia) - דִּיאַ□, דִּיאָ□

438, Klein 5046
(before a vowel דִּי□ II) dia–, di (combining form meaning ‘thorough, thoroughly,
entirely, utterly’). [Gk. dia–, from dia (= through, throughout), which prob. stands
for disa and was formed (on the analogy of meta, ‘after’) from dis (= twice), hence
orig. meant ‘divided in the middle’. See דִּי□ I and cp. דִּיס□.]

διαβήτης - דְּיוֹבִיט

439, Jastrow 6794
(διαβήτης, diabetes) siphon. Y. Erub. X, 26d top מעלין בד' you may draw liquids
by means of a siphon on the Sabbath; Tosef. Sabb. II, 8; Erub. 104a בדְיוֹפִי (popular
perversion, as though = דְּיוֹ פִי double mouth, v. דְּיוֹ II).

διαβήτης - דְּיוֹפְטִין, דְּיוֹפִיטִין

440, Jastrow 6814
(διαβήτης = circinus, cmp. דְּיוֹבִיט) compasses. Sifré Deut. 7 ye need no arms,
אלא קובע ד' ומחלק but one has only to put up compasses and divide (the land in
shares); Yalk. ib. 801 לא קובע ד' (some ed. יופיטיו, corr. acc.); Targ. Y. Deut.
I, 8 קבעו דִּיפְטַיָּא וכ' (דִּפְ') put up the compasses &c.

διαβήτης (diabetes) - דְּיוּבִיט

441, Klein 5075
siphon. PBH [From Gk. diabetes (= siphon; lit.: ‘that which causes a going through’),
from dia and betes (= that which goes, moves or flows), from the stem of baino
(= I go). See דִּיאַ□ and בָּסִיס and cp. דְּיוֹפִי.]

διάγνωσις - דִּיגְנוֹסִיס

442, Jastrow 6778
, f. (διάγνωσις) decree. Targ. II Esth. II, 8 ed. Lag. (ed. דיגט', corr. acc.)

διάγραμμα (diagramma) - דִּיאַגְרַמָּה

443, Klein 5049
diagram. FW [Gk. diagramma (= something marked out by lines, a geometrical figure),
from diagraphein (= to mark out by lines, draw out), from dia and graphein (= to
write). See דִּיאַ□ and □גְּרָף.]

διαγράμματα - דּוּגְמַטְרִין דִּגְמַטְרִין

444, Jastrow 6480
, (דיגמטורי) m. pl. (a transpos. of διαγράμματα; cmp. גִּימַטְרְיָא) plans, designs.
Gen. R. s. 11 מראה לאלו מעין ד' שלהן וכ' Ar. (ed. דוגמא גטורין, some ed. in one
w., corr. acc.; Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 33 מעין דוגמא שלהם) He shows to these (the righteous)
something corresponding to their designs (reward) and to those &c. Tanḥ. P’kudé
11 (ref. to Job XXXVI, 7) the Lord refuses not to the righteous man ד' שלו a realization
of his designs (ideals), v. preced.

διαδοχή - דִּידְכֵי דִּידְכָאוֹת

445, Jastrow 6782
(διαδοχή, v. דייתיכוס) relays, guards at stations. [Popular adaptation דרכ', as
if fr. דֶּרֶךְ.] Yoma VI, 8 (68b) דיד' Y. ed. (Mish. דִּרְכָאוֹת; Bab. ed. דִּירְכָ',
Ms. M. דִּיתְּכָ', Ms. L. דוד', דיד'; Mish. Nap. דִּירְכָיוֹת, v. Rabb. D. S. a.
l. note). Mekh. B’shall. s. 1 דורכיות היו לו Pharaoh had guards at stations (communicating
with one another).—Gen. R. s. 10; Yalk. ib. 16 [read:] הרבה להן בריצה והרבה להן
בדְיָידוֹכִין he increased for them the speed (of the mail bearers), and the number
of mail stations. Esth. R. to I, 1 דורכ' עם דורניאות וכ' postmen carrying gifts
will be numerous &c.

διαδοχή - דְּיוֹזוּגֵי

446, Jastrow 6798
(a popular perversion of διαδοχή, as though = דְּיוֹ זוּגֵי two sets, v. דְּיוֹ
II) succession in government, surrender of office. Sot. 13b אותה שבת של ד' היתה
וכ' (Ar. דיוזגי; Yalk. Deut. 941 דיוזגו) it was the week of transmission of office
when the office was taken from the one (Moses) and given to the other (Joshua,
hence ‘Moses and Joshua went’ &c., Deut. XXXI, 14); v. דייתיכוס.

διάδοχος - דְּיָיּתִּיכוֹס

447, Jastrow 6870
(corrupt. of διάδοχος) successor. Sifré Deut. 334 בא ד' שלו (sub. זמן) the time
of his successor (surrender of office) had arrived (cmp. דיוזגי); Yalk. Deut. 947
דיתיקוס. Sifré ib. s. 27 ריתיכוס (corr. acc.); Yalk. Deut. 814 דוכוס (read דיידוכוס)

διαθήκη - דִּיאֲתִיקִי, (דְּיוֹ') דְּיָיתִיקִי

448, Jastrow 6748
(διαθήκη) a disposition of property, esp. by will and testament; covenant, contract,
v. Y. Peah III, 17d bot. for difference between ד' a. מתנה. —Targ. Y. Gen. XXIV,
10 ד' דריבונא Ar. (ed. שפר אפותיקי); Gen. R. s. 59, end (ref. to Gen. l. c.) זו
ד' this means (his master’s) will (in favor of Isaac).—Y. Ber. V, 9b top בד' נתתיו
לו וכ' have I given it to him as a bequest (which may be cancelled)? I have given
it to him as a donation. Y. B. Bath. VIII, 16b bot. ויחזור בדְיָיתִיקָתוֹ he may
change his will. Ib.; Bab. ib. 152b ד' מבטלת ד' the later will cancels the prior.
Y. B. Mets. I, end, 8a אין … לפגם דייתיקין וכ' nobody is likely to make a defective
will (by anticipating in it the receipt of a debt before it has been collected).—Pl.
דְּיָיתִיקָאוֹת. B. Mets. 19a. Tosef. B. Bath. XI, 6; a. e.

διαθήκη (diatheke) - דִּיָּתֵיקִי

449, Klein 5177
last will, testament. PBH [Borrowed from Gk. diatheke (= covenant, last will, testament;
lit.: ‘disposition by testament’), from diatithenai (= to place separately, arrange;
to dispose), from dia (= through), and tithenai (= to put, place). See דִּיאַ□
and תִּיק and cp. אַפּוֹתֵיקֵי.]

δίαιτα - דְּיֵיטָא, דְּיֵיטִי, דְּיוֹטָא, דִּיאֲטִי

450, Jastrow 6845
(δίαιτα, diaeta) 1)chamber, sitting-room (generally up-stairs); compartment, story.
Sabb. XI, 2 (96a) בדייטי אחת Y. ed. a. Ar. (Bab. דיוטא, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note
1) in the same story (of separate buildings). B. Bath. 63a דיי' העליונה Ar. (ed.
דיו') upper story. Y. Yeb. I, 3a bot. לד' התחתונה וכ' to the nethermost room of
the nether world (utmost degree of damnation; Gen. R. s. 68, a. e. אמבטה, אַמְבְּטִי;
בְּטִי, ביטי). Tosef. Erub. IX (VI), 21 דיוטא ed. Zuck. (Var. דיאטה, ed. דיאטס,
corr. acc.); a. fr.—Gen. R. s. 62 they buried him בדיוטרין שלו (corr. acc.) in
the compartment designated for him.—Pl. דְּיֵיטוֹת, דְּיוֹטוֹת, דְּיוֹטָאוֹת. Erub.
VIII, 11 (88a) שתי ד' וכ' two upper compartments opposite each other (with a common
yard between them). Tosef. ib. VIII (V), 11, v. אִלְקְטִי. Ib. XI (VIII), 4; a.
fr.—2)arbitrator’s office, whence diaeta, name of a prison in Cæsarea in the Roman
days. Esth. R. introd., beg. (some ed. דְּיָטִי).

δίαιτα (diaita) - דְּיוֹטָא, דְּיוֹטָה

451, Klein 5077
floor, story. PBH [From Gk. diaita (= place for living, dwelling). See דִּיאֶטָה.

διακριτικός (diakritikos) - דִּיאַקְרִיטִי

452, Klein 5062
diacritic(al). FW [Back formation from Gk. diakritikos, from diakrinein (= to separate
one from another), from dia and krinein (= to separate, decide, judge). See דִּיאַ□
and קְרִיטִי.]

διαλεκτική (dialektike) - דִּיאָלֶקְטִיקָה

453, Klein 5058
dialectics. FW [Gk. dialektike (techne) (= the art of discussion by question and
answer), f. of dialektikos (= skilled in discourse), from dialectos. See דִּיאָלֶקְט.

διάλεκτος (dialektos) - דִּיאָלֶקְט

454, Klein 5057
dialect. FW [Gk. dialektos (= talk, discourse, conversation, speech, language; the
language of a country, dialect), from dialegesthai (= to converse, talk with, discuss),
middle voice of dialegein (= to pick out, choose), from dia (see דִּיאַ□) and legein
(= to pick out, reckon, count, tell, say, speak), which stands in gradational relationship
to logos (= word, speech, discourse, account). cp. דִּיאָלֶקְטִיקָה and דִּיאָלוֹג
and see דִּיאַ□ and לֹוגֹוס.]

διάλογος (dialogos) - דִּיאָלוֹג

455, Klein 5055
dialogue. FW [Gk. dialogos (= conversation, dialogue), from dialegesthai (= to converse).
See דִּיאָלֶקְט.]

διάμετρος (diametros) - דִּיאָמֶטֶר

456, Klein 5059
diameter. FW [Gk. diametros (gramme) (lit.: ‘a diametrical line’). See דִּיאַ□ and

διάῤῥοια - דְּרַרְיָא

457, Jastrow 7417
(an adaptation of διάῤῥοια, as if fr. דְּרֵי I; as to dialectic variations, v. infra)
diarrhœa. Lev. R. s. 18 (explain, זָרָא, Num. XI, 20) R. Ebiathar says, l’zara
means לד' Ar.; Num. R. s. 7 לד' שאהיה נותן דורא וכ' (not אותן) Ar. (ed. לקרדא or
לקדרא) it will cause diarhœa, for I will put a worm in their entrails. Sifré Deut.
1 דולריא; Pesik. Vattom., p. 131a דרר' Ar. (Var. in Ar. a. ed. דלר', Ms. O. דרד',
Ms. Parma דר אריא), v. גָּסָה. Gitt. 70a (מלמטה) אוחזתו דל' will be seized with
diarrhœa. [Ib. (מיושב) אוחזתו דל' ed., Ar. אלריא q. v.] Ib. מאי דל' (insert סם)
what is the remedy for d.? Ans. דַּרְדָּרָא q. v.

διάταγμα - דִּיאֲטַגְמָא, (דְּיוֹטַ') דִּיטַגְמָא

458, Jastrow 6739
(διάταγμα) edict, ordinance. Targ. II Esth. III, 15; a. e.—Sifré Deut. s. 33 כדיוט'
ישנה like an antiquated ordinance. Lev. R. s. l; a. fr.—Pl. דִּיאֲטַגְמָאוֹת, דִּיטַ',
דְּיוֹטַ'. Ex. R. s. 30; a. e.—דִּיאֲטַגְמָטִין. Y. Shebu. VII, 38a bot. דיאטיגמתין;
Y. Keth. IX, 33b bot. דין מוגמרין (corr. acc.).

διατονικός (diatonikos) - דִּיאָטוֹנִי

459, Klein 5054
diatonic (music). FW [Back formation from Gk. diatonikos, from diatonos (= extending;
pertaining to the diatonic scale), from diateinein (= to stretch out), which is
formed from dia and teinein (= to stretch). See דִּיאַ□ and טוֹנִי.]

διάτονος - דְּיָיטוֹנָא

460, Jastrow 6846
(διάτονος, diatonus) band-stone running through the thickness of the wall. Lam.
R. to I, 1 (חדא אתתא) רבתי, ד' דבייתי וכ' Ar. (Var. שָׁרִיתָא) the bandstone of
my house was broken.

διάφραγμα (diaphragma) - דִּיאַפְרַגְמָה

461, Klein 5061
diaphragm. FW [Gk. diaphragma (= partition, barrier; muscle which divides the thorax
from the abdomen), from diaphragnuai, diaphrassein (= to divide off, barricade),
from dia (see דִּיאַ□) and phragnunai, phrassein (= to enclose, fence, round).

δίγονος - דִּיגוֹן

462, Jastrow 6773
1) (δίγονος) prop. born a second time, in gen. for a second term, twice (Lat. bis).
B. Bath. 164b such is the custom of that nation ארכן שנייה קורין לו ד' (Ms. M.
דזגין) an archont in his second term is called digonos (bis, iterum consul). Ib.;
Naz. 8b if one says, I vow to be a Nazir … די' שתים digon, he has to be a Nazir
twice in succession; Tosef. ib. I, 2 טיגון ed. Zuck. (Var. דריגון, corr. acc.).—2)
(by analogy with τριγώνιον, τετραγώνιον) having two corners. Tosef. Neg. VI, 3
(בית) דיגין וכ' ed. Zuck. (corr. acc.) a house which has only two corners (semicircularly
built); B. Bath. l. c.; Naz. l. c.

διδακτικός (didaktikos) - דִּידַקְטִי

463, Klein 5070
didactic. (Back formation from Gk. didaktikos (= skilled in teaching), from didaktos
(= taught), p. part. of didaskein (= to teach), prob. dissimilated from di-dak-skein
and cogn. with L. dīscere, for * didƙ-skere (= to learn), from IE base * deƙ– (=
to take, receive, accept; acceptable, becoming, good), whence also L. decēre (=
to be seemly or fitting). See דּוֹצֵנְט and suff. □ִי.] FW

διδακτικός (didaktikos) - דִּידַקְטִיקָה

464, Klein 5071
didactics. FW [From Gk. didaktikos. See דִּידַקְטִי.]

δίδυμος - דְּיוֹמַד

465, Jastrow 6804
(perh. a perversion of δίδυμος, forked, cmp. LXX, Josh. VIII, 29; popular etymol.
= דְּיוֹ עַמּוּדִין, v. דְּיוֹ II; Erub. 18a) a corner-piece made of two boards
rectangularly joined or of a block dug out in the shape of a trough, four of which
corner-pieces form, in legal fiction, an enclosure of wells &c. (v. פַּס), making
the ground so enclosed a private place for Sabbath use. Erub. 15a, a. fr. נידון
משום ד' is considered as a diomad (two fictitious walls). Y. ib. II, 20a top, opp.
פשוט a plain bar; a. fr.—Pl. דְּיוֹמְדִין. Ib. II, 1 ארבע ד' נראין כשמונה four
corner pieces having the appearance of eight bars; a. fr. [דיומדין, Y. Shebi. VII,
beg. 37b, v. דִּימוֹרוֹן.]

διεθέμην - *דיאתימון

466, Jastrow 6747
, read דִּיאֶתִּימִין (διεθέμην, sec. aor. med. of διατίθημι) I disposed by will.
Y. B. Bath. VIII, 16c top אף הכותב ד' בלעז וכ' even if one writes in Greek διεθέμην
(I willed, instead of I will), it is to be considered as if it were a gift (cmp.
ib. עשיתי, יחזק &c.); ib. חיזרתי וכ' I went around to all linguists to find out
what ד' was &c.; Tosef. ib. IX, 14 דיותומין (ed. Zuck. דייתיקי, corr. acc.).

δίκη - דִּיקֵי

467, Jastrow 6999
(δίκη) right, justice, punishment, satisfaction. Ex. R. s. 19 עשיתי ד' שלהם בבני
(not דייקי) I gave them (the Gibeonites) satisfaction (for their wrongs) on My
children (II Sam. XXI, 1 sq.).—Cant. R. to II, 7 (ref. to Is. XXXII, 1) [read:]
עד שגובה ד' שלו until He collects His debt of justice (punishes Israel for his
sins). Gen. R. s. 45 תבע ד' דידי Ar. (ed. דקיון) plead my cause; a. e.—Num. R.
s. 22; Tanḥ. Matt. 3 [read:] אינו אלא ד' שלכם מתבקשים it is your cause which is
taken up.—Pl. דִּיקִין. Y. R. Hash. I, 57b כהדין דירין (corr. acc.) like court
proceedings, v. במגנימין.

δικολόγος - דִּיקוֹלוֹגוֹס

468, Jastrow 6992
(δικολόγος) pleader, advocate. Lev. R. s. 29 מנה לד דקליקוס Ar. (corr. acc., ed.
נִיקוֹלֹוגוֹס q. v.).—Pl. דִּיקוֹלֹוגִין. Yalk. Num. 738 שני ד' וכ' two pleaders
stood before Hadrian; Yalk. Prov. 946 דיוקולגין (corr. acc.).

δίκρανον (dikranon) - דּוּקְרָן

469, Klein 4974
1) cane, reed (for supporting vines). 2) two-pronged pole. PBH [Gk. dikranon (=
pitchfork), properly subst. use of the neuter of the adj. dikranos (= two-headed),
from di– (= two; see דִּי□ I), and kranion (= the skull), which is related to kare,
kara, kar (= head). See ‘di–’ (= two), and ‘cranium’ in my CEDEL. The word דּוּקְרָן
was folk-etymologically explained as a compound of דּוּ□ (= two), and קֶרֶן (=

δίλημμα (dilemma) - דִּילֶֽמָּה

470, Klein 5106
dilemma. FW [Gk. dilemma (= a double proposition, dilemma), from di– (see דִּי□
I) and lemma (= assumption; lit.: ‘something received, something taken for granted’),
which is related to ei-lemman, perf. pass. of lambano (= I take, grasp, seize;
I receive), which derives partly from IE base * (s)lagw (= to take, seize), and
partly from base * labh– (= to take, seize). cp. the second element in אַנְדְרוֹלוֹמוּסְיָה
and אֶפִּילֶפְּסְיָה.]

διοικήτης - *דִּיאִיקִיטָא, דִּיאִיקִיטֵיס

471, Jastrow 6743
(διοικήτης, dioecetes) overseer of the treasury, treasurer. Lev. R. s. 5 (prov.)
unfortunate the district where the physician has the gout, ודאיקוטטא בחד עינא ed.
(Mus. ודייקטסא, corr. acc.) and the treasurer only one eye (is unable to examine
the coins).

διονύσια - *דִּיאוֹנִיסִין

472, Jastrow 6737
(διονύσια, τὰ) the Dionysian feast, bacchantic revels. Lev. R. s. 33 (ref. to Ezek.
XXIII, 42) מובאים קאניסין וכ' (corr. acc.) ‘carried along’ (in procession) refers
to the Dionysia, ‘drunken’, means the revellers, v. דַּחְיָיא.

διόπτρα (dioptra) - דִּיאוֹפְּטְרִיָּה

473, Klein 5051
dioptrics. FW [From Gk. dioptra (name of an optical instrument), which is formed
from di– (see דִּיאַ□) and the stem of optos (= seen; visible), optikos (= pertaining
to sight). See אוֹפְּטִי and suff. □ִיָּה.]

διπλῆ - דִּיפְּלֵי

474, Jastrow 6968
(διπλῆ, sub. στοά, v. Lübker Reallex. s. v. Stoa) a double colonnade.—ד' איסטבא
an ist’ba (v. אִיסְטְבָא) with a double row of seats, v. אִיסְטְוָונִית. Y. Succ.
V, 55a bot. (describing the basilica-synagogue of Alexandria). Yalk. Ps. 848 ד'
איסטווה של וכ' the basilica-synagogue of Tiberias; Midr. Till. to Ps. XCIII, end
דפליסט' (corr. acc.).—Contracted: דִּיפְלִיסְטְוָן, דְיוֹפְלוֹסְטְ' (v. סְטָיו).
Succ. 51b (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 40); Tosef. ib. IV, 5; Yalk. Deut. 913 די
פלסטין (corr. acc.).—[Y. Pes. X, 37c top דיפלי פוטירין, read: פיילי דפוטירין, v.
פְּיָילִי a. פּוֹטִירִין.]

διπλός - *דיפלון

475, Jastrow 6967
, read: דִּיפְּלִין m. pl. (pl. of διπλός) double (years), double age, i.e. 140
years (Ps. XC, 10). Gen. R. s. 59 (expl. בא בימים, Gen. XXIV, 1) בא בדי' (some
ed. בדיופ', Yalk. ib. 103 בדוּפְּלִין) he was entering into his double age (approaching
his one hundred and fortieth year; cmp. Gen. XXI, 5; XXV, 20); comment.: double
world (this life and the hereafter).

διπρόσωπος - דִּיפְּרוֹסוֹף, דִּיפַּרְצוֹף דִּיפְּרוֹסוֹפִין, דִּיפַּרְצוֹפִין

476, Jastrow 6971
(διπρόσωπος) double-faced. Erub. 18a דיו פרצוף פנים וכ' ed. (Ms. M. דו פרצוף, Ar.
דיו פרצוף) Adam had two faces. Ber. 61a דו פרצופין ברא וכ' (Ms. M. שני) the Lord
created Adam with two faces; Gen. R. s. 8 beg. דיו פרצופים וכ'; Yalk. ib. 20 דיו
פרצופין (Ar. דיו פרוסיפון, corr. פרוסופין); Tanḥ. Thazr. 1; a. fr.—Trnsf. double-natured.
Ex. R. s. 5; Lev. R. s. 1 דו פ' היה וכ' the Word (v. דִּיבּוּר) went forth with
a double nature, bringing life and death; Cant. R. to II, 3 דִּיפְרוֹסְפִּין.

δίπυλος - דרומילוס

477, Jastrow 7351
, Gen. R. s. 48; Yalk. ib. 82 דרומלות, prob. a corrupt. of דְּיוֹפִּילוֹם m. (δίπυλος)
double-gated (passage).

δις - דִּי־

478, Jastrow 6734
(representing δις-, δύο) two, twice, cmp. דּוּ III.

δισάκκιον - דִּיסַקְיָא

479, Jastrow 6948
(δισάκκιον = bisaccium S.) bag with two pouches, saddle. Tosef. B. Bath. IV, 2;
B. Bath. 78a.—Ber. 18a לא יתנם בדי' ויניחם וכ' Ms. M. (once דיסיקיא, ed. דסקיא)
one must not put them in the saddle bag and place them across the back of an ass.
Sabb. 142b די' Ms. M. (ed. דס'); a. fr.—Y. Ber. III, 6d bot. דייסקי; Y. Erub. VI,
23c top דייסיקיא (corr. acc.). Y. Sabb. VII, 10c אזנים של דיסיקיא (corr. acc.)
locks of &c.—Pl. דִּיסַקְיָאֹות. Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. II, 3 דוסיקאות ed. Zuck.
(R. S. to Kel. XII, 1 דיסקאות; Kel. l. c. סיטונות).

δισκάριον - דִּיסְקְרִין, דִּסְ'

480, Jastrow 6952
(δισκάριον, v. דִּיסְקוֹס) salver, saucer. Gen. R. s. 78 דסיקרין, דיסקרא (corr.
acc.).—Pl. דִּיסְקְרִין. Ib. s. 93 (translat. משכיות, Prov. XXV, 11; Yalk. Prov.
961 דִּיסְקִים, v. דִּיסְקוֹס). Pesik. Baḥod. p. 101a; Pesik. R. s. 14; Lev. R.
s. 20 דיסקרי (read: שני דיסקרין); Pesik. Par., p. 36b קיטונין (corr. acc.); Koh.
R. to VIII, 1; a. e.

δίσκος - (דִּסְקָא) דִּיסְקָא

481, Jastrow 6945
(δίσκος) disc (always used in the sense of tabula, tabella), 1)tablet. —Pl. דִּיסְקֵי.
Men. 40a ליכתביה אד' (Rashi אדיסקי', Ms. R. 2 a. K. אר') let it be published on
public tablets (inscriptions; comment.: in official letters from Palestine to Babylon,
v. infra).—2)official document, letter. B. Kam. 112b נקיט ד' מב"ד וכ' (M. M. ריסקא,
v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) he held a letter from the Supreme Court (authorizing
him to take depositions of witnesses). Kidd 70a ד' דזמינותא Ar. (ed. פיתקא דהזמנא,
פיסקא) summons to appear before court. Ib.b, v. דַּסְקָא.—Pl. דִּיסְקֵי. Men. 40a,
v. supra. Gitt. 36a their signatures in the shape of figures (as a fish, bough
&c.) were known to the public בדסקי (Rashi בדיס', Ar. בדייס') by the official letters
which they issued. Ib. 88a רב בדי' וכ' (Ar. בדיי') Rab put his signature sideways
only in official letters.—[דיסקאות, v. דִּיסַקְיָא.]

δίσκος - דִּיסְקוֹס, דִּסְקוֹס

482, Jastrow 6946
(δίσκος) disk, plate, trencher. Ex. R. s. 15 די' של לבנה the disc of the Moon.
Ib. דס' שלה her (the Moon’s) disc. Y. Ab. Zar. I, 39b ד' מלא דינרין (Bab. ib. 6b
דינרא קיסרנאה, v. דִּינְרָא) a plate full of (gold) denars. Gen. R. s. 33 דס' דדהב
a golden plate. Ib. s. 11 דיוסקום אחד טעון וכ' (corr. acc.; Var. Ar. טרפזין; Sabb.
119a שלחן; Pesik. R. s. 23 תמחוי) a large trencher carried on sixteen poles. Esth.
R. to I, 19; a. e.—Pl. דִּיסְקֹוסִים, דִּיסְקֹוסִין. Gen. R. s. 10 a bath-tub in
which were שני די' נאים Ar. (ed. דיו'; Yalk. Gen. 16 דיסקסי', דסקיוס'; Yalk. Prov.
961 רסיקיסין, corr. acc.) two fine disks.—Ib. דיסקים, v. דִּיסְקְרִין.

δίσκος (diskos) - דִּסְקָה

483, Klein 5344
1) disc. 2) diskette. NH [From Gk. diskos; see דִּסְקוּס.]

δίσχιστος (dischistos) - דּוּכְסוּסְטוֹס

484, Klein 4926
an inferior kind of parchment. PBH [From Gk. dischistos (= divided, parted), from
di (see דִּי□) and schistos (= split, divided), p. part. of schizein (= to split,
divide), which is related to schazein (= to scratch), and cogn. with L. scindere
(= to cut, split, cleave).]

διφθέρα - דִּיפְתְּרָא, דִּפְ'

485, Jastrow 6975
(διφθέρα) 1)hide prepared for writing (contrad. to מצה a. חיפה, v. also דוכסוסטוס).
Meg. II, 2 (opp. to ספר). Ib. 19a defined די' דמליח וכ' diphtera is a skin prepared
with salt and flour, but not with gallnut, v. אֲפַץ; Sabb. 79a; Gitt. 22a—2)record,
document, list. Tanḥ. Vaëra 5 ד' של אלוהות a list of the deities; Yalk. Ex. 175.—Pl.
דִּיפְתְּרָאוֹת, דִּיפְתְּרִין, דִּפְ'. Y. Peah II, 17a bot. דִּפְתְּרֵיהֶן their
(national) records. Pesik. R. s. 8 ד' כתובות וכ records are written before the
Lord &c.

διφθέρα (diphthera) - דִּפְתְּרָא

486, Klein 5404
hide (esp. hide prepared for writing). PBH [From Gk. diphthera (= prepared hide,
leather, membrane), which is of uncertain origin; it is possibly related to Gk.
dephein, depsein (= to soften).]

δίφορος - דִּיפְרָא, (דִּוּפְ', דִּפְ')

487, Jastrow 6970
(δίφορος) bearing twice a year, a species of figs. Dem. I, 1 דופרה ed. (Ms. M.
דיפיא, read … רא; Ar. דיופרא). Shebi. IX, 4 דו'; Tosef. ib. VII, 15 די'.—Erub.
18a דיופרא, v. דְּיוֹ II.—Pl. דִּיפְרִין. Y. Shebi. IX, 39a top דפרין, דפרים (corr.
acc.).—[Gen. R. s. 65 דיפרא סופא, v. פראסופא.]—V. דִּיפְרִיאוֹת.

διχοτομία (dichotomia) - דִּיכוֹטוֹמְיָה

488, Klein 5098
dichotomy. FW [Gk. dichotomia (= dividing in two), comounded of dicha (= in two,
asunder, apart from, separately), which is related to dis (= twice; see דִּיס□
I) and tomia (= a cutting off), from tome (= a cutting, section).]

διωστήρ - דְּיוֹסְטַר

489, Jastrow 6809
(an adaptation of διωστήρ, treated as a compound of דְּיוֹ־ and סְטַר) a pole reaching
from end to end (LXX Ex. XXXVIII, 4; Aquila Ex. XXX, 4) 1)the transverse staff
of the upright loom (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Tela). Kel. XX, 3; Tosef. ib. B. Mets.
XI, 5 דיסטר.—2) (adj.) double-edged. Targ. Ps. CXLIX, 6 סייפא דיוסטרא ed. (Ms.
דיו סטר).—3) מיפסלת ד' the engraving on both sides of the tablets (Ex. XXXII, 15).
Targ. Ps. LXXIV, 6 (corresp. to גליפיהא ib.; Ms. דְּיוֹ סִטְרָא).

δογματικός (dogmatikos) - דּוֹגְמָטִי

490, Klein 4889
dogmatic(al). FW [Gk. dogmatikos (= pertaining to doctrines), from dogma. See דּוֹגְמָה
and suff. □ִי.]

δόκια - דּוֹקְיָיא

491, Jastrow 6619
(δόκια, pl. of δόκιον) beams of the ceiling. Lam. R. to I, 1 רבתי (חד בר נש, an
oneirocritical interpret. of Kappadokia) Kappa in Greek is twenty, ד' בל"י קורות
(not דיקיא) dokia in Greek is beams; v. דִּיקָא.

δόκιον - דּוֹקְיָיא

492, Jastrow 6619
(δόκια, pl. of δόκιον) beams of the ceiling. Lam. R. to I, 1 רבתי (חד בר נש, an
oneirocritical interpret. of Kappadokia) Kappa in Greek is twenty, ד' בל"י קורות
(not דיקיא) dokia in Greek is beams; v. דִּיקָא.

δόμος - דִּימוֹס, דּוֹמוֹס

493, Jastrow 6906
(δόμος, v. LXX, I Ezra VI, 24) a row or layer of stones, bricks &c. in a wall.
Y. Erub. I, 19a top דו' של ארחין a row of bond timber, v. אָרִיחַ. Sabb. 102b ד'
של אבנים a row of stones in a wall; Tosef. ib. XI (XII), 1. B. Mets. 118b הניח
… על הד' placed a stone in its position. Sot. 44a if in rebuilding his house הוסיף
בו ד' אחד he made it one layer higher; a. fr.—Pl. דִּימוֹסִים, דִּימוֹסִין. [Ex.
R. s. 50, read with Gen. R. s. 3 תִּימַלְיוֹסִים.] Num. R. s. 7, beg. דמוסין (corr.
acc.). [דִּימוֹסִין baths, v. דִּימוֹסְיָא.] Chald. form דִּימוֹסָא, pl. דִּימוֹסַיָּא.
Y. Ber. II, 5a bot. מנית ד' I counted the layers (during prayer).

δορά - אִיגִיאָה

494, Jastrow 1143
(αἰγεία, sub. δορά) goat-skin. Gen. R. s. 20, end.

δορά - לָגְיָא

495, Jastrow 14383
(λάγεια, sub. δορά; v. Liddle et Scott Greek-Engl. Lex.7) hare-skin. Gen. R. s.
20 Mus. (ed. לגאי, Ar. לגא); Tanḥ., ed. Bub., B’resh. 24 ליגנון read לגייון λάγειον,
sub. δέρμα).

δορυφόροι - *דָּרְבְּנָאָה דָּרְבְּנָאֵי

496, Jastrow 7323
(v. preced.) goad-bearers (an adaptation of δορυφόροι in speaking of Athens), guardsmen.
Bekh. 8b (Ar. דָּרְבּוֹנֵי).

δορυφόρος - (לִיפוֹר) לוּפָר

497, Jastrow 14567
(prob. corrupted fr. λογχοφόρος or δορυφόρος; cmp. דָּרְבְּנָאָה) spear-bearer,
guardsman, satellite. Num. R. s. 10 ובא הל' ותפשם and the guardsman came and arrested
them (the revellers).—Pl. לוּפָרִים, לוּפָרִין, לוֹפִי'. Gen. R. s. 61 (ref. to
Gen. XXV, 3, which verse must be inserted in the Midrash text.) [read:] אע"ג דאינון
מתרגמין ואומרין תגרין ל' ורישי אומתא שמות אומות הן although they render (the words
ashshurim &c.) by ‘merchants’, ‘satellites’ and ‘chiefs of tribes’, yet they are
all names of tribes; Yalk. Chron. 1073; v. אַמְפּוֹרִין. Pesik. V’zoth, p. 196b
רמז ללופירין שלו he motioned to his guardsmen, and they stabbed him; Yalk. Deut.
950 ללובירים (corr. acc.); Yalk. Sam. 151 ראו ללוכידין (corr. acc.).

Δοσίθεος - דּוֹסְתַּאי

498, Jastrow 6595
(Δοσίθεος) Dostai, 1) a disciple of Shammai. , 1) a disciple of Shammai. Orlah
II, 5.—2) D. father of Abba José. Tosef. Peah IV, 2 ed. Zuck. (Var. דוסאי); Yoma
22b; a. fr.—3) R. D. son of R. Judah. Tosef. Shebi. II, 18; a. e.—4) R. D. son
of R. Jannai. Tosef. Ber. VII. (VI), 8. Nidd. 31b; a. fr.

δουκηνάριος - דּוּקִינָר

499, Jastrow 6622
(ducenarius, δουκηνάριος S.) commander, procurator. Y. Ab. Zar. I, 39b (Bab. ib.
6b מינאה).

δοχεῖον (docheion) - דָּכוֹן

500, Klein 5189
a small fireside table. PBH [Of uncertain origin. According to some scholars it
is a loan word from Gk. docheion (= receptacle), which is related to dekesthai
(= to take, receive), and derives from IE base *deƙ–, * doƙ– (= to take, receive,
accept; acceptable, becoming, good), whence also L. decēre. (= to be seemly or
fitting) According to others, דָּכוֹן is a var. of דּוּכָן (= stand, platform).

δράκων - דְּרָקוֹן

501, Jastrow 7412
(δράκων) dragon, Boa Constrictor (v. Sm. Ant. s. v.). [Its figure was used as a
military ensign of the Roman cohorts. In Talm. it is considered an emblem of idolatry.]
Ab. Zar. III, 3 if one finds vessels ועליהם … צורת ד' upon which is the figure
of the sun … or of a dragon. Tosef. ib. V (VI), 2 איזהו מין ד' שאסור (v. ed. Zuck.
note) what kind of serpent is forbidden (as an emblem of idolatry)?; Y. ib. III,
42d top.—Lev. R. s. 16, beg. (ref. to תעכסנה, Is. III, 16; cmp. עָכִיס) שהיתה צורת
ד' וכ' the figure of a serpent was on her shoes; Lam. R. to IV, 15 דרקין (corr.
acc.). B. Bath. 16b. Gitt. 56b וד' כרוך עליה and a serpent wound around the barrel
(allusion to the city of Jerusalem under the terrorism of the extremists). [Deut.
R. s. 6 בא הדרבון, corr. acc.] [Y. Kil. I, 27a bot. Ar., v. יַרְבּוּו.]

δράκων (dragon) - דְּרָקוֹן

502, Klein 5525
dragon. PBH [From Gk. dragon (= a kind of serpent; dragon), which prob. means lit.
‘the sharp-sighted one’, and is related to derkesthai (= to look at), from IE base
*derk̑–, drk̑– (= to see, look at). See ‘dragon’ in my CEDEL.]

δρᾶμα (drama) - דְּרָמָה

503, Klein 5516
drama. FW [Gk. drama (= deed, act, action represented on the stage, drama), from
dran (= to do, accomplish), which is related to drainein (= to be ready to do).
cp. דְּרַסְטִי and the second element in מָלוֹדְרָמה.]

δραματικός (dramatikos) - דְּרָמָתִי

504, Klein 5519
dramatic. FW [Back formation from Gk. dramatikos (= dramatic), from drama (= drama).
See דְּרָמָה and suff. □ִי.]

δραστικός (drastikos) - דְּרַסְטִי

505, Klein 5524
drastic. FW [Back formation from Gk. drastikos (= active, efficient, violent), from
drastos (= done), verbal adj. of dran (= to do, accomplish). See דְּרָמָה.]

δραχμή (drachme) - דַּרְכְּמוֹן

506, Klein 5513
1) name of an ancient Persian gold coin. 2) name of a Greek coin. NH [Prob. a blend
of Gk. dareikos (see אֲדַרְכּוֹן) and Gk. drachme, name of a silver coin (lit.:
‘a handful’), related to dragme (= handful), dragma (= a sheaf; lit.: ‘as much
as one can grasp, a handful’), from the stem of drassesthai (= to clutch, grasp,

δρόμος - *דְּרוֹמוֹס

507, Jastrow 7347
(δρόμος) the runner’s race in the stadium; course; in gen. contest at public games.
Kidd. 63a act before me כד' הזה Ar. (ed. דִּימוֹס) as is done in that certain

δυναμικός (dynamikos) - דִּינָמִי

508, Klein 5119
dynamic. FW [Back formation from Gk. dynamikos (= powerful), from dynamis (= might,
power), which is related to dynamai (= I am able, I am worth), dynatos (= strong,
able). Of uncertain origin. cp. דִּין II. cp. also דִּינָמוֹ, דִּינָמִיט, דִּינָמִיקָה.
For the ending see suff. □ִי.]

δυναμικός (dynamikos) - דִּינָמִיקָה

509, Klein 5122
dynamics. FW [From Gk. dynamikos (= powerful). See דִּינָמִי.]

δύναμις - דִּינָמִיס

510, Jastrow 6935
(δύναμις) power, ability. Cant. R. to IV, 8 (not דינמוס, interpret. אֵל, Is. XLV,

δύναμις (dynamis) - דִּין

511, Klein 5111
dyne (physics). FW [Shortened from Gk. dynamis (= might, power). See דִּינָמִי.

δύναμις (dynamis) - דִּינָמוֹ

512, Klein 5118
dynamo. FW [From Gk. dynamis (= power). See דִּינָמִי.]

δυνατός - דִּינָאטוֹס

513, Jastrow 6927
(δυνατός) able, capable. Y’lamd. to Deut. IV, 30 אני ד' וכ' Ar. ed. R. (Var. דינסטוס
&c., v. Koh. Ar. Compl. III, p. 97b).

δύο - דּוּ,

514, Jastrow 6453
(δύο, only in certain compounds) two, double. Lev. R. s. 14, beg. דו פרצופין נברא
Adam was created with two faces (male and female persons combined); Gen. R. s.
8, beg. דיו; Ber. 68a; a. e.—Ex. R. s. 5 דו פרצ' היה יוצא the word of the Lord
went forth in two characters (killing and reviving). V. דְּיוֹ II.

δύο - דִּי־

515, Jastrow 6734
(representing δις-, δύο) two, twice, cmp. דּוּ III.

δύο - דִּיוֹ,

516, Jastrow 6790
(δι-) two, double, a Greek prefix, sometimes used as a separate word (δύο) for etymological
purposes, and sometimes separated from its junction. Erub. 18a (explain. דיומדין,
v. דְּיוֹמַד) דיו עמודין two columns; ib. (expl. דיופרא, v. דִּיפְרָא) העושה ד'
פירות bearing fruits twice a year.—ד' זוגי, ד' פרצוף &c., v. דיוז', דיופ' &c.

δύο (dyo) - דְּיוֹפִי

517, Klein 5082
siphon (another version for דְּיוּבִיט). PBH [Folk-etymological alteration of דְּיוּבִיט
(= lit.: ‘two mouths’), from Gk. dyo (= two), and Heb. פִּי, properly c. st. of
(= פֶּה mouth).]

δύο (dyo) - דְּיוֹקָן

518, Klein 5085
1) image, likeness. PBH 2) portrait. NH [Surely connected with Gk. eikon (= likeness;
see אִיקוֹנִין), but the ד is of uncertain origin. According to some scholars דְּיוֹקָן
is the contraction of דְּיוֹ (= Gk. dyo, ‘two’), and eikon, and properly means
‘a double image’.]

δυς (dys) - דִּיס□

519, Klein 5127
dys– (pejorative pref., used esp. in the senses ‘hard to, difficult at, slow of’,
the opposite of the pref. en–). FW [Gk. dys– (= hard, bad, ill).]

δυσεντερία (dysenteria) - דִּיזֶנְטֶרְיָה

520, Klein 5096
dysentery. FW [Gk. dysenteria (= lit.: ‘bad intestines’). [Coined by the Greek physician
Hippocrates from dys (= hard, bad, ill; see דִּיס□ II), and entera (= intestines).
See ‘enteric’ in my CEDEL.]

δύσχιστος - דּוּכְסוּסְטוֹס

521, Jastrow 6543
(transpos. of δύσχιστος) hard to split, an inferior kind of parchment, opp. to קלף,
a split parchment of superior quality. Men. 31b. Ib. 32b sq.; Sabb. 79b; a. fr.—Pl.
דּוּכְסוּסְטִין. Y. Sabb. VIII, 11b (not טון …).

δώδεκα (dodeka) - דּוֹדֶקָאֶדֶר

522, Klein 4902
dodecahedron (geometry). FW [Gk. dodekahedron (= lit.: ‘having twelve faces’), from
dodeka (= twelve), and hedra (= seat, chair, bench; side, face). Gk. dodeka is
shortened from duodeka, from duo (= two; see דּוּ□), and deka (= ten; see דֶּקָדָה).
Gk. hedra stands for * sedrā and is cogn. with L. sedēre (= to sit). See the first
element in דוֹדֶקָגוֹן and cp. אַסֽלָה, סַנְהֶדְרִין and the second element in
פּוֹלִיאֶדֶר. See also אַכְסַדְרָה and cp. words there referred to.]

δωδεκάγωνον (dodekagonon) - דּוֹדֶקָגוֹן

523, Klein 4903
dodecagon (geometry). FW [Gk. dodekagonon (= lit.: ‘having twelve angles’), from
dodeka (= twelve; see דּוֹדֶקָאֶדֶר), and gonea (= corner, angle), which is related
to gonu (= knee). See ‘knee’ in my CEDEL and cp. the second element in פּוֹלִיגֹון.

δωδεκαδάκτυλον (dodechadachtulon) - תְּרֵיסַרְיָן

524, Klein 30980
duodenum (anatomy). NH [Formed from תְּרֵיסָר with suff. □ִן; properly loan translation
of Gk. dodechadachtulon (= duodenum), lit.: ‘twelve fingers long’; so called by
the Greek physician Herophilus (c. 353–280 B.C.E.) for its alleged length of 12
fingers breadth. See ‘duodenum’ in my CEDEL.]

δωδεκάεδρον (dodekahedron) - דּוֹדֶקָאֶדֶר

525, Klein 4902
dodecahedron (geometry). FW [Gk. dodekahedron (= lit.: ‘having twelve faces’), from
dodeka (= twelve), and hedra (= seat, chair, bench; side, face). Gk. dodeka is
shortened from duodeka, from duo (= two; see דּוּ□), and deka (= ten; see דֶּקָדָה).
Gk. hedra stands for * sedrā and is cogn. with L. sedēre (= to sit). See the first
element in דוֹדֶקָגוֹן and cp. אַסֽלָה, סַנְהֶדְרִין and the second element in
פּוֹלִיאֶדֶר. See also אַכְסַדְרָה and cp. words there referred to.]

δώξ - דּוּךְ,

526, Jastrow 6533
(v. preced.) leader, chief commander, only in דּוּךְ דּוּכָנִין (an adaptation of
dux ducum, δώξ δωκῶν, v. Du Cange s. v.) the leader of the services of the Levites,
v. דּוּכָן. Y. Sabb. X, 12c; Num. R. s. 7 (rendering of נשיא נשיאי Num. III, 32).
Ib. s. 4, end [read:] אלעזר היה דוך דוכנין וכ' Eleazar was chief commander, prince
over princes; cmp. דּוּכּוֹס.—*Pl. דּוּכִים. Gen. R. s. 5 (play on ד̇כ̇י̇ם̇, Ps.
XCIII, 3) (‘the rivers lift up their voices’, saying to the waves of the Sea) דֹּוּכִֹיֹםֹ
קבלונו ye leaders, receive us; [Yalk. Ps. 848 דַּכִּים אנו we are crushed].

δώρατα - *דּוֹרָאטָא

527, Jastrow 6641
(δώρατα, irreg. pl. of δῶρον, v. LXX, II Chr. XXXII, 23 ed. R.) gifts. Y’lamd.
to Num. XV, 1 quot. in Ar. s. v. דריה.

δωρεά - דּוֹרְיָא

528, Jastrow 6653
(δωρεά) same. . Gen. R. s. 85, end, the one sent (to Babylon) dates, and the other
(to Palestine) דוריות gifts of honor (purple cloak, ref. to Josh. VII, 21) ; Cant.
R. to VIII, 11 דורוניות (corr. acc. or דּוֹרוֹנוֹת).—Ex. R. s. 5 דוראות של עטרות
gifts consisting of crowns.

Δωρικός (Dorikos) - דּוֹרִי

529, Klein 4986
Doric. FW [Back formation from Gk. Dorikos, from Doris (= Doris), name of a district
in Central Greece, named after Doros (= Dorus), the ancestor of the Dorians, a
name related to doron (= gift). See דּוֹרוֹן. For the ending see adj. suff. □ִי.

δῶρον - *דּוֹרָאטָא

530, Jastrow 6641
(δώρατα, irreg. pl. of δῶρον, v. LXX, II Chr. XXXII, 23 ed. R.) gifts. Y’lamd.
to Num. XV, 1 quot. in Ar. s. v. דריה.

δῶρον - דּוֹרוֹן,

531, Jastrow 6652
, ch. form דּוֹרוֹנָא m. (δῶρον) present, honorary gift. Targ. Ps. CXLI, 2. Ib.
XL, 7; a. e.—Zeb. 7b עולה ד' הוא the burnt offering is a votive gift (not a means
of atonement). Pes. 118b; a. fr.—Pl. דּוֹרוֹנִין. Targ. Y. Ex. XII, 46; a. e.—דּוֹרוֹנוֹת.
Gen. R. s. 79. (Yalk. ib. 133 דּוֹרָנוֹת); a. fr.—Chald. form. דּוֹרוֹנְיָתָא.
Targ. Ps. XX, 4 ed. Lag. (Ms. a. some ed. דוכר' incorr.). Cant. R. to VIII, 11
דורוניות, v. next w.

δῶρον (doron) - דּוֹרוֹן

532, Klein 4985
gift, present. PBH [From Gk. doron, from IE * dō-ron (= gift), which has a collateral
form * dō-nom, whence L. dōnom. cp. ‘donation’ in my CEDEL. cp. also דּוֹרִי and
the second element in פַּנֽדּוֹרָה and in תֶּרְמִידוֹר.]

ἐβέλινος - *אַבְלִינָא

533, Jastrow 168
(ἐβέλινος = ἐβένινος S.) ebony-wood. Y’lamd. B’haal. מטות של א' (quot. in Ar.,
Tanḥ. a. Num. R. s. 14 only … מנורות) couches of ebony wood. [Jellin. Beth Hammidr.
VI, 88, Nr. 53 אבליגא.]

ἐβένινος - *אַבְלִינָא

534, Jastrow 168
(ἐβέλινος = ἐβένινος S.) ebony-wood. Y’lamd. B’haal. מטות של א' (quot. in Ar.,
Tanḥ. a. Num. R. s. 14 only … מנורות) couches of ebony wood. [Jellin. Beth Hammidr.
VI, 88, Nr. 53 אבליגא.]

ἐβλασφήμησεν - בְּלַסְפֵימִיסון

535, Jastrow 4353
, read בְּלַסְפֵימֵיסִין (ἐβλασφήμησεν) he blasphemed. Y’lamd., ref. to I Kings
XXI, 13 quot. in Ar. (interpret. בֵּרַךְ).

ἔβρεξεν - *בריכסון

536, Jastrow 4726
, read בְּרִיכְסִין (= ἔβρεξεν fr. βρέχω; ἐ rejected) it rained. Y. Shebu. III,
34d bot. if seeing that it has rained, one says קורי פלי ב', (κύριε πολὺ ἔβρεξεν)
‘By God, it has rained much’—this is a vain oath; Y. Ned. III, 38a top בלי קורי
בריקשון (corr. acc.); Pesik. R. s. 22 כלי קרי אברוכסים (corr. acc., read איבריכסין

ἐγγυθήκη - *אַנְטִיכִי

537, Jastrow 2181
(ἀγγοθήκη, ἐγγυθήκη, lat. mutilat. incitega) a receptacle for vessels, a stand
for hanging in kettles, tripods &c. Sabb. III, 4 (41a); Gem. ib. one opin., בי
כירי antichi (in the Mishnah) means a vessel suspended between fire places (heated
bricks); another opin., בי דודי a metal vessel suspended within a caldron-like
vessel, the vacant space beneath being filled with coals. Ib. (in evidence of the
latter opin.) א' אע"פ שהיא גרופה וכ' Ms. M. (ed. אע''פ שגרופה וקטומה) an antichi,
even when cleaned of coals &c. Y. Sabb. III, 6a bot. Tosef. Bets. III, 20. Y. ib.
I, 60c bot. כהדא א' נפלת וכ' as in the case of an antichi which fell &c.—*M. Kat.
28b (in a funeral dirge) גוד גרמא מככא ונמטי מיא לא' take the bone (pin) out of
the jaw (the base in which the vessel is suspended) and let water be put into the
antichi, i.e. body and soul are now separated, the latter being the vessel going
back to the (divine) spring; cmp. Koh. XII, 6 sq.; [Ms. M. … מבבא … לאנטוכיא, v.
Rabb. D. S a. l. note.]

ἔγκλημα - *אנקליטון

538, Jastrow 2298
, Mus. אנקלימון, read אֶנְקְלֵימָטִין m. pl. (ἔγκλημα, … ατα) written complaints,
charges. Deut. R. s. 2; Yalk. Gen. 77; Ex. 167 נתפס בא' has been arrested on charges

ἐθνάρχης (etnarches) - אֶתְנַרְךְ

539, Klein 2377
ethnarch. FW [Gk. etnarches (= ruler of the people), from ethnos (= people), and
arches (= leader, chief, ruler), from the stem of archein (= to begin; to rule).
See אֶתֽנוֹגְרֵפֽיָה and אַרְכִי.]

ἐθνάρχοι - *אֲדַנְדְּקֵי

540, Jastrow 431
(a Babyl. corrupt. of ἐθνάρχοι, v. אדנקא P. Sm. 40) chiefs of tribes. Ḥull. 60b
א' שלהן חמשה Ar. (ed. ארונקי, Mus. אדונקי) the six tribes had only five chiefs
(v. Josh. XII, 3). Ib. כתוב א' וכ' record the word א' in thy lecture notes (as
a foreign word) and explain it.

εἰδύλλιον (eidyllion) - תְּמוּנִיָּה

541, Klein 30487
idyll. NH [Formed from תּֽמוּנָה with suff. □ִיָּה. Properly loan translation from
Gk. eidyllion (= a short descriptive poem), lit.: ‘a little picture’ (whence also
Eng. idyll).]

εἶκε - אקי

542, Jastrow 2911
, read: אִיקִי (εἶκε) make room! Y’lamd. to Deut. XI, 22 quot. in Ar. (v. Tanḥ.
Ekeb, 4); cmp. Midr. Till. to Ps. XVII.

εἰκόνιον - *אִיקוֹנְיָא,

543, Jastrow 1592
(pl. of εἰκόνιον) statuary. Midr. Till. to Ps. XV (ref. to Is. XXXI, 9, applied
to the Roman empire or emperor) ‘his rock’ זה א' this means the statues with the
likenesses of the emperors (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Statuary).

εἰκόνιον - אִיקוֹנִין, , (אקונין)

544, Jastrow 1596
(εἰκόνιον) picture, image; Targ. Y. Gen. IV, 5 features (pl.); a. fr.—Ex. R. s.
15. Deut. R. s. 4, v. אִיקֹונְיָא II; a. fr.—Esp. זִיו א' the brightness of expression,
features.—Gen. R. s. 53; a. fr.—Ex. R. s. 35 א' נאה (sub. זיו) fine appearance;
Cant. R. to III, 11 אותונין (corr. acc.).—Pl. v. אִיקֹון

εἰκόνιον (eikoncon) - אִיקוֹנִין

545, Klein 1027
likeness, image, picture, portrait. PBH [Borrowed from Gk. eikoncon [sic] (dimin.
of likeness, image), which is related to eikos (= similar, like, is like, is fit).
See ‘icon’ in my CEDEL. cp. דְיוֹקָן.] | **Editor's Note: The 'i' or 'iota' was
possibly mistaken for a 'c' and became written down as 'eikoncon'. Jastrow writes
'εἰκόνιον' which supports the suggestion that this is a copyist error.

εἰκών - אִיקוֹן, אִיקוּנָא, (אִק')

546, Jastrow 1590
c. (εἰκών) likeness, portrait, iconic statue. Targ. Y. Gen. V, 3.—Pl. h. אִיקֹונִין,
אִיקֹונֹות; ch. אִיקֹונַיָּא, אִיקֹונָתָא. Ex. R. s. 30 (של מלך) א' emperor’s statues;
a. fr.—Y. Ab. Zar. III, beg. 42b איקוניות, איקינות read אִיקֹונֹות. Ib. 42c top;
a. e. V. אִיקֹונִין. [Midr. Till. to Pss. XV, XVII, v. אִיקוֹנְיָא.]

εἰκών (eikon) - דְּיוֹקָן

547, Klein 5085
1) image, likeness. PBH 2) portrait. NH [Surely connected with Gk. eikon (= likeness;
see אִיקוֹנִין), but the ד is of uncertain origin. According to some scholars דְּיוֹקָן
is the contraction of דְּיוֹ (= Gk. dyo, ‘two’), and eikon, and properly means
‘a double image’.]

εἰλεός - *אלריא

548, Jastrow 1955
a disease; prob. a corruption of אִילְיָיא (εἰλεός, ileus) iliac passion, spasm
of the abdominal muscles connected with vomiting. Git. 70a מיושב אחזתו א' Ar.
(ed. דלריא as in the sentence following).

εἰρίνεον - אַיְירִינוֹן

549, Jastrow 1245
(εἰρίνεον, εἰρινοῦν, neut. ) woolen. Esth. R. to I, 6 (ref. to Aquila’s translation)

εἰρινοῦν - אַיְירִינוֹן

550, Jastrow 1245
(εἰρίνεον, εἰρινοῦν, neut. ) woolen. Esth. R. to I, 6 (ref. to Aquila’s translation)

εἶτα - *אִיטָה,

551, Jastrow 1211
(Syr. איטא, εἶτα) and so (indignantly). Y. Snh. I, 18d top א' עבדתני וכ' how thou
hast been the cause of my putting rabbis to shame!

ἐκήρυξεν - כרכסין

552, Jastrow 14079
, read: כֵּרוּכְסִין (ἐκήρυξεν, sub. ὁ κῆρυξ; cmp. בריכסון) it has been announced.
Esth. to I, 10 (ref. to ז̇ת̇ר̇ וכ̇ר̇כס, v. כַּרְכַּס) לשון יוני הוא היך מה דאת
אמר כ' Carcas it a Greek expression (‘see the profligacy … and publish it’, κήρυσσε)
as you say ἐκήρυξεν, proclamation has been made.

ἐκκαλοῦμαι - *(אנקלומה) אֶנְקְלוּמָא

553, Jastrow 2296
(ἐκκαλοῦμαι) I appeal. Deut. R. s. 9; Koh. R. to VIII, 8 לומר … א' to say before
the Lord, ‘I appeal against thy decision.’ V. next w.

ἔκκλητος - (אונק') אֶנְקְלִיטוֹן

554, Jastrow 2297
(ἡ ἔκκλητος, v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Appellatio) appeal from the decision of a court.
Gen. R. s. 49 תולין לו א' one is permitted to hang up against him i.e. to announce,
an appeal—from the dux &c. Deut. R. s. 9 ליתן לפניו אנקליטין (read ליתלות a. טון
…); Koh. R. to VIII, 8 שיתלה א' to appeal from his decision. Tanḥ. Thazr. 7 שלא
ירננו עליו אונק' וכ' (ed. Bub. 9 יתנו, read יתלו). V. next w.

ἐκλεκτικός (eklektikos) - אֶקְלֶקְטִי

555, Klein 2009
eclectic. FW [Gk. eklektikos (= picking out, selecting), from eklektos, verbal adj.
of eklegein (= to pick out, select), from ek (= out of), and legein (= to pick
out, choose; to tell, say, speak). See אֶקֽס□ and לִגְיוֹן. For the ending of אֶקֽלֶקְטִי
see suff. □ִי.]

ἐκστατικός (ekstatikos) - אֶקְסְטָטִי

556, Klein 2012
ecstatic. FW [Back formation from Gk. ekstatikos (= unstable), from ekstasis. See
אֶקְסְטָזָה and suff. □ִי.]

ἐλαιόγαρον - (אניגורין) אֶנִּיגָרוֹן

557, Jastrow 2224
(ἐλαιόγαρον, נ corrupt. for ל) a sauce of oil and garum (to which wine is sometimes
added). Ber. 35b sq. א' מיא וכ' elaiogaron contains the juice of beets; oxygaron
the sauce of all kinds of boiled vegetables. Yoma 76a. Shebu. 23a ודילמא ע"י א'
perhaps if used as an admixture to elaiogarum? Tosef. Bets. II, 16 א' ואכסיגרון
ועליהן וכ' (Y. Bets. II, end, 61d אינגורין ובתוכן וכ', corr. acc.; cmp. Rashi to
Shebu. l. c.). Tosef. Ter. IX, 10; 12; Shebi. VI, 3. Koh. R. to I, 18 אגרטין (corr.

ἔλαιον μύῤῥινον - אֶינְמִירִינוֹן, אֶינְמְרִנוֹן

558, Jastrow 1389
(a contraction of ἔλαιον μύῤῥινον; cmp. אניגרון as to נ for ל) unguent scentedwith
Arabian myrtle. Cant. R. to IV, 14. [Muss. οἶνος μυρίνης; but the context requires
an unguent.]

ἐλάτη - אֱלָטִין

559, Jastrow 1831
(ἐλάτη) fir-trees. Tanḥ. T’rum. 9 ברוש א' Bibl. b’rosh means firs

ἐλεγεία (elegeia) - אֶלֶגְיָה

560, Klein 1151
elegy. FW [Gk. elegeia, short for elegeia ode (= an elegiac song). cp. ‘elegy’ and
‘elogium’ in my CEDEL.]

Ἑλένη - הִילְנִי,

561, Jastrow 7861
(Ἑλένη) Helen, 1) mother of king Munbaz, a convert to Judaism. , 1) mother of king
Munbaz, a convert to Judaism. Succ. 2b (Ms. M. הלני, Var. הלנית, v. Rabb. D. S.
a. l. note); Tosef. ib. I, 1. Yoma III, 10; Tosef. ib. II, 3 (not הילנו). Naz.
III, 6.—2) mother of R. Hillel. Lev. R. s. 12, end; Yalk. Jer. 320 ר' הילל בר
ה'; (Lam. R. to II, 8 ר' אילם).

Ἐλευθερόπολις - אֱלֶיוְתְּרוֹפּוֹלִיס

562, Jastrow 1849
(Ἐλευθερόπολις) Eleutheropolis (Freetown), an Idumean town corresponding to Hori
(Gen. XIV, 6). Gen. R. s. 42 (ed. corrup. מטרופ') read with Ar. ואת החורי א' ולמה
קורא אותה א' שבררו … אותה ויצאו להן לחירות they selected it for their residence
and made themselves independent.

ἑλικτή - אִלְקְטִי, אִילְ'

563, Jastrow 1947
(ἑλικτή, sub. κλῖμαξ; v. also הִילְקְטִי) winding staircase. Tosef. Erub. VIII,
11 (V, end) five compartments הפתוחות לא' ed. Zuck. (ed. אלקט) opening towards
a common winding staircase. Ib. ואסורין בהילקטי ed. Zuck. (ed. באלקטון, Var. בדיאלקטו
corr. acc.) and are forbidden the use of &c.

ἕλιξ - *אֶלִּיקָה

564, Jastrow 1876
(ἕλιξ, acc. … κα) wind-lass for launching ships. Y. Sabb. VII, 10c top, read: ההן
דמגפר אעין למני וחבלין לא' he who pitches wood for vessels or ropes for a wind-lass

Ἑλληνικός (Hellenikos) - הֶלֶּנִי

565, Klein 6407
Hellenic. FW [Back formation from Gk. Hellenikos (= Greek), from Hellenes (= descendants
of Hellen, Greeks), which is of uncertain origin. See ‘Hellen’ in my CEDEL. For
the ending see suff. □ִי.]

Ἑλληνισμός (Hellenismos) - הֶלֶּנִיזְם

566, Klein 6409
Hellenism. FW [Gk. Hellenismos (= imitation of the Greeks, Hellenism), from Hellenizein
(= to speak Greek, make Greek), from Hellenes (= Greeks); see הֶלֶּנִי and □ִיזְם).
Introduced (in the form of Hellenismus) in 1836 by the German historian Gustav
Droysen as a term denoting the development of Greek culture from Alexander the
Great to the end of antiquity.]

ἑλληνιστί - אֲלִנִסְטִי, אֲלוּנִיסְתִּין

567, Jastrow 1923
(read אלי' ἑλληνιστί) Hellenic, in Greek. Tanḥ. Tsav, 2 [a gloss] לשון א'קטבך קטאב"א
in Greek katab’kha (Hos. XIII, 14) means κατάβα descend; v. Yalk. Jer. 333. Y.
Sot. VII, beg. 21b שמע קלון קריין שמע אלונ' heard them read the Sh’ma in Greek

ἐμβατή (embate) - אַמְבָּט, אַמְבָּטִי

568, Klein 1352
bath, bathtub. PBH [Borrowed from Gk. embate (of s.m.), from embatein (= to go into),
from en (= in) and bainein (= to go).]

ἔμβολον (embolon) - עִנְבָּל

569, Klein 21559
clapper of a bell. PBH [From Gk. embolon (= lit.: ‘something thrown in’), from emballein
(= to throw in), from en (= in) and ballein (= to throw). See second ‘–en’ in my
CEDEL and cp. בַּלִיסְטִיקַה.]

ἐμβούρικλον - אִמְבּוּרְקְלוֹן, אִמְבּוּרִיקְלוֹן אִנְבּוּרְקְרָא

570, Jastrow 1972
(ἐμβούρικλον, imburuclum, corrupt. of involucrum, D. C. s. v.) wrapper, cover,
bundle. Y. B. Mets. IV, beg. 9c המחליף א … ין בא' Ar. (read … ון; ed. אברוקלון
באמבירוקלון, corr. acc.) if one exchanges one bundle for another; cmp. ציבור ibid.—Pl.
אִנְבּוּרְקְרָאֹות. B. Kam. 114b ed. (Ar. אנבקראות, Ms. M. אגבו', v. Rabb. D. S.
a. l. note).

Ἔμεσα - חֲמָץ

571, Jastrow 10488
(Gr. Ἔμεσα, Ἔμισσα) Ḥămâts, Emesa (mod. Hums) a city of Syria on the Eastern bank
of the Orontes. Gen. R. s. 37; Y. Meg. I, 71b bot. (expl. צמרי, Gen. X, 18). —Y.
Kil. IX, 32c bot.; Y. Keth. XII, 35b bot. ימא דח' the Lake of E. (an artificial
bay made under Diocletian); Midr. Till. to Ps. XXIV ימא דחמין (corr. acc.).—Denom.
חֲמָצָאֵי, חוֹמְצָאֵי m. pl. inhabitants of Emesa. Targ. Y. Gen. X, 18; Targ. I
Chr. I, 16.

Ἔμισσα - חֲמָץ

572, Jastrow 10488
(Gr. Ἔμεσα, Ἔμισσα) Ḥămâts, Emesa (mod. Hums) a city of Syria on the Eastern bank
of the Orontes. Gen. R. s. 37; Y. Meg. I, 71b bot. (expl. צמרי, Gen. X, 18). —Y.
Kil. IX, 32c bot.; Y. Keth. XII, 35b bot. ימא דח' the Lake of E. (an artificial
bay made under Diocletian); Midr. Till. to Ps. XXIV ימא דחמין (corr. acc.).—Denom.
חֲמָצָאֵי, חוֹמְצָאֵי m. pl. inhabitants of Emesa. Targ. Y. Gen. X, 18; Targ. I
Chr. I, 16.

Ἐμμαούς - אִמָּאוּס, אִימָּאוּס

573, Jastrow 1966
(Ἐμμαούς, Ἀμμαούς, hellenized form of חמה, חמתה) Emmaus, Ammaus, a town in the plain
of Judæa (or Philistæa), renowned, in Talmudic days, for its warm springs and luxurious
life. Koh. R. to VII, 7, a. e. [Ib. 11 אימוניס prob. אימאוס.] Cmp. דימסית. [Other
forms: עמאוס, עמיס, אמאום, עמאים. For other places by that name, v. Neub. Géogr.
p. 100.]

ἐμπίλιον - אִמְפִּילְיָא, אִמְפִּלְיָא, אִנְפִּי', אִנְפִּלְ'

574, Jastrow 2052
(pl. of ἐμπίλιον, impilia) (pair of) felt-shoes, in gen. shoes, socks. Kel. XXVII,
6. Yeb. XII, 1. Ib. 102b א' של בגד cloth-shoes; א' של עור leather-covered shoes;
a. fr.—Pl. אִנְפִּילָאֹות, אִנְפִּלָ', אִמְפִּילָיֹות, אִנְפִּילִיןpairs of &c.
Sabb. 120a; Y. ib. XVI, 15d שתי א' two pairs &c. Gen. R. s. 61. Yeb. 102b

ἐμπίλιον (empilion) - אַנְפִּילָה

575, Klein 1633
felt shoe, felt slipper. PBH [Gk. empilion (= felt shoe), formed from en (= in)
and pilos (= felt), which is prob. cogn. with L. pilleus (= felt cap), pilus (=
hair). cp. ‘pile’ (= soft hair) in my CEDEL.]

ἐμπλόκιον - *אסטומוכריאה

576, Jastrow 2361
, Y. Sabb. VI, 8b bot., also in two words אסטו מ', quoted from Aquila as a rendition
of בתי הנפש (Is. III, 20), read: אֶנְסְטֹומַכְיָיא (ἐνστομάχια pl. of ἐνστομάχιον
= ἐμπλόκιον; v. explan. ibid. דברים וכ') an ornament of the bosom (stomach).

ἐμποκιλτὰ - אַפִּיקִילְטָא, אַפִּיקִילְטִין, פִּיקִילְטִין

577, Jastrow 2715
(ἐμποκιλτὰ, ποικιλτὰ, τὰ) embroidered garments (quoted as Aquila’s translation of
רקמה Ez. XVI, 10; LXX ποικίλα). Pesik. B’shall. p. 84b. Cant. R. to IV, 11; 12
איפליקתא, אפליקטא (corr. acc.). Lam. R. beg. תרגם אונק' אפלקטורין פליקטא (read
עקילס, and corr. acc. by striking out one of the two words as var. lect. that came
into the text; cmp. Pesik. l. c. note).

ἐμπορία - אַנְפֹּורְיָא

578, Jastrow 2271
(ἐμπορία) journey for business, traffic, trade; also merchandise. כלי א' merchant’s
implements (straps, poles &c. for carrying goods). B. Mets. II, 2 כלי א' אינו וכ'
merchant’s implements (if found) need not be publicly announced (for return to
the owner). Ib. 23b sq.; Y. B. Mets. II, beg. 8b; Tosef. ib. 1 (definit. of our
w.). Midr. Till. to Ps. CXVIII, 20 התקין א' שלו arranged his journey with the caravan.
[Also אַנְכֹּורְיָה.]

ἐμπόριον (emporion) - אַנְפּוֹרְיָה

579, Klein 1632
trading place, trade, merchandise. PBH [Gk. emporion (= a trading place, market),
properly neuter of emporios (= pertaining to trade), used as a n., from emporos
(= traveler; trader, merchant), from en (= in) and poros (= passage, way, road),
which stands in gradational relationship to peirein (= to go through, pierce, cross,
traverse) which is related to peran (= to pass through). These words derive from
IE base *per- (= to pass over). cp. ‘fare’ (v.) in my CEDEL.]

ἔμποροι - *אַמְפּוּרִין, אִמְפֹּורִין

580, Jastrow 2051
(ἔμποροι) travelers, traders. Targ. Y. I Gen. XXV, 3 (a gloss to preceding תגרין;
Targ. Y. II inserts אומנין for לְטוּשִׁם; h. text אַשּׁוּרִים). Ib. XLVI, 23 (h.
text חשים). [Gen. R. s. 61, quoting Targ. Gen. XXV, 3, reads לופרין!]

ἔμπυρος - *אמבירוס

581, Jastrow 1977
, read אֶמְפִּירֹוס m. (ἔμπυρος) fire-scathed. Midr. Till. to Ps. XXII, v. אִימּוּס

ἕνα - הֶינָא

582, Jastrow 7898
(ἕνα, acc. of εἶς) one, v. הֶן.

ἐνδήμιος (endemios) - אֶנְדֶּמִי

583, Klein 1522
endemic. FW [From Gk. endemios, endemos (= dwelling in a place, native), from en
(= in) and demos (= district, country, land, people), which stands for *dāmos (lit.:
‘a division of the people’), from IE base *dā-, *dāi- (= to cut off, separate,
divide), whence also Gk. daimon (= god, goddess; lit.: ‘divider, distributor (of
men’s destinies)’. See ‘demon’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘demos’ ibid. cp. אֶפִּידֶמִי.

ἐνεχυρασία - *(אונ') אֶנְקְלַסְיָא

584, Jastrow 2300
(a corruption of ἐνεχυρασία) taking property in pledge, writ of seizure = אַדְרַכְתָּא.
Tosef. B. Mets. I, 7 אונקליטיא וכ' ed. Zuck. (Var. אונקילוסיא, corr. acc.) when
a writ of seizure is found, if the debtor admits its correctness, it must be returned
to the creditor; if not, it must be returned to neither. Ib. B. Bath. XI, 5 אנקלסיא
וכ' (אינ', אונ') a writ of seizure may be written out without notifying the creditor,
but not without notifying the debtor and giving him time to protest; v. B. Kam.

ἐνθήκη - *אֶנְתֵּיקֵי

585, Jastrow 2313
(ἐνθήκη) store, capital of the business. B. Bath. V, 1 if one sold a ship, he has
not sold with it … את הא' the funds and stores belonging to the business. Cmp.
ib. 77b (definition) עיסקא דאית בה Ms. M. (ed. דבגווה) the business connected with

ἐνστομάχια - *אסטומוכריאה

586, Jastrow 2361
, Y. Sabb. VI, 8b bot., also in two words אסטו מ', quoted from Aquila as a rendition
of בתי הנפש (Is. III, 20), read: אֶנְסְטֹומַכְיָיא (ἐνστομάχια pl. of ἐνστομάχιον
= ἐμπλόκιον; v. explan. ibid. דברים וכ') an ornament of the bosom (stomach).

ἐνστομάχιον - *אסטומוכריאה

587, Jastrow 2361
, Y. Sabb. VI, 8b bot., also in two words אסטו מ', quoted from Aquila as a rendition
of בתי הנפש (Is. III, 20), read: אֶנְסְטֹומַכְיָיא (ἐνστομάχια pl. of ἐνστομάχιον
= ἐμπλόκιον; v. explan. ibid. דברים וכ') an ornament of the bosom (stomach).

ἐνσχερώ (enschero) - אַכְסְרָה

588, Klein 1110
in the lump, as a whole, approximately. PBH [A loan word from Gk. enschero (= in
a row), which is formed from en (= in) and scheros (= row, line), from schein (=
to have, hold, possess). See סְכֵימָה.]

ἐντολεύς - *אֶנְטְלִי

589, Jastrow 2203
(ἐντολεύς) procurator, mandatary. Y. Snh. II, beg. 19d וימנה לו א' (ed. incorr.
ליה אנטלר) let him appoint a mandatary. Ib. וא' בשבועה can the mandatary take an
oath for his client?

ἐντύβιον - *אַנְטוּבִּין, הִינְדְּבִי

590, Jastrow 2162
(ἐντύβιον, Arab. hindeb, prob. fr. נדב to flow, curl, cmp. אַנְדִּיפֵי) endive.
Y. Kil. I, 27a top אנטוכין (corr. acc.). Pes. 39a הינדבי (Rashi הִינְדִּיבִי, Ms.

ἐξέδρα - אַכְסַדְרָא, אַכְסִדְרָא, אַכְסִדְרָה

591, Jastrow 1720
(ἐξέδρα, exedra) (Greek) a covered place in front of the house; (Roman) recess,
parlor, hall for conversations and discussions. Targ. Jud. III, 23. [Pl. Targ.
Ps. CIV, 3, v. אִינְדְּרָא.] B. Bath. 11b א' דבי רב the hall of the school house
(philosophers’ exedra, v. Sm. Ant. s. v.), contrad. to א' רומייתא (Ms. Oxf. דרומיתא,
v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 10) Roman exedra (open but surrounded by a railing).
Ib. 25ab עולם לא' וכ' the world resembles an exedra the northernmost side of which
is not covered (מסוככת Ms. M., ed. מסובבת not surrounded); a. fr.—Pl. אַכְסַדְרָאֹות.
Tam. 28b א' של בנין exedras forming, or belonging to, a structure (opp. to open
exedra with plants).

ἐξέδρα (exedra) - אַכְסַדְרָה

592, Klein 1104
corridor, porch. [Gk. exedra (= a covered walk before the house, furnished with
seats; seat, bench), from ex (= out of), and edra (= seat), which derives from
IE base *sed- (= to sit). cp. the second element in סַנְהֶדְרִין.]

ἐξέρκετον - קְסִרְקִיטוֹן

593, Jastrow 27482
(exercitus, ἐξέρκετον, S.) army. . Lam. R. introd. (R. Naḥm.) (ref. to Is. XXIX,
1) קריה … דוד לק' שלו the city which David built for his army; Yalk. Is. 302 קיסרקיסון
(corr. acc.). Cant. R. to VIII, 13 נטל קצרקטין שלו וכ' (read: קְצִרְקְטוֹן) he
took his entire army and his servants (cabinet) &c.

ἐξιτήριον - אֶגְסִיטֵרִין, אֶכְסִיטֵירִין

594, Jastrow 328
(ἐξιτήριον S.) farewell-address, bequest. [Mostly corrupt.] Midr. Till. to Ps.
LXXXIV. Ib. to Ps. LXXXVI, 1. Ib. to Ps. XXVII. Pesik. Aḥaré p. 175ab סקווטריס;
Lev. R. s. 21 סקויטרים, read אקסיטרין (v. Buber to Pesik. l. c.).

ἐξορία - אֶכְסוֹרִיָּה

595, Jastrow 1721
(ἐξορία) exile, banishment. Lev. R. s. 18 אכסי' (Ar. כסוריא) (corr. acc.).

ἐξώστρα (exostra) - גְּזוּזְטְרָא, גְּזוּזְטְרָה

596, Klein 3931
and NH resp.) (pl. גְּזוּזְטְרוֹת and גְּזוּזְטֽרָאוֹת) balcony, porch. (PBH [Gk.
exostra (= balcony; lit.: ‘something thrust out’), from ex (= out of), which is
related to L. ex (= out of), and othein (= to thrust).]

ἐπαρχία - אִיפַּרְכִי, אִיפַּרְכְיָא, אִפַּ'

597, Jastrow 1567
(ἐπαρχία) prefecture, province, town-government. Gen. R. s. 39; a. fr. [In Targ.
also אִיפַּרְכָיוּתָא.]—Pl. אִיפַּרְכִיֹּות, אִפַּ'. Gen. R. s. 89; a. e. [Targ.
Lam. I, 1 אַפְרִיכְיָא, read אִיפַּרְכַיָּיא. Targ. Y. II, Deut. III, 11 אפרכיון,
read בֵּי אֵרְכִיוָן.] [Midr. Sam. ch. VII, לא' (Var. לאפי), v. אַפַּנְטֵי.]

ἐπαρχία (eparchia) - אִפַּרְכְיָה

598, Klein 1913
eparchy, province, district. PBH [Gk. eparchia (= office of an eparch, prefecture),
from eparchos (= eparch, governor of a country, prefect), from epi (= on, upon),
and archos (= leader, chief, ruler). See אֶפִּי□ and □ִרְכְיָה.]

ἔπαρχος - אִיפַּרְכָא, אִיפַּרְכָה, אֶפַּרְכָא, אֶפַּרְכוֹס

599, Jastrow 1564
(ὕπαρχος, ἔπαρχος) prefect of a province or town; governor, lieutenant. Gen. R.
s. 11; a. v. fr.—Pl. אִיפַּרְכִין, אִפַּ'; אִפַּרְכֵי, אִיפַּרְכַיָּא. Targ. Y.
Num. XI, 28. Targ. Esth. I, 3; a. e.—Shebu. 6b; a. fr.

ἐπεισόδιον (epeisodion) - אֶפִּיזוֹדָה

600, Klein 1816
episode. FW [Gk. epeisodion (= addition, episode), properly neuter of the adj. epeisodios
(= coming in, besides, adventitious), from epi- (= at, on, in addition to), eis,
es (= into), and odos (= way). See אֶפִּי□. See also ‘en’ and ‘odograph’ in my

ἐπί (epi) - אֶפִּי□

601, Klein 1802
pref. meaning ‘on, beside, among, above, anterior’. FW [Gk. epi-, ep-, aph-, from
epi (= on, upon; up to, over, after; at; beyond, besides, in addition to). Cogn.
with Old I. api (= also, besides), Avestic aipi (= also; to, toward). cp. ‘ob-’
in my CEDEL.]

ἐπὶ κῶμον - *אֶפִּיקוֹמָן

602, Jastrow 2709
(ἐπὶκῶμον [sic] = comessatum ire; cmp. Sm. Ant. s. v. Comissatio; Plut. II, 726
Fragm. ed. Wytt.) ‘to the aftermeal entertainment!’ = our, ‘Remove the cloth’.
Pes. X, 8 אין מפטירין אחר הפסח א' after the Paschal meal one must not wind up by
saying, ‘Now to the after-meal entertainment’; (cmp. אַפְטָרָה). Y. ib. 37d top
אֶפִּיקוֹמוֹן שלא יהא וכ' in order that one should not break loose from his company
and join another.—אֶפִּיקוֹמִין m. pl. (ἐπίκωμοι) things belonging to the after-meal,
dessert. Ib. bot. מאי א' what are epicomoi? Fruits, sweet-meats &c., v. זֶמֶר II.
Tosef. ib. 11 אין מפטירין … אפיקימון וכ' ed. Zuck. (read … קומין) we must not offer
epikomoi, as nuts, dates &c. [Pes. 119b מאי א' אמר רב שלא וכ' seems to be a corrupt
text; prob. to be read: מאי טעמא אמר רב שלא וכ' מאי א' אמר שמואל כגון וכ'; cmp.
Y. l. c. top … א' שלא וכ'; bot. מאי א' … שמואל אמר וכ'] | **Editor's Note: It's
unclear why the two words merged to one, but as there are two accents, the correct
form is as two words.

ἐπιγραφή (epigraphe) - אֶפִּיגְרָף

603, Klein 1806
epigraph. FW [Gk. epigraphe (= inscription), from epigraphein. See אֶפִּיגְרַם.

ἐπιδέξιος - *אפדכסיס, אפרדכסיס, אפור'

604, Jastrow 2602
, read אֶפִּידֶכְסְיֹוס m. (ἐπιδέξιος) dexterous, clever, refined. Num. R. s. 10
(alluding to Laban, v. לָבַן) he was surnamed (to his praise) א' ‘the refined.’
R. B. says מלובן ברשע refined in wicked acts. [In parallels Gen. R. s. 60; Ruth
R. to I, 22; Yalk. Gen. 109 פרדוכסוס read פְּרִידֶכְסְיֹוס (περιδέξιος).]

ἐπικάρσιον (epikarsion) - פַּקְרֵס

605, Klein 23392
1) shirt, underwear. PBH 2) sweater. NH [Shortened from אַפְקַרְסִין, from Gk. epikarsion
(= striped garment), properly subst. use of the neuter of the adj. epikarsios (=
crosswise, at an angle; striped), which is formed from epi (= on, upon; see אֶפִּי□),
and a word, which is prob. related to Lithuanian skeřsas (= transversal).]

ἐπικός (epikos) - אֶפִּיקָה

606, Klein 1837
epic. FW [From Gk. epikos (= epic, adj.), which derives from epos (= word, song;
in pl., ‘epic, poetry’). See אֶפּוֹס.]

ἐπικώμιον (epikomion) - אֲפִיקוֹמָן

607, Klein 1838
‘afikoman’, a piece of ‘matzah’ broken off from the central of the three ‘matzoth’,
used at the end of the meal at the Seder service (Jewish religion). PBH [Gk. epikomion
(= festal procession after the meal), properly subst. use of the neuter of the
adj. epikomios (= of, or at, a festal procession), from epi (= on, upon; at; see
אֶפִּי□), and komos (= banquet, merrymaking, revel). See קוֹמֶדְיָה.]

ἐπίκωμοι - *אֶפִּיקוֹמָן

608, Jastrow 2709
(ἐπὶκῶμον [sic] = comessatum ire; cmp. Sm. Ant. s. v. Comissatio; Plut. II, 726
Fragm. ed. Wytt.) ‘to the aftermeal entertainment!’ = our, ‘Remove the cloth’.
Pes. X, 8 אין מפטירין אחר הפסח א' after the Paschal meal one must not wind up by
saying, ‘Now to the after-meal entertainment’; (cmp. אַפְטָרָה). Y. ib. 37d top
אֶפִּיקוֹמוֹן שלא יהא וכ' in order that one should not break loose from his company
and join another.—אֶפִּיקוֹמִין m. pl. (ἐπίκωμοι) things belonging to the after-meal,
dessert. Ib. bot. מאי א' what are epicomoi? Fruits, sweet-meats &c., v. זֶמֶר II.
Tosef. ib. 11 אין מפטירין … אפיקימון וכ' ed. Zuck. (read … קומין) we must not offer
epikomoi, as nuts, dates &c. [Pes. 119b מאי א' אמר רב שלא וכ' seems to be a corrupt
text; prob. to be read: מאי טעמא אמר רב שלא וכ' מאי א' אמר שמואל כגון וכ'; cmp.
Y. l. c. top … א' שלא וכ'; bot. מאי א' … שמואל אמר וכ'] | **Editor's Note: See
note on 'ἐπὶ κῶμον - *אֶפִּיקוֹמָן'

ἐπιληψία (epilepsia) - אֶפִּילֶפְּסְיָה

609, Klein 1822
epilepsy. FW [Ultimately from Gk. epilepsia (= liability to seizure, epilepsy),
which is related to epilambanein (= to lay hold of, seize, attack), from epi (=
on, upon), and the future stem of lambanein (= to take, grasp, seize). See אֶפִּי□
and דִּילֶמָּה. For the ending see suff. □יָה.]

ἐπίλογος - *אֶנְפִּילוֹגוֹס

610, Jastrow 2274
(ἐπίλογος, epilogus) concluding speech, argument, inference; peroration. Koh. R.
to X, 16 התחיל א' וכ' (Solomon) in his wisdom began a concluding argument; (Midr.
Till. to Ps. LXXII פיו נובע!)

ἐπίλογος (epilogos) - אֶפִּילוֹג

611, Klein 1821
epilogue. FW [Ultimately from Gk. epilogos (= peroration; concluding part of a play,
lit.: ‘a saying in addition’), from epilegein (= to say in addition), from epi
(= on, upon; see אֶפִּי□), and legein (= to say, speak), which is related to L.
legere (= to read, recite). See לִגְיוֹן and cp. פְּרוֹלוֹג.]

ἐπιμελήτης - אֶפִּימְלֵיטֵיס

612, Jastrow 2693
(ἐπιμελήτης) manager, commissioner. Tosef. B. Bath. X, 5 אפומ' ed. Zuck. (ed. אפולמוטוס,
corr. acc.). B. Bath. 144b פולמוסטוס ed. (Ms. פומליטוס, oth. var. v. Rabb. D. S.
a. l. note 2; corr. acc.). Men. 85b פולמוסטוס ed. (Ar. פלמיטוס); corr. acc.

ἐπιστολαί - אֶפִּיסְטוֹלִי

613, Jastrow 2695
(ἐπιστολαί) message, injunction, last will. Gen. R. s. 74 end, ed.; v. אִסְטְלִי
II. Y’lamd. to Deut. II, 2 (quot. in Ar. ed. pr.; oth. ed. פיסטולי).

ἐπιστύλια - פִּיסְטַלְיוֹת

614, Jastrow 23515
(an adapt. of ἐπιστύλια, as if a reduplic. of פָּסַל) lintels on the top of a pillar,
epistyles. Y. Succ. I, 52a bot. [read:] ארבעה עמודים ועליהם ארבע פ' (Mus. אפיס')
four columns and on top of them four epistyles (extending beyond the columns);
Y. Erub. I, 19c פִּצְטַלְיוֹת.

ἐπιστύλιον - *אֶפִּיסְטִילְיוֹת

615, Jastrow 2696
(ἐπιστύλιον) architraves, lower members of an entablature. Y. Succ. I, 52a bot.
Mus.; cmp. פִּיסְטִלְיוֹת.

ἐπιστύλιον (epistylion) - אֶפִּיסְטִילָה

616, Klein 1829
architrave, epistyle. FW [Gk. epistylion, from epi (= on, upon; see אֶפִּי□), and
stylos (= pillar, column), which is related to styein (= to make stiff, erect;
to place, set). These words derive from IE base *st(h)āu-, *st(h)ū-, (= stiff,
upright, post, pillar).]

ἐπιτιμία - *איפומנימא

617, Jastrow 1540
(Mus.), איפומטא, איפומניטא, איפומג' &c. (read: אֶיפִּיטִימְיָא) m. pl. (ἐπιτίμια,
τὰ) the imposed penalty, sentence. Deut. R. s. 2; Yalk. Gen. 77; Ex. 167. [Mus.
reads נקרית sing. fem. = ἐπιτιμία.]

ἐπιτίμια - *איפומנימא

618, Jastrow 1540
(Mus.), איפומטא, איפומניטא, איפומג' &c. (read: אֶיפִּיטִימְיָא) m. pl. (ἐπιτίμια,
τὰ) the imposed penalty, sentence. Deut. R. s. 2; Yalk. Gen. 77; Ex. 167. [Mus.
reads נקרית sing. fem. = ἐπιτιμία.]

ἐπίτροπος - אֶפִּיטְרוֹפּוֹס, (אַפִּי', אַפּוֹ', אַפַּטְ')

619, Jastrow 2675
1) ( m. (ἐπίτροπος) same. Targ. Y. Gen. XXXIX, 4; a. e.—B. Mets. 39a מעמידין א'
the court appoints an administrator. Y. Ter. I, 40b bot. א' לעולם a permanent administrator
(guardian), א' לשעה a temporary administrator (substitute). Ex. R. s. 46 מתגדלת
אצל א' reared in the house of a guardian; a. fr.—Sabb. 121a א' של מלך royal administrator
(of the fiscus).—Trnsf. Keth. 13b, a. e. אין א' לעריות there is no guardian (no
means of guarding) against inchastity; Y. ib. I, 25d top א' על עריות.—Pl. אֶפִּיטְרוֹפְסִים,
אֶפִּיטְרוֹפְסִין, אַפַּטְרְפִין אֶפִּיטְרוֹפִין. Targ. Y. Gen. XLI, 34. Pes. VIII,
1. Esth. R. to I, 2; a. fr.—Tosef. Ter. V, 7 תרומת א' T’rumah set apart by administrators
in behalf of minors. Y. ib. l. c.—Gen. R. s. 6; Yalk. Gen. 9 אפיטרופולין (corr.
acc.); a. fr. [Yalk. Ps. 771 אפיקורוס twice, read our w.]

ἐπίτροπος (epitropos) - אֶפִּיטְרוֹפּוֹס

620, Klein 1818
guardian, procurator, administrator. PBH [Gk. epitropos (= guardian, trustee, governor;
properly ‘one to whom a charge is entrusted’), from epitrepein (= to turn to or
toward, to entrust to one’s charge), from epi (= on, upon; see אֶפִּי□), and trepein
(= to turn), which derives from IE base *trep- (= to turn). cp. טְרוֹפִּי and the
first element in טְרוֹפּוֹסְפֵירָה.]

Ἐπιφάνεια - פִּיפָנִי

621, Jastrow 23549
(Ἐπιφάνεια) Epiphania, a city of Syria. Gen. R. s. 37 (expl. החמתי, Gen. X, 18;
Targ. Y. I, II a. l. אנטכואי, אנטוכיא).

ἔπος (epos) - אֶפּוֹס

622, Klein 1783
epos. FW [Gk. epos (= word, speech, tale, song; in pl. ‘epic poetry’). Related to
Gk. ops (= voice), ossa (= voice tale), and cogn. with L. vox (= voice). cp. אֶפִּי,
אֶפִּיקָה and the first element in אֶפּוֹפֵּיָה.]

ἔπος (epos) - אֶפִּי

623, Klein 1801
epic. FW [Formed with suff. □ִי from Gk. epos (see אֶפּוֹס).]

ἑπτά - אֶיפְטָא, אֶפְטָא

624, Jastrow 1549
(ἑπτά) seven. Gen. R. s. 14, beg.; a. e. V. אֵיטָא.

ἑπτάγωνος (heptagonos) - הֶפְּטָגוֹן

625, Klein 6812
heptagon (geometry). FW [Gk. heptagonos (= seven-cornered), compounded of hepta
(= seven), and gonia (= angle).]

ἐργαλεῖα - אֶרְגַּלְיָא, אֶרְגַּלְיָיא, אֶרְגַּלְיָיה

626, Jastrow 2991
(ἐργαλεῖα, τὰ) tools, implements. Ex. R. s. 40, beg. Lev. R. s. 23; Y. Succ. IV,
54c top; Cant. R. to IV, 8 היא וכל א' וכ' itself (the brick) and all the implements
for making it. [Y’lamd. B’haaloth., quot. in Ar. כלי א' implements of a ship.]

ἐργαλεῖα (ergalia) - אֶרְגַּלְיָה

627, Klein 2071
tools, instruments. PBH [Gk. ergalia, pl. of ergaleion (= tool, instrument), from
ergon (= work). See אֶרְגּֽ and cp. words there referred to.]

ἐργάτης - אֶרְגָּטִיס

628, Jastrow 2987
(ἐργάτης) working man, common laborer. Y’lamd. Koraḥ (quot. in Ar.) ועשה אותו א'
(read אותי) and made me (Korah) a working man (Num. VII, 9); Tanḥ. ed. Bub. Korah,
p. 96 אור'.

ἔργον (ergon) - אֶרְגְּ

629, Klein 2059
erg (physics). FW [From Gk. ergon (= work), which is related to ergo (= I do, sacrifice),
organon (= an instrument), orgia (= secret rites), from IE base *werg- (= work,
to work). See ‘work’ (n.) in my CEDEL and cp. אַרְגּוֹן, אֶרְגַּלְיָה, אוֹרְגָנִי,
and the second element in אַלֶּרְגְּיָה, אֶנֶרְגְּיָה, רְּרָמָטוּרְגְּיָה, לֵיתַרְגְּיָה,

ἔρημα - אֱרִימִין

630, Jastrow 3106
(ἔρημα, τὰ) desert, wilderness. מקום א' a settlement in a desert. Lev. R. s. 35
(ed. אדרימון, Ar. ארימון, corr. acc.). Cant. R. to VII, 11.—Yalk. Jer. 257 אירימון,
cmp. אֱירֵימִיאָה.

ἐρημία - אֱירֵימִיאָה

631, Jastrow 1610
(ἐρημία) desert, desolation. Koh. R. beg. (play on Jeremiah).

ἐριόξυλον - *ארסקינון

632, Jastrow 3213
Koh. R. to I, 7, end, perh. a. corrupt. of אִירְיוֹקְסִילוֹן m. (ἐριόξυλον) cotton.
[The entire sentence, however, seems to be misplaced, and a repetition of a preceding

Ἕρμης - דוּרְמוֹס

633, Jastrow 6660
(a disguise of Ἕρμης, or Mercurius, the divinity of commerce to whom a great annual
fair, prob. of Tyre, was dedicated, v. Y. Ab. Zar. I, 39d top, quot. s. v. ארקליס)
Durmos, name of a great annual fair. B. Mets. 72b (Ms. M. אסרטיון, v. Rabb. D.
S. a. l. note).

ἐρωτικός (erotikos) - אֶרוֹטִי

634, Klein 2094
erotic. FW [Gk. erotikos (= caused by love; referring to love), from eros (= love,
sexual desire), which is related to eran, erathai (= to love). Of uncertain etymology.
For the ending see suff. □ִי.]

ἐσχάρα (eschala) - אַסְכָּלָה

635, Klein 1712
grill, grid. PBH [Gk. eschala [sic] (= hearth, fireplace), which is of uncertain
origin.] | **Editor's Note: The 'l' likley should be an 'r' or a rho. Jastrow references
this word but spells it with a rho.

ἔσχατος (eschatos) - אֶסְכָטוֹלוֹגְיָה

636, Klein 1710
eschatology. FW [Lit.: ‘the study of the last things’, from Gk. eschatos (= furthest,
remotest, last), and - logia. Gk. eschatos is a derivative of ex, which is related
to L. ex, ē (= out of, from). For the etymology of Gk. - logia, see □לוֹגֽיָה.

ἐσωτερικός (esoterikos) - אֶזוֹטֶרִי

637, Klein 651
esoteric. FW [Gk. esoterikos (lit.: ‘pertaining to those within’), from esotero
(= more within), comparative of eso (= within), which is related to eś, eis (=
into), and to en (= in). For the ending see suff. □ִי.]

ἐτάραξεν - טְרַקְסִין, טְרִיקְ'

638, Jastrow 12091
same, esp. אַמָּה ט' the two cedar-covered partitions, with a vacant space between,
which separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy and occupied the space of onecubit,
the text (I Kings VI, 16) leaving it undecided from which of the two sacred areas
that cubit’s space was deducted. In the second Temple that partition was replaced
by two curtains with a space between. Midd. IV, 7 אמה ט' one cubit for the partition.
Yoma 51b אבל … אמה ט' וכ' but in the second Temple, where there was no partition
wall, … they made two curtains. B. Bath. 3a; a. fr.—Y. Kil. VIII, 31c bot. (among
doubtful things) ואמה ט' (add to the above six things) the ammah traksĭn. מהו ואמה
'ט why is it called a. tr.? (Answ., taking our w. for τάραξιν, acc. of τάραξις,
confusion) טריכסון מהו מבפנים מבחוץ (ἐτάραξεν, cmp. בריכסון) it created confusion:
what is it? inside? outside?; Y. Yoma V, 42b bot. טירקסון.

ἑτερογενής (heterogenes) - הֶטֶרוֹגֶנִי

639, Klein 6181
heterogeneous. FW [Gk. heterogenes (= of different kind), from heteros (= the other
of two, another, different), and genos (= race, descent, gender, kind).]

ἑτοιμασία - אֱטִימָסִיאָה, אִיטִ'

640, Jastrow 1085
(ἑτοιμασία) well secured and supplied station. Num. R. s. 16, end.

ἕτοιμος - אֱטִימוֹס, אִיטִימוֹס

641, Jastrow 1080
(ἕτοιμος) present, ready. Targ. Y. Num. XI, 26; a. fr.—Gen. R. s. 48 it does not
read עומד (standing) but נצב (placed on his post), i.e. אט' ready (to proceed).
Cant. R. to II, 9 אי'. Gen. R. s. 100.

ἐτόλμησεν - טוֹלְמִיסִין

642, Jastrow 11357
(ἐτόλμησεν, fr. τολμάω) he dared. Gen. R. s. 41, beg.; s. 52 (ref. to Gen. XII,
17) [read:] על דו ט' למקרב למסנא וכ' because he dared to come near the shoe of
that matron; Y. Keth. VII, end, 31d על דטלמסן למגע בסמה (corr. acc.); Yalk. Gen.

ἐτυμολογία (etymologia) - אֶטִימוֹלוֹגְיָה

643, Klein 793
etymology. FW [Ultimately from Gk. etymologia, properly ‘the study of the true sense
of a word’, compounded of etymon (= the true sense of a word according to its origin),
properly neuter of etymos (= true), and - logia. See □לוֹגְיָה.]

εὐ - אַב־, אֶבְ־

644, Jastrow 12
a prefix of words of Greek origin answering to αὐ-, au-, e.g. אבטומטוס = αὐτόματος;
or to εὐ, e.g. אבגינוס = εὐγενής.

εὐ-αὐ - או־

645, Jastrow 515
1) prefix, esp. for verbal nouns, e.g. 1) prefix, esp. for verbal nouns, e.g. אודיצותא
fr. דיץ. 2) או, אוו = εὐ-αὐ, v. אב

εὐαγγέλιον - אָוֶן, אָוֶון

646, Jastrow 716
√או = עו to curve, be curved, hollow; to press, be pressed; v. אוי, אוגיא &c.; comp.
חו, חב, גו, גב, עב) 1)oppression, wrong (= עָוֹן) —2)falsehood, vanity (= הֶבֶל).
א' גִּלְיוֹן a cacophemistic adaptation of εὐαγγέλιον (v. גליון). Sabb. 116a bot.
(after לסכוניה, omitted in ed.) דר' מאיר א' ג' ר' יוחנן קרי ליה עון גליון (Rashi
Ms. ר' מאיר, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) R. Meïr called the gospel falsehood of
blank paper (or of revelation), R. Yoḥ. called it sin of &c. [Ib. several times
עון גליון or און ג' in Ms. a. older editions, for אירייתא אחריתי &c. in recent
ed., v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.]

ἐυαγγέλιον - גִּלָּיוֹן, גִּלְ', גִּיל'

647, Jastrow 5797
1)blank parchment, margin of scrolls. Yad. III, 4 ג' … שמלמעלן וכ' the blank portions
of a sacred book, the upper, the lower margins and those at the beginning and the
end; Sabb 116a Ms. M. (ed. pl.). Men. 30a.—Pl. גִּלְיוֹנִין, גִּילְ'. Sabb. l.
c., v. supra. Ib. הג' של ס"ת (Ms. M. sing.) blank parchments of, or intended for,
a sacred book.—2) (a satirical adaptation of ἐυαγγέλιον, v. אָיֶן) gospel. Tosef.
Sabb. XIII (XIV), 5 הג' וספרי מינין; Sabb. l. c. הג' וספרי הצדוקים (Ms. M. הגליון
… מינין) the gospels and books of heretics; [disputants, Sabb. l. c., take our
w. in the sense of blanks]. Ib. sq., v. אָוֶן.—3) (v. Is. III, 23; cmp. גִּלְגְּלִין)
a girdle of fine material. Gen. R. s. 19 (Ar. גליונים; ed. Koh. גולין, corr. acc.)

εὐαγγέλιον (euaggelion) - אֶוַנְגֶּלְיוֹן

648, Klein 491
Evangel, Gospel. FW [Gk. euaggelion (= reward of good tidings; gospel), from euaggelos
(= bringing good news), from eu (= well), and aggelos (= messenger). See ‘eu-’
and ‘angel’ in my CEDEL and cp. אַנֽגַּרְיָה.]

εὐγενέστατοι - אֶבְגְּנִיסְטֵי

649, Jastrow 28
(read סְטָטֵי—), אֶוְוגִּינִיסְטָאטֵי m. pl. (εὐγενέστατοι) most noble. Ruth R.
to I, 2. Midr. Sam. ch. I.

εὐγενής - אֶבְגִּינוֹס, אֶוְוגִּינוֹס, אֶוְגִּינֵס

650, Jastrow 27
(corr. נֵיס—εὐγενής) of noble descent. Koh. R. beg.; a. fr. (Midr. Till. to Ps.
I אביינוס; Cant. R. beg. אווגיטוס, corr. acc.).—Pl. Yalk. Ps. 863 שהוא אֶוְגְּנֵסִין
(read בן א') he is the son of nobles; Midr. Till. to Ps. CV בן גנסין (corr. acc.)
cmp. גְּנִיס.

εὐγενής - הוּגְנֵס

651, Jastrow 7653
, pl. היּגְנֵסִין (εὐγενής, v. אבגינוס) of noble birth. Gen. R. s. 48 הגונין …
הוגנסין Ar. (ed. ב"א גדולים … מהוגנין).

εὐγενής (eugenes) - אֶבְגִינוֹס

652, Klein 16
of noble descent, noble. PBH [Gk. eugenes (= well-born), from eu (= well), and genos
(= race, descent, gender, kind), which is cogn. with L. genus (= birth, descent,
origin, race, sort, kind, class; sex, gender). See ‘eu-’ and ‘genus’ in my CEDEL
and cp. ‘eugenic’ ibid. cp. also אֶבְגֵּנִיקָה.]

εὐγενής (eugenes) - הגן

653, Klein 5764
to be noble, be worthy. [Base of הוֹגֵן, הָגוּן, הֹגֶן, מְהֻגָּן. Related to Arab.
hajuna (= was white), hijān (= white race), hajin (= descendant of a father of
noble birth and of a woman slave; the best of its kind; excellent), hajīnahh (=
dromedary), JAram. הוֹגְנָא (= young camel). cp. הוּגָן. Krauss and several other
scholars derive הגן from Gk. eugenes (= well born); see אֶבְגִינוֹס.]

Εὔδημος - אֶבְדִּימוֹס

654, Jastrow 41
(Εὔδημος) Ebdimos, Eudemus. Y. Keth. XI, 34b; mostly abbrev. אבדימא, אבדימי (corrupt.
אבדומי, אבודמא, אבודמי), name of several Amoraim, the most prominent: Eb. of Zepphoris.
Y. Ber. IV, 8a; a. fr. [V. Frankel Mebo, s. v.] V. וַרְדִּימוֹס.

εὐθέως - אֶוְותִּיאוֹס, (אותיום) אֶוְתִּיוֹס

655, Jastrow 593
(εὐθέως) forthwith, immediately after. Nid. II, 2 (14a) נמצא על שלה א' Ar. (ed.
אותיום, corr. acc.) if a stain is found on her bedclothes immediately after (the
coïtion). Ib. 12b; 14b איזהו שיעור אוו' Ar. ed. Koh. (ed. ותס, וסת, corr. acc.)
what is the interval designated by evthios? Y. Nid. II, 49d bot. repeatedly הֶיוְתִּיאֹוס
or הֶוְו'.

Εὔκολος - אֶבְקוֹלָס

656, Jastrow 196
(Εὔκολος) Eucolus, father of R. Zechariah. Git. 56a; Lam. R. to IV, 2. Tosef. Sabb.
XVI (XVII), 6 (Var. אבטולס, אביקלוס). Cmp. אפיקולוס.

Εὔμαχος - אֶבְמָכוֹס

657, Jastrow 171
(Εὔμαχος) Eumachus, an Amora. Y. Snh. III, end, 21d

Εὔμουσος - אֶבְמוֹסוֹס

658, Jastrow 170
(Εὔμουσος) Eumusus. Y. Meg. III, 74a bot., rendered in a secret letter טוב למד
well-learned; v. אֶבְדּוֹקוֹס.

εὐπατώριον - חוּמְטַרְיָא

659, Jastrow 9651
(a popular corrupt. of εὐπατώριον, ἡπατόριον, v. Sm. Ant. s. v.; v. P. Sm. 80; 83,
995) Eupatorium, a drink made of liver-wort. Sabb. 109b, v. אַבּוּב.—V. הֵמְטַלְיָא

Εὐπόλεμος - אַבְטוֹלְמוֹס

660, Jastrow 90
(prob. Πτολεμαῖος, or Εὐπτόλεμος = Εὐπόλεμος) Abtolmos. Erub. III, 4 (35a) ed.
(Ms. M. אבטולס). Ib. 36a; Y. ib. 21a bot. אבטילס (v. Rabb. D. S. Erub. l. c., notes).
Ex. R. s. 21 (אבטלוס) אבטוליס.—M. Kat. 18a אֲבִיטוּל (prob. abbrev. of our w.),
surnamed ספראה (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.), an Amora.

Εὐπτόλεμος - אַבְטוֹלְמוֹס

661, Jastrow 90
(prob. Πτολεμαῖος, or Εὐπτόλεμος = Εὐπόλεμος) Abtolmos. Erub. III, 4 (35a) ed.
(Ms. M. אבטולס). Ib. 36a; Y. ib. 21a bot. אבטילס (v. Rabb. D. S. Erub. l. c., notes).
Ex. R. s. 21 (אבטלוס) אבטוליס.—M. Kat. 18a אֲבִיטוּל (prob. abbrev. of our w.),
surnamed ספראה (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.), an Amora.

Εὐρύδημος - וַרְדִּימוֹס, וַרְדִּימָס, וַו'

662, Jastrow 8500
(a corrupt. of Εὐρύδημος) Vardimos, Vardimas. Ned. 81a. Sabb. 118b היינו ו' וכ'
V. is Menahem (etymology fr. וֶורֶד).—Sifra Emor Par. 10, ch. XIII אֲוַורְדִּימָס.
Y. Shebi. VIII, 38b top אבירודימוס.

Εὐρώπη (Europe) - אֵירוֹפָּה

663, Klein 1039
Europe. FW [Gk. Europe (whence L. Eurōpa which is prob. of Sem. origin). cp. Akka.
’erēbu (= to enter, go in; to go down, set — said of the sun), ’erēb shamshi (=
sunset), from the Sem. stem ערב (= to set — said of the sun). Accordingly Europe
orig. meant ‘the Region of the Setting Sun’. cp. Hesychius who renders Europe with
the words chora tes duseos (= the Land of the Setting Sun). cp. also Erbos (= place
of nether darkness), which derives from Heb. עֶרֶב. The form Europe (as if the
name meant ‘broad face’), is due to the natural tendency of the Greeks to grecize
words foreign to their language. For the sense development of Gk. Europe from a
Sem. word meaning ‘sunset, evening’, cp. אַסֽיָה.]

Εὔτοκος - אֶבְדּוֹקוֹס

664, Jastrow 39
(Εὔτοκος) Ebdocus (Eutocus). Y. Meg. III, 74a bot. rendered in a secret political
letter טוב ילד Good-Child. (Ed. קום—, קין—corr. acc.)

ἔφεσις (ephesis) - אֶֽפֶשׁ

665, Klein 1922
wish, desire. PBH [Together with Syr. אֶפֶשׁ of uncertain origin. According to Fleischer
both these words are borrowed from Gk. ephesis (= a throwing at; appeal — a law
term; permission; desire). This latter word derives from ephienai (= to send to,
send against, hurl at, impose upon), from epi (= on, upon; at; see אֶפִּי□), and
ienai (= to send, throw, hurl), which stands for yi-ye-nai, and is cogn. with L.
jacēre (= to throw).]

ἐφίππιον - *אֱפִיפְּיוֹן

666, Jastrow 2700
(ἐφίππιον, ephippium) saddle cloth, a figurative expression for the protuberances
of the human buttock; v. אַיִן I. Koh. R. to III, 19 (ref. to ‘the advantage of
man over beast’ Koh. l. c.) ואפופרין כפוי עליו וכ' (corr. acc.) and an ephippium
is pressed over it (the lock of the buttock) in order that he may not look as hideous
as a beast; Gen. R. s. 17 אפיפורין (and otherwise, to be corrected after Koh. R.
l. c.); Yalk. Koh. 969 אפיפורי פרוסה על רגליו (corr. acc.).

ἔχις (echis) - עַכְנָא

667, Klein 21343
ringed snake. PBH [Prob. borrowed from Gk. echis, echidna (= viper), possibly through
the medium of Syr. אָכֶדְנָא. See ‘anguine’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘echidna’ ibid.
According to some scholars עַכֽנָא and עַכְנַאי derive from עכן. cp. עֶכֶס II.

ἔχις (echis) - עֶֽכֶס

668, Klein 21347
viper. PBH [From Gk. echis. See עַכְנָא.]

ζ - (זִיטָה) זִיטָא

669, Jastrow 8859
(ζῆτα) the Greek letter Zeta (numerical value ζʹ seven), used in phonetic play like
ζήτω, live! Gen. R. s. 14, beg., a. e., v. אִיטָא; Y. Yeb. IV, 5d top זוטא (corr.

Ζεφύριον - זְפִירִין, זִיפִירִין, , (, זִיפְרִין, זוּפְ', זוּפְרִים)

670, Jastrow 9149
(Ζεφύριον) Z’firin, Zifirin &c., prob. the headland of Cyprus (v. Sm. Class. Dict.
s. v. Zephyrium a. Neub. Géogr. p. 391), a place mentioned in connection with R.
Akiba’s travels. (v. Sm. Class. Dict. s. v. Zephyrium a. Neub. Géogr. p. 391)
, a place mentioned in connection with R. Akiba’s travels. Y. B. Kam. IX, end,
7a זופ'; Sifré Num. s. 4 זופרי', זפרונה; Num. R. s. 8 זיפ'; B. Kam. 113a זפי' (v.
Rabb. D. S. a. l. note); Yalk. Num. 701 כופרי.

ζημία - זִימְיָא

671, Jastrow 8898
(ζημία) fine, penalty, esp. the oppressive penalties of the Roman government. Tanḥ.
Naso 10; Num. R. s. 11 שלא תבוא ז' למדינה that no zemia may be decreed over the
district.—Pl. זִימִין. Y’lamd. Aḥaré (quot. in Ar.); Yalk. Cant. 985.—זִימָיוֹת.
Y. Ab. Zar. IV, 44b; Y. Shebi. IV, 35b; ib. V, end, 36a זומות (corr. acc.). Y.
Peah I, 15b bot.; Yalk. Prov. 935 המזימיות (corr. acc.). Yalk. Jer. 312; Pesik.
Baḥod. p. 151a זמיות (corr. acc.).—V. next w.

ζημία - זִימְיוֹן, זִמְיוֹן

672, Jastrow 8899
(זמה = ch. זְמֵי I; adapt. of ζημία, v. preced.) penalty, tax.—Pl. זִימְיוֹנוֹת,
זִמְ'. Gen. R. s. 1; (Y. Peah, I, 15b bot. זימיות). Y. Gitt. VI, end, 47c (Y. Shebi.
IV, 35b זימיות).

ζῆτα - (זִיטָה) זִיטָא

673, Jastrow 8859
(ζῆτα) the Greek letter Zeta (numerical value ζʹ seven), used in phonetic play like
ζήτω, live! Gen. R. s. 14, beg., a. e., v. אִיטָא; Y. Yeb. IV, 5d top זוטא (corr.

ζητευτός - זִיטִיטוֹס זִיטִיוְטוֹס

674, Jastrow 8861
(ζητητός or ζητευτός, sub. θανεῖν, cmp. Tobit I, 19, a. מתבקש Taan. 29a) one who
is sought for to be put to death, a fugitive from justice, outlaw. Gen. R. s.
32, beg.; s. 38, beg.; (Yalk. Ps. 631 זיאטטווס; Ar. ed. Koh. זיטייטוס, Var. זיטויט',
זיטיט') עשה אותו ז' declare him an outlaw, and he will be like (legally) dead &c

ζήτημα - זִיטִימָא, זִיטְמָא

675, Jastrow 8862
(ζήτημα) judicial inquiry, דבר של ז' something subject to investigation, charge,
suspicion (of heresy, cmp. Acta XVIII, 15; XXIII, 29, or of illoyalty). Num. R.
s. 4 זיטימ' Mus. (ed. זיטמא). Pesik. Aḥaré, p. 173b זיטי' Ar. s. v. זנם Var. (ed.
זינומייא; Ar. זינימון, read זִיטִיסִין = ζήτησις); Lev. R. s. 20 זינימון Ar. (ed.
שׁמְצָה; Yalk. Lev. 525 זוהמא, זומא).

ζητητός - זִיטִיטוֹס זִיטִיוְטוֹס

676, Jastrow 8861
(ζητητός or ζητευτός, sub. θανεῖν, cmp. Tobit I, 19, a. מתבקש Taan. 29a) one who
is sought for to be put to death, a fugitive from justice, outlaw. Gen. R. s.
32, beg.; s. 38, beg.; (Yalk. Ps. 631 זיאטטווס; Ar. ed. Koh. זיטייטוס, Var. זיטויט',
זיטיט') עשה אותו ז' declare him an outlaw, and he will be like (legally) dead &c

ζήτω - (זִיטָה) זִיטָא

677, Jastrow 8859
(ζῆτα) the Greek letter Zeta (numerical value ζʹ seven), used in phonetic play like
ζήτω, live! Gen. R. s. 14, beg., a. e., v. אִיטָא; Y. Yeb. IV, 5d top זוטא (corr.

ζιγγίβερις - זַנְגְּבִילָא

678, Jastrow 9098
(ζιγγίβερις, zingiber) an Arabian spice plant, prob. ginger. Yoma 81b; Ber. 36b
(v. Ms. M. in Rabb. D. S. a. l.), v. הִימַלְתָּא.

ζίζυφον (zizyphon) - שָׁזִיף

679, Klein 28208
1) jujube. Zizyphus vulgaris (botany). PBH 2) plum. NH [Of foreign origin. The word
שָׁזִיף was borrowed by the Greeks, in whose language it became zizyphon, whence
Late L. zizyphus (= jujube tree). The word jujube itself is a loan word from Fren.
jujube, which is ult. borrowed from Gk. zizyphon. According to folk etymology the
word שָׁזִיף was regarded as a derivative of the base שׁזף (= to blacken, become
sunburnt), and used in the sense of ‘plum’, in allusion to the blackish color of
the plum. cp. שֵׁיזָף.]

ζῦθος - זִיתוּם זִיתוֹס

680, Jastrow 8964
(ζῦθος, zythum, an adapt. of an Egyptian w.; cmp. preced. w., a. דועתא דחטי sudor
tritici, P. Sm. 933, sq.), ז' המצרי Egyptian beer. Pes. III, 1 (42a; readings vary
betw. ם a. ס, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 1); described ib. 42b; Y. ib. III, beg.
29d זיתים המצרי (corr. acc.), defined: זַיְיתַיָּה (v. preced.) decocts (sudores
tritici &c., v. supra).

ζῶμα - זוֹסְמָא

681, Jastrow 8746
(ζῶσμα = ζῶμα, in the sense of περίζωμα) cook’s apron. Num. R. s. 4, end לובש מקורעים
וזוסטא (corr. acc.) puts on ragged garments and an apron. Y. Meg. I, 71b top ההן
זוסטה וכ' (corr. acc.) an apron whose meshes are wide &c.; Y. Ned. IV, beg. 38c
אהן זוסטה (corr. acc.).

ζωμάρυστρον - זוֹמָלִיסְטְרוֹן

682, Jastrow 8721
(variously corrupted) m. (ζωμάρυστρον = ζωμήρυσις) soup-ladle, with a spoon on one
side and a fork on the other. Kel. XIII, 2; XXV, 3 זומל' Ar. (ed. זומא ליסטרא,
זומי לס', Var. in Ar. זומניסטרה). Tosef. ib. B. Bath. III, 6 זימליסטרין. Y. Sabb.
XVII, beg. 16a זומי ל'; Tosef. ib. XIV (XV), 1 זומה ל' (Var. זומא); Sabb. 123b
זוהמא ל'; Hor. 13b זוהמא ל'.

ζωμήρυσις - זוֹמָלִיסְטְרוֹן

683, Jastrow 8721
(variously corrupted) m. (ζωμάρυστρον = ζωμήρυσις) soup-ladle, with a spoon on one
side and a fork on the other. Kel. XIII, 2; XXV, 3 זומל' Ar. (ed. זומא ליסטרא,
זומי לס', Var. in Ar. זומניסטרה). Tosef. ib. B. Bath. III, 6 זימליסטרין. Y. Sabb.
XVII, beg. 16a זומי ל'; Tosef. ib. XIV (XV), 1 זומה ל' (Var. זומא); Sabb. 123b
זוהמא ל'; Hor. 13b זוהמא ל'.

ζωμός (zomos) - זוֹם

684, Klein 8430
broth, gravy. PBH [Gk. zomos, prob. standing for IE yō(u)smos and related to zyme
(= leaven, ferment). See ‘juice’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘zyme’ ibid.]

ζωνάριον - זוֹנָרָא

685, Jastrow 8743
(ζωνάριον) belt. Targ. Prov. XXXI, 24 (ed. Wil. זונארא).—Y. Snh. X, 29a top hast
thou any claim on us אלא הדין ז' וכ' except this belt and this cloak (insignia
of office)?—Pl. זוֹנָרִין. Y. Sabb. VI, 8b bot. (expl. חריטים, Is. III, 22) ז'
מציירין girdles embroidered with figures.

ζώνας - זוֹנִי

686, Jastrow 8730
(ζώνη) belt; cuirass, armour (v. Sm. Ant. s. v.). Num. R. s. 4 end חגור מתניו בזינו
(corr. acc.) he had a belt around his loins. Y’lamd. Vaëthḥ., quot. in Ar. התיר
ז' שלו untied his belt (removed from office).—Pl. זוֹנַס (ζώνας, accus. pl.), זוֹנְאָיוֹת,
זוֹנִין. Lev. R. s. 13, beg. התיר זונין שלהן (Ar. s. v. זנס: זונס) untied their
belts (made them weak). Cant. R. to IV, 4 [read:] ואהד אוסרו זַיְנוֹ מהו זינו ר'
הונא … אמר זונס and one angel girded him with his armour (outfit). What is meant
by &c.?… zonas (belts of magistracy); Pesik. Naḥ., p. 124b (expl. זייני, Ar. זוני,
read: זיינו or זינו) ר' הונא … זוני; Pesik. R. s. 21 (expl. מוסרו זונא, read: אוסרו
זינו) זונס; ib. s. 33 (expl. זוֹנִיּוֹת, v. זוֹנִית) זוֹנָאיוֹת וכ'; Tanḥ. T’savveh
11 זוֹנָאיוֹת; Tanḥ. ed. Bub., Sh’lah, addit. 1 זינם (read זונס); Yalk. Ps. 858
זוֹנָאוֹת; Midr. Till. to Ps. CIII זוניראות (corr. acc.).

ζώνη - זוֹנִי

687, Jastrow 8730
(ζώνη) belt; cuirass, armour (v. Sm. Ant. s. v.). Num. R. s. 4 end חגור מתניו בזינו
(corr. acc.) he had a belt around his loins. Y’lamd. Vaëthḥ., quot. in Ar. התיר
ז' שלו untied his belt (removed from office).—Pl. זוֹנַס (ζώνας, accus. pl.), זוֹנְאָיוֹת,
זוֹנִין. Lev. R. s. 13, beg. התיר זונין שלהן (Ar. s. v. זנס: זונס) untied their
belts (made them weak). Cant. R. to IV, 4 [read:] ואהד אוסרו זַיְנוֹ מהו זינו ר'
הונא … אמר זונס and one angel girded him with his armour (outfit). What is meant
by &c.?… zonas (belts of magistracy); Pesik. Naḥ., p. 124b (expl. זייני, Ar. זוני,
read: זיינו or זינו) ר' הונא … זוני; Pesik. R. s. 21 (expl. מוסרו זונא, read: אוסרו
זינו) זונס; ib. s. 33 (expl. זוֹנִיּוֹת, v. זוֹנִית) זוֹנָאיוֹת וכ'; Tanḥ. T’savveh
11 זוֹנָאיוֹת; Tanḥ. ed. Bub., Sh’lah, addit. 1 זינם (read זונס); Yalk. Ps. 858
זוֹנָאוֹת; Midr. Till. to Ps. CIII זוניראות (corr. acc.).

ζῷον (zoon) - זוֹאוֹלוֹגְיָה

688, Klein 8381
zoology. FW [Formed from Gk. zoon (= animal, lit.: a living being). and logos (=
one who speaks in a certain manner, one who deals with a certain topic).]

Ζωσίμη - זוֹסִימִי

689, Jastrow 8745
(Ζωσίμη) Zosime. Y. Shebi. VIII, 38a top, v. אוּדְיָיתָא II.

ζῶσμα - זוֹסְמָא

690, Jastrow 8746
(ζῶσμα = ζῶμα, in the sense of περίζωμα) cook’s apron. Num. R. s. 4, end לובש מקורעים
וזוסטא (corr. acc.) puts on ragged garments and an apron. Y. Meg. I, 71b top ההן
זוסטה וכ' (corr. acc.) an apron whose meshes are wide &c.; Y. Ned. IV, beg. 38c
אהן זוסטה (corr. acc.).

Ζῶτος - זוֹטוֹס

691, Jastrow 8689
(Ζῶτος; Jos. Ant. XX, 2, 1 Ἰζάτης) Zotos, Izates, a prince of Adiabena. Gen. R.
s. 46, v. מוּנְבָּז.

η - אִיטָא, אִיטָה,

692, Jastrow 1208
(ἦτα) the letter (η) of the Greek Alphabet, the numerical value of which is eight;
used in the way of a phonetic play (ἤτω, or ἰτά as though an adj. verbale of ἰέναι)
to indicate going or death. Gen. R. s. 14, beg. (proving that a seven months’
child can live, while an eight months’ child cannot) מדידכון אנא ממטי איט"א אוכ"טא,
לכון זיט"א אפ"טא from your own (Greek) language I will prove it to you, ‘Live (ζήτω)
seven, Go, eight’ (ζ = ἕπτα, η = ὄκτω). Y. Yeb. IV, 5d top; Tanḥ. B’midbar 18 (corr.
acc.); Ibid. (ed. Buber) 21.

ἥγανον - טִיגָּן, טִיגְנוֹן, טִגְנָן

693, Jastrow 11498
(τήγανον, τάγηνον, also ἥγανον, v. Lydd. -Scott Gr. Dict. s. v.; prob. of Semitic
origin = תגן, denom. of אגן; as for ט = ת cmp. Syr. טגר P. Sm. 1432 with Chald.
תגרא) 1)frying pan; also (interch. with טִיגּוּן) a flour-dish prepared with oil.
Snh. 21a (ref. to ותצק, II Sam. XIII, 9) עשתה לו מיני ט' she made for him oil-dishes.
Men. 104b ה' מיני טיגון (most eds.) five sorts of oil-dishes (ref. to Lev. II,
1; 4; 5; 7; 14—15).—Pl. טִיגָּנִין. Tosef. Ab. Zar. V (VI), 1; VIII (IX), 2 הט'
the frying pans.—2) (cmp. Syr. טוגנא, P. Sm. 1431) an engine of torture and execution.
Pesik. R. s. 43 נתנוהו בתיך הטיגנו (read: הטיגנן or הטיגנון) they put him into
the teganon.—Denom. טָגַן, Pi. טִיגֵּן 1) to fry, roast. Men. 50b (expl. תפיני,
Lev. VI, 14; 21) אופה ואח"כ מְטַגְּנָהּ one baked it and then fried it with oil;
a. fr.—Part. pass. מְטוּגָּן. Y. Ned. VI, beg. 39c. [Ib. VI, end, 40a, v. next
w.]—2) to torture, put to death. Pesik. R. l. c. וטיגס אותו (Var. וטגים), read:
אותו וטִיגְּנוּ or וטִיגְּנוּהוּ.—Trnsf. to torture, agonize. Tanḥ. Vayiggash 9
אתה טִגַּנְתָּה וכ' thou causedst agony to thy father &c.

ἡγεμονία - הֶגְמוֹנְיָא, הֶגְמוֹנְיָה

694, Jastrow 7528
(ἡγεμονία) 1)commandership, consulship. Gen. R. s. 50, beg.; Lev. R. s. 26 נטל
ה' וכ' got an appointment as a consul from the King. Cant. R. to I, 6; Lam. R.,
introd. (R. Yitsḥ. 3) וכולן עשו ישראל ה' (אחת) וכ' and Israel declared all these
gods one government and worshipped all of them; Esth. R. to I, 9 אומוניאה (read:
אֶגְמוֹנִיאָה, cmp. אֶגְמוֹן).—Pl. הֶגְמוֹנִיּוֹתstaff of commanding officers.
Tanḥ. Yithro 5 לה' שעליהם (not להגמונות) to the staff appointed over them (to take
them to the exile). Midr. Till. to Ps. CXVIII, 6 he will send forth דוגמניות על
וכ' (corr. acc.) staffs to all countries &c.—2) (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Eisagogeis)
court, administration, jurisdiction, district. Gitt. I, 1 מה' לה' from one jurisdiction
to another.—Pl. as above. Ib. 4b there were in one town שתי ה' וכ' two jurisdictions
jealous of each other.

ἡγεμονία (hegemonia) - הֶגְמוֹנְיָה

695, Klein 5761
hegemony. PBH [Gk. hegemonia (= leadership), from hegemon. See הֶגְמוֹן and suff.

ἡγεμών - (אֶגְמוֹן) הֶגְמוֹן

696, Jastrow 7527
(ἡγεμών) general. Targ. Is. IX, 13; XIX, 15 (ed. Lag. הֶיגְ'; h. text זנב).—Sabb.
145b א' וקמטון ed. (Ms. O. ה'; Ms. M. א' וקמוטרי, Ar. ה' וקומין, read וקמיטיו)
a general with his suite (comites). Taan. 29a Ms. M. (ed. אָדוֹן). Y. Snh. I, 19b
top; a. fr.—Pl. הֶגְמוֹנִים, הֶגְמוֹנִין. Targ. II Esth. VIII, 7.—Ex. R. s. 31,
end. [Tanḥ. Yithro 5 הגמונות, v הֶגְמוֹנְיָא.]—Ch. form הֶגְמוֹנָא. Ab. Zar. 11

ἡγεμών (hegemon) - הֶגְמוֹן

697, Klein 5760
1) leader, general. PBH 2) cardinal. NH [Gk. hegemon (= leader), from hegeisthai
(= to lead), orig. prob. ‘to track down the way’, from IE base * sāg–, * sěg– (=
to track down, trace, seek), whence also L. sāgīre (= to perceive quickly or keenly),
sāgus (= presaging, predicting, prophetic), sǎgāx (= sagacious).]

ἡδονή (hedone) - הֶדוֹנִיזְם

698, Klein 5819
hedonism. FW [Formed from Gk. hedone (= pleasure), from hedys (= sweet). For the
ending see suff. □ִיזְם.]

ἠθικός (ethicos) - אֶתִּיקָה

699, Klein 2361
ethics. FW [Gk. ethicos (= pertaining to morals, moral), from ethos (= habit, custom,
usage, disposition, character, moral), which is related to ethezein (= to accustom),
eiotha (= I am accustomed), and cogn. with Old I. svadhā (= custom, peculiarity),
L. sodālis (= fellow, companion), suēscere (= to become accustomed). The orig.
meaning of all these words was ‘property, peculiarity’. They are traceable to IE
*swedh-, a compound base lit. meaning ‘to make one’s own’, formed from the reflexive
base *swe- (= his own), and *dhē (= to make do). cp. first element in אֶתְנוֹגְרַפְיָה,

ἦθος (ethos) - אֶתוֹס

700, Klein 2346
ethos. FW [Gk. ethos (= habit, custom, usage, disposition, character, moral.]

ἡλιαστός - אִלְיַסְטוֹן, אִלְיַיסְטוֹן, הִלְיַיסְטוֹן

701, Jastrow 1872
(ἡλιαστός, acc. , fr. ἡλιάζω, v. Gr. Dict.) a luscious wine (vinum dulce) for which
the grapes were to be dried in the sun for three days, after which they were gathered
and trodden on the fourth during the full fervor of the midday heat (Sm. Ant. s.
v. Vinum; Columella XII, 27). Men. VIII, 6 אליוסטון Mish. (Ar. ed. Koh. אלייס',
Talm. ed. 86b הליסטיון, היל'). B. Bath. 97b אלייסטון Ar. (Var. a. ed. היליסטון;
Ms. והלאסטון, והיליסטיון; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.). Tosef. Men. IX, 9 (from which
B. Bath. l. c. is quoted) אליסטון.

Ἡλιόπολις - אִילְיוֹפֹּולִיס, אִלְיוֹ'

702, Jastrow 1291
(Ἡλιόπολις) Heliopolis, in lower Egypt. Pesik. Vayhi p. 63b Ar. (ed. פוליס); Pesik.
R. s. 17 אילו פוליס (corr. acc.)

ἥλιος - *אִילִיאוֹס, אִילְיוֹס

703, Jastrow 1289
(ἥλιος) Sun. Ex. R. s. 15. [The words from סנדריאוס to אורח are a marginal gloss,
prob. to be emended: (אלכ) סנדרוס איוס איליאו היה שמו והשמש וכ' Ἀλέξανδρος ὑιὸς
Ἡλίου (Alexander the son of Helios) was his name, and the Sun is called a hero

ἡμέρα - *אִימִירָא

704, Jastrow 1339
(ἡμέρα) day. Y. Ab. Zar. I, 39c top, they lament over it מילני אי', μέλαινα ἡμέρα,
oh, the black (luckless) day! V. Macrob. Sat. I, 15 dies atri

Ἡμερησία - הֲמִירָם

705, Jastrow 8071
(prob.) pr. n. m.Hămiram, a person from whom certain secular books are named: ספרי
ה' (cmp. בן סִירָא, בן לַעֲנָה, בן תַּגְלָא). Yad. IV, 6 (comment. מִירָס, מִירָם);
Y. Snh. X, 28a top ספרי ה' (contrad. to ספרים החיצונים). Ḥull. 60b worth to be
burnt כספרי מירון Ar. ed. Koh. s. v. מרום (Var. מרון, המירוס, missing in ed.).
[Conjectures: Homeros (Homer); Ἡμερησία (βίβλια) diaries; symbolical name = ‘the
Lord remove them’. V. Koh. Ar. Compl. s. v. מרום.]

ἥμερον - אִימִירוֹן

706, Jastrow 1340
(ἥμερον, neut. or accus.) tame, soft, gentle (opp. אַגְרִיאֹון q. v.). Gen. R.
s. 77 end נמירון (corr. acc.). Num. R. s. 11; Pesik. Haḥod. p. 44b אי מכון; Pesik.
R. s. 15 אימרון; Cant. R. to III, 7 אדיבון (corr. acc.). Midr. Sam. ch. XVII (for
אגריון read אימירון, for נימירון read אגריון).

ἡμίιππος - *הֵמְיִיפּוֹס הֵמִיפּוֹס

707, Jastrow 8063
(ἡμίιππος, S.) half-horse, a mule whose sire is a horse. Gen. R. s. 82, end (expl.
יֵמִם, Gen. XXXVI, 24) המיסו (corr. acc., in oppos. to המיונס); Y. Ber. VIII, 12b
top ורבנן אמרין היימים (corr. acc.).

ἡμίνα - הֵמִינָא

708, Jastrow 8067
(ἡμίνα, hemina) hemina, a liquid measure, half a sextarius (nearly half a pint English).
—Pl. הֵמִינִין. Targ. II Esth. I, 8 (ed. Lag. המינון, corr. acc.).

ἡμίονος - הֵמְיוֹנָס

709, Jastrow 8058
(corr. הֵמְיוֹנוֹס) m. (ἡμίονος) mule whose sire is an ass. Gen. R. s. 82, end;
Y. Ber. VIII, 12b top (expl. יִמִם, Gen. XXXVI, 24); v. הֵמְיִיפּוֹס.

ἡμισάβανον - חוֹמֶס, ח' סוּבְנִי

710, Jastrow 9652
(a corruption of ἡμισάβανον) a half-size sabanum, linen cloth. Gitt. 59a (sent
to Rabbi) סובני וח' סובני וכ' Ar. (ed. סיבני וח' only) a full-size sabanum and
a half-size, which were compressed to the respective sizes of a nut and half a

ἡμίσυ - *הֵימִיסוּ, אֵי'

711, Jastrow 7876
(ἡμίσυ) half. Tanḥ. ed. Bub., additam. to Sh’laḥ. 19 (ref. to הֵמַסּוּ, Deut. I,
28) ‘they divided our hearts’ לשון אליונוסטי אֵימִיסוּ (read איליניסטי) the Greek
hemisy; v. Num. R. s. 17; v. מָסס.

ἥμισυ - *, *חֲמִיסִין

712, Jastrow 10456
those using such words as ḥamis (ἥμισυ, cmp. חומס), a mockery on Talmudic scholars
using foreign words. Snh. 14a כל מן דין … לא מסרמיסין ולא מסרמיטין מח' וכ' Ms.
F. a. Ag. Hatt. (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 7; ed. ואמרי לה לא מח') such men (as
R. Ammi &c.) appoint for us, but do not appoint for us any of those using such
words like sermis (semis, ἥμισυ) sermit (prob. distortion of tremis), hemis or
tremis (cmp. Y. Gitt. IV, 47b quot. s. v. גּוֹרְדְּיָינִי). [Oth. opin. v. Rashi,
a. Ar. s. v.]

ἡπατόριον - הֵמְטַלְיָא

713, Jastrow 8054
(a popular corrupt. of ἡπατόριον, v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Eupatorium) liver-wort, in gen.
herbs used for cooling the blood (cmp. חוּמְצָן). Y. Ned. VII, beg. 40b במיני
אפומליא וכ' (read: אפוטליא or אימט') the various kinds of hepatoria, e.g. Napu,
Melissophylon and Colocasia.—Tosef. Maasr. III, 7 אמיטל' נהגו בה וכ' (Var. המטל')
for hepatoria the scholars allowed no exemption &c. Tosef. Ab. Zar. IV (V), 11
המיטליא וכ' (Var. המוט') hep. &c. prepared by gentiles; Y. ib. II, 41d, Y. Sabb.
I, 3c bot. הרי מוט' (read: ההֵימ'); Ab. Zar. 38b החמטליא Ms. M. (ed. המט'). Ib.
היא ה' וכ' ed. (Ms. M. ח') hemtalia is (legally) the same as &c., v. פְּסִילְיָא.
Cmp. חוּמְטַרְיָא.

ἡπατόριον - חוּמְטַרְיָא

714, Jastrow 9651
(a popular corrupt. of εὐπατώριον, ἡπατόριον, v. Sm. Ant. s. v.; v. P. Sm. 80; 83,
995) Eupatorium, a drink made of liver-wort. Sabb. 109b, v. אַבּוּב.—V. הֵמְטַלְיָא

Ἠπειρῶται - *אגיריסין

715, Jastrow 299
, m. pl., a corruption of a geographical term, perh. אפירוטין (Ἠπειρῶται) (steeds)
of Epyrus. Targ. Jer. V, 8 (h. text מַשְׁכִּים).

ἡρωϊκός (heroikos) - הֵירוֹאִי

716, Klein 6253
heroic. FW [Back formation from Gk. heroikos, from heros (= hero), which is related
to Hera (lit.: ‘tutelary goddess’), and cogn. with L. servāre (= to save, deliver,
preserve, protect). See קוֹנֽסֶרֽוִים. For the ending of הֵירוֹאִי see suff. □ִי.

ἦτα - אִיטָא, אִיטָה,

717, Jastrow 1208
(ἦτα) the letter (η) of the Greek Alphabet, the numerical value of which is eight;
used in the way of a phonetic play (ἤτω, or ἰτά as though an adj. verbale of ἰέναι)
to indicate going or death. Gen. R. s. 14, beg. (proving that a seven months’
child can live, while an eight months’ child cannot) מדידכון אנא ממטי איט"א אוכ"טא,
לכון זיט"א אפ"טא from your own (Greek) language I will prove it to you, ‘Live (ζήτω)
seven, Go, eight’ (ζ = ἕπτα, η = ὄκτω). Y. Yeb. IV, 5d top; Tanḥ. B’midbar 18 (corr.
acc.); Ibid. (ed. Buber) 21.

ἤτω - אִיטָא, אִיטָה,

718, Jastrow 1208
(ἦτα) the letter (η) of the Greek Alphabet, the numerical value of which is eight;
used in the way of a phonetic play (ἤτω, or ἰτά as though an adj. verbale of ἰέναι)
to indicate going or death. Gen. R. s. 14, beg. (proving that a seven months’
child can live, while an eight months’ child cannot) מדידכון אנא ממטי איט"א אוכ"טא,
לכון זיט"א אפ"טא from your own (Greek) language I will prove it to you, ‘Live (ζήτω)
seven, Go, eight’ (ζ = ἕπτα, η = ὄκτω). Y. Yeb. IV, 5d top; Tanḥ. B’midbar 18 (corr.
acc.); Ibid. (ed. Buber) 21.

Θ - תִּיטָא

719, Jastrow 31822
(θῆτα) the Greek letter Θ (Tau), which in voting stood for θάνατος (death). Lam.
R. to II, 1, v. חִיתּוּךְ.

θαλάμη - *תַּלְמִי

720, Jastrow 31997
(θαλάμη) nostril; (cmp. חוֹטָם) snout, tube. Tosef. Mikv. IV, 8 מעיין היוצא לת'
ומן הת' וכ' spring water that comes out through a snout, and flows from the snout
into a pond.

Θαλάσσιος - תַּלַּסְיוֹס

721, Jastrow 32004
(Θαλάσσιος) Talassios, a Roman officer. Y. Meg. III, 74a bot. Mus. (ed. תלתכים,
corr. acc.), in Hebrew disguise תרשיש; v. אֶבְדּוֹקוֹס.

θέατρον - תִּיאַטְרוֹן תְּיַיטְרוֹן

722, Jastrow 31794
(variously perverted) (θέατρον) theater, show, spectacle. Gen. R. s. 87 יום ת'
היה וכ' (not תיאטי') it was spectacle day, and all went to see (the show), but
he (Joseph) did not go; Cant. R. to I, 1, beg. טיאטרון; Pesik. R. s. 6 יום ת' וקורקסין
(not וקורקסיו) a day of theatre and circus performances. Cant. R. l. c. יום ט'
של נילוס the show day for the Nile festival, v. זִיבּוּל. Y. Ab. Zar. I, 40a העולה
לת' אסור וכ' to go to theatre is forbidden on account of idolatry (which is practiced
in it); Tosef. ib. II, 5 לתרטיאות של גוים ed. Zuck. (Var. לתרטאיות, לסרטאיות, read:
לתִיאַטְרָאוֹת pl.). Y. ib. l. c. העולה לת' וצווח וכ' to go to a theatre and cry
out (to vote for a broken down gladiator &c.), if it is for the public benefit,
is permitted. Ex. R. s. 51, end ראה אותם גובין לתְיַטְרוֹן he saw that they were
collecting for the erection of a theatre. Y. Taan. II, 64a bot. תייט', v. שְׁפַר;
a. e.—Pl. תִּיאַטְרָאוֹת, תִּיאַטְרָיוֹת. Meg. 6a ת' וקרקסיות Ar. (ed. תראטדיות,
תרטר'; Ms. M. טרטסיאות) theatres and circuses. Tanḥ. ed. Bub., Sh’moth 6 (ref.
to Ex. I, 7) שנתמלאו בתי טרטיאות וכ' the theatres and circuses were full of them;
Yalk. Ex. 162. Ab. Zar. 18b אין הולכין לטרטיאות וכ' (Ms. M. טרטסיאות) you must
not go to the gentile theatres and circuses, because &c., v. זָבַל. Y. Ber. IV,
7d מודה … ולא נתת חלקי בבתי תְרַטְיוֹת וכ' I thank thee … that thou hast given
me my share with those sitting in the schools and synagogues, and hast not given
me my share in the theatres and circuses; a. fr.

θέατρον (theatron) - תֵּיאַטְרוֹן

723, Klein 30257
theater. FW [Gk. theatron (= theater), lit.: ‘a place for seeing’. Formed with –
tron, a suff. denoting place, from thea (= sight, spectacle). cp. תֵּיאוֹרְיָה,
תֵּיאוֹרֶמָה. cp. also ‘thaumato–’ in my CEDEL.]

θεμέλιος - תְּמַלְיוֹס תִּימַ'

724, Jastrow 32081
(θεμέλιος, sub. λίθος) foundation stone, foundation. Y’lamd. to Num. XXIII, 9,
quot. in Ar. היה חופר ויורד ומבקש ליתן ת' digged deeper and deeper, seeking to
lay a foundation.—Pl. תְּמַלְיוֹסִים, תְּמַלְיוֹסִין, תִּי'. Gen. R. s. 3 לידע
היאך הוא קובע ת' (Ar. sing.) to find out where to lay the foundations; Yalk. ib.
4. Y. Snh. X, 29a bot. בשעה … ת' וכ' when David went to dig for the foundation
of the Temple. Y. Sot. VI, beg. 20d מילה דלית בה ת' (prob. to be read: תְּמַלְיוֹסִיס,
θεμελίωσις) a thing (rumor) without foundation. Y. Keth. V, 29c bot. עיקרא לית
לה ת' וכ' the thing itself has no foundation, and the Rabbis built upon it and
went up &c.; a. e.

θεμελίωσις - תְּמַלְיוֹס תִּימַ'

725, Jastrow 32081
(θεμέλιος, sub. λίθος) foundation stone, foundation. Y’lamd. to Num. XXIII, 9,
quot. in Ar. היה חופר ויורד ומבקש ליתן ת' digged deeper and deeper, seeking to
lay a foundation.—Pl. תְּמַלְיוֹסִים, תְּמַלְיוֹסִין, תִּי'. Gen. R. s. 3 לידע
היאך הוא קובע ת' (Ar. sing.) to find out where to lay the foundations; Yalk. ib.
4. Y. Snh. X, 29a bot. בשעה … ת' וכ' when David went to dig for the foundation
of the Temple. Y. Sot. VI, beg. 20d מילה דלית בה ת' (prob. to be read: תְּמַלְיוֹסִיס,
θεμελίωσις) a thing (rumor) without foundation. Y. Keth. V, 29c bot. עיקרא לית
לה ת' וכ' the thing itself has no foundation, and the Rabbis built upon it and
went up &c.; a. e.

θεογονία (theogonia) - תֵּיאוֹגוֹנְיָה

726, Klein 30240
theogony. FW [Gk. theogonia (= origin of the gods), compounded of theos (= god),
and gonia, from gonos (= race, birth, descent), which stands in gradational relationship
to genos (= race, descent). See תֵּיאִיזְם and גֶּן.]

θεοκρατία (theokratia) - תֵּיאוֹקְרַטְיָה

727, Klein 30250
theocracy. FW [Gk. theokratia (= the rule of God), coined by the Jewish historian
Josephus (c. 38–c. 100) from theos (= God) and kratia (= rule of), from kratos
(= strength, power, rule). See תֵּיאִיזֽם and □קְרַטְיָה.]

θεός (theos) - תֵּיאִיזְם

728, Klein 30260
theism. FW [Formed with suff. □ִיזְם from Gk. theos (= God), which prob. stands
for * dhes–os, from IE base * dhes– (= holy). cp. אַתֵּיאִיזְם, הֶנוֹתֵיאִיזְם,
אַפּוֹתֵיאוֹזָה, מוֹנוֹתֵיאִיזְם, פַּנְתֵּיאִיזְם, פּוֹלִיתֵּיאִיזְם. cp. also
the first element in תֵּיאוֹבְּרוֹמִין and in תֵּיאוֹגוֹנְיָה.]

θεοσοφία (theosophia) - תֵּיאוֹסוֹפְיָה

729, Klein 30246
theosophy. FW [Late Gk. theosophia (= knowledge of divine things), which is compounded
of theos (= god), and logia (= skill, wisdom), from sophos (= skilled, wise). See
תֵּיאִיזְם and סוֹפִיזְם.]

θεόφορος (theophoros) - תֵּיאוֹפוֹרִי

730, Klein 30247
theophorous. FW [Gk. theophoros (= bearing or carrying the name of a god), which
is compounded of theos (= god), and pherein (= to bear, carry). See תֵּיאִיזְם
and אֲנָפוֹרָה.]

θεραπεία (therapeia) - תֶּרַפְּיָה

731, Klein 31033
therapy. FW [Gk. therapeia (= a waiting on, service, attendance), from therapon
(= servant, attendant), from theraps (of s.m.) which is of uncertain origin.]

θερμαί - תּוּרְמְסָר

732, Jastrow 31693
(a denomin. of θερμαί, thermae) bath-keeper or attendant. Y. Maas. Sh. I, 52d top
היו לו מעות … כדרך שהן יפין אצל הת' if one has small coins (v. דִּיסְקַנְסְ), …
he may use them for the redemption of second tithes, in the same manner as they
are good to be used for the bather (v. Tosef. ib. I, 4). Y. Ber. II, 4c top עד
יעקב תּוּרְמַסְרָה וכ' (Chald. form; ed. Krot. תרמוסר') until he came to the stand
of Jacob the bather he kept the T’fillin on; Pesik. R. s. 22 עד יעקר תורמוסא (corr.

θέρμη (therme) - תֶּרְם

733, Klein 30989
therm (the unit of heat — physics). FW [Gk. therme (= heat), related to thermos
(= warm), which stands for * gwhermos, from IE base * gwher– (= warm). See ‘warm’
in my CEDEL and cp. תֶּרֽמוֹס, תֶּרְמִיּוֹן, תֶּרְמִיט and the first element in

θερμο (thermo) - תֶּרְמוֹ□

734, Klein 30991
(before a vowel תֶּרְמְ□) FW combining form meaning ‘heat’. [Gk. thermo–, from
therme (= heat). See תֶּרֽם.]

θέρμος - תּוּרְמוֹס

735, Jastrow 31687
(θέρμος) lupine. Kil. I, 3; Tosef. ib. I, 2 (Var. תּוּרְמָס). T’bul Yom I, 4. Tanḥ.
ed. Bub., B’midb. 27; Yalk. Num. 695 (ref. to Prov. XXII, 22, by ref. to Ber. 35b
כל הנהנה … גוזל וכ') זה הת' שהוא נכנס … לא יאמר … ומניח את הת' this refers to the
lupine that is brought in with the dessert; one should not say, I have nuts and
dates before me, I will say the blessing over them, and disregard the lupine; a.
fr.—Pl. תּוּרְמוֹסִין. Makhsh. IV, 6 (Mish. ed. תּוּרְמְסִין, תּוּרְמְסִים; ed.
Dehr. 7 תִּרְמוֹסִין).

θερμός (thermos) - תֶּרֽמוֹס

736, Klein 30997
thermos flask, thermos bottle. FW [From Gk. thermos (= warm, hot), which is related
to therme (= heat). See תֶּרֽם.]

θέρμος (thērmos) - תּוּרְמוֹס

737, Klein 30068
lupine (plant). PBH [From Gk. thērmos (= Lupinus albus), which is prob. identical
with thermōs (= warm), in spite of the difference in the place of the accent. For
the etymology of thermōs (= warm) see תֶּרְמוֹס.]

θέσις (thesis) - תֶּזִיס

738, Klein 30109
thesis, dissertation. FW [Gk. thesis (= a placing, setting). See תֶּזָה.]

θεωρητικός (theoretikos) - תֵּיאוֹרֶטִי

739, Klein 30253
theoretical. FW [Gk. theoretikos (= to be seen), from theoretos (= seen), verbal
adj. of theorein (= to look at, behold), from theoros. See תֵּיאוֹרְיָה and suff.
□ִי, and cp. תֵּיאוֹרֶמָה.]

θεωρητικός (theoretikos) - תֵּיאוֹרֶטִיקוֹן, תֵּיאוֹרֶטִיקָן

740, Klein 30255
theoretician. FW [Formed from Gk. theoretikos (= to be seen; see תֵּיאוֹרֶטִי),
with suff. □וֹן.]

θεωρητός - תדיוטוס

741, Jastrow 31496
, Midr. Till. to Ps. IX, 20 מעשה ת' שלהן (Var. in ed. Bub. note: תיודיטוס, דיוטוס,
תוטיורוס, תודיוטוס); Yalk. ib. 645 תעשה תיודיטוס (some ed. תמדיטוס) read: תֵּעָשֶׂה
תְיֹורִיטֹוס שלהן (θεωρητός) be thou made the oracle consulted by them (v. Sm.
Ant. s. v. Theoroi).

θεωρία (theoria) - תֵּיאוֹרְיָה

742, Klein 30252
theory. FW [Gk. theoria (= spectacle, contemplation, consideration), from theoros
(= spectator), from the stem of theasthai (= to see, behold), whence also theatron
(= theater). See תֵּיאַטְרוֹן.]

θηβαική - *תְּבִיקִין

743, Jastrow 31435
(θηβαική, accus. , sub πῆχυς) Thebaic cubit (supposed to be the royal cubit of the
Egyptians). Gen. R. s. 31 (ref. to מדה הראשונה, II Chr. III, 3) למה הוא קורא אותה
אמה ת' וכ' (Ar. תבקיון) why is this cubit called t’biḳin? Because they fitted with
it (v. תָּבָא); (oth. opin.) על שם תיבתו וכ' after Noah’s ark (tebah); Yalk. ib.

θήκη - תֵּיק

744, Jastrow 31871
(θήκη) casing, sheath. Kel. XVI, 8 העשוי לת' whatever is intended for a casing,
contrad. to חִפּוּי. Sabb. XVI, 1 ת' הספר a book chest; ת' התפלין a box or bag
in which the T’fillin are kept; a. fr.

θήκη (theke) - תִּיק

745, Klein 30287
1) casing, case. PBH 2) briefcase; file; portfolio. [Gk. theke (= that which is
placed), from the stem of tithenai (= to put, place), whence also thesis (= a placing,
setting), thema (= that which is placed), themis (= right, law, decree), thesmos
(= law, rule, precept; lit.: ‘that which is laid down), from IE base * dhō–, *dhē–,
*dhě– (= to do, make; to put, place). cp. דָּת. cp. also תֶּזָה, תֵּימָה, פָּמַלְיָא,
פַקְט, קוֹנְדִיטוֹן, and the second element in אַפּוֹתֵיקָה, דִּיָּתֵיקִי, קְרֶדִיט.

θηριακή - תִּירְיָיקָא תִּירְיָיקִי תִּרְ'

746, Jastrow 31901
(θηριακή, theriaca) theriak, a certain compound believed to be an antidote against
poisonous bites; in general a remedy, medicine. Sabb. 109b (v. Rabb. D. S. a.
l. note 1) , v. כַּנְגַּד. Ned. 41b כי תירייקי לגופא (Ar. קא …) as wholesome as
theriac for the body. Ib. לא היא ולא תִירְיָיקָהּ I want neither it (the fever)
nor its alleged good effect. Cant. R. to IV, 5 [read:] שלחו הרופאים והביאו מדמיהן
ועשו אותן תִּרְיָאקָה ובה וכ' the physicians sent (to Alexandria) and got some
of their blood (of menstruation) and made a theriak of it, and with it they healed
&c.—[Ab. Zar. II, 4 ותירייקי Y. ed., v. וְתִינְיָיקִי.]

θησαυρός (thesauros) - תִּסְבָּר

747, Klein 30637
, storehouse. PBH [From Gk. thesauros (= treasure, treasure-house), a compound whose
first element prob. derives from the, stem of titheai (= to put, place; see תִּיק);
the second element is of uncertain origin.]

θῆτα - תִּיטָא

748, Jastrow 31822
(θῆτα) the Greek letter Θ (Tau), which in voting stood for θάνατος (death). Lam.
R. to II, 1, v. חִיתּוּךְ.

θορυβοποιός - תּוֹרִיבוֹס

749, Jastrow 31682
(θόρυβος) uproar; (in the sense of θορυβοποιός) a turbulent person, rioter. Tanḥ.
ed. Bub., Vayera 17 (ref. to שבלול, Ps. LVIII, 9, play on בָּלַל) כמו שהשבולת …
כך ת' שעומד במדינה כל מי שנמצא עמו נשטף עמו (not תוריכוס, not מה) as a freshet
sweeps all that it finds with it, so it is with a rioter who rises in a city: whoever
is found with him, is swept away (arrested and punished) with him; וכיון שהוא מת
… למה שהוא ת' and when he is dead, he faces no more the sun (his body is not exhibited
for public honors); why? Because he was a rioter; Yalk. Ps. 776 תורינוס, תרינוס
(corr. acc.).

θόρυβος - תּוֹרִיבוֹס

750, Jastrow 31682
(θόρυβος) uproar; (in the sense of θορυβοποιός) a turbulent person, rioter. Tanḥ.
ed. Bub., Vayera 17 (ref. to שבלול, Ps. LVIII, 9, play on בָּלַל) כמו שהשבולת …
כך ת' שעומד במדינה כל מי שנמצא עמו נשטף עמו (not תוריכוס, not מה) as a freshet
sweeps all that it finds with it, so it is with a rioter who rises in a city: whoever
is found with him, is swept away (arrested and punished) with him; וכיון שהוא מת
… למה שהוא ת' and when he is dead, he faces no more the sun (his body is not exhibited
for public honors); why? Because he was a rioter; Yalk. Ps. 776 תורינוס, תרינוס
(corr. acc.).

θρᾴκη - תַּרְקִי

751, Jastrow 32449
(θρᾴκη) Thracia, Thrace, a country in the south-eastern extremity of Europe. Targ.
Y. Gen. X, 2; Targ. I Chr. I, 5 (ed. Rahmer Var. תַּרְקְיָא or תְּרָקְיָא; h. text
תירס);—Y. Meg. I, 71b bot. תרקא; Gen. R. s. 37 תּוּרְקִי; Yalk. ib. 61; Yoma 10a
בית תְּרַיְיקִי (Ms. M. 1 טרוקי; Ms. M. 2 טראקי; Ms. O. a. Ar. טרקי; Ms. L. טרקאי,
v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 8). Y. Kidd. I, 61d top; Y. Shebi. VI, 36b bot. תורקי
(for הקדמני, Gen. XV, 19); Gen. R. s. 44 תרקי (for קנזי, Gen. l. c.); Yalk. ib.
78 טרקי.

θρίναξ - תרונתק

752, Jastrow 32356
, read: תְּרוּנַק, or תְּרוּנְקֵס m. (θρίναξ) trident, fork, used as a tool in writing,
prob. for levelling the paper (cmp. Lat. charta dentata). Kel. XVI, 8 תיק מכתב
ות' תיק וכ' the case for the stylus and the trident, the case of &c.—[The corrupt.
of our w. arose from a dittography of the next following word תק or תיק,—which
gave rise to the etymology תרין־תק.—Hai Gaon explains our w. with המנק.]

θρόνος - תְּרוֹנוֹס

753, Jastrow 32355
(θρόνος) chair, throne. Tanḥ. T’rumah 9 עד שלא … על ת' של וכ' (some ed. ט', corr.
acc.) so long as the Temple was not built, the world rested on a throne of two
legs; when the Temple was built, the world stood firm (v. בָּסַס); Y’lamd. ib.,
quot. in Ar. תרנוס; Tanḥ. ed. Bub. ib. 8 תרנוס (Var. תרכוס; corr. acc.). Gen. R.
s. 68 ת' של שלש וכ' (not תרכוסא) he showed him (Jacob) a throne on three legs (the
three pillars of the world); Yalk. ib. 119 תרנוס. Y. Sabb. III, 6c bot. ת' אסור
וכ' (ed. תרכוס, corr. acc.) it is forbidden to move a large (teacher’s) chair (on
the Sabbath, interch. with כסא); a. e.—[Gen. R. l. c. כמטה וכת' Ar. (ed. וכפרנוס;
Yalk. l. c. וכפורנס) read: וכטורוס, v. טוֹרוּס, a. פְּלוּמָא.]

θρόνος (thronos) - תְּרוֹנוֹס

754, Klein 30957
throne. PBH [Gk. thronos (= seat, chair; throne), from IE base * dher(e)– (= to
hold, support), whence also L. firmus (= firm, steadfast, stable, strong). See

θὐάλης - וָולִיס, וָולָס

755, Jastrow 8477
p. n. m. (θὐάλης, Valens) Valis, an Amora, father of R. Hillel. Gitt. 59a; Snh.
36a (Ms. M. ולס, Ar. ed. Koh. וילס); Y. Kil. II, 32a top; ib. I, 27a top אלס.—Y.
Ḥall. I, 57c bot. חליס (ed. Krot. ה', read: וו'). V. Frank. M’bo p. 76. Cmp. בָּאלִי

θύννος (thynnos) - תַּנִּין

756, Klein 30613
1) sea monster. 2) serpent. 3) dragon. 4) crocodile. NH [From base תנן, whence also
Egypt.–Aram. תנין, JAram.–Syr. תַּנִּינָא, Ugar. tnn, Ethiop. taman (= dragon).
Arab. tinnīn (= dragon) is an Aram. loan word. Gk. thynnos (= tunny) is prob. borrowed
from Heb. תַּנִּין. The Gk. word was influenced by Gk. thynnein (= to shake). cp.
‘tunny’ in my CEDEL.]

θυρεός (thyreos) - תְּרִיס

757, Klein 30976
shield. PBH [From Gk. thyreos (= stone put against the door), which derives from
thyra (= door); see תְּרִיס I.]

θυρίς (thyris) - תְּרִיס

758, Klein 30975
shutter, blind. PBH [From Gk. thyris (= window), which is related to thyra (= door),
and cogn. with Old I. dvā́raḥ, duráḥ, dúraḥ (= door), duróṇa– (= dwelling, home),
Avestic dvarěm (= gate, court), etc. cp. ‘door’ in my CEDEL. cp. also תּֽרִיס II.

θύρωμα - תֵּירוֹמֵי

759, Jastrow 31893
(θύρωμα) door with its posts, frames &c. Targ. Ez. XXVII, 6.

θωράκιον - *תּוֹרָקִין

760, Jastrow 31708
(θωράκιον) parapet, tower. Targ. Prov. VII, 6 ed. Lag. (Ms. תּוֹרִיקִין, perh.
תּוֹדִיקִין (fr. דּוּק)?; ed. Wil. הרכין; h. text אשנב).

ἴαμβος (iambos) - יַמְבּוּס

761, Klein 11320
iamb, iambus. FW [From Gk. iambos, which is a loan word of pre-Hellenic origin.
cp. ‘iamb’ in my CEDEL.]

ἰάνθινον - *אלטינון, טיינון

762, Jastrow 1832
, a corruption of יַאנְטִינֹון for יַאנְתִּינֹון m. (ἰάνθινον, Aquila Ex. XXV, 5)
violet-colored. Koh. R. to I, 9 אלט'; Y. Sabb. II, 4d (expl. bibl. תחש as a color
לשם צבעו, v. Ges. H. Dict. s. v. תַּחַשׁ). [Esth. R. to I, 6 טיינון (Var. סיינון)
read יקינטינון].

Ἰάων (Iaon) - יָוָן

763, Klein 11174
Greece. PBH [A blend of יָוָן, name of a son of Shem son of Noah (see Gen. 10:2)
and orig. Gk. Iaon, gen. Iaonos contracted into Ion, gen. Ionos (= Ion), ancestor
of the Ionian race.]

ἰδέα (idea) - אִידֵאָה

764, Klein 837
idea. FW [Ultimately from Gk. idea (= form, kind, sort, nature, class, species,
opinion, notion, idea, ideal form). The original pre-Platonic meaning is ‘look,
semblance’. Gk. idea prob. derives from idein (= to see) which is related to oida
(= I know), eidon (= I saw), eidos (= form, shape; lit.: ‘that which is seen’),
eidolon (= knowing, learned), and cogn. with L. videre (= to see). See וִיזָה and
cp. אִידִילְיָה.]

ἰδιοσυγκρασία (idiosynkrasia) - אִידְיוֹסִינְקְרַסְיָה

765, Klein 851
idiosyncracy. FW [Gk. idiosynkrasia (= a peculiar temperament; lit.: ‘a proper blending
together’), compounded of idio (= one’s own, proper; see הֶדְיוֹט), syn (= with;
see סִינִ□), and krasis (= a blending), which is related to krates (= a large bowl
for mixing wine and water). These words derive from IE base *k̂erāi-, *k̂er- (=
to mix, blend). See ‘rare’ (underdone) in my CEDEL and cp. ‘crasis’, ‘crater’,
ibid. For the ending of אִידְיוֹטִינְקְרַסֽיָה see □יָה.]

ἰδίωμα (idioma) - אִידְיוֹם

766, Klein 849
idiom. FW [Ultimately from Gk. idioma (= peculiarity, esp. peculiarity in a language),
from idioumai (= I make my own), from idios (= one’s own). See הֶדֽיוֹט.]

ἰδιώτης - הֶדְיוֹט

767, Jastrow 7570
(an adaptation of ἰδιώτης) private man (opp. to priest, officer &c.), commoner;
ignoble, ignorant. Targ. I Sam. XVIII, 23; a. fr.—Meg. 12b, a. e. (prov.) הה'
קופץ בראש the lowest man rushes ahead (is the first to give an opinion).—Yeb. 59a,
a. fr. כהן ה' a common priest, opp. כהן גדול. M. Kat. I, 8 הה' the untrained tailor,
opp. אומן the professional. Ib. 10a היכי דמי ה' when do you call one a hedyot?—B.
Mets. 104a לשון ה' the popular terms, v. דָּרַשׁ. Gen. R. s. 96 משל ה' a popular
adage; a. fr.—Pl. (Ch.) הֶדְיוֹטִין. Targ. Job XXX, 8; a. e.—(Hebrew) הֶדְיוֹטוֹת.
Snh. X, 2 (90a) three kings וארבעה ה' and four private persons. Ib. 21b bot. לה'
for the common people (Samaritans). Tosef. Sabb. XIII (XIV), 1; Y. ib. XVI, 15c
top שטרי ה' private (not Hebrew) writings; Bab. ib. 116b; a. fr. Num. R. s. 8 הֶדְיוֹטִים
(some ed.).—Fem. הֶדְיוֹטִית. Ruth R. to I, 19 פדה ה' a cow of common stock (not
trained for work).

ἰδιώτης (idiotes) - הֶדְיוֹט

768, Klein 5836
1) a private man, a layman, a common person. 2) a vulgar person, boor. 3) a silly
person. PBH [Gk. idiotes (= private person, one not holding office; layman; an
ignorant), from idios (= one’s own, private, personal, separated, distinct), from
IE base * swed-yos, from base * swed– (= separate, set apart), whence also L. sed
(= but), sēd, sē (= without), ultimately from IE reflexive base * swe–, * se–.
See ‘se–’ in my CEDEL and cp. words there referred to.]

ἱεραρχία (hierarchia) - הִיֶּרַרְכְיָה

769, Klein 6256
hierarchy. FW [Gk. hierarchia (= office of a hierarch), from hierarches (= leader
of sacred rites, high priest), which is compounded of hieros (= holy, sacred),
and – arches (= leader, chief, ruler); see הִיֶּרוֹגְלִיפִים and אַרְכִי. For the
ending see suff. □יָה.]

ἱερογλυφικάs (hieroglyphika) - הִיֶּרוֹגְלִיפִים

770, Klein 6255
hieroglyphs. FW [From Gk. hieroglyphika (grammata), neuter pl. of hieroglyphikos
(= hieroglyphic; lit.: ‘pertaining to sacred carvings’), compounded of hieros (=
holy, sacred), and graphein (= to carve); see □גְרָף.]

Ἰζάτης - זוֹטוֹס

771, Jastrow 8689
(Ζῶτος; Jos. Ant. XX, 2, 1 Ἰζάτης) Zotos, Izates, a prince of Adiabena. Gen. R.
s. 46, v. מוּנְבָּז.

ἱκανός - אִיקָנוֹס

772, Jastrow 1600
(ἱκανός) 1)worthy, fit; wealthy. . Yalk. Job 919.—2)sufficient, v. אַקְסְיֹוס.

ἱλάρια - אִלַּרְיָא, אִילַ'

773, Jastrow 1954
(ἱλάρια) day of rejoicing, both private and public; esp. days of public rejoicings
appointed by a new emperor, consisting of games, masquerades &c. Pesik. Sh’mini
p. 193b while the King is engaged בא' שלו וכ' in his hilaria, ask of him what you
need. Cant. R. to IV, 4 לא היו עומדין באלירא וכ' (corr. acc.) (at Mount Sinai)
they did not stand (as) in hilaria, but in awe, trembling &c.

Ἰλιάς (Ilias) - אִילִיאָדָה

774, Klein 913
Iliad. FW [Gk. Ilias, gen. Iliados (= the Iliad), short for Ilias poiesis (lit.:
‘poem treating of Ilium’), from Ilios, Ilion (= Ilium, Troy), properly ‘city of
Ilus’, from Ilos, name of the founder of Ilium.]

ἱμάτιον - *אנטיטיה, אנטינייא

775, Jastrow 2179
, corruptions; read אִימַטְיָא m. pl. (pl. of ἱμάτιον) blankets used at the bath
which may also serve as cloaks (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Pallium). Y. Kil. IX, 32a bot.;
Y. M. Kat. III, 82a (explain. the sort of בלנרי in question).

Ἰνδική - הִינְדִּיקִי, הִנְ'

776, Jastrow 7908
(Ἰνδική, sub. γῆ) India. Targ. Y. Gen. II, 11 ארע ה' (Ar. הִנְדְּוִין; h. text
חוילה). Ib. XXV, 18 הנדקי (Y. II הינדיקיא).—Denom. הִינְדִּיקָאֵי, הִינְדְּקָ',
הִנְ' Indians. Targ. I Chr. I, 9.

ἴον (ion) - יוֹן

777, Klein 11172
ion. FW [Gk. ion neuter of ion (= going), pres. part. of ienai (= to go), from IE
base * i- (= to go), whence also L. ire (= to go), iter (= a journey). See ‘itinerate’
in my CEDEL. The word ion was introduced into electricity by the English physicist
and chemist Michael Faraday, 1791–1867.]

ἰός (ios) - אֶֽרֶס

778, Klein 2199
poison, venom. PBH [From earlier אִירָס. Of uncertain origin. Perhaps, together
with Syr. ‘irsā (of s.m.), a blend of Gk. ios (= poison) and L. vīrus (= poison).

Ἰουδαική - *, *יְהוּדָאִיקִי

779, Jastrow 12226
(Ἰουδαική, sub. συναγωγή or ἀγωρά) Jewish court-house. Y. Gitt. I, 43b top במקום
י' in the Jewish meeting place (where Jews have their own jurisdiction); אם אין
שם י' וכ' if there is no Jewish courthouse there, it must be done in the synagogue

ἱππίατρος - אִפְּיַיטְרוֹס

780, Jastrow 2679
(ἱππίατρος) veterinary surgeon. Num. R. s. 9.

ἱπποβάτης - אבהנוס, אבהונוס

781, Jastrow 51
Y. Kil. III, 31c Ar. (ed. אבחטס, read אַמְבָּטִיס q. v. or אִיפּוֹבַּטֵיס (ἱπποβάτης)
stallion ass for mares.

ἱπποθόρος - *אִיפֹּותוֹרוֹס

782, Jastrow 1548
(ἱπποθόρος, sub. νόμος, שירת) a tune played to mares on being covered. Cant. R.
to I, 9 (being asked why they rushed into the water, the horses said) א' נעשית
לכם בים (ed. איפתיסיס, איפתוסים, אפ' corr. acc.) a hippothoros is prepared for
you in the Sea (a satire on Egyptian lasciviousness).

ἴρις - אֵירוּס, אֵרוּס

783, Jastrow 1604
(supposed to be = ἴρις) Erus, a lily with an aromatic root. Kil. V, 8, expl. Y.
ib. 30a bot. אִירְסַיָּה (pl. of אִירְסָא, v. P. Sm. s. v.). Tosef. ib. III, 13.
Ohol. VIII, 1.

Ἶρις (Iris) - אִירוֹס

784, Klein 1037
iris (name of a plant). PBH [Gk. Iris, the goddess of the rainbow in Greek mythology,
properly personification | of . אִירִידְיוּם .]

ἰσάτις - אִיסָטִיס, (סָטִיס) אִסָּטִיס

785, Jastrow 1441
(ἰσάτις, isatis tinctoria) a plant producing a deep blue dye, woad. Shebi. VII,
1. Y. ib. 37b אסטים (corr. acc.). B. Kam. 101b אס' Ar. (ed. סטיס, סטים; corr. acc.).
Meg. IV, 7; a. fr.

ισο (iso) - אִיזוֹ□

786, Klein 875
combining form meaning ‘equal’ (as in אִיזוֹבָּר). FW [Gk. iso-, from isos (= equal),
which is related to Gk. eidos (= form, shape). See אִידֵאָה.]

ἰσοπολιτεία - *(אספלטייא) אִיסוֹפֹּולִיטְיָיא

787, Jastrow 1403
(ἰσοπολιτεία) civic rights granted to strangers, isopolity (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Civitas).
Pesik. R. s. 15 עבדות וגרות בארץ לא להם וענו אותם ארבע מאות שנה אפילו [על] א'
שלהם Ar. s. v. פלטיא II (ed. איספטלים, איספטליס, corr. acc.) ‘slavery and stranger’s
condition’ (indicated Gen. XV, 13) were in a land not theirs (in Egypt), but, ‘and
they shall afflict them four hundred years’ refers even to their isopolity (in
Canaan, from the birth of Isaac); Cant. R. to II, 17 באיספטלייה … (corr. as above.).
Gen. R. s. 44; Yalk. Gen. 77 לאספטיא … (corr. as above.). Pesik. Haḥod. p. 47b
note 96.

ἱστοκεραία (istokeraia) - אִסְקַרְיָה

788, Klein 1749
sailyard. PBH [Contraction of Gk. istokeraia (= sailyard), which is compounded of
istos (= ship’s mast; loom; warp, web), and keraria (= horn). The first element
lit. stands for sistos and lit. means ‘that which causes to stand’, from istemi
(= I make to stand; I stand), from IE base *stā- (= to stand), stāmen (= the warp
in the loom); see ‘state’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘histo-’, ‘anhistous’, ‘Actinistia’
ibid. The second element derives from keras (= horn), which is cogn. with L. cornu
(= horn), from IE base *ker- (= the uppermost part of the body, head, horn, top,
summit). See ‘horn’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘cerato-’ ibid.]

ἱστοριόγραφος (historiographos) - הִיסְטוֹרְיוֹגְרָף

789, Klein 6236
historiographer. FW [Gk. historiographos (= history writer), compounded of historia
(= history), and –graphos (= writer), from the stem of graphein (= to write). See
הִיסְטוֹרְיָה and □גֽרָף.]

ἰτά - אִיטָא, אִיטָה,

790, Jastrow 1208
(ἦτα) the letter (η) of the Greek Alphabet, the numerical value of which is eight;
used in the way of a phonetic play (ἤτω, or ἰτά as though an adj. verbale of ἰέναι)
to indicate going or death. Gen. R. s. 14, beg. (proving that a seven months’
child can live, while an eight months’ child cannot) מדידכון אנא ממטי איט"א אוכ"טא,
לכון זיט"א אפ"טא from your own (Greek) language I will prove it to you, ‘Live (ζήτω)
seven, Go, eight’ (ζ = ἕπτα, η = ὄκτω). Y. Yeb. IV, 5d top; Tanḥ. B’midbar 18 (corr.
acc.); Ibid. (ed. Buber) 21.

ἰτέϊνον (iteinon) - אִידָן

791, Klein 858
bast. PBH [Of uncertain origin. It is perhaps borrowed from Gk. iteinon (= of willow),
from itea (= willow), which prob. is related to itus(= the edge or rim of anything
round), from IE base *wei- (= to bend, twist).]

Ἰωνικός (Ionikos) - יוֹנִי

792, Klein 11182
Ionian, Ionic. FW [Back formation from Gk. Ionikos (= Ionic), from Ion. See יָוָן
and suff. □י.]

κ - כַּפָּא,

793, Jastrow 13844
(Κάππα) the Greek letter Kappa, as a numeral (κʹ) twenty. Lam. R. to I, 1 (חד בר
נש) רבתי, v. דּוֹקְיָיא.

κάβος (kabos) - קַב

794, Klein 24766
‘kab’ (a measure of capacity). [Related to Aram.–Syr. קַבָּא, Arab. qabb (of s.m.).
All these words possibly derive from קבב I (= to hollow out, make a hole, to vault).
Gk. kabos (= a commeasure) is a Heb. loan word. cp. קַב II and the second element
in תַּרֽקַב.]

Κάδμος (Kadmos) - קַדְמוֹן

795, Klein 24913
1) ancient. MH 2) eastern (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Ezek. 47:8).
[Formed from קדם with suff. □וֹן. Gk. Kadmos, son of the Phoenician king Agenor
and founder of Thebes, properly means ‘the man who came in ancient times’ or ‘the
man who came from the East’, and derives from the Sem. base קדם (the name might
orig. have been קַדְמוֹן, but the Heb. suff. □וֹן was changed to the frequent Gk.
suff. ‘– os’). cp. קַדְמִיּוּם.]

κάδος (kados) - כַּד

796, Klein 11740
jug, pitcher. [Related to Aram. כַּדָּא (= jar, jug, pitcher), Aram.-Syr. כַּדָּנָא
(= a small jug). Of uncertain origin. Gk. kados, whence L. cadus (= jar), is a
Hebrew loan word.]

κάθαρσις (katharsis) - קָתַרְסִיס

797, Klein 26346
catharsis. FW [Gk. katharsis (= cleansing, purification), from the stem of kathairein
(= to cleanse, purify, to prune a tree), from katharos (= clean, pure), which is
of uncertain origin.]

καθέδρα - קְתִדְרָא קְתִדְרָה קְתִידְ'

798, Jastrow 28083
(καθέδρα) a soft seat, chair with back. Keth. V, 5 ארבע יושבת בק' (not ארבעה) if
the wife brought four maids, she may sit in the chair (need not do any house work).
Ib. 61a. Kel. IV, 3 כמין ק' (Mish. ed. רָה …) in the shape of a cathedra (with
a curved or hollow back). Ib. XXIV, 2 העשויה כק' a wagon seat formed like a cathedra.
Lam. R. to I. 1 ק' (רבתי) בכל מקום … מציעין לו wherever one of the sons of Jerusalem
came to a country place, they spread for him a cathedra to sit on it, in order
to hear his wisdom. Pesik. Vayḥi, p. 7b (ref. to I Kings X, 19) כהדא ק' דמשה like
the seat of Moses (v. Revue des Ét. Juives XXXIV, p. 99, sq.); Esth. R. to I, 2
קדירתא דדרניש (read: קתידרא); Ex. R. s. 43 ק' עשו לו כק' וכ' they made for him
(Moses) a seat like the scholars’ cathedra in which one sits and yet seems to be
standing; a. e.—Pl. קְתִדְראוֹת, קְתִדְרָיוֹת, קְתִיד'. Y. Succ. V, beg. 55a ושבעים
ק' וכ' seventy gilt chairs were there (in the synagogue of Alexandria), beset with
precious stones &c.; Bab. ib. 51b; Tosef. ib. IV, 6 שבעים ואחת ק'. Y. Ber. VI,
10d top; a. e.

καθέδρα (kathedra) - קָתֶדְרָה

799, Klein 26337
1) chair. 2) (fig.) professorial chair in a university. PBH [Gk. kathedra (= seat,
chair, pulpit), formed from kata (= down) and hedra (= seat), which stands for
* sedrā and is cogn. with L. sedēre (= to sit). See אַכְסַדְרָה and cp. סַנֽהֶדֽרִין,
פַּרֽהֶדְרִין. cp. also ‘chair’ in my CEDEL. cp. also קָתֶדֽרָלָה.]

καθέδριον - קְתִדְרִין קְתִידְ'

800, Jastrow 28084
m. (καθέδριον) same. Y. Yoma IV, 41c top כמלך … על ק' שלו like a king seated on
his chair. Gen. R. s. 44 ק' דדין לקבל ק' דדין the chair of one opposite that of
the other; a. e.

καθετήρ (katheter) - קָתֶטָר

801, Klein 26342
catheter (medicine). FW [Gk. katheter (= something let down; surgical instrument
for emptying the bladder), from the stem of kathienai (= to send down), from kata
(= down; see קָטָ□), and hienai (= to move forward, throw, send), which stands
for * yi-ye-nai, and is cogn. with L. jacěre (= to throw). See סוּבְּיֶקְט.]

κάθοδος (kathodos) - קָתוֹד

802, Klein 26339
cathode (physics and chemistry). FW [Gk. kathodos (= way down, descent), from kata
(= down), and odos (= way). See קָטָ□ and מֶתּוֹדָה. The term cathode was introduced
into electricity by the English physicist and chemist Michael Faraday (1791–1867).
cp. אָנוֹד, אֶלֶקְטְרוֹד, סִינוֹד.]

καθολικός - קָתוֹלִיקוֹס קָתְלִי'

803, Jastrow 28086
(καθολικός) financial officer, controller, esp. catholicos, an officer of the Temple
treasury. Ex. R. s. 37, beg. למלך … ק' ומנהו וכ' like a king that had a friend,
and when he wanted to appoint a controller, he appointed him over his entire treasury;
Y’lamd. to Gen. XLIX, 1 quot. in Ar. קתוליכוס (corr. acc.). Num. R. s. 18 קרח שהיה
ק' וכ' Korah who was the controller of Pharaoh’s palace and had in charge the keys
&c. Y. Shek. V, 49a קתיליקוס, קתיליקון, קתיליקיס (Bab. ed. קתליקין, קתליקין; corr.
acc.); a. e.—Pl. קָתוֹלִיקִין. Ib. אין פיחתין משני ק' (Bab. ed. a. ed. Zyt. כתל',
corr. acc.) there were never less than two catholici in the Temple treasury.—Cant.
R. to VII, 9 (expl. פחותא, Dan. III, 2) קתאליקי (some ed. קאת'), read קָתוֹלִיקֵי
or קָאת' (ch. pl.) controllers.

Καιπίων - קִיפוֹנוֹס

804, Jastrow 26897
Ḳifonos, name of a Temple gate (prob. genitive of Καιπίων = Cæpio). Midd. I, 3

καιρός - קֵירָס

805, Jastrow 26990
(καιρός) opportunity, season. Koh. R. to XI, 3 אם הגיע קִירְסוֹ של תלמיד וכ' when
the proper time comes for the scholar to teach &c. Ib. אם הגיע קִירְסָן וכ' when
the turn of the prophets comes to prophesy &c. Esth. R. to I, 13 (ref. to לעתים,
I Chr. XII, 23) שהיו יודעין לרפאות את הקֵירוֹס (not הקירום) they knew how to mend
the time (destiny); [a gloss: קליפה העולה מחמת מכה, from misreading קֵירוּם, v.
קָרַם]; Cant. R. to VI, 4 לרצוא את הקורם (ed. Wil. לרפות את הקורס; corr. acc.).—Pl.
קִירְסִים, קִירְסִין (קִרְ'). Pesik. Vayḥi, p. 9a (ref. to לעתים, v. supra) לק'
understanding of the seasons (v. LXX, I Chr. l. c.); Esth. R. l. c.; Cant. R. l.
c. (not לקו'); Num. R. s. 13; Gen. R. s. 72 לקורניסין (corr. acc., or לקֵירוֹסִין);
[Var. in Ar. לקִירְטִין].—[Gen. R. s. 58 בקרסין, v. קְלִירוֹס.—Y. Shebi. II, 33d
קירסים, v. next w.]

καῖρος - קֵירוֹס

806, Jastrow 26968
(καῖρος) the row of slips or thrums in the loom to which the threads of the warp
are attached. Sabb. XIII, 2 (105a), v. נִיר IV; expl. Y. ib. 14a בק' קירומה (not
בקיריס) ḳeros is (καίρωμα) the arrangement of slips &c.

καιρός (kairos) - קֵירָס

807, Klein 25490
opportunity, season. PBH [Gk. kairos (= the right season, the right time). Of uncertain

καίρωμα - קֵירוֹמָה

808, Jastrow 26966
(καίρωμα) arrangement of slips or thrums. Y. Sabb. XIII, 14a; v. קֵירוֹס I.

Καῖσαρ - קֵיסַר קֵסַר

809, Jastrow 26878
(Cæsar, Καῖσαρ) Cæsar, Roman emperor. Y. Ber. IX, 12d bot.; Gen. R. s. 8, v. אָגוּסְטוֹס.
Ab. Zar. 10b קטיעא חד מחשיבי דמלכותא דק' הוה וק' הוה סני וכ' Ms. M. Ḳ’ṭiʿa was
one of the nobles of the imperial government, and the emperor hated the Jews (ed.
ההוא קֵיסָרָא דהוה סני וכ'). Snh. 98b, v. פַּלְגּוּ; a. fr.

Καῖσαρ (Kaisar) - קֵיסָר

810, Klein 25458
emperor. PBH [Gk. Kaisar (whence also Aram.–Syr. קֵיסָר, Arab. qayṣar) , from L.
Caesar, title adopted by Augustus and the succeeding Roman emperors from the cognomen
of Caius Julius Caesar. cp. צָר. For other loan words traceable to Gk. Kaisar and
L. Caesar, see ‘czar’ and ‘kaiser’ in my CEDEL.]

καισαρίκιον - סִיקָרִיקוֹן סִקָ'

811, Jastrow 20313
(a disguise of καισαρίκιον) property confiscated by the Roman government; (sub.
דין) the law concerning the purchase of confiscated property; (sub. בעל) the possessor
of confiscated property. Gitt. V, 6 לא היה ס' ביהודה וכ', (expl. ib. 55b לא דנו
בה דין ס') in Judæa the law concerning the purchase of confiscated property was
not applied to the estate of those killed in the war. Ib. מהרוגי … יש בה ס' after
that period the law was applicable to Judæa. Ib. לקח מס' וחזר וכ' if one bought
from the holder of confiscated property (the fiscus or whoever took possession
of it) and then bought from the original owner, the purchase is invalid (as being
obtained under pressure). Ib. (later enactment) הלוקח מס' נותן וכ' he who buys
from the holder of confiscated property, must give the original owner one fourth
(of the land or of the purchasing price), provided the original owner is unable
to repurchase the entire land &c. Ib. אם שהתה בפני ס' וכ' if it has been in the
hands of the holder twelve months, whoever is the first to buy, gets the title,
but he must give one fourth &c. Ib. 58b אין בו משום ס' the sicaricon law does not
apply in this case. Ib. אם כן עשית ס' if you decide thus, you create a sicaricon
law (for Babylonia); Y. ib. V, 47b top [read:] והיתה הארץ חלוטה ביד ס' ונמנעו מליקח
and the land was entirely in the hands of the government (or whoever took unlawful
possession of it), and they (Jews) refrained from buying it; Tosef. ib. V (III),
1 sq. Bicc. I, 2 הס' והגזלן וכ' (some ed. סִקָרִיקִין pl.) the holder of confiscated
property or of illegally acquired land is not permitted to offer the first fruits
in the Temple; a. fr.

κακοπαιδευτοί - *, *פְּדִיפְטֵי קָקוֹ פ'

812, Jastrow 22887
(κακοπαιδευτοί) ill-bred, degenerate. Y. B. Bath. VIII, 16b bot. כרון אתון ק' פ'
now you show that you are ill-bred, give me back what I gave you, opp. בנוי דהנייה,
v. הֲנָיָיה ch.

κακοφωνία (kakophonia) - קָקוֹפוֹנְיָה

813, Klein 25999
cacophony. FW [Gk. kakophonia, from kakophonos (= ill-sounding), which is compounded
of kakos (= bad, evil), and phone (= sound, voice). The first element is prob.
orig. a word from the child’s language. For the second element see פוֹנֶטִיקָה.

κάλαθος - קַלָּת קַלָּתָה

814, Jastrow 27228
(κάλαθος, prob. of Semitic origin, v. preced.; v. Lewy, Sem. Fremdw. p. 109) vase-shaped
basket, esp. woman’s work-basket. Gitt. VIII, 1 זרקו … לתוך קַלָּתָהּ if he throws
the letter of divorce into her lap or into her basket. Ib. 78a כל דבר שהוא כקלתה
any receptacle that is designated for her specific use like her basket. B. Mets.
9b ק' מינח נייחא וכ' (if he throws the document into her basket on her head,) her
basket is at rest, but she moves under it. Keth. 72b top ק' שפיר דמי if she goes
out with her basket on her head, it is right (she cannot be legally sued for indecent
conduct); דת יהודית אפי' ק' וכ' but so far as Jewish custom is concerned, it is
improper to go out uncovered even with the basket on the head. Y. Gitt. VIII, beg.
49b היתה ק' של זהב if the basket (into which he threw the letter of divorce) was
of gold; a. fr.—Pl. קַלָּתוֹת. Bicc. III, 8 העשירים … בק' של וכ' the rich brought
the first-fruits in baskets of silver or of gold. Gitt. l. c. מוכר ק' a dealer
in baskets. Kel. XVI, 3; a. e.

κάλαθος (kalathos) - קֶֽלֶת

815, Klein 25635
basket. PBH [From Gk. kalathos (= basket), which properly means ‘a plaited basket’,
and is related to klothein (= to spin); see ‘Clotho’ in my CEDEL. Some scholars
see in Gk. kalathos a word borrowed from Heb. קלע II (= to twist, plait), so that,
according to them, קֶלֶת would have been reborrowed into Hebrew.]

καλαμάριον - קַלְמָרִין

816, Jastrow 27164
(καλαμάριον) 1)pen-case. Yalk. Num. 766, v. מִילָן.—2)inkstand. Mikv. X, 1 ק'
הדיוטות וכ' (read: הדיוטית or של הדיוטות) the inkstand of ordinary men (with a
rim bent inside to prevent spilling) does not become clean by immersion until you
make a hole in its side; וק' של יוסף הכהן וכ' and the inkstand of Joseph the priest
(Josephus Flavius?) had a hole in its side (through which it could be emptied and
cleaned). Y. Ab. Zar. III, 42c bot. הנייר … ק' צריכה paper and pen are considered
ornamental objects (with regard to idolatrous decorations on them); as to the inkstand,
it is doubtful. Sabb. 80a בק' (Ms. M. בקומרין, ed. Sonc. בקלרין, corr. acc.) forming
a letter by dropping ink out of the inkstand.—Pl. קַלְמָרִים, קַלְמָרִין. Kel.
II, 7 ק' המותאמות ed. Dehr. (oth. ed. המתואמות; Ar. המתאמת sing.) a double inkstand
(v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Atramentum).

καλαμάριον (kalamarion) - קַלְמָרִין

817, Klein 25589
inkstand. PBH [Gk. kalamarion, from kalamos (= reed pen, pen), from kalamos (= reed),
which is prob. an assimilated form of orig. kolamos, and, accordingly, cogn. with
L. culmus (= stock, stem). See ‘culm’ (stem of grasses) in my CEDEL, and cp. קַלְמִית.

κάλαμος - קָלָמוֹס

818, Jastrow 27159
(κάλαμος) reed, pen. Sabb. 80a Ms. O., v. קוֹלְמוֹס.—Pl. קָלָמִין. Gen. R. s. 1;
Y’lamd. to Num. XXIII, 9, v. מִילָן.—קַלְמוֹסִים, v. קוֹלְמוֹס.

κάλαμος (kalamos) - קוּלְמוֹס, קֻלְמוֹס

819, Klein 25052
reed pen, pen. PBH [From Gk. kalamos (whence also Aram. קוֹלמוֹסָא), which is prob.
an assimilated form of orig. kolamos, and accordingly cognate with L. culmus (=
stock, stem); see ‘culm’ (stem of grasses), in my CEDEL. The Heb. and Aram. form
of the word prob. derives from the orig. Gk. form kolamos. Arab. qalam (= reed
pen, pen), is an Aram. loan word.]

κάλαμος (kalamos) - קַלְמִית

820, Klein 25586
shepherd’s pie. NH [From Gk. kalamos (= reed). See קַלְמָרִין.]

καλή - קַלֵּי

821, Jastrow 27112
(καλή) handsome. Ex. R. s. 52, end, a. e., v. נִינְפֵי.

Καλιγούλας - גַּיּוּס, (גייס) גַּיּיוּס

822, Jastrow 5519
Caius, Gaius, 1) (mostly corrupt) used, in connection with לוקיוס (Lucius), to
represent gentile names in general. Pesik. R. s. 21 (ed. Fr. p. 107ab) ג' מן הגודר
ולוקיוס מן וכ' e.g. Gaius of Gadara and Lucius of Susitha (Hippos). Ib. 108a (corr.
acc.).—Y. Gitt. I, 43b top גוים לוקין וכ' (corr. acc.) G. a. L. are the signers
and ye ask yet (whether the signers must be personally known as Jews to the witnesses)?
[Bab. ib. 11b לוקוס ולוס, prob. ל' וגיוס.]—Y. Ter. X, 47b; Y. Ab. Zar. III, 42a
[ref. to letters accompanying a ship load (?)].—2)Emperor Caius Caligula. Y. Sot.
IX, 24b top (גוליקוס) גייס גוליקם; Bab. ib. 33a גסקלגס; Cant. R. to VIII, 9 גיוסלוקין
(corr. גיוס קליגולס = Καλιγούλας).

κάλιξ - כַּלִּיד, כַּלִּידָא

823, Jastrow 13585
(χάλις, -ιδος, only in χαλιδοφόρος; κύλιξ, κάλιξ, calix) 1)cup. Targ. II Chr.
IV, 5. Targ. O. Gen. XLIV, 12, a. e. (Var. ק', v. Berl. Targ. O. II, p. 16). Targ.
Ps. XI, 6; a. e.—Pl. כַּלִּידִין. Targ. Jer. XXXV, 5.—2)calyx of flowers. Pl. as
ab. Targ. Ex. XXV, 33, sq. (Ms. I ק').

κάλκανθος - (קַלְקַנְתּוּם ,) , קַלְקַנְתּוֹס קַנְ'

824, Jastrow 27219
(κάλκανθος, calcanthum) vitriol(also called atramentum sutorum, v. Sm. Ant. s. v.),
used as an ingredient of shoe-black, and of ink. Gitt. II, 3 ובקנ' and with calcanthum
(as writing ink); expl. ib. 19a חרתא דאושכפי, v. אוּשְׁכָּפָא. Erub. 13a דבר אחד
… וק' שמו וכ' I have an ingredient whose name is calcanthum, which I put into the
ink. Tosef. Sabb. XI (XII), 18 אחד נותן את הדיו … הק' if one puts in the (dry)
ink, another the water, and a third person the calcanthum; a. e.

καλλάϊνον - קְלָאִילָּן קְלָא אִילָּן

825, Jastrow 27038
(קְלָא II a. אִילָּן) [ashes of a tree,] a vegetable blue dye, an imitation of the
genuine purple-blue (תְּכֵלֶת); [Ar. : indigo, an adaptation of καλλάΐνον [sic],
callainum, Sachs, Beitr. I, p. 132]; woolen threads dyed with ḳ’la-illan. Tosef.
Ab. Zar. VI (VII), 1 ק' שדשו בעצי וכ' ḳ’la-illan wool which has been stamped with
wood of an ăsherah (אֲשֵׁרָה) must be burnt; others say, it is under the restriction
of the law until it resumes its natural color (by washing &c.). Meïl. 13a הדש קלעילון
בשדה וכ' Ar. (ed. קלעילין) he that stamps ḳ’laillan wool in a field belonging to
the Temple. B. Kam. 93b בק' א' דלא עבר a ḳ. dye which cannot be removed with soap
(v. צָפוֹן I). B. Mets. 61b מי שתולה ק' א' בבגדו וכ' he that attaches ḳ. threads
to his garment and says, it is t’kheleth. Men. 41b טלית שכולה … מן ק' א' if a cloak
is entirely of purple wool, any threads of a different color may be used as show-fringes,
except ḳ. (because it may be mistaken for t’kheleth). Tosef. Kil. V, 26 ק' א' וכ'
(Var. קלע אילן) threads of ḳ. (used in place of t’kheleth) … are not subject to
the laws of mixed materials (כִּלְאַיִם). | **Editor's Note: Beitr. puts the accent
only on the alpha in 'καλλάϊνον' and Jastrow's version, 'καλλάΐνον,' must be a

καλλιγραφία (kalligraphia) - קַלִּיגְרַפְיָה

826, Klein 25550
calligraphy. FW [Gk. kalligraphia, from kalligraphos. See קַלִּיגְרָף and suff.

καλλίγραφος (kalligraphos) - קַלִּיגְרָף

827, Klein 25548
calligrapher. FW [Gk. kalligraphos (= a calligrapher), compounded of kallos (= beauty),
and graphos, from graphein (= to write). See קלס II and □גְרָף.]

καλλιγραφῶν - קַלִּיגְרָפוֹן

828, Jastrow 27125
(καλλιγραφῶν) [fine writer,] name of a baker’s tool resembling the stylus, with
one pointed end to pick up the bread, called ‘the tooth’, and one flat and broad
end to scrape the ashes out (v. גָּרַף), called ‘the palm. ’ Kel. XIII, 2 ק' שניטלה
כפה וכ' Ar. (ed. קוליגריפון; ed. Dehr. קלגריפון) a ḳ. that has lost its palm, is
susceptible to uncleanness on account of its tooth &c. (v. Tosef. ib. B. Mets.
III, 7, quot. s. v. צִנּוֹרָא III).

Καλλιῤῥόη - קַלְרָהִי

829, Jastrow 27222
(Καλλιῤῥόη) Callirrhoe, warm springs on the eastern side of the Jordan, near the
Dead Sea. Targ. Y. Gen. X, 19 (not קלד'; h. text לשע). Targ. Y. Deut. I, 7 קלדוהי
(read: קלְרוֹהִי).—Gen. R. s. 37 קלרה (some ed. קלדה, corr. acc.); Y. Meg. I, 71b
bot. קלרה; Yalk. Deut. 801 קדלהי (corr. acc.).

καλλίφωνοι - קַלְפּוֹנִין

830, Jastrow 27204
(καλλίφωνοι) (young men) with fine voices. Targ. I Chr. XV, 20 (ed. Beck. קִ';
h. text עלמות, cmp. עֶלֶם).

καλοήθης - *, *קאלוחסין

831, Jastrow 25808
, a corruption, read: קָאלוֹאִיתִיסִין m. pl. (καλοήθης) well-disposed, well-behaved,
opp. קאקגריסין. Ex. R. s. 43 [read:] העבד הזה … מן קאקגריסין הוא או מן ק' הוא
this slave whom thou offerest to me for sale, does he belong to the class of the
mischievous (κακοῦργος) or to the well-behaved? א"ל מן קאקג' הוא וכ' said he to
him, he belongs to the mischievous, and as such I sell him to thee.—[The emendations
by Perles ZDMG XXXV, 141, Krauss, Lehnwörter, p. 273 sq. stand refuted by the context,
in which the slave says בעבד טוב … או בעבד רע hast thou bought me as a good slave,
or as a bad slave?]

κάλπη - קַלְפִּי

832, Jastrow 27205
(κάλπη) urn for drawing lots. Targ. Y. Lev. XVI, 8 (not קְלַפֵּי).—Tosef. Yoma
III (II), 1; Yoma IV, 1 טרף בק' he shook the urn. Ib. III, 9 וק' היתה וכ' an urn
was there (in the Temple) containing two lots. Y. ib. IV, beg. 41b לא סוף דבר ק'
וכ' it was not at all necessary to use an urn, a basket might have served the purpose;
but why did they say, ‘an urn’?, v. פּוֹמְפִּי. B. Bath. 122a ק' של שבטים an urn
containing the names of the tribes; ק' של תחומין an urn containing the names of
the districts (to be allotted); Num. R. s. 21; a. fr.—Pl. קַלְפִּיּוֹת. Y. Yoma
l. c. בשתי ק' וכ' by means of two urns the land of Israel was divided, v. supra

κάλπη (kalpe) - קַלְפֵּי

833, Klein 25618
urn for drawing lots. PBH [Gk. kalpe, a collateral form of kalpis (= pitcher, box,
urn for drawing lots). Of uncertain origin.]

καλῶς - קָאלוֹס

834, Jastrow 25809
(καλῶς) very well. Sabb. 108a bot. א"ל ק' said he to him, Well spoken.

κάλως (kalōs) - קלס

835, Klein 25592
to praise, laud. [Prob. derived from Gk. kalōs (= beautifully), adv. of kalos (=
beautiful), which is cogn. with Old I. kalyaḥ (= healthy). cp. the first element
in קַלִּיגֽרָף and קָלֵידוֹסְקוֹפּ. For another, less probable derivation of this
base, see קלס III.] | — Pi. קִלֵּס he praised, lauded. — Pu. קֻלַּס was praised,
was lauded. — Hith. הִתֽקַלֵּס he prided himself, boasted.

καμάρα (kamara) - קמר

836, Klein 25710
to vault, arch. [Back formation from Gk. kamara (= vault, arched roof, arch), which
is related to kaminos (= furnace), and cogn. with L. camur, camurus (= curved),
from IE base * qam–, *qem– (= to bend, vault). cp. קָמִין. cp. also קָמֶרִי.] |
— Qal . קָמַר he vaulted, arched. — Niph. נִקְמַר was vaulted, was arched. — Pi.
קִמֵּר vaulted, arched, made convex. — Pu. קֻמַּר was vaulted, was arched, was
made convex. — Hith. הִתְקַמֵּר became vaulted, became arched, became convexed.
— Hiph. הִקְמִיר he vaulted, arched, made convex.

καμαραστα [sic] - קַמְרוֹטוֹן

837, Jastrow 27296
(καμάρωτον, sub. ὄχημα, S.) vaulted, arch-covered carriage. —Pl. קַמְרֹוטִין, קַמְרֹוטָא
(= καμάρωτα). Cant. R. to VI, 4 (expl. צב, Num. VII, 3, v. קָמַר) כמין ק' היו וכ'
(not קמרי') the wagons were like the tilted carts, in order that the sacred vessels
might not be split (through close packing), v. אִסְקְפַסְטִי; Num. R. s. 12 כמין
כמרוסא היו כיפין עשויות (read קמרוטא, and strike out כיפין as a gloss expl. our
w.); Y. Sabb. I, 2d קמרסטא; Y. Succ. I, 52a top קמרסטה; Yalk. Num. 713 קמרסטא (obviously
καμαραστα [sic], fr. a verb καμαράζω). Gen. R. s. 31 כמין קומרוטין וכ' (some ed.
קומרוטון, Ar. קמרוטין) Noah’s ark was shaped like the tilted wagons, and it was
so curved that the top was one cubit broad; Yalk. ib. 54 קמרוטין. | **Editor's
Note: 'καμαραστα' should have an accent, but it's possible Jastrow intentionally
didn't place accents on unattested forms.

καμάρωτα - קַמְרוֹטוֹן

838, Jastrow 27296
(καμάρωτον, sub. ὄχημα, S.) vaulted, arch-covered carriage. —Pl. קַמְרֹוטִין, קַמְרֹוטָא
(= καμάρωτα). Cant. R. to VI, 4 (expl. צב, Num. VII, 3, v. קָמַר) כמין ק' היו וכ'
(not קמרי') the wagons were like the tilted carts, in order that the sacred vessels
might not be split (through close packing), v. אִסְקְפַסְטִי; Num. R. s. 12 כמין
כמרוסא היו כיפין עשויות (read קמרוטא, and strike out כיפין as a gloss expl. our
w.); Y. Sabb. I, 2d קמרסטא; Y. Succ. I, 52a top קמרסטה; Yalk. Num. 713 קמרסטא (obviously
καμαραστα [sic], fr. a verb καμαράζω). Gen. R. s. 31 כמין קומרוטין וכ' (some ed.
קומרוטון, Ar. קמרוטין) Noah’s ark was shaped like the tilted wagons, and it was
so curved that the top was one cubit broad; Yalk. ib. 54 קמרוטין. | **Editor's
Note: See note on 'καμαραστα [sic] - קַמְרוֹֹטוֹֹן'

καμάρωτον - קַמְרוֹטוֹן

839, Jastrow 27296
(καμάρωτον, sub. ὄχημα, S.) vaulted, arch-covered carriage. —Pl. קַמְרֹוטִין, קַמְרֹוטָא
(= καμάρωτα). Cant. R. to VI, 4 (expl. צב, Num. VII, 3, v. קָמַר) כמין ק' היו וכ'
(not קמרי') the wagons were like the tilted carts, in order that the sacred vessels
might not be split (through close packing), v. אִסְקְפַסְטִי; Num. R. s. 12 כמין
כמרוסא היו כיפין עשויות (read קמרוטא, and strike out כיפין as a gloss expl. our
w.); Y. Sabb. I, 2d קמרסטא; Y. Succ. I, 52a top קמרסטה; Yalk. Num. 713 קמרסטא (obviously
καμαραστα [sic], fr. a verb καμαράζω). Gen. R. s. 31 כמין קומרוטין וכ' (some ed.
קומרוטון, Ar. קמרוטין) Noah’s ark was shaped like the tilted wagons, and it was
so curved that the top was one cubit broad; Yalk. ib. 54 קמרוטין. | **Editor's
Note: See note on 'καμαραστα [sic] - קַמְרוֹֹטוֹֹן'

κάμηλος (kamelos) - גָּמָל

840, Klein 4283
camel. [Related to Phoen. גמל, JAram.–Syr. גַּמְלָא, Egypt.–Aram., Nab., Palm. גמלא,
Mand. גומלא, Arab. jamal, Ethiop. and Tigré gamal, Akka. gammalu (= camel). Gk.
kamelos (whence L. camēlus), is a loan word from Heb.–Phoen. גָּמָל.

καμίνιον - קַמּוּנְיָא

841, Jastrow 27247
(καμίνιον) furnace. Ab. Zar. 10b שדו ליה לק' חלילא (Ar. לקי') they threw him into
a circular furnace (pottery kiln; Rashi: a room full of ashes).

κάμινος - קָמִין

842, Jastrow 27268
(κάμινος) furnace, kiln. Tosef. Sot. XV, 7 והטילוהו בק' they threw him into a furnace;
Y. ib. IX, 24b top והחזירו לק' (read: והטילו).—Esp. the furnace room of the bath-house.
Lev. R. s. 14 אם המתין אדם בק' וכ' Ar. (ed. אם ישהא … בחמין) if a person stays
in the furnace room any length of time; Tanḥ. ed. Bub. Thazriʿa 4 נתין בקמון (corr.
acc.; Tanḥ. ib. 3 בחמין). Tosef. Mikv. V, 7 המת במרחץ ק' טמא וכ' if a corpse lies
in the bath-house, the furnace room is unclean &c. Y. Sabb. III, 6a top היו סותמין
את הק' וכ' they used to stop off the furnace on Friday, and people went in and
bathed &c. Tosef. B. Bath. III, 3 Var. (v. יֶקֶם); Y. ib. IV, 14c bot.

κάμινος (kaminos) - קָמִין

843, Klein 25678
1) furnace room. PBH 2) oven, kiln. NH [From Gk. kaminos (= oven, furnace, kiln)
— whence also L. camēnus (= forge, hearth) — which is related to kamara (= vaulted
chamber). Both these words derive from IE base * qam–, *qem– (= to bend, vault),
whence also קמר (q.v.).]

κάμπος - קַמְפּוֹן קוּמְ'

844, Jastrow 27280
(campus, κάμπος, accus. ) plain for exercise and amusement. Kel. XXIII, 2 מפני שעומדין
עליו בקמ' Ar. (ed. בקומ'; Ar. s. v. קנפון: בקנפון) because soldiers at sports stand
on it. Pesik. B’shall. 82b כל עמא יפקון לק' let all people go out to the campus
(for public court); Cant. R. to II, 14; Lev. R. s. 6. Ib. s. 31 יהו מחזירין אותו
בק' they shall make him go around in the campus (for public disgrace); Yalk. Deut.
810; Deut. R. s. 2 Ar. Var. קנ', v. עֲקִיפִים. Pesik. R. s. 21 מלך … בקימ' (corr.
acc.) a king going out to the plain for sport, opp. יוצא למלחמה. Kel. XXIV, 1 שמשחקין
בו בקוּנְפּוֹן (Ar. בקנ'; Hai G. בקופ', corr. acc.) with which they play in the
field; a. fr.

κάμπτρα - קַמְטְרָא קוּמְ'

845, Jastrow 27263
(κάμπτρα = κάψα) box, chest (for clothes, books &c.). Kel. XVI, 7, contrad. to
קופסא. Ohol. IX, 15. Ber. 25b sq. גלימא אק' a cloak spread over a box (containing
sacred books); a. e.—Pl. (ch.) קוּמְטְרַיָּא, קוּמְטְרִין, קַמְטְרֵי. Targ. II
Kings X, 22 (Regia קֻמְ'). Targ. Ez. XXVII, 24 (Regia קוּמְטַרְוָן; ed. Lag. קַמְטַרְוָון).—Meg.
26b ק' דספרי book chests.

κάνδυς - כַּנְדָּא,

846, Jastrow 13694
(κάνδυς, Pers. ) a gown with wide sleeves.—Pl. כַּנְדֵּי. M. Kat. 24a תליסר כ' מאני
Ar. (ed. תריסר מני; Ms. M. תל' בגדי מני, מני being a gloss to our w.).

κανθήλια - קַנְתֵּל

847, Jastrow 27423
(κανθήλια, pl.) the pannier on the side of the pack-saddle, large basket. Par.
XII, 9 הסלים שבק' the baskets in the pannier.

κανθήλια (kanthelia) - קַנְתֵּל

848, Klein 25786
saddlebag, pannier. PBH [Gk. kanthelia (= panniers at the sides of a packsaddle),
which is of uncertain origin.]

κάνναβις - קַנְבּוֹס קַנְבִּיס קַנְבָּס

849, Jastrow 27321
(κάνναβος, κάνναβις) hemp. Kil. II, 5 (Ar. קנביס). Ib. V, 8 הק' hemp planted in
a vineyard; a. fr.—[Sabb. 120a הקנבוס Ms. M., v. קוֹלְבִין.]

κάνναβος - קַנְבּוֹס קַנְבִּיס קַנְבָּס

850, Jastrow 27321
(κάνναβος, κάνναβις) hemp. Kil. II, 5 (Ar. קנביס). Ib. V, 8 הק' hemp planted in
a vineyard; a. fr.—[Sabb. 120a הקנבוס Ms. M., v. קוֹלְבִין.]

κάνναβος (kannabos) - קַנַּבּוֹס

851, Klein 25729
Cannabis indica, hemp. PBH [Gk. kannabos, kannabis (= hemp), whence also Syr. קַנְבָּא,
whence Arab. qunnab, qinnab. cp. ‘hemp’ in my CEDEL.]

κανοῦν (kanoun) - קָנוֹן

852, Klein 25745
wicker basket. PBH [Gk. kanoun (= basket of reed or cane), from kanna (= reed).
See קָנֶה and cp. קָנוֹן II.]

καπηλεῖον - קְפֵילִין

853, Jastrow 27538
(καπηλεῖον) cook-shop, tavern. Gen. R. s. 19, beg.; Yalk. Koh. 967. Y. Sot. III,
19a אעלוניה לק' וחסרוניה וכ' they took him to a tavern and made him one ḳaraṭ poorer;
Y. Peah VIII, 21a bot.

κάπηλος - קְפֵילָא קְפֵילָה

854, Jastrow 27536
(κάπηλος) huckster, dealer in victuals; tavern-keeper. Y. B. Mets. V, 10c bot.
יהב חד דינר לק' ונסב מיניה בשער זלילה וכ' (not בשעה) advanced one denar to a huckster
and received all he bought of him at the lowest prices of the entire year. Lev.
R. s. 12 (ref. to Prov. XXIII, 29 sq.) זה שנכנס לבי ק' וכ' he who is the first
to enter the tavern and the last to leave it; Yalk. Prov. 960 קְפֵלָא; a. fr.—Esp.
keeper of a cook-shop, professional cook. Ḥull. 97a ליטעמיה ק' ארמאה let a gentile
cook taste it. Ib. אמור רבנן בק' there are cases when the rabbis make the decision
dependent on the taste of a gentile cook; a. fr.—Pl. (h.) קְפֵילָאֹות, (ch.) קְפֵילַיָּא.
Tosef. B. Mets. XI, 30 הנחתומים והק' the bakers and the tavern-keepers. Y. Shebu.
VII, 38a top, v. כַּתַּף.

καπίθη - קְפִיזָא

855, Jastrow 27533
ḳ’fiza, name of a small measure (Pers. ḳawij, Greek καπίθη). Men. 24a ק' בקבא if
one hollowed out a ḳ. within a kab measure. Pes. 48b נהוג למיפא ק' ק' are in the
habit of baking only a ḳ. at a time. Ḥull. 25a חק ק' בקבא he hollowed out a ḳ.
in a block intended for a kab measure; Sabb. 103a; a. fr.—Pl. קְפִיזֵי. Ib. 110b.
Men. 78a; a. e.

κάππα - קַפָּא

856, Jastrow 27493
(κάππα) the letter kappa (k′) as numeral, twenty. Lam. R. to I, 1 רבתי (חד בר נש),
v. דּוֹקְיָיא; Y. Maas. Sh. IV, 55b bot. [read:] מני עשרין … ק' דוקייא count twenty
beams in thy house (counting upwards and downwards until you arrive at twenty),
and thou shalt find thy father’s savings, kappa dokia (twenty beams; oneirocritical
play on Cappadocia; v. Gen. R. s. 68).

Κάππα - כַּפָּא,

857, Jastrow 13844
(Κάππα) the Greek letter Kappa, as a numeral (κʹ) twenty. Lam. R. to I, 1 (חד בר
נש) רבתי, v. דּוֹקְיָיא.

κάππα (kappa) - קוֹף, קוּף

858, Klein 25208
, ‘koph’, or ‘kuph’ — name of the nineteenth letter of the Heb. alphabet. PBH [Means
lit. ‘eye of a needle’; so called in allusion to the ancient Heb. form of this
letter. Gk. kappa, a letter of the Greek alphabet, derives from an Aramaized form
of קוֹף.]

κάππαρις - קַפְרָס

859, Jastrow 27571
(κάππαρις, capparis) caper-bush, esp. the flowers of the caper-bush. Maasr. IV,
6, v. צְלָף; Ber. 36a קַפְרִיסִין. Ib.b (in Chald. dict.) האי ק' ליתא וכ' the flower
is no longer in existence, when the fruit is developed.—Pl. קַפְרִיסִין. Ib. 36a,
v. supra; a. fr.—Ker. 6a יין ק' caper wine (as an ingredient of frankincense; oth.
opin. in Rashi: Cyprus wine); Y. Yoma IV, 41d.—Ab. Zar. 38b הק' … שלהן caper flowers
(or fruits) preserved by gentiles; Tosef. ib. IV (V), 11 קופרצין ed. Zuck. (Var.
קפריסין); (Y. ib. II, 41d פנקריסין).

καρδιακός - קוּרְדְּיָיקוֹס

860, Jastrow 26372
(καρδιακός) delirious; (sub. חולי) delirium. [This meaning of καρδιακός is not
recorded in dictionaries.] Gitt. VII, 1 מי שאחזו ק' וכ' one who was seized with
delirium and said, Give my wife a letter of divorce &c.; אמר … אחזו ק' וכ' if he
said, Write &c., and then in a state of delirium said, Do not write &c. Y. ib.
48c (expl. הָמִים). Ib. ק' שאמרו חכמים פעמים וכ' the kardiakos of whom the scholars
speak, is one who is at times sane and at times insane; Y. Ter. I, 40b קונדייקוס
(corr. acc.). Ib. קונדיקוס ק' (strike out קונדיקוס, as a corrupt dittography).
Gitt. 67b (expl. our w.) דנכתיה חמרא וכ' one whom new wine from the pit has bitten
(given delirium tremens); הא קמ"ל דהא רוחא ק' שמיה the Mishnah, in using that word,
intended to teach incidentally that that demon (disease) is named k.

καρδιακός (kardiakos) - קוֹרְדְּיָקוֹס

861, Klein 25262
heart disease. PBH [From Gk. kardiakos (= suffering from heart disease), from kardia
(= heart), which is related to poetical ker (of s.m.) and cogn. with L. cor. cp.
‘cardiac’, ‘cordate’, and ‘heart’ in my CEDEL. cp. also אַקּוֹרֽד, קוֹנֽקוֹרֽדָט,
רֶקוֹרֽד, and the first element in קַרֽדֽיוֹגְרַמָה.]

κάρινον - קְרִינָא

862, Jastrow 27862
(κάρινον, κάρυνον, carenum; cmp., however, Assyr. karanûv, Schr. KAT2, p. 560,
kurunnu, Del. Assyr. Handw., p. 355) name of a sweet wine. Ab. Zar. 30a ק' חמרא
חליא וכ' ḳ’rina is a sweet (weak) wine that comes from ʿAsia (v. עַסְיָא); Y. ib.
II, 41a

κάρον (karon) - כְּרַוְיָה

863, Klein 12442
caraway. PBH [From Gk. karon (= caraway), which is of uncertain etymology. cp. ‘caraway’
in my CEDEL.]

καροῦχα - גּוּהַרְקָא,

864, Jastrow 5180
(a corrupt. of גרהוקא, carruca, καροῦχα, καῤῥοῦχα) a carriage used by persons of
distinction (v. Sm. Ant. s. v.). Taan. 20b ג' דדהבא a gilt carruca (aurea carruca,
v. Sm. Ant. l. c.); Gitt. 31b. B. Mets. 73b מעייל להו בג' דרבא made them draw Raba’s
carriage. Ib. 85b ג' דר' חייא the carriage in which R. Ḥiya will rise to heaven.—Pl.
גּוּהַרְקֵי. Ib. בכולהו ג' Ms. H. (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 90).

καρπάσινον - קַרְפָּסִינוֹן

865, Jastrow 27937
(καρπάσινον) (made of) fine linen. Esth. R. to I, 6, v. כַּרְפַּס I.

κάρρον (karron) - קָרוֹן

866, Klein 26066
1) cart, traveling coach. PBH 2) railroad waggon (in this sense only m.). NH [Gk.
karron, from L. carrus (= car), a word of Celtic origin. cp. the first element
in קֽרוֹנוֹעַ. cp. also קָרִיקָטוֹרָה, קַרְיֶרָה, שַׁרְז׳.]

καῤῥοῦχα - גּוּהַרְקָא,

867, Jastrow 5180
(a corrupt. of גרהוקא, carruca, καροῦχα, καῤῥοῦχα) a carriage used by persons of
distinction (v. Sm. Ant. s. v.). Taan. 20b ג' דדהבא a gilt carruca (aurea carruca,
v. Sm. Ant. l. c.); Gitt. 31b. B. Mets. 73b מעייל להו בג' דרבא made them draw Raba’s
carriage. Ib. 85b ג' דר' חייא the carriage in which R. Ḥiya will rise to heaven.—Pl.
גּוּהַרְקֵי. Ib. בכולהו ג' Ms. H. (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 90).

κάρταλλος - טְרַסְקָל

868, Jastrow 12042
(a corrupt. of κάρταλλος, v. קרסטל) basket. Lev. R. s. 19; (Midr. Sam. ch. V קרסטל).
Sabb. 5a. Ib. 53a תולין ט' לבהמה you may hang a basket with fodder around the neck
of an animal.—V. next w.

κάρταλλος - קְלַסְטֵיר קְלַסְטָר

869, Jastrow 27182
(a transpos. of κάρταλλος, v. טְרַסְקָל a. קְרַסְטָל)basket, esp. fodder-basket
used instead of a muzzle. Kel. XX, 1 קלסטר ed. Dehr. a. Ar. (ed. קלוסטור, קלוסטר;
R. H. G. קרסטל); Sifra, M’tsorʿa, Zab., Par. 1, ch. II קְלַסְתָּר.—Pl. קְלַסְטֵירִין.
Y. Sabb. V, beg. 7b

κάρταλλος - קַרְטַלָּא קַרְטִילָּא

870, Jastrow 27804
(κάρταλλος, prob. of Semitic origin; cmp. קוֹרְטוֹר) a kind of basket. Lev. R.
s. 25; Koh. R. to II, 20 (Tanḥ. K’dosh. 8 סַלְסַלָּה).

κάρταλλος (kartallos) - קְלַסְטָר

871, Klein 25597
fodder bag. PBH [Metathesized from קֽרַסְטַל, from Gk. kartallos (= basket with
pointed bottom), which derives from a verb meaning ‘to twist, plait’.]

κάρταλον - טְרַסְקְלִין

872, Jastrow 12043
(κάρταλον, v. preced.) a basket (fiscellus) containing fodder, used for muzzling.
Sabb. 53a bot.; (Tosef. ib. IV (V) 5 קרסטלין, Var. קרטלין). B. Mets. 90a (Ms.
M. קרסטילין, oth. Mss. קרסטלין, קסרטל, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note).

κάρταλον - קַרְטַלִּין

873, Jastrow 27805
(κάρταλον) same. Tosef. Sabb. IV (V), 5 Var., v. קְרַסְטְלִין

κάρταλος - קְרַסְטָל

874, Jastrow 27918
(a corrupt. of κάρταλος, v. טְרַסְקָל) basket. Sabb. 53a Ms. O., v. טְרַסְקָל.
Cant. R. to V, 11, a. e.—[Y. Sabb. X, 12c bot. עד שיטלנו בק', a corrupt.; Bab.
ib. 94b בכלי.]

κάρυνον - קְרִינָא

875, Jastrow 27862
(κάρινον, κάρυνον, carenum; cmp., however, Assyr. karanûv, Schr. KAT2, p. 560,
kurunnu, Del. Assyr. Handw., p. 355) name of a sweet wine. Ab. Zar. 30a ק' חמרא
חליא וכ' ḳ’rina is a sweet (weak) wine that comes from ʿAsia (v. עַסְיָא); Y. ib.
II, 41a

κάρυον (karoun) - גַּרְעִין

876, Klein 4613
1) stone, kernel. PBH 2) nucleus, granule. NH 3) (fig.) essence, source. NH 4) group
of founders. NH [According to J. Levy, from Gk. karoun [sic] (= nut).] | **Editor's
Note: 'karoun' is a mistake and should be karuon (with the 'o' and 'u' switched).
J. Levy's NHWB has 'κάρυον' or 'karuon.'

Κάσιος - *גַּסְיוֹטָאֵי

877, Jastrow 6028
n. gent. (Κασίωτις, Κάσιος) inhabitants of Casiotis, a district surrounding Mount
Casius, East of Pelusium in Egypt. Targ. Y. I Gen. X, 14 נסיוט' (corr. ג', Y. II
פִּילוּסָאֵי; h. text פתרסים); Targ. I Chr. I, 12 נסיוט', נסאט' (corr. acc.).

Κασίωτις - *גַּסְיוֹטָאֵי

878, Jastrow 6028
n. gent. (Κασίωτις, Κάσιος) inhabitants of Casiotis, a district surrounding Mount
Casius, East of Pelusium in Egypt. Targ. Y. I Gen. X, 14 נסיוט' (corr. ג', Y. II
פִּילוּסָאֵי; h. text פתרסים); Targ. I Chr. I, 12 נסיוט', נסאט' (corr. acc.).

κασσίτερος - גַּסִּיטְרוֹן

879, Jastrow 6029
(κασσίτερος) tin. B. Mets. 23b [read:] של ג'. Men. 28b ושל גיסט' (corr. acc.);
cmp. קַסִּיטְרָא.

κασσίτερος - קַסִּיטְרָא

880, Jastrow 27458
(κασσίτερος, cassiterum) tin. Targ. Y. I, II Num. XXXI, 22 קסטירא, קיסטרא (corr.
acc.; h. text בדיל).—Tanḥ. Shof’ṭim 14 כלי זין קסטיא (corr. acc.) tinplated armor
(v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Stamnum).

καστέλλιν - קַסְטְלִין

881, Jastrow 27450
(castellum, καστέλλιν S.) 1)fort, castle. Y. Ab. Zar. III, 42c נפל ק' דטיבריא
(ed. Krot. קסיטולין, corr. acc.) the castle of Tiberias fell in (burying the idol
placed therein).—2)reservoir. Tosef. Mikv. IV, 6 ק' המחליק מים וכ' a reservoir
which distributes water (in pipes) in the cities.

κατά (kata) - קָטָ□, קָט□, קָת□

882, Klein 25315
(before consonants, resp. before vowels, resp. before aspirated vowels), pref. cata-,
cat-, cath-. [Gk. kata-, kat-, kath-, from kata (= down from, down to, against;
over, along; according to), which is cogn. with Hittite katta (= down, downward,
at, with, under). cp. the first element in קָדַסְטֶר.]

κατὰ λεπτά - קָטָלֶפְטָא

883, Jastrow 26582
(κατὰ λεπτά) piece by piece, in small quantities. Lam. R. to I, 1 (העיר) Ar., v.

κατάβα - קָטָאבָה קָאטָאבָה

884, Jastrow 26486
(κατάβα) descend! Tanḥ. Tsav 2, v. אֲלִנִסְטִי.

καταβλήματα - קָטָבְלִימָטִין

885, Jastrow 26500
(καταβλήματα) proceeds of taxes (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Eisphora). Num. R. s. 4 אותו
… חייב ק' that (deposed) banker owes the proceeds (which he had failed to deliver)

καταβολία - קָטָבוֹלְיָא קָטָבוֹלְיָה קָטָבְלְיָא (קָטָבְלָא)

886, Jastrow 26495
(corresp. to a word καταβολία; cmp. κατάβλημα) a (leather) curtain, spread, cover.
Kel. XVI, 4 ק' the hide spread over the bed-frame. Tosef. Sabb. III (IV), 17 קיטבליא
חדשה (Var. קטבליא, טבלה) a new leather spread; Y. ib. VI, 8a קטיבלייא; Tosef. Ter.
X, 11 קיטבילא ed. Zuck. (Var. קטבוליא); Y. Snh. X, 28a bot. קטיב'. Kel. XXVI, 5
(6) עור קטבוליא Mish. ed. (Talm. ed. קטבולין) the hide which is used as a spread.
B. Mets. 90b פרס לה קיטבליא ע"ג דישה (Ms. M. קטביל'; Ms. F. קרטבליא) if he spread
a leather cover over the grain to be threshed (preventing the ox from eating);
a. e.—Pl. (fr. קָטַבְלִי καταβολή) קָטָבְלָאוֹת, קָטַבְלָיוֹת. Shek. III, 4 מחפה
בק' (Ms. M. קיטבל') he covered (last year’s contributions) with leather spreads.
Y. ib. III, end, 47c שמט את הקטבליו' (ed. Krot. הקטבליי'; Bab. ed. קטבליאות; Ms.
M. קיטבלאות) when the covers are removed; Tosef. ib. II, 4 שמנו ק' (corr. acc.)

καταδίκη - קָטָאדִיקִי קָטָדִ'

887, Jastrow 26489
(καταδίκη) judgment, sentence, fine. Ex. R. s. 11 [read:] כאדם שאומר לחבירו לא
יטול פלוני ק' זו … עליו like a man saying to his neighbor, that man will not undergo
that sentence, for such and such stands by him as his patron. Ib. s. 30 [read:]
נתן ק' לקומיס he passed sentence on the Comes; נתן ק' לאברהם he sentenced Abraham
(thy seed shall be strangers &c., Gen. XV, 13). Lev. R. s. 18, end בו"ד גובה ק'
וכ' (not קטירקי) a human being (king) collects a fine, and so does the Lord (ref.
to Deut. XXII, 19); Num. R. s. 7 יש לו קטריקס (corr. acc.). Deut. R. s. 3 בניך
חוטאין ואתה נותן עלי ק' thy children sinned, and me thou punishest? Ib. לתת עליך
ק' אתה וכ' (I want) to fine thee; thou hast broken them (the tablets) and thou
must replace them. Koh. R. to V, 12 היא ק' דידיה … ק' דמלכות וכ' it (his wealth)
is his punishment; when a verdict from the government comes out against him, he
will give whatever he has (to be released). Pesik. R. s. 10 מהו ק' שלו what is
the fine he has to pay?; a. e.

κατάδικοι - *אנדיתיקוס

888, Jastrow 2117
Esth. R. to I, 12, a corruption; according to the sense it may have been קטָּאדִיקִין
(κατάδικοι) convicts.

κατάδικος - קָטָאדִיקוֹס

889, Jastrow 26488
(κατάδικος) collector of fines. [This meaning of our w. is not recorded in Dictionaries.]
Yalk. Jer. 305 משל לארכיטקטון שבנה מדינה ועשה … ואחר כך יצא ק' על אותה מדינה (not
קאטרקי) like the case of an architect that built a fortress and made underground
passages and caves and secret chambers therein, and who afterwards came forth as
a collector of fines against that same city; Yalk. Num. 705 לארכיטקסן … שהשליך
קטיריס למדינה (corr. and supplement acc.); Tanḥ. Naso 5 לארכיטקטון שהיה קאטריקוס
על מדינה; ed. Bub. 8 יצא קאטריקון; Num. R. s. 9 beg. לארכיקיטון קטאדיקוס על אותה
מדינה (supplement and corr. acc.); (v. Gen. R. s. 24 beg. לאחר ימים נעשה גבאי)

κατάλυσις (katalysis) - אִטְלִיז

890, Klein 800
1) butcher shop. 2) a group of booths put up for a fair or bazaar; fair, bazaar.
PBH [A secondary form of אַטְלִיז, itself an alteration of קַטְלִיז (of s.m.),
which is borrowed from Gk. katalysis (= dissolution, putting down; unyoking of
the draft animals of a caravan; place where such animals are unyoked; resting,
lodging; guest chamber; caravanserai), from katalyein (= to dissolve), which is
formed from kata (= down), and lyein (= to loose, loosen). See ‘catalysis’ in my

καταράκτης - קָטָרַקְטִין

891, Jastrow 26641
(not טון …) m. (καταράκτης, S.) a kind of sluice or trap-door. Gen. R. s. 31 כמין
ק' היה לו וכ' he (Noah in the ark) had a sort of trap-door, through which he shovelled
&c., v. פָּסַס; Yalk. ib. 54 טרקלין (corr. acc.).

καταῤῥάκτης - אַגְטְרַגְטָא

892, Jastrow 288
(καταῤῥάκτης, cataracta) cataract, cascade. —Pl. אַגְטְרַגְטַיָּיא Y. M. Kat. I,
beg. 80b אילין א' מה וכ' what is your opinion about those cascades?

καταστροφή (katastrophe) - קָטַסְטְרוֹפָה

893, Klein 25383
catastrophe. FW [Gk. katastrophe (= overturning, overthrowing), from katastrephein
(= to upset, overturn, overthrow; lit.: ‘to turn down’), from kata (see קָטָ□)
and strephein (= to turn). See סְטְרֶפְּטוֹמִיצִין.]

καταφέρης - קָטָפְרֵיס קָטָפְרֵס

894, Jastrow 26617
(καταφέρης) sloping downward; gutter (= h. מדרון). Ohol. III, 3 אם היה מקומו קטפריס
ed. Dehr. (ed. רס …) if the place whereon he stood was sloping. Ib. והיא ק' Mish.
ed. (Bab. ed. והק', corr. acc.) and it (the sill) is sloping. Toh. VIII, 8; sq.
Gitt. 78b היתה ידה … כק' if she held her hand (to receive the letter of divorce)
like a gutter (sloping downward). Y. Erub. VIII, end, 25b כד הוות ק' מבפנים (not
היה בר קטיפרס) when the trough slopes inward; a. e.—Pl. קָטָפְרִיסוֹת. Y. Shek.
VI, 50a top מי ק' הן וכ' (not קטיפ') they are gutter waters (and therefore) unfit
for &c.

καταφερής (katapheres) - קָטַפְרֵס

895, Klein 25390
slope. PBH [Gk. katapheres (= going down, sloping), from kata (see קָטָ□) and pherein
(= to bear, carry). See אֲנָפוֹרָה.]

καταφοράς - קָטָפוֹרַס קָטָפְרַס

896, Jastrow 26614
(καταφοράς, acc. pl.) downward strokes, in gen. blows, lashes. Pesik. B’shall.
p. 81b עשר ק' אתה לוקה וכ' thou art doomed to receive ten strokes,—they are the
ten Egyptian plagues—, and to pay a fine &c.; Yalk. Ex. 225. Lev. R. s. 18 בו"ר
נותן ק' וכ' a human authority decrees lashes, so does the Lord; Num. R. s. 7 יש
לו קטפירס (read: נותן קטפו'). Ex. R. s. 30 [read:] לוקה ק' (not לקח ה' ק') receives
a certain number of strokes; a. e. Ib. קטפורוס (corr. acc.).

κατάφρακτος - קָטָפְרַקְטוֹס

897, Jastrow 26619
(κατάφρακτος, v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Cataphracti) mailed in full armor (on horseback).
Cant. R. to I, 9 יצא פרעה ק' (not קטפרטקיס) Pharaoh went forth in full armor,
so, as it were, did the Lord (Is. XLII, 13).

κατηγορία - קָטֵיגוֹרְיָא

898, Jastrow 26538
(κατηγορία) accusation, denunciation, prosecution. Lam. R. to I, 13 קפצה ק' לפני
כסא וכ' Prosecution sprang up before the throne of glory, and spoke &c. Ex. R.
s. 15 end אחד מלמד ק' שלו וכ' one pleads for his prosecution (proving him guilty),
and the other for the defence; אבל הקב"ה … והוא מלמד ק' but not so the Lord, he
defends and he accuses. Pesik. R. s. 40 אומרים ק' (not רים …), v. קָטֵיגוֹר. Gen.
R. s. 31, beg. הגיע ק' שלהן לפני the charges against them have come before me;
a. fr.—Keth. 112b דור … ק' בתלמידים in the period of the advent of the Messiah
there will be prosecution (ill-will) against scholars. Ab. d’R. N. ch. II היו …
קושרין ק' על משה (not קטיגור) the angels conspired to speak ill of Moses.

κατηγορία (kategoria) - קָטֵגוֹרְיָה

899, Klein 25327
accusation, prosecution; category. PBH [Gk. kategoria (= accusation, predication,
category), from kategorein (= to accuse, signify, indicate, affirm, predicate),
from kategoros. See קָטֵגוֹר and cp. סַנֵּגוֹרְיָה.]

κατήγορος - קָטֵיגוֹר

900, Jastrow 26536
(κατήγορος) accuser, public prosecutor. Ab. IV, 11 העובר … קונה לו ק' אחד he who
commits one sin, acquires one prosecutor for himself, opp. פרקליט. R. Hash. 26a,
v. סְנֵיגוֹר. Ex. R. s. 43, beg. Lev. R. s. 19 עלה קָטֵיגוֹרוֹ וכ' his (Solomon’s)
accuser (before the Lord) arose &c. Ib. s. 30; a. fr.—[Ab. d’R. N. ch. II קושרין
ק', read: קָטֵיגוֹרְיָא.]—Pl. קָטֵיגוֹרִים, קָטֵיגוֹרִין. Pesik. R. s. 40 וק' עומדים
לפניך … קטיגוריא (not רים …) the accusers stand before thee, and the advocates
stand before thee, these pleading in our favor, and those bringing charges against
us. Y. R. Hash. I, 57b top. Midr. Till. to Ps. VIII, 2 בכל יום הייתם ק' וכ' ed.
Bub. (ed. קטיגטין, corr. acc.) at all times you have been accusers (creating mischief)
between me and Israel; a. e.—Gen. R. s. 31, beg. הגיע ק' some ed., read: קָטֵיגוֹרְיָא

κατήγορος (kategoros) - קָטֵגוֹר

901, Klein 25325
accuser, public prosecutor. PBH [From Gk. kategoros (= accuser; lit.: ‘one who speaks
against somebody before an assembly’), from kata (= against; see קָטָ□), and the
stem of agoreyein (= to harangue, assert; lit.: ‘to speak in the assembly’), from
agora (= assembly). See אַגֽרוֹנוֹמוֹן and cp. קטרג.]

καυλός (kaulos) - קוֹלָס

902, Klein 25059
stem, stalk. PBH [From Gk. kaulos (= stem), which is cogn. with L. caulis, cōlis
(= stem, stalk; esp. ‘cabbage stalk’). cp. the first element in קוֹלֽרַבִּי.]

κέγχρινον - קַנְכִּירִינוֹן

903, Jastrow 27390
m. (κέγχρινον) same. Targ. Y. I Ex. XXVIII, 19.

κέδρινον - *דְּרִינוֹן

904, Jastrow 7378
(corrupt. of κέδρινον) cedar-wood, the wool-like substance of which is used for
wicks. Y. Sabb. II, beg. 4c (explain. לֶכֶשׁ; Bab. ib. 20b שוכא דארזא). V. קֶדְרִינוֹן

κέδρινος - קַדְרִינוֹן

905, Jastrow 25986
(κέδρινος, -ον) of cedar, cedar wood. . Targ. Y. II Gen. VI, 14 (quoted Gen. R.
s. 31) דאעין דק'; Y. I דקיסין קדרונין (ed. Amst. קרדונין, corr. acc.).—Tanḥ. B’shall.
24 (ref. to Ex. XV, 25) קרדנין, read with Y’lamd. a. l., quot. in Ar. קדרינון;
Mekh. B’shall. Vayassʿa, s. 1 עץ קתרוס, v. קַדְרוֹס I

κεδρίτης - קרורטין

906, Jastrow 27760
, (Mus. קרידטין), name of a potion, prob. to be read: קִדְרִיטִין (κεδρίτης) wine
flavored with resin of cedar. Y. Sabb. VI, 14c

κέδρος - קַדְרוֹס

907, Jastrow 25981
(κέδρος) cedar. Targ. O. Gen. VI, 14 (h. text גפר).—R. Hash. 23a (among the species
of ארז) ק' Ms. M. 2 (Ms. M. 1 קדרום; ed. קתרום, קתרוס; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. notes
50, 60).

κεκρύφαλος - *גורזקי

908, Jastrow 5347
a trap or cage. Sabb. 106b עד שיכניסנו לג' שלו until he forces him (the lion) into
his &c. [Ms. M. גדורקרי (or גדוד'); O. גרודרקי; Ar. גרדלקי; s. v. גדיגוד גדורקי;
ed. Sonc. גזדקי; ed. Ven. גרזקי.—Prob. our w., combined with the suspicious שלו,
is an old clerical corrupt. of גיקרופלוס κεκρύφαλος the pouch of a hunting net,
v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Retis. For a similar Babylonian corruption of an imported Palestinean
term, cmp. אנדכתרי.]

κελαινόν (kelainon) - קָלָאִילָן

909, Klein 25499
blue dye. PBH [Formed through assimilation from Gk. kelainon (= black, dark blue,
sea green), which is of uncertain origin.]

κελέονς - כְּלוֹנָס

910, Jastrow 13570
(a sing. of κελεόντες, as if κελέονς) beam of the loom, in gen. beam, pole. Kel.
XX, 3 קבעו בכ' if he inserted the transverse staff of the loom in the beam; כסא
שקבעו בכ' if one fixes a chair on the top of a beam; Tosef. ib. B. Mets. XI, 5.
Zab. III, 3 על הכ' Ar. (ed. האכ') was seated on a beam. Tosef. Kel. B. Bath, II,
2 כליניס ed. Zuck. (corr. acc.). Ib. VII, 2 כליונים ed. Zuck. (ed. כלינוס, corr.
acc.). [Ab. d’R. N. ch. XXIV, v. כָּלִינוֹס.]—Pl. כְּלוֹנְסוֹת, כְּלוֹנְסִיּוֹת,
כְּלוֹנְסָאוֹת. B. Bath. 67b (expl. בתולות) כ' של ארז וכ' cedar beams supporting
the transverse press beam. R. Hash. II, 3 (22b) כלונסא' (Ms. M. 2 קְלוֹנְסוֹת).
Sifré Num. 160. Tosef. Kel. B. Bath. II, 2; a. e.

κελεόντες - כְּלוֹנָס

911, Jastrow 13570
(a sing. of κελεόντες, as if κελέονς) beam of the loom, in gen. beam, pole. Kel.
XX, 3 קבעו בכ' if he inserted the transverse staff of the loom in the beam; כסא
שקבעו בכ' if one fixes a chair on the top of a beam; Tosef. ib. B. Mets. XI, 5.
Zab. III, 3 על הכ' Ar. (ed. האכ') was seated on a beam. Tosef. Kel. B. Bath, II,
2 כליניס ed. Zuck. (corr. acc.). Ib. VII, 2 כליונים ed. Zuck. (ed. כלינוס, corr.
acc.). [Ab. d’R. N. ch. XXIV, v. כָּלִינוֹס.]—Pl. כְּלוֹנְסוֹת, כְּלוֹנְסִיּוֹת,
כְּלוֹנְסָאוֹת. B. Bath. 67b (expl. בתולות) כ' של ארז וכ' cedar beams supporting
the transverse press beam. R. Hash. II, 3 (22b) כלונסא' (Ms. M. 2 קְלוֹנְסוֹת).
Sifré Num. 160. Tosef. Kel. B. Bath. II, 2; a. e.

κέλευσις - קְלִוְוסִין קְלִוְוסִיס קִילִ'

912, Jastrow 27063
(κέλευσις) command. Y. Ned. IX, end, 41c נפקת ק' וכ' (not סים …) an order was issued
by the king &c. Pesik. R. s. 10 כבר הוצאתי קלווני' עליו וכ' (corr. acc.) I have
once issued a decree concerning him that they should ‘lift up’ his head &c. Ib.
יכולה קילוילוסיו שלך קיימת וכ' (read: קילווסין) thy decree may stand, and yet thy
son may remain in his place (rank) uninjured. Ib. ונמצא ק' שלך קיימת וכ' (not סים
…) and thus thy decree will be upheld, and high rank will be thy son’s. Gen. R.
s. 5 נלך ונעשה ק' של הקב"ה Ar. (ed. קילוסין להקב"ה, corr. acc.) let us go and carry
out the Lord’s command. Lam. R. to V, 5 אדריינוס … אפיק ק' Ar. (v. Matt. K. a.
l.; differ. in ed.) Hadrian … issued a decree. Ib. to I, 5 בגין דעברת על קלוונין
דידי (corr. acc.) whereas thou hast disobeyed my order. Gen. R. s. 63 אנא יהיב
קילוון וכ' (corr. acc.) I give out an order &c. Lev. R. s. 7 נימוס וקלוסים הוא
וכ' (corr. acc.; some ed. נ' ק' corr. acc.; Ar. נ' הוא וקילוסין הוא) it is a custom
and a decree that he &c.—[Lam. R. introd. (R. Abbahu 2) קלבסים Ar. (ed. קלסים);
Yalk. Ez. 363 קלווסי', v. קְלִירוֹס.]

κελεύων - קִלְוָואן קִלְוָון קִילְ'

913, Jastrow 27059
(κελεύων) commanding. Gen. R. s. 63 אנא ק' אנא וכ' I do order that &c.—[Ib. יהיב
קילוון, v. next art.]—Pl. קִלְוָואנִין, קִלְוָונִ', קִילְ'. Lev. R. s. 25 ק' אנא
וכ' (not קלווניא) we do order that &c.; Koh. R. to II, 20.—[Lam. R. to I, 5 קלוונין
דידי, v. next art.]

Κενταυροί - קִינְטוֹר

914, Jastrow 26832
, pl. קִינְטוֹרִין (Κενταυροί) Centaurs, savages represented as half-horses and
half-men. Gen. R. s. 23 ע"כ בצלם … ונבראו ק' up to that time (of Enosh) men were
created in the (divine) image and likeness, thenceforward the generations degenerated,
and centaurs were created (Ar. וקַיְּנָן קנתורין and he shaped them as centaurs);
Yalk. Chr. 1072 קנטרין (corr. acc.).

κέντρον (kentron) - קַנְטָר

915, Klein 25757
auger, rod, pole. PBH [Gk. kentron (= point, prickle, spike, ox goad). See קנטר.

κεντροῦν (kentroun) - קנטר

916, Klein 25756
to annoy, vex, anger. [From Gk. kentroun (= to strike with a goad), which derives
from kentron (= point, prickle, spike, ox goad, point round which a circle is described).
See צֶנְטְרָלִיזְם.] | — Pi. קִנֽטֵר, קִנְתֵּר he annoyed, vexed, angered. — Nith.
נִתְקַנֽטֵר, נִתֽקַנְתֵּר was annoyed, was vexed, was angered.

κεντυρίων - קִטְרוֹן קִי'

917, Jastrow 26631
(a contraction of centurio, κεντυρίων, v. קיּנְטְרִינִים) commander of a century.
Sifré Deut. 309 אם היה ק' שגדול וכ' if it were a centurio who is more powerful
than he (the buleutes) &c.; Yalk. ib. 942 קרטון (corr. acc.). Tosef. Sot. XV, 7
(two versions confounded, one having בעל זמורה, and the other קי'), v. זְמוֹרָה.
Yalk. Jer. 321 קרטון (corr. acc.). Tosef. Dem. VI, 3 שוקל לאוצר שוקל לק' וכ' he
that pays taxes to the (Roman) treasurer or to the Centurio, gives first the tithes
and pays his taxes (on the remainder). Sifré Num. 131, v. פְּלוֹמוֹפִּילֹון; Yalk.
Lev. 631; Yalk. Ex. 178 (not קיטרין).—Pl. קִטְרוֹנִים. Pesik. R. add. s. 2 (ed.
Fr. p. 197a) הקנטורים (corr. acc.).

κεντυρίων (kentourion) - קִטְרוֹן

918, Klein 25403
centurion. PBH [Gk. kentourion, L. centuriō (= commander of a century), from centuria
(= a parcel or division of a hundred things), formed from centum (= a hundred),
on the analogy of decuria (= a company of ten), from decem (= ten). See צֶנְטְנֶר.

κεραμικός (keramikos) - קֶרָמִיקָה

919, Klein 26161
ceramics. FW [From Gk. keramikos (= of pottery, made of earthenware), from keramos
(= earthen vessel, jar’s potter’s clay, pottery), a pre-Hellenic word derived from
a language of Asia Minor and not cogn. with L. cremāre (= to burn). For the ending
of Gk. keramikos see suff. ‘–ic’ in my CEDEL.]

κεραμίς - קַרְמִיד

920, Jastrow 27892
(κεραμίς, -ίδος) roof-tile. Y. Taan. I, 64b top כדי שיודחו פני הק' (not שידוחו)
so that the surface of the roof-tiles appears washed (by the rain); Y. Ber. IX,
13d bot. שיודחו פניה (corr. acc.); Gen. R. s. 13 (not שידחו).—Pl. קִרְמִידִים,
קִרְמִידִין. Sifra M’tsorʿa, Par. 6, ch. IV יכול אפי' ק' וכ' Ar. (ed. קרומדים,
corr. acc.) lest you think that you may use also tiles or bricks. Tosef. Kel. B.
Kam. II, 3 הסילונות והקרמודין וכ' ed. Zuck. (oth. ed. קרמיון, corr. acc.) gutters
or tiles in which &c.

κέρας (keras) - קֶרֶשׁ

921, Klein 26240
unicorn. [Prob. a blend of קֶרֶשׁ I and Gk. keras (= horn). See קַרְנִית.]

κεράτιον (keration) - קָרָט

922, Klein 26093
1) name of a small ancient weight or coin. PBH 2) carat. NH [Together with Arab.
qīrāṭ (= a small weight), borrowed from Gk. keration (= grain of a carob fruit).
But the Greek word itself is a Sem. loan word; it is borrowed either from Aram.–Syr.
קֵרְטָא (= pod, husk), or Arab. qaraẓ (= pods of the acacia tree). Gk. keration
in the above sense is a folk-etymological alteration of the Sem. word and has nothing
in common with keration (= small horn), dimin. of keras. Fren. carat, It. caratto
etc., (= carat), where borrowed directly from Arab. qīrāṭ. See קֹרֶט.]

κερβικάριον - *, *קְלַוְקְרוֹן

923, Jastrow 27093
(cervical, κερβικάριον, S.) pillow. Mekh. B’shall., Amalek, s. 1 וכי לא … כר …
כסת … או ק' אחד וכ' had Moses no bolster, or cushion, or pillow to be placed under
him?; (Taan. 11a only כר a. כסת).

κεφαλίδος - קִיפָלִיס

924, Jastrow 26910
(not קיפלוס) m. (κεφαλίς) capital of a column. Lev. R. s. 25, v. קוּפְלָיוֹת.—Pl.
(formed from genitive κεφαλίδος) קִיפָלִידוֹסִים. Cant. R. to V, 15 (not קיִפלירוסים).
Y’lamd. to Deut. VII, 12 quot. in Ar. קיפלרין של עמודים (read: קִיפִילָדִין; some
ed. קִיפָלִין).

κεφαλίς - קוּפְלָיוֹת קוּפְלָאוֹת

925, Jastrow 26313
(cmp. קוּפְלָא I, a. Arab. ḳufl sera, pessulus) 1)bolts, padlock with chains. Gen.
R. s. 48, end לאחד שהיו בידו שתי ק' וכ' (some ed. קִפְ') like one who held in his
hand two parts of a lock and took them to the smith &c. Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. II,
3 שרשרת … של ק' the chain of a padlock. Ex. R. s. 40, beg. קפ' של תורה וכ' the
lock which guards learning is fear of sin (ref. to Is. XXXIII, 6). Pesik. Aḥăré,
p. 175a[read:] רמ"ח ק' … על רמ"ח איברים שהיו בו the Lord put 248 iron locks on
his (Goliath’s) 248 limbs; Yalk. Ps. 706; Yalk. Sam. 126; (Midr. Sam. ch. XXI כבלים).—2)
(by adapt. of κεφαλίς) wreaths around a column, capital. Num. R. s. 10 מה העמודים
… ק' וכ' as columns have wreaths above and pedestals beneath &c. (Lev. R. s. 25
קיפלוס; Cant. R. to V, 15 קיפלורוסים; Tanḥ. B’har 1 כותרת); v. קִיפָלִיס.

κεφαλίς - קִיפָלִיס

926, Jastrow 26910
(not קיפלוס) m. (κεφαλίς) capital of a column. Lev. R. s. 25, v. קוּפְלָיוֹת.—Pl.
(formed from genitive κεφαλίδος) קִיפָלִידוֹסִים. Cant. R. to V, 15 (not קיִפלירוסים).
Y’lamd. to Deut. VII, 12 quot. in Ar. קיפלרין של עמודים (read: קִיפִילָדִין; some
ed. קִיפָלִין).

κέφαλος - *, *כִּפְלָיוֹת, קִיפְלָאוֹת

927, Jastrow 13893
(κέφαλος) a species of mullet, a delicious fish (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Cephalus). Gen.
R. s. 98 (expl. מעדני מלך, Gen. XLIX, 20), כ' ואנפקינון (not … טן) mullets and
oil of unripe olives. Sifré Deut. 355 (ref. to Deut. XXXIII, 24) שהיה … בשמן אנפיקין
ובקי' וכ' (corr. acc.) Asher made himself agreeable to his brother tribes by furnishing
them oil … and mullets, while they supplied him with grain; Yalk. ib. 962 (comment.:
fine fruits).

κεφάλωτον - קַפְלוֹט

928, Jastrow 27551
(κεφάλωτον, sub. πράσον) leek with a head (porrum capitatum), porret. Tosef. Pes.
II (III), 20 they left a corner (פֵּאָה) only ללפת ולק' (ed. Zuck. ולקפליטאות)
of turnips and porret; Pes. 56b. Y. Ber. VI, 10c top; a. fr.—Pl. קַפְלוֹטוֹת, קַפְלוֹטָאוֹת.
Y. Ter. II, 41c bot. ראשי ק' heads of leeks. Ukts. I, 2 (not קפלטית). Ned. VI,
9 (53a) קפלטות Mish. (Y. a. Bab. ed. קפלו'). Tosef. Pes. l. c. קפליטאות (corr.
acc.). Maas. Sh. II, 1; a. fr.—Ab. Zar. 38b, v. קוּבְטָאוֹת.

κεφαλωτός (kephalotos) - קַפְלוֹט

929, Klein 25893
leek. PBH [Gk. kephalotos (= with a head, headed), said esp. of the prason (= leek),
from kephale (= head), which was dissimilated from chephale, from IE base * gheběl–
(= head). See ‘gable’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘cephalic’ ibid.]

κηλήτης - קֵילֵיטֵיס

930, Jastrow 26777
(κηλήτης) one who is ruptured. Tosef. Bekh. V, 4 (expl. מרוח אשך, Lev. XXI, 20)
זהו הקולוטוס ed. Zuck. (Var. הקליטיס; corr. acc.) that is one suffering from scrotal

κήλων - קִילוֹן

931, Jastrow 26762
(κήλων) swipe and bucket for drawing water. M. Kat. I, 1 אין משקין … ולא ממי ק'
during the festive week you must not water a field with rain water or with water
drawn with the swipe; Tosef. ib. I, 1 ואין ממלין הימנו בק' you must not draw water
from it (the well) with the swipe; אפי' … בק' not even from a pond which has been
filled with buckets. Makhsh. IV, 9 הממלא בק' עד וכ' if one draws water with the
swipe, up to three days the water remaining in the bucket makes things susceptible
of uncleanness, Maim. (differently expl. in Ar. a. R. S.); Tosef. ib. II, 9. B.
Bath. 99b בית הק' Ms. M. (ed. הקלון, corr. acc.; Var. in comment. הסילון) a field
irrigated by swipe and bucket; v. סִילּוֹן II.

κήλων (kelon) - קִילוֹן

932, Klein 25435
pump, well, water hoist. [Gk. kelon (= swipe, swing beam for drawing water); of
uncertain origin.]

κῆνσος (kensos) - קְנָס

933, Klein 25776
fine, penalty. PBH [Gk. kensos, from L. cēnsus (= rating of property, registration
of citizens and their property), from cēnsēre (= to reckon, assess, estimate, value,
dim, judge).]

κηρίων - *, *קֵרְיוֹן

934, Jastrow 27840
(κηρίων) wax-candle. —Pl. קֵרְיוֹנִין. Ex. R. s. 36 (ed. קרוינין, קרינין, corr.
acc.), v. סִיבַק.

κηρός - קִירָא

935, Jastrow 26950
(cera, κηρός) wax. Targ. II Esth. III, 8 (not קיר).—Sabb. 110b (Ms. M. קו'), v.
נִישְׂתְּרוּפֵי. Ib. 133b, v. קַלְבָּא. B. Mets. 40a באתריה … בק' וכ' in the place
of one of the differing teachers they line the barrels with wax, which does not
absorb much &c. Snh. 95a (proverbial phrase) בר ברך ק' וכ' let thy grandson sell
wax (be a poor man), so that thou be spared suffering (do not sacrifice the present
for the sake of the future); a. e.—Pl. קִירֵי. Pes. 8a בי ק' wax-store.

κήρυσσε - כרכסין

936, Jastrow 14079
, read: כֵּרוּכְסִין (ἐκήρυξεν, sub. ὁ κῆρυξ; cmp. בריכסון) it has been announced.
Esth. to I, 10 (ref. to ז̇ת̇ר̇ וכ̇ר̇כס, v. כַּרְכַּס) לשון יוני הוא היך מה דאת
אמר כ' Carcas it a Greek expression (‘see the profligacy … and publish it’, κήρυσσε)
as you say ἐκήρυξεν, proclamation has been made.

κηρύσσων - *, *קוּרִיסִין

937, Jastrow 26411
adv. (κηρύσσων) advertising for sale, at auction. Deut. R. s. 3, beg. כעבד שאדונו
… ק' בכל וכ' like a slave whom his master desires to sell at auction for what he
may get.

κήρωμα - קֵירוֹמָא

938, Jastrow 26965
(κήρωμα) wrestling ground. Sabb. XXII, 6 (147a) אין יורדין לק' Rashi Ms. (v. Rabb.
D. S. a. l. note 30; ed. קורדימא, Ms. M. a. Y. ed. לפִילוֹמָא, q. v.) you must
not go down (on the Sabbath) to a wrestling ground (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Ceroma).

κιβώτιον (kibetion) - קָבוֹט

939, Klein 24777
pot for pickling and preserving. PBH [Gk. kibetion [sic] (= box), dimin. of kibetos
(= box, chest), which is related to kibesis (= pouch, wallet). These words are
of unknown, prob. of foreign, origin. Syr. יבוּתָא[[illegible]] and Modern Pers.
kēbūt (= box, chess[[illegible]] are also Greek loan words.] | **Editor's Note:
I couldn't find a source referencing 'kibetion' but found a source referencing
'κιβώτιον' as the dimin. form of 'κιβωτός.'

κίγκλις - קַנְקָל קִינְ'

940, Jastrow 27408
(cancellus, κίγκλις) any reticulated object, 1)a perforated vessel for fumigation.
Deut. R. s. 10 (ref. to Is. LV, 3) האזן לגוף כקי' לכלים the ear is to the body
what the fumigating vessel is to garments; שכן הקי' כמה כלים וכ' as many garments
are put on the ḳ. and all are fumigated, so there are 248 limbs in man, and all
live through the ear (by listening to the word of God); Pesik. Shim’ʿu, p. 117a
קנקל; Yalk. Jer. 264, a. Yalk. Is. 341 קנקן.—Kel. XXII, 10 קנקילין שיש בה … כסות
f. (Bab. ed. קנקילן … כוסות, corr. acc.) a fumigating vessel with a receptacle
for garments.—2)latticed gate or bar. Y. Sabb. V, beg. 7b קִינְקִילוֹן גורר a
latticed gate which drags along on the ground when opened; Y. Erub. X, 26b bot.
קנְקִילוֹן גודר; Tosef. ib. XI (VIII), 13 קַנְקַלִּין הגוררין Var. (ed. Zuck. קנקנין);
Erub. 101a קנקן הנגרר.—Esp. pl. קַנְקַלִּים, קַנְקַלִּין, קַנְקִילִּ', קִינְ'screens,
bars of the court of justice, of idolatrous temples, &c. Gen. R. s. 78 (ref. to
Gen. XXXIII, 3) הוי … משבעה קי' וכ' consider thyself as if placed behind seven
bars and sitting as judge &c. Y’land. to Lev. XIX quot. in Ar. המולך … קנקלים וכ'
how was the Moloch worship arranged? There was an idol behind seven enclosures
&c. Y. Orl. I, end, 61c הכניסה לפנים מן הקנקי' when he brought it (the egg) behind
the enclosures of the idolatrous temple; Y. Ab. Zar. III, 43a הקנקל'. Ib. 42d bot.
כל שהכניסו … הק' אסרו whatever one brings within the enclosures one makes forbidden
(as an object dedicated to idolatry). Ib. II, 41b ע"ז שאין לה ק' … ידון לשם ק'
if an idolatrous temple has no bars, the whole building is considered as bars (whatever
is brought within the premises, is forbidden). Cant. R. to III, 4, v. צְנִיעוּת.
Lev. R. s. 19, end דרך ק' שלשלוה לו they let her down to him over the bars; a.
e.—Y. Snh. X, 28d top, v. קֶלַע III.

κίγκλις (kinklis) - קִנְקִילִין

941, Klein 25780
) 1) perforated vessel (for fumigation). 2) network, latticework. [Gk. kinklis,
of uncertain etymology.]

κιθάρα - קַתְרוֹס

942, Jastrow 28096
(κιθάρα, κίθαρις, prob. of Semitic origin) a kind of lute or lyre. [Dan. III, 5,
K’thib קִיתְרֹס] Targ. Is. V, 12 (some ed. קנתרוס; h. text תֹּף!).—Pl. קַתְרוֹסִין.
Targ. Koh. II, 8.

κίθαρις - קַתְרוֹס

943, Jastrow 28096
(κιθάρα, κίθαρις, prob. of Semitic origin) a kind of lute or lyre. [Dan. III, 5,
K’thib קִיתְרֹס] Targ. Is. V, 12 (some ed. קנתרוס; h. text תֹּף!).—Pl. קַתְרוֹסִין.
Targ. Koh. II, 8.

Κιμωλία - קִימוֹלְיָא

944, Jastrow 26801
(Κιμωλία, sub. γῆ) Cimolian earth, a clay used in cleaning clothes and also in medicine
(v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Cimolia). Nidd. IX, 6 (62a) קימול' Ar. (ed. קמוניא); Tosef.
ib. VIII, 10 קימילייא (corr. acc.). Sabb. IX, 5 (89b) קמול' (Y. ed. קימונ', Var.
in Bab. ed. קמונ'; Ms. M. קמומא; Ms. O. קמונ'). Ib. 90a קימוליא (some ed. incorr.
קמולי); Y. ib. IX, end 12b ק' קליא (not קימון) cimolia is ḳalia (an alkaline earth)

κινάρα - קִינָרָס

945, Jastrow 26851
(κινάρα, acc. pl.) artichokes (used as singular, collective noun). Kil. V, 8 והק'
כלאים בכרם (Mish. ed. ם …, corr. acc.; Ms. M. והקנדס, ed. Ven. קינדס, corr. acc.;
v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) artichokes in a vineyard are kilayim; Tosef. ib. III,
12 הכינריס (Var. קִנָרָא, קינרס). Gen. R. s. 20 (expl. דרדר or קוץ) ק' (eds. vary
between קנדים, קינרים &c.); Yalk. ib. 32 קונדס (corr. acc.). Ukts. I, 6; Tosef.
ib. I, 6 קינרוס (Var. קתרוס, corr. acc.). Bets. 34a קונדס (Rashi Ms. קינרס; cmp.
קוּנְדָּסָא).—Esth. R. to I, 4 they found themselves short of one plate מאן דאמר
קנדס ומאן דאמר כַּפְנָאֵי one says, it was artichokes, another says, it was a dish
of the efflorescence of palms (v. כָּפְנִית, and קוֹר I).—Pl. קִינָרִים. Y. Shebi.
IX, 38d top (ed. Krot. קינריס). Gen. R. l. c. (v. supra).

κινάρα (kinara) - קִנְרֵס

946, Klein 25784
artichoke. PBH [Gk. kinara, a foreign word of unknown origin.]

κίνημα (kinema) - קִינֶמָטִיקָה

947, Klein 25452
kinematics. FW [From Gk. kinema (= motion), from kinein. See קִינֶטִי.]

κινητικός (kinetikos) - קִינֶטִיקָה

948, Klein 25451
kinetics (physics). FW [From Gk. kinetikos (= putting into motion), from kinetos
(= moved).]

κινητός (kinetos) - קִינֶטִי

949, Klein 25450
kinetic (physics). FW [From Gk. kinetos (= moved), verbal adj. of kinein (= to move),
which is related to kiein (= to go), and cogn. with L. ciēre (= to put into motion),
citāre (= to put into quick motion). See צִיטָט and cp. קִינֶמָטִיקָה, קִינֶסֽקוֹפּ.

κιννάμωμον (kinnamonon) - קִנָּמוֹן

950, Klein 25772
cinnamon. [A word of foreign origin. Gk. kinnamonon is a Heb. loan word. The Greek
word has been altered from orig. kinnamonon, prob. under the influence of Gk. amomon,
a spice plant.]

κινύρα (kinura) - כִּנּוֹר

951, Klein 12209
1) harp. 2) violin. NH [Related to Aram. כִּנָּרָא, Syr. כֶּנָּרָא, Arab. kirān,
kinār, also kannārah (= harp). Gk. kinura (= a stringed instrument played with
the hand), is a Heb. loan word.]

Κιρκήσιον - קִרְקַסְיוֹן

952, Jastrow 27970
(Κιρκήσιον) Circesium (כַּרְכְּמִישׁ). Lam. R. to I, 18 (ref. to II Chr. XXXV,
20) בק' דעל פרת (not בק … וון) at Circesium on the Euphrates.

κίρκος - קִרְקְסָיוֹת

953, Jastrow 27971
(an adapt. of κίρκος, circus) circuses, buildings used for chariot races and other
entertainments. Y. Ber. IX, 13c bot. בשעה … בבתי תיטריות ובבתי ק' וכ' when God
looks down on the theatres and circuses as they stand undisturbed …, while his
Temple is destroyed &c. Meg. 6a (ref. to Zech. IX, 7) אלו … וק' שבאדום וכ' (Ms.
M. קִרְקַסְיָאוֹת שלהן) this refers to the theatres and circuses in Edom (Rome)
where in the days to come Judah’s chiefs shall teach the Law in public. Keth. 5a
קרקסאיות Ar. (ed. קרקייאות, corr. acc.), v. פָּקַח; Sabb. 150a קרקסאות (Ms. O.
קרקיסיאות). Gen. R. s. 67. Ib. s. 80 צריכין אנו … ולבתי ק' שלהם וכ' we must give
credit to the nations that they bring actors to their theatres and circuses and
amuse themselves with them, so that they may not talk with one another and come
to vain quarrels. Lam. R. to III, 13; ib. introd. 17. Ruth R. to I, 16. Pesik.
R. s. 6 יום תיאטרון וקורקסיו, read: וקִירְקְסִין, v. תִּיאַטְרוֹן; a. fr.

κισσός - קִיסוֹס

954, Jastrow 26859
(κισσός) ivy. Kil. V, 8 (not קיסום, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 20); Tosef. ib. III,
13. Succ. I, 4 (11a) הדלה … ואת הק' (Mish. ed. קיסום) if he trained, over the Succah,
a vine, gourd, or ivy. Ohol. VIII, 1 (Mish. ed., a. ed. Dehr. ם …). Tosef. Erub.
I, 7; a. fr.

κισσός (kissos) - קִיסוֹס

955, Klein 25454
ivy. PBH [Gk. kissos (= ivy). A foreign word of unknown origin.]

κιτρᾶτον - קִיטְרָטוֹן

956, Jastrow 26722
(citratus, κιτρᾶτον, S.) a beverage flavored with citron. Y. Shebi. VII, beg. 37b
ק' שרי wine flavored with citron is permitted in the Sabbatical year.

κίχλη (kichle) - קִיכְלִי

957, Klein 25428
thrush (bird). PBH [Gk. kichle (= thrush), related to chelidon (= swallow) and cogn.
with Old Eng. gellan (= to yell, shriek), galan (= to sing). See ‘yell’ in my CEDEL
and cp. ‘chelidonium’ and ‘nightingale’ ibid.]

κλείς-δός - אַקְלִידָא

958, Jastrow 2918
(κλείς-δός) key, lock, fastening. Sabb. 89b ככא דא' (Ar. s. v. קלד: בבא, Var.,
v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 400) the tooth of the key, key-bit (Ar. ‘the key-gate’);
Men. 57a; a. e.—Fig. א' דמטרא the key (to the store) of rain; א' דת"המ the key
(to the gate) of resurrection. Snh. 113a (Var. קלידא, מפתחא; v. Rabb. D. S. a.
l. note 30).—Pl. אַקְלִידֵי, אַקְלִידַיָּיא. Targ. I Chr. IX, 27.—Gitt. 56a; a.
fr.—Denom. אַקְלַד, v. קְלַד.

κλεπ - קְלָאפַנְדָּר קְלָפַ'

959, Jastrow 27041
(a comp. of κλεπ- and ανδρ-) ḳ’lafandar (Man-Stealer), fictitious name of one of
the judges of Sodom. Gen. R. s. 50 Ar. (ed. קלא פ', combine); Yalk. ib. 84 קלפ'

κλεψύδρα - חֲלַף, חוֹלַף

960, Jastrow 10376
st. constr. (חלף) in place of, instead. Targ. Ex. XXI, 24; a. fr.—Sabb. 129a נפשא
ח' נפשא life for life (meat is required after bloodletting), סומקא ח' סומקא red
(wine) for red (blood).—Pl. חֲלָפֵי, with suffix חֲלָפוֹי in his place. Targ. Prov.
XI, 8 Ms. (ed. תחותוהי, ed. Lag. both words).—חֲלַף סִדְרָא f. (an adaptation of
κλεψύδρα) [change of order,] clepsydra, a water clock used in courts of justice
for measuring the time given for argument. Gen. R. s. 49 (not סרדה); Yalk. ib.

κλήραρχος - *, *קלידיקוס

961, Jastrow 27128
, prob. to be read: קְלִירַרְכוֹס m. (κλήραρχος) president of a district (higher
than the epitropos, and subordinate to the decurio, a member of the senate in provincial
municipalities). Mekh. B’shall., Amalek, s. 2; Yalk. Deut. 813 פליריכוס, פלירכוס,
prob. פּוֹלְיַרְכוֹס (πολίαρχος = prefectus urbi).

κλῆρος - *קְלִירוֹס

962, Jastrow 27148
(κλῆρος) lot, destiny. Midr. Till. to Ps. X, 10 אין הרשע מפיל בק' שלו וכ' Rashi
to Ps. l. c. (ed. בקולרים, ed. Bub. בקילורין, corr. acc.) the wicked man involves
in his own evil destiny none but wicked strong men like himself (ref. to Dan. III,
20).—Pl. קְלִירוֹסִין, קְלִירְסִין. Gen. R. s. 58 (ref. to חברון and קרית ארבע)
שהוא עולה בקרסין של וכ' (some ed. a. Matt. K. בקרנסין, Ar. בקורנס', ‘Rashi’ בקינסרין;
corr. acc.) for Hebron came up in the lot of (was in turn assigned to) four owners,
first to Judah &c. Lam. R. introd. (R. Abbahu 2) בשעה שהפלתי קלבסים וכ' Ar. (ed.
קלסים, read קלירסים) when I cast lots upon the nations to exile them &c. (ref.
to Ez. XXIV, 6 גורל); Yalk. Ez. 363 קלווסי' (corr. acc.).

κλῖμαξ (klimax) - קְלִימַקְס

963, Klein 25566
climax. FW [Gk. klimax (= ladder; Lit.: ‘something sloping, something leading up
by degrees’), from the stem of klinein (= to cause to slope, slant, incline, bend).
See קְלִינִיקָה.]

κλινικός (klinikos) - קְלִינִיקָה

964, Klein 25569
clinic. FW [From Gk. klinikos (= a physician who attends patients in their beds),
from the adj. klinikos (= pertaining to a bed), from kline (= bed), which is related
to klinein (= to cause to slope, slant, incline, bend), klima (= inclination, slope,
region), klimax (= ladder), from IE base * k̂lei- (= to incline, lean). See ‘lean’
(to incline) in my CEDEL and cp. ‘clinical’ ibid. and words there referred to.
cp. also קְלִיֶּנְט, קְלִימַקְס, טְרַקְלִין.]

κλινο-βατήριον - *, *קְלִיבִּינִטִירִין קְלִיבִּינְטְרִין

965, Jastrow 27046
(a corrupt. of κλινο-βατήριον = βάθριον, corresp. to Lat. scamnum) step placed before
the bed. Y. Ber. III, 5d bot. שומט קלבינטרין וכ' (ed. Lehm. קרביטין, corr. acc.;
Mus. in Ar. ed. Koh. קלבינטירין, oth. ed. קלבינטר'; Ar. קליבנטירין) he detaches
the footstool from the state-bed (דרגש), and that is enough (as a sign of mourning);
Y. Ned. VII, end, 40c קלונטרון ed. Krot. (Mus. l. c. קלינטרין, corr. acc.); Y.
M. Kat. III, 83a top קלמנטרין (corr. acc.).

κλωβός (klobos) - כְּלוּב

966, Klein 12070
1) bird cage. 2) basket. [Related to TA kilubi (= bird net), Syr. כּוּלִבָּשֵׁא
(= baskets for grapes). Gk. klobos (= bird cage), is a Heb. loan word.] cp. כְּלִיבָה

κόγχη - *אוּנְכִין

967, Jastrow 747
read קוּנְכִין m. pl. (κόγχη, concha) purple shells. Targ. Y. Num. XXXIII, 8; cmp.

κόγχη - קוֹנְכִי

968, Jastrow 26243
(κόγχη) 1)mussel, shell, pearl oyster; also pearl; 2)a vessel for oil, unguents
&c. Y’lamd. to Num. VIII, 2, quot. in Ar. מנורה של ברזל ק' של נחושת an iron candlestick,
a bronze bowl.—Pl. same (conchæ). Gen. R. s. 60 (expl. מגדנות, Gen. XXIV, 53) ק'
Ar. (ed. קונבי) pearls(?); Yalk. ib. 109 קונפי.

κοδράντης - קוּדְרַנְטֵיס

969, Jastrow 26048
sing. a. pl. (κοδράντης = quadrans) quadrans, a Roman value equal to three Roman
ounces (also called teruncius). Y. Kidd. I, 58d Mus. (ed. קדריונטס, ed. Krot. קרד';
Mus. also קדרנטיס), v. מְֹסִימִיס; Tosef. B. Bath. V, 12 קונטרונין ed. Zuck. (Var.
קונטריס, pl. קונטריסין); Kidd. 12a קונטרנק, pl. קונטרונקין (corrupt. arisen fr.
confusion of quadrans a. teruncius).

Κοιλη-συρικός - *, *קְלַסְרִיקִין

970, Jastrow 27185
(Κοιλη-συρικός) Cœlesyrians. Esth. R. to II, 21, v. בַּרְבָּרִי. V., however, קְלוּסַנְטְרִין

κοινωνία - קִינוֹנְיָא קְנוֹ'

971, Jastrow 26827
(κοινωνία) partnership; (used in an evil sense) conspiracy to defraud and divide
the profits. B. Bath. X, 7 (173b) הערב … שמא יעשו קינ' וכ' Y. ed. a. Bab. (Mish.
ed. קנ') if one has become surety to a woman for her jointure, and her husband
divorces her, the husband must vow that he will never accept any benefit from her
(so that he cannot remarry her), lest they form a conspiracy against the guarantor’s
property and (after collecting the jointure) he take his wife back. Y. B. Mets.
I, end, 8a a note of indebtedness found must not he returned מפני ק' because a
conspiracy may be formed (between the creditor and the debtor to collect the debt,
already cancelled, from the purchaser of the debtor’s land, v. לְקוּחוֹת); Bab.
ib. 13a חייש לפרעון ולק' (Abayi forbids the restoration of the note, because) he
apprehends that it may have been paid, and a conspiracy may be formed; לא חיישינן
… וק' we do not apprehend &c. Tosef. Kidd. III, 5 על מנת … שמא עשו ק' if one says
to a woman, be betrothed unto me on the condition that …: she is betrothed, because
we apprehend a conspiracy (between them to annul the betrothal without a formal
Geṭ); a. e.

κοινωνία (koinonia) - קְנוּנְיָה

972, Klein 25747
conspiracy to divide the profit in a fraudulent way, collusion. PBH [Gk. koinonia
(= communion, association, partnership, from koinos (= common, public, general),
which prob. stands for * kom-ios, a compound prob. formed from * kom– (= with),
which is cogn. with L. com–, cum (= with; see קוֹמְ□), and from a derivative of
IE base yó– (= going; see טְרַנְזִיט). Accordingly koinos lit. means ‘that which
goes together’. For the formation of the word, cp. Gk. xynos (of s.m.), which stands
for xyn-ios, from xyn (= with), and – ios (= that which goes). cp. L. comes (=
companion), for com-es (= lit.: he who goes with somebody), from com- (= with,
together), and the stem of īre (= to go).]

κοιτών - קִיטוֹן

973, Jastrow 26695
(κοιτών) bed-chamber. Y. Snh. XI, end, 30c, a. e., v. טְרִיקְלִין. Y. B. Bath.
IX, 16d bot. היתה חופתו בק' וכ' if his bridal chamber was in the bedroom (of his
father’s house), and he (the father) made the wedding meal for him in the dining
room. Gen. R. s. 87. Ex. R. s. 33 כל מקום … ק' אחד וכ' wherever you go, have a
bedroom ready for me that I may dwell with you; a. fr.—Pl. קִיטוֹנוֹת. Midd. I,
6 four cells כק' פתוחות וכ' like bedrooms communicating with the dining room; Yoma
15b כקטוניות (corr. acc.).

κοιτών (koiton) - קִיטוֹן

974, Klein 25422
bedroom. PBH [From Gk. koiton (whence also Syr. קַיְטוֹנָא, whence prob. also Arab.
qayṭūn, which, however, possibly derives directly from Gk. koiton), which is related
to koite (= place to lie down in, bed), koimai (= to put to sleep), keimai (= I
lie down, lie asleep), kome (= village), from IE base k̂ei- (= to lie, rest, settle
down), whence also L. civis (= member of a community, citizen). See צִיבִילִי.
See also ‘home’ and ‘cemetery’ in my CEDEL.]

κοιτωνίσκοι - קִיטְלִיזְקֵי קִיטְלִיסְקֵי

975, Jastrow 26711
(a corrupt. of κοιτωνίσκοι) small bed-chambers. Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. VIII, 3, v.

κολαστήρ - קָלַסְטוֹר

976, Jastrow 27180
(better קוֹלַסְטֵיר) m. (κολαστήρ) torturer, executioner. Ab. Zar. 18a ר' חנינא
… וּקְלַסְטוֹרוֹ וכ' Ar. (ed. וקלצטוניריה; Ms. M. וקלסטינריה, arisen from confusing
our w. with questionarius, v. קוּסְטִינָר, קְלוּסִינְטְרִין) R. Ḥanina … and his
executioner are destined to enjoy the happiness of the hereafter. Ib. אמר לו קלצטונירי
(Ms. M. קליסטנרי, En Yaʿăk. קליסטנירוֹ, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 60) the (his)
executioner said to him.

κολίας - *אֲקוּנָס

977, Jastrow 2902
, a corruption of קוֹלְיָיס m. (κολίας) colias, name of a small fish. Ab. Zar.
39a; Ḥull. 66b top; Tosef. Ḥull. III (IV), 27 קולייס.

κολίας - קוֹלְיָיס קוֹלְיָאס קוֹלְיָס

978, Jastrow 26139
(κολίας) colias, a kind of tunny fish. Tosef. Ḥull. III (IV), 27, v. אֲקוּנָס.
Makhsh. VI, 3 ק' האספנין (ed. Dehr. האספנן), v. אִסְפָּנִי; Tosef. Bets. II, 1
קולייס האיספון ed. Zuck. (ed. only קוליס). Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 32 היה משה … כק' הזה
וכ' Moses moved in the heavens like a colias (swimming in the water), until he
arrived &c.

κολίας (kolias) - קוֹלְיָס

979, Klein 25049
scomber. PBH [From Gk. kolias (= Scomber colias), which is of unknown origin.]

κολικός - קוֹלוֹס

980, Jastrow 26129
(prob. a corrupt. of κολικός, sub. חולי; cmp. Syr. כאבא דקולון P. Sm. 1659) colic.
Y. Sabb. XIV, 14d; Y. Ab. Zar. II, 40d

κόλλα - קוֹלָן

981, Jastrow 26152
(κόλλα, accus. ) glue. Pes. III, 1 ק' של סופרים the glue which the scribes use (to
paste together strips of papyrus &c.), v. פֵּירוּרָא. Ib. 42b ק' של רצענין the
leather-workers’ paste.

κόλλα (kolla) - קו, ̇, לָן

982, Klein 25053
glue. PBH [Gk. kolla; see קוֹלוֹאִיד. The form of the word is really קוֹלָא, the
□ָן being the pron. suff. of the third personal pl.]

κολλάριον (kollarion) - קוֹלָר

983, Klein 25065
chain, neck chain for a prisoner. PBH [Gk. kollarion, from L. collāre (= a chain
for the neck; whence also Fren. collier, Eng. collar), from L. collum (= neck).
These words prob. meant orig. ‘that which turns the head’, and derive from IE base
* qwel- (= to turn, turn round), whence also L. colére (= to till the ground; to
dwell, inhabit), colōnus (= tiller of the ground, husbandman, farmer). See קוֹלוֹנְיָה.

κόλλιξ (kolix) - גְּלֻסְקָה, גְּלוּסְקָא

984, Klein 4207
cake, roll. PBH [Borrowed from Gk. kolix (= a roll of coarse bread), which is of
unknown origin.]

κόλλυβον (kollybon) - קָלְבּוֹן

985, Klein 25500
agio, surcharge. PBH [Gk. kollybos, also kollybon (= coin; orig. ‘change’), which
stands for chollyphos and derives from Heb. חָלַף (= he changed; see חלף). Accordingly
קָלֽבּוֹן has been reborrowed from Gk. kollybon.]

κόλλυβος - קוֹלְבּוֹן קָלְ'

986, Jastrow 26123
(κόλλυβος) rate of exchange, agio. Shek. I, 6 ואלו שחייבין בקו' Y. ed. (Mish. a.
Bab. ed. בקל') the following persons are bound to pay agio (on their half-Shekel).
Ib. 7 וכמה הוא ק' וכ' and how much is the agio? A M’ʿah silver. Y. ib. 46b קוֹלְבָּנוֹ
תורה (Bab. ed. קל') the premium he has to pay is intimated in the Torah (Ex. XXX,
13, because he has to pay the silver value of half a Shekel). Ib. bot.; Tosef.
ib. I, 8; a. e.—Bekh. 50a ק' לפרוטרוט (not קיל') the dipondium is agio (an addition)
to the units (making fifty, as a round sum, instead of forty-eight, v. Tosaf. a.
l.).—Pl. קוֹלְבּוֹנִין, קוֹלְבּוֹנוֹת, קָלְבּוֹ'. Tosef. Shek. l. c. חייב שני ק'
is bound to pay double the agio. Ib. וק' אלו מה עושין להם and what is done with
those agios? Shek. I, 6 ק', a. קוֹלְבָּנ' Y. ed. (Mish. ed. קלבו'; Bab. ed. קולבנ')

κόλλυβος (kollybos) - קָלְבּוֹן

987, Klein 25500
agio, surcharge. PBH [Gk. kollybos, also kollybon (= coin; orig. ‘change’), which
stands for chollyphos and derives from Heb. חָלַף (= he changed; see חלף). Accordingly
קָלֽבּוֹן has been reborrowed from Gk. kollybon.]

κολλύριον - קִילּוּר קִילּוּרִין קִילּוּרִית

988, Jastrow 26770
(κολλύριον, collyrium) a (red) eye-salve. Tosef. Sabb. I, 23 נותנין ק' לעין וכ'
you may put collyrium on the eye on the eve of the Sabbath &c.; Sabb. 18a; Y. ib.
I, 3d bot. קילורית. Ib. VII, 10b bot. ההן דגבל … עפר קילורין וכ' he who kneads
… powder for collyrium (on the Sabbath) &c. Lev. R. s. 16, beg. (ref. to Is. III,
16) they painted their eyes בקולרית אדומה Ar. (ed. בקולריא, some ed. בקוֹלִּירָא)
with red collyrium; Pesik. Vattom., p. 132a בקולרית; Lam. R. to IV, 15 בקִלּוּרִית.
Deut. R. s. 8 ק' לעינים וכ' the Law is a salve for the eyes, for it is written
(Ps. XIX, 9) &c.; Midr. Till. to Ps. l. c.; Yalk. ib. 675; Lev. R. s. 12. Y. Sabb.
VIII, 11b top מים … את הקולורית water as much as is required for rubbing collyrium;
a. fr.—Pl. קִילּוּרִין. Bab. ib. 108b (in Chald. dict.) לישדר … מהנך ק' וכ' (Ms.
M. קִילּוּרֵי) please send me some of Mar Samuel’s eye-salves. Ib. טובה … מכל ק'
שבעולם better than all eye-salves in the world is a drop of cold water (on the
eye) in the morning and bathing hands and feet in the evening.

κολλυρίων (kollyrion) - קִילוֹר, קִילוֹרִית

989, Klein 25436
eye salve. PBH [Gk. kollyrion (= poultice, eye salve), dimin. of kollyra (= a loaf
of coarse bread), which is related to kollis (of s.m.). The origin of these words
is unknown. The eye salve was called kollirion (= a little loaf), because it was
made up in small loaves.]

κολόβιον - *, *קוֹלָב

990, Jastrow 26119
(κολόβιον) a tunic with short sleeves. Lev. R. s. 37 Ar., v. קוֹלָא II, 2.—V. קוֹלְבִין

κολόβιον - קוֹלְבִין

991, Jastrow 26124
sing. a. pl. (κολόβιον) a tunic without or with short sleeves. Y. Kil. IX, 32d
top קובלין (corr. acc.), v. דַּלְמָטִיקִין. Y. Sabb. VI, 8b bot. (expl. מעטפות,
Is. III, 22), v. מַעֲפָרָא. Y. ib. XVI, 15d (among the garments permitted to be
saved from fire on the Sabbath) ק' של פשתן a linen tunic; Bab. ib. 120a קלבוס (Ms.
M. קנבוס; corr. acc.).

κολοφών (kolophon) - קוֹלוֹפוֹן

992, Klein 25037
colophon. FW [Gk. kolophon (= top, summit, finishing touch), from IE * qol-h-bho-,
related to kolonos, kolone (= hill). See קוֹלוֹנֶל and cp. קוֹלוֹפוֹנֽיוּם.]

κομεσσᾶτον - קומטיטון קוֹמִיסָטוֹן

993, Jastrow 26186
(comessatum, κομεσσᾶτον S.; cmp. אֶפִּיקוֹמָן) (comissatio,) the aftermeal entertainment
consisting of an open door reception, at which food and drink are served (v. Sm.
Ant. s. v. Comissatio). Esth. R. to I, 5 הדא שושן … כבית ק' היה וכ' that (entertainment
at) Susa was like the house of a comissatio, food and drink being served there

κόμη - קוֹמִי

994, Jastrow 26189
(κόμη) hair, esp. the gentile fashion of cutting and wearing the hair; ספר ק' to
trim the front of the hair like a fringe on the forehead (capronæ), and let the
curls hang down on the temples (antiæ; v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Coma). Sifra Aḥăré, Par.
9, ch. XIII (ref. to Lev. XVIII, 3) שלא תגדל ציצית ושלא תספור ק' (not ק' שפה, v.
Rabad) that thou grow no side-locks and trim not the front. B. Kam. 83a המספר ק'
וכ' he who cuts the coma transgresses the law forbidding the ways of the Amorite.
Ib. אבטוליס … התירו לו לספר ק' וכ' they allowed A. b. R. to wear his hair in Roman
fashion, because he associated with government people; a. e.

κόμη (kome) - קוֹמֵי

995, Klein 25086
hair. PBH [From Gk. kome (= hair), which is of uncertain origin.]

κομήτης (kometes) - קוֹמֵטָה

996, Klein 25085
comet. FW [Gk. kometes astres (= comet; lit.: ‘a long-haired star’), from koman
(= to wear long hair), from kome (= hair). See קוֹמֵי.]

κόμμα (komma) - פְּסִיק

997, Klein 23175
comma. NH [From פסק (lit.: ‘something cut off’), properly loan translation of Gk.
komma (= a piece cut off; a short clause), from koptein (= to cut off).]

κομμενταρήσιος - קוּמַּנְטָרִיסִין

998, Jastrow 26195
(pl. of κομμενταρήσιος, S. = commentariensis) those having charge of public records,
esp. registrars of prisoners, jailers (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Commentarius). Gitt.
28b מק' של נכרים וכ' if one heard from gentile jailers, ‘such and such a man is
dead’, ‘such and such a man has been put to death’, you cannot allow his wife to
marry again; Y. Yeb. XVI, 15d מקֹמַנְטְרִיסֵי המלך from the (Roman) king’s jailers

κόμμι (kommi) - קוֹמוֹס

999, Klein 25083
gum, resin. FW [From Gk. kommi (whence also L. cummi, gummi, VL gumma, Fren. gomme,
Eng. gum), from Egypt. kmj-t.]

κονδῖτον - קוֹנְדִּיטוֹן

1000, Jastrow 26215
(conditum, κονδῖτον) 1) (sub. vinum) spiced wine. Y. Ter. VIII, 45c החד ק' ḥad
(sharp) means spiced wine; Y. Ab. Zar. III, 41a top. Pesik. Baḥod., p. 102b מה
ק' הזה וכ' (not טין …) as spiced wine contains wine, honey and pepper &c. Y. Yeb.
X, 11b אנא משקי ליה ק' I shall give him spiced wine to drink; הא אזיל ק' the spiced
wine (that was promised) is gone (forfeited). Y. Ber. II, 4b bot. Lam. R. to II,
12 קונט', קנוט' (corr. acc.); a. e.—2)spices to be put in wine (prob. to be read:
קוֹנְדִּיטִין pl.). Y. Bets. I, 60d מהו מישחוק ק' וכ' how about grinding spices
for wine on the Holy Day? Ib. [read:] שחק מר ק' וכ' do you grind spices &c.? Y.
Sabb. XIX, 16d bot.; a. e.

κονδῖτον (konditon) - קוֹנְדִּיטוֹן

1001, Klein 25117
spiced wine. PBH [Gk. konditon, from L. condītum, p. part. of condīre (= to preserve,
pickle, spice), which is related to condere (= to put together, store up), which
is formed from con– (see קוֹנֽ□) and IE base * dhē– (= to put, place). See תִּיק
and cp. ‘do’ (v.) in my CEDEL. cp. also קוֹנְדִּיטוֹר and קוֹנְדִּטוֹרְיָה.]

κονδο - קוֹנְדָּא

1002, Jastrow 26214
(κονδο = κόντο— [sic]), v. מְכֵירִין | **Editor's Note: 'κόντο—' should probably
be unaccented

κόνδυλος - *, *קוֹנְדִּילִין

1003, Jastrow 26216
(κόνδυλος, condylus) [joints of reeds,] writing reeds. Gen. R. s. 1 Ar. s. v. מל
13 (missing in ed.).

κονία - *, *קוֹנְיָא

1004, Jastrow 26237
(κονία) powdered lime, plaster; (in Talmud Babli:) molten lead, glaze. Zeb. 54a,
v. מָהָה. Ab. Zar. 33b מאני דק' glazed vessels; Pes. 30b; Keth. 107b. Ḥull. 147b,
v. צָעָא; a. e.

κονία (konia) - קוֹנְיָה

1005, Klein 25144
glaze. PBH [From Gk. konia (= dust, ashes), from konis (= dust), which is cogn.
with L. cinis (= ashes).]

κόνναρος - כִּנָּרָא, כִּי',

1006, Jastrow 13738
name of a shrubby tree, Christ’s-thorn or lote (Greek adapt. κόνναρος, v. Löw, Pfl.,
p. 283 sq. ). Meg. 6a Kinnereth is Ginnosar (Gennesareth) and why is it called
Kinnereth משום דמתיקי פירהא ככ' Ar. (v. Rabb. D. S. note 3) because its fruits
are as sweet as those of the Kinnara; [Var. quot. in Ar. כי קלא דכ' as sweet as
the sound of the lute; Ms. O. כקוליא דכ']. Y. ib. I, 70a bot. (hebr.) שהן מגדלות
כִּינָּרִים because they produce Kinnars. Pes. 111b טולא דכינורא Ms. M. (ed. דכנדא,
Ms. M. 2 דכנארא; Ms. O. דכנרא, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) the shade of a K. B.
Bath. 48b תלא לפאפי אכי' Tabi suspended P. on a Kinnara (to force him to sell a
field of his; for oth. opin., v. comment.).—Pl. כִּינָּרֵי, כִּי'. Ber. 40b רימין
כ' Ar. a. Ms. F. (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 30; ed. כנדי) Rimin (Dem. I, 1) means

κόντα [sic] - קוֹנְטָא

1007, Jastrow 26224
(—κόντα [sic]) a termination of several Greek numerals, meaning ten times; v. אוֹגְדּוֹיִיקוֹנְטָא.
| **Editor's Note: '—κόντα' should probably be unaccented

κοντός - קוֹנְטוֹס קוֹנְטָס , (, קוֹנְדָּס)

1008, Jastrow 26226
(κοντός, contus) pole, shaft of a pike; pike. Erub. III, 3 (34b) בראש הק' Y. ed.
(Mish. a. Bab. ed. ד for ט; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 10) on the top of a pole
(which is stuck in the ground); Y. ib. 21a. Y. Taan. II, 66a top ותליין בק' נגד
וכ' and he suspended them (Nicanor’s head and hands) on a pike put up in the sight
of Jerusalem; Y. Meg. I, 70c bot.; a. e.—Pl. קוֹנְטוֹסִים, קוֹנְטוֹסִין, קוֹנְטָסִ'
(קוֹנְדּ'). Succ. 4b נעץ ארבעה קונדיסין וכ' if one drove four poles in the ground
and put the covering of a Succah on them; (Tosef. ib. I, 12 העמיד … קורות). Pesik.
Vayhi, p. 4b היה לו … קינטיסין וכ' (corr. acc.) he might have taken four poles
and spread &c.; Cant. R. to III, 11 קונדסין; Yalk. Ex. 370 קונדיסין. Num. R. s.
4 קונטיטון … וצינורות וכ' (corr. acc.) large shafts with hooks on top; והיו מגביהין
… בק' וכ' and they lifted the curtain on the poles and unhooked it. Ib. נושאים
… בקונטיטון (some ed. בקונטיס'; corr. acc.) lifted it on poles. Pesik. R. s. 12
קבע … קונדיסים וכ' he fixed four pikes in the ground &c.; Tanḥ. Ki Thetsé 9 קנטסין;
Lam. R. to III, 64 קונדיס'; Yalk. Deut. 938.

κοντός (kontos) - קוֹנְטוֹס

1009, Klein 25130
pole, rod. PBH [From Gk. kontos, which is related to kentein (= to prick, goad),
kentron (= point, prickle). See צֶנֽטֽרָלִיזְם and cp. קוּנֽדָּס.]

κοπάδιον - קוּפְדָּא קוּפַּד

1010, Jastrow 26295
(cmp. preced.) [a ball, cmp. אוּמְצָא,] a piece of meat, in gen. meat; [the Greek
κοπάδιον is prob. an adaptation of our w.]. Y. Shek. V, end, 49b [read:] הא לך
טימיתה וזיל זבין ק' (Bab. ed. קופר; Ms. M. קופך בשר, read ד …; v. Rabb. D. S. a.
l. note) here is the price for it, go and buy a piece of meat. Y. Ber. II, 5c bot.
Y. Pes. VI, 33c. Y. Shebi. VI, end, 37a עבד ליה ק' he prepared a piece of meat
for him. Y. Maas. Sh. II, 53c bot. קוּפְדָּה שמינה a piece of fat meat. Gen. R.
s. 19, beg. ק' צלי (some ed. קופר) a piece of roast. Ib. s. 63 (expl. כי ציד וכ',
Gen. XXV, 28) קופרא טבא וכ' a good piece of meat—for his (Isaac’s) mouth, a good
cup of wine &c.; Yalk. ib. 110 קופרא; a. fr.—Ber. 44b על מיני ק' Ar. (ed. קופרא;
Ms. M. על הקופרא) over all kinds of meat dishes.—Pl. קוּפְדָּן, קוּפְדִּין. Y.
Shek. V, 49a bot. חמון קופדן look at these pieces of flesh (on his body)!; Lev.
R. s. 34 קפדון (read: ין …, some ed. קפדן, oth. קפרן); Koh. R. to V, 13 קופדין
(some ed. קופר'). Y. Shebi. VIII, 38a מקטעתה ק' וכ' to cut it in pieces and sell
it in the market.

κοπίς (kopis) - קוֹפִיץ

1011, Klein 25215
hatchet, chopper. PBH [From Gk. kopis (= chopper, cleaver, bill-hook), which is
related to koptein (= to strike, cut, cut off). See סִינְקוֹפָּה.]

Κόπτος - *גִּיוָוטָאֵי

1012, Jastrow 5515
inhabitants of Coptos (Κόπτος) in Upper Egypt. Targ. Y. I Gen. X, 13 (some ed.
ני'); Targ. I Chr. I, 11 גיוטאי ed. Rahmer (Var. ניוט', ed. Lag. נאטאי, h. text
לודים). Cmp. גִּיפְטִי.

κοράλλιον (korallion) - גּוֹרָל

1013, Klein 3907
1) lot. 2) portion. 3) fortune. [The orig. meaning of גּוֹרָל prob. was ‘a small
stone, pebble, a small stone for casting lots’, hence it is related to Arab. jaral,
jarwal (= stones, pebbles). Gk. korallion (= coral), is prob. formed from Heb.
גּוֹרָל with Gk. dimin. suff. – ion. cp. קוֹרָל.]

κοράλλιον (korallion) - קוֹרָל

1014, Klein 25280
coral. FW [From Gk. korallion (= coral), which was prob. formed with the dimin.
suff. – ion, from Heb. גּוֹרָל in its orig. sense, ‘a small stone, pebble’, whence
‘a small stone’ for casting lots; lot. See גּוֹרָל.]

κόρδαξ - קוּרְדְּקִין קוּרְדְּקִיסִין קוּרְדְּקַיְיסִין

1015, Jastrow 26381
(also used as sing.; a denom. of κόρδαξ, cordax, the dance of the Greek comedians)low
and loosely fitting shoes not fastened by any ties, slippers (v. Sm. Ant. s. v.
Soccus). Esth. R. to I, 16 שהיתה מסטרתה בקורדקין וכ' she slapped him in the face
with her slipper. Gen. R. s. 45 טפחתה בקורדקייסון (read: סין …; Ar. טפחה סקורדקיה
על פניה, read: קוּרְדַּקְסֶיהָ) she slapped her &c. Lev. R. s. 16, beg. (ref. to
Is. III, 16) she put on her feet קורדיקין עבין וכ' Ar. (ed. קונדיריקון עבה) high-soled
shoes to appear taller; Pesik. Vattom., p. 132b קורדקין Ms. O. (ed. קורקון, corr.
acc.); Lam. R. to IV, 15 קרקוסין (corr. acc.); Yalk. ib. 1031 קורדיקין. Tosef.
M. Kat. II, 16 שהיו … בקורדקייסין וכ' (Var. קיסין של זהב …) went out in (gilt)
slippers on the Sabbath; ib. אין נוהגין … בקורדקיי' בשבת (Var. בקורדקיס' של זהב)
it is not the custom here to go out in (gilt) slippers &c.; Pes. 51a קורדקיסון
(read: סין …; Ms. M. קורדייקסין; Ms. M. 2 קורדקסין; Ms. O. קורדקייסין); ib. בק'
נמי דילמא משתלפין וכ' we also know the reason for not wearing slippers on the Sabbath,
because they may slip off, and one may carry them &c. Yeb. 102b לא … בקורדקיס'
וכ' (Ar. בקורדקייס') one must not walk around in slippers in one’s house (on the
Day of Atonement). Y’lamd. to Deut. XII, 29, quot. in Ar.

κόρδαξ (kordax) - קוֹרְדֵּיק, קוֹרְדָּק

1016, Klein 25263
1) low shoe. PBH 2) overshoe, rubber shoe. NH [From Gk. kordax (= a dance of the
old Comedy), which is a Doric word of uncertain etymology.]

Κορίνθιος - קְלִנְתְּיָא

1017, Jastrow 27174
c. (Κορίνθιος) Corinthian. Tosef. Yoma II, 4; Yoma 38a קלוניתא (Ms. M. קלניתא),
v. נְחוּשְׁתָּן I.

Κόρινθος (Korinthos) - קוֹרִינְתִּי

1018, Klein 25279
Corinthian. [Formed with suff. □ִי from Gk. Korinthos (= Corinth).]

κόρος (koros) - כּוֹר, כֹּר

1019, Klein 11889
a dry measure. [Together with Aram. כֹּר, Aram.-Syr. כּוֹרָא, prob. borrowed from
Akka. kur(r)u, which itself is a loan word from Sumerian gur. Arab. kurr (= a dry
measure) is a Syr. loan word. Gk. koros (= a dry measure) is borrowed from Heb.
כֹּר. According to some scholars כֹּר derives from כרר (= was round), hence lit.
means ‘a round vessel’.]

Κόρτιοι - קַרְתּוּיִים קַרְתּוּיִין

1020, Jastrow 28004
(Κόρτιοι, Polybius 5, 52, 5; Strabo XI, 13) natives of Ḳartu (mountaineers of Media).
Yeb. 16a ק' איתמר וכ' the traditional spelling is Ḳartuyim (and not Ḳarduyim),
as people say, disqualified Kartuenians. Ib. (Chald. form) קַרְתּוּיֵי וכ' Kartuenians
are not the same as Ḳarduenians, as people say ק' פסילי; v. קרְדּוּיִים.

κορύνη (koryne) - קוּרְנָס

1021, Klein 25286
smith’s hammer, mallet. PBH [Gk. koryne (= club, mace), related to korys (= helmet),
korymbos (= uppermost point, cluster of flowers), koryphe (= head, top, summit,
the highest point). cp. ‘corymb’ and ‘corypheus’ in my CEDEL.]

Κόρυνθος - קְרוֹנְתָּא קְרוּנְ'

1022, Jastrow 27751
(Κόρυνθος, by adaptation to קַרְנָא) (Corinthian) capital of a column (v. Sm. Ant.
s. v. Columna). Targ. I Kings VII, 20. Targ. II Kings XXV, 17; a. fr.—Pl. קְרוֹנְתְּוָן.
Targ. I Kings l. c.; a. fr.—Ib. 2 קְרוֹנַתְהוֹן דארזיא ed. Lag. (ed. קַרְנַתְהוֹן;
h. text כרתית); ib. 12 קַרְנְוַתְהוֹן Levita (ed. מרישא).

κοσμητική (kosmetike) - קוֹסְמֶטִיקָה

1023, Klein 25203
cosmetics. FW [From Gk. kosmetike. See קוֹסְמֶטִי.]

κοσμητικός (kosmetikos) - קוֹסְמֶטִי

1024, Klein 25202
cosmetic. FW [Gk. kosmetikos (= skilled in arranging), from kosmetos (= well-ordered),
verbal adj. of kosmai (= to order, arrange, adorn), from kosmos. See קוֹסְמוֹס
and suff. □ִי.]

κοσμίδια - קוֹזְמִידְיָא

1025, Jastrow 26076
(κοσμίδια S.) ornaments, jewelry. Y. Ned. IV, beg. 38c אילין ק' דאית וכ' (Ar. קוֹזְמָרְיָא
κοσμάρια) dare they not lend them the jewelry which they wear?

κοσμικός - קוֹזְמִיקוֹן

1026, Jastrow 26079
(κοσμικός) universal; (of a wind) extending over the whole world. Gen. R. s. 24
ואין לך ק' אלא וכ' there is no universal wind (mentioned in the Scriptures) except
that in the case of Elijah (I Kings XIX, 11) ; Koh. R. to I, 6 (not קין …); Y.
Ber. IX, 13d top קוֹסְמִיקוֹן; Yalk. Kings 219 קזמ' (corr. acc.).—[Gen. R. s. 19,
v. קוֹזְמִין.]

κοσμο (kosmo) - קוֹסְמוֹ□

1027, Klein 25191
(combining form) cosmo–. FW [Gk. kosmo, from kosmos (= the world). See קוֹסְמוֹס.

κοσμογονία (kosmogonia) - קוֹסְמוֹגוֹנְיָה

1028, Klein 25192
cosmogony. FW [Gk. kosmogonia (whence also Fren. cosmogonie), compounded of kosmo–
(see קוֹסֽמוֹ□) and gonos (= race, offspring), which derives from IE base gen–
(= to beget, produce). See גֶּן.]

κοσμογραφία (kosmographia) - קוֹסְמוֹגְרַפְיָה

1029, Klein 25194
cosmography. FW [Gk. kosmographia (= description of the world), compounded of kosmos
(see קוֹסְמוֹ□) and graphia, from graphein (= to write); see □גְרַפְיָה.]

κοσμοκράτωρ - קוֹזְמוֹקְרָטוֹר

1030, Jastrow 26075
(κοσμοκράτωρ) lord of the world, cosmocrator (a title of the Roman emperor); in
gen. universal chief. Tanḥ. Vaëra 5 והיו … שיהיה ק' על כל המלכים all kings came
and crowned him (Pharaoh) the cosmocrator over all kings; Ex. R. s. 5 שהוא יום
ק' (corr. acc.). Y. Ab. Zar. III, 42c bot. ואם תאמר ק' וכ' and if you say, he is
cosmocrator, he rules over the dry land, does he rule over the sea?; Y. Ber. IX,
13b top קוזמוקל'. Esth. R. to I, 2 כל מלך שאינו ק' וכ' no king that is not cosmocrator
of the world, dare sit in it (Solomon’s throne). Pesik. R. s. 3 הק"בה … קזמיק'
וכ' (corr. acc.) the Lord has made him (Joseph) a ruler, and should I not do him
honor? Cant. R. to VIII, 6 אע"פ שמניתיך ספיקולטור ק' על וכ' (not קפוקלטור) although
I have appointed thee chief executioner of my creatures &c.; Lev. R. s. 18 שעשיתיך
קוזמוקטור (corr. acc.); a. e.—Pl. קוֹזְמוֹקְרָטוֹרִין. Gen. R. s. 58 שרדף … ארבע
מלכיות ק' (read: מלכים) he (Abraham) pursued four kings with the titles of cosmocrator.
Esth. R. introd. to I, 9 שלשה … ק' מסוף וכ' three kings that shall be rulers from
end to end of the world; Cant. R. to III, 4 קוזמוקרוטין (corr. acc.); Pesik. Shek.,
p. 14a קוזמוקלוט'; Yalk. Kings 247 קוזמוקוט', קוזמוקיט' (corr. acc.).

κοσμοκράτωρ (kosmokrator) - קוֹזְמוֹקְרָטוֹר

1031, Klein 25009
emperor, lord of the world (title of the Roman emperors). FW [Gk. kosmokrator (lit.:
‘ruler of the world’), compounded of kosmos (= world), which is of uncertain origin,
and kratos (= ruler, controler), which is formed from the base of kratos (= strength,
might, power, rule, sway, dominion). See □קֽרַטְיָה.]

κοσμοπολίτης (kosmopolites) - קוֹסְמוֹפּוֹלִיט

1032, Klein 25198
cosmopolite. FW [Gk. kosmopolites (= citizen of the world), compounded of kosmo
(see קוֹסְמוֹ□) and polites (= citizen), which derives from polis. See פּוֹלִיטִיקָה.
The word kosmopolites was first used by Philo Judaeus (late first century B.C.E.
and early first century C.E.).]

κόσμος - קוֹזְמִין

1033, Jastrow 26078
(also used as sing. f.) (κόσμος) jewelry. Deut. R. s. 2 end לאחד שגנב ק' וכ' like
the case of one that stole jewelry from the royal palace, and gave it to his wife.
Yalk. Num. 732 (not קוזמיין); Y’lamd. to Num. XI, 1 quot in Ar.—Yalk. Deut. 854
אני נתתי ק' … אותה I gave (my daughter) jewelry, and you lost it. Pesik. R. s.
12. Tanḥ. ed. Bub. Miḳḳets 9 אם בא … ק' שלך וכ' if a man should come to borrow
thy jewels, wouldst thou lend them to him?; Yalk. Job 919. Gen. R. s. 19 כל ק'
… וליתנם לה Ar. (Ar. ed. Koh. קוזמירין; ed. קוזמיקון) all his jewels are there
(in that barrel), and he wants to marry another wife and give them to her; Pirké
d’R. El. ch. XIII קומיס, קומיא (corr. acc.).

κόσμος (kosmos) - קוֹסְמוֹס

1034, Klein 25197
cosmos. FW [Gk. kosmos (= order, ornament, decoration, set form; world, universe),
which is of uncertain origin. cp. קוֹסְמֶטִיקָה.]

κόσμος (kosmos) - קוֹסְמִי

1035, Klein 25204
cosmetic. FW [Back formation from Gk. kosmos. See קוֹסְמוֹס and suff. □ִי.]

κοσσοτράπεζον - קוֹסִיטְרַפִּיזִין

1036, Jastrow 26273
(κοσσοτράπεζον, Du Cange I, 72 2)parasites, toad-eaters. Lam. R. to II, 22 (expl.
מגורי, ib.; v. מָגֵיר) בני אדם שהיו קוסי טר' הבאתם עלי Ar. (combine קוסיטר', and
insert שלי) men that were parasites at my table didst thou lead against me; (ed.

κοστός - קוֹשְׁטְ

1037, Jastrow 26459
c. Ḳoshṭ (costum, κοστός), name of a fragrant root or shrub, putchuck. Ukts. III,
5; Nidd. 51b; Y. Ḥag. III, 79c כוש'; Y. Erub. IX, end, 25d כּוֹשְׁתְּ; Sifré Deut.
107. Ker. 6a; Y. Yoma IV, 41c (one of the ingredients of frankincense). Ch. כָּשַׁרְתָּא

κοτύλη (kotyle) - קַטְלִית

1038, Klein 25365
hip joint. PBH [From Gk. kotyle (= anything hollow, a cup, socket of a joint, hip
joint), which is possibly cogn. with L. catīnus (= deep vessel for cooking or serving
up food). See ‘kettle’ in my CEDEL.]

κουκκούμιον (koukkoumion) - קוּמְקוּם

1039, Klein 25107
1) kettle, pot. PBH 2) teapot. NH [L. cucuma (= cooking vessel, kettle), whence
also Gk. koukkoumion. However, it is possible that the Latin word was borrowed
from Greek. Of unknown origin. Aram. קוּמְקוּמָא also derives from L. cucuma. Arab.
qumqum is an Aram. loan word. The insertion is prob. due to reduplication.]

κουφολογία - קופלארגיא

1040, Jastrow 26312
, Y’lamd. to Lev. IX, quot. in Ar. ed. Koh. (oth. ed. קופלא רגיא) quid? [Koh. Ar.
Compl. suggests κουφολογία light talking.]

κοχλίας - כּוֹכְלִיאָס, כּוֹכְלְיָיס, קוֹכְ'

1041, Jastrow 13119
(κοχλίας, cochlea) any thing spiral, a spiral stair-case, screw &c. (v. Gr. a. Lat.
Dict. s. v.). Tosef. Succ. IV, 16 מקיפין ועומדין כקבולין ed. Zuck. (Var. בכולייס,
ככולייר, read בכוכלייס) stood around in a spiral figure; Tosef. Yoma I, 10 בקבילין
ed. Zuck. (Var. בכלאים, ככוליור); Yoma 25a כמין בכוליאר (Ms. M. כולייר, O. a. L.
ככולייר, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note). Y. Shek. VII, beg. 50c כמין כובלין היו עשויין
(corr. acc.) the boxes in the Temple for contributions were put up so as to form
a spiral figure; (Bab. ed. קובליים, בוכלייאר, כובליי', corr. acc.).

κόχλιας (kochlias) - כּוֹכֶֽלֶת

1042, Klein 11846
a charm containing perfume. PBH [Prob. a loan word from Gk. kochlias (= snail with
a spiral shell; anything twisted spirally) from kochlos (= shellfish with a spiral
shell), which is related to konchos (= shell). See ‘conch’ in my CEDEL and cp.
‘cochlea’ and ‘cockle’ (= bivalve) ibid.]

κόχλος - *, *כֹּכְלָא

1043, Jastrow 13523
(κόχλος) purple-fish (murex); trnsf. purple, esp. the purple stripe on the tunica,
a badge of nobility. Y’lamd. to Gen. XXV, 23; 25, quot. in Ar., corresp. to צִיצִית
on the Jewish garment.

κράβατος - אַקְרַפְטָא, קְרַפְטָא, קַרְפִּיטָא

1044, Jastrow 2943
(κράβατος, grabatus) couch, raised upholstered seat. M. Kat. 10b למבני א' Ar. (ed.
אקרפיטא, Ms. M. אקרפיטרא) to build up a raised seat (on a frame). [Rashi: אקרופיטא
crib.] Kidd. 70a ליתיב מר אקר' sit down, Sir, on the couch; (cmp. אִיצְטְבָא, the
Chald. equivalent of our w.).

κράμβη - *, *כְּרַנְבִּי

1045, Jastrow 14102
(κράμβη) cabbage. Lam. R. to III, 42 (not כרנכי), v. בְּסִימָא.

κράμβη (krambe) - כְּרוּב

1046, Klein 12436
cabbage. PBH [Together with Aram. כְּרוּבָא, כַּרְבָּא, Syr. כַּרְבָּא, borrowed
from Gk. krambe, which is related to krambos (= dry shriveling), kromboyn (= to
roast), and cogn. with Old Ger. hrimfan, rimfan (= to contract, wrinkle), Old Eng.
hrympel (= wrinkle). See ‘rumple’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘Crambe’ ibid.]

κράσπεδα - כְּרוּסְפְּדָא

1047, Jastrow 13989
(κράσπεδον, mostly pl. κράσπεδα) edge, border, fringe. Targ. O. Num. XV, 38 כְּרוּסְפַּד
כנפא ed. Berl. (Mss. a. ed. כרוספדא דכ').—Pl. כְּרוּסְפְּדִין. Ib., sq. Targ. O.
Deut. XXII, 12.

κράσπεδον - כְּרוּסְפְּדָא

1048, Jastrow 13989
(κράσπεδον, mostly pl. κράσπεδα) edge, border, fringe. Targ. O. Num. XV, 38 כְּרוּסְפַּד
כנפא ed. Berl. (Mss. a. ed. כרוספדא דכ').—Pl. כְּרוּסְפְּדִין. Ib., sq. Targ. O.
Deut. XXII, 12.

κράτησις - קְרָטִיסִין קְרָטִיסִיס

1049, Jastrow 27802
(not ים …) f. (κράτησις, S.) 1)dominion, power, possession, esp. (sub. יום) a Roman
festival commemorating the conquest of eastern countries. Ab. Zar. I, 3 (8a) (Mish.
Nap. קריטיסים; Y. ed. קרטסים; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 5); ib. 8b; Y. ib. I, 39c;
Tosef. ib. I, 4 קרטיסים (Var. קראטיס', טוסם …).—2)royal prohibition. Pesik. Baḥod.,
p. 104b sq. קבע ק' בני וכ' he issued a prohibition, that the Romans must not go
down to Syria &c.; התיר ק' he cancelled the prohibition; Yalk. Ex. 273 (Ar. קבע
קרטיסים בים, corr. acc.).

κρατία (kratia) - □קְרַטְיָה

1050, Klein 26103
- cracy, combining form meaning a certain type of ‘rule’ or ‘government’, as in
מוֹנוֹקְרַטְיָה (= monocracy). FW [Gk. kratia (= rule of), from krathos (= strength,
might, power, rule, sway, dominion).]

κρίνον - קְרִינוֹן

1051, Jastrow 27863
(κρίνον) (white) lily. Y. Kil. I, end, 30a (not קרינטון), expl. שושנת המלך, v.
שׁוֹשַׁנָּה (v. Löw, Pfl. p. 380).

κρίσις (krisis) - מַשְׁבֵּר

1052, Klein 17615
1) mouth of the womb. 2) crisis. NH [Formed from שבר I (= to break), with pref.
מַ□. In the sense ‘crisis’, מַשְׁבֵּר is properly loan translation of Gk. krisis
(= decision), lit. ‘a separating, putting apart’. See ‘crisis’ in my CEDEL.]

κρίσις (krisis) - קְרִיסִיס

1053, Klein 26138
crisis. FW [Gk. krisis (= a separating, putting apart, decision). See קֽרִיטִי.

κριτήριον (kriterion) - קֽרִיטֶרְיוֹן

1054, Klein 26125
criterion. FW [From Gk. kriterion (= a means for judging), from krites (= judge),
from krinein (= to separate, decide, judge). See קֽרִיטִי.]

κριτικός (kritikos) - קְרִיטִי

1055, Klein 26123
critical. FW [Back formation from Gk. kritikos (= of, or for, judging, capable of
judging), from krites (= judge), from krinein (= to separate, pick out, decide,
judge), which is cogn. with L. cernere (= to separate, sift, distinguish, discern,
understand, decide), and derives IE base * (s)q(e)rē(i)– (= to separate). For the
ending of קֽרִיטִי see suff. □ִי. cp. קֽרִיסִיס. cp. also קִרֽטוֹן and the second
element in קוֹנְצֶרֽן.]

κρυστάλλινος - קְרוּסְטָלִינִין

1056, Jastrow 27754
(κρυστάλλινος) rock-crystal decorations. Targ. Esth. I, 6.

κρύσταλλος - קְלַסְטֵיר קְלַסְטָר קְלַסְתָּר

1057, Jastrow 27183
(κρύσταλλος, crystallum) crystal; trnsf. brightness, (with, or sub. פנים; cmp. זִיו)
beauty of features, countenance. Ber. 7a בשכר … זכה לק' פנים as a reward for hiding
his face (Ex. III, 6) he was granted the shining face (Ex. XXXIV, 29 sq.). Nidd.
31a והקב"ה נותן … וק' פנים וכ' and God gives it (the embryo) spirit and soul, and
beauty of features, and power of sight &c. B. Mets. 87a נהפך ק' פנים וכ' Isaac’s
features were changed and made to resemble Abraham’s. Lev. R. s. 18, beg. (ref.
to Koh. XII, 2) השמש זו ק' פ' ‘the sun (is darkened)’, that means the bright countenance;
a. fr.—Pl. (used as sing.) קְלַסְטֵירִין. Ex. R. s. 28, beg. עשה (בו) הקב"ה ק'
של פניו … דומה וכ' the Lord made Moses’ features resemble those of Abraham.—[Snh.
104b קלסתר Rashi, v. קְלַסְתָּא.]

κρύσταλλος (krystallos) - קְרִיסְטָל

1058, Klein 26136
crystal. FW [From Gk. krystallos (= ice; crystal), which is related to krystainein
(= to congeal, freeze). Both these words derive from * kruos (= frost), which is
cogn. with L. crusta (= crust), derives from IE base * qreus–, *qrus–, *qruwes–,
enlarged forms of base * qreu– (= icy, solid, coagulated, congealed), whence also
L. crūdus (= raw). See ‘crude’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘crust’ and words there referred

κτίσμα - קְטִיזְמָא קְטִיזְמָה

1059, Jastrow 26542
(κτίσμα) creature, creation. Midr. Till. to Ps. XVIII, 36 בו"ד … ק' שלו אלא מזכיר
ק' וכ' ed. Bub. (not קטיגמא) when a human being sets a memorial to his name, he
mentions first his name, and then his creation, but not so the Lord, he records
his creation first and then his name, as we read (Gen. I, 1) , ‘In the beginning
created God;’ Gen. R. s. 1 (misplaced and curtailed, v. Ar. s. v. קטיזמא); Tanḥ.
ed. Bub. B’resh. 4 קטומה (corr. acc.); ib. 5 הטיומא (corr. acc.); Yalk. Sam. 162
קטיומא (corr. acc.).—Y. B. Kam. V, 5a top [read:] רשב"ג אומר אומר קְטִיזְמִי היא
זו (not קוט') R. S. b. G. says, he (the purchaser of a breeding slave) may say,
it is my creation (i.e. damages for injury to his slave’s embryo belong to him)

κύαθος - קִיתוֹן

1060, Jastrow 27024
(κώθων, confounded with κύαθος) ladle for drawing wine out of the mixing bowl into
the cup; also for washing hands. Tosef. Bets. II, 9; Tosef. Sabb. XVI (XVII),
13 ממלא הוא … או ק' לשתות וכ' he may (dip in and) fill a cup, bucket or ladle for
drinking purposes, and intend to immerse them (for ritual purposes). Ib. XIV (XV),
3. Succ. II, 9 לעבד … ק' וכ' like the case of a servant that comes in to mix the
cup for his master, and he pours the ladle in his face; ib. 29a שפך לו רבו ק' וכ'
his master poured &c. Snh. 52b בתחלה דומה לק' וכ' at first acquaintance he (the
scholar) appears to him (the ignorant man) like a golden kithon; if he holds conversation
with him, he appears like a silver kithon; if he accepts a benefit of him, he appears
like an earthen kithon, which once broken cannot be mended. Yoma IV, 5 מקדש … מן
הק' וכ' he sanctifies his hands and feet with a golden ladle; a. fr.—Yalk. Sam.
124 נטל קטן השמן וכ' (corr. acc.) he took the pitcher of oil and poured &c.—Pl.
קִיתוֹנִים, קִיתוֹנוֹת. Sifré Num. 158. Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. IV, 1 הלבס כדי לקבל
ק' וכ' a defective caldron remains susceptible of levitical uncleanness so long
as there is enough left to receive ladles, ladles, so long as they can contain
small coins. Gen. R. s. 74 קִיתוֹנִיּוֹת; Yalk. ib. 130 קיתונות; a. e.

κύαν (kyan) - צִיאָן

1061, Klein 24231
cyanide (chemistry). FW [Gk. kyan, from kyanos (= dark blue enamel, lapis lazuli,
the dark blue color) a foreign word connected with Hitt. kuwanna(n) (= copper,
copper blue, ornamental stone).]

κυβεία - קוּבְיָא

1062, Jastrow 26024
(κυβεία) dice-playing, gambling. Snh. III, 3 (among those disqualified as witnesses)
המשחק בק' the habitual dice-player; R. Hash. I, 8; Y. ib. 57c top בקוּבְיָיא. Sabb.
XXIII, 2 משום ק' (omitted in Bab. ed. 148b) it is forbidden, because it is like
gambling; ib. 149a; a. e.

κυβεία (kybeia) - קוּבְיָא

1063, Klein 24979
dice. PBH [Gk. kybeia (= dice playing), from kybos (= cube, cubical die). See קֻבִּיָּה
and cp. קוּבְיוּסֽטוּס.]

κυβερνήτης - קְבַרְנִיט

1064, Jastrow 25905
(κυβερνήτης) steersman, pilot. Tanḥ. Sh’laḥ. 15 הושיט לו הק' וכ' the helmsman threw
a rope to him, saying, hold to this rope &c.; Yalk. Num. 750. B. Bath. 91a sq.
(on Abraham’s death) [read:] אוי לו … שאבד קְבַרְנִיטָהּ woe to the world whose
leader is gone, woe to the ship whose helmsman is gone; a. e.—Trnsf. (cmp. רב החבל,
Jon. I, 6, a. תּחְבּוּלָה) prudent manager. Pesik. Aḥăré, p. 176a (ref. to תחבלות,
Prov. XXIV, 6) לעולם יעשה אדם עצמו ק' וכ' man should always be at the helm (to
look out,) how to do good; Lev. R. s. 21; a. e.—Pl. קְבַרְנִיטִין. Ib. פתר קריא
בק' interpreted the verse (Prov. l. c.) as referring to the art of the helmsmen.
Pesik. R. s. 47 (ref. to Prov. l. c.) מה הספינה … אם אין לה ק' וכ' as the ship
without a helmsman is bound to go down, so is Israel without leaders &c.

κυβερνήτης (kybernetes) - קַבַּרְנִיט

1065, Klein 24852
1) steersman, pilot, captain (of a ship). PBH 2) aircraft pilot. NH [Gk. kybernetes
(= steersman), from kybernan (= to steer, guide, govern), whence L. gubernāre (of
s.m.). Of uncertain origin. cp. קִיבֶּרֽנֶטִיקָה.]

κυβευστης [sic] - קוּבְיוּסְטוֹס

1066, Jastrow 26026
(וס for יס; κυβευστης [sic] = κυβιστής, S.) gambler; (= κυβευτικός) crafty person.
Yalk. Deut. 847 זה הוא ק' וכ' this man is a gambler, and he may go and gamble
and lose &c. Tosef. B. Bath. IV, 7 המוכר … ונמצא גנב או ק' if one sells a slave
…, and he turns out to be a thief or a crafty person (swindler), contrad. to ליסטיס;
Y. ib. VII, end, 15d; Bab. ib. 92b. Ḥull. 91b גנב אתה או ק' וכ' art thou a thief
or a burglar that thou art afraid of the morning?; Yalk. Gen. 133. Bekh. 5a משה
… או ק' וכ' your teacher Moses was either a thief or a swindler, or else a bad
arithmetician. | **Editor's Note: Probably should be 'κυβευστής.' It is possible,
however, that Jastrow purposely put no accent on unattested Greek forms.

κυβευτής (kybeutes) - קוּבְיוּסְטוּס

1067, Klein 24980
dicer; gambler. PBH [Gk. kybeutes (= dicer, gambler), from kybeia. See קוּבֽיָא.

κυβευτικός - קוּבְיוּסְטוֹס

1068, Jastrow 26026
(וס for יס; κυβευστης [sic] = κυβιστής, S.) gambler; (= κυβευτικός) crafty person.
Yalk. Deut. 847 זה הוא ק' וכ' this man is a gambler, and he may go and gamble
and lose &c. Tosef. B. Bath. IV, 7 המוכר … ונמצא גנב או ק' if one sells a slave
…, and he turns out to be a thief or a crafty person (swindler), contrad. to ליסטיס;
Y. ib. VII, end, 15d; Bab. ib. 92b. Ḥull. 91b גנב אתה או ק' וכ' art thou a thief
or a burglar that thou art afraid of the morning?; Yalk. Gen. 133. Bekh. 5a משה
… או ק' וכ' your teacher Moses was either a thief or a swindler, or else a bad
arithmetician. | **Editor's Note: See note on 'κυβευστης [sic] - קוּבְיוּסְטוֹס

κυβιστής - קוּבְיוּסְטוֹס

1069, Jastrow 26026
(וס for יס; κυβευστης [sic] = κυβιστής, S.) gambler; (= κυβευτικός) crafty person.
Yalk. Deut. 847 זה הוא ק' וכ' this man is a gambler, and he may go and gamble
and lose &c. Tosef. B. Bath. IV, 7 המוכר … ונמצא גנב או ק' if one sells a slave
…, and he turns out to be a thief or a crafty person (swindler), contrad. to ליסטיס;
Y. ib. VII, end, 15d; Bab. ib. 92b. Ḥull. 91b גנב אתה או ק' וכ' art thou a thief
or a burglar that thou art afraid of the morning?; Yalk. Gen. 133. Bekh. 5a משה
… או ק' וכ' your teacher Moses was either a thief or a swindler, or else a bad
arithmetician. | **Editor's Note: See note on 'κυβευστης [sic] - קוּבְיוּסְטוֹס

κύβος (kybos) - קֻבִּיָּה

1070, Klein 24796
1) cube. 2) dice. NH [From Gk. kybos (= cube, cubical die), which is prob. of Sem.
origin. cp. Arab. ka‘b (= cube), ka‘bah (= square house); see ‘Kaaba’ in my CEDEL.
The y in Gk. kybos is equivalent to Sem. ayin (represented by the sign ‘). cp.

κύλιξ - כַּלִּיד, כַּלִּידָא

1071, Jastrow 13585
(χάλις, -ιδος, only in χαλιδοφόρος; κύλιξ, κάλιξ, calix) 1)cup. Targ. II Chr.
IV, 5. Targ. O. Gen. XLIV, 12, a. e. (Var. ק', v. Berl. Targ. O. II, p. 16). Targ.
Ps. XI, 6; a. e.—Pl. כַּלִּידִין. Targ. Jer. XXXV, 5.—2)calyx of flowers. Pl. as
ab. Targ. Ex. XXV, 33, sq. (Ms. I ק').

κυνάνθροπος - גַּנְדְּרוֹפֹּוס, קַנְטְרוֹפֹּוס

1072, Jastrow 5950
(corrupt. of κυνάνθροπος or of λυκάνθρωπος, sub. νόσος; for rejection of ל, v. בּוּרְנִי)
lycanthropy, a form of melancholy, the patient so afflicted believing himself to
be a wolf (or a dog) and spending his nights among tombstones; also (ὁ λυκάνθρωπος)
the person so afflicted. Ḥag 3b אימר גנדריפס אחדיה ed. (Ms. M. גדדפוס, Var. גנדרופס,
גנס', גרדפוס, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) say, lycanthropy has seized him.—Y. Gitt.
VII, beg. 48c היוצא בלילה קניטרופיס; Y. Ter. I, 40b קנוטרוכוס (corr. acc.) he who
goes out at nights is merely a lycanthrope (but not insane).

κυνηγεσία - קְנִיגִיזְיָא

1073, Jastrow 27375
f. (κυνηγεσία) same. Pesik. R. addit. s. 4 (ed. Fr. p. 201a קניניזא, corr. acc.);
Pesik. Hashsh’mini, p. 191b קינגאי (Ms. O. קנגריא; Ar. s. v. טבריטי: קנוגיא, corr.
acc. or קניגיא), v. טברוטי.

κυνηγευς [sic] - קְנִיגִי קִינִיגִי

1074, Jastrow 27372
(corresp. to a form κυνηγευς [sic] = κυνηγός) hunter. Ḥull. 60b (Var. in Ar. גְּנִיגִי),
v. בַּלִּיסְטָרִי. Gen. R. s. 32 א"ל נח ק' אנא said Noah to him, am I a hunter
(that I should get these animals into the ark)?; Yalk. ib. 56. | **Editor's Note:
Probably should be 'κυνηγεύς.' It is possible, however, that Jastrow purposely
put no accent on unattested Greek forms.

κυνηγία - קְנִיגְיָא קִינִ'

1075, Jastrow 27373
(κυνηγία) chase, hunt. —[Targ. II Esth. I, 2 וכל קניגייא, v. קֵינַי.]—B. Bath. 74b
sq. עתיד גבריאל לעשות ק' עם וכ' in the future Gabriel shall arrange a chase of
the Leviathan.

κυνήγιον - קְנִיגְיוֹן קִינִ'

1076, Jastrow 27374
(κυνήγιον, S.) 1)the contest of wild beasts or of wild beasts with men (ludus bestiarius).
Ab. Zar. 18b (ref. to Ps. I, 1) זה שלא עמד בקיניג' Ms. M. (ed. בקנגיון) that is
he who does not stand as a spectator at bestial contests (arranged by the Romans).
Ib. לא עמדתי בק' I do not attend the shows of &c.; Yalk. Ps. 613; a. e.—2)the actors
in the fights of the arena. Cant. R. to II, 5, v. בלטוורא.—V. קְנִיגִין.

κυνήγιον - קְנִיגִין

1077, Jastrow 27376
(κυνήγιον) same, hunt, chase, beasts of chase. Esth. R. to I, 12 אין הרשע … מראה
ק' דידיה היאך וכ' the wicked man does not leave this world before God shows his
chase, (that is,) how he has been caught. Lev. R. s. 13 בהמות … הם ק' וכ' (not
קניגון) Behemoth and Leviathan shall be the beasts of contest (the show) for the
righteous in the hereafter, and whosoever abstains from witnessing the beast fights
of the nations in this world, shall be admitted to see them &c.; Yalk. Sam. 161

κυνηγός - קְנִיגִי קִינִיגִי

1078, Jastrow 27372
(corresp. to a form κυνηγευς [sic] = κυνηγός) hunter. Ḥull. 60b (Var. in Ar. גְּנִיגִי),
v. בַּלִּיסְטָרִי. Gen. R. s. 32 א"ל נח ק' אנא said Noah to him, am I a hunter
(that I should get these animals into the ark)?; Yalk. ib. 56. | **Editor's Note:
See note on 'κυνηγευς [sic] - קְנִיגִי קִינִיגִי'

κυνικός (kynikos) - צִינִי

1079, Klein 24271
cynic(al). FW [Back formation from Gk. kynikos, an adj. formed from Kynosarges (=
Cynosarges), a gymnasium near Athens. It was in this gymnasium that Antisthenes
taught, whence his disciples were called kynikoi, lit. ‘of Cynosarges’. For sense
development cp. סְטוֹאִי (= stoic) and אֲקָדֵמִי (= academician), which are also
formed from place-names. The usual derivation of Gk. kynikos (= a cynic), from
kyon (= dog), and the explanation that kynikos orig. denoted a ‘doglike’ philosopher,
is erroneous. The only connection between a cynic and a dog is given by the quite
incidental fact that the first element in the name Kynosarges comes from kyon (=
dog). For the ending of צִינִי see suff. □ִי.]

κυνικός (kynikos) - צִינִיקָן

1080, Klein 24274
cynic. FW [Gk. kynikos. See צִינִי.]

Κύπρος - קִיפְרוֹס

1081, Jastrow 26912
(Κύπρος) Cyprus, an island lying off the coast of Phœnicia and Syria. Y. Succ.
V, 55b והלך הדם בים עד ק' and the blood (of those slain by Trajanus) went (could
be traced) in the sea as far as Cyprus; Lam. R. to I, 16; IV, 19 (strike out נהר);
v. Graetz Hist. of the Jews, (Jew. Publ. Soc. of A.) II, p. 398.

κυριακαί - קְוָוקֵי קְוָואקֵי

1082, Jastrow 26064
(a cacophemism for κυριακαί; v. next w.) churches. Snh. 74b, v. דּוֹמִינְקֵי.

κύριε - כִּירִי,

1083, Jastrow 13488
(χείριε, vocat. of χείριος = ὑποχείριος) in the control of, captive. Erub. 53b
(of a Galilean woman who wished to say קירי, κύριε, O Lord) מרי כ'.—Ḥull. 139b
(of doves which uttered a sound like קירי קירי) אמרה … קירי בירי (corr. acc.) said
she, blind one, say rather κύριε χείριε lord slave (an allusion to Herod the Great,
v. הַרְדְסִיאוֹת).—[Gen. R. s. 89 כ' עבד קירי אדון, v. preced. w.

κύριος - קִירִיס קִי'

1084, Jastrow 26984
(not קֵי') (κύρις = κύριος, S.) lord, as a title, master. Targ. Job III, 18 (19).
Ib. V, 2.—Esp. the Lord. Targ. Ps. LIII, 1. Ib. XCVII, 10. Targ. Y. I Num. XI,
26; a. e.

κυρίου - קִירִי

1085, Jastrow 26976
(vocat. of κύρις, S.) O, master! Ḥull. 139b, v. כִּירִי I. Gen. R. s. 89, v. כֵּירִי.
Y. Shebu. III, 34d bot.; Y. Ned. III, 38a top (not קורי); Pesik. R. s. 22 קרי (corr.
acc.), v. בריכסון.—Ab. Zar. 11b (supposed to stand for κυρίου, genit.), v. פְּלַסְטֵיר

κύρις - קִירִיס קִי'

1086, Jastrow 26984
(not קֵי') (κύρις = κύριος, S.) lord, as a title, master. Targ. Job III, 18 (19).
Ib. V, 2.—Esp. the Lord. Targ. Ps. LIII, 1. Ib. XCVII, 10. Targ. Y. I Num. XI,
26; a. e.

κύρις - קִירִי

1087, Jastrow 26976
(vocat. of κύρις, S.) O, master! Ḥull. 139b, v. כִּירִי I. Gen. R. s. 89, v. כֵּירִי.
Y. Shebu. III, 34d bot.; Y. Ned. III, 38a top (not קורי); Pesik. R. s. 22 קרי (corr.
acc.), v. בריכסון.—Ab. Zar. 11b (supposed to stand for κυρίου, genit.), v. פְּלַסְטֵיר

κύτος (kytos) - קוּטִית

1088, Klein 25013
name of a small measure. PBH [Hebraization of Gk. kytos (= a hollow, hollow vessel,
vault), from IE base * qeu–t– (= to cover, hide). See ‘hide’. (skin), in my CEDEL.

κώθων - קִיתוֹן

1089, Jastrow 27024
(κώθων, confounded with κύαθος) ladle for drawing wine out of the mixing bowl into
the cup; also for washing hands. Tosef. Bets. II, 9; Tosef. Sabb. XVI (XVII),
13 ממלא הוא … או ק' לשתות וכ' he may (dip in and) fill a cup, bucket or ladle for
drinking purposes, and intend to immerse them (for ritual purposes). Ib. XIV (XV),
3. Succ. II, 9 לעבד … ק' וכ' like the case of a servant that comes in to mix the
cup for his master, and he pours the ladle in his face; ib. 29a שפך לו רבו ק' וכ'
his master poured &c. Snh. 52b בתחלה דומה לק' וכ' at first acquaintance he (the
scholar) appears to him (the ignorant man) like a golden kithon; if he holds conversation
with him, he appears like a silver kithon; if he accepts a benefit of him, he appears
like an earthen kithon, which once broken cannot be mended. Yoma IV, 5 מקדש … מן
הק' וכ' he sanctifies his hands and feet with a golden ladle; a. fr.—Yalk. Sam.
124 נטל קטן השמן וכ' (corr. acc.) he took the pitcher of oil and poured &c.—Pl.
קִיתוֹנִים, קִיתוֹנוֹת. Sifré Num. 158. Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. IV, 1 הלבס כדי לקבל
ק' וכ' a defective caldron remains susceptible of levitical uncleanness so long
as there is enough left to receive ladles, ladles, so long as they can contain
small coins. Gen. R. s. 74 קִיתוֹנִיּוֹת; Yalk. ib. 130 קיתונות; a. e.

κώθων (kothon) - קִיתוֹן

1090, Klein 25494
, jug, cup. PBH [Gk. kothon (= Laconian drinking vessel), a word of uncertain origin.
The change of Gk. kothon to Heb. קִיתוֹן is due to dissimilation; see נִימוֹס.

κωλέα (kolea) - קוּלִית

1091, Klein 25051
thighbone. PBH [Hebraization of Gk. kolea (= thighbone), which prob. derives from
IE base * (s)qel– (= to bend), whence also káṭaḥ (= thigh).]

κῶμος (komos) - קוֹמִי

1092, Klein 25087
comic, comical. FW [From Gk. komos (= comic chorus). See קוֹמֶדְיָה and suff. □ִי.

κῶνος - *, *קוֹנָאוֹת

1093, Jastrow 26211
(pl. of κῶνος) cones or peaks of helmets, crests. Zeb. 88b כמין ק' שלקולסות וכ'
(v. קוֹלָס) in the shape of the cones of the helmets on children’s heads.

κῶνος (konos) - קוֹנָאָה

1094, Klein 25111
cone. PBH [From Gk. konos (= pine cone, fir cone, cone; peak), which is cogn. with
Old I. sāṇaḥ (= whetstone), L. cōs (= whetstone), catus (= sharp), from IE base
* ƙō(i)-, *ƙē(i)-, *ƙě(i)- (= sharp, whet; to sharpen, whet). cp. קוֹנוּס.]

κῶνος (konos) - קוֹנוּס

1095, Klein 25126
cone (geometry). FW [Gk. konos. See קוֹנָאָה.]

κωνωπεῖον - קִינוֹף קִינּוֹף

1096, Jastrow 26828
(קנף, sec. r. of קף, cmp. צִינוֹק, צִנּוֹר &c.; an adaptation of κωνωπεῖον) the
framework of a baldachin or canopy, consisting of four columns over which a flat
cover is spread, contrad. to נַקְלִיטִין. Succ. I, 3 (10a) או שפירס ע"ג ק' (not
שפירסה) or if he spread a sheet over a frame (so as to form a tent within the Succah);
ib. 10b Ms. M. (ed. קינופות). Snh. 68a הוא יושב בק' שלו he was seated on his curtained
couch.—Pl. קִינוֹפוֹת, קִינּ'. Succ. l. c. וק' ארבעה, v. נַקְלִיטִין. Ib. שאני
ק' דקביעי it is different with baldachin frames, for they are stationary, opp.
to כִּילָה. Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. II, 8.—[Κωνωπεῖον means the net, our w. refers
to the frame.]

κωνωπεῖον - קִינוֹפִין קִנּ'

1097, Jastrow 26829
(κωνωπεῖον, v. preced.) curtained couch. Targ. II Sam. XVI, 22 (h. text האהל).

Κωνωπεῖον - קִינוֹף קִינּוֹף

1098, Jastrow 26828
(קנף, sec. r. of קף, cmp. צִינוֹק, צִנּוֹר &c.; an adaptation of κωνωπεῖον) the
framework of a baldachin or canopy, consisting of four columns over which a flat
cover is spread, contrad. to נַקְלִיטִין. Succ. I, 3 (10a) או שפירס ע"ג ק' (not
שפירסה) or if he spread a sheet over a frame (so as to form a tent within the Succah);
ib. 10b Ms. M. (ed. קינופות). Snh. 68a הוא יושב בק' שלו he was seated on his curtained
couch.—Pl. קִינוֹפוֹת, קִינּ'. Succ. l. c. וק' ארבעה, v. נַקְלִיטִין. Ib. שאני
ק' דקביעי it is different with baldachin frames, for they are stationary, opp.
to כִּילָה. Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. II, 8.—[Κωνωπεῖον means the net, our w. refers
to the frame.]

κωνωπεῖον (konopeion) - קִינוֹף

1099, Klein 25449
frame of canopy for a mosquito net. PBH [Gk. konopeion, whence L. cōnōpeum (= a
bed with mosquito curtains), from konops (= gnat, mosquito), which is of uncertain
origin. The change of Gk. konops to Heb. קִינוֹף is due to dissimilation; see נִימוֹס.
cp. Med. L. canopeum (whence Fren. canapé, Eng. canopy) , which was formed from
L. cōnōpeum through dissimilation.]

λάβδα (labda) - לַמְדָּא

1100, Klein 13124
‘lambda’ — name of the 11th letter of the Greek alphabet. FW [Gk. labda, lambda,
from Heb.-Phoen. לָמֶד.]

λαβίς (labis) - לִזְבֵּז

1101, Klein 12930
rim, frame. PBH [Borrowed from Gk. labis (= handle), which derives from the stem
of lambanein (= to take, grasp, seize; to receive).]

λαβρᾶτον - *, *לַבְרָטוֹן לַבְרְיָטוֹן

1102, Jastrow 14372
(λαβρᾶτον, λαυρεᾶτον, S.) the emperor’s portrait wreathed with laurels. Yalk. Ez.
356 נטלה לברנטין של מלך וֹכ' (corr. acc.) she took the king’s portrait and used
it as fuel for making a hot drink. Ib. בברנטן שלי (corr. בלב'); Lam. R. to I, 9
לורטיא, read לַוְרִיָטָא (laureata, sc. imago). [Ar. s. v. ברנט, quotes a Var.
טורתק, for נוורתק, a. expl. our w. = קומקום.]

λαβύρινθος (labyrinthos) - לַבִּירִינְתְּ

1103, Klein 12721
labyrinth. FW [Gk. labyrinthos (= maze; large building with intricate passages),
related to labrus (= double hatchet). See ‘labyrinth’ in my CEDEL.]

λάγεια - לָגְיָא

1104, Jastrow 14383
(λάγεια, sub. δορά; v. Liddle et Scott Greek-Engl. Lex.7) hare-skin. Gen. R. s.
20 Mus. (ed. לגאי, Ar. לגא); Tanḥ., ed. Bub., B’resh. 24 ליגנון read לגייון λάγειον,
sub. δέρμα).

λαγνεία - לוגמיא לגומיא

1105, Jastrow 14446
, Num. R. s. 2 דבר של ל', a corrupt. for לַגְנְיָיא or לַגְנִיוְמָא (λαγνεία or
λάγνευμα) lewdness; (Lev. R. s. 20 שמצה, Ar. זיטמא).

λάγνευμα - לוגמיא לגומיא

1106, Jastrow 14446
, Num. R. s. 2 דבר של ל', a corrupt. for לַגְנְיָיא or לַגְנִיוְמָא (λαγνεία or
λάγνευμα) lewdness; (Lev. R. s. 20 שמצה, Ar. זיטמא).

Λακωνικός (Lakonikos) - לָקוֹנִי

1107, Klein 13266
laconic. FW [Back formation from Gk. Lakonikos (= pertaining to, or characteristic
of, the Lacedaemonians), from Lakon (= Laconian, Lacedaemonian, Spartan), which
is prob. a hypocristic form of Lakedaimonios (of s.m.), from Lakedaimon (= Lacedaemon,
Spartan). For the ending see suff. □ִי. cp. לָקוֹנִיזְם.]

λαλιός (lalios) - לוּלְיָן

1108, Klein 12901
(PBH לוּלְיוֹן) acrobat, rope dancer. NH [Of uncertain origin; perhaps derived from
Gk. lalios, poetic form for lalos (= talkative, babbling), whence ‘ventriloquist’,
which derives from the IE imitative base lal-, whence also Old I. lalallā, imitation
of stammering, L. lallāre (= to sing to sleep, to lull). cp. ‘Eulalia’, ‘lalage’,
‘paralalia’ in my CEDEL.]

λαμπάς - לַמְפַּד

1109, Jastrow 14838
(λαμπάς, -άδος) torch, light, lamp. Targ. Y. Ex. XX, 2 ל' דינור lamp, ל' דאישא
torch.—Greek genitive: לַמְפַּדֹּס. Y. Yoma III, 41a top (ref. to Dan. V, 5; v.
LXX) תרגם עקילס … לקבל ל' (not … רם) Aquila translates likbel nabrashta: opposite
the lamp.

λαμπάς (lampas) - לַמְפָּד

1110, Klein 13153
1) lamp. PBH 2) lamp burning before an icon. NH [Gk. lampas, genitive lampados (=
torch), from lampein (= to shine, be bright), from IE base lāp-, lep- (= to shine).
See ‘lamp’ in my CEDEL. Syr. לַמְפִּידָא (= torch, lamp) is a blend of Gk. lampas
and Heb. לַפִּיד (= torch).]

λάρυγξ (larynx) - לָרִינְגִיטִיס

1111, Klein 13311
inflammation of the larynx (disease). FW [Formed from Gk. larynx (see לָרִינְגּוֹלוֹגְיָה)
with suff. - itis (see □ִיטִיס).]

λατομία - לָטוֹמְיָא לַאוְטוּמְיָא

1112, Jastrow 14640
(λατομία, lautumiae) quarry. Ohol. XVII, 3 מִלָּטוּמְיָא וכ' Talm. ed. (Mish. מלטימיא;
ed. Dehr. מלהטמייא) he who starts ploughing from a quarry (where chips of stones,
bones &c. are deposited) or from a deposit of bones &c.; Tosef. ib. XVII, 3 מלוא
טימיא ed. Zuck. (read מִלַּאוְט'; ed. מלא הטמא, corr. acc.). [Comment.: = מְלֹא
טְמַיָּא full of bones; but מ is the prefix as context proves.]

λαυρεᾶτον - *, *לַבְרָטוֹן לַבְרְיָטוֹן

1113, Jastrow 14372
(λαβρᾶτον, λαυρεᾶτον, S.) the emperor’s portrait wreathed with laurels. Yalk. Ez.
356 נטלה לברנטין של מלך וֹכ' (corr. acc.) she took the king’s portrait and used
it as fuel for making a hot drink. Ib. בברנטן שלי (corr. בלב'); Lam. R. to I, 9
לורטיא, read לַוְרִיָטָא (laureata, sc. imago). [Ar. s. v. ברנט, quotes a Var.
טורתק, for נוורתק, a. expl. our w. = קומקום.]

Λάχεσις - *, *לָאכִיסִין

1114, Jastrow 14278
(accus. of Λάχεσις) by Lachesis! (the goddess of fate). Lev. R. s. 30 (in a speech
of a gentile robber) א"ל ל' לא אשתייר וכ' Ar. (Var. לאכיסן, לאכסן; in ed. differ.
phraseology, a. our w. omitted) by L.! Nothing has been left to me of all &c. [Ar.
explains לאלתר (?).]

λέβης - *, *לֶבֶס

1115, Jastrow 14369
(λέβης; cmp., however, לֶפֶס) caldron. Kel. XIV, 1 (Var. לפס); Tosef. ib. B. Mets.
IV, 1 הל' כדי וכ' the caldron (if defective) must be capable of serving as a receptacle
for cups (in order to be fit for uncleanness).—Pl. לְבִיסִין. Sifré Num. 158 לכוסין
(corr. acc.; Pesik. Zutr. Matt., p. 279 ed. Bub. לפוסין); v. לְבִיסַיָּא.

λειτουργία - לטרגיה

1116, Jastrow 14654
, read: לִיטוּרְגְּיָא f. (λειτουργία) public service. Tanḥ. Vaëra, ed. Bub., 4;
Yalk. Ex. 178 שבטו … פְּנוּי ל' במצרים the tribe of Levi was exempt from public
service in Egypt; (Tanḥ. ib. 6 פנוי מעבודת פרך).

λέντιον (lenteon) - לוּנְטִית, אֲלוּנְטִית

1117, Klein 12911
bathing sheet, towel. PBH [Formed with suff. □ִית from Gk. lenteon, L. linteum (=
linen cloth), from L. linum (= flax), for whose etymology see ‘linen’ in my CEDEL.

λεξικογράφος (lexikographos) - לֶקְסִיקוֹגְרָף, לֶכְּסִיקוֹגְרָף

1118, Klein 13294
lexicographer. FW [Gk. lexikographos, compounded of lexikon and graphos, from graphein
(= to write). See לֶקְסִיקֹון and □גְרָף.]

λεξικογράφος (lexikographos) - לֶקְסִיקוֹגְרַפְיָה, לֶכְּסִיקוֹגְרַפְיָה

1119, Klein 13296
lexicography. FW [From Gk. lexikographos. See לֶקֽסִיקוֹגְרָף and □יָה.]

Λεξικόν (Lexikon) - לֶקְסִיקוֹן, לֶכְּסִיקוֹן

1120, Klein 13297
lexicon. FW [Gk. Lexikon (= lit.: ‘book of words’), neuter of lexikos (= pertaining
to words), from lexis (= word, phrase, speech, diction), from the stem of legein
(= to speak) which is cogn. with L. legere (= to read). See לִגְיוֹן and cp. לֶקְסִיקָה.

λεξικός (lexikos) - לֶקְסִיקָה, לֶכְּסִיקָה

1121, Klein 13293
vocabulary. FW [From Gk. lexikos (= pertaining to words). See לֶקְסִיקוֹן.]

λεόπαρδος - נַפְרָזָא

1122, Jastrow 19169
(an adapt. of λεόπαρδος) leopard. B. Kam. 16a (Ms. M. נפריא), v. אָפָא.

λεπτόν - לָקָן

1123, Jastrow 14953
(לְקִי; transl. of λεπτόν) a very small copper coin. Y. Maas. Sh. IV, beg. 54d
ובארבאל בתרין אלפין ול' (not ובאדבאל … יל') and in Arbela the Denar is worth two
thousand P’rutahs and one Lakan.—Y. B. Mets. IV, beg. 9c ל' בל' אסיר to lend money
on Lakan against L. (counting Lakans in place of Denars) is forbidden.

λεύκη - לַוְקָן לַוְו' לַבְ'

1124, Jastrow 14579
(a denom. of λεύκη, a kind of elephantiasis) one who is white-spotted in the face.
Bekh VII, 6 לב' ed. (Rashi לוו'); ib. 45b expl. חיורא (from analogy with לוקיאני,
v. preced.); Tosef. ib. V, 9 לויקן (read לוו'). Tosef. Ber. VII (VI), 3 לווקן ed.
Zuck. (Var. לוקין); Y. ib. IX, 13b bot. לוו'; Sifra Emor, Par. 3, ch. III לב';
Ber. 58b לוו' (Ms. M. לוד', corr. acc.).

λευκίσκος - *, *לָכִיס

1125, Jastrow 14802
(prob. a corrupt. of λευκίσκος) the white mullet. Y. B. Mets. II, beg. 8b, contrad.
to ירק.—[Gen. R. s. 7 אחד חיור ואחד ל' Var. in Ar. s. v. אספרון.]

λευκόϊον - לַוְקְיָאנֵי לַוְקְיָיא' לַוְו'

1126, Jastrow 14576
(λευκόϊον) a flower of the genus levcoium, snow-flakes. Bekh. 45b a man cried out,
מאן בעי ל' ואשתכח חיורי (Rashi לוקייני; Ar. לווקני, v. next w.) who wants to buy
levcoiums?, and it was found to be white flowers (snow-flakes). [Rashi: white lambs.]
V. לַוְקָן.

λευκόιον (leukoion) - לַבְקָן

1127, Klein 12755
albino. PBH [From Gk. leukoion, neut. of leukos (= white), which is cogn. with Old
Eng. lēoht (= light). See ‘light’ in my CEDEL.]

λευκός (leucos) - לָכִיס

1128, Klein 13102
name of a fish. NH [Perhaps derived from Gk. leucos (= name of a fish), from leukos
(= white), hence denoting a white fish.]

ληθαργία (lethargia) - לֵיתַרְגְּיָה

1129, Klein 13086
lethargy. FW [Gk. lethargia (= forgetfulness), from lethargos (= forgetful), which
is compounded of lethe (= forgetfulness), and argos (= idle, lazy). Gk. lethe is
related to lathre (= secretly, stealthily), lathrios (= stealthy), and cogn. with
L. latēre (= to be hidden). See ‘latent’ in my CEDEL. For argos see אֶרְג and cp.

λῃστήριον - לִיסְטֵירִין

1130, Jastrow 14756
(λῃστήριον) robbers’ retreat, den. Cant. R. to VI, 4 מה ל' הקשה … ל' הרך וכ' (not
ליסטט') since the Lord has broken up the strong den (Egypt’s idols), how much the
more will he break up the weak one (the golden calf)!

λῄστης - לִיסְטֵיס לֵיסְטֵס לִסְ'

1131, Jastrow 14755
(frequ. incorr. … טים) m. (λῄστης) 1)robber, pirate, freebooter, in gen. rover.
Targ. Y. Gen. XXI, 13.—B. Kam. 57a, a. fr. ל' מזויין, v. זוּן; B. Mets. 43a; 58a
לסטין (corr. acc.). Y. Ber. IX, 13b top; a. fr.—Pl. לִיסְטִים, לִיסְטִין, לִסְ'.
Gen. R. s. 64 (v. גָּרַר II) שנכנסו ל' וכ' rovers had come to his house and revelled
with him the whole night. Sabb. 10a; Pes. 12b מאכל ל' the meal-time of the lawless
(prize-fighters &c., cmp. לוּדִים); a. v. fr.—Ch. forms: לִיסְטִין, לִיסְטַיָּיא
(v. לִיסְטָאָה), לִיסְטֵיסִין. Targ. Job V, 5.—2) pr. n. m.Lestes (cmp. Roman name
Latro). Cant. R. to IV, 12; Lev. R. s. 32 ולא ליוסף ל' nor did they change Joseph
into Lestes

λῃστής (lestes) - לִסְטִים

1132, Klein 13166
robber. PBH [Orig. לִסְטִים. Borrowed from Gk. lestes (= robber). Syr. לֶסְטָא,
לֶסְטָיָא (= robber), and Arab. liṣṣ, luṣṣ, of s.m., are also borrowed from Gk.

Λίβανος - לִיבְנוֹס

1133, Jastrow 14677
(Λίβανος) Lebanon, the mountain range on the confines of Syria and Palestine. Targ.
Y. I Num. XXIV, 6 (not לִיכְ').

Λίβυκοι - לִיוְוקָאֵי לְוְו'

1134, Jastrow 14691
(Λίβυκοι) Libyans. Targ. I Chr. I, 11 (ed. Lag. לאק', corr. acc.); Targ. Y. I Gen.
X, 13 (h. text לְהָבִים), v. לוּבָא.

Λιβυρνίς - בּוּרְנִי,

1135, Jastrow 3833
(ברני) f. (Λιβυρνίς, sub. ναῦς) Liburnian (ship), a light fast-sailing vessel.
Targ. Is. XXXIII, 21; Yoma 77b (citation of Targ. l. c.). R. Hash. 23a. B. Mets.
80b ג' כורין לב' וכ' an addition of three khor is a culpable overload for a large
liburna. [Y. Kidd. I, 61a bot. בורניות, v. בִּרְיוֹן.] [Targ. Y. Gen. XXXVI, 2
בורנייתא some ed., v. כּוּדְנָא.]

λιμὴν - *אִלְמֵין

1136, Jastrow 1917
(prob. corrupt., for לִימִין λιμὴν) harbor. Y. Succ. II, beg. 52d בנתונה בא' when
the ship lies in port.

λιμήν - לְמֵין לִימֵן לִימֵין

1137, Jastrow 14831
(λιμήν) haven, bay. Esth. R. to I, 8 שתי ספינית היו עולות בל' אחת מבקשת וכ' two
ships attempting to enter the harbor (from different directions); one desires a
northern wind &c. Y. Yoma III, 41a לְמֵינָהּ של יפו the harbor of Japho. Y. Gitt.
I, 43b bot. למינה של קסרין of Cæsarea. Gen. R. s. 31 אם … שתהא עומדת בל' if a man
wants to build a ship able to stand in the harbor; (Yalk. Ps. 876 במים).—Erub.
IV, 2 (41b) נכנסו ללמן Ar. (ed. לנָמֵל). Ex. R. s. 48, beg.; Koh. R. to VII, 1
(ref. to ‘the day of death’ &c. ib.) it is like two sea-faring ships אחת יוצאת
מן הל' וכ' one leaving the harbor, and one entering it; Midr. Sam. ch. XXIII; (Yalk.
Koh. 973 נמל). Koh. R. to VI, 5; a. e.

λιμήν (limen) - לִימֵין

1138, Klein 13044
harbor, haven. PBH [Gk. limen (= harbor, haven), related to limne (= marsh, pool,
lake), leimon (= a moist, grassy meadow), and prob. cogn. with L. līmus (= slime,
mud, mire). See ‘limnono’ in my CEDEL and cp. נָמָל.]

λιμήν (limen) - נָמָל, נָמֵל

1139, Klein 19005
port, harbor, haven. PBH [Formed through metathesis from Gk. limen[[illegible]]
= harbor, haven), which is related o limne (= marsh, pool, lake), leimon (= a moist,
grassy meadow), and prob. cogn. with L. līmus (= slime, mud, mire). See ‘slime’
in my CEDEL and cp. words there referred to.]

λίτρα - לִיטְרָא לִטְרָא

1140, Jastrow 14704
c. (λίτρα) Litra, the Roman Libra, a pound; also a measure of capacity (divided
into 12 unciae). Tosef. Ter. V, 11; Y. ib. IV, 43a ל' קציעות וכ' a pound of figs
which one pressed &c. B. Bath. 89a if a person wishes to buy ג' רביע ל' three quarters
of a pound, he must not say, weigh for me ג' רביעי ל' וכ' three quarters of a pound,
each quarter separately &c. Y. Ter. X, 47b top וכמה ל' עבדא מאה זינין and how much
is a L.? One hundred zin (v. זוּז II). Ned. 59a ל' בצלים a Litra of onions; a.
fr.—Pl. לִיטְרִין, לִיטְרוֹת, לִיטְרָאוֹת, לִיטְרָיוֹת. B. Bath. l. c. Tosef. Ter.
l. c. Gen. R. s. 10; Lev. R. s. 22. Y. Peah II, 20a bot.; a. fr.—Tosef. Kel. B.
Mets. I, 16 חֲצָאֵי ל' (not ליטרי), שְׁלִישֵׁי ל', רְבִיעֵי weights of a half-pound,
a third of a pound &c.—Chald. pl. לִיטְרַיָּיא, לִיטְרִין. Lev. R. l. c. גוזלא
… ותרתין ל' וכ' a pigeon on one side and two L. on the other; Gen. R. l. c.—[Y.
Ned. VI, 39d top ליטרי, v. טָרִיתָא.]

λίτρα (litra) - לִיטְרָא

1141, Klein 13034
(FW לִיטְרָה) pound (a weight). PBH [From Gk. litra (= pound), from earlier lipra,
whence also L. lībra (= Roman pound). cp. רוֹטֶל. cp. also ‘libra’ and ‘litra’
in my CEDEL. cp. also לִירָה I and נִיבוֹ.]

λογική (logike) - לוֹגִיקָה

1142, Klein 12851
logic. FW [Gk. logike, short for logike techne (= logic art), i.e. ‘the art of speaking
and reasoning’. Logike is f. of logikos (= pertaining to speaking or reasoning,
logical), from logos (= word, speech, thought). See לוֹגוֹס.]

λογικός (logikos) - לוֹגִי

1143, Klein 12846
logical. FW [Back formation from Gk. logikos. See לוֹגִיקָה.]

λογιστής - לוֹגִיסְטֵיס

1144, Jastrow 14443
(λογιστής = curator orbis among the Romans) market commissioner. Tanḥ. Tsav 1 ליגסטיס,
ed. Bub. לוגסטוס (corr. acc.); Yalk. Lev. 479 לוגסטוס; Yalk. Mic. 555 לוגטוס, ליגט'
(corr. acc.); (Tanḥ. Balak 12 בעל השוק).

λογιστική (logistike) - לוֹגִיסְטִיקָה

1145, Klein 12849
logistic, the art or science of calculation. FW [Gk. logistike, short for logistike
techne (= the art of calculation). Logistike is f. of logistikos (= skilled in
calculation, skilled in reasoning), from logigesdai (= to calculate, reason), from
logos (= word, speech, reason; calculation). See לוֹגוֹס.]

λόγος (logos) - לוֹגוֹס

1146, Klein 12845
logos. FW [Gk. logos (= word, speech; word that expresses the inward thought; the
thought itself; tale, story; maxim, proverb, narrative, prose; ratio, reason; relation,
proportion, analogy, calculation, account; discussion, deliberation, dialogue),
from legein (= to pick up, choose; to speak, declare, properly ‘to choose words’),
which is cogn. with L. legere (= to gather, collect; to read). See לִגְיוֹן and
cp. פּֽרוֹלוֹג.]

λόγχη - לוֹנְכִי

1147, Jastrow 14553
(λόγχη) spear-head, lance, javelin. —Pl. לוֹנְכִיּוֹת, לוֹנְכִיאוֹת. Snh. 14a נעצו
בו … ל' של ברזל Ar. (ed. לונביאות. Ms. M. לוכוות, Ms. F. לונכיא'; v. Rabb. D. S.
a. l. note) they stuck into his body three hundred iron spear-heads; Ab. Zar. 8b
(ed. לולניאות, Ms. M. לובלניות). Sot. I, 8 (9b) לונביות; Num. R. s. 9 לונבייאות
some ed. (corr. acc.); a. e.—Ch. לוֹנְכָא. Snh. 110a bot. עילוי ל' Ar. (ed. בריש
רומחא) around the spear-head; B. Bath. 74a.—Pl. לוֹנְכֵי. Gitt. 70a Ar., v. אֲלוּנְכָא

λόγχη (lonche) - לוֹנְכִית

1148, Klein 12912
lance, javelin. PBH [From Gk. lonche (= lance), which is of uncertain, possibly
Sem., origin. cp. Heb. רֹמַח, Aram. רֻמְחָא, Arab. rumḥ (= lance). See רֹמַח. For
the ending of לוֹנְכִית see suff. □ִית.]

λογχοφόρος - (לִיפוֹר) לוּפָר

1149, Jastrow 14567
(prob. corrupted fr. λογχοφόρος or δορυφόρος; cmp. דָּרְבְּנָאָה) spear-bearer,
guardsman, satellite. Num. R. s. 10 ובא הל' ותפשם and the guardsman came and arrested
them (the revellers).—Pl. לוּפָרִים, לוּפָרִין, לוֹפִי'. Gen. R. s. 61 (ref. to
Gen. XXV, 3, which verse must be inserted in the Midrash text.) [read:] אע"ג דאינון
מתרגמין ואומרין תגרין ל' ורישי אומתא שמות אומות הן although they render (the words
ashshurim &c.) by ‘merchants’, ‘satellites’ and ‘chiefs of tribes’, yet they are
all names of tribes; Yalk. Chron. 1073; v. אַמְפּוֹרִין. Pesik. V’zoth, p. 196b
רמז ללופירין שלו he motioned to his guardsmen, and they stabbed him; Yalk. Deut.
950 ללובירים (corr. acc.); Yalk. Sam. 151 ראו ללוכידין (corr. acc.).

λοιμός - *, *לַמָּס

1150, Jastrow 14837
(מָסַס) unto him who refuses (used homiletically as an independent word, meaning
in Greek) dog. Sabb. 63b (ref. to Job VI, 14, v. Targ. a. l.) שכן בל"י קורין לכלב
ל' for in Greek they call a dog lms (?). [The sentence is an interpolated gloss,
v. Y. B. Kam. VII, end, 6a; Keth. 96a; Gen. R. s. 76, end. The interpolator may
have had in mind λοιμός ‘a plague’, used as adj. in LXX for בליעל.]

λοιπάς - לִיפַס לוֹפַס

1151, Jastrow 14768
(λοιπάς = reliqua) remainder, arrears, esp. delinquent taxes. Ex. R. s. 15 פונה
לו' וכ' he remits the arrears of taxes, destroys the rolls and leads forth &c.,
v. לִגְיוֹן. Lev. R. s. 11 מדינה שהיתה חייבת לי' למלך a province that owed arrears
to the king; Esth. R. introd.; Koh. R. to IX, 7 לִיפְסִין (pl.); Ruth R. introd.,
to I, 2 ליפסי (corr. acc.); Tanḥ. Emor 22; Pesik. Ul’kaḥ., p. 182b.—Pl. לִיפְסִין,
v. supra.

λοξόν - לוֹכְסָן

1152, Jastrow 14522
adv. (λοξόν, v. אֲלַכְסוֹן) athwart, crosswise; diagonally. Kel. XVIII, 5, v. אֲלַכְסוֹן.
Dem. VII, 8 נוטל שתי חביות ל' he must take two barrels from diagonally opposite
corners. Ib. שורה אחת ל' one row of barrels following the diagonal line. Y. Kil.
IV, 29c top במודד לכסן (R. S. to Kil. IV, 6 אלכסון) when he measures by diagonal
lines. Y. Yoma V, 42d bot. חוץ מזו שהיתה לפניו ל' except that (corner of the altar)
which was diagonally opposite to him. Lam. R. introd. (R. Josh. 1) חורש שדהו לוכסון
וכ' ploughed his field crosswise and put up an image in the center &c.; a. e.

Λοξόν (Lixon) - אֲלַכְסוֹן

1153, Klein 1248
diagonal (line). PBH [Borrowed from Gk. Lixon [sic], neuter loxos (= standing crosswise,
oblique). See ‘loxo’ in my CEDEL.] | **Editor's Note: Likely should be 'loxon'
or 'λοξόν.'

λοξόν (loxon) - לוֹכְסָן

1154, Klein 12889
athwart, crosswise; diagonally. PBH [Gk. loxon, neuter of loxos (= slanting, crosswise,
oblique). See ‘lekane’ in my CEDEL and cp. אֲלַכְסוֹן.]

λοξός - אֲלַכְסוֹן

1155, Jastrow 1891
(= לוכסן, λοξός; cmp. howev. ἀλλάξ) 1) (adv.) athwart, crosswise. Tosef. Kel.
B. Mets. VIII, 5 two feet &c. of a bed cut off א' crosswise; (Kel. XVIII, 5 לוכסן).—2)
אֲלַכְסֹון, ch. form אֲלַכְסֹונָא m.diagonal line, diameter. B. Bath. 101b; Succ.
8a כל אמתא … באלכסונָהּ a figure of one square cubit has a diagonal line of 12/5
cubits (approximately). Men. 35a; Meg. 24b must be square בתפרן ובאֲלַכְסֹונָן
both as to their seams (not warped) and as to the measure of their diagonal lines.
Erub. 59a מידת העיר ואלכסונָהּ Ms. K. (ed. בא', v. Rashi a. l.) the measure of
the circumference of the town plus its diameter. B. Bath. 99a ודילמא בא' הוו קיימי
perhaps the Cherubim in the Sanctuary were placed across the room; a. fr.

λοπάς (lopas) - אִלְפָּס

1156, Klein 1312
pan. PBH [Formed with prosthetic אִ□ from Gk. lopas (= a flat dish, plate), which
is related to lopos (= shell, husk, bark, peel), lepis (= scale, husk, shell),
lepain (= to strip off the rind or husks; peel, bark), from IE base *lep- (= to
peel, scale). For further derivatives of this base see ‘leper’ in my CEDEL.]

λυγμός (lygmos) - לֹֽגֶם

1157, Klein 12778
(dual לֻגְמַיִם) mouthful, sip. PBH [Of uncertain origin. Perhaps a loan word from
Gk. lygmos (= swallowing).]

λύγος (lugos) - לֶֽכֶשׁ

1158, Klein 13115
1) cedar-bast. PBH 2) raffia. NH [Of uncertain origin. Some scholars derive this
word from Gk. lugos (= pliant twig or rod, a willow twig), which comes from IE
base leug-, lug (= to bend, twist), whence also Old Eng. loce (= lock of hair).
See ‘lock’ (= tuft of hair) in my CEDEL.]

λυκάνθρωπος - גַּנְדְּרוֹפֹּוס, קַנְטְרוֹפֹּוס

1159, Jastrow 5950
(corrupt. of κυνάνθροπος or of λυκάνθρωπος, sub. νόσος; for rejection of ל, v. בּוּרְנִי)
lycanthropy, a form of melancholy, the patient so afflicted believing himself to
be a wolf (or a dog) and spending his nights among tombstones; also (ὁ λυκάνθρωπος)
the person so afflicted. Ḥag 3b אימר גנדריפס אחדיה ed. (Ms. M. גדדפוס, Var. גנדרופס,
גנס', גרדפוס, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) say, lycanthropy has seized him.—Y. Gitt.
VII, beg. 48c היוצא בלילה קניטרופיס; Y. Ter. I, 40b קנוטרוכוס (corr. acc.) he who
goes out at nights is merely a lycanthrope (but not insane).

λύκειον (lykeion) - לִיצֵיוֹן

1160, Klein 13063
lyceum. FW [Gk. lykeion, a gymnasium in Athens in which Aristotle taught; so called
after the neighboring temple of Apollo, one of whose epithets was lykeios, lit.
‘wolf-slayer’, from lykos (= wolf), which is cogn. with L. lupus (= wolf). See
‘lupine’ in my CEDEL.]

λύκος - לוּקוֹס

1161, Jastrow 14573
1) (λύκος) wolf, an opprobious epithet of the altar. Succ. 56b; Tosef. ib. IV,
28 לוקיס ed. Zuck. (corr. acc.); Y. ib. V, end, 55d—2) pr. n. m. לוקוס, לוקיס,
לוקין read לוּקְיוֹס Lucius, v. גַּיּוּס.

λύρα (lyra) - לִירָה

1162, Klein 13073
lyre. FW [Gk. lyra (of uncertain origin). cp. לִירִי and לִירִיּוּת.]

λυρικός (lyrikos) - לִירִי

1163, Klein 13074
lyrical. FW [Back formation from Gk. lyrikos (= pertaining to, or singing to, the
lyre), from lyra. See לִירָה II and suff. □ִי.]

λυρικός (lyrikos) - לִירִיקָה

1164, Klein 13076
lyric poetry. FW [From Gk. lyrikos. See לִירִיוּת.]

λυχνοφόρος - *, *נִיפְרָא

1165, Jastrow 18829
(a mutilation of λυχνοφόρος, cmp. לוּפָר) torch-bearer. Ab. Zar. 11a ני' Ar. (ed.
נִיפְיוֹרָא; Ag. Hatt. נוּפְרָא; Yalk. Ex. 229 ed. Salon. אנפירא, v. Rabb. D. S.
a. l. note 200); v. פִּיפְיוֹרָא.

μάγγανον - מַנְגָּנוֹן

1166, Jastrow 16687
(μάγγανον) same, 1)charm, potion. Gen. R. s. 88 מ' עשו לו לחנקו (ed. Wil. מַנְגָּנִין,
pl.) they prepared a charm for him to choke him.—2)art, contrivance. Ex. R. s.
18 (play on נגינתי, Ps. LXXVII, 7) מ' שעשית וכ' (ed. Wil. pl.) thy contrivance
in Egypt (in not sending the plague of the first-born at once). Ib. מי יודע מ'
וכ' (ed. Wil. נגנין, corr. acc.) who understands thy contrivances at the Red Sea
(when those who had drowned the Israelitish children, were drowned)? Tanḥ. B’har
2 הופך אני מ' שלי וכ' (not שלו) I will reverse my plans and make him (the poor)
rich &c. Y’lamd. to Deut. VII, 12, quot. in Ar. הפך הקב"ה עליו מ' the Lord turned
the plan (of drowning the Israelites) against him (v. supra).—3)mechanic contrivance,
machine. Lev. R. s. 20, beg. לא היה יודע מ' שלו Ar. (ed. מנהגיו) he did not know
the mechanism (of the throne of Solomon); Pesik. Aḥăré, p. 168a מנהג מנגטן שלו
(corr. acc.); Tanḥ. Vaëthḥ. 1 מנגנין (corr. acc.).—Yalk. Esth. 1046; Targ. II Esth.
I, 2 במ' by machinery (in the throne of Solomon).—Pl. מַנְגָּנִין, מַנְגָּנוֹת.
Ib. Yalk. l. c. היו מנגנות פוקעים the machinery burst; a. fr. (v. supra).—מַנְגָּנַיָּא,
מַנְגָּנַיָּיה, v. preced.

μάγγανον (manganon) - מַנְגָּנוֹן

1167, Klein 15847
1) mechanism, machinery. PBH 2) staff, personnel, apparatus. NH [Gk. manganon (=
any means for tricking or bewitching, philter, drug), from IE base mang- (= to
embellish, dress, trim). cp. ‘monger’ in my CEDEL.]

μαγεία (mageia) - מַגְיָה

1168, Klein 13771
magic. FW [Gk. mageia (= magic art), from magos (= Magus, magical). See מָגוֹשׁ.

μαγειρεῖον - מָגִירְיוֹן

1169, Jastrow 15151
(μαγειρεῖον) cook-shop, kitchen. Y. Bets. V, end, 63b

μάγειρος - מגִירוֹס

1170, Jastrow 15149
, (מַגְרוֹס) m. (μάγειρος) baker, cook. Lam. R. to III, 16 אצל המגרוס Ar., v. פָּרָכוּטֵס.
Lev. R. s. 28; Pesik. R. s. 18; Yalk. Lev. 643, a. e. (מְגִרְסָךְ) מְגִירְסָךְ
אנא I (the Lord) am thy cook (ripening thy fruits); Pesik. Haʿomer, p. 70a מגיסך
(corr. acc.). Ib. כמו גרייס read: כמגירוס. Num. R. s. 4, end מ' של בו"ד (not מגירם,
מגידם) the cook of a human master. Y. Keth. I, 25c קול מגרוס בעיר when it was announced
that a cook (or baker) was in town (Snh. 32b קול רחים).—Pl. מְגִירוֹסִין, מְגִירְסִין.
Lev. R. s. 7; Yalk. Num. 777 מגרסין; Pesik. R. s. 16 מגריפים (corr. acc.); Pesik.
Eth Korb., p. 61a.—[Lam. R. to II, 22 מגרוסי Ar., v. מָגֵיר.]

μαγικός (magicos) - מָגִי

1171, Klein 13763
magical. FW [Back formation from Gk. magicos (= Magian, magical), from magos (=
Magus, magical). See מָגוֹשׁ.]

μαγίς (magis) - מָגֵם

1172, Klein 13835
1) dish. PBH 2) tureen. NH [The orig. meaning was ‘kneaded mass’, whence ‘kneading
trough’, whence ‘basin’, ‘dish’. It prob. derives from Gk. magis (= kneaded mass,
kneading trough), which is related to maktra (= kneading trough), mageus (= one
who kneads, baker), from IE base *maḡ- (= to knead). See מַסָּה (= mass).]

μάγμα (magma) - מַגְמָה

1173, Klein 13806
magma. FW [Gk. magma (= a thick unguent), from masso (= I squeeze, press into a
mold, knead). See מַסָּה (= mass).]

μαγνησία (magnesia) - מַגְנִיּוֹן

1174, Klein 13831
magnesium (chemistry). FW [From Gk. magnesia (= magnesia). See מַגְנֶסְיָה.]

μαγνῆτις (magnetis) - מַגְנֶט

1175, Klein 13825
magnet. FW [Gk. magnetis lithos (= stone from Magnesia, lodestone), from magnesia
(= Magnesia — a town in Lydia, Asia Minor).]

μᾶζα (maza) - מַצָּה

1176, Klein 16830
(in the phrase עוֹר־הַמַּצָּה ‘untanned hide’. PBH [Of uncertain origin; perhaps
a loan word from Gk. maza (= lump, mass, ball). See מַסָּה IV.]

μᾱζονόμος (mazonomos) - מַזְנוֹן

1177, Klein 14552
(less correctly spelled מִזְנוֹן) cupboard, sideboard, buffet. [Of uncertain origin.
Most scholars — on the basis of Rav Hay Gaon’s derivation — connect it with זַן
(= kind). Others suggest to see in it a loan word from Gk. mazonoios (= a wooden
trencher for serving barley). Gk. mazonomos is compounded of maza (= barley meal)
and nomos, from the stem nemaen (= to deal out, attribute). See מַסָּה (= mass).

μαθηματική (mathematike) - מָתֶמָטִיקָה

1178, Klein 18131
mathematics. FW [Ultimately from Gk. mathematike, f. of mathemáticos (= scientific,
mathematical), from mathema (= that which is learned, learning, science), from
the aorist mathein (= to learn), from mṇdh-, reduced form of IE base men-dh- (=
to have one’s mind aroused, apply oneself to). See ‘mathematical’ in my CEDEL and
cp. מָתֶמָטִי, מָתֶמָטִיקַאי. cp. also מוּזָה and the second element in הוּרְמִיז.

μαϊουμᾶς - מָיוּמָס

1179, Jastrow 16080
(not … ם) m. (μαϊουμᾶς, S., majuma) May-day; largess (to soldiers); a kind of mock
sea-fight (in Rome). Tanḥ., ed. Bub., Sh’mini 8; Num. R. s. 10 כל שבט … היה לו
מ' וכ' each tribe had its own May-day. Midr. Till. to Ps. XVIII, 13 [read as in
ed. Bub.:] וכשהוא הולך למ' שלו but when he (the King) goes out to celebrate his
majuma; Yalk. Sam. 160 (Pesik. R. s. 21 לפיוס; Ex. R. s. 29 אֲמִירָה II; Sifré
Num. 102 לשלום).—[Pl. מָיוּמְסָאוֹת. Lev. R. s. 5 Ms. M. (ed. דימסיאות).]

Μακεδών - מוּקְדּוֹן מַקְדּוֹן

1180, Jastrow 15560
(Μακεδών) Macedonian. Targ. I Chr. I, 7 (h. text יון, v. מוּקְדּוֹנְיָא).—Esp.
אלכסנדרוס מ' Alexander the Macedonian (Alex. the Great), v. אֲלֶכְסַנְדְּרוֹס.
[Mekh. Yithro, Baḥod. s. 9 מ', read with ed. Weiss רביעית or אדום = Rome.]—Pl.
מוּקְדּוֹנִין, מַקְ'. Targ. Esth. VIII, 15 מ' דדהבא Macedonian gilt shoes.

Μακεδωνία - מוּקְדּוֹנְיָא מַקְ'

1181, Jastrow 15562
(Μακεδωνία) Macedonia, esp. the Greek empire founded by Alexander the Great and
his successors. Targ. Y. Gen. X, 2; Targ. I Chr. I, 5 (h. text יון); Gen. R. s.
37, beg.; Yoma 10a [read:] מדי כמשמעו יון זו מ'; v. אוֹבִיסוֹס.

μάκελλον - מְקוּלִין

1182, Jastrow 17368
(macellum, μάκελλον) 1)slaughter-house. . Gen. R. s. 86, beg.; Midr. Till. to Ps.
CV, 16.—2)meat-market, provision-market. Ḥull. 95a מ' וטבחי ישראל if there are
meat-stands (kept by gentiles) in a place where the butchers are Jews. Ib. 92b
top אין שוקלין בשר המת במ' they (the gentiles) do not retail carrion in the markets;
a. fr.—[Sifré Num. 131 בנו להם מקולים they erected markets for them (Var. קְלָעִים),
v. קֶלַע III.]—Y. Ḥag. I, 76b top אפי' ממְקִילֹון even if you have to buy your
meat in the market (having no sacrifice of your own).

μάκελλον (makellon) - מָקוֹלִין

1183, Klein 17041
1) slaughterhouse. 2) meat market. PBH [Gk. makellon (= enclosure; market), whence
L. macellum (= meat market) which is a loan word from Heb. מִכֽלָה I (= pen, fold).

μακρο (makro) - מַקְרוֹ□

1184, Klein 17204
macro- (combining form). [Gk. makro, from makros (= long, large), which is cogn,
with L. macer (= lean, thin), Old Eng. maeger (= lean, thin), from IE mekros, derivative
of base māk-, mek- (= long, thin). See ‘meager’ in my CEDEL.]

μακρο-ἔλαφρος - מַקְרוֹאֶלַפְרוֹס

1185, Jastrow 17431
(μακρο-ἔλαφρος, a made-up word) Macro-elaphros (Tall-Lightfoot). Gen. R. s. 65
והיתה שם … מקרוא לפרוס (corr. acc.) and a woman was there who had a son that was
a dwarf, but whom she called M. and said, בני מ' my son is tall and lightfooted
(fit for the body guard); Cant. R. to II, 15 מיקרו ליפארוס (corr. acc.); Yalk.
Jer. 332 מקרולפוס, מקרולפס (corr. acc.).

Μακρός - מַקְרָא

1186, Jastrow 17426
(Μακρός) Macra. Gen. R. s. 46 [read:] מסתברא הדא דמ' this interpretation of M.
is plausible; (Lev. R. s. 25 דנְגָדָא).

μακρός - מַקְרוֹס

1187, Jastrow 17434
(μακρός) tall. Yalk. Gen. 114 אם בעיניך מ' בעינינו וכ' though in thy sight he is
tall, in ours he is a dwarf; (Gen. R. s. 65, a. e. מקרוא לפרוס &c., v. מַקְרוֹאֶלַפְרוֹס)

μάλαγμα - מָלוּגְמָא מָלוּגְמָה

1188, Jastrow 16473
c. (μάλαγμα) any emollient, plaster, poultice. Sifra B’har ch. I (ref. to Lev.
XXV, 6) ולא לעשות ממנה מ' but not to use (the fruits of the Sabbatical year) for
a poultice; Succ. 40b; B. Kam. 102a. Tosef. Dem. I, 25 קמח לעשות מ' flour to make
poultices; a. fr.—Trnsf. a soothing remedy. Sabb. 119b חמין … מ' hot water after
the exit of the Sabbath is soothing. Deut. R. s. 8 מ' למכה the Law is an emollient
for every wound; Midr. Till. to Ps. XIX מ' ללב soothing for the heart; Yalk. Ps.
675; Lev. R. s. 12 מוליגא, מוליגי' (corr. acc.)

μάλαγμα (malagma) - מְלוּגְמָא, מְלוּגְמָה

1189, Klein 15511
resp. NH plaster. PBH [Gk. malagma (= an emollient), from the stem malassein (=
to soften), from malakos (= soft), which stand for meleqos, and is related to blax,
gen. blakos (= lazy, inactive, sluggish), from IE base melāq- (= to soften). See
‘meal’ (edible grain) in my CEDEL and cp. words there referred to cp. also מַלְט.

μαλακία - *, *מַלַכְיָא

1190, Jastrow 16558
(μαλακία, malacia) want of appetite, nausea. Deut. R. s. 6 שעלת מ' באחותו (not
לראותה) whose sister was suffering from malacia.

μαλάχη (malache) - מַלּֽוּחַ

1191, Klein 15523
mallow (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Job 30:4). [From מֶלַח (= salt).
Gk. malache (= mallow) is a Heb. loan word. cp. מָלָכִיט. cp. also ‘mallow’ in
my CEDEL.]

μάμμη - נָאנָאי

1192, Jastrow 18112
(a corrupt. from mamma, μάμμη; cmp. Syr. ננא, P. Sm. 2387) mammy, aunty, old maid,
slave. Sot. 42b (ref. to איש הבנים, I Sam. XVII, 4 a. 23, with play on מערות ib.,
as if מאה עֶרְוֹת) בר מאה פפי וחדא נ' (Rashi פאפי … וחד נ'; Yalk. Sam. 125 וחד
נאנאי; Ar. ed. Koh. s. v. בן: … פאפאי וחד נ') Goliath was the son of one hundred
papae (fathers) and one old maid; [Rashi: וחד נ' and one, the real parent; Tosaf.
a. Ar. וחד נ' and one dog; v. Ruth R. to I, 14, a. Midr. Sam. ch. XX].

μανιάκης - הַמְנִיכָא

1193, Jastrow 8084
(מני, with format. ך, cmp. בָּזִיךְ) [emblem of appointment to office,] necklace.
Dan. V, 7, a. e. (Kethib: המנוכא, המינכא).—Targ. Prov. I, 9 (some ed. המניכה).—Pl.
הַמְנִיכִין. Targ. Esth. II, 9.—V. מְנִיכָא. [Greek transformation μανιάκης, fr.
which מוּנְיָיק.]

μανιάκης - מוּנְיָיק מָנְ'

1194, Jastrow 15515
(μανιάκης, v. הַמְנִיכָא) necklace. Deut. R. s. 4 [read:] הרי מ' והרי כבלים אם
עשית רצוני הרי מ' של זהב ואם לאו וכ' (v. Yalk. Is. 256) here is a necklace and
here are chains; if thou doest my will, here is a golden necklace for thee; if
not &c. Pesik. R. s. 29-30.—Pl. מוּנְיָיקוֹת. Ib. (ref. to ענקים, Prov. I, 9) עשה
הקב"ה … כמ' וכ' (not … קית) the Lord made the letters of the Torah like necklaces
and suspended them &c.

μαντήλιον - מַנְטוּלִין

1195, Jastrow 16741
(correct מַנְטִי', mantela, μαντήλιον, of Semitic origin, v. מַטּוּל II) napkin,
handkerchief. Y. Ber. III, 6d bot. דרקק אמ' וכ' quot. in Asheri to Ber. 24b (ed.
איצטלין, Rashba אם טיילין, Var. אם עצטלין, corr. acc., and read: מותר for אסור)
who spits into his handkerchief.—Pl. same. Gen. R. s. 5; s. 28 ובמנוולין, ובמנולין
(corr. acc.), v. מַטּוּל II.

μάραγνα - מַרְגְּנִין

1196, Jastrow 17501
(μάραγνα) whips, scourges. Targ. I Kings XII, 11; 14; Targ. II Chr. X, 11; 14.

μαργαρίτης - מַרְגְּלִיטִיס

1197, Jastrow 17497
(not … טוס) m. (μαργαρίτης) margarites chersaios, name of a precious stone. Ex.
R. s. 38, end (corresp. to ישפה, Ex. XXVIII, 20).

μαργαρίτης (margarites) - מַרְגָּלִית

1198, Klein 17307
1) pearl. 2) gem, jewel. PBH [From Gk. margarites (= pearl), which is of uncertain
origin. It possibly derives from Old I. mañjaram, mañjariī (= bud, pearl). cp.
מַרְגָּנִית. cp. also מַרְגָּרִינָה.]

Μαρεώτης - מַרְיוֹטָאֵי

1199, Jastrow 17640
(Μαρεώτης) the people of Mareotis, a district of Lower Egypt with the town of Marea.
Targ. Y. Gen. X, 13 (some ed. מַרְטִיֹּוטָ'); Targ. I Chr. I, 11 ed. Rahmer (ed.
Lag. מראטאי, read יו for א; h. text ענמים).

Μαρῖνος - מָרִינוֹס

1200, Jastrow 17650
(Μαρῖνος) Marinus, name of several persons. Tosef. Toh. VII, 7.—B. Bath. 56a.—Lam.
R. to II, 22. Y. Gitt. IV, 46a

Μαρίων - מָרְיוֹן

1201, Jastrow 17642
(Μαρίων) Marion, name of several persons. Y. Succ. II, 53a יצחק בר מ' (cmp. מָרִי);
Pesik. R. s. 15 מור'; Yalk. Hos. 518; a. e.—M. Kat. 11b מ' בריה דרבין.—B. Bath.
12b כי נכסי דבי בר מ' (Ms. M. מור'; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 10) as (improved
as) the estate of the house of Bar M.—B. Mets. 84b בני בר מ' Ms. M. (ed. בני בירי).—Yalk.
Ruth 601, v. מֵרֹום.

μάρμαρος - מַרְמִירָא מַרְמֵי'

1202, Jastrow 17693
(marmor, μάρμαρος) marble, in gen. polished stone. Targ. Y. Deut. IX, 9, sq.; a.
e.—Pl. מַרְמִירִין, מַרְמִירַיָּא. Ib. V, 19. Targ. Esth. I, 6. Targ. I Chr. XXIX,
2. Targ. Lam. III, 9.—V. מַרְמָרָא.

μαρτυρολόγια (martyrologia) - מַרְטִירוֹלוֹגְיָה

1203, Klein 17397
martyrology. FW [Gk. martyrologia, compounded of Gk. martyros (= witness; martyr),
and logos (= word, speech, discourse, account). See ‘martyr’ in my CEDEL, and see

μάρτυρος (martyros) - מַרְטִירוֹלוֹגְיָה

1204, Klein 17397
martyrology. FW [Gk. martyrologia, compounded of Gk. martyros (= witness; martyr),
and logos (= word, speech, discourse, account). See ‘martyr’ in my CEDEL, and see

μαστίχη - מַסְטִיכִי

1205, Jastrow 16879
(μαστίχη) gum mastic. Gen. R. s. 91 end; Yalk. Gen. 149 (expl. לֹט, Gen. XLIII,
11; ed. מצטוכא, מוצטבה, מוצטכ' corr. acc.). Tosef. Sabb. XII (XIII), 8, v. לָעַס

μαυρός - מַוְורוֹן

1206, Jastrow 15416
(μαυρός) black. Gen. R. s. 7 Ar. (ed. מיירן), v. אַסְפְּרוֹן.

μάχαιρα - מְכֵירִין

1207, Jastrow 16359
(μάχαιρα) knives, daggers. Tanḥ. Vayḥi 9 (play on מְכֵרוֹת, Gen. XLIX, 5) לשון
יוני הוא שקורין לחרבות מ' it is Greek, in which swords are called machaerin. Gen.
R. s. 99 לשון יוני הוא מ'; Pirké d’R. El. ch. XXXVIII שהיונים קוראים לחרב מכיר
(read: מְכֵירָא). Gen. R. s. 88 קונדא מ' נתנו וכ' (combine into one word: κονδομάχειρα,
v. S. compounds of κοντο) they put short daggers in to their shoes. Lev. R. s.
33, beg. מוכירין (corr. acc.), v. מיצטרא.

Μέδουσα (Medousa) - מֶדוּזָה

1208, Klein 13934
1) ‘Medusa’ (Gk. mythology). 2) medusa (a jellyfish). FW [Gk. Medousa (lit. ‘guardian’),
properly f. pres. part. of the ancient verb medein (= to protect, rule over), from
IE * mēd- (= to measure, limit, consider). See ‘meditate’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘Medusa’
ibid. cp. מֶדִיצִינָה. cp. Also מוֹדוּס and words there referred to.]

μέθοδος (methodos) - מֶתּוֹדָה

1209, Klein 18042
method. FW [Gk. methodos (= pursuit, scientific inquiry, method of inquiry, method),
lit.: ‘a going after’, from meta (= after; see מֶטָ□), and thodos (= way), which
derives from IE base sed- (= to go). See ‘odograph’ in my CEDEL. cp. the second
element in אֶלֶקְטְרוֹד, אָנוֹד, קָתוֹד, סִינוֹד, פֶּרְיוֹדָה, פּֽרֶצֶדֶנְט.]

μέθοδος (methodos) - מֶתּוֹדִיקָה

1210, Klein 18047
methodics. FW [Formed from Gk. methodos (= method; see מֶתּוֹדָה) and suff. - ike
(f. of ikos), shortened from - ike techne (= the art of). The corresponding Eng.
form of this suff. is - ic (see ‘-ic’ and ‘ics’ in my CEDEL).]

μελαγχολία (melancholia) - מֶלַנְכּוֹלְיָה

1211, Klein 15648
melancholy. FW [Gk. melancholia (= atrabiliousness), lit. ‘black bile’, from melas,
gen. melanos (= black), and chole (= bile). The first element derives from IE base
mel (= dark, soiled, dirty). For the second element see כּוֹלֶרָה.]

μέλαθρον - אֲמַלְתְּרָא, מַלְתְּרָא

1212, Jastrow 2036
(μέλαθρον) main-beam of the ceiling, ceiling; beam projecting outside the house,
cornice. Erub. 3a (differ. opinions as to the meaning of our w.).—Pl. אֲמַלְתְּרָאֹות,
מַלְתְּרָאֹות. Erub. l. c. א'. Midd. III, 7 מ'.

μέλαθρον (melathron) - אֲמַלְתְּרָה

1213, Klein 1429
rafter, crossbeam. PBH [From Gk. melathron, which is of uncertain origin. For the
pref. see prosthetic א□.]

μέλαινα - מִילָנִי

1214, Jastrow 16166
(μελανός, ή S. = μέλας, μέλαινα) dark-colored. Y. Ab. Zar. I, 39c top, v. אִימִירָא.—[Ar.
s. v. מל 13 quotes: שחורה … כמילני, כמילניא, כמילניה, read: כמִילָנִין, v. preced.

μέλαν - מִילָן

1215, Jastrow 16165
(μέλαν, τὸ) black pigment, ink. —Pl. מִילָנִין. Gen. R. s. 1 טלו מ' וקלמין ו̇כ'
carry this ‘pen and ink’ for my son; Yalk. Num. 766 מילמרין וקלמרין corr. acc.);
Y’lamd. to Num. XXIII, 9 quot. in Ar. מלן וקלמין.

μελανός - מִילָנִי

1216, Jastrow 16166
(μελανός, ή S. = μέλας, μέλαινα) dark-colored. Y. Ab. Zar. I, 39c top, v. אִימִירָא.—[Ar.
s. v. מל 13 quotes: שחורה … כמילני, כמילניא, כמילניה, read: כמִילָנִין, v. preced.

μέλας - מִילָנִי

1217, Jastrow 16166
(μελανός, ή S. = μέλας, μέλαινα) dark-colored. Y. Ab. Zar. I, 39c top, v. אִימִירָא.—[Ar.
s. v. מל 13 quotes: שחורה … כמילני, כמילניא, כמילניה, read: כמִילָנִין, v. preced.

μελία (melia) - מֵילָה

1218, Klein 15132
Fraxinella (the common ash tree). PBH [Gk. melia (= the ash tree), which is of uncertain

μελίγαλα - מְלִיגָאלָה

1219, Jastrow 16526
(μελίγαλα, S.) honey- and milk-cake. Y. Ḥall. I, 57d, v. דּוּבְשָׁן.

μελίμηλα - מִילִימִילָא

1220, Jastrow 16158
(μελίμηλα, melimela) honey-apples, must-apples. Y. Maasr. I, 49a top תפוחי מ' melimela
apples; Tosef. ib. I, 1 מי נמלה (corr. acc.).

μελισσόφυλλον - מסרולה

1221, Jastrow 16997
, Y. Ned. VII, beg. 40b מ' ופלולויה, a corrupt. for מְלִיסּוֹפִילּוֹן m. (μελισσόφυλλον,
cmp. Syr. מהליססופוללון, מיליסופולון, P. Sm. 2025; 209 1)Melissophyllon, melissa
or baum, an herb (v. Sm. Ant. s. v.); v. הֵמְטַלְיָא.

μελίτωμα - מִילוֹטוֹמְיָא מְלוֹט'

1222, Jastrow 16149
(μελιτώμια, a denom. of μελίτωμα, not otherwise recorded) sweet-cakes, confection.
Gen. R. s. 48. Y. Sabb. VI, 8c bot. מזבן מן אילין מלטומה (corr. acc., a. strike
out מן) dealing in confection. Yalk. Num. 777 מיני מלטמיה; Pesik. R. s. 16 מלטוכים
(corr. acc.; Pesik. Eth. Korb., p. 58a ציקי קדרה).

μελιτώμια - מִילוֹטוֹמְיָא מְלוֹט'

1223, Jastrow 16149
(μελιτώμια, a denom. of μελίτωμα, not otherwise recorded) sweet-cakes, confection.
Gen. R. s. 48. Y. Sabb. VI, 8c bot. מזבן מן אילין מלטומה (corr. acc., a. strike
out מן) dealing in confection. Yalk. Num. 777 מיני מלטמיה; Pesik. R. s. 16 מלטוכים
(corr. acc.; Pesik. Eth. Korb., p. 58a ציקי קדרה).

μελῳδία (melodia) - מֶלוֹדְיָה

1224, Klein 15513
melody. FW [Gk. melodia (= chant, choral song), compounded of melos (= limb, joint;
part of musical phrase; song, tune), and ode (= song). See אוֹדָה and cp. second
element in מוֹנוֹדְיָה.]

Μέμφις - מִנְפִּיס

1225, Jastrow 16784
(Μένφ, Μέμφις) Memphis, in Egypt. Pesik. R. s. 17 נוף מנפוח; Pesik. Vayhi, p. 63b
מרפיס (corr. acc.) the Biblical Nof is Memphis; v. מָפֵיס.

μένθα - מִינְתָּא מִינְתָּה

1226, Jastrow 16211
(mentha, μένθα) mint. Ukts. I, 2 (Mish. ed. המיתנא, corr. acc.; Var. in R. S. a.
l. אַמִּיתָא q. v.). Y. Dem. II, 22c bot.

Μένφ - מִנְפִּיס

1227, Jastrow 16784
(Μένφ, Μέμφις) Memphis, in Egypt. Pesik. R. s. 17 נוף מנפוח; Pesik. Vayhi, p. 63b
מרפיס (corr. acc.) the Biblical Nof is Memphis; v. מָפֵיס.

μεσθόρια - מִיתוֹרְיִין מִיתוֹרִין

1228, Jastrow 16305
(μεσθόρια) borders, frontiers. Gen. R. s. 50, beg. Ar. (v. אוֹרְיָין I); Lev. R.
s. 27 מתורין (corr. acc.).

μέσος - מִיסוֹן

1229, Jastrow 16218
(μέσος -ον,) middle. Lam. R. to I, 1 רבתי (חד מאת' 7) במ' דאורחא in the middle
of the road. Ib. במ' דחנותא (חד מירוש') Ar. (ed. במצעי) in the middle of the shop

μεσόστυλον - מְסוֹסְטוּלָא

1230, Jastrow 16852
(μεσόστυλον, -α) intercolumniation, space between two columns. Y. Ned. III, 37d
bot. אנא חמית … אוּרֵיה על תומני מ' (not עומני) I saw the tanned slough of a serpent
stretched over eight intercolumniations; Y. Shebu. III, 34d עיביד על תמניא מסוסטל',
v. אוּרָא II.

μέσπιλα - מסבסלה מסוסלא

1231, Jastrow 16820
, a corrupt. for מִסְפִּילָא m. pl. (μέσπιλα) medlars. Y. Sabb. VII, 10a bot. [read:]
ההן דשטח … מ' ומלקטן he who spreads (for drying) dates, grapes or medlars and gathers
them (on the Sabbath).

μετά (meta) - מֶטָ□

1232, Klein 14903
meta- (combining form in words of Greek origin, meaning ‘after, behind’). FW [Gk.
meta (= in the midst of, among, between, with, after). See ‘media’ (voiced stop
consonant), ‘meso-’ and ‘mid’ in my CEDEL.]

μεταβολή (metabole) - מֶטָבּוֹלִיזְם

1233, Klein 14913
metabolism. FW [From Gk. metabole (= change), from metaballein (= to turn quickly,
turn about, change), from meta- (see מֶטָ□) and ballein (= to throw). See בַּלִּיסְטִיקָה.
For the ending of מֶטַבּוֹלִיזְם see suff. □ִיזְם.]

μέταλλον (metallon) - מְצוֹלָה, מְצוּלָה

1234, Klein 16850
depth, deep, abyss. [Formed from צול, a secondary form of base צלל I (= to sink,
dive), with pref. מְ□ and first suff. □ָה. Gk. metallon (= mine, quarry), is perhaps
a loan word from מֽצוֹלָה, מְצוּלָה (see מֶדַלְיָה). cp. מֽצוּל.]

μεταμόρφωσις (metamorphosis) - מֶטָמוֹרְפוֹזָה

1235, Klein 14998
metamorphosis. FW [Gk. metamorphosis (= transformation), which is formed from meta
(see מֶטָ□) and morphe (= form, shape). See מוֹרְפֵימָה.]

μέταξα - מְטַכְסָא (מִיטַ' מְטַקְ' … סָה)

1236, Jastrow 15973
(μέταξα) silk. Y. Kil. IX, 32a top השיריין מ' shirayin (Mish. ib. IX, 2) is silk.
Sabb. 20b, v. כַּלָּךְ. Y. B. Mets. IV, 9c bot. יהב דינרין למ' gave an earnest
money on silk. Lev. R. s. 34 information was brought against them כד … בהדין מ'
that they dealt in silks (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Sericum). B. Kam. 117b ההיא דאחוי אמ'
וכ' one informed (the royal officers) of the silk goods of R. A.; a. fr.—Pl. מְטַכְסִין,
מִיטַ', מְטַכְסֵי, מְטַק'. Targ. Esth. I, 6 (h. text בּוּץ).—Gen. R. s. 40 דמ'
אנא יהיב I am willing to pay the duty on silk goods. Y. B. Kam. VI, end, 5c מ'
הוה מלא it (the bag) contained silk goods. Gen. R. s. 77, v. מחיילא; Cant. R. to
III, 6; a. fr.

μεταφορά (metaphora) - מֶטָפוֹרָה

1237, Klein 15028
metaphor. FW [Gk. metaphora (= transference, metaphor), lit. ‘a carrying over’,
from the stem of metapherein (= to carry over), from meta (see מֶטָ□) and pherein
(= to bear, carry). See אַנְפוֹרָה.]

μετεμψύχωσις (metempsychosis) - מֶטֶמְפְּסִיכוֹזָה

1238, Klein 15007
metempsychosis. Gk. metempsychosis (= passing from one body into another). Formed
from meta- (see מֶטָ□), en (= in), and psyche (= soul). See פְּסִיכוֹ□.] FW

μετέωρ (meteor) - מֶטֶאוֹר

1239, Klein 14904
meteor. FW [Gk. meteor, properly neuter of the adj. meteoros (= anything raised
from the ground, high, lofty), from meta (see מֶטָ□) and eora, aiora (= swing,
oscillation, hovering in the air), which is related to aeirein, airein (= to lift,
raise up, bear), aorte (= the great artery). cp. אָאוֹרְטָה, אַרְטֶרְיָה.]

μετεωρολογία (meteorologia) - מֶטֶאוֹרוֹלוֹגְיָה

1240, Klein 14907
meteorology. FW [Gk. meteorologia (= meteorology), compounded of meteoron (see מֶטֶאוֹר)
and - logia, from logos (= one who speaks in a certain manner, one who deals with
a certain topic). See □לוֹגְיָה.]

μετρικός (metrikos) - מֶטְרִיקָה

1241, Klein 15066
metrics. [From Gk. metrikos (= pertaining to rhythm), from metron (= measure, meter).
See מֶטֶר.]

μηλοπέπων - מִילְפִּפּוֹן מִלְ'

1242, Jastrow 16168
(μηλοπέπων) an apple-shaped melon, cucumber-melon, prob. the fruit squash (v. Sm.
Ant. s. v.). Kil. I, 2 הקשות והמ' וכ' (Ms. M. הקישות והמלפפין) cucumbers and melopepons
are not forbidden as mingled seeds (כִּלְאַיִם); Ter. II, 6. Y. Kil. I, 27a bot.
לפום כן … בלישנא יוני מ' … (not יונא) therefore (because it is a hybrid product
of apple [μῆλον] and pepon [σίκυα πέπων] they call it in Greek melopepon. Tosef.
Shebi. V, 3 (missing in ed. Zuck.) עיקר המלפפין (Var. הבלבסין) the real fruit melopepon
(contrad. to leaves). Tosef. Ukts. II, 10 מלפין (Var. טלפין; corr. acc.). Ib. 14
מלפפין. Tosef. Toh. V, 4 מלפפן.—Pl. מִילְפִּפּוֹנוֹת, מִילְפִּפּוֹנִין, מִלְ'.
Tosef. Kil. I, 1. Ter. VIII, 6; a. e.—Yalk. Koh. 968 אפי' … מלפפונין וכ' even melopepons
in Nisan were not absent from Solomon’s table; Tanḥ. Yithro 7 מלספנון; ed. Bub.
5 בילפפונין (corr. acc.).

μηλοπέπων (melopepon) - מְלָפְפוֹן

1243, Klein 15657
1) melon. PBH 2) cucumber. NH [Gk. melopepon (= melon), compounded of melon (= apple),
and pepon (= cooked by the sun, ripe, soft, sweet). The first element is related
to malon (= apple), whence L. mālus (= apple tree), mālun (= apple); prob. of Mediterranean
origin. The second element is related to pessein, peptein (= to soften, ripen,
boil, cook), and cogn. with L. coquere (= to cook). See ‘cook’ in my CEDEL.]

μηλωτή (melole) - מֵילָת

1244, Klein 15148
fine wool. PBH [Gk. melole [sic] (= sheep’s skin, wool), from melos (= sheep).]
| **Editor's Note: Perhaps meant to be 'melote' or 'μηλωτή'. See LXX 3Kingdoms
19:13 (corresponding to Kings I 19:13) where 'μηλωτή' appears.

μητάτωρ (metaron) - מְטַטְרוֹן, מֵיטַטְרוֹן

1245, Klein 14964
‘metatron’ — name of the highest angel in Aggadic and Kabbalistic literature. PBH
[Prob. from late Gk. metaron [sic], from L. mētātor (= maker of boundaries), from
mētātus, p. part. of mētārī (= to measure off, mark off), from mēta (= mark, boundary).
cp. ‘mete’ (boundary) in my CEDEL.] | **Editor's Note: Likely a typo given the
latin 'mētātor' and that Klein in his CEDEL writes 'metator' or 'μητάτωρ' as the
Late Gk. word from which מְטַטְרוֹן comes.

μήτρα - מִיטְרִין

1246, Jastrow 16111
(μήτρα, μήτρη, accus.) womb, uterus. Pesik. Zakh., p. 23a חתך מ' שלה he severed
her womb (in birth); Tanḥ. Ki Thetsé 4 ed. Bub. (ed. מיתרין, corr. acc.); Yalk.
Ps. 868 הפך נמיטרין (corr. acc.). Gen. R. s. 47, a. e. עיקר מ' ovary (Yeb. 64b
בית ולד), v. גָּלַף; Pesik. R. s. 42 מטרין; a. fr.

μήτρη - מִיטְרִין

1247, Jastrow 16111
(μήτρα, μήτρη, accus.) womb, uterus. Pesik. Zakh., p. 23a חתך מ' שלה he severed
her womb (in birth); Tanḥ. Ki Thetsé 4 ed. Bub. (ed. מיתרין, corr. acc.); Yalk.
Ps. 868 הפך נמיטרין (corr. acc.). Gen. R. s. 47, a. e. עיקר מ' ovary (Yeb. 64b
בית ולד), v. גָּלַף; Pesik. R. s. 42 מטרין; a. fr.

μητρόπολις - מִטְרוֹפּוֹלִין

1248, Jastrow 16034
(μητρόπολις) metropolis, capital; city. Meg. 6a זו קסרי … שהיתה מ' של מלכים that
is Caesarea … for she became the residence of (the Roman) governors; Lam. R. to
I, 5 [read:] נעשית קסרין מ' (strike out ותנופילין) Caesarea became &c. Gen. R.
s. 92 מטרפ' היתה וכ' it was a metropolis and you say, ‘they returned to the town’!;
a. fr.—[Gen. R. s. 42, v. אֱלֶיוְתְּרוֹפּוֹלִיס.]

μητρόπολις (metropolis) - מֶטְרוֹפּוֹלִין

1249, Klein 15056
metropolis. PBH [Gk. metropolis (= a mother city, i.e. a city from which other cities
have been colonized), compounded of Gk. meter, gen. metros (= mother), and polis
(= city). See מַטְרוֹנָה and פּוֹלִיטִיקָה and cp. מֶטְרוֹפּוֹלִיט.]

μητροπολίτης (metropolites) - מֶטְרוֹפּוֹלִיט

1250, Klein 15055
metropolitan. FW [Orig. ‘bishop of a metropolis’. From Gk. metropolites (= metropolitan
bishop), from metropolis. See מֶטְרוֹפּוֹלִין.]

μηχανή - מוּכְנִי

1251, Jastrow 15452
(μηχανή) machine for lifting weights, wheel-work. Yoma III, 10 עשה מ' לכיור made
a machine for sinking the wash-basin (v. כִּיּוֹר) into the well; Tam. III, 8.
Kel. XVIII, 2 (ed. Dehr. מִכְנִי). Tosef. Par. III(II), 9 מִיכְנִי. Ḥull. 15b השוחט
במ' if one slaughters by means of a machine; a. e.

μηχανή (mechane) - מוּכְנִי

1252, Klein 14244
machine. PBH [The version of the ‘Arukh’, מיכני, shows that the word is borrowed
from Gk. mechane (= engine, machine). See מֵכָנִי. Some scholars take מוּכְנִי
to be masculine, but in the ‘Mishnah’ מוּכְנִי is construed as feminine.]

μηχανή (mechane) - מֶכָנִי

1253, Klein 15367
mechanical. FW [From Gk. mechane (= machine, contrivance, artificial means, expedient),
from mechos (= contrivance, means, expedient, remedy), from IE base māgh, megh
(= to be able). See ‘may’ (auxil. v.) in my CEDEL and cp. machine, ibid. For the
ending of מֵכָנִי see suff. □ִי.]

μηχανικά (mechanika) - מֶכָנִיקָה

1254, Klein 15372
mechanics. FW [From Gk. mechanika (= mechanical things), neuter pl. of mechanikos
(= resourceful, inventive; mechanical), from mechane. See מֶכָנִי.]

μικρο- (mikro) - מִיקְרוֹ□

1255, Klein 15225
micro- FW [Gk. mikro, from mikros (= small), which is cogn. with L. mīca (= crumb).
See מִיקָה and cp. מִיקְרוֹן.]

μιλιάριον - מוּלְיָאר מוּלְיָיר

1256, Jastrow 15474
(miliarium, μιλιάριον) a large vessel to boil water in, caldron. Sabb. III, 4 מ'
הגרוף a miliarium from under which the coals have been removed; Y. ib. III, 6a

μιλιάριον (miliarion) - מוּלְיָאר

1257, Klein 14260
kettle, cauldron. PBH [Gk. miliarion (= a copper vessel for boiling water in), which
is of uncertain origin.]

μιμικός (mimikos) - מִימִיקָה

1258, Klein 15161
mimic. FW [From Gk. mimikos (= pertaining to mimes, mimic), from mimos (= imitator,
actor, mime). See מוּמוֹס.]

μῖμος - מוּמוֹס

1259, Jastrow 15493
(μῖμος) mimic actor, mime. Lam. R. to III, 13 מכניסים את המ' וכ' (Ar. מיאמוס, read
מִימוֹס) they bring a mime on the stage, his head shaved &c.; ib. introd. (R. Abbahu
6) המתים (corr. acc.).—Pl. מוּמְסִין. Gen. R. s. 80, beg.—Cant. R. to VII, 9 תפתיא
מימרס (read: מִימוֹסִין) tiftayé (Dan. III, 2) means the actors.

μίμος (mimos) - מוּמוֹס

1260, Klein 14268
mimic actor, mime, clown. PBH [From Gk. mimos (= imitator, mimic actor, mime), which
is of uncertain origin. cp. מִימוֹסָה, מִימִיקָה, the first element in מִימֵאוֹגְרָף
and the second element in פַּנְטוֹמִימָה.]

μίνθη (minthe) - מִנְתָּה

1261, Klein 16007
mint (the plant). PBH [From Gk. minthe, which is prob. a loan word from a South-European
language. cp. ‘Mentha’ and ‘mint’ (an aromatic plant) in my CEDEL. cp. also מֶנְתּוֹל.

μισάνθρωπος (misanthropos) - מִיזַנְתְּרוֹפּ

1262, Klein 15105
misanthrope. FW [Gk. misanthropos (= hating mankind), compounded of the stem of
misein (= to hate), and anthropos (= man). The first element is of unknown origin.
For the second element see אַנְתְּרוֹפּוֹלוֹגְיָה.]

μίσθωσις - מִיסְתּוֹסִיס

1263, Jastrow 16232
(μίσθωσις) lease, rent. Y. Pes. VI, 31b bot. מיסתיו' (corr. acc.); v. אוֹנִי I

μνᾶ - מָנֶה

1264, Jastrow 16700
from which μνᾶ, mina; מָנָה) [one hundred,] Maneh, a weight in gold or silver, equal
to one hundred common or fifty sacred shekels (v. Zuckerm. Talm. Münz. p. 7, sq.).
Bekh. 5a מ' של קודש כפול היה the sacred Maneh was double the weight of the common.
Ib. VIII, 7 במ' צורי taking the Tyrian M. as a standard. Ib. 49b מ' צורי … מ' של
צורי ‘the Tyrian M.’ … means the standard of the Tyrian system (one Sela = 4 Zuz,
Rashi). Keth. I, 2 בתולה … מאתים ואלמנה מ' the widowhood of a maiden is two hundred
(Zuz), and that of a widow (remarried) is one hundred (Zuz, a common Shekel). B.
Kam. 90b מ' צורי תנן או מ' מדינה תנן does the Mishnah (VIII, 6) mean a Tyrian or
a country Maneh (twelve and a half Zuz)? Shebu. VI, 1 מ' לי בידך thou owest me
one hundred denars. Snh. VIII, 2 מ' בשר meat of the weight of a Maneh. Shebi. I,
2 ששים מ' באיטלקי the weight of sixty M. in the Italian system. Ker. 6a; a. fr.—Erub.
85a bot. פנו מקום לבן מאה מ' make room for one worth one hundred M. (in gold).—Trnsf.
מ' בן פרס a Maneh son of a P’ras (half a Maneh), i.e. a distinguished son of a
less distinguished father. Taan. 21b.—Pl. מָנִים, מָנִין. Y. Shek. VI, 49c bot.
אלף … מ' the weight of fifteen hundred M. Ker. l. c.; a. e.—Chald. form: מָנֵי.
Targ. Ez. XLV, 12 (Kimḥi מָנָא).—Pl. מָנִין, מָנַיָּא, מָנָן, מָנָאֵי, מָנוֹי.
Ib. Targ. Is. VII, 23. Targ. I Kings X, 17; a. e.—Esth. R. to VI, 10; Lev. R. s.
28.—Sabb. 133b שב מ' תרבא (not מינאי, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 90) fat weighing
seven M. (Rashi: seven portions of fat). Y. B. Kam. IX, 6d bot. [read as Tosaf.
to Bab. ib. 100b:) חמש מנוי עמר וח' מ' סממנין וכ' wool worth five M., dyeing material
worth five, and ten M. wages. Y. Meg. IV, 74d bot. מניי (corr. acc.); a. e.

μονάρχης (monarches) - מוֹנַרְךְ

1265, Klein 14315
monarch. FW [Gk. monarches or monarchos (= one who rules alone), which are compounded
of monos (= alone, single) and archos (= leader, chief, ruler). See מוֹנוֹ□ and

μονάς (monas) - מוֹנָדָה

1266, Klein 14280
monad (philosophy). FW [Gk. monas, genitive monados (= a unit), from monos (= alone,
single). See מוֹנוֹ□.]

μονό (mono) - מוֹנוֹ□

1267, Klein 14282
mono- (before a vowel מוֹנ□, ‘mon-’). 1) one alone, single. 2) containing one single
atom (chemistry). FW [Gk. mono-, mon-, from monos (= alone, single). cp. מֹונִיזְם.

Μονόβαζος - מוּנְבָּז

1268, Jastrow 15506
(Μονόβαζος) Munbaz, 1) name of a King of Adiabene, and of one of his sons who embraced
the Jewish faith (v. Jos. Ant. XX, 2, 1 sq.; B. J. II, 19, 2). , 1) name of a
King of Adiabene, and of one of his sons who embraced the Jewish faith (v. Jos.
Ant. XX, 2, 1 sq.; B. J. II, 19, 2). Gen. R. s. 46.—Tosef. Peah IV, 18; Y. ib.
I, 15b bot.; B. Bath. 11a. Yoma III, 10 (Ar. מוּלְבָּז). Men. 32b; a. e.—2) name
of a scholar. Tosef. Sabb. VIII (IX), 5; Sabb. 68b; Yalk. Num. 749.

μονογαμία (monogamia) - מוֹנוֹגַמְיָה

1269, Klein 14283
monogamy. FW [Gk. monogamia, from monogamous (= marrying one wife), which is compounded
of monos (= alone, single) and gamein (= to marry). See מוֹנוֹ□ and בִּיגַמְיָה.

μονογενής - מוֹנְגִּינוֹס

1270, Jastrow 15507
(corr. מוֹנוֹגִינֵיס) m. (μονογενής) only child. Pesik. R. s. 10.

μονομάχος - מוֹנוֹמָכוֹס

1271, Jastrow 15510
(מנומ') m. (μονομάχος) gladiator. Y’lamd. to Gen. XLIX, 1, quot. in Ar. אין מ'
עושה דייתיקי a gladiator makes no will (has nothing to dispose of; Yalk. Gen. 157
עבד; Gen. R., addit., ed. Wil. p. 376, Var. לוּדָר).

μονοπώλιον - מָנְפּוֹל

1272, Jastrow 16783
(μονοπώλιον) a trading mart enjoying a monopoly. Dem. V, 4 בלוקח מן המ' when he
buys (loaves of bread) in a monopolized market (where the numbers of bakers and
of retailers are limited). Y. ib. 24d top איזהו מ' וכ' what sort of a mart? Where
there are nine sellers supplied by eight bakers, so that eight may have bought
from one baker severally, but one baker must necessarily have supplied at least
two sellers.

μονότονος (monotonos) - מוֹנוֹטוֹנִי

1273, Klein 14287
monotonous. FW [Gk. monotonos (= of one tone, monotonous), compounded of monos (=
alone, single), and tonos (= tone). See מוֹנוֹ□ and טוֹן.]

μονόχορδον (monochordon) - מוֹנוֹכוֹרְד

1274, Klein 14289
monochord. FW [Gk. monochordon, properly neuter of the adj. monochordos (= having
but one string), used as a noun; compounded of monos (= alone, single), and chorde
(= intestine, string of gut, string of a musical instrument). See מוֹנוֹ□ and cp.
‘chord’ and ‘cord’ in my CEDEL.]

μονῳδία (monodia) - מוֹנוֹדְיָה

1275, Klein 14286
monody (ancient Greek literature and music). FW [Gk. monodia (= monody; lit. ‘a
song sung alone’), from monodos (= singing alone), which is compounded of monos
(= alone, single), and ode (= song). See מוֹנוֹ□ and אוֹדָה and cp. the second
element in מֶלוֹדְיָה.]

μόσχος - מוּסְכִּין

1276, Jastrow 15521
(μόσχος, muscus) the animal perfume musk. Y. Ber. VI, end, 10d (Ar. מוּסְקִין),
v. מוֹשְׁקְ. Keth. 75a מוּשְׁקִין Ar. (missing in ed.), v. מוּרָא.

Μοῦσα (Mousa) - מוּזָה

1277, Klein 14205
Muse. FW [Gk. Mousa (= Muse), perhaps related to manthanein (= to learn). See מָתֶמָטִיקָה
and cp. מוֹזָאִיקָה, מוּזֵיאוֹן, מוּסִיקָה.]

μουσεῖον (mouseion) - מוּזֵיאוֹן, מוּסֵיאוֹן

1278, Klein 14206
museum. FW [Gk. mouseion (= seat of the Muses; hence ‘school of arts and learning,
museum’), from Mousa (= Muse). See מוּזָה.]

μουσική (mousike) - מוּסִיקָה

1279, Klein 14326
music. FW [Gk. mousike techne (= musical art), orig. ‘any art in which the Muses
presided’, f. of mousikos (= pertaining to the Muses), from Mousa (= Muse). See

μυθολογία (mythologia) - מִיתוֹלוֹגְיָה

1280, Klein 15259
mythology. FW [Gk. mythologia, compounded of mythos (= word, speech, tale, legend),
and - logia, from logos (= one who speaks in a certain manner, one who deals with
a certain topic). See מִיתוֹס and □לוֹגְיָה.]

μῦθος (mythos) - מִיתוֹס

1281, Klein 15260
myth. FW [Gk. mythos (= word, speech, tale, legend), of uncertain origin.]

μυρι-μυριάδες - מִירִי מ' מִירְיָאדִין

1282, Jastrow 16275
(μυρι-μυριάδες) ten thousand times ten thousand. Pesik. Baḥod., p. 107b; Yalk.
Ps. 796 (corr. acc.); v., however, כִּילִי.

μυρσινᾶτον - מִירְסִינָטוֹן

1283, Jastrow 16278
(μυρσινᾶτον, S. = Lat. myrtatum) (wine or oil) flavored with myrtle-leaves. Y.
Shebi. VII, 37b (some ed. מור').

μυστηρικόν - מִסְטְרִיקוֹן

1284, Jastrow 16884
(μυστηρικόν) of a secret nature. Y. Sabb. XII, end, 13d, v. מִסְטֵירִין.

μυστήριον - מִסְטֵירִין מִסְטוּ' מִיסְ'

1285, Jastrow 16881
sing. a. pl. (μυστήριον, -α) secret. Midr. Till. to Ps. IX, 6 מיסטורין זה אני וכ'
ed. Bub. (ed. מסתורין, corr. acc.) this secret I reveal to thee. Gen. R. s. 50;
s. 68 ע"י שגלו מ' וכ' because they revealed the mysteries of the Lord (Gen. XIX,
13); Yalk. ib. 84 מסתורין. Gen. R. s. 71 בעלי מ' secret-keeping, discreet men.
Ib. s. 98; Tanḥ. Vayḥi 8; Pesik. R. s. 21 מסטירים (corr. acc.). Y. Gitt. II, 44b
top כתב מ' a secret letter; (Y. Sabb. XII, end, 13d מילה מסטריקון); a. fr.—Targ.
Y. I Gen. XXVIII, 12 מַסְטִירִין (some ed. מַסְתִּי', corr. acc.). Targ. Y. Num.
XVI, 26 מְסַטְּרִין (some ed. מַסְטְרִין, corr. acc.).—[Gen. R. s. 50; Yalk. ib.
84, v. מַסְטֵי.]

μυστήριον (mysterion) - מִסְטוֹרִין

1286, Klein 16112
mystery. PBH [Gk. mysterion (= secret rite, mystery), usually in the pl. mysteria
(= the secret rites, mysteries), from mystes (= one initiated into the mysteries).
See מִיסֽטִי and cp. מִסְתּוֹרִין.]

μυστήριον (mysterion) - מִסֽתּוֹרִין

1287, Klein 16278
mystery. PBH [A blend of מִסֽתּוֹר and Gk. mysterion (= mystery). See מִסְטוֹרִין.

μυστικός (mysticos) - מִיסְטִי

1288, Klein 15199
mystic. FW [Gk. mysticos (= ‘pertaining to secret rites’, properly ‘pertaining to
an initiate’), from mystes (= one initiated into the mysteries), which prob. means
lit. ‘one whose eyes are closed’, from myein (= to be shut or closed — said esp.
of the lips and eyes). See ‘mystery’ in my CEDEL. For the ending of מִיסְטִי see
suff. □ִי.]

μυστικός (mystikos) - מִיסְטִיקָה

1289, Klein 15201
mystic. [From Gk. mystikos. See מִיסְטִי.]

μύστρος - מִיצְטְרָא מִצְ'

1290, Jastrow 16252
(μύστρος, -ον) spoon. —מ' מכירין (v. מְכֵירִין) mystromacherion, an instrument having
a spoon on one side and a knife on the other (cmp. Sm. Ant. s. v. Cochlear). Lev.
R. s. 33, beg. (ref. to Prov. XVIII, 21) תרגם עקילס מ' מ' וכ' Aquila interpreted
it, ‘a spoon-knife’, death on one side and life on the other; Yalk. ib. 661 מציטאר
מ'; Yalk. Ps. 768 מצטרו ומ' (read: מצטרומ').

μωκός (mokos) - מוּקְיוֹן

1291, Klein 14390
jester, clown. PBH [From Gk. mokos (= mocker), which is of uncertain origin. It
stands perhaps for mo-kos and is related to mo-kos (= blame, censure).]

μωρά - מוֹרָא מוֹרָה

1292, Jastrow 15584
(μωρά) stupid, foolish. Lam. R. introd. (R. Simeon) (play on מוראה, Zeph. III,
1) [read:] ל"י הוא שכן בל"י קורין לשוטיתא מ' it is a Greek expression, for in Greek
they call a foolish woman mora; Yalk. Zeph. 567 מירה (corr. acc.). Midr. Till.
to Ps. IX, 21 (play on מורה, ib.) הכנס בהן … שכן בל"י … מ' let folly enter into
their hearts, for in Greek they call a fool mora (= מוֹרוֹס).

μωρέ - מוֹרֶה

1293, Jastrow 15608
(μωρέ, vocat. of μωρός, v. next art.) fool! Pesik. Shimʿu. p. 118b למלך … אל תהי
קורא לבני מ' like to a king who gave his son in charge of a pedagogue and said,
never call my son fool; מה הדין לישנא מ' כהדין … מורוס what does this moré mean?—As
in Greek they call a fool moros; Yalk. Jer. 265; Yalk. Num. 764 לִּבְנִי מורים
… (corr. acc.).

μωρός - מוֹרֶה

1294, Jastrow 15608
(μωρέ, vocat. of μωρός, v. next art.) fool! Pesik. Shimʿu. p. 118b למלך … אל תהי
קורא לבני מ' like to a king who gave his son in charge of a pedagogue and said,
never call my son fool; מה הדין לישנא מ' כהדין … מורוס what does this moré mean?—As
in Greek they call a fool moros; Yalk. Jer. 265; Yalk. Num. 764 לִּבְנִי מורים
… (corr. acc.).

μωρός - מוֹרוֹס

1295, Jastrow 15610
(μωρός) fool. Pesik. Shimʿu, p. 118b, a. e., v. preced. art.—Pl. מוֹרִים, מוֹרִין.
Ib. אל … לבני מ' you shall not call my children fools (play on הַמֹּרִים, v. preced.
art.). Tanḥ. Ḥuck. 9, v. מוֹרֶה II.

νᾶνος - נַנָּס

1296, Jastrow 18995
(νᾶνος, nanus, of Semitic origin, fr. נסס, cmp. ממל fr. מלל) dwarf; (adj.) puny,
stumped. Nidd. 24b, opp. אָרוּךְ; Num. R. s. 9. Ber. 58b נ' one whose limbs are
too small for his body, opp. כִּיפֵּחַ; Tosef. ib. VII (VI), 3 ננוס ed. Zuck. (Var.
ננס); Y. ib. IX, 13b bot.; Tanḥ. ed. Bub., Pinḥas 1. Sifra Emor, Par. 3, ch. III;
Bekh. VII, 6 (45b, of animals and of men). Cant. R. to II, 15; Gen. R. s. 65 נ'
שבננסים a puny dwarf. Midr. Till. to Ps. CXXXVII; Pesik. R. s. 31 הנ' הזה that
dwarf (Nebuchadnezzar); a. fr.—Ḥull. 63a וסימנך ננוס פסול and thy sign (to remember
that the small species of שקיטנא is unclean) be, ‘the dwarf is unfit’ (for priesthood).—Pl.
נַנָּסִים, נַנָּסִין. Cant. R. l. c.; Gen. R. l. c., v. supra. Ib. s. 37; Yalk.
ib. 62 כפתורים נ' Caphtorites (Gen. X, 14) are dwarfs; a. fr.—Tam. III, 5; Midd.
III, 5 עמודים .נ' small columns. Ib. V, 2 הנ' (sub. עמודים).—Fem. נַנֶּסֶת. Bekh.
45b. Par. II, 2; a. e.

νᾶνος (nanos) - נַנָּס

1297, Klein 19037
1) dwarf. 2) dwarfish, puny. [From Gk. nanos, nannos (= dwarf), which is of uncertain

νάρδινον - נַרְדִּינוֹן

1298, Jastrow 19355
(νάρδινον, sub. μῦρον) nard-oil. Cant. R. to IV, 14 (expl. נֵרְדְּ ib.).

νάρδινον (nardinon) - נַרְדִּינוֹן

1299, Klein 19432
nard oil. PBH [Gk. nardinon (= nard oil), from nardos (= nard). See נֵרְדְּ.]

νάρθηξ - נַרְתֵּיק נַרְתֵּק

1300, Jastrow 19364
(νάρθηξ) [narthex, a small umbelliferous plant with a hollow pithy stalk, which
may be used as a receptacle; in gen.] case, casket. Y. Ber. V, 9b top נַרְתֵּיקוֹ
של רופא a physician’s medicine chest. Y. R. Hash. I, 57b. [Lam. R. to I, 9 נוורתוק
Vers. in Ar. (corr. acc.), v. לַבְרָטוֹן.]—Y. Erub. I, 19b bot. (של קרן) נרתיקו
the pithy hollow part of the horn, opp. זַכְרוּת. Gen. R. s. 6 גלגל חמה יש לו נ'
the globe of the sun has a sheath; ib. הקב"ה מערטלו מנרתיקו (Ar. מנושתקו) the Lord
will denude it of its sheath; Koh. R. to I, 5 (v. נַשְׁתֵּק); Ab. Zar. 3b bot.,
a. e.—[Y. Yoma IV, 41d top, v. נַשְׁתֵּק.]

νάρκισσος - נַרְקֵיס נַרְקֵס

1301, Jastrow 19361
(νάρκισσος) narcissus, prob. White Daffodil. Targ. Cant. II, 1 (some ed. ברקום,
corr. acc.).—Ber. 43b נרקס דגנוניתא Ar. (ed. נרקום; Ms. M. נרכום) garden narcissus,
דדברא wild n.

ναρκωτικόν (narkotikon) - נַרְקוֹטִיקוּם

1302, Klein 19450
narcotic. FW [Ultimately from Gk. narkotikon, neuter of narkotikos (= benumbing).
See נַרְקוֹטִי.]

ναῦς - נַוְוסִין

1303, Jastrow 18421
m. pl. (ναῦς) ships, ship-building. Gen. R. s. 16 Ar., ed. בנימוסין, v. נִימוֹס

ναύτης - נַוְוטָא

1304, Jastrow 18409
(nauta, ναύτης) seaman, sailor. —Pl. נַוְוטִים, נַוְוטִין. Gen. R. s. 12 ואח"כ הוא
מעמיד עליה נ' and finally (when the ship is finished) he places sailors upon her;
ונוטיהם ונַוְוטֵיהֶם כתיב v’noṭehem (Is. XLII, 5) allows the reading v’navṭehem
(and their (the heavens’) sailors); Yalk. Is. 314 חמוטי' (corr. acc.).—Chald. pl.
נַוְוטַיָּא. Koh. R. to III, 6.

ναύτης (nautes) - נַוָּט

1305, Klein 18572
seaman, sailor. PBH [Gk. nautes (= seaman, sailor), from naus (= ship), which is
cogn. with Old I. nauḥ (= ship, boat), L. nāvis (= ship). cp. ‘naval’ in my CEDEL
and words there referred to. cp. also the second element in אַסְטְרוֹנָאוּט and
in קוֹסְמוֹנָאוּט.

νάφθα - נֵפְטְ

1306, Jastrow 19121
(prob. a transpos. of נטף, a readaptation of νάφθα) naphtha. Sabb. II, 2. Ib. 26a
אין מדליקין בנ' לבן וכ' white naphtha must not be used for lighting … because it
is explosive. Ib. ומה יעשו … אלא נ' and what shall the Cappadocians do who have
… only naphtha? Yoma 38b, sq. Y. Snh. VII, 24b bot. (v. שְׂרֵפָה) בפתילה של נ'
the Mishnah, describing capital punishment by burning, means a wick saturated with
naphtha. Y. Sot. VII, beg. 22b אש כנגד נ' שלהן ‘fire’ (Ps. XVIII, 13) corresponds
to the arrows of the human armies tipped in naphtha; Pesik. R. s. 17 רמה בהן נ'
he (the besieger) throws naphtha &c. (βέλη πυροφόρα or πυροβόλα).

νεικολόγος - נִיקוֹלוֹגוֹס

1307, Jastrow 18853
(νεικολόγος, not found in Greek Dict.) pleader in a law-suit. Pesik. Baḥod., p.
153b מנה לך ניקלגיס וכ' (corr. acc.) retain for thyself such and such a man as
pleader, and thou shalt be acquitted; Yalk. Num. 782; Yalk. Lev. 645 ניקולונ' (corr.
acc.); Lev. R. s. 29 נקול'; v. דִּיקוֹלוֹגוֹס.

νεο (neo) - נֵיאוֹ□

1308, Klein 18830
combining form meaning ‘new’. FW [Gk. neo-, from neos (= new), from IE newo-, newio-,
nowio- (= new). cp. נֵיאוֹן, נוֹבֶלָּה, נוּנְצְיוּס.

νῆμα (nima) - נִימָא, נִימָה

1309, Klein 18871
1) thread. PBH 2) hair. PBH 3) string, chord. PBH 4) capillary. NH [Gk. nima (=
thread), from the stem of neein (= to spin), from IE base nē- (= to spin, sew with
a needle), whence Old Eng. naedl (= needle), lit. ‘a tool for sewing’. See ‘needle’
in my CEDEL and cp. the first element in נֶמָטוֹדָה.]

νῆσος - אֲנִיסִין

1310, Jastrow 2236
(v. נִיסֹוס; νῆσος) islands. Tosef. Ter. II, 12; Ḥall. II, 11; (also נסין a. ניסין;
Y. Shebi. VI, 36d ניסים; Gitt. 8a נסין).

νῆσος - נִיסָא נִסָא

1311, Jastrow 18788
(an adapt. of νῆσος, as if fr. נסא = נסע to emigrate, or אנס to subject; cmp. אֲנִיסִין,
Sam. עניסוסי, Gen. X, 32, Mand. נסיסיא, v. Nöld. Mand. Gr. p. XXX) settlement,
colony, esp. island (v. נַגְוָון). Targ. Is. XX, 6 (ed. Wil. נסא). Targ. Jer. XXV,
22; a. e.—Pl. constr. נִיסֵי, נִסֵי. Targ. Is. XXIV, 15. Ib. II, 16 (ed. Wil. נסי;
h. text אניות). Targ. Am. IX, 3 (h. text קרקע). Targ. Y. II Gen. X, 18 נ' אומיא
(belonging to ib. 5, as quoted in Ar.); a. e.—Hebr. form, pl. (of נִיסוֹס) נִיסִים,
נִיסִין, נֵסִין; v. אֲנִיסִין.—[Deut. R. s. 2 נֵס; Yalk. Is. 369; Yalk. Deut. 825

Νικάνωρ - נִיקָנוֹר נִקָ'

1312, Jastrow 18868
(Νικάνωρ) Nicanor, 1) a general under Antioch Epiphanes and Demetrius I, defeated
and slain by Judah Maccabi (I Macc. VII, 39; II Macc. XV, 30). Y. Taan. II, 66a
top (Meg. Taan. XII) יום נ' Nicanor-Day (a half-festival); Y. Meg. I, 70c bot.—2)
N., who imported Corinthian bronze doors for a Temple gate. Yoma III, 10; Tosef.
ib. II, 4; Y. ib. III, 41a; Bab. ib. 38a. Midd. II, 3, a. fr. שער נ' (שערי), v.

νικῆτα - בַּרְבַּרוֹן

1313, Jastrow 4626
(βαρβάρων, gen. pl. of βάρβαρος) of the barbarians. Lam. R. introd. (R. Josh. 2)
נקיטא ב' (read ניקיטא, νικῆτα βαρβάρων) O conqueror of the Barbarians (Jews). Y.
B. Mets. II, 8c, v. בַּרְבְּרַי.

νικῆτα - נְקִיטָא נְקִיטָה

1314, Jastrow 19295
(read: נִיקִי', νικῆτα, Vocat. of νικήτης) O, conqueror! Lam. R. introd. (R. Josh.
2), v. בַּרְבַּרוֹן; Lev. R. s. 22 נ' ברבריא.

νικήτης - נְקִיטָא נְקִיטָה

1315, Jastrow 19295
(read: נִיקִי', νικῆτα, Vocat. of νικήτης) O, conqueror! Lam. R. introd. (R. Josh.
2), v. בַּרְבַּרוֹן; Lev. R. s. 22 נ' ברבריא.

Νικόλαος - נִיקְלְוָוס נִיקְלְבָס

1316, Jastrow 18865
(Νικόλαος, S.) a variety of the date. Ab. Zar. I, 5 (13b) נקליבם (Bab. ed. נקלב;
Mish. Nap. ודנקלבס, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 400; Y. ed. ניקלבים). Ib. 14b נקלס
(Ms. M. נקלווס); Y. ib. I, 39d bot. נקלבי'. Y. Sabb. XIV, 14d דניקלבס stones of
nicolaos dates; Y. Ab. Zar. II, 40d דנִקְלְבִיסִין (pl.)—Pl. נִיקְלַוְוסִין, נִיקְלַוְוסַיָּא
&c. Y. Ber. VI, 10c bot.—Num. R. s. 3, beg., v. נוֹבֶלֶת; Midr. Till. to Ps. XCII
מקולסין (corr. acc.).

Νικομάχης - נִיקוֹמָכִי

1317, Jastrow 18854
(Νικομάχης) Nicomaches, an Amora. Y. M. Kat. I, 80d top; Y. Snh. II, 23d bot. (not

Νίκων - *, *נִיקוֹן

1318, Jastrow 18855
(Νίκων, v. Joseph. Bell. Jud. V, 7, 2) an engine of war, iron ram. Kel. XI, 8 (comment.
iron point of a javelin, ref. to קינו II Sam. XXI, 16; R. Hai G. reads נקיון);
[Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. III, 1 גינין].

Νῖλος - נִילוֹס

1319, Jastrow 18756
(Νῖλος) the Nile, also the godhead Nilus. Targ. Y. Gen. XLVII, 7; a. fr.—Sot. 13a.
Gen. R. s. 87; Pesik. R. s. 6, v. זִיבּוּל; a. fr.

νίτρον - נִטְרוֹן

1320, Jastrow 18675
(νίτρον) nitrum, (prob.) native carbonate of soda (v. Sm. Ant. s. v.). Y. Sabb.
IX, end, 12b (expl. נֶתֶר, ib. IX, 5).

νομάς (nomas) - נוֹמָד

1321, Klein 18595
nomad. FW [Gk. nomas (= roaming about for pasture, wandering from one place to another),
from nomos (= land allotted, pasture, district, province), which is related to
nome (= pasturage, feeding, grazing; spreading; division, distribution), and to
nemein (= to deal out, distribute, allot; to allot pasture, pasture, drive to pasture),
from IE base nem- (= to divide, distribute, allot). cp. נוֹמֵי, נוּמִיסְמָטִי,
נוּמֶרוּס, נוּמֶרָטוֹר. cp. also נִימוּס, and the second element in אוֹטוֹנוֹמִי,
אַנְסִינוֹמְיָה, אַסְטְרוֹנוֹם, אַסְטְרוֹנוֹמְיָה, אֶקוֹנוֹמְיָה, גַסֽטְרוֹנוֹמְיָה.
cp. also ‘nomad’ in my CEDEL.]

νομή - נוֹמִי

1322, Jastrow 18460
(νομή, nome, pl. nomae) corroding sore, ulcer. Ab. Zar. 10b מי שעלתה לו נ' וכ'
Ar. ed. Koh. (ed. שעלה … נימא, corr. acc.) if one has an ulcer on his foot, shall
he have it cut and live, or let it go and die?—Gen. R. s. 46 עלתה נ' בבשרם וכ'
(some ed. נמי) they have an ulcerating sore …, and the physicians advice circumcision.
Ib. (play on ונ̇מ̇ל̇ת̇ם, Gen. XVII, 11) כנ̇ומ̇י היא ת̇ל̇ויה בגוף it (the prepuce)
is like an eating sore hanging from the body. Sifré Deut. 45 ואם … הרי אתה מעלה
נימי (corr. acc.) but if thou removest it (the plaster), thou wilt cause ulceration;
Kidd. 30b; a. e.

νομή (nome) - נוֹמֵי

1323, Klein 18598
ulcer. PBH [Gk. nome (= feeding, grazing; spreading; spreading ulcer). See נוֹמָד.

νομική (nomike) - נִמּוּק

1324, Klein 18992
1) reason, argument. 2) reasoning. PBH [Prob. a loan word from Gk. nomike (= the
knowledge of the law), f. of nomikos (= relating to the law), from nomos (= law);
see נִימוּס. The change of o to i is prob. due to dissimilation.]

νόμισμα - מְלוּזְמָא מְלוּזְמָה

1325, Jastrow 16480
(a Babylonian corrupt. of νόμισμα, numisma) stamp of a coin. Ber. 53b כדי שיכיר
בין מ' … למ' וכ' when one can distinguish the stamp of a Tiberian coin from that
of a Sepphorian coin.

νόμος - נוֹמוֹס

1326, Jastrow 18459
(νόμος) law, custom. Y. R. Hash. I, 57a bot., v. אַגְרָפוֹס. Lev. R. s. 7, end
נ' הוא וקילוסין הוא Ar. ed. Koh. (ed. נימוס קלוסים; corr. acc.) it is a law and
a command.—Mostly נִימוֹס.

νόμος - נִימוֹס

1327, Jastrow 18769
(νόμος) usage, law; religion (v. נוֹמוֹס). Meg. 12b מוכתר בנִימוֹסוֹ, v. כָּתַר.
Gitt. 65b עשו לה כנ' deal with her according to law. Ex. R. s. 15 בנ' המלכות in
accordance with the royal usage of warfare; (Tanḥ. Bo 4, a. e. כטַקְסִין). Gitt.
43b כיון שעשה … נִימוֹסוֹ Ar. (ed. נמוסו) as soon as the gentile did to him (the
hypothecated slave) what the law requires (to take possession, v. נַשְׁקִי); Tosef.
Ab. Zar. III (IV), 16 נימוסות (corr. acc.). Gitt. l. c. [read:] אע"פ שעשה לה נִימוֹסָהּ
although he (the Jew) did what the law requires in regard to the field; a. fr.—Pl.
נִימוֹסִין, נִימוֹסוֹת. Num. R. s. 18 בדרכי הגוים יש נ' וכ' it is the way of the
nations to have many religious observances (for various deities) and many priests.
Gen. R. s. 16 בשלשה … בנ' (Ar. בנַוְוסִין) in three things is Greece in advance
of Rome: in codes &c., v. פַּנִּיקְטִין. Ib. s. 67. Num. R. s. 8 בנ' שלנו in our
(Roman) law; a. e.—[Ex. R. s. 15 הוציא הנמוסין read: הטוֹמוֹסִין, v. טוֹמוֹס.]

νόμος (nomos) - נִימוֹס, נִימוּס

1328, Klein 18872
1) usage. PBH 2) good manners, etiquette. NH PBH [Alteration of Gk. nomos (= anything
allotted or assigned; usage; custom; law), which is related to nemein (= to deal
out, distribute, allot; to allot pasture, pasture, drive to pasture), from IE base
nem- (= to divide, distribute, allot). See נוֹמָד and cp. words there referred
to. The change of Gk. nomos to נִימוֹס in Hebrew is due to dissimilation. According
to a well-known linguistic law of the Hebrew language if o or u sounds follow each
other in two neighboring syllables, the first is generally changed into i. cp.
e.g. חִיצוֹן (= outer, exterior), which derives from חוּץ (= out of, outside),
and תִּיכוֹן (= middle, central), which comes from תּוֹךְ (= in the midst of);
see חִיצוֹן and תִּיכוֹן. According to my opinion the word נִימוֹס also owes its
form to the same law of dissimilation. The change of Gk. nomos to נִימוֹס is very
important because it proves that this law (the law of Philippi) continued to be
valid during the period of the Mishnah and Talmud, and was applied even to words
of foreign origin. cp. MH בִּימוֹס (= pedestal), which was dissimilated from Gk.
bomos (= altar), קִינוֹף (= frame of canopy for a mosquito net), dissimilated from
Gk. konopeion (= a bed with mosquito curtains), קִיתוֹן (= jug, cup), dissimilated
from Gk. kothon (= Laconian drinking vessel).]

νοταρικόν - נוֹטָרִיקוֹן

1329, Jastrow 18439
(νοταρικόν, sub. μεθόδιον, S.) stenographer’s method, abbreviation. Sabb. XII,
5 כתב אות אחת נ' if one wrote (on the Sabbath) one letter as an abbreviation (e.
g. ק' for קרבן). Ib. 105a לשון נ' the acrostic method of speech (ref. to א̇ב̇ ה̇מ̇ו̇ן̇,
Gen. XVII, 5, אֹב, בֹחור, חֹביב, מֹלך, וֹתיק, נֹאמן). Ib. אנכי נ', v. אָנֹכִי;
a. fr.—Trnsf. לשון נ' by a mere hint. Deut. R. s. 2, v. קִידּוּשׁ

νοταρικόν (notarikon) - נוֹטָרִיקוֹן

1330, Klein 18580
stenographer’s method; abbreviation. NH [A loan word from Middle Gk. notarikon,
L. notāricum (= shorthand), from notārius. See נוֹסַרֽיוֹן.

νούμερον (noumeron) - בְּנֵי מָרוֹן, בְּנֵי מְרוֹן

1331, Klein 3113
‘flocks of sheep’ or ‘troops of soldiers’ (occurring in the Mishnah, in the phrase
כָּל בָּאֵי עוֹלָם עוֹבְרִין לְפָנָיו בִּבְנֵי מָרוֹן, ‘all mankind pass before
him כבני מרון’ — either ‘like troops of soldiers’ or ‘like flocks of sheep’). PBH
[כבני מרון is prob. metanalysis for כבנומרון (= כִּבְנוּמֶרוֹן), which is formed
from the prefixes כְּ□ (= like, as), בּֽ□ (= in), and נוּמֶרוֹן, from Late Gk.
noumeron, from L. numerus (= troop, band); properly: ‘a certain number of soldiers’.
Hence כִּבֽנוּמֶרוֹן means ‘as in a troop of soldiers’. Through the slight change
of the first ו into י, כבנומרון was folk-etymologically interpreted in the Talmud
as a Hebrew phrase consisting of two nouns, the first of which is כִּבְנֵי (= ‘like
the children of’, or ‘like the young of’, on the analogy of phrases like בּֽנֵי
אָדָם,, ‘the children of man, mankind’), and מרון, the second part, was connected
with Aram. אֲמַרְנָא (= lamb), whence בני מרון means ‘flocks of sheep’.]

νούμερος - נוּמִירוֹן נוּמִירָן

1332, Jastrow 18462
(numerus, νούμερος, -ον, S.) a division of troops. Mekh. B’shall., s. 1 שאין נ'
אחת בטילה (not ואין) not one division (of the Roman empire) is unemployed; Yalk.
Ex. 230 נומויון, נומיון (corr. acc.).

νυμφεῖον - נִימְפִּיּוֹן נִמְ'

1333, Jastrow 18776
(νυμφεῖον, nympheum) a fountain consecrated to the nymphs, in gen. fountain. Tanḥ.
Mishp. 8 (some ed. נמסינן, corr. acc.); Ex. R. s. 31 גיפיון (corr. acc.).

νύμφη - נִינְפֵי נִנְ'

1334, Jastrow 18785
(νύμφη) bride. Targ. Cant. IV, 8, sq.—R. Hash. 26a היו קורין לכלה נ' I heard them
call a bride nin’fe. Gen. R. s. 71 (play on נ̇פ̇תולי, Gen. XXX, 8) נ' היה לי ליעשות
וכ' (not … פה) I ought to have been made a bride before my sister; Yalk. Gen. 127
לינפה (corr. acc.). Ex. R. s. 36, beg. (ref. to יפה ניף, Ps. XLVIII, 3) לשון יוני
… נימפי (some ed. נִמְ') in Greek they call a bride nymphe. Ib. s. 52, end (ref.
to Ps. l. c.) קלי נינ' ed. Const. (missing in ed.) καλὴ νύμφη, the beautiful bride;
Pesik. R. s. 41 קלוניפו (corr. acc.); Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 18 (ref. to נֹפֶת, Cant.
IV, 11) כלה נופי; ed. Bub. ib. 9 קלונינפי, read קלי נ'.—[Yoma 10a, v. נִיפָר.

νύμφη (nymphe) - נִימְפָה

1335, Klein 18880
nymph. FW [From Gk. nymphe (= bride, maiden, nymph), which is cogn. with L. nūbere
(= to marry, wed). See ‘nuptial’ in my CEDEL and cp. נִימְפֵי, נִימְפֵיאָה. cp.
also לִימְפָה.]

νύμφη (nymphe) - נִימְפֵי, נִינְפֵי

1336, Klein 18882
bride. PBH [Gk. nymphe.]

ξενία - אַכְסַנְיָא

1337, Jastrow 1739
(ξενία) 1)hospitality, lodging. Ex. R. s. 35 א' נעשו וכ' (Pes. 118b, corr. acc)
they were a lodging place to my children in Egypt (they offered hospitality to
&c.).—בעל א' host. Pesik. R. s. 11; cmp. אוּשְׁפִּיזְכָן.—B. Mets. 85a תורה מחזרת
על א' שלה scholarship likes to come around to its inn again (to be hereditary in
the family); a. fr.—2) (= בעלת א') hostess. B. Mets. 87a one must inquire בא'
שלו after the health of his hostess.—3)quarter given to troops on march or to transient
poor men; also the passing troop, or the passing poor; (individ.) beggar. Targ.
Job XXXI, 32; a. e.—B. Bath. 11b א' לפי בני אדם the quartering (of soldiers takes
place) in proportion to the number of inmates (of each house). Dem. III, 1; v.
Y. ib. 23b top. Tosef. Shebi. V, 21 אין מאכילין אכסניין וכ' ed. Zuck. (Var. את
אכסניא) you are not allowed to give … to soldiers quartered with you. Y. Ber. IX,
13b ההן א' עלובתא this poor beggar. Ib. א' עלו' poor beggars. Lev. R. s. 34. Lam.
R. to I, 1 (חד מירו') בר נש א' a poor man.—4)a gathering of scholars entertained
by the hospitable of the place. Y. Ber. IV, 8b top נפיק לא' leaving for the scholars’
meeting. Bab. ib. 63b פתח בכבוד א' opened his speech in honor of hospitality to

ξενία (xenia) - אַכְסַנְיָא, אַכְסַנְיָה

1338, Klein 1108
1) hospitality. 2) lodging. 3) a gathering of scholars. [Gk. xenia (= hospitality),
from xenos. See אַכְסְנַאי and cp. ‘xenia’ in my CEDEL.]

ξένος - אַכְסְנָאִי אַכְסְנַאי, אַכְסְנַי

1339, Jastrow 1737
(deriv. of אַכְסַנְיָא) stranger, guest, lodger; also (ξένος) hired soldier. Y.
Erub. II, end 20b יֵעָשֶׂה כא' let him be considered as a stranger (transient lodger).
Tosef. Shebi. V, 21 אכסנא some ed. (ed. Zuck. אַכְסְנָיִין pl.) soldier, v. אַכְסַנְיָא
3).—Arakh. 16b א' דאקראי an occasional guest. Ib. א' פוגם ונפגם a traveller (constantly
changing his lodging place) discredits others a. himself; a. fr.—Pl. אַכְסְנָיִין
(v. supra), אַכְסְנִין Lev. R. s. 27.—אַכְסְנֵי, אַכְסְנַיָּא, אַכְסְנָאֵי. Targ.
Y. II Gen. XLVII, 21 א' גילולאי exiled strangers. Gen. R. s. 50 הב לאילין א' give
these travellers &c.—*אַכְסָנִים. Num. R. s. 10 (p. 239c ed. Amst.) מנהג הא' custom
of hospitality [prob. אכסניא].

ξένος (xenos) - אַכְסְנַאי

1340, Klein 1107
1) guest. 2) host. PBH [Formed from Gk. xenos (= stranger, guest) with prosthetic
א□ and suff. □ִי. Gk. xenos is of uncertain origin. It is perhaps cogn. with L.
hostis (= stranger, enemy); see ‘host’ and ‘landlord’ in my CEDEL.]

ξέστης - *, *כּוּסְתָּא

1341, Jastrow 13194
(an adapt. of ξέστης, by confusion with כּוֹס, כַּסָּא) kusta, a liquid measure.
Sabb. 109b חד כ' דשיכרא (Ms. O. כִּיסְתָּא) one k. of beer.—Pl. כּוּסְיָתָא (fem.).
Ib. חמש עשר כ' Ms. M. (ed. חמשא כוסתא, Ms. O. כסתתא; Rashi כּוֹסָאתָא, v. Rabb.
D. S. a. l. note). [Oth. opin. כּוֹסְתָא fem. form of כּוֹסָא, v. כַּסָּא.]

ξέστης - כְּסִיסְטָא, כְּסוּסְ'

1342, Jastrow 13788
(ξέστης, v. Sm. Ant. s. v.) xestes, sextarius, a dry and liquid measure (nearly
a pint). —Pl. כְּסִיסְטָאוֹת, כְּסוּ'. Gen. R. s. 4; Yalk. ib. 5. [‘Rashi’ reads

ξέστης - קִיסְטְ קִיסְטָא קִסְ'

1343, Jastrow 26862
(a corrupt. of ξέστης) ḳisṭ, ḳisṭa (Sixtarius), v. כְּסִיסְטָא. Gen. R. s. 49 חד
ק' וכ' Ar. (ed. קסיט) one xestes of wine (which you had) makes ten follera. Pes.
109a ק' דמורייסא וכ' Ar. (ed. קסתא, Ms. M. קיסתא; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) the
xestes for muries (kept as a standard) in Sepphoris was about the same as the Temple
Log. Pesik. Ekhah, p. 122b ק' דחמר Ar. (ed. קסיט) a. x. of wine; a. e.—Pl. קִיסְטִין.
Lev. R. s. 12 שתי שיכרא חמשא ק' (not קיסטון) he (the drunkard) drinks five xestes
of beer, they tell him, thou hadst ten. Ib. הוה אליף … ק' וכ' was accustomed to
drink twelve x. of wine a day &c.; a. e.—[V. Fr. Aram. Fremdw. p. 205].

ξέστης - שִׁיפָא

1344, Jastrow 30251
(preced. wds.; mistranslation of ξέστης; cmp. Syr. שפיתא Brockelm. 383) Shifa,
name of a measure, Xestes. Kidd. 40a ש' דדינרי a Shifa full of denars.

ξεστός - קסוסטבן קְסוּסְטִין קְסוּסְטָרִין

1345, Jastrow 27441
(pl. of ξεστός or of sextarius, transposed) sextarii (one sextarius = 1/16 of a
modius). Y. B. Mets. V, 10c bot. כגון אילין … מתרתין ק' … ק' as those who advance
the money with which to buy to those who sail to (do business at) the races, at
a share in the profits of two or three sextarii for each modius; v. קָלִיט.

ξίφιας - *אכספטיאס, אכספטייס

1346, Jastrow 1742
, Ḥull. 66b, Ab. Zar. 39a אקונס ואפונס … וא' (v. Var. lect. Rabb. D. S. a. l.),
Tosef. Ḥull. III (IV), 27 קולייס ופולמוס כספתיאס אכנס וכ', restore (א)קולייס ופילמוס
(א)כסיפיאס (כסיפייס) ואתניאס (ואתנייס) וכ' κολίας, πήλαμυς, ξίφιας, ἀθνίας, names
of fishes (v. Greek Dict.) Colias, Pelamys, Xiphias, Athnias and Thunny; v. אֲטוּנָס

ξίφιας - כטספטייס

1347, Jastrow 13334
, Ab. Zar. 39a ed., Ms. M. כספטייס, Ḥull. 66b; Tosef. ib. III (IV), 27 כספתיאס,
a corrupt. of כְּסִיפְיָיס, כְּסִיפְיָאס (ξίφιας) sword-fish, v. אכספטיאס.

ξύλα - *אִסְכְּלָא, אִיסְ'

1348, Jastrow 2455
(ξύλα, = σκέυη ξύλινα, v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Ships, a var. lect. quoted below) the wooden
implements of a ship, oars, ladders, poles &c. Tosef. B. Bath. IV, 1 he who sells
a ship מכר את האיסכ' (some ed. איסק') sells implicitly the oars &c., (Mish. B.
Bath. V, 1 מנהיגין); B. Bath. 73a (Rashi אִסְכְּלִין, Ms. M. אסכליא, Ms. R. אסקלה,
Ms. O. איסכלניא, read אִיסְכְּלִינָא). [Comm. ladders = scalæ.—As to transpos.
of כס, cmp. דוכסוסטוס.]

ξυλαλόη - *אַקְסִילָאלִיאָיָין

1349, Jastrow 2934
(ξυλαλόη = ἀγάλλοχον) pieces of bitter aloë-wood. Targ. Ps. XLV, 9 Ar. (ed. אַקְסִיל
אַלוּאוֹן combine) (h. text אֲהָלוֹת).

ξυληγία - אַכְסִלְגְּיָא

1350, Jastrow 1730
(ξυληγία) foresting; v. preced.

ξύληγος - *אַכְסִילְגֹּוס, אַכְסִלְגָּס

1351, Jastrow 1729
(ξύληγος) wood-carrier, forester. Men. 97a כליא' common wooden vessels; Ḥag. 26b
כלי אכסלגס Ar. (ed. אכסלגים Ms. M. אבלוגסין corr. acc.).—Zeb. 94a כלי אַכְסִלְגְּיָא
(Ms. M. אכסלמוס) forester’s apparel (leather covers &c.); v. אַבְלוּסְמֹוס.

ξύλινος - *אכסלי, אכסלית

1352, Jastrow 1732
, Tosef. Kil. V, 26 (ed. Zuck. כליסים הגרגים, Var. כליסיס, אכסילין) prob. כלים אַכְסִילִינִין
(ξύλινος) cotton clothes.

ξύλον - קסילופונוס קְסִילוֹפָנוֹס

1353, Jastrow 27461
(comp. of ξύλον a. φάνος, a compound not otherwise recorded) a torch made of wooden
staves, esp. of vines. Pesik. Ḳumi, p. 144b sq. עתידה … לעשות ק' וכ' (ed. קסילפנוס,
Ms. O. כסיל פנים, corr. acc.) in the future Jerusalem shall be a torch for the
nations, and they shall walk by its light (ref. to Is. LX, 3); Yalk. Is. 359 only
פָּנָס; Midr. Till. to Ps. XXXVI, 10 (missing in ed. Bub.) מטרפולין (corr. acc.).
Koh. R. to I, 9 פעם אחת … ק' אחד משלכם (ed. קסלפנוס, ניס …) once the (Roman) government
sent word to our teachers, ‘send us one of your torches.’—Pl. קְסִילוֹפַנְסִין.
Ib. [read:] אמרו כמה ק' יש להם והם מבקשין ממנו קסילופנוס אחד כמדומין וכ' (strike
out כמה מקות פנסין יש להם, as a corrupt Var. Lect., and כמה אבנים טובים ומרגליות
יש להם as an erroneous gloss) they said, they have ever so many torches, and they
ask us for one torch? It seems to us, they mean one enlightening the countenances
of men with his learning.

ὁ - אוֹ,

1354, Jastrow 518
(ὁ) the. Y. R. Hash. I, 57a bot. (in a Greek sentence), v. אגרפוס.

ὄασις (oasis) - אוֹאָזִיס

1355, Klein 368
oasis. FW [Gk. oasis, of Egypt. origin. cp. Coptic ouahe (= oasis), whence also
Arab. wāhah (of s.m., properly ‘dwelling place’), from ouah (= to dwell).]

ὀβελίσκος (obeliskos) - אוֹבֶּלִיסְק

1356, Klein 378
obelisk. FW [Gk. obeliskos (= a small spit, an obelisk), dimin. of obelos (= a spit,
needle, pointed pillar, obelisk), which is of uncertain origin.]

ὄβρυζον - אוֹבְרִיזָא

1357, Jastrow 533
f., אֹובְרִיזֹון, אֹובְרִיזִין m. (ὄβρυζον) pure gold, unalloyed. Targ. Ps. CXIX,
127; Targ. Prov. VIII, 19; a. e.

ὀγδοήκοντα - אוֹגְדוֹיִיקוֹנְטָא

1358, Jastrow 538
(ὀγδοήκοντα) eighty. Y. B. Bath. X, 17c (corrected text) שטר נפיק מר' חונה לר'
שמיי אוגדויי מחיק קונטא לא מחיק. א"ר שמיי לר' חונה פוק חזי עם ההן אהן קונטא משמש.
ומר עם טרייאקונטא. כי נפק אמר הדא בעי מתגרא תלתין אפסד עשרין. A bill of indebtedness
passed from R. Ḥuna (who could not decide or on whose decision the party would
not rely) to R. Sh.—on which bill ogdoë was blurred (showing an erasure), and conta
was clear. Said R. Sh. to R. Ḥ., Go and see what is the lowest numeral in Greek
that conta is combined with. Said he, It is triaconta (thirty).—When the party
had left, he said, That man intended to make thirty (by the erasure) and lost twenty
(the original having been fifty, penteconta).

ὄγκινος (onkinos) - עְֹגֶן

1359, Klein 21014
anchor. NH [From Talmudic הוֹגִין, עוֹגִין, which is prob. borrowed from Gk. onkinos
(= hook), from onkos (of s.m.), which stands in gradational relationship to Gk.
ankos (= a bend, hollow), ankon (= bend of the arm, elbow), ankulos (= crooked,
curved), ankula (= anchor). See אוּנְקָל.

ὄγκος - אוֹנְקוֹס

1360, Jastrow 763
(ὄγκος) 1)bulk, pile; (in philosophy) a primitive body. Tanḥ. T’rum. 11 א' של
מים the body of water; א' של אש (some ed. אונקנוס). 2)trouble, difficulty, painstaking.
Gen. R. s. 12 (ref. to Neh. IX, 6 sq.) כל הא' הזה וכ' (ed. אונקים, corr. acc.)
what is all this painstaking (creating the universe &c.) for? Ans. Because ‘thou
art the Lord who hast chosen Abraham’ i.e. for the sake of establishing religion
on earth; cmp. Midr. Till. to Ps. CIV, 18.

ὄγμος (ogmos) - אוֹמָן

1361, Klein 480
row of corn in the field. PBH [Of uncertain origin; possibly related to Arab. ’immān
(of s.m.), or a loan word from Gk. ogmos (= row, line), which stands in gradational
relationship to agein (= to lead), for whose etymology see ‘agent’ (adj.) in my

ὀδοντωτή - *אנדרטין

1362, Jastrow 2130
, Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. IV, 8, prob. אֹודֹונְטֹוטִי (ὀδοντωτή, sub. ξύστρα) a teethed
strigil; cmp. Kel. XIV, 3 מגירה.

Ὀδύσσεια (Odysseia) - אוֹדִיסֵיָה

1363, Klein 397
the Odyssey (used also figuratively for any long wanderings). FW [Gk. Odysseia,
from Odysseus.]

ὀθόνη (othone) - אֵטוּן

1364, Klein 781
thread, yarn, cord. [Of uncertain etymology. It is possibly a loan word from Egypt.
’dmy (= linen of red color). Gk. othone (= fine white linen), is prob. borrowed
from Heb.]

οἰκόνομος - אִיקוֹנוֹמוֹס

1365, Jastrow 1591
(οἰκόνομος) steward, town-clerk (a slave). Y. B. Mets. IX, beg. 12a. Y. B. Bath.
IV, 14c bot. איקומנוס (corr. acc.). B. Bath. 68b אינקלמוס, אנקולמוס, אנקל', אונק'
(popul. corrupt.).

οἰκουμένη - אִיקוּמֵינֵי

1366, Jastrow 1588
(οἰκουμένη) the inhabited earth. Koh. R. VI, 3 אוקו' (corr. acc.); Gen. R. s. 32
יקו' (corr. acc.) (play on y’kum Gen. VII, 4).

οἰνάνθη - אֲלוּנְטִית,

1367, Jastrow 1819
corr. אֲלוּנְתִּית (אֲלַנְתִּית) f., אֲלִינְתִּין m. (a corrupt. of οἰνάνθη, οἰνάνθινος,
œnanthe, œnanthinus; cmp. אניגרון as to נ a. ל) made of the grape (or leaves) of
wild vine (œnanthe), whence 1)an aromatic water. Y. Ber. VI, 10d he who sprinkles
אלינת' œnanthe.—2)an unguent. Y. ib. I, 3a top סכין אלוונ' וכ' (corr. acc.) you
may oint a sick person with œn. on the Sabbath. Y. Sabb. XIV, 14c bot. אלינתין.
Y. Shebi. VII, beg. 37b יצאת א' … לתְּפֵילִין (read … תית) except œn. which is
only for children (after circumcision).—3)a wine (vinum œnanthinum), used esp.
after bathing. Ab. Zar. 30a (expl. as a mixture of old wine, pure water and balsam);
Sabb. 140a אלונט' ed. (Ms. M. אלונת'). Ḥull. 6a wine to be put לתוך הא' into a
mixture called ăluntith; Tosef. Dem. I, 24. Y. Bets. I, 60d top.

οἰνάνθινος - אֲלוּנְטִית,

1368, Jastrow 1819
corr. אֲלוּנְתִּית (אֲלַנְתִּית) f., אֲלִינְתִּין m. (a corrupt. of οἰνάνθη, οἰνάνθινος,
œnanthe, œnanthinus; cmp. אניגרון as to נ a. ל) made of the grape (or leaves) of
wild vine (œnanthe), whence 1)an aromatic water. Y. Ber. VI, 10d he who sprinkles
אלינת' œnanthe.—2)an unguent. Y. ib. I, 3a top סכין אלוונ' וכ' (corr. acc.) you
may oint a sick person with œn. on the Sabbath. Y. Sabb. XIV, 14c bot. אלינתין.
Y. Shebi. VII, beg. 37b יצאת א' … לתְּפֵילִין (read … תית) except œn. which is
only for children (after circumcision).—3)a wine (vinum œnanthinum), used esp.
after bathing. Ab. Zar. 30a (expl. as a mixture of old wine, pure water and balsam);
Sabb. 140a אלונט' ed. (Ms. M. אלונת'). Ḥull. 6a wine to be put לתוך הא' into a
mixture called ăluntith; Tosef. Dem. I, 24. Y. Bets. I, 60d top.

οἰνοκάπηλοι - *אידתיקרימא

1369, Jastrow 1177
Y. Dem. V, 24d, a corruption; prob. אִינֹוקְפֵילַיָּא m. pl. (οἰνοκάπηλοι) keepers
of wine-shops, opp. שפייא; q. v.

οἰνόμελι - אִינוֹמִילִין, (אִינוֹמְלִין, יִינוֹ')

1370, Jastrow 1376
(οἰνόμελι) wine mixed with honey. Sabb. XX, 2 (139b) אי' Ar. (ed. אנ', var. in
Mss. יינמילין, ינמי', v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 20). Ab. Zar. 30a defined as a
mixture of wine, honey and pepper. Ter. XI, 1 יינומלין Ar. (ed. יינומלים; Ms. M.
אט', read אינו'). Y. Sabb. XIV, 14c top יינומילין.

οἶνος μυρίνης; - אֶינְמִירִינוֹן, אֶינְמְרִנוֹן

1371, Jastrow 1389
(a contraction of ἔλαιον μύῤῥινον; cmp. אניגרון as to נ for ל) unguent scentedwith
Arabian myrtle. Cant. R. to IV, 14. [Muss. οἶνος μυρίνης; but the context requires
an unguent.]

οἶσον (oisun) - אַצָּה

1372, Klein 1939
alga, seaweed. PBH [Perhaps from Gk. oisun, oisuon (= a kind of a willow), which
are related to itea, eitea (= willow).]

ὀκτάεδρον (oktaedron) - אוֹקְטָאֶדֶר

1373, Klein 553
octahedron (geometry). FW [Gk. oktaedron, neuter of the adjective oktaedros (= eight-sided),
compounded of okta- (= eight) and edra (= seat; base, side, face). See ‘octa-’
and ‘hedron’ in my CEDEL.]

ὀκτώ - אָכְטָא, אוֹכְטָא

1374, Jastrow 1686
(ὀκτώ) eight. Gen. R. s. 14 beg.; a. e.; v. אִיטָא. Tanḥ. (ed. Bub.) B’midb. 21

ὀλεάριος - אוֹלְיָאר, אוֹלְיָיר

1375, Jastrow 671
(olearius, ὀλεάριος S.) keeper of clothes at the baths. Y. Maas. Sh. I, 52d top
מעות הנתונות לא' tokens (in place of small change) given to the olearius; cmp.
Tosef. Maas. Sh. I, 4.—Pesik. R. s. 22; a. e.—Pl. אוֹלְיָארִין, אוֹלְיָירִין. Tosef.
Kel. B. Mets. II, 12 מגררות של אוּלְיָרִין ed. Zuck. (oth. ed. אולו' corr. acc.)
the brushes (strigils) of the bathing attendants. Sabb. 147b. Y. Ber. II, 4c top;
cmp. Pesik. R. l. c.; a. e. V. אוֹרְיָיר. [Sabb. 144a כלים הא', Nid. 20a האולירין
…, v. אוֹלָרִין.]

ὀλιγαρχία (oligarchia) - אוֹלִיגַרְכְיָה

1376, Klein 465
oligarchy. FW [Gk. oligarchia (= government by a few persons, oligarchy), from oligarches
(= oligarch), which is compounded of oligos (= small, little; in the pl. ‘few’),
and archos (= leader, chief, ruler). See ‘oligo-’ and ‘-arch’ in my CEDEL.]

ὅλο - אוֹלוֹ־

1377, Jastrow 661
(ὅλο-) a prefix, sometimes separately printed, whole, entirely of. Pesik. Vay.
B’yom p. 4b א' מרגליטין trimmed all over with pearls. Lev. R. s. 32, end אילו כורסין
(corr. acc.) all gold, v. אֹולֹוכְרוּסֹון.

ὁλόγραφος (holographos) - הוֹלוֹגְרָף

1378, Klein 5940
holograph. FW [Gk. holographos (= written in full, written entirely by the same
hand), compounded of holos (= whole, entire), and graphos, from graphein (= to
write); see □גֽרָף.]

ὁλοσήρικος - אוֹלוֹסֵירִיקָא

1379, Jastrow 667
(ὁλοσήρικος) all silk. —Pl. אֹולֹוסֵירִיקִין, mostly אֹולֹוסְרִיקִין pure-silken
garments. Koh. R. to I, 7. Y. Sabb. VI, 8b bot., Yalk. Prov. 935.—[Koh. R. l. c.
second time some ed. אולוסתיקין, corr. acc.]

ὁλόχρυσον - אוֹלוֹכְרוּסוֹן

1380, Jastrow 665
(ὁλόχρυσον) all gold. Lev. R. s. 32 (variously corrupted, v. אֹולֹו־.—Ar. אולון
כרוסא); Cant. R. to IV, 7 (corr. acc.).

Ὀλυμπιάς (Olympias) - אוֹלִימְפְּיָאדָה

1381, Klein 466
Olympiad. [Gk. Olympias, from olympia (a district in Elis in ancient Greece, where
the Olympian games were held), from f. of olympios (= pertaining to Olympus or
Olympia), from olympos (= Olympus), which is of unknown etymology.]

ὁμογενής (homogenes) - הוֹמוֹגֶנִי

1382, Klein 5949
homogeneous. FW [Gk. homogenes (= of the same kind or race), compounded of homos
(= one and the same, belonging to two or more jointly), and genos (= race, descent,
gender, kind). The first element is cogn. with Old Indian samáḥ (= even, the same),
L. similis (= like). See ‘same’ in my CEDEL. For the second element see גֶּן. cp.

ὁμολογία - *אוֹמוֹלוֹגְיָיא

1383, Jastrow 693
(ὁμολογία) [agreement, admission] receipt, discharge. [This meaning of ὁμολογία
as receipt cannot be proven from Greek literature; cmp. however, Sm. Dict. Ant.
s. v. Acceptilatio.] Y. M. Kat. III, 82a bot., explaining שוברים (v. שׁוֹבֵר, receipt)
אימולוגים (corr. acc., De Lara אוֹמוֹלוֹגִין pl. m. fr. ὁμόλογον). Y. Keth. IX,
end, 33c ולית רב או' (= ולית ליה לרב is it Rab’s opinion that the divorced woman
is not bound to write a receipt (for her dowry)?

ὁμόλογον - *אוֹמוֹלוֹגְיָיא

1384, Jastrow 693
(ὁμολογία) [agreement, admission] receipt, discharge. [This meaning of ὁμολογία
as receipt cannot be proven from Greek literature; cmp. however, Sm. Dict. Ant.
s. v. Acceptilatio.] Y. M. Kat. III, 82a bot., explaining שוברים (v. שׁוֹבֵר, receipt)
אימולוגים (corr. acc., De Lara אוֹמוֹלוֹגִין pl. m. fr. ὁμόλογον). Y. Keth. IX,
end, 33c ולית רב או' (= ולית ליה לרב is it Rab’s opinion that the divorced woman
is not bound to write a receipt (for her dowry)?

ὁμόνοια - הוֹמוֹנְיָא

1385, Jastrow 7693
(ὁμόνοια) concord, union, opp. מחלוקת. . Lam. R. introd. (R. Alexandri 1) נעשו
כולן ה' all of them (formerly divided into factions) became unanimous (Mekh. Yithro,
Baḥod., s. 1 הושוו לב אחד; Lev. R. s. 9 חנייה אחת). [Lam. R. l. c. (Zibdi b. Levi
1) ה' אחת; Yalk. Ps. 795 הומני', read: הֶגְמוֹנְיָא.]

ὀμφάκινον - אָנְפַּקִּינוֹן

1386, Jastrow 2282
(ὀμφάκινον, sub. ἔλαιον) oil made of unripe olives. Targ. Esth. II, 12 אַנְפֵּ'.—Pes.
43a אנפיקנין (Ms. M. אנפיקנון). Men. VIII, 3; a. e.—Gen. R. s. 98 טן … (corr. acc.).
Cant. R. to IV, 8 איפק' (corr. acc.).

ὄνος - אוֹנוֹס

1387, Jastrow 732
, א' קִטְמִין (v. אָנְקִטְמִין; ὄνος) the pulley of the crippled. Y. Sabb. VI,
8c. (Var. הוניס.).

ὄντως - אוֹנְטוֹס

1388, Jastrow 733
(ὄντως) really! verily! Lev. R. s. 33, explain. הצדא (Dan. III, 14); (Ar. אנטוס,
some ed. אונטיס, corr. acc.); Num. R. s. 15 אנטוס (Tanḥ. Noah 11 האמת).

ὄνυξ (onyx) - אָנֵךְ, אוֹנֵךְ

1389, Klein 1603
onyx. PBH [Gk. onyx, gen. onyxos (= fingernail, claw; onyx), cogn. with Old I. angriḥ,
amhriḥ (= foot), L. anguis (= nail, claw). cp. ‘nail’ (n.) in my CEDEL.]

ὀνυχίστηρ - אנגיסטור

1390, Jastrow 2101
read אָנְגִּיסְטֵיר m. (ὀνυχίστηρ = ὀνυχιστήριον) knife or scissors for cutting
nails. Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. III, 12 (ed. Zuck. אגניסטר corr. acc.). Nid. 17a גנוסטרי;
M. Kat. 18a גנוסטרא (Ms. M. נגוסטרי, v. Ar. s. v. גנסטר).

ὀνυχιστήριον - אנגיסטור

1391, Jastrow 2101
read אָנְגִּיסְטֵיר m. (ὀνυχίστηρ = ὀνυχιστήριον) knife or scissors for cutting
nails. Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. III, 12 (ed. Zuck. אגניסטר corr. acc.). Nid. 17a גנוסטרי;
M. Kat. 18a גנוסטרא (Ms. M. נגוסטרי, v. Ar. s. v. גנסטר).

ὀξύγαρον - אָכְסִיגָרוֹן

1392, Jastrow 1723
(ὀξύγαρον, oxygarum) a sauce of vinegar and garum; in gen. a sauce of all kinds
of vegetables. Ber. 35b bot. Ms. M. (ed. אנס'); Yoma 76a; Shebu. 23a. Tosef. Bets.
II, 16. Y. Shebi. VIII, 38a top אָקְסִי'; Tosef. Ter. IX, 10; ib. Shebi. VI, 3
סְנִיגְרֹון.—Pl. אָכְסִיגָרִיֹּות, abbrev. סִגָּרִיֹּות vegetable sauces, vegetables
used for oxygarum. Shebi. IX, 5 ed. (Var. סנריות, סנדיות, סגדיות, Ms. M. הנידיות);
Tosef. ib. VII, 13 אגוטרי read אָגְזוּגָרִין; Sifra B’har Par. II ch. 3 סנדריות
(Rabad סנדיות; corr. acc.). [Koh. R. to XI, 9 ארגסטירין read אֹוגְסִיגָרִין.]

ὄπιον - *אוֹפְיוֹן

1393, Jastrow 801
(ὄπιον) poppy-juice, opium. Y. Ab. Zar. II, 40d top אהן א' סכנה an opium drink
(prepared by a gentile) is dangerous.

ὀποβάλσαμον - אָפֹּובַּלְסְמוֹן, אָפֹּופַּלְסְמוֹן

1394, Jastrow 2608
(ὀποβάλσαμον) juice of the balsam-tree, balsam. Gen. R. s. 27 היו מביאין א' ושף
וכ' (read ושפין) they would take balsam and smear it on the stones (of the houses
of the wealthy); Y. Shebi. V, 55d bot. רושמין בא' marked out with balsam. Y. Hor.
III, 47c באפי בלסמון (corr. acc.). Gen. R. s. 39, beg. אפופל', אפופילסימון (corr.
acc.). V. אֲפַרְסָמוֹן.

ὀπτίων - *אָבְטְיוֹנָא

1395, Jastrow 98
(ὀπτίων, optio; Perl. Et. St. p. 103; D. C. Lat. s. v.) commissary, quartermaster
in the Roman army. Y. Sabb. VI, 8c bot. אתא א' וכ' a Roman quarterm. came and made
him stand behind him (in the public convenience).

ὀπτός (optos) - אוֹפְּטִי

1396, Klein 525
optic, optical. NH [Formed with adj. suff. □ִי from Gk. optos (= seen; visible),
verbal adj. of opsomay (= I shall see), whence also ops, gen. opos (= eye, face),
opsis (= sight). See ‘optic’ in my CEDEL.]

ὀπωριαῖα - *אָפֹּורְיָיא, אוֹפֹּורְיָיא

1397, Jastrow 2646
(ὀπωριαῖα, τὰ) fruit. Gen. R. s. 72 בשעת בִּכּוּר כל מיני א' Ar. (ed. איפוריא,
read אֹו') in the season when all kinds of fruit ripen.

ὅπως ποιοῦσι ποιήσω - *, *פיספיסאי

1398, Jastrow 23522
, Pesik. Vattom., p. 131a פ' פיסיאו (Ms. O. פיספיאי, Ms. Parma פיספין), a corrupt.
of a Greek sentence, prob. ὅπως ποιοῦσι ποιήσω, as they act, so will I act, expl.
in Chald. אינין עבדין ואנא עבדית.

ὄργανον (organon) - אַנְאוֹרְגָּנִי

1399, Klein 1508
inorganic. FW [Formed from privative pref. an- and Gk. organon (= instrument). cp.
Gk. anorganos (= without instruments) and see אוֹרֽגָנִי.]

ὄργανον (organon) - ארגן

1400, Klein 2075
to organize. [Denominated from Gk. organon (= instrument).] | — Pi. אִרְגֵּן he
organized; he arranged. — Pu. אֻרְגַּן was organized; was arranged. — Hith. הִתֽאַרְגֵּן
(of s.m.).

ὄργανον (organon) - אוֹרְגָּנִי

1401, Klein 571
organic. FW [Formed with adj. suff. □ִי from Gk. organon (= instrument, implement,
tool, engine; a musical instrument which derives from IE base *werĝ- (= work, to
work), whence also Gk. ergon (= work). See ‘ergon’ in my CEDEL and cp. אֶרֽגְּ
in this dictionary. cp. also ארגן.]

ὄργια (orgia) - אוֹרְגְּיָה

1402, Klein 569
orgy. FW [Gk. orgia (= secret rites, orgies), related to organon (= instrument).
See אוֹרֽגָּן and אוֹרְגָּנִי.]

ὀρθογραφία (orthographia) - אוֹרְתּוֹגְרַפְיָה

1403, Klein 619
orthography. FW [Gk. orthographia (= correct writing), compounded of orthos (= right,
correct), and - graphia (see גְרַפְיָה).]

ὀρθοδοξία (orthodoxia) - אוֹרְתּוֹדוֹקְסְיָה

1404, Klein 622
orthodoxy. FW [Gk. orthodoxia (= right opinion), from orthodoxos (see אוֹרְתּוֹדוֹקְס).

ὀρθόδοξος (orthodoxos) - אוֹרְתּוֹדוֹקְס, אוֹרְתּוֹדוֹכְּס

1405, Klein 620
orthodox. FW [Gk. orthodoxos (= having the right opinion), from orthos (= right)
and doxa (= opinion), which stands for doksa and is related to dokein (= to seem
good, to seem, think, believe). See ‘decent’ in my CEDEL and cp. דוֹצֶנְט.]

ὀρθός (orthos) - אוֹרְתּוֹפֶּדְיָה

1406, Klein 625
orthopedics. FW [Formed from Gk. orthos (= straight, right) and pais, gen. paidos
(= child), which derives from IE base pěu- (= small, little, few). See ‘few’ in
my CEDEL and cp. ‘pedo-’ ibid.]

Ὀρθωσίας - אָרְתּוּסְיָיה

1407, Jastrow 3251
(Ὀρθωσίας I Macc. XV, 37) Orthosia, a Phœnician seaport, South of the river Eleutheros.
Gen. R. s. 37 (translat. of has-sini Gen. X, 17; Targ. O. ib. אַנְתּוּסָאֵי, Y.
I אַנְטֹוסָאֵי, II כַּפְרוּסָאֵי).

ὁρμῶν (hormon) - הורְמונִים

1408, Klein 5996
hormones. FW [Gk. hormon (= that which urges or arouses), pres. part. of horman
(= to set in motion, urge, stimulate), from horme (= onset, impulse), from IE base
* ser– (= to run, flow), whence also Gk. horos, L. serum (= watery fluid, whey).
See סֶרוּם.]

ὀρνᾶτος - אָרְנָטוּס

1409, Jastrow 3200
(ornatus, ὀρνᾶτος) decoration. Lam. R. to IV, 1 שהיה דומה לא' של זהב (ed. ארנטס,
ארונטס) who was (to the nation) like a gold decoration.

ὀρνιθολόγος (ornithologos) - אוֹרְנִיתוֹלוֹג

1410, Klein 611
ornithologist. FW [Gk. ornithologos (= one who speaks of birds), compounded of ornis,
gen. ornithos (= bird), and - logos (see לוֹגוֹס).]

ὁρριάριος - אֲהוּרְיָיר, אֲהוּרְיָירָא

1411, Jastrow 490
(horrearius, ὁρριάριος; v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Horreum) store-keeper, steward. [Comment.:
fr. אֻרְוָוה, v. אוּרְיָא, equerry.] Meg. 12b בר אהוריירֵיה דאבא thou, son of my
father’s steward. B. Mets. 85a (Ms. M. אהוריריה); Sabb. 113b אהוריריה (v. Rabb.
D. S. a. l. note 4) א' דרבי Rabbi’s house steward (manager).

ὄρυζα (oryza) - אֹֽרֶז, אֽוֹרֶז

1412, Klein 2111
rice. PBH [Hebraization of Gk. oryza (= rice), which derives from Old Pers. brīzi,
from Afghan vrižē, ultimately from Old I. vrīhí (= rice). See ‘rice’ and cp. ‘Oryza’
in my CEDEL. cp. also אָרְזִית.]

ὀρχήστης - אָרְכֵיסְטֵיס

1413, Jastrow 3150
(ὀρχήστης) dancer. Y. Succ. V, 55c top; Y. Snh. II, 20b bot. ארכסטס; Num. R. s.
4.—Pl. אָרְכֵיסְטִין or אָרְכֵיסְטֵיסִין. Midr. Sam. s. XXV, end ארכיסטריס, Var.
ארכיליסטיס (corr. acc.).

ὁσπίτιον (hospition) - אֻשְׁפִּיז

1414, Klein 2303
1) inn. PBH 2) host. PBH 3) guest. MH [Med. Gk. hospition, hospetion (= inn), from
L. hospitium (= inn; hospitality), from hospes, gen. hospitis (= host; guest),
which stands for *hosti-potis and orig. meant ‘lord of strangers’. cp. Old Slavic
gospodǐ (= lord, master), which also means lit. ‘lord of strangers’ and is the
exact equivalent of L. hospes. The first element in L. hospes and in Old Slavic
gospodǐ is cogn. with Gothic gasts, Old Eng. gaest, giest, etc. (= guest). The
second element is cogn. with L. potis (= able), potēns (= powerful); see אִימְפּוֹטֶנֽטִי.

Οὐάλης - בָּאלִי

1415, Jastrow 3492
Bali (Οὐάλης, Βάλης, Valens). Ber. 25b; Taan. 18a. Sabb. 17b; Ab. Zar. 36b. Cmp.

οὐγκία - אוּנְקְיָא

1416, Jastrow 765
(uncia, οὐγκία) 1)ounce, one twelfth of a litra. Gen. R. s. 17 א' של כסף an ounce
of silver. Lam. R. to I, 1 נסבון מן אונקא (העיר) (corr. acc.) they bought ounce-wise
(pepper).—2) trnsf. a trifle, particle. Y. Taan. IV, 68c top there is not a generation
in which there is not (to be atoned for through suffering) אונקי אחת וכ' (read
אונקיא אחת) a particle of the sin of the calf-worship. Ex. R. s. 43, beg. אוקיא
(corr. acc.). Gen. R. s. 29; Yalk. Gen. 47; Job. 908 (play on אי נקי Job. XXII,
30) א' אחת היתה וכ' only an ounce (of merit) did Noah possess; v. אינוניתא.—Pl.
אוּנְקִיּוֹת. Gen. R. s. 79, end (play on the letters of ק̇ש̇י̇ט̇ה̇ Gen. XXXIII,
19) במאה אונקֹיות … ס̇לעים … ט̇לאים for one hundred (ק̇) ounces (of gold) &c. V.

οὐγκιά (ounkia) - אוּנְקְיָא, אוּנְקְיָה

1417, Klein 511
ounce. [Gk. ounkia, from L. uncia (= the sixteenth part of a pound, an ounce), from
oinicia, oincia (lit.: ‘unity’), and related to L. ūnus (= one). See ‘uncia’ in
my CEDEL. cp. אוֹקֽיָה, אִינְץ׳.]

Οὐλαμμοῦς - אוּלָם,

1418, Jastrow 675
(v. foreg., Οὐλαμμοῦς Euseb. Euseb. Onom.; Neub. Géogr. p. 18; 261)Ulam (Porta)
a place in Gilead, and one in Galilee. Y. Snh. X, 28d—2) in Cilicia; v. אַבְלַ

οὐσία - (אוסי) אוּסִיָּא

1419, Jastrow 787
(οὐσία) substance, (landed) property, farm, estate. Gen. R. s. 49 אוסי (corr. acc.).—Num.
R. s. 23 שפחות מן א' וכ' maid-servants from another estate. Y. Taan. IV, 69a; Lam.
R. to II, 2 אי' (corr. acc.). Lev. R. s. 34.—Pl. אוּסִיּוֹת. Ex. R. s. 20. Ch.
pl. אוּסְיָאן, אוּסְיָיאן. Lev. R. s. 3, beg. he likes to be called מרי אס' (corr.
acc.) lord of many estates; Koh. R. to IV, 6 אוסייאס (corr. acc.).

ὀφφικιάλιος - אוֹפִיקְיָלִין

1420, Jastrow 807
(officialis, ὀφφικιάλιος) subordinate officials, constables. Y’lamd. Balak (quot.
in Ar. s. v. בלש) או' ed. Koh. Ib. שלח אפיקלין (corr. acc.) he sent constables
(for her son).

ὄχλος (ochlos) - אֻכְלוּסִים

1421, Klein 1093
pl. 1) crowd. 2) population. [Formed from Gk. ochlos (= crowd, mob, multitude, populace),
which is of uncertain origin. It is perhaps related to ochein (= to carry), and
cogn. with L. vehere (= to carry, convey). See ‘vehicle’ and ‘weigh’ in my CEDEL
and cp. ‘ochlocracy’ ibid.]

ὀψαρίου - *איספיסריאון, קומיס א'

1422, Jastrow 1479
, Lev. R. s. 5, read אֹופְּסָרִיאוּ (ὀψαρίου) = comes annonæ; v. D. C. s. v. Comes

ὀψαρτυτής - *איספקסיטין

1423, Jastrow 1487
, read אוֹפְּסַרְטִיטֵיס m. (ὀψαρτυτής) cook. Esth. R. to I, 14, read הא' של כולם
(ממוכן = preparing).

ὀψιανός - *אֲפוּזְיָינֵי, אָפְזְיָינֵי

1424, Jastrow 2610
(ὀψιανός, sub λίθος, obsianus) obsidian beads [Rashi: of gold, thinking of פז].
Sabb. 57b Ms. M. אפוז' (ed. אפוזיינו, Ar. s. v. אָבְז' אב; Var. in Mss. אפד',
אפיד', v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.), expl. טוטפת, of Mish., contrad. to חומרתא דקטיפתא
balsam beads, v. חוּמַרְתָּא. V. אָפְסְיָין.

ὀψιανός - *אָפְסְיָין

1425, Jastrow 2759
(obsianus, ὀψιανός) obsidian, a stone used as glass. Tanḥ. Naso 23. Yalk. Ps. 842
אפוטיין (read אוֹפְסְיָין). [Midr. Till. to Ps. XCI; Num. R. s. 12 קליפין.] Cmp.
אָפְזְיָינֵי. V. אמפומיות.

ὄψις (opsis) - אֶפְעֶה

1426, Klein 1884
viper. [Prob. lit. ‘the hissing animal’ and derived from פעה (= to groan, cry).
cp. Aram. אַפְעָא (= viper), from פְּעָא (= it bleated), Arab. af‘am (= viper),
Ethiop. ’af‘ōt. cp. also Coptic efōt (= a kind of a crocodile). According to Aharoni
אֶפְעֶה is identical with Echis colorata. Gk. opsis (= snake) is perhaps a loan
word from Heb. אֶפְעֶה or Aram. אַפְעָא.]

ὀψοθήκη - *אפסתיק, אפסתקי

1427, Jastrow 2767
(supposed to be an adapt. of ὀψοθήκη) wallet. Gen. R. s. 70 when Laban could not
see אפי' אפסתקיתיה (יתי …, Yalk. Gen. 124 אפסתיק' without אפי', Ar. omits אפי',
Lonz. אפיסטוקתיא, Rashi אפסט' without אפי') even his (Jacob’s) wallet. [Prob. to
be read חמי אַפּוֹתִּיקִי דידיה … or אַפוֹתִּיקַיָּתֵיה, cmp. Targ. Y. Gen. XXIV,

οψωνάτωρ - *, *פְּסַנְטוֹר

1428, Jastrow 24097
(corrupt. of obsonator, οψωνάτωρ) caterer, purveyor. Koh. R. to I, 3 פְּסַנְטוֹרָךְ
אנא ולית את מטעים וכ' I am thy caterer, and thou wilt not let me taste thy dish,
that I may know what it may need?; Lev. R. s. 28 Ar. (ed., a. Yalk. Jer. 276, a.
e. מגרסך, v. מָגֵירוֹס).

ὀψωνία (opsonia) - אַפְסַנְיָה

1429, Klein 1879
supply for an army, provision, catering. PBH [Gk. opsonia (= purchase of fish or
other victuals), from opsones (= one who buys fish or other victuals, caterer,
purveyor), which is compounded of opson (= meat, fish), which is of uncertain origin,
and oneisthai (= to buy food), for whose etymology see אוֹן II.]

ὀψώνιον - אָפְסוֹנִין, אוֹפְסוֹנִין

1430, Jastrow 2753
(ὀψώνιον) provision, marketing. Tanḥ. Tsav 1 כבר שלחתי אפסונין וכ' (some ed. גין
…) I have already sent the marketing to thy house (bribing the market commissioner);
Yalk. Lev. 479 אופסנון; Mic. 555 אופסיטן (corr. acc.).

ὀψώνιον - אָפְסַנְיָא

1431, Jastrow 2763
(ὀψώνιον, cmp. אָפְסוֹנִין) provision, esp. supply and pay for an army. Snh. 18b
מלך משום א' the king (is excluded from the court deciding on the intercalation
of a thirteenth month) on account of the soldiers’ pay (it being to his interest
to create an embolistic year). Ib. II, 4 (21b) (Mish. a. Gem. ed. אספ' throughout
the whole page, Ms. M. אפס') כדי ליתן א' as much as is required for the stipends
he has to pay. Y. Snh. II, 20c top אפסנייא.—Pl. אָפְסַנְיוֹת (doubtful, prob. אַכְסַנְיוּת).
Cant. R. to I, 2 שהיה מהלך א' (read מחלק, ed. אפסיניות, אפיסניות). Sifré Deut.
328; Yalk. ib. 946 אָפְסַנְיָאוֹת.

πάγχρυσος - פַּנְקְרִיסִין פַּנְקְרִסִין

1432, Jastrow 23974
(πάγχρυσος) [all-gold,] name of a fruit, prob. apricots. Y. Sot. I, 17b top יפה
מפ' וכ' … better were the late fruits … than the apricots &c.; ib. IX, 24b bot.;
(Y. Peah VII, 20a bot. מפרסקין). Y. Sabb. III, 5d וטעמן יפה כפ' and their taste
was as delicious as that of apricots; Y. Ter. II, 41c bot. (corr. acc.).—Y. Ab.
Zar. II, 41d פ' … שלהן apricots pressed by gentiles (prob. to be read, as Bab.
ib. 38b; Tosef. ib. IV (V), 11 קַפְרִיסִין).

παθητικός (pathetikos) - פָּתֶטִי

1433, Klein 23904
pathetic. FW [Back formation from Gk. pathetikos (= capable of emotion), from pathetos
(= subject to suffering), verbal adj. of pathein (= to suffer). See פָּתוֹס and
suff. □ִי.]

πάθος (pathos) - פָּתוֹס

1434, Klein 23891
pathos. FW [Gk. pathos (= suffering, passion, misfortune, calamity), related to
pathein, paschein (= to suffer), penthos (= grief, sorrow). cp. פָּתֶטִי, the first
element in פָּתוֹלוֹגְיָה and the second element in סִימְפַּתְיָה.]

παιδάγωγος - פְּדָגוֹג פִּידָ'

1435, Jastrow 22867
(παιδάγωγος) pedagogue, tutor, a youth’s governor. Gen. R. s. 1 (expl. אמון, Prov.
VIII, 30). Ib. s. 28 למלך שמסר את בנו לפ' וכ' like the case of a king that gave
his son in charge of a governor, who led him to excesses. Pesik. Baḥod., p. 101b
אמר פִּידָגוֹגוֹ וכ' said his tutor, let him go to school; a. fr.—Pl. פְּדָגוֹגִין,
פִּידָ'. Num. R. s. 1, beg. ולא העמדתי לכם שלשה פ' וכ' (not להם) and did I not
assign to you three governors: Moses, Aaron, and Miriam? (Lev. R. s. 27 שלוחין).
Deut. R. s. 2; a. e.

παιδαγωγῶν - פלגוגון פלגוגין

1436, Jastrow 23703
, a corrupt. for פַּדְגּוֹגוֹן m. (παιδαγωγῶν) teaching, training. Y’lamd. to Deut.
V, 6 sq., quot. in Ar. אלפיים שנה היה הקב"ה פ' בה וכ' two thousand years (two days
of the Lord’s, before the creation of the world) the Lord used her (the Torah)
as a pedagogue (disciplining the forces of Nature, with ref. to יום יום, Prov.
VIII, 30); cmp. Gen. R. s. 1, beg.

παλαιά - פַּלִּיָיא פַּלִּיָיאָה

1437, Jastrow 23818
(παλαιά) old. Lev. R. s. 33 (not פיל'; Ar. פליאה), v. בְּלֵי I; Yalk. Dan. 1061
פליא. Cant. R. to III, 4 פילאי (corr. acc.), v. באמי.

Παλαιστίνη - פְּלַסְטִינִי

1438, Jastrow 23865
(Παλαιστίνη) Palestine (Philistæa). Gen. R. s. 90 end (ref. to Gen. XLI, 54) בשלש
ארצות בפניקיא ובפ' … in the three countries, Phœnicia, Arabia and Palestine; Yalk.
ib. 148 בקפוטיקי … ובפלסטים (corr. acc.). Lev. R. s. 5 (ref. to גת פלשתים Am. VI,
2) אלין תלוליא דפ' that means the mounds of Philistia; Num. R. s. 10; Yalk. Am.
545 דפלסתני (corr. acc). Lam. R. to I, 5 דוכוס דפ' the dux (commander) of Palestine

παλαιστίνη (palaistine) - פַּלֶשְׂתִּינָה

1439, Klein 23006
Palestine. NH [From Gk. palaistine, from Heb. פּֽלֶשֶׁת (q.v.). Already Herodotus
(and after him Ptolemy and Pliny) used the phrase Syrie e palaistine (= Palestinian
Syria) to denote Judea and Palestine as well as the interior of the land down to
the Arabian desert. Later the phrase ‘Palestinian Syria’ was shortened into ‘Palestine’,
which was used already by Josephus and Philo. Since Vespasian the country was called
officially ‘Palestine’. In 1948 the name was changed into ‘Israel’. Syr. פלסטינא
and Arab. Falastīn go back to Gk. palaistine.]

παλατίνη - פַּלָּטִינוֹס פַּלָּאטִ'

1440, Jastrow 23780
(palatinus, παλατῖνος) 1) (sub. mons) the Palatine Hill, a name given to royal
residences in general (v. Dio Cassius LIII, 16); esp. Palatinus, a name given by
the Samaritans to Mount Gerizim. Gen. R. s. 32 עבר בהדין פלטאנוס (Var. ניס …,
נים …; corr. acc.) passed that Palatinus (on his way to Jerusalem); ib. s. 81 פלטנוס
(not ת …); Cant. R. to IV, 4 חד פלאטנוס (corr. acc.); Yalk. Gen. 57 פלטניס (corr.
acc.); (Deut. R. s. 3 הר גריזים).—2)courtier, palace-guard, nobleman. —Pl. פַּלָּטִינִין;
(Lat. form) פַּלָּטִינִי, פַּלָּא'. Num. R. s. 1 שבטו של לוי פ' היו the tribe of
Levi was the palace-guard (royal body-guard in the Temple). Ib. s. 5 אע"פ שהיתה
משפחת קהת פ' וכ' although the Kehath family vere palatini, when carrying the Ark
they carried it like slaves (on their shoulders, no rank being recognized before
God, v. פַּלָּטִין). Ruth R. to I, 2 (expl. אפרתים, ib.) פלטייאני (corr. acc.);
Midr. Sam. ch. I פלאטוני (corr. acc.); Lev. R. s. 2 (ref. to אפרים, Jer. XXXI,
19) פלטיאני (corr. acc.). Pirké d’R. El. ch. XLV (ref. to אפרת I Chr. II, 19) פלטיני
בת מלכים וכ' (παλατίνη) a palatina, a daughter of nobles; ib. בן פלטוני בן מלכים
וכ' (corr. acc.) a son of noblemen, a son of kings &c. Num. R. s. 13 בן פלוטומנין,
פולוט'; Pesik. R. s. 7 פולטומין (corr. acc.).

παλατῖνος - פַּלָּטִינוֹס פַּלָּאטִ'

1441, Jastrow 23780
(palatinus, παλατῖνος) 1) (sub. mons) the Palatine Hill, a name given to royal
residences in general (v. Dio Cassius LIII, 16); esp. Palatinus, a name given by
the Samaritans to Mount Gerizim. Gen. R. s. 32 עבר בהדין פלטאנוס (Var. ניס …,
נים …; corr. acc.) passed that Palatinus (on his way to Jerusalem); ib. s. 81 פלטנוס
(not ת …); Cant. R. to IV, 4 חד פלאטנוס (corr. acc.); Yalk. Gen. 57 פלטניס (corr.
acc.); (Deut. R. s. 3 הר גריזים).—2)courtier, palace-guard, nobleman. —Pl. פַּלָּטִינִין;
(Lat. form) פַּלָּטִינִי, פַּלָּא'. Num. R. s. 1 שבטו של לוי פ' היו the tribe of
Levi was the palace-guard (royal body-guard in the Temple). Ib. s. 5 אע"פ שהיתה
משפחת קהת פ' וכ' although the Kehath family vere palatini, when carrying the Ark
they carried it like slaves (on their shoulders, no rank being recognized before
God, v. פַּלָּטִין). Ruth R. to I, 2 (expl. אפרתים, ib.) פלטייאני (corr. acc.);
Midr. Sam. ch. I פלאטוני (corr. acc.); Lev. R. s. 2 (ref. to אפרים, Jer. XXXI,
19) פלטיאני (corr. acc.). Pirké d’R. El. ch. XLV (ref. to אפרת I Chr. II, 19) פלטיני
בת מלכים וכ' (παλατίνη) a palatina, a daughter of nobles; ib. בן פלטוני בן מלכים
וכ' (corr. acc.) a son of noblemen, a son of kings &c. Num. R. s. 13 בן פלוטומנין,
פולוט'; Pesik. R. s. 7 פולטומין (corr. acc.).

παλάτιον - פַּלָּטִין פַּלְטִין

1442, Jastrow 23779
c. (palatium, παλάτιον) palace. [Targ. Lam. IV, 1, read with ed. Lag. פִּיטָלוֹן.]
Targ. Y. II Gen. XII, 15 (Ar. פַּלְטוֹרִין). Targ. II Esth. I, 9; a. fr.—Gen. R.
s. 12 לפ' גדולה וכ' like a large palace with many entrances. Y. Sabb. X, 12c אין
גדולה בפ' של מלך in the king’s palace (the Temple) no rank is recognized (all are
alike); a. v. fr.—Pl. same. Targ. Y. Gen. XLVII, 27.—V. פַּלְטֵרִין

παλάτιον (palation) - פָּלָטִין

1443, Klein 22888
palace. PBH [Gk. palation, L. palātium (= palace; orig. palace built by Augustus
on Palatine Hill), from Palātium (= Palatine Hill), name of the central of the
seven hills of Rome. The name Palātium is prob. of Etruscan origin and related
to Palēs, name of an Italian goddess of shepherds and cattle.]

παλίνδρομος (palindromos) - פָּלִינְדְּרוֹם

1444, Klein 22929
palindrome. FW [Gk. palindromos (= running again), compounded of palin (= again)
and dromos (= course), whence dromaios kamelos (= dromedary). See ‘dromedary’ in
my CEDEL.]

παλλακή (pallake) - פִּילֶגֶשׁ

1445, Klein 22721
1) concubine. 2) mistress. NH [cp. Aram. פַלְקְתָא, Syr. פלקא (= concubine). cp.
also Gk. pallake, pallakis (= concubine). Avestic pairika (= beautiful women seducing
pious men). All these words are certainly related, but it is difficult to establish
the degree of their relationship to one another. cp. פַּלְגָּס.]

πάλλαξ - פַּלְגְּס

1446, Jastrow 23712
(πάλλαξ, πάλληξ, prob. of Semitic origin; cmp. פַּלְגִּיסָא, a. פִּלֶּגֶשׁ) a youth
in the intermediate stage between boyhood and maturity; trnsf. a sheep beyond the
age of כֶּבֶשׂ and below that of אַיִל (v. ניּקָּד). Par. I, 3 רבי טרפין קורהו
פ' R. T. named such a sheep of thirteen months a pallax. Ḥull. 23a. Tosef. ib.
I, 14 הפ' בזה ובזה פסול the pallax is unfit for sacrifice either as כבש or as איל.—Pl.
ch. פַּלְגִּיסִין. Targ. Ps. XXXVII, 20 (h. text כרים).

πάλλαξ (pallax) - פַּלְגָּס

1447, Klein 22842
1) sheep thirteen months old. PBH 2) youth between boyhood and adulthood. NH [Gk.
pallax (= youth, girl). See פִּילֶגֶשׁ.]

πάλληξ - פַּלְגְּס

1448, Jastrow 23712
(πάλλαξ, πάλληξ, prob. of Semitic origin; cmp. פַּלְגִּיסָא, a. פִּלֶּגֶשׁ) a youth
in the intermediate stage between boyhood and maturity; trnsf. a sheep beyond the
age of כֶּבֶשׂ and below that of אַיִל (v. ניּקָּד). Par. I, 3 רבי טרפין קורהו
פ' R. T. named such a sheep of thirteen months a pallax. Ḥull. 23a. Tosef. ib.
I, 14 הפ' בזה ובזה פסול the pallax is unfit for sacrifice either as כבש or as איל.—Pl.
ch. פַּלְגִּיסִין. Targ. Ps. XXXVII, 20 (h. text כרים).

παλλίον - אַפַּלְיוֹן, פַּלְיוּם, פַּלְיוֹן

1449, Jastrow 2738
(pallium, παλλίον) pallium, a sheet worn as a cloak and used for bed-cover. Sabb.
120a Ar. a. Rashi (ed. אפיליות, Ms. M. פיליון, corr. acc.). Y. ib. XVI, 15d top
פיליון (corr. acc.). Nidd. VIII, 1 וכן בפליום Mish. (Bab. ed. פוליוס, corr. acc.,
Var. פליון). Treat. S’mahoth XII מאפלוני, read מֵאַפַּלְיוֹנִי.

πάλλιον - פַּלְיוּם פַּלְיוֹן

1450, Jastrow 23805
(pallium, πάλλιον) sheet, blanket; mantle. Nidd. VIII, 1, v. אַפַּלְיוֹן. Y. Sabb.
XVI, 15d top פיליון (corr. acc.); Bab. ib. 120a אפיליות (corr. acc., v. אַפַּלְיוֹן).
Y. Ber. II, 4c bot. מעבר ליה בפיליוס (corr. acc.) put a sheet over it; a. e.—Pl.
פַּלְיוֹנוֹת. Sifra M’tsorʿa, Neg., Par. 7, ch. V אפי הוא לבוש … ועטוף עשרה פ'
Rabad (ed. פולייוניות, corr. acc.) even if he is clothed …, and wrapped in ten

Πάν (pan) - פַּן

1451, Klein 23020
Pan (Greek mythology). FW [Gk. pan, prob. contracted from pauson and cogn. with
Old I. Pāṣán (a Vedic god, guardian and multiplier of cattle and of human possessions
in general, lit. ‘nourisher’. cp. פָּנִיקָה.]

πᾶν (pan) - פַּן□

1452, Klein 23021
pan- (combining form as in פַּן־אֲמֵרִיקָנִי, ‘pan-American’). FW [Gk. pan, from
pas, pasa (= all, every), which is of uncertain origin. cp. the first element in
פַּנְדּוֹרָה, פָּנוֹרָמָה, פַּנְטוֹגְרָף, פַּנְקְרֵיאַס.]

πανδοκεῖον - פּוּנְדָּק

1453, Jastrow 23024
(πανδοκεῖον) inn, tavern, lodging place. B. Mets. 26a שעשאו פ' לשלשה בני אדם (not
ישראל; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 4) when he made his house a lodging place for
three persons (at the same time). Sot. 10a (expl. אשל, Gen. XXI, 33) חד אמר פרדס
וחד אמר פ' one says, it means, Abraham planted an orchard, and one says, he put
up an inn (for the reception of travellers); Gen. R. s. 54 (with play on א̇ש̇ל̇)
פונדיק ש̇א̇ל̇ מה תשאל וכ' an inn, (where they say,) ask what you may desire, cake,
meat, &c. Macc. 10b הקב"ה מזמינן לפונדיק אחד the Lord causes them to meet at the
same inn. Yeb. XVI, 7 (122a) והביאוהו בפונדוק (Y. ed. בפונדק) and they brought
him (the sick man) to an inn; a. fr.—[Y. B. Mets. V, 10c bot. אבל בפ', read: בפִיסּוּק.]—Pl.
פּוּנְדְּקות. Men. 32b בפוּנְדְּקוֹתֵיהֶן at the door of their lodgings.

πανδοκεῖον (pandakion) - פּוּנְדָק, פֻּנְדָּק, פּוּנְדְּקֵי, פֻּנְדְּקֵי

1454, Klein 22415
inn, tavern, lodging place. PBH [From Gk. pandakion, from pandokos (= innkeeper,
host; lit. ‘all-receiving’), which is compounded of pan (= every), which is of
uncertain origin, and dokos, which stands in gradational relationship to dekesthai
(= to receive), from IE base * deƙ–, deƙ– (= to take, receive, accept; acceptable,
becoming, good). See ‘decent’ in my CEDEL and cp. דוֹצֶנְט and words there referred

πανδοῦρα - פַּנְדּוּרָה

1455, Jastrow 23918
(πανδοῦρα, v. Hesych. s. v.) pandean pipe (syrinx), the shepherd’s pipe. Y. B.
Bath. VII, end, 15d נותן לו כמין פ' he must give him a portion of his field in
the shape of a syrinx (a quadrangle one side of which is half as long as its opposite).
Ib. III, beg. 13d (expl. מַשְׁכּוֹכִיתָא) אית דמרין פ' (ed. Krot. פנדודה, corr.
acc.) some say, the deliverance of the shepherd’s pipe (as symbolical possession);
Y. B. Kam. X, end, 7c (expl. ברחא), v. שַׁרְקוּקִיתָא.

πανδώρα (pandora) - פַּנְדּוֹרָה

1456, Klein 23026
Pandora (Greek mythology). FW [Gk. pandora (= Pandora; lit. ‘giver of all’, from
pan- (see פַּן□) and doron (= gift); see דּוֹרוֹן.]

πανεγυρίστης - פַּנְגַּר

1457, Jastrow 23913
(an adaptation of πανεγυρίστης) Pangar (Encomiast), name of one of the generals
(duces) before Jerusalem under Vespasian. Lam. R. to I, 5 חד אמר קילוס שמיה וחד
אמר פ' שמיה one says, the name of that dux was Ḳillus (Praise), and one says, his
name was Pangar.

πάνθηρ - פַּנְתֵּיר פַּנְתֵּר

1458, Jastrow 23977
(πάνθηρ) panther or leopard. —Pl. פַּנְתֵּירִין, פַּנְתֵּרִין. Midr. Till. to Ps.
LXXVIII, 45 (expl. ערב ib.) מין חיה הוא ושמה פ' והביאן וכ' (not והביאו) it is a
species of wild beasts named leopards, and the Lord sent them &c.; Yalk. ib. 820

πάνθηρ (panther) - פַּנְתֵּר, פַּנְטֵר

1459, Klein 23090
panther. PBH [Gk. panther, a word of Indian origin. cp. Old I. puṇḍárīkam (= tiger),
which means perhaps lit. ‘the yellowish (animal)’, and is related to pāṇḍaraḥ (=
whitish yellow).]

παννύκτοι - פַּנִּיקְטִין

1460, Jastrow 23963
(παννύκτοι = παννύχιοι, S.) all-night watches (pervigilia), in gen. camps. Targ.
Ps. LXVIII, 30 מפַּנִּיקְטֵיהוֹן Ar. a. Ms. (ed. מִפַּנְקְטֵי', ed. Wil. מְפַ',
corr. acc.).—Lev. R. s. 1 היו אומות העולם … מתוך פַּנִּיקְטֵיהֶן (some ed. פַּנּוּקְ')
the nations were in danger of hearing the voice of divine revelation and being
frightened out of their camps (Tanḥ. T’rum. 9 לתוך אהליהם), v. תָּרַז.—Gen. R.
s. 16 in three things Greece was in advance of Rome, בנימוסין ובפניקטין וכ' Ar.
(Ms. Paris בפנקיטין, ed. בפנקיסין, בפנקיסון, corr. acc.) in laws, in the arrangements
of camp vigils &c.

παννύχιοι - פַּנִּיקְטִין

1461, Jastrow 23963
(παννύκτοι = παννύχιοι, S.) all-night watches (pervigilia), in gen. camps. Targ.
Ps. LXVIII, 30 מפַּנִּיקְטֵיהוֹן Ar. a. Ms. (ed. מִפַּנְקְטֵי', ed. Wil. מְפַ',
corr. acc.).—Lev. R. s. 1 היו אומות העולם … מתוך פַּנִּיקְטֵיהֶן (some ed. פַּנּוּקְ')
the nations were in danger of hearing the voice of divine revelation and being
frightened out of their camps (Tanḥ. T’rum. 9 לתוך אהליהם), v. תָּרַז.—Gen. R.
s. 16 in three things Greece was in advance of Rome, בנימוסין ובפניקטין וכ' Ar.
(Ms. Paris בפנקיטין, ed. בפנקיסין, בפנקיסון, corr. acc.) in laws, in the arrangements
of camp vigils &c.

πανούκλιον - פּוּנְקְלִין

1462, Jastrow 23044
(πανούκλιον, Hesych. s. v. πήνιον; πανοῦλκος quot. in Sm. Ant. s. v. Tela; Lat.
panuncula) threads wound around the bobbin. B. Kam. 119b אין לוקחין … ולא פ' (Ms.
M. פונקנין, Ms. H. פונקין) you dare not buy from the weaver … threads of the bobbin
(v. נִיר IV); Tosef. ib. XI, 11 פָּאנִיקְנִין (Var. פאנקין; anoth. var. סנאקנין,
corr. acc.).

πανοῦλκος - פּוּנְקְלִין

1463, Jastrow 23044
(πανούκλιον, Hesych. s. v. πήνιον; πανοῦλκος quot. in Sm. Ant. s. v. Tela; Lat.
panuncula) threads wound around the bobbin. B. Kam. 119b אין לוקחין … ולא פ' (Ms.
M. פונקנין, Ms. H. פונקין) you dare not buy from the weaver … threads of the bobbin
(v. נִיר IV); Tosef. ib. XI, 11 פָּאנִיקְנִין (Var. פאנקין; anoth. var. סנאקנין,
corr. acc.).

πάντως - פַּנְטוֹס

1464, Jastrow 23934
(πάντως) at all events, by all means. Y. Snh. VI, beg. 23b, v. נִיבְזִין.

παξαμᾶς - פַּכְסְמִין

1465, Jastrow 23680
(παξαμᾶς) biscuits. Num. R. s. 7.

παξαμᾶς (paxamas) - פַּכְסָם

1466, Klein 22810
biscuit. PBH [From Gk. paxamas (= biscuit); so called from the baker Paxamos.]

Παπίας - פַּפְּיָיס פַּפְּיָס פַּפְּיָאס

1467, Jastrow 24171
(Παπίας) Papias, name of a Tannai. Eduy. VII, 5, sq. (Ms. M. פפוס, corr. acc.);
R. Hash. 6a (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 8); Tem. III, 1. Shek. IV, 7 (early eds.
פפוס; Ms. O. פפיאס, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l., p. 32, note 90). Yalk. Gen. 34; Gen.
R. s. 21 פפוס (corr. acc.); Cant. R. to I, 9 פפיס. Mekh. Yithro, ʿĂmal., s. 1 פפיס

Πάππος - פַּפּוּס

1468, Jastrow 24164
(Πάππος) Pappus, 1) P. , 1) P. b. Judah, the alleged husband of the mother of Jesus
of Nazareth. Sabb. 104b (missing in editions under censorial supervision). Tosef.
Sot. V, 9 כגון פ' בן י' שהיה נועל וכ' (not שנועל) like P. b. J. who locked the
door before his wife (refused to live with her on account of a suspicion); Y. ib.
I, 17a bot.; Y. Kidd. IV, 66a והודה בן פ'; Gitt. 90a פ' בן י'; Num. R. s. 9 י'
בן פ'.—2)Pappus (ben Judah), mentioned in connection with לוּלְיָינוֹס, q. v. Sifra
B’ḥuck., Par. 2, ch. V; Y. Taan. II, 66a top פיפוס (corr. acc.); a. fr. —3)Pappus,
father of R. Judah, a contemporary of R. Joshua. Y. B. Bath. V, 15a bot.; Y. Ber.
II, end, 5d.—[Gen. R. s. 21 ר' פ'; Eduy. VII, 5 פפוס Ms. M., v. פַּפְּיָיס.]

παρά - פָּרָא

1469, Jastrow 24292
(παρά) with, for. Y. R. Hash. I, 57a bot., v. אַגְרָפוֹס.—[פרא in compounds often
separated, as פ' כורין פ' פורנון, v. פָּרָאכוֹרִין, פָּרָאפוֹרְנוֹן &c.]

παρά (para) - פָּרַ□

1470, Klein 23394
(before a vowel פָּר□) pref. FW para-, par-. Used in words of Greek origin in the
senses: by the side of, beside, past, beyond; contrary, wrong, irregular, abnormal.
[Gk. para-, par-, from para (= from beside, beyond, against, contrary), which is
cogn. with Old I. pára (= beyond). cp. פֶּר□, פֶּרִי□, פְּרֵי□, פְּרוֹ□ I, פְּרוֹ□

παραγώδης - פַּרְגּוֹד

1471, Jastrow 24311
(paragauda, παραγώδης of Semitic origin; פרג to divide, cmp. פָּרוֹכֶת) 1)curtain.
Kel. XXIX, 1 Maim. (R. S. tunic, v. infra).—Esp. (cmp. וִילוֹן) the curtain of
heaven. Ḥag. 15a כבר שמעתי מאחורי הפ' וכ' I have already heard from behind the
Curtain, ‘Return, ye wayward children, all except Aḥer.’ Yoma 77a Ms. M. (omitted
in later editions; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 3). B. Mets. 59a שלשה אין הפ' ננעל
בפניהם there are three wrongs for which the Curtain is never closed (the outcries
over them will not be unheeded).—Trnsf. the court, royal attendants. Mekh. Yithro,
Baḥod., s. 2 לא דומה שומע מפי פ' וכ' it is not the same to hear from the lips of
attendants as to hear from the lips of the king himself; Yalk. Ex. 276.—2)a certain
garment, tunic. Gen. R. s. 84 (expl. כתנת הפסים, Gen. XXXVII, 23). Shek. III,
2, v. חָפַת; a. e.—3) (cmp. אַוְורַקְסִין) a sort of breeches. Sabb. 120a שני
פרגוד Ms. M. (ed. פרגד; Ar. פַּרְגּוֹדִין) two (a pair of) breeches; (Y. ib. XVI,
15d אבריקין).

παράδειγμα - פָּרָדִיגְמָטָא

1472, Jastrow 24337
(παράδειγμα, ατος) an example, exposure to public shame. Tanḥ., ed. Bub., Lekh
7 (ref. to II Sam. X, 4) ועשה אותם פ' and made them a public disgrace; Yalk. Ps.
730 פדרגימט' (corr. acc.). Yalk. Kings 249 החזיר אותו בכל ערי בפרדימא … וקרע את
החמור וכ' (some ed. בפרדימס, corr. acc.) he carried him around all cities of Israel
as a public shame, and then put him to death, and took the ass and tore it open
and buried &c.; Lev. R. s. 19 וישב עליו בפרדימ'.

παράκλητος - פְּרַקְלִיט

1473, Jastrow 24764
(παράκλητος) advocate; intercessor. Ab. IV, 11 העושה … קינה לו פ' אחד he that does
a good deed, acquires an advocate for himself, opp. קטגיר. Sifra M’tsorʿa, Neg.,
Par. 3, ch. III חטאת דומה לפ' שנכנס לרצות רצה פ' וכ' a sin-offering is like an
intercessor that enters (the royal palace) to appease (the king); when the intercessor
has succeeded, the present is sent in (the burnt-offering follows); Zeb. 7b; Tosef.
Peah IV, 21 (v. infra); a. e.—Pl. פְּרַקְלִיטִין. Sabb. 32a כל העולה … פ' גדולים
וכ' when one ascends the scaffold to be put to death, if he has prominent intercessors,
he is pardoned &c.; ואלו הן פ' של אדם וכ' these are man’s intercessors (before
divine judgment): repentance and good deeds. B. Bath. 10a כל צדקה … שלום ופ' גדולין
בין וכ' all acts of charity and benevolence … are great peace (makers) and intercessors
between Israel and his Father in heaven; (Tosef. l. c. פרקליט גדול ושלום). Y. Taan.
I, beg. 63c פ' לפים intercessors praying for rain; a. e.

παράκλητος (parakletos) - פְּרַקְלִיט

1474, Klein 23776
advocate, solicitor. PBH [Gk. parakletos (= advocate), verbal adj. of parakatein
(= to call to aid, summon, invite, console, exhort, encourage), from para (= beside),
and kalein (= to call), which is cogn. with L. calāre (= to proclaim, call, shout).

παραλευκός - *, *פָּרָאלַוְקִין

1475, Jastrow 24299
(παραλευκός, -όν) [whitish,] name of a gem in the high priest’s breastplate (corresp.
to שֹׁהַם). Ex. R. s. 38, end [perh. a corrupt. of בירולין βηρύλλιον, v. LXX,
Ex. XXVIII, 20].

παραλληλόγραμμον (parallelogrammon) - פָּרַלֶּלוֹגְרַם

1476, Klein 23669
parallelogram. FW [Gk. parallelogrammon, properly neuter of the adj. parallelogrammos
(= bounded by parallel lines), from parallelos (= parallel), and the stem of graphein
(= to write). See פָּרַלֶּלִי and □גְּרַם.]

παράλληλος (parallelos) - פָּרַלֶּלִי

1477, Klein 23670
parallel. FW [Gk. parallelos, formed from para (= beside; see פָּרַ□), and allelon
(= of one another), from allall, contraction of allos–allon, lit. ‘the other’.
See אַלֵּגוֹרֽיָה and cp. words there referred to. For the ending of פָּרַלֶּלִי
see suff. □ִי.]

παράλληλος (parallelos) - פָּרַלֶּלִיזְם

1478, Klein 23672
parallelism. FW [Formed from Gk. parallelos (see פָּרַלֶּלִי) with suff. □ִיזֽם.

παράσιτος (parasitos) - פָּרָזִיט

1479, Klein 23559
parasite. FW [Gk. parasitos (= parasite), lit.: ‘eating beside somebody’, from para
(= beside; see פָּרֵ□), and sitos (= food), which is of uncertain origin.]

παρατάξις - פַּרְדִּיסְקֵי

1480, Jastrow 24341
(a corrupt. of παρατάξις, v. Ducange Gloss. Gr. , v. Ducange Gloss. Gr. 1531)soldiers,
police. Gen. R. s. 94, end שדר פ' בתריה he (the royal officer) sent the police
after him to arrest him.—V. פַּרְדַּשְׁכָּא.

παράφερνον - פָּרָאפוּרְנוֹן

1481, Jastrow 24303
(παράφερνον) that which a bride brings over and above her dower; also (v. מוֹהַר)
the wife’s additional settlement above the usual one (תוספת כתובה). Gen. R. s.
80 (ref. to Gen. XXIV, 12) מוהר פרנין מתן פ' mohar is the endowment, mattan the
addition; Yalk. ib. 134 פרא פ' (combine). Gen. R. s. 65 הבא לי מפ' שלי וכ' (not
נין …) take it from my additional dower, for thus he has written in my contract
&c.; Yalk. ib. 114 מפורנין (corr. acc.). Y. Keth. V, 30b פרא פרנין. Ib. VII, 31c
top הפדא פ' (corr. acc.). Y. Gitt. V, 47b נכסים שהכניסה לו פרה פרנון property which
she brought him above the dower, opp. בכתובתה corresponding to the amount of her
settlement. Y. Naz. V, 54a top פרה פ'. Y. B. Bath. V, end, 17d; a. e.

παραχάραγμα - פָּרָכָרַגְמָא

1482, Jastrow 24626
(παραχάραγμα) false coin, counterfeit. Par. I, 3 Ar. (ed. פרכדיג', corr. acc.),
v. נוּקָּד.

παραχύτης - פָּרָכוּטֵס

1483, Jastrow 24612
(παραχύτης) bathing master (who also kept a restaurant; v. Becker-Göll Gallus I,
157, III, 156), tavern-keeper. Lam. R. to III, 16 הוליכה … אצל חד פ' וכ' (Ar.
אצל המגרוס, v. מָגֵירוֹס) she took her son to a tavern-keeper, and said to him,
teach my son the trade &c.; Koh. R. to I, 8 פרכוניס (ed. Leipz. פרקוניס; corr.

παραχώριον - פָּרָאכוֹרִין

1484, Jastrow 24298
(παραχώριον) [neighborhood,] district. Y. Shebi. IX, 38d bot. (expl. מדינה אחת,
Misch. IX, 2) פרא כורין (combine; Mus. פָּרָכוֹרִין); v. פְּרִיכוֹרִין.

πάρδαλις - בַּרְדְּלִיס, בַּרְדְּלֵס

1485, Jastrow 4643
(πάρδαλις, pardalis; πάρδος, pardus; prob. of Semit. orig.; cmp. b. h. בְּרֻדִּים)
a spotted beast, whence 1) (v. Sm. Ant. s. vv.) leopard or hyena, usu. in connection
with נָמֵר. Snh. I, 4. B. Kam. I, 4 (expl. ib. 16a אָפָא q. v.). Bekh. 8a. B.
Mets. VII, 9.—2) (prob.) marten, or mariput (Rashi: putois); usu. in connection
with חוּלְדָּה. Pes. 9b; Nidd. 15b; Ab. Zar. 42a; Tosef. Ohol. XVI, 13 ed. Zuck.

πάρδαλις (pardalis) - בַּרְדְּלָס

1486, Klein 3367
panther. PBH [Borrowed from Gk. pardalis (= panther), which itself is prob. a Sem.
loan word. See ברד II.]

πάρδος - בַּרְדְּלִיס, בַּרְדְּלֵס

1487, Jastrow 4643
(πάρδαλις, pardalis; πάρδος, pardus; prob. of Semit. orig.; cmp. b. h. בְּרֻדִּים)
a spotted beast, whence 1) (v. Sm. Ant. s. vv.) leopard or hyena, usu. in connection
with נָמֵר. Snh. I, 4. B. Kam. I, 4 (expl. ib. 16a אָפָא q. v.). Bekh. 8a. B.
Mets. VII, 9.—2) (prob.) marten, or mariput (Rashi: putois); usu. in connection
with חוּלְדָּה. Pes. 9b; Nidd. 15b; Ab. Zar. 42a; Tosef. Ohol. XVI, 13 ed. Zuck.

παρεδρεύων - פראדורין פראדורן

1488, Jastrow 24294
, read פַּרְאִדְרוֹן m. (πάρεδρος, S., accus. form, or παρεδρεύων) familiar, regular
visitor. Ex. R. s. 33 … כל זמן … הוא הווה פ' לבית חמיו משנשאה אצלה so long as he
has not married his betrothed, he is a visitor at the house of his father-in-law;
after he has married her, her father comes to her.

πάρεδροι - פַּרְהֶדְרִין

1489, Jastrow 24363
(πάρεδροι) assessors, counsellors. Yoma I, 1 (2a) לשכת פ' (Mish. ed. פַּלְ', Y.
ed. פר') the counsellors’ cell, name of an apartment in the Temple precincts. Ib.
8b בתחלה … כפ' הללו וכ' formerly it was called the senators’ cell (בולווטי), but
when they began to pay money for (the higher offices of) the priesthood, and they
were changed from year to year like the parhedroi who are appointed for one year,
they named it &c.; Y. ib. I, 38c עכשיו קורין אותה לשכת פלהדרין פראידתין (read:
פראידרין, a gloss) now they call it the cell of the palhedrin (paredrin). Bab.
ib. 9a מתוך שפ' הללו חובטין וכ' because those assessors (market commissioners)
strike them (the bakers) and say, sell cheap &c. Ib. מאי פ' וכ', v. פּוֹרָסָא.

πάρεδρος - פראדורין פראדורן

1490, Jastrow 24294
, read פַּרְאִדְרוֹן m. (πάρεδρος, S., accus. form, or παρεδρεύων) familiar, regular
visitor. Ex. R. s. 33 … כל זמן … הוא הווה פ' לבית חמיו משנשאה אצלה so long as he
has not married his betrothed, he is a visitor at the house of his father-in-law;
after he has married her, her father comes to her.

Πάρθια - פַּרְתִּיאִין

1491, Jastrow 24810
(Πάρθια) Parthians. Targ. Esth. VIII, 15 מוקי פ' Parthian (red) socks (v. Harp.
Lat. Dict. s. v. Parthia, a. בּוּרְדִּיקָא).

Πάρθικος - *בּוּרדִּיקָא

1492, Jastrow 3804
(Parthicus, Πάρθικος) scarlet-colored (sub. pellis, δέρμα) leather, scarlet-dyed
dress. Y. Keth. XII, 35a top אלבישוני ב' וכ' dress me in scarlet (which is) neither
white nor dark; Y. Kil. IX, 32b top ביריריקא; Gen. R. s. 96 צבועים דבריקא; ib.
s. 100 מאנין דבריקה. Yalk. Job 924 בורקיא (for which Sabb. 114a בגדי האולרין).
Cmp. אוֹלָרִין a. חִימּוּצָתָא.

παρονομασία (paronomasia) - פָּרוֹנוֹמַסְיָה

1493, Klein 23508
paronomasia. FW [Gk. paronomasia (= play upon words which sound similar), from paronomazein
(= to call with a slight change of name; lit. ‘to name beside’), from para (= beside;
see פָּרַ□), and onomazein (= to call, name), from onoma (= name). See נוֹמִינָלִי.

παῤῥησία - פַּרְהֶסְיָא

1494, Jastrow 24366
(παῤῥησία) free speech, frankness. Deut. R. s. 2, end אבל ביוה"כ … הן אומרים אותו
בפ' וכ' but on the Day of Atonement … they say it openly (in a loud voice), Blessed
be the name of his glorious kingdom, (opp. בלחישה (v. חֲשַׁאי).—Esp. בפ' publicly,
opp. בצינעה. Ib. אל תתקשטי בה בפ' וכ' do not adorn thyself with it in public, but
only in the house. Snh. 74a אבל בפ' אפי' מצוה וכ' but if a Jew is forced to transgress
a religious law in public, he must surrender his life even for a minor law; ib.b
וכמה פ' and the presence of how many is required to call it a public act? Ib. אין
פ' פחותה וכ' a public is no less than ten persons. Ib. והא אסתר פ' הואי but was
not Esther’s act (when she was forced to marry king Ahasverus) a public one? Ḥag.
5a (ref. to Koh. XII, 14) זה הנותן צדקה לעני בפ' this refers to one who gives charity
to a poor man in public (the Lord judges whether this be a good or a bad deed)

παρρησία (parresia) - פַּרְהֶסְיָא, פַּרְהֶסְיָה

1495, Klein 23438
openness, frankness, publicity. PBH [Gk. parresia (= outspokenness, frankness, freedom
of speech), which stands for panresia, a word compounded of pan, neuter of pas
(= all, every; see פַּן□), and retos (= stated). See רֶטוֹרִי and פרסם.]

παρρησία (parresia) - פרסם

1496, Klein 23712
to publish, announce; to advertise, publicize. [According to some scholars related
to Syr. פַּרְסִי (= he made known, openly), אֶתְפַּרְסִי (= was made known openly),
and prob. derived from פרס I (= to spread, extend). Others connect פַּרֽסִי etc.
with Heb. פָּשָׂה (see פשׂה). Still others see in פִּרְסֵם a loan word from Gk.
parresia or parresis (= outspokenness, frankness, freedom of speech). In both cases
the additorial ם is difficult to explain.] | — Pi. פִּרְסֵם 1) he announced; PBH
2) he published, advertised. NH — Pu. פֻּרְסַם 1) was announced, was publicized;
PBH 2) was published, was advertised. NH — Hith. הִתְפַּרְסֵם 1) he became famous;
PBH 2) it was published. NH

παρῳδία (parodia) - פָּרוֹדְיָה

1497, Klein 23464
parody. FW [Gk. parodia (= parody, burlesque), from para (= from, beside; see פָּרַ□),
and ode (= song). See אוֹדָה.]

πάτελλα - *, *פּטִילִיק פְּטִילִיקוֹן פְּטִילִיקִי

1498, Jastrow 23275
(a denom. of πάτελλα, patella, otherwise not recorded) a dish, course. Lam. R.
to III, 16 פ' דאת מייתי וכ' a course that you offer us once, you must not offer
again. Ib. אכל מכל פ' חד פת (Ar. פס) he ate of every course a piece. Ib. מחדא פטיליקי
… חדא פתיתא of each dish you took one little piece. Gen. R. s. 74 פטילקון טב הוא
נסיב ליה Ar. ed. Koh. (ed. פטיקלין) when we had a good dish, he (Laban) took it;
Yalk. ib. 130 פטליקין.—Pl. פְּטִילִיקִין. Lam. R. l. c. (Ar. עיגולין).

πατριάρχης - *אפוטריקא

1499, Jastrow 2618
ed., אפוטרכא Ar., read פַּטְרִיאַרְכָא m. (πατριάρχης) patriarch, religious chief
of the Samaritans. Gen. R. s. 94.

πατρικόν - פזמריקון פיז'

1500, Jastrow 23193
, Midr. Till. to Ps. XVIII, 41; Yalk. Gen. 162 פוזמיקון, פוזמיקין; Yalk. Sam. 163
פיזמיקון, read as Gen. R. s. 98 פטיריקון, v. פַּטְרִיקוֹן.—[The corrupt. may have
risen from a fusion of φυσικόν and its synonym πατρικόν.]

πάτρικος - פַּטְרִיקוֹן

1501, Jastrow 23326
(πάτρικος, patricus, -a, -um) something hereditary, heirloom, patrimony. Y’lamd.
to Num. XXI, 1, quot. in Ar. יודעין אנו שיש להן מאבותיהן פטריקא וכ' we know that
they (Israel) have a legacy from their ancestors who said to them, ‘the voice is
Jacob’s voice’ (i.e. prayer); I, too, rely on my patrimony, as it is said (Gen.
XXVII, 40), ‘by thy sword thou shalt live’; Yalk. Num. 764. Gen. R. s. 49 אילו
מפ' שלו וכ' if I asked (permission to cut some trees down) on his patrimony, he
would not refuse me. Ib. s. 98 (ref. to Gen. XLIX, 8, a. II Sam. XXII, 41) שהיה
פ' שלו וכ' (not שהיו פטיריקין) it was his (Judah’s) hereditary privilege (paternal
blessing, to lay hands on the enemy’s neck); Midr. Till. to Ps. XVIII, 41 פזמריקון;
Yalk. Gen. 162 פזמיקון; Yalk. Sam. 163 פיזמיקון (corr. acc.). —Pl. פַּטְרִיקִין.
Yalk. Num. 766 שתי פ' של ברכות וכ' they have two paternal blessings from Aram.

πατρόβουλοι - פַּטְרוֹבּוֹלִי

1502, Jastrow 23314
(πατρόβουλοι) chief senators, a title given to local magistrates (variously corrupted).
Y. Peah I, 15c top דמה … ראש פטרכולי היה Dama … was the chief of the patrobuloi;
Y. Kidd. I, 61b top פטר בולי (corr. acc.); Pesik. R. s. 23—24 פטרכולי. Pesik. Ul’kaḥ.,
p. 182b יצאו פטרופולי וקילסו אותו (Ar. פרפילי), the magistrates came out and praised
him; Yalk. Lev. 651 פטרופלי המדינה; Lev. R. s. 30 פרטוטי Ar. (ed. גדולי המדינה)

πάτρων - פַּטְרוֹן

1503, Jastrow 23317
(πάτρων = patronus) patron, protector. Y. Ber. IX, 13a bot. בא ועמד לו על פתחו
של פַּטְרוֹנוֹ וכ' he comes and stands at the gate of his patron and calls for
his slave &c. Ib.b top ב"וד יש לו פ' שולט וכ' (not מלך ב"וד) a human being has
a patron who may have power in one province &c.; Y. Ab. Zar. III, 42c bot. פטרין
(corr. acc.). Tanḥ. Vayesheb 8 אתה הוא בטחוני אתה הוא פַטְרוֹנִי thou (God) art
my trust, thou art my patron; a. fr.—Pl. פַּטְרוֹנִין, פַּטְרוֹנוֹת. Ex. R. s.
14 שהיו פושעים … שהיו להם פ' וכ' there were sinners in Israel who had Egyptian
patrons and lived in affluence and honor, and were unwilling to leave. Cant. R.
to V, 9 מה דודך מדוד … מה פטרון הוא מפ' ‘what is thy friend more than any other
friend’, what god is he to be different from any other god, what patron to be different
from other patrons? Esth. R. introd. אתם יש לכם פ' ומה הן וכ' you have patrons,
and who are they? These are the words of the covenant (Deut. XXVIII, 69). Gen.
R. s. 50, end למדינה שהיו לה שני פ' וכ' (not פיט') like a province that had two
patrons, one a provincial &c.; a. e.

πειρατής - פִּירָטָא פִּירָטֵיס

1504, Jastrow 23613
(πειρατής, pirata) pirate. —Pl. פִּירָטִין. Ex. R. s. 17, end ספינות של פ' (not
טון …) pirate ships. Lev. R. s. 25 beg. [read:] מתיירא אני … ובים מפני הפ' I am
afraid of robbers on the high-way, and on sea of the pirates; Yalk. ib. 615 וביום
מפני אפרטין (corr. acc.).

πεῖσις (peisis) - פיס

1505, Klein 22756
to appease, pacify. [Borrowed from Gk. peisis (= persuasion), from IE base *bheidh–,
* bhidh– (= to persuade, compel; to trust), whence also L. fīdere (= to trust,
confide in), fidēs (= faith, confidence), foedus (= compact, treaty). See ‘bid’
in my CEDEL and cp. פֶדֶרָטִיבִי.] | — Pi. פִּיֵּס 1) he appeased, pacified, reconciled;
2) he soothed, mollified. — Pu. פֻּיַּס was appeased, was pacified, was reconciled.
— Hith. הִתֽפַּיֵּס he was persuaded, became appeased, became pacified, became
reconciled. — Hiph. הֵפִיס he appeased, pacified.

πέκος (pekos) - פֶּֽקֶס

1506, Klein 23374
woollike fringe (on gourds and cucumbers). PBH [From Gk. pekos (= uncombed wool,
fleece), which is related to pekein (= to comb, shear), L. pectere (= to comb,
shear). These words derive from IE base * peƙ- (= to pluck wool or hair). See ‘fee’
(= cattle, money) in my CEDEL.]

πέλαγος - פִּילָגוֹס פִּילְגוֹס

1507, Jastrow 23429
(πέλαγος) high sea. Targ. Ps. XLVI, 3 פ' דימא (ed. Wil. פַּלְגוּס; h. text לב ים).
Targ. Y. Ex. XV, 8.—Lev. R. s. 12, beg. בפ' דימא, v. אִילְפָא I; Esth. R. to II,
1 (ר' עזריה); Yalk. Prov. 960 בפ' (without ימא). Koh. R. to III, 6 [read:] כד עללין
אנן לפ' אנן וכ' when we get out on the high sea, we shall kill him.

πέλεκυς - פִּילְקִין פִּילְקִיס

1508, Jastrow 23473
(πέλεκυς) axe. Midr. Till. to Ps. LXXVIII, 47 כפ' היה יורד הברד וכ' (not בפ') the
hail came down like an axe (or axes, pl.) and cut all the trees; Ex. R. s. 12;
Midr. Till. to Ps. CV, 33 כפילקיס הזה; Tanḥ. Vaëra 14 בפלכין; Yalk. Ps. 820 בפיקלין
(corr. acc.).

πέντα κακά - פֶּנְטַקָקָה

1509, Jastrow 23945
Penṭaḳaḳah, surname of one who was said to have committed five sins (πέντα κακά)
every day. Y. Taan. I, 64b bot.

πεντάγονος - פֶּנְטִיגוֹן פִּינְ' פּוּנְ'

1510, Jastrow 23937
1) (πεντάγωνος) pentagonal. Naz. 8b; B. Bath. 164b פ' (בית) a pentagonal building;
Tosef. Neg. VI, 3 פנטיגין ed. Zuck. (oth. ed. פנטניז, corr. acc.).—2) (πεντάγονος)
for the fifth time. Naz. l. c.; B. Bath. l. c., v. דִּיגוֹן.—3)fivefold. Midr.
Till. to Ps. LXXVIII, 49 פ' היה (not היא; ed. Bub. טטראגון הוא, corr. acc.) each
Egyptian plague was fivefold.

πεντάγωνον (pentagonon) - פֶּנְטָגוֹן

1511, Klein 23039
פֶּנְטִיגוֹן PBH pentagon. FW, [Gk. pentagonon, neuter of the adj. pentagonos (lit.:
‘five-cornered’), which is compounded of penta, from pente (= five), and gonos,
from the stem of gonia (= corner, angle). cp. the first element in פֶּנְטָטוֹנִי
and the second element in טְרִיגוֹן.]

πεντάγωνος - פֶּנְטִיגוֹן פִּינְ' פּוּנְ'

1512, Jastrow 23937
1) (πεντάγωνος) pentagonal. Naz. 8b; B. Bath. 164b פ' (בית) a pentagonal building;
Tosef. Neg. VI, 3 פנטיגין ed. Zuck. (oth. ed. פנטניז, corr. acc.).—2) (πεντάγονος)
for the fifth time. Naz. l. c.; B. Bath. l. c., v. דִּיגוֹן.—3)fivefold. Midr.
Till. to Ps. LXXVIII, 49 פ' היה (not היא; ed. Bub. טטראגון הוא, corr. acc.) each
Egyptian plague was fivefold.

πενταπολῖται - פַּנְטַפּוֹלִיטָאֵי

1513, Jastrow 23944
nom. gent. pl. (πενταπολῖται) inhabitants of Pentapolis, an Egyptian district (also
called Cyrenaica). Targ. I Chr. I, 12 (h. text פתרסים); Targ. Y. I Gen. X, 14 (ed.
Vien. פַּנְטַפּוּלוֹטֵי; h. text כסלחים). [Targ. Y. II ib. 13 (ed. Vien. פַּנְטַפּוֹלַטָ';
h. text ענמים or להבים), prob. misplaced; v. preced. art.]

πεντάσχοινος - פַּנְטַסְכִינָאֵי פַּנְטַסְכְנָ'

1514, Jastrow 23942
nom. gent. pl. (denom. of πεντάσχοινος) inhabitants of Pentaschoinos, an Egyptian
district [prob. meant for Dodekaschoinos, by confusion with next w.]. Targ. I Chr.
I, 11 (ed. Rahmer פנטסכיינ'); Targ. Y. I Gen. X, 13 (h. text נפתחים); Targ. Y.
II ib. 14 (ed. Amst. פְּנַטְסַכְנָ'; h. text כסלחים).

περί (peri) - פֶּרִיסְקוֹפּ

1515, Klein 23633
periscope. FW [Formed from Gk. peri (= around, about), and skopein (= to look at,
examine). See פֶּרִי□ and □סְקוֹפּ.]

περί (peri) - פֶּרִי□

1516, Klein 23595
peri- (used in words of Greek origin in the sense ‘around, about, enclosing’). FW
[Gk. peri–, from peri (= around, about, beyond), cogn. with Old I. pári (= around,
about, through), Gk. para (= from beside, beyond, against, contrary to). See פָּרַ□.

περίαμμα - *אָרִיס,

1517, Jastrow 3107
(ארס) something tied to the body (περίαμμα), whence an emblem set in a ring or chain
(cmp. Deut. VI, 8; Prov. VI, 21, also Sm. Ant. s. v. Amuletum). . Deut. R. s.
3 הכניסה לו שנים א' (read שני) brought into his house two emblems (of faith); the
king, too, זקף לה כנגדן שני א' had two corresponding emblems set for her. Ib. Abraham
delivered to his children שני א' two emblems (which they should guard, Gen. XVIII,

περίγρα - *, *פִּרְגּוֹל פִּרְגָּל

1518, Jastrow 24314
(περίγρα) a pair of compasses. Kel. XXIX, 5 comment. [prob. whip, v. preced.].

περιδέξιος - פרדוכוס פרדוכסוס

1519, Jastrow 24336
, read: פְּרִידֶכְסְיוֹס m. (περιδέξιος) dexterous, clever. Gen. R. s. 60 פרדוכוס
(Ar. פרדוכסוס); Ruth R. to II, 1 פרדכ'; Yalk. Gen. 109 פרדיכוס; Midr. Sam. ch.
I פארדוכסו'; v. אפדכסיס.

περίζωμα - פִּרְזוֹמָא פִּירְ'

1520, Jastrow 24506
(περίζωμα) girdle, apron; (also collect.)aprons. Succ. 11a רמא … לפ' דאינשי ביתיה
(Ms. M. פרזימא; Ms. M. 2 פרוזמא) attached show-fringes to the aprons (of the women)
of his household; Men. 43a (Ms. M. פרזי'; Ms. K. פירזו').—Pl. (Hebr.) פִּרְזוֹמָאוֹת,
פִּרְזוֹמָיוֹת. Sabb. 125a פרזומי' early eds. (Ms. M. פרזמ', later ed. פרוזמ',
Ar. פרוזמא').—V. פְּרִיזוֹמָטָא.

περιζώματα - פְּרִיזוֹמָטָא

1521, Jastrow 24559
(περιζώματα) aprons. Y. Sabb. VI, 8b bot. (expl. המחלצות Is. III, 22) פירז' (corr.

περικνήμια - פְּרַקְלִימִין פְּרַקְנִימִין

1522, Jastrow 24766
(περικνήμια = περικνημίδια: as to ל for נ, cmp. לוּמָּא) leggings, greaves. Kel.
XXVI, 3 הפרקל' וכ' (R. S. הפרקנ') leggings are not subject to uncleanness; (Maim.:
gloves; R. S.: head-bands). Ib. XXIV, 15 שלשה פרקלימין הן וכ' ed. Dehr. (ed. פרקילינין)
there are three kinds of greaves (with regard to levitical cleanness): those worn
by hunters &c. (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Ocrea); [comment.: gloves); Tosef. ib. B. Bath.
II, 11 פרגלינין ed. Zuck. (oth. ed. פרגילנין, פרקלנין).

περικνημίδια - פְּרַקְלִימִין פְּרַקְנִימִין

1523, Jastrow 24766
(περικνήμια = περικνημίδια: as to ל for נ, cmp. לוּמָּא) leggings, greaves. Kel.
XXVI, 3 הפרקל' וכ' (R. S. הפרקנ') leggings are not subject to uncleanness; (Maim.:
gloves; R. S.: head-bands). Ib. XXIV, 15 שלשה פרקלימין הן וכ' ed. Dehr. (ed. פרקילינין)
there are three kinds of greaves (with regard to levitical cleanness): those worn
by hunters &c. (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Ocrea); [comment.: gloves); Tosef. ib. B. Bath.
II, 11 פרגלינין ed. Zuck. (oth. ed. פרגילנין, פרקלנין).

περίμετρος (perimetros) - פֶּרִימֶטֶר

1524, Klein 23625
perimeter. FW [Gk. perimetros, from peri (= around, about; see פֶּרִי□), and metron
(= measure). See מֶטֶר.]

περίοδος (periodos) - פֶּרְיוֹדָה

1525, Klein 23606
period. [Gk. periodos (= circuit, compass, cycle, period of time), lit. (= way round),
from peri (= around, about; see פֶּרִי□), and odos (= way), for the etymology of
which see מֶתּוֹדָה.]

περιφερεία - פַּרְפֶּרֶת

1526, Jastrow 24727
(פִּרְפֵּר I) [crumbs,] a minor dish, salad, hash &c.; פ' שלפני המזון parpereth
before the meal, appetizer; פ' שבתוך המזון p. during the meal, by-meat; פ' שלאחר
המזון p. after the meal, dessert. Ber. VI, 5. Y. ib. 10d top; a. fr.—[Pes. X, 3
עד … לפ' הפת (Bart. reads: לפַרְפֵּר את הפת) until he gets to the breaking of the
bread (distribution of the Matsah); oth. opin.: to the by-meat of the bread (to
the bitter herbs)].—Pl. פַּרְפְּרָאוֹת, פַּרְפָּרוֹת. Tosef. ib. IV, 8 הבא אחר
שלש פ' וכ' a guest that arrives after the three parpereths has no right to enter.
Succ. 27a בכל יום … ממשיך כמה פ' on any other day thou insertest many an appetizing
dish in order to prolong thy meal, and now wouldst thou not add one for the honor
of thy Maker? Sabb. XXIII, 2 מונה … ואת פַּרְפְּרוֹתָיו מפיו וכ' a man may count
(on the Sabbath) his guests and his dishes verbally (from memory) but not from
writing.—Trnsf. auxiliaries. Ab. III, 18 תקופות וגימטריאות פ' לחכמה (Ar. פַּרְפְּרָיוֹת,
ed. Koh. פרפרא') astronomy and arithmetic are the auxiliaries of philosophy. [Mus.:
פְּרִיפְרִיּוֹת (περιφερεία) perifery.]

περιφέρεια (periphereia) - פֶּרִיפֶרְיָה

1527, Klein 23638
periphery. FW [Gk. periphereia (= circumference), lit. ‘a carrying round’, from
peripherein (= to carry round), from peri (= around, about), and pherein (= to
bear, carry). See פֶּרִי□ and אֲנָפוֹרָה.]

περίχωρα - פְּרִיכוֹרִין

1528, Jastrow 24568
(περίχωρα, τὰ; v. LXX Deut. III, 4) district. Deut. R. s. 11 אתה נפגשת … בפ' שלך
וכ' (not בפירב', בפירכ') thou (Jacob) didst meet the angel in thine own territory
(on earth), but I (Moses) went up to the angels into their territory; (Yalk. Deut.
951 באִפַּרְכְיָא); v. פָּרָאכוֹרִין.

πέρσικα - אַפַּרְסְקִין (אַפַּרְסְקִים), פַּרְסְקִין

1529, Jastrow 2833
(πέρσικα, τὰ) peaches. Maasr. I, 2; a. fr. V. פַּרְסֵק.

Περσικόν - פַּרְסֵק פַּרְסֵיק

1530, Jastrow 24697
(Περσικόν, sub. μῆλον) peach; peach tree. Gen. R. s. 42 תפוח ופ' apple and peach
trees; Yalk. ib. 72. B. Mets. 116b דלית שע"ג פ' זה וכ' I sell thee a grape vine
overhanging this peach tree; Y. ib. X, 12c פַּרְסֵיקוֹ, v. דָּלִית. Y. Kil. I,
27a bot. גוי … ע"ג פ' a gentile who engrafted a shoot of a nut tree on a peach
tree; a. e.—Pl. פַּרְסְקִים, פַּרְסְקִין. Kil. I, 4 הפ' והשקדין וכ' (Bab. ed. השק';
Ms. M. האפרסקין) peaches (and) almonds … although resembling one another are heterogeneous.
Maasr. I, 2 Y. ed. (Bab. a. Mish. ed. האפ'). Y. Peah VII, 20a bot. (v. פַּנְקְרִיסִין);
a. e.—[Tosef. Maasr. I, 1 הפרסקין, read: הפִּיסְטְקִין.]

Περσικών (Persikon) - אֲפַרְסֵק

1531, Klein 1917
peach. PBH [A loan word from Gk. Persikon (= peach), short for Persikon melon (=
lit.: ‘Persian apple’). The אֲ□ in אֲפַרְסֵק is prosthetic. cp. var. פַּרְסֵק.

πέταλον - פִּיטָלוֹן

1532, Jastrow 23386
(πέταλον) a leaf of metal, gold-foil (corresp. to h. כתם). Targ. Job XXVIII, 16
ed. Lag. (ed. פִּטְלְוָן, Levita פיטליין, corr. acc.). Ib. 19. Ib. XXXI, 24. Targ.
Lam. IV, 1 ed. Lag. (oth. ed. פלטין, corr. acc.).

πέτρα - פּוּטְרה

1533, Jastrow 22957
, Y. Shebi. V, 36a top, read: פִּי' (πέτρα), rock v. פּוּאָה.

πέτρα - פִּיטְרָא פִּיטְרָה פִּטְ'

1534, Jastrow 23396
(πέτρα) rock. Y’lamd. to Num. XXIII, 9 quot. in Ar.; Yalk. Num. 766 חפר … יהיה
מוצא למטה פ' he dug in one place and found a rock below; ib. הרי מצאתי פ' לבנות
וכ' I have found a rock (Abraham) on which to build and establish the world. Y.
Shebi. V, 36a top פוטרה, v. פּוּאָה.—[Y. Kil. I, 27b bot., פיטרה emend. in Levy
Talm. Dict., v. פִּיטּוּרָה.—Ib. 27a bot. פטר פיטרה סולינון, v. פִּיטְרוֹסִילִינוֹן.

Πέτρος - פִּיטְרוֹס פִּיטְרָס פִּטְ'

1535, Jastrow 23398
(Πέτρος) Petros, Peter. Y. M. Kat. III, 82d bot. ר' יוסי בר פ'; Y. Ab. Zar. III,
42c; Gen. R. s. 92; Ex. R. s. 52; a. e.

πετροσέλινον - פִּיטְרוֹסִילִינוֹן

1536, Jastrow 23399
(πετροσέλινον) rock-parsley. Y. Shebi. IX, beg. 38c (expl. כרפס שבנהרית, Mish.
IX, 1). Y. Kil. I, 27a bot. פטר פיטרה סולינון (corr. acc.); v. שׁוּמָּר.

πετροσέλινον (petroselinon) - פֶּטְרוֹסִילְיָה

1537, Klein 22667
petroselinum, parsley. FW [From Gk. petroselinon (= rock parsley), which is compounded
of petra (= rock; see פֶּטְרוֹלוֹגְיָה), and selinon (= celery), a word of unknown

Πευσαρος [sic] - פִּוְוסָרוֹס

1538, Jastrow 22929
(Πευσαρος? [sic]) Peusarus (?), name of a tortuous street, prob. in Tiberias. Y.
Ber. IX, 13c top דרך … כגון אהן פ' (ed. Lehm. פווסרס, ed. Krot. פופסדס) it was
a tortuous road (where he met her, v. עַקְמוּמִית), like the P.; Y. Ab. Zar. I,
40a bot. פסוורוס. Y. Erub. VIII, 25b top אהן פיו' זרק מתוכה וכ' if one throws an
object (on the Sabbath) from the P. into an open public road or vice versa, v.
פָּלַשׁ I. Y. Shek. VII, 50c bot. נשכח מן פיוסרוס ולגיו (not דלגיו; Bab. ed. פיוסא,
Ms. M. פווסרס) I wish I might find it somewhere towards the interior of the P.
| **Editor's Note: There is much debate on what this word is referring to. Jastrow
suggests it may be a name of a road but without a clear attestation to such a name,
Jastrow likely chose to not put any accent marks.

πήγανον (peganon) - פֵּיגָם

1539, Klein 22691
the herb rue. PBH [From Gk. peganon (= the herb rue), which is prob. related to
pegnunai (= to make firm); from IE base *pāĝ–, * pāk̑– (= to join together). See

πηγή - פִּיגִי

1540, Jastrow 23341
(πηγή) spring. Gen. R. s. 15 (ref. to Gen. II, 10) כפ' שהיא נתונה וכ' like a spring
in a garden which waters the garden.—*Pl. פִּיגִין. Targ. Y. Ex. XV, 27 Ar. (ed.

πῆγμα (pegma) - פִּגּוּם

1541, Klein 22223
1) semicircular turret. PBH 2) scaffolding. NH [From Gk. pegma (= anything fastened
together, framework, scaffold), which derives from IE base * pāƙ–, *pāĝ– (= to
join together, make firm, fasten, fix). See פָּצִיפִיסְט and cp. words there referred

πήλαμυς - *אפונס

1542, Jastrow 2630
Ḥull. 66b top; Ab. Zar. 39a, a. corrupt. of פֵּילָמוּס (πήλαμυς) pelamys, a species
of thunny or scomber; Tosef. Ḥull. III (IV), 27 פולמוס (read פי').

πηλαμύς (pelamys) - פַּלְמוּדָה

1543, Klein 22942
a kind of a fish, now identified with Pelamys sarda. PBH [Gk. pelamys (= young tunny),
which prob. derives from pelos (= mud) and was so called in allusion to its habitat.
See פִּילוֹמָא.]

Πηλούσιον - פִּילוּסִין

1544, Jastrow 23448
(Πηλούσιον) Pelusium, a town in Lower Egypt. Targ. Y. I Gen. XLVII, 11 ארעא דפ'
(Y. II ופילוסים, corr. acc.; h. text ארץ רעמסס). Targ. Y. Ex. I, 11 פִּלּוּסִין
ed. Vien. (II תין …, corr. acc.); a. fr.

πήλωμα - *, *פִּילוֹמָא

1545, Jastrow 23438
(πήλωμα, S.) mud, clay ground. Sabb. XXII, 6 (147a) אין יורדין לפ' Y. ed., a. Ms.
M. (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note; Bab. ed. a. Mish. קורדימא, v. קִירוֹמָא) you must
not go down to the clay ground (of the brickyard, on the Sabbath).

πήλωμα (peloma) - פִּילוֹמָא, פִּילוֹמָה

1546, Klein 22731
mud. PBH [Gk. peloma, from pelos (= mud, clay). cp. פַּלְמוּדָה.]

πίθος (pithos) - פִּטָּס

1547, Klein 22650
cask, tub. PBH [From Gk. pithos (= a large wine jar), which is cogn. with L. fidēlia
(= clay vessel; orig. ‘anything tied up together’), fiscus (= woven basket, purse;
treasury). See פִיסְקָלִי.]

πιλίον - *אַפִּילְיוֹן,

1548, Jastrow 2690
(pilleum, πιλίον) felt-cap, hat &c. Kel. XXIX, 1 א' של ראש some ed. (others פִּילְיוֹן).
—[Sabb. 120a אפיליון, פיליון Ms., ed. אפיליות, read אַפַּלְיוֹן, פַּלְיוֹן q. v.

πιλίον - פִּילְיוֹן

1549, Jastrow 23458
(pilleum, πιλίον) felt-cap. Kel. XXIX, 1, v. אַפִּילְיוֹן III.—[Y. Sabb. XVI, 15d
top ופי', read: ופַלְיֹון, v. אַפַּלְיוֹן.]

πιλίον (pilion) - פִּלְיוֹן

1550, Klein 22910
felt cap or hat. PBH [Gk. pilion, L. pilleum, pilleus (= a felt cap or hat), which
is related to Gk. pilos (= felt), prob. also to L. pila (= ball, playing ball).
See ‘pile’ (fine hair) in my CEDEL.]

πῖλος - פִּינוֹן

1551, Jastrow 23484
(πῖλος, pilleum; נ for ל, cmp. לוּמָּא) felt; מנעלות הפ' felt-shoes. Kil. IX, 7

πίνακες - פִּינְקֵס פִּנְקֵס

1552, Jastrow 23497
c. (πίναξ) board, tablet, esp. (πίνακες) the folded writing tablets; register, list.
Sabb. XII, 4, v. לוּחַ II. Ib. 5 על שני דפי פ' on two boards of a pinax (Rashi:
two columns on one tablet). Nidd. 30b the embryo in the womb דומה לפ' שמקופל resembles
in position a folded pinax. Gen. R. s. 69 (ref. to Gen. XXVIII, 13) קפלה כפ' ונתנה
וכ' he (the Lord) folded it (the land) like a pinax and placed it under his (Jacob’s)
head; a. fr.—Esp. the merchant’s accounts, book. Ab. III, 16 הפ' פתוח והיד וכ'
the book of (God’s) accounts lies open, and the hand writes, and whosoever wishes
to borrow may come and borrow &c. Shebu. VII, 1 החנוני על פִּינַקְסוֹ Y. ed. (Mish.
a. Bab. ed. פנ'), v. חֶנְוָונִי. Ib. כתוב בפִינַקְסִי וכ' Y. ed. (Mish. a. Bab.
על פנ') it is written in my book that thou owest me &c. Y. Ned. I, 36d פינקסו נפתחת
his account book is open (his sins will be visited); ib. פינקסתו (corr. acc.).
Gen. R. s. 81, v. בָּקַר; a. fr.—Pl. פִּינַקְסִין, פִּינַקְסָאוֹת, פִּינַקְסָיוֹת,
פִּנַ'. Kel. XXIV, 7, v. אִפּוֹפּוֹדִין. Gen. R. s. 1 דיפתראות ופ' יש לו he (the
builder) has before him rolls and tablets (plans and descriptions). Y. R. Hash.
I, 57a bot. שלש פ' וכ' there are three books (before the Lord), one for the perfectly
righteous &c. (Bab. ib. 16b ספרים); a. e.

πίναξ - פִּינָךְ פִּינְכָא

1553, Jastrow 23491
(πίναξ) dish, plate. Y. Snh. XI, 30c top פ' דסולת a dish of fine flour. Y. Sabb.
III, 6b top. Ḥull. 111b (Ar. ed. pr. פִּינְקָא). Taan. 24b (Ar. פינקא); a. e.—Pl.
פִּינָכֵי. Pes. 49a מלחיך פ' (Ar. Var. פִּינָקֵי), v. לְחַךְ.

πίναξ - פִּינְקֵס פִּנְקֵס

1554, Jastrow 23497
c. (πίναξ) board, tablet, esp. (πίνακες) the folded writing tablets; register, list.
Sabb. XII, 4, v. לוּחַ II. Ib. 5 על שני דפי פ' on two boards of a pinax (Rashi:
two columns on one tablet). Nidd. 30b the embryo in the womb דומה לפ' שמקופל resembles
in position a folded pinax. Gen. R. s. 69 (ref. to Gen. XXVIII, 13) קפלה כפ' ונתנה
וכ' he (the Lord) folded it (the land) like a pinax and placed it under his (Jacob’s)
head; a. fr.—Esp. the merchant’s accounts, book. Ab. III, 16 הפ' פתוח והיד וכ'
the book of (God’s) accounts lies open, and the hand writes, and whosoever wishes
to borrow may come and borrow &c. Shebu. VII, 1 החנוני על פִּינַקְסוֹ Y. ed. (Mish.
a. Bab. ed. פנ'), v. חֶנְוָונִי. Ib. כתוב בפִינַקְסִי וכ' Y. ed. (Mish. a. Bab.
על פנ') it is written in my book that thou owest me &c. Y. Ned. I, 36d פינקסו נפתחת
his account book is open (his sins will be visited); ib. פינקסתו (corr. acc.).
Gen. R. s. 81, v. בָּקַר; a. fr.—Pl. פִּינַקְסִין, פִּינַקְסָאוֹת, פִּינַקְסָיוֹת,
פִּנַ'. Kel. XXIV, 7, v. אִפּוֹפּוֹדִין. Gen. R. s. 1 דיפתראות ופ' יש לו he (the
builder) has before him rolls and tablets (plans and descriptions). Y. R. Hash.
I, 57a bot. שלש פ' וכ' there are three books (before the Lord), one for the perfectly
righteous &c. (Bab. ib. 16b ספרים); a. e.

πίναξ (pinax) - פִּנְקָס

1555, Klein 23078
1) account book, ledger. PBH 2) minute book, notebook. MH [From Gk. pinax (= board,
plank; writing tablet; trencher, platter), which is possibly related to Old I.
pinākam (= stick, rod). cp. פִּינָךְ, פִּנְכָּא.]

πιστάκια - פִּיסְטְקִין

1556, Jastrow 23516
(πιστάκια) pistachio-nuts. Y. Kil. I, 27a bot. (Ar. פסתקין), v. בּוּטְמָא. Y. Maasr.
I, 48d bot. איפסט' (v. אַפִּסְטְקִין; Tosef. ib. I, 1 הפרסקין (corr. acc.).—V.

πιστάκια - אַפִּסְטְקִין

1557, Jastrow 2757
(πιστάκια, τὰ) the fruits of the pistachio-tree. Y. Dem. II, beg. 22b; Y. Maasr.
I, 48d bot. איפ'; cmp. אִלְצָרִין.

πίστις - פִּיסְטִין פִּיסְטִיס פִּסְ'

1558, Jastrow 23513
(πίστις) trust. Yalk. Ps. 672 נוטלין … ופורעין בפ' they borrow from one another
in trust (without witnesses or note) and pay in trust; Midr. Till. to Ps. XIX בפינוסין,
ed. Bub. בפטסין (corr. acc.).—Esp. שטר פ' a deed of trust, an instrument by which
property is conveyed to a person in trust (fideicommissum) to use it in a certain
way; a feigned sale or donation (for the purpose of eluding creditors &c.). Y.
Keth. II, 26b bot. נאמנין … ושטר פ' הוא (not פוסיטים, פיסיטים) witnesses (signed
on an instrument) are credited when they say, it was a deed of trust (v. אֲמָנָה),
or it was a feigned transfer. Ib. (ref. to Job XI, 14) ‘if there be wrong in thy
house, remove it’, this means a deed &c.; Bab. ib. 19b פסים, (read with Ar. פָּסִיס
q. v.). Ib. 79a הרוצה … כותבת שטר פסים לאחרים if a woman desires to withhold her
property from her husband’s control, she may write out a deed of trust (a feigned
transfer) to a third person (prior to her marriage); Tosef. ib. IX, 2 כותבן שטר
פטים לאחר ed. Zuck. (Var. בטפיח, כותבתן בטפוס, corr. acc.). B. Bath. 154b אם אמר
שטר פסים הוא זה (Ms. H. פיס) if he says, it was a feigned sale (you persuaded me
to a nominal sale in order to make people believe that you are a man of means)

πίστις - פָּסִיס

1559, Jastrow 24060
(פִּיס or פָּסַס) 1)persuasion, good-will, accommodation; שטר פ' (not פסים) a deed
of sale for accommodation, a feigned transfer (a Hebrew adaptation of πίστις),
v. פִּיסְטִיס. —2)peg. Pl. פְּסִיסִין. B. Bath. 2b Ms. M., v. מְסִיפָס; cmp. פְּסִיסִית

πλαστή (plaste) - פְּלַסְתֵּר, פְּלַסְטֵר

1560, Klein 22975
forgery, fraud. PBH [Gk. plaste, plastes (= molder, modeler), hence ‘forger’, from
plassein (= to mold, form, model). cp. פּֽלַסְטִי, פּֽלַסְמָה.]

πλάστηρ - פְּלַסְטִיר פְּלַסְטֵר (פלסתר)

1561, Jastrow 23866
1) (πλάστηρ = πλάστης) forger. [This meaning of πλάστης is not recorded elsewhere.]
Ab. Zar. 11b בר קירי פ' Ms. M. (ed. סך קירי פלסתר) (supposed to mean) אחוה דמרנא
זייפנא the brother of our lord, the forger.—2) (πλαστήριον) fraud, forgery, illegal
document [not recorded in this sense]. Tosef. B. Mets. VI, 17, v. פְּלַסְטוֹן.
Lev. R. s. 19 (the Book of Deuteronomy complained) עיקרני … ועשאני פ' וכ' Solomon
has uprooted me and made me a forgery, for a document of which two or three points
are void, is null and void in its entirety. Ber. 31b ואי אתה עושה תורתך פ' and
thou wilt not make thy Law a fraud (by not fulfilling what is predicted, Num. V,
28). Succ. 29a כותבי פלסתר forgers of documents or signatures; Tosef. ib. II, 5
פלסטיר Var. (ed. Zuck. פלסתר).

πλαστήριον - פלסטרו פלסטרון

1562, Jastrow 23867
read: פְּלַסְטְרִין (πλαστήριον), v. preced., or read פְּלַסְטוֹן.

πλαστήριον - פְּלַסְטִיר פְּלַסְטֵר (פלסתר)

1563, Jastrow 23866
1) (πλάστηρ = πλάστης) forger. [This meaning of πλάστης is not recorded elsewhere.]
Ab. Zar. 11b בר קירי פ' Ms. M. (ed. סך קירי פלסתר) (supposed to mean) אחוה דמרנא
זייפנא the brother of our lord, the forger.—2) (πλαστήριον) fraud, forgery, illegal
document [not recorded in this sense]. Tosef. B. Mets. VI, 17, v. פְּלַסְטוֹן.
Lev. R. s. 19 (the Book of Deuteronomy complained) עיקרני … ועשאני פ' וכ' Solomon
has uprooted me and made me a forgery, for a document of which two or three points
are void, is null and void in its entirety. Ber. 31b ואי אתה עושה תורתך פ' and
thou wilt not make thy Law a fraud (by not fulfilling what is predicted, Num. V,
28). Succ. 29a כותבי פלסתר forgers of documents or signatures; Tosef. ib. II, 5
פלסטיר Var. (ed. Zuck. פלסתר).

πλάστης - פְּלַסְטִיר פְּלַסְטֵר (פלסתר)

1564, Jastrow 23866
1) (πλάστηρ = πλάστης) forger. [This meaning of πλάστης is not recorded elsewhere.]
Ab. Zar. 11b בר קירי פ' Ms. M. (ed. סך קירי פלסתר) (supposed to mean) אחוה דמרנא
זייפנא the brother of our lord, the forger.—2) (πλαστήριον) fraud, forgery, illegal
document [not recorded in this sense]. Tosef. B. Mets. VI, 17, v. פְּלַסְטוֹן.
Lev. R. s. 19 (the Book of Deuteronomy complained) עיקרני … ועשאני פ' וכ' Solomon
has uprooted me and made me a forgery, for a document of which two or three points
are void, is null and void in its entirety. Ber. 31b ואי אתה עושה תורתך פ' and
thou wilt not make thy Law a fraud (by not fulfilling what is predicted, Num. V,
28). Succ. 29a כותבי פלסתר forgers of documents or signatures; Tosef. ib. II, 5
פלסטיר Var. (ed. Zuck. פלסתר).

πλαστόν - פְּלַסְטוֹן

1565, Jastrow 23861
(πλαστόν) fabricated, a fraud. Num. R. s. 8 the nations said תורתן של אלו פ' הוא
that people’s Law is a fraud (they do not observe it themselves); Midr. Sam. ch.
XXVIII פלסתר. Y. B. Mets. V, end, 10d שעישין התורה פלסטרן ואת משה טפש (corr. acc.)
they (the usurers), declare the Law (forbidding usury) a fraud, and Moses a fool;
Tosef. ib. VI, 17 פלסטר; (Bab. ib. 75b משה חכם ותורתו אמת, euphem.). Y’lamd. to
Num. XVI, quot. in Ar. פ' הוא תורתו וכ' the law of Moses is a fraud. Yalk. Jer.
321 מה שאנו רואים … פלסטרו הוא (corr. acc.) as far as we can judge your Law, it
is a fraud (its predictions are not inspired); ib. אין דבר בתורה פלסטרון ולא וכ'
not a word in the Law is a fabrication or a falsehood. Tanḥ. ed. Bub. Lekh 10 פלסטין
הוא (corr. acc.) the document is forged.

πλατεῖα - פְּלַטְיָא פְּלַטְיָה פְּלַטְיָי'

1566, Jastrow 23770
(πλατεῖα, sub. ὁδός, platea) wide street, highway; open place (corresp. to h. רְחוֹב).
Sabb. 6a המוציא מחנות לפ' he that carries an object from the shop to the street
(or open place). Ib. פ' גדולה a large thoroughfare. Lam. R. to I, 1 וכל פ' ופ'
עשרין (העיר) וכ' and each open place in Jerusalem had twenty-four alleys. Gen.
R. s. 41, end (ref. to Is. LI, 23 וכחוץ) מה פ' זו מבלה וכ' as the highway wears
out the passers-by, but itself remains, so shall thy children &c.; Yalk. Is. 337;
Gen. R. s. 69 פלטירה (corr. acc.). Yalk. Sam. 161; Tanḥ. T’tsav 3 ed. Bub. רמז
לכבשן ונעשה פ' the Lord motioned to the furnace (in a depression), and it became
a level surface; Tanḥ. ib. פלניי' (corr. acc.; Yalk. Koh. 978 הציף … והשוהו לארץ
וכ'; v. Snh. 92b). Y. Sabb. I, 2b bot. פתוחין לפ' אחת (not לפלטית) opening to the
same open place or street; a. fr.—[Cant. R. to I, 6 חוץ לפ', read: לפלטיר, v. פַּלְטֵר
II.—Macc. 24a, v. פּוּטְיוֹלִין.]—Pl. פְּלַטְיוֹת, פְּלַטְיָאוֹת, פְּלַטְיי'. Y.
Sabb. l. c. פתוחים לשתי פ' opening each to a different street. Lam. R. l. c. Gen.
R. s. 41; s. 69; Yalk. Is. l. c. מרביצין אותן בפלטריות וכ' (בפולטר', read י for
ר) they laid them down (like paving stones) in the streets and passed rammers over
them. Gen. R. s. 31; Yalk. ib. 53 פלטיאות aisles, v. supra.

πλατεῖα (plateia) - פְּלַטְיָה

1567, Klein 22887
wide street, square. PBH [Gk. plateia (odos) (= street; lit.: ‘broad way’), f. of
platus (= flat, wide, broad), which is cogn. with Old I. práthati (= spreads out),
Avestic p̆ērēpush (of s.m.), L. planta (= sole of the foot), etc. All these words
are derivatives of IE base * plāt– (= spread out, broad, flat). cp. פּֽלָטִינָה
and first element in פּֽלַטֽפוֹרְמָה.]

πλεονασμός (pleonasmos) - פְּלֵיאוֹנַזְם

1568, Klein 22901
pleonasm. FW [Gk. pleonasmos, from pleonazein (= to be more than enough, abound,
be superfluous), from pleon (= more). See פְּלוּס.]

πλουτοκρατία (ploutokratia) - פְּלוּטוֹקְרַטְיָה

1569, Klein 22862
plutocracy. FW [Gk. ploutokratia (= plutocracy), compounded of plutos (= riches),
and kratia, from kratos (= strength, power, rule). The first element prob. derives
from IE base * pleu– (= to flow), whence also L. pluere (= to rain). See ‘pluvial’
in my CEDEL. For the second element see □קְרַטֽיָה.]

ποδάγρα - פּוֹדַגְרָא פּוֹדַגְרָה

1570, Jastrow 22921
c. (ποδάγρα) gout in the feet, in gen. sore foot. Y. Sabb. VI, 8c top (expl. צינית,
Mish. VI, 6) פ' (Bab. ib. 65a בת ארעא, v. אַרְעָא) a sore on the sole of the foot.
Sot. 10a (ref. to I Kings XV, 23) אחזתו פד' he was seized with gout; Snh. 48b (v.
Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 50); Num. R. s. 23 פלאגרא (corr. acc.); Tanḥ. Masʿé 12;
Yalk. Kings 172.—[Y. Maasr. I, 49a bot. פודגרה, פיד', v. פּוּרְגָּרָה.]

ποδάγρα (podagra) - פּוֹדַגְרָה

1571, Klein 22320
podagra. PBH [Gk. podagra (= trap for the feet, gout in the feet), compounded of
pous, gen. podos (= foot), and agra (= a catching, seizure). For the first element
see פֵּדָר. The second element is related to Gk. agreein (= to take, catch), and
cogn. with Old I. ār (= defeat). cp. the second element in פֶּלַגְרָה.]

ποδαγρός - דגלום, דגלוס

1572, Jastrow 6401
, Koh. R. to V, 12 ד' פטרגוס, a corrupt. arising fr. two Var. to ערטיל ibid., פודגרוס
a. פודלגוס (ποδαγρός, ποδαλγός); cmp. Y. Kidd. I, 61a; Sot. 10a; Tanḥ. Masé 12

ποδαγρός - פּוֹדַגְרוֹס

1573, Jastrow 22922
(ποδαγρός) suffering with gout, gouty, lame. Yalk. Lev. 469; Lev. R. s. 5 (not
פודגריס; Ar. s. v. עלב: פטגריטוס, corr. acc.), v. דִּיאִיקִיטָא. [Koh. R. to V,
12 דגלוס פטרגוס, read: פּוֹדַלְגּוֹס or פודגרוס, v. דגלום.]—Pl. פּוֹדַגְרִין. Yalk.
Sam. 161 מה היו עושין התשושין והפ' שבהם what did the feeble and the lame among
them do? (Midr. Till. to Ps. XVIII, 17 only התשושין).

ποδαλγός - דגלום, דגלוס

1574, Jastrow 6401
, Koh. R. to V, 12 ד' פטרגוס, a corrupt. arising fr. two Var. to ערטיל ibid., פודגרוס
a. פודלגוס (ποδαγρός, ποδαλγός); cmp. Y. Kidd. I, 61a; Sot. 10a; Tanḥ. Masé 12

ποδόψελλα - פּוֹדוֹפְסִילָא

1575, Jastrow 22923
(ποδόψελλα) anklets. Y. Sabb. VI, 8b bot. (expl. אצעדה, Num. XXXI, 50) פד' Ar.
(ed. כדופסלא, כרו', corr. acc., or כֵּירוֹפ', χειροψελλα(?); LXX ψέλλιον). Ib.
(expl. צעדות, Is. III, 20) פדופסלה, פר' (corr. acc.).

ποιητής (poietes) - פִּיּוּט

1576, Klein 22700
1) invented story, parable, storytelling, poetry, poem. PBH 2) liturgic poetry,
hymn, song. MH [Derived from Gk. poietes, but Hebraized in form. Gk. poietes (=
one who makes, artificer), derives from poiein (= to make), from IE base *qwei–
(= to make). cp. פַּיְטָן. cp. also פּוֹאֶטִיקָה, פּוֹאֶמָה, פּוֹאֶסְיָה, and the
second element in אוֹנוֹמָטוֹפֵּיָה and in אֶפּוֹפֵיָה.]

ποιητική (poietike) - פּוֹאֶטִיקָה

1577, Klein 22307
poetry. FW [Gk. poietike, scil. techne (= poetry), f. of poietikos (= capable of
making, creative, productive; pertaining to poetry, poetic), from poietos (= made),
verbal adj. of poiein (= to make). See פַּיְטָן and cp. פּוֹאֶמָה and פּוֹאֶסְיָה.

ποκάριον - פוֹקָרִין

1578, Jastrow 23087
(ποκάριον) lock or tuft of wool (used as lint on a wound). Tosef. Sabb. V (VI),
2; Sabb. 50a בפוק' Ms. M. (ed. בפקו'; Ms. O. בפיקור'; corr. acc.). Gen. R. s. 77
נטל … פ' וכ' Jacob … took a tuft of wool and stuck it in his throat; Yalk. ib.
132 פוקרי (corr. acc.); Cant. R. to III, 6 נטל פרקדין וכרכו וכ' (corr. acc.) he
took (a rope of) wool and wound it around his neck. Koh. R. to X, 16 אילו הייתי
שם פ' וכ' (not פי') had I been there, I should have tied a rope of wool around
his (Solomon’s) neck; Yalk. Kings 175 פקרין (corr. acc.). Y. Erub. X, beg. 26a
כמין פ' היו בידו (not פיקרין) the T’fillin were in his hand (bundled up) like a
tuft of wool (put on a wound). Tosef. Kil. V, 23 הפקרית והציפה וכ' (corr. acc.)
lint (for wounds) and wool tufts are not subject to the law concerning mixture
of wool and flax (כלאים).

πολέμαρχος - פּוֹלִימַרְכוֹס פּוֹלְמַ'

1579, Jastrow 22991
(variously corrupted) m. (πολέμαρχος) polemarch, general. Sifré Num. 131 שלח המלך
לפ' וכ' the king sent a general out and ordered (him) to devastate it (the province);
Pesik. Shub., p. 160a פרומלוכוס (corr. acc.); Yalk. Hos. 532; 517; Yalk. Ex. 178;
a. fr.—[Yalk. Lev. 631 שימש פ', v. פְּלוּמוֹפִּילוֹן.]—Pl. פּוֹלִימַרְכִים, פּוֹלִימַרְכִין,
פּוֹלְמַ'. Lam. R. introd. (R. Josh. 2) (expl. לשום כרים, Ez. XXI, 27) פ' Ar. (ed.
פלימרכים, … כוס), v. כלירכין.—Ch. form: פּוֹלִימַרְכָא, פּוֹלְמַ'. Targ. Ps. IX,
1 Ms. a. ed. Genua (missing in eds.).—Pl. פּוֹלִימַרְכִין, פּוֹלְמַ'. Targ. II
Esth. VIII, 7; a. e.—[Targ. Y. Gen. XXXII, 7; XXXIII, 1 פולמורכ', read: פּוּלְמוֹסִין.

πολέμαρχος (polymarchos) - פּוֹלֵימַרְכוֹס

1580, Klein 22385
polemarch. PBH [Gk. polymarchos, compounded of polemos (= war), and archos (= leader,
chief, ruler). See פּוּלֽמוּס and אַרְכִי.]

πόλεμος - פּוֹלְמוֹס

1581, Jastrow 22996
(πόλεμος) war, esp. war with the Romans. Sot. IX, 14 בפ' של אספסיינוס during the
Vespasian war; בפ' של טיטוס during the Titus war; בפ' האחרון during the last war
(Hadrianic revolution); Tosef. ib. XV, 8 (missing in ed. Zuck.). Y. Ab. Zar. I,
39c top עד מתי אנו הורגין בפ' וכ' how long yet shall we slay one another in war?;
a. fr.—[Tosef. Ḥull. III (IV), 27, read: פֵּילָמוֹס, v. אפונס.]—Pl. פּוֹלמוֹסָיוֹת,
פּוּלְמְסָאוֹת, פּוּלְמְסָיוֹת. Par. VIII, 9 (מים) המכזבים בפ' waters which are
known to have failed in wars. Y. Erub. I, end, 19d הרוגי פל' slain in battle (during
a revolution). Y. Yoma V, 42d bot. Lam. R. to II, 2 כמה פ' עשה וכ' how many wars
did Hadrian wage?; a. e.

πόλεμος (polemos) - פּוּלְמוֹס, פֻּלְמוֹס

1582, Klein 22393
1) war. PBH 2) polemic. NH [From Gk. polemos (= war), which is related to pelemixein
(= to shake, cause to tremble), from IE * pelem–, enlargement of base * pel– (=
to shake, swing). cp. ‘polemic’ in my CEDEL and words there referred to. cp. also
פּוּלְסָא, פָּפִילְיוֹן and the first element in פּוֹלֵימַרְכוֹס.]

πόλις - פּוֹלִיס

1583, Jastrow 22993
(πόλις) city. Pesik. Vayhi, p. 63b; Pesik. R. s. 17, v. אִילְיוֹפּוֹלִיס.

πολιτεία - פֹּלִטְיָא

1584, Jastrow 23768
(πολιτεία) citizenship. Pesik. R. s. 15 Ar., v. אִיסוֹפּוֹלִיטְיָא.

πολιτικοί - *, *פּוֹלִיטִיקִין

1585, Jastrow 22986
(πολιτικοί) city-people. Ter. II, 5 מפני שהוא מאכל פ' (Ms. M. פוליטוקוס, read:
פוליטי' sing.) because it (the wild onion) is the food of city-people (as health-preserving,
v. Ned. 66a, quot. s. v. כּוּפְרִי).

πολιτικός (politikos) - פּוֹלִיטִיקָה

1586, Klein 22378
politics. FW [From Gk. politikos (= pertaining to a citizen, political), from polis
(= city, state), which is cogn. with Old I. puriḥ (= citadel, city, town).]

πόλυ - *, *פָּלִי

1587, Jastrow 23794
(πόλυ) much. Y. Shebu. III, 34d bot., v. בריכסון.

πολύ (poly) - פּוֹלִי□

1588, Klein 22368
(combining form) poly-. FW [Gk. poly, from polys (= much, many), which is cogn.
with L. plūs (= more), plūrimus (= most). See פְּלוּס.]

πολύγλωττος (polyglottos) - פּוֹלִיגְלוֹט

1589, Klein 22371
polyglot. FW [Gk. polyglottos (= many-tongued), compounded of polys (= much, many),
and glotta (= tongue, language). See פּוֹלִי□ and גְּלוֹסְקָמָא.]

πολυγράφος (polygraphos) - פּוֹלִיגְרָף

1590, Klein 22374
polygraph. FW [Gk. polygraphos (= writing much), compounded of polys (much, many),
and graphos, from graphein (= to write). See פּוֹלִי□ and □גֽרָף.]

πολύπους - פּוֹלִיפּוּס

1591, Jastrow 22995
(πολύπους) polypus, a morbid growth in the nose. Keth. VII, 7 ואלו שכופין … ובעל
פ' וכ' the following persons are forced to divorce their wives: one stricken with
a skin disease, with a polypus &c.; expl. ib. 77a ריח החוטם whose nose is ill-smelling;
ריח הפה whose mouth is &c.; Tosef. ib. VII, 11. Sabb. 109a יד מעלה פ' an unwashed
hand (touching the nose) generates a polypus. Midr. Till. to Ps. VII, 10 רשע והוא
חוטא … וחוטמה מעלה פ' a violent man and sinner (against God) is like an ungainly
woman who has a polypus besides; a. e.—Pl. פוּלְפְּסִין (sub. בעלי) afflicted with
polypus. Y. Ḥag. I, 76a bot.

πολύτεχνος (polytechnos) - פּוֹלִיטֶכְנִיּוֹן

1592, Klein 22382
polytechnic. FW [From Gk. polytechnos (= skilled in many arts), which is compounded
of polys (= much, many), and techne (= art). See פּוֹלִי□ and טֶכְנַאי.]

πολύτριχον - פּוֹלִיטְרִיכוֹן

1593, Jastrow 22987
(not כין …) m. (πολύτριχον) Polytrichon, Maiden-hair. Y. Sabb. XIV, 14c, v. יוֹעֶזֶר

πολυφωνία (polyphonia) - פּוֹלִיפוֹנְיָה

1594, Klein 22389
polyphony. FW [Gk. polyphonia, from polyphonos (= having many tones), which is compounded
of polys (= much, many), and phone (= sound, voice). See פּוֹלִי□ and פוֹנֶטִיקָה.
For the ending see suff. □יָה.]

πομπῇ - פּוֹמְפִּי פּוֹמְבִּי

1595, Jastrow 23014
(πομπή, pompa) solemn procession, pomp, solemnity, ostentation. Y. Shek. I, beg.
45d כדי לעשות פומבי לדבר (Ms. M. פוספי, read פומפי) in order to give greater publicity
to the act; Y. Yoma II, 39d top; ib. II, end, 40a; a. fr.—Pesik. R. s. 12 לפי שלא
נעשית לה פ' כאמהות because she had not been given a public funeral as was given
to the other Mothers. Ib. היה נעשה להם פ' (masc.). Ib. s. 5 עשה להם פומבה גדולה
made a great demonstration for them. B. Bath. 145b עשה עמו בפ' וכ' if a man acted
as a friend’s best man at a public wedding, and now asks his friend to be his best
man at a private wedding. Ib. עתיר נכסין עתיר פ' וכ' rich in goods, rich in pomp
(popular ovations)—that is the preacher of hagadah (v. אֲגָדָה); a. fr.—Trnsf.
(v. Sophocles s. v. πομπή) disgrace, reproach. Ab. Zar. 54b לא דיין … שעושין סלע
שלי פ' וכ' it is not enough for the wicked that they have made my coin (divine
image of man) a public disgrace, but &c.—Gen. R. s. 86, beg. בני בכורי הוא ואני
מורידו פורופי Ar. (read: פומפי = πομπῇ) he (Jacob) is my firstborn son, and shall
I let him go down to Egypt in disgrace?—Ed. בני … בבזיון ואם ליתן בלבו של פרעה
איני מורידו פומבי אלא וכ' (corr. after ‘Rashi’ ואם אתן בלבו … להורידו איני מורידו
פ') he is my firstborn son, and shall I make him go down in contempt? and if I
put it into Pharaoh’s heart to bring him down, do I not bring him down in disgrace?
(‘Rashi’ אני מורידו פופילא, corr. acc.).

πομπή - פּוֹמְפִּי פּוֹמְבִּי

1596, Jastrow 23014
(πομπή, pompa) solemn procession, pomp, solemnity, ostentation. Y. Shek. I, beg.
45d כדי לעשות פומבי לדבר (Ms. M. פוספי, read פומפי) in order to give greater publicity
to the act; Y. Yoma II, 39d top; ib. II, end, 40a; a. fr.—Pesik. R. s. 12 לפי שלא
נעשית לה פ' כאמהות because she had not been given a public funeral as was given
to the other Mothers. Ib. היה נעשה להם פ' (masc.). Ib. s. 5 עשה להם פומבה גדולה
made a great demonstration for them. B. Bath. 145b עשה עמו בפ' וכ' if a man acted
as a friend’s best man at a public wedding, and now asks his friend to be his best
man at a private wedding. Ib. עתיר נכסין עתיר פ' וכ' rich in goods, rich in pomp
(popular ovations)—that is the preacher of hagadah (v. אֲגָדָה); a. fr.—Trnsf.
(v. Sophocles s. v. πομπή) disgrace, reproach. Ab. Zar. 54b לא דיין … שעושין סלע
שלי פ' וכ' it is not enough for the wicked that they have made my coin (divine
image of man) a public disgrace, but &c.—Gen. R. s. 86, beg. בני בכורי הוא ואני
מורידו פורופי Ar. (read: פומפי = πομπῇ) he (Jacob) is my firstborn son, and shall
I let him go down to Egypt in disgrace?—Ed. בני … בבזיון ואם ליתן בלבו של פרעה
איני מורידו פומבי אלא וכ' (corr. after ‘Rashi’ ואם אתן בלבו … להורידו איני מורידו
פ') he is my firstborn son, and shall I make him go down in contempt? and if I
put it into Pharaoh’s heart to bring him down, do I not bring him down in disgrace?
(‘Rashi’ אני מורידו פופילא, corr. acc.).

πομπή (pompe) - פֻּמְבֵּי

1597, Klein 23009
pomp, solemnity, ostentation. PBH [Gk. pompe (= a sending; solemn procession), which
stands in gradational relationship to pempein (= to send), which is of unknown

πονηρία - *, *פּוֹנְרִיָּיה

1598, Jastrow 23045
(πονηρία) baseness. Y. Snh. X, 28a top שלשה כפרו בנבואתן מפני פ' three prophets
disowned their prophetic mission on account of the baseness (with which they were
treated; cmp. Midr. Prov. ch. XI עמד משה בכעס וכ').

ποντική - פּוּנְדְּקִי

1599, Jastrow 23028
(corrupt. of ποντική = κάρυον ποντικόν) filbert. —Pl. פּוּנְדְּקִיִּין, פּוּנְדְּקָאוֹת.
Y. Naz. I, end, 51c פונדקרין (corr. acc.; Ar. פּוּנְדְּקִין). Y. Gitt. VII, 48d
bot. פונדקאות עצמן if he ate the filberts themselves (with their burrs in their
green state).

Πόντος - פּוֹנְטוֹס

1600, Jastrow 23037
(Pontus, Πόντος) Pontus, the country bordering on the Pontus Euxinus. Targ. Y.
Gen. X, 10 (h. text שנער (!); ib. XIV, 1 (some ed. בוגט', בונט').—Sifra B’har,
Par. 1, ch. 1 מה שהוציא עקילס לעבדיו לפונשוס (corr. acc.) what Aquila exported
(from Palestine) for his slaves to Pontus; Yalk. Lev. 659 לפנתוס (corr. acc.).

πόρνη - פּוֹרְנִי

1601, Jastrow 23122
(πόρνη) 1)harlot. Lev. R. s. 33 פילא פ', v. בְּלֵי I; Yalk. Dan. 1061. Cant. R.
to III, 4 פגי (corr. acc.), v. באמי.—*2) (cmp. Lat. adultera, adulterina, sub.
clavis; v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Clavis) skeleton-key. Kel. XI, 4 הפורני Ar. ed. Koh.
(ed. הפורנא, הפורנה).

πόρνη (porne) - פּוֹרְנוֹגְרַפְיָה

1602, Klein 22482
pornography. FW [Lit. ‘a description of prostitutes’, compounded of Gk. porne (=
harlot), and graphia (= description of), from graphein (= to write). Gk. porne
orig. meant ‘bought, purchased’, and is related to pernemi (= I sell; properly
‘I give for equal value’), priamai (= I buy; properly ‘I take for equal value’),
and cogn. with L. pār (= equal), pretium(= price). See ‘pair’ in my CEDEL. cp.

πόρπη - פָּרַף

1603, Jastrow 24713
(denom. of פורפא πόρπη) 1)to clasp. Part. pass. פָּרוּף; f. פְּרוּפָה; pl. פְּרוּפִים,
פְּרוּפִין; פְּרוּפוֹת. Yoma V, 1 החיצונה היתה פ' וכ' the outer curtain was held
back by a clasp on the north side, and the inner curtain on the south side (so
as to make room for entering, without exposing to view the Holy of Holies).—2)to
fasten a garment over the shoulder by attaching a weight to its overhanging corner.
Sabb. VI, 7 פּוֹרֶפֶת על האבן וכ' a woman may wear a cloak thrown over her shoulder
weighted by a stone or a nut; ובלבד שלא תִפְרוֹף וכ' provided she does not attach
the weight for the first time on the Sabbath (v. Sabb. 65b); Tosef. ib. IV (V),
13 פורפת בתחילה בדבר וכ' she may attach a weight for the first time using an object
which it is permitted to handle on the Sabbath; a. e.—Part. pass. as ab. Sabb.
VI, 6 ומדיות (יוצאות) פ' Median women may go out on the Sabbath with their cloaks
thrown over their shoulders &c.

πόρπη (porpe) - פרף

1604, Klein 23734
to clasp, fasten. [Denominated from Gk. porpe (= brooch, clasp), which is formed
through reduplication and vowel gradation from the stem of peirein (= to pierce
through, run through), whence also peron (= pin, brooch, buckle; the fibula), from
IE base * per– (= to lead across, drive across, traverse, pierce). See פֶּר□.]
| — Qal . פָּרַף 1) he clasped, fastened; PBH 2) he buttoned. NH — Niph. נִפְרַף
1) was clasped, was fastened; MH 2) was buttoned. NH

πορφύρα (porphura) - פָּרְפּוּרִיָּה

1605, Klein 23738
purple robe. PBH [From Gk. porphura (= purple fish, purple dye, purple), which is
of uncertain origin. cp. ‘purple’ in my CEDEL.]

πορφύρα (porphyra) - פּוֹרְפִירָה

1606, Klein 22486
purple garment. NH [From Gk. porphyra (see פָּרְפּוּרִיָּה).]

πορφύριον - פּוּרְפּוּרְיוֹן פּוּרְפּוּרִין פּוּרְפִּי'

1607, Jastrow 23143
(πορφύριον) same. Yalk. Ps. 869 (quot. fr. Y’lamd.) … כביכול נוטל … וטובל פ' שלו
… ולובש אותו פ' וכ' the Lord, as it were, takes of every (martyr’s) life-blood,
and dips his purple in it …, and when the day of judgment comes …, he puts on that
purple and shows the body of every righteous man marked on it &c.; Yalk. Num. 785.
Gen. R. s. 74 והעביר פ' מעליו וכ' (not פיפורין) took off the purple cloak and the
crown &c.; a. fr.—Pl. פּוּרְפּוּרִין, פּוּרְפִּי', פּוּרְפְּרִין. Tanḥ. Ki Thissa
8; Lev. R. s. 2; Pesik. Shek. 16b (not רון …); a. e.

ποτήριον - פּוֹטִירִין

1608, Jastrow 22952
(ποτήριον) poterion, name of a shrub (Astragalus Poterium), a species of tragacanth,
yielding a gum which was used for spicing wines; פיילי פ' a vial of poterion, a
medicinal drink taken after bathing. Gen. R. s. 51 (ref. to מנת כוסם, Ps. XI,
6) כפ' פ' לאחר המרחץ (not פיטרין) like the vial of poterion after a bath; Y. Pes.
X, 37c top דיפלי פ' כדיפלי פ' וכ' (corr. acc.); Yalk. Ps. 655 (not פוטרין). Gen.
R. s. 10 כיון שיצא הביאו פ' פ' של יין לשתותו when he (Titus) came out of the bath,
they handed him a vial of poterion wine to drink; Koh. R. to V, 8 כוס פ' פ' של
יין (not פוטרין). Gen. R. s. 88 זבוב נמצא בתוך פ' פ' שלו a fly was found in his
(Pharaoh’s) vial &c.; Yalk. ib. 146 סילי פושרין (corr. acc.).

πούς (pous) - פִּטְפּוּט

1609, Klein 22651
leg of a tripod. PBH [Of uncertain origin; perhaps reduplication formed from Gk.
pous (= foot), for whose etymology see פֶּדָר.]

πράγματα - פְּרַגְמָטָא

1610, Jastrow 24326
(πράγματα) affairs, business. Lev. R. s. 9 תהא פ' דידן טבא וכ' (ed. הדא פסטמא,
פסטטא, corr. acc.) let thy trade be straight, and thou hast nothing to fear; Yalk.
ib. 493 פשטמא (corr. acc.).

πραγματεία - פְּרַגְמַטְיָא פְּרַקְ'

1611, Jastrow 24329
(πραγματεία) business; ware, goods. B. Mets. 42a שליש בקרקע שליש בפ' וכ' (invest)
one third in land, one third in business, and (retain) one third in ready money.
Cant. R. to III, 6 הוו עסקין בפ' והוון נסבין וכ' engaged in business and dealt
in silk; Gen. R. s. 77. Cant. R. l. c. כל פ' שישראל עושין וכ' in whatever business
Israelites are engaged and meet with success, they owe it to that dust which Jacob
raised (when wrestling with the angel). Tanḥ. Mishp. 9 טול ממני … ותעשה פ' וכ'
take from me a loan of one hundred thousand (zuz), and do business with it, and
assign as security to me &c. Ib. 5 כל פ' שאתה רואה וכ' whatever goods you find
to be low and lying in the ground (despised), engage in it, for it will rise in
the end. Ib. הפסידה פ' שלך thy goods have gone down; a. fr.

πραγματεία (pragmateia) - פְּרַגְמַטְיָא

1612, Klein 23413
merchandise, wares, goods. PBH [Gk. pragmateia (= prosecution of business). See

πραγματεία (pragmateia) - פְּרַקְמַטְיָא, פְּרַקְמַטְיָה, פְּרַגְמַטְיָא

1613, Klein 23778
wares, goods, merchandise. PBH [Gk. pragmateia (= occupation, business), from pragma
(= business), lit. ‘that which is done’, from the stem of prassein, prattein (=
to do, effect, acomplish, practice). See פְּרַקֽטִי. For the ending of pragma see
suff. ‘–ma’ in my CEDEL.]

πραγματευτής - פְּרַגְמָטוֹטֵיס פְּרַגְמַטִיוְטָא פְּרַקְמַ'

1614, Jastrow 24328
(πραγματευτής) trader, esp. travelling merchant. Ex. R. s. 19 ראו הפ' וכ' behold,
that trader (that lodged with me) got up by night and took all my belongings with
him. Koh. R. to XI, 1 פרגמטוזטוס, פרגמטוזטיס (corr. acc.). Lev. R. s. 3, beg. רעותיה
דמתקרי פ' it is his ambition to be called a man of business; Yalk. Koh. 971 בר
פרגמיטורא (corr. acc., or בר פְּרַגְמַטְיָא); Koh. R. to IV, 6 (some ed. פרגמטווטא);
a. fr.—Pl. פְּרגְמָטוֹטֵין, פְּרַגְמָטִיוְטִין (פְּרַגְמָטָטִין, טָטַיָּא …). Mekh.
Yithro, Baḥod., s. 2 (ref. to לשָׂרִים, Ps. XLV, 17, as though it were read לְשָׁרִים,
v. שְׁיָירָה) יכול פרגמיט' (corr. acc.) you may think this means travelling merchants;
Yalk. Ex. 276 פרגמטיטין. Gen. R. s. 76 מה אומנתכון פ' what is your trade? (We are)
merchants. Pesik. Bayom, p. 195a. Pesik. R. s. 15 רמז לפרגמטטין וכ' this is a hint
to travelling merchants and seafarers to remember and come home quickly; a. fr

πραιπόσιτος - פְּרוֹפּוֹסִיטוֹס פְּרוֹפְסִ'

1615, Jastrow 24483
(præpositus, πραιπόσιτος) præpositus, a title of several imperial officers, esp.
(= magister militum) chief of the army. Num. R. s. 1, end אומר פ' לך מנה וכ' (not
סוטוט …) he says to the præpositus, go and count all legions except &c. Ex. R.
s. 15 נכנס פרוסביטוס וכ' (corr. acc.) the præpositus with his suite went in &c.
Ib. הפרופסיטון (corr. acc.).—Pl. פְּרוֹפּוֹסִיטִין. Num. R. s. 7 בו"ד יש לו פריפיסיטין
וכ' (read: פְּרִיפּוֹ') a human king has præpositi (to muster the army), and so
the Lord has (ref. to Num. I, 2). Y’lamd. to Num. X, 1, quot. in Ar. והיו הפ' באין
תחלה וכ' the præpositi came first (to the headquarters), and then the legions.

πραίτωρ - רפוסא

1616, Jastrow 29033
(a corrupt., prob. to be read: פְּרֵיטוֹר praetor, πραίτωρ) judge. Ex. R. s. 37
אוהבו של מלך קומיס ור' a friend of the king (who was made) Comes and judge. Ib.
עשאו ר' שנ' וכ' the Lord made him (Moses) a judge, for it is said, and Moses sat
to judge &c. (Ex. XVIII, 13).

πραιτώριον - פַּלְטֵרִין פַּלְטֵי' פַּלְטוֹ' פַּלְטֵר

1617, Jastrow 23790
(πραιτώριον, prætorium) headquarters; palace, residence; country-seat. Snh. II,
3 (20a) אינו יוצא מפתח פ' שלו (Y. ed. פלטו', Ar. פלטין) must not leave his royal
residence (to escort the dead). Num. R. s. 1 end אף … ועושה אותן בני פַלְטַירִי
so I will bring them near me and make them sons of my palace (= פַּלָּטִינִי);
[Yalk. Num. 695 פלטנטירין; Tanḥ. B’midb. 26 פלמנטרין, v. פַּלְמַנְטָר]. Num. R.
s. 13 כשתכנס … לפ' שלך when thou enterest thy province and comest to thy headquarters.
Ib. והיו בני המדינה עומדים על פתח פ' … יכנס המלך לפַלְטרוֹ (not לפלטר) the citizens
stood at the entrance of the palace and cried, let the king enter his palace. Pirké
d’R. El. ch. III שהוא רוצה לבנות פלטרים שלו (corr. פלטרין) who wishes to build
his palace; a. fr.—Pl. פַּלְטֵירִין, פַּלְטוֹרִין. Esth. R. to I, 2 כל אחד ואחד
היו לו שני פ' וכ' each had two residences, one for the summer &c.; a. e.—Fem. form:
פַּלְטוֹרָה, פַּלְטֵירָה. Sifré Deut. 309 פלטו' אחת; Yalk. ib. 942 פלטי', v. infra.—Pl.
פַּלְטוֹרִיּוֹת, פַּלְטֵירִיאוֹת. Ib. מי שהורישו אביו עשר פ' ועמד וקנה פלטורה אחת
וכ' one to whom his father left ten country-seats, but he rose and bought one with
his own money, and this he loved מכל פ' שהנחילו אביו (not רה …) more than all the
residences that his father had left him. Sifré Deut. 353; Yalk. ib. 959. Koh. R.
to VI, 3 שתי פַלְטֵרִיּוֹת, v. supra. Gen. R. s. 71 ירש אשר פ' מה וכ' (not ירש
גבהי) Asher possessed more residences (abroad) than Judah possessed districts;
Yalk. ib. 128 פלטיאות (corr. acc.).—[פלטריות Gen. R. s. 41, a. e., v. פְּלַטְיָא.

πραιτώριον (praitorion) - פַּלְטֵרִין

1618, Klein 22892
palace PBH [Gk. praitorion, from L. praetārium (= general’s tent), subst. use of
the neuter of praetōrius (= belonging to the praetor), from praetor (= leader,
chief), for * prae-itor, lit. ‘one who goes before’, from prae (= before), and
īre (= to go). See פּֽרֵי□ and אִינִיצֽיָאטוֹר. The change of the first r in praetōrium
to l is prob. due to dissimilation.]

πρακτικός (praktikos) - פְּרַקְטִי

1619, Klein 23773
practical. FW [From Gk. praktikos (= fit for action, practical), from praktos (=
done, to be done), verbal adj. of prassein, prattein (= to do, effect, accomplish,
practice), from * prā–ko– (= leading over or beyond), enlarged from IE base * per–
(= through, across, beyond). See פֶּרֶ□ and cp. פְּרַקְמַטְיָא.]

πράνδιοι - פְּרַנְדָּא

1620, Jastrow 24643
(v. preced.) (שירא) שירה פ' p’randa silk. Sot. 48b משחרב … בטלה ש' פ' וכ' when
the first Temple was destroyed, the use of p. silk and of white glass was suspended.
Sabb. 20b שירא … וש' פ' לחוד silk is different from p’randa silk. [Sachs, Beitr.
II, p. 185 refers to late Greek πράνδιοι (πράνδιον fillet, S.), from which he derives
French frange, Engl. fringe.]

πράνδιον - פְּרַנְדָּא

1621, Jastrow 24643
(v. preced.) (שירא) שירה פ' p’randa silk. Sot. 48b משחרב … בטלה ש' פ' וכ' when
the first Temple was destroyed, the use of p. silk and of white glass was suspended.
Sabb. 20b שירא … וש' פ' לחוד silk is different from p’randa silk. [Sachs, Beitr.
II, p. 185 refers to late Greek πράνδιοι (πράνδιον fillet, S.), from which he derives
French frange, Engl. fringe.]

πρᾶξις - פְּרַכְסִין

1622, Jastrow 24625
(πρᾶξις) practice, public life. Y. B. Mets. II, 8c bot. לא אתית … פ' דידכון וכ'
(ed. פרוכסין, כרוכסין, corr. acc.) I have come only to see your ways, how you deal,
how you judge.

πρᾶξις - פּרַקְסִיס

1623, Jastrow 24775
(πρᾶξις) business. Y. Ab. Zar. I, 39d משם פ' if he decorated his store for business’
sake (to attract customers), opp. עִיטּוּר, q. v.

πράσινον - כְּרֵתִינוֹן, כְּרֵיתִ'

1624, Jastrow 14152
(a denom. of כְּרֵתָן, כָּרֵתִי, formed after the Greek πράσινον) leek-colored,
green. Y’lamd. to Gen. XLIX, 1 quot. in Ar. בין תכלת לצבע כ' (Ber. I, 2 לכרתי),
v. כָּרֵתִי. Y. Succ. III, 53d (ref. to Mish. ירוק ככרתן, v. כָּרֵתִי) כהן כ' או
דדמי להן כרתינין (corr. acc.) does the Mishnah mean exactly as green as leek, or
any shade like leek?

πρατήρ (prater) - פַּלְטֵר

1625, Klein 22891
1) shopkeeper, esp. seller of baker’s wares. 2) shop, esp. baker’s shop. PBH [From
Gk. prater (= seller). See פּוֹרֽנוֹגְרַפְיָה.]

πρατήριον - פַּלְטֵר פַּלְטֵרָא פַּלְטֵי'

1626, Jastrow 23788
Y. Sabb. VIII, 11a bot. ואנא סמיך על פ' (not לפ') but I have to rely (for my supply)
on the shop-keeper; Y. Shek. VIII, beg. 51a לטלפירא (corr. acc.). Gen. R. s. 22
אזל ויתיב קמי פ' (the dog) sits down in front of the shop (or stand); ib. מרי פ'
the shop-keeper; Yalk. Gen. 36; Yalk. Ps. 840; [Ar. reads פַּרְטֵירָא (πρατήριον)
market]. Y. B. Kam. II, end, 3a פַּלְטֵירֵה the goods of his shop, v. פּוּרָה;
a. e.—Pl. פַּלְטֵרִין, פַּלְטֵי'goods for sale. Y. B. Mets. III, end, 9b בר נש
דיהב לחבריה פליטורין בשוקא וכ' (corr. acc., or פוֹלִיטֵירִין) if a man put goods
(on a stand) in the market in charge of his neighbor, and he left them in charge
of his minor son or daughter, and they were stolen or lost, he is not bound to
pay; שאני אומר לא על דעת פ' בשוק (a defective sentence, perhaps מסרן לו is to be
supplied) for I may say, has he not given them as goods on exhibit in the market?
(hence he was not bound to lock them up).

πρεσβευταῖ - פְּרוּזְבּוּטֵי

1627, Jastrow 24403
(πρεσβευταῖ) ambassadors. Ex. R. s. 5 יום פ' של פרעה וכ' it was Pharaoh’s day of
reception of ambassadors &c.; Tanḥ. Vaëra 5 פרוזבטיא (corr. acc.). Meg. 15a sq.
זה בא בפרוזבולי וזה בא בפ' (Ms. M. בפרוס בולי בפרוס ביטי …) the one (Haman) had
come to court as a member of the boulé (senate, πρὸς βουλῇ), and the other (Mordecai)
as one of the legates (to plead for the building of the Temple); Yalk. Esth. 1045
ומשם ירדי פ' וכ' (not ירד פרוזבי') and from there they (Mordecai and Haman) went
down (to Shushan) as legates &c.; אמרו ישראל … לפיכך יֵרֵד פְרוּזְבּוּטָן כנגדו
(not פרוזבוטו) the Israelites said, Mordecai is …, therefore let him go as our
legate against him (Haman); Yalk. Am. 545 פרווטי' (corr. acc.); v. next art.

πρεσβευτέριον - *, *פְּרוֹזְבִּיטְרוֹן

1628, Jastrow 24413
(πρεσβευτέριον = πρεσβεία, formed like πρεσβυτέριον) embassy. Tanḥ., ed. Bub.,
D’barim, supplem. 1 שאם יבוא פ' … מדברים עמו בלשונו that when an embassy from another
place comes, they may speak to it in its own language; Y’lamd. to Deut. I, quot.
in Ar. שאם יבאו פרזבטין של מלך משיחין עמו בלשונו (read: שאם יבאו פְּרוּזְבּוּטִין
… עמן בלשונן) that if ambassadors of a king come, they may converse with them in
their language.

πρεσβευτής - פְּרוּזְבּוּטֵיס

1629, Jastrow 24405
(πρεσβευτής, v. preced.) ambassador, legate. Ex. R. s. 42 מדינה ששלחה פ' לעטר וכ'
(not טים …) a province that sent a legate to offer a crown to the king. Tanḥ. Vayigg.
6 שלח יהורה פרוזבטים אצלו (corr. acc.) he (Jacob) sent Judah as an ambassador to
him (Joseph). Yalk. Esth. 1058 שונאי הוא שירדתי עמו בפ' he (Mordecai) is my enemy,
since I came down with him (from Palestine) as a legate (to plead against the building
of the Temple, v. preced.).—Pl. פְּרוּזְבּוּטִין. Y’lamd. to Deut. I, 1, quot.
in Ar. פרזבטין, v. פְּרוֹזְבִּיטְרֹון.—Greek pl. פְּרוּזְבּוּטֵי q. v.

πρεσβευτής (presbeutes) - פְּרוּזְבּוּטְיָא

1630, Klein 23471
assembly of delegates. PBH [From Gk. presbeutes (= ambassador), from presbus (=
old, venerable), which stands for * pres-gus, and lit. means ‘he that goes first’.
The first element of this compound is related to Gk. paros (= before, aforetime,
formerly), and cogn. with L. prae (= before; see פּֽרֵי□). The second element is
a derivative of IE base * gwu– (= to go), which is related to base * gwem– (of

πρέσβις - פְּרוּזְבִּין

1631, Jastrow 24414
(πρέσβις, later form for πρεσβεύτης) ambassadors. Gen. R. s. 74, end נטל … ושלח
פ' לפניו he took some of each party of angels and sent an embassy before him; Yalk.
ib. 130.

πρίσμα (prisma) - מִנְסָרָה

1632, Klein 15965
prism. [Formed from נסר (= to saw), with instr. pref. מִ□ and first suff. □ָה. Loan
translation of Gk. prisma (= prism), lit.: ‘something sawn off’.]

πρίσμα (prisma) - פְּרִיזְמָה

1633, Klein 23610
prism. FW [Gk. prisma (= something sawn off, prism), from prisein (= to saw). For
the ending of Gk. prisma see suff. ‘-ma’ in my CEDEL.]

πρό (pro) - פְּרוֹ□

1634, Klein 23440
pro- (of Greek origin meaning ‘before, forward’). FW [Gk. pro–, from pro (= before).
See פְּרוֹ□ I and cp. פְּרוֹטוֹ□.]

προβατεία - פְּרוֹבַטְיָא

1635, Jastrow 24373
(προβατεία) flock of sheep. Pesik. Shek., p. 13a; Eth. Korb., p. 60a (expl. אילים
צמר, II Kings III, 4) פ' (Ar. פרוביטא, corr. acc.); Pesik. R. s. 16 פרומטוי or
פרובטוי, (corr. acc., or פְּרוֹבַטְיָי'); Yalk. Kings 227 פרובטא (corr. acc.).

πρόβλημα (problema) - פְּרוֹבְּלֵימָה

1636, Klein 23448
problem. FW [Gk. problema (= discussion, problem; lit. ‘something thrown forward’),
from proballein (= to throw forward), from pro (= before; see פְּרוֹ□ II) and ballein
(= to throw, cast). See בַּלִּיסְטִיקָה.]

προβληματικός (problematicos) - פְּרוֹבּֽלֵימָתִי

1637, Klein 23449
problematic(al). FW [Gk. problematicos (= pertaining to a problem), from problema
(= problem). See פְּרוֹבּֽלֵימָה and suff. □ִי.]

προβληματικός (problematikos) - פְּרוֹבְּלֵימָתִיקָה

1638, Klein 23451
problems. FW [From Gk. problematikos (= pertaining to a problem), from problema
(= problem). See פּֽרוֹבְּלֵימָה. For the Gk. ending – atikos see suff. ‘–atic’
in my CEDEL.]

προγάμια - פְּרוֹטוֹגַמְיָא פְּרוֹטֹגַ'

1639, Jastrow 24428
(πρωτογάμια, cmp. πρωτόγαμος) 1)being just married. שבת של פ' the first Sabbath
after a wedding. Y. Dem. IV, 24a top.—2) (by confusion with προγάμια) sacrifice
before the wedding, in gen. wedding preliminaries; trnsf. preliminary events.
Midr. Till. to Ps. XIV, end וקבעו פ' ביום פלני (not פרוסט') and they appointed
a certain day for the progamia; ומי מעכב פ' and what is the cause of the delay
(of the wedding)? The progamia; Yalk. ib. 663 פרוזטוגמא (corr. acc.). Lev. R. s.
11, beg. (ref. to Ez. XXXIX, 9) ואותן שבע שנים הן הן פ' (not פרטגמיא) and these
seven years (preceding the advent of the Messiah) are the progamia of the righteous
in the days to come; וסימנך דעביד פ' אכיל משתותא and thy mnemonical sign be, he
who prepares (takes part in) the progamia will have a share in the wedding festival;
Yalk. Prov. 944 פרוטיגמא (corr. acc.); דאכל פ' וכ' he who eats of the progamia
&c.; Y. Shebi. IV, end, 35c

πρόγνωσις (prognosis) - פְּרוֹגְנוֹזָה

1640, Klein 23452
prognosis. FW [Gk. prognosis (= foreknowledge), from the stem of progignoskein (=
to know beforehand), from pro (= before; see פְּרוֹ□ II), and gignoskein (= to
know). See גְּנוֹסְטִיקָה.]

πρόγραμμα (programma) - פְּרוֹגְרַמָּה

1641, Klein 23453
program(me). FW [Gk. programma (= public notion), from the stem of prographein (=
to write before, write in public), from pro (= before; see פּֽרוֹ□ II) and graphein
(= to write). See □גְרָף.]

πρόγραμμα (programma) - פְּרוֹגְרַמָּתִי

1642, Klein 23454
programmatic(al). FW [From Gk. programma (= public notion). See פְּרוֹגְרַמָּה.
For the ending of פּֽרוֹגְרַמָּתִי see first suff. ‘–atic’ in my CEDEL.]

Πρόδικος - פְּרוֹזְדִּיקִי פְּרוֹזְדָּק

1643, Jastrow 24421
(Πρόδικος) P’rozdiḳi, P’rozdaḳ. Yalk. Ps. 842; Num. R. s. 12, beg.

πρόεδρον (proedrion) - פַּרְהֶדְרִין

1644, Klein 23435
council. PBH [Gk. proedrion, lit.: ‘a sitting in front’, from pro (= before; see
פְּרוֹ□ II), and edra (= a seat), which stands for * sedrā and is cogn. with L.
sedēre (= to sit). See אַכְסַדְרָה and cp. סַנְהֶדְרִין.]

προθεσμία - פְּרוֹתִיזְמִיאָה פְּרוֹתִיזְמְיָיא

1645, Jastrow 24503
(προθεσμία, sub. ἡμέρα) appointed day, fixed term. Mekh. B’shall. s. 1 הגיעה פ'
שלכם וכ' (not פירותזי') your time for the return to Egypt has come; Yalk. Ex. 230
פרטגמ' (corr. acc.). Pesik. Baḥod., p. 103b sq. למלך שקידש … וקבע לה פ' וכיון שהגיעה
פ' וכ' (not פרוזתימייא) like a king who betrothed a lady to himself and appointed
for her a term (when to marry her), and when the time came, he said &c. (v. פְּרוֹטוֹגַמְיָא)

πρόθυρον - (פְּרוֹסְדּוֹר) פְּרוֹזְדּוֹר

1646, Jastrow 24419
(πρόθυρον; θ rendered by זד) verandah, vestibule. Targ. I Kings VII, 7 פרוסדא (ed.
Lag. פורסדא; corr. acc.).—Ab. IV, 16 העולם חזה דומה לפ' וכ' (Ar. לפרוס') this world
is like a vestibule to the world to come; prepare thyself in the vestibule &c.
Cant. R. to IV, 12 בא וישב עליה בפ' he (the king) came and sat down in judgment
over it on the verandah (in the sight of all people).—Trnsf. the forepart of female
genitals, the lower end of the vagina or uterus. Nidd. II, 5. Tosef. ib. III, 9
פרסדיר ed. Zuck. (Var. פרוזדור). Y. ib. II, 50a; a. e.

προκοπή - פְּרוֹקוֹפִּי

1647, Jastrow 24489
(προκοπή) promotion, preferment. Gen. R. s. 12, end הואיל ולגיון … נותן לו פ' שלא
תזוז וכ' (not פרוקפי) because this legion was the first to proclaim me king, I
will give it a preferment (rank) which shall not be taken from it; הרי אני נותן
לה פ' וכ' I will give her (the earth) a position from which she shall never be
moved (ref. to Ps. CIV, 5); Midr. Till. to Ps. XCIII; Yalk. ib. 847 פרוסקופי (corr.
acc.). Gen. R. s. 48 כל מי שתופשו אני נותן פ' whoever will seize him (the chief
robber), him will I promote; ib. איזו פ', v. פָּחַד; Yalk. Is. 304. Gen. R. s.
90 [read:] שלא יהא אדם נוטל פ' וכ' that none shall receive preferment except through
thee; Yalk. ib. 148 (not פורק'). Lev. R. s. 18. Ruth R. to I, 12 פרופקפוא, פרופקפיא
(corr. acc.); a. e.—Pl. פְּרוֹקְפָּאוֹת. Tanḥ Vayḥi 8 התחיל מחלק להן פ' he undertook
to distribute promotions among them.

πρόλογος (prologos) - פְּרוֹלוֹג

1648, Klein 23501
prologue. FW [Gk. prologos (= a speech beforehand, a prologue), from pro (= before,
for; see פְּרוֹ□ II), and logos (= speech). See לוֹגוֹס and cp. אֶפִּילוֹג.]

πρός - פְּרוֹס

1649, Jastrow 24459
(πρός) prepos. before, with; (in ed. mostly combined with the noun). Gitt. 36b bot.
פ' בולי ובוטי Ar. (ed. פרוסבולי), v. בּיּלְבּוּטֵיס. Meg. 15a Ms. M., v. פְּרוּזְבּוּטֵי

πρὸς βίαν - *, *פְּרוֹזְבִּיֹּון

1650, Jastrow 24412
(corr. פְּרֹוזְבִּיָּין) adv. (πρὸς βίαν, or βίαιον) by force, against one’s will.
Cant. R. to I, 2 חֵּעָשֶׂה את פ' שליח וכ' thou must be the messenger (to go) between
us and the Lord (ref. to Ex. XX, 19).

πρὸς βουλῇ βουλευτῶν - פְּרוֹזְבֹּול פְּרוֹסְבֹּול

1651, Jastrow 24406
(an abbrev. of πρὸς βουλῇ βουλευτῶν, v. בּוּלְבּוּטֵיס) prosbul, a declaration made
in court, before the execution of a loan, to the effect that the law of limitation
by the entrance of the Sabbatical year shall not apply to the loan to be transacted.
Shebi. X, 4; Gitt. 36a זהו גופו של פ' מוסרני לכם וכ' this is the body (formula)
of a prosbol, ‘I declare before you—, judges in the place—, that I shall collect
any debt that I may have outstanding with—, whenever I desire,’ and this is attested
by the judges or witnesses. Shebi. X, 3 פ' אינו משמט the prosbol has the effect
of preventing limitation; כשראה התקין הלל פ' … when he observed that people refused
to loan to one another and thus violated what is written in the Law (Deut. XV,
9), Hillel introduced the prosbol. Gitt. 36b כי התקין הלל פ' לדריה וכ' when Hillel
instituted the prosbol, did he ordain it for his time only or for all time to come?
Shebi. X, 5 פ' המוקדם כשר וכ' a prosbol written out before the loan is legal, if
after the loan, it is illegal. Tosef. ib. VIII, 10; a. fr.—Pl. פְּרֹוזְבּוּלִין,
פְּרֹוזְבְּלִין, פְּרֹוסְ'. Tosef. B. Bath. XI, 7. Tosef. B. Mets. I, 9.

πρός βουλῇ βουλευτῶν (pros boule bouleuton) - פְּרוֹזְבּוּל

1652, Klein 23472
‘prosbul’ (a declaration made in court, before the execution of a loan, to the effect
that the law requiring the release of debts upon the entrance of the Sabbatical
year shall not apply to the loan to be transacted). PBH [Prob. shortened from Gk.
pros boule bouleuton (= before the assembly of councillors), from pros (= toward,
to, against, before, in presence of), dative of boule (= counsel, deliberation,
assembly), and gen. pl. of bouleutes (= councillor), from bouleuein (= to take
counsel), from boule.]

πρόσταγμα - פְּרוֹסְטַגְמָא פְּרוֹזְדַּגְמָא

1653, Jastrow 24473
(variously corrupted) f. (πρόσταγμα) ordinance, proclamation. Tanḥ. Ekeb 11 פרוזדוגייא
(corr. acc.), v. דַּוָּאר I. Pesik. Shor, p. 77a; Tanḥ. Emor 10 למלך ששלח פ' שלו
וכ' like a king that sent his proclamation to a province &c.; הדא קרית שמע פ' שלי
וכ' this reading of the Sh’mʿa (Deut. VI, 4) is my (God’s) proclamation &c.; Lev.
R. s. 27. Gen. R. s. 42 פרסטגמא. Pesik. Baḥod., p. 102a שלא יהו דברי תורה בעיניך
כפ' וכ' that the words of the Law be not in thy eyes like an old proclamation,
but like a new one, which all run to read; Yalk. Prov. 960. Pesik. R. s. 33 [read:]
פ' שלו פרושה בחדש הראשון בשלשה עשר יום בו his (Haman’s) decree was promulgated
in the first month &c. (Esth. III, 12); Yalk. Is. 336 (corr. acc.); a. fr.—Pl.
פְּרוֹסְטַגְמָאוֹת, פְּרוֹזְדַּגְמָ'. Lev. R. s. 17 שלש פ' שלח וכ' Joshua sent
three proclamations to the Canaanites: whoever wishes to emigrate &c.; Y. Shebi.
VI, 36c bot. פרסטיגיות (corr. acc.). V. דִּיאֲטַגְמָא.

προστάδα (prostada) - פְּרוֹזְדוֹר

1654, Klein 23473
corridor, vestibule. PBH [The correct reading is פּֽרוֹזְדוֹד, a word borrowed from
Gk. prostada, accusative of prostas (= vestibule, porch, portico). Gk. prostas
derives from the stem proistanai (= to stand before). See ‘post’ (pillar) in my
CEDEL and cp. פְּרוֹ□ II and סְטָטִי.]

πρόσταξις - פרודתקיון פרודתקין פרותקינן

1655, Jastrow 24386
, Targ. II Esth. VI, 10, a corrupt. for פְּרוֹסְטַקְסִין (πρόσταξις) ordinances

προσῳδία (prosodia) - פְּרוֹסוֹדְיָה

1656, Klein 23516
prosody. FW [Gk. prosodia (= a song sung with accompaniment), from pros (= toward,
to, against; at, hard by, near), and ode (= song).]

πρόσωπα - פרוספיא

1657, Jastrow 24479
, read: פְּרוֹסוֹפָּא m. pl. (πρόσωπα) faces. Y’lamd. to Deut. IV, 4, quot. in
Ar. (ref. to וקלע כרובים, I Kings VI, 35) פ' he carved the faces of the cherubim

πρόσωπον - פַּרְצוֹף

1658, Jastrow 24736
(an adapt. of πρόσωπον, as if it were פרץ אף) face, visage, front. Yeb. XVI, 3
פ' פנים the full face, v. חוֹטָם. Ib. 120a פ' פנים ולא פדחת if the face is left,
but without the forehead. Erub. 18a, v. דִּיפְּרוֹסוֹף. Ber. 61a (ref. to הצלע,
Gen. II, 22) חד אמר פ' one says, it means one of the two faces of Adam (v. דִּיפְּרוֹסוֹף).
Snh. 103b בתחלה … פ' אחד וכ' first he made it (the idol) with one face, and afterwards
with four. Yoma 72b רוקם פ' אחד וכ' by roḳem (Ex. XXVIII, 39) needlework is meant
and therefore one front (design on one side), by ḥoshebh (ib. 15) embroidery is
meant and therefore two fronts (designs on both sides); a. fr.—Pl. פַּרְצוּפִים,
פַּרְצוּפִין, פַּרְצוּפוֹת. Ib. שני פ'; Tosef. Shek. III, 14 שתי פ' (fem.). Ab.
Zar. 42b כל הפ' מותרין וכ' you are permitted to sculpture all faces except the
human face. Ib. 12a פ' המקלחין מים וכ' sculptures of human faces which throw forth
water in the large cities (fountains). Y. ib. III, 42c bot. היו חותמין בפַרְסוֹפוֹת
used seals on which human faces were engraven. Ib. כל פרס' היו בירושלם וכ' all
kinds of statuary existed in Jerusalem except human faces. Y. Snh. IV, 22b bot.
שינה פַּרְצוֹפוֹתֵיהֶן the Lord made the faces of men to differ from one another;
a. fr.

πρόσωπον (prosopon) - פַּרְצוּף

1659, Klein 23754
1) face. PBH 2) personification, characterization. NH [Gk. prosopon (= face, countenance,
person), whence also Aram. פַּרְצוּפָא, Syr. פַּרְצוֹפָא. Gk. prosopon lit. means
‘that which is toward the eyes’, from pros (= toward, to, against), and ops (=
eye, face), which derives from IE base * ōgw–, a collateral form of base * oqw
(= eye; to see). See פְּרוֹזְבּוּל and אוֹפְּטִי and cp. the second element in

προτομή - פְּרוֹטוֹמִי

1660, Jastrow 24430
(προτομή) bust, esp. the imperial bust of the Roman standards, to which divine honors
were paid (v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Signa, a. Joseph. B. J. II, 9; 2). Ex. R. s. 15 [read:]
שלח המלך פ' שלו למדינה וכ' the king sent his bust to a province that they should
put up his images (copies of that bust) &c.; אין אנו כורעין לפניו אלא בשביל פ'
וכ' we do not bow before it (the wood) for its own sake, but for the sake of the
king’s bust which is portrayed on it.—Pl. פְּרוֹטוֹמִין. Tanḥ. Shof’tim 9 (read
as ed. Bub. 8) בשעה שהקב"ה ידין את אומות העולם תופשן לדין הן ואלהיהן ומעמיד להם
פ' וכ' (ed. פרטומין, some ed. פרמוטין, ed. Bub. פיטומין, corr. acc.) when the Lord
shall judge the nations of the world, he will arrest them and their gods, and put
up their busts, and bring in the tablets with the ten commandments, and ask them,
did they (the nations) ever care for you? &c.

προτομή (protome) - פְּרוֹטוֹמָה

1661, Klein 23481
protoma. FW [Gk. protome (= head of a decapitated animal), lit.: ‘something cut
off’, from the stem of protemnein (= to cut off in front), from pro (see פְּרוֹ□
II), and temnein (= to cut). See ‘tome’ in my CEDEL.]

προφυλακτικός (prophylaktikos) - פְּרוֹפִילַקְטִי

1662, Klein 23527
prophylactic (medicine). FW [Gk. prophylaktikos, from prophylassein (= to guard
against, ward off), from pro- (= before, for; see פְּרוֹ□ I), and phylassein (=
to watch, guard), which is of uncertain origin. cp. פּֽרוֹפִילַקְטִיקָה.]

προφυλακτικός (prophylaktikos) - פְּרוֹפִילַקְטִיקָה

1663, Klein 23528
prophylaxis (medicine). FW [From Gk. prophylaktikos. See פְּרוֹפִילַקְטִי.]

πρόχοος (prochoos) - אֲפַרְכֶּֽסֶת

1664, Klein 1914
hopper, funnel; auricle. PBH [This word prob. meant orig. ‘a vessel for pouring
out’ and was formed with prosthetic אֲ□ from Gk. prochoos (= a vessel for pouring
out, jug, pitcher) from prochein (= to pour out), which is formed from pro (= before,
toward), and chein (= to pour). See פְּרוֹ□ II. See also ‘chyle’ in my CEDEL.]

πρωτή - פְּרוֹטִי

1665, Jastrow 24432
(πρωτή) first (class). Y. Yoma III, 40d top ואין שני שבפילוסין … משם מילה דשמעה
פ' is not second class Pelusium linen better than first class Indian? but (the
latter is preferred) because of the thing which is named ‘first.’ Ib. (as regards
oil, ref. to Men. VIII, 5).

πρωτο (proto) - פְּרוֹטוֹ□

1666, Klein 23479
(before a vowel פְּרוֹט□) pref. FW proto–, or prot– (combining form meaning ‘first’).
[Gk. proto–, prot–, from protos (= first), prob. contraction of proatos, superlative
of pro (= before). See פְּרוֹ□ II and cp. פְּרוֹטוֹן.]

πρωτογάμια - פְּרוֹטוֹגַמְיָא פְּרוֹטֹגַ'

1667, Jastrow 24428
(πρωτογάμια, cmp. πρωτόγαμος) 1)being just married. שבת של פ' the first Sabbath
after a wedding. Y. Dem. IV, 24a top.—2) (by confusion with προγάμια) sacrifice
before the wedding, in gen. wedding preliminaries; trnsf. preliminary events.
Midr. Till. to Ps. XIV, end וקבעו פ' ביום פלני (not פרוסט') and they appointed
a certain day for the progamia; ומי מעכב פ' and what is the cause of the delay
(of the wedding)? The progamia; Yalk. ib. 663 פרוזטוגמא (corr. acc.). Lev. R. s.
11, beg. (ref. to Ez. XXXIX, 9) ואותן שבע שנים הן הן פ' (not פרטגמיא) and these
seven years (preceding the advent of the Messiah) are the progamia of the righteous
in the days to come; וסימנך דעביד פ' אכיל משתותא and thy mnemonical sign be, he
who prepares (takes part in) the progamia will have a share in the wedding festival;
Yalk. Prov. 944 פרוטיגמא (corr. acc.); דאכל פ' וכ' he who eats of the progamia
&c.; Y. Shebi. IV, end, 35c

πρωτόκολλον (protokollon) - פְּרוֹטוֹקוֹל

1668, Klein 23484
protocol. FW [Late Gk. protokollon (= the first leaf glued to the papyrus roll),
which is compounded of Gk. plotos (= first), and kolla (= glue). cp. ‘collo-’ in
my CEDEL and words there referred to.]

πρωτότυπος (prototypos) - פְּרוֹטוֹטִיפּוּס

1669, Klein 23480
prototype. FW [Gk. prototypos (= original, primitive), from protos (= first), and
typos (= blow, impress, model, pattern). See פְּרוֹטוֹ□ and טִיפּוּס.]

πτέρυξ (pterix) - פַּרְגִּית

1670, Klein 23410
chick, young bird. PBH [Together with Syr. פַּרוּגָא (= chick, young bird), prob.
borrowed from Gk. pterix (= wing, winged creature, bird), which is related to pteron
(= feather wing). These words derive from * pt, zero degree of IE base * pet- (=
to fly, fall upon), whence Gk. petesthai (= to fly). See ‘feather’ in my CEDEL.

πτισάνη - טִיסָנִי, טְסָנִי

1671, Jastrow 11591
(πτισάνη, ptisana, also tisana) barley-groats, pearl-barley. Makhsh. VI, 2. Tosef.
Bets. I, 18 ed. Zuck. (ed. סיטני, corr. acc.); a. fr.

Πτολεμαῖος - אַבְטוֹלְמוֹס

1672, Jastrow 90
(prob. Πτολεμαῖος, or Εὐπτόλεμος = Εὐπόλεμος) Abtolmos. Erub. III, 4 (35a) ed.
(Ms. M. אבטולס). Ib. 36a; Y. ib. 21a bot. אבטילס (v. Rabb. D. S. Erub. l. c., notes).
Ex. R. s. 21 (אבטלוס) אבטוליס.—M. Kat. 18a אֲבִיטוּל (prob. abbrev. of our w.),
surnamed ספראה (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.), an Amora.

πύθων - פִּיתוֹם פִּיתּוּם

1673, Jastrow 23655
(פָּתָה, adapt. of πύθων) [seducer,] necromancer, conjurer, ventriloquist. Snh.
VII, 7 בעל אוב זה פ' המדבר משחיו baʿal ob is the pithom that makes the dead speak
from his armpit; Sifra E’dosh. Par. 3, ch. VII; ib. Par. 4, ch. XI; Tosef. Snh.
X, 6 פ' המדבר בין פרקיו וכ' that talks between his joints and from between his
armpits; a. e.

πύθων (python) - פִּיתוֹם

1674, Klein 22799
ventriloquist. PBH [From Gk. python (= familiar spirit), from Phython (= a prophet
inspired by Apollo). This name is prob. identical with python, name of the serpent
slain by Apollo. See פִּיתוֹן.]

πύθων (python) - פִּיתוֹן

1675, Klein 22800
Python (a genus of snakes). FW [From Gk. python, name of the serpent slain by Apollo,
which is prob. related to the place name Pytha. cp. פִּיתוֹם.]

πύλαι - פִּילֵי

1676, Jastrow 23455
(πύλαι) gate of a town, entrance. Targ. Y. II Gen. XIX, 1.—Y. Yeb. XII, 12d top;
Y. Sabb. VI, 8a bot. מן דמטון (ל) פ' (not פו') when they arrived at the gates.
Lam. R. to I, 1 (רבתי) בתרע פ' דההיא וכ' at the gate of the entrance to that city.
Gen. R. s. 63 פ' דפנייס the gate of Paneas; a. fr.—Ib., a. e. פיילי (corr. acc.).—Tanḥ.,
ed. Bub., Miḳḳ. 10 בפולי אחד (read: בפי' אחת).—Pl. ch. פִּילְוָותָא. Targ. Y. I
Deut. XX, 11 פִּילְוָותָהּ (Y. II פִּלְוָותָא, corr. acc.).—Hebr. pl. פִּילָאֹות.
Tanḥ. l. c. הושיב שומרים על פתחי פ' (not פתח) he placed guards at all entrances

πυλεών - פִּילְיוֹן

1677, Jastrow 23459
m. (πυλεών), v. פִּילוֹן

πυλεών - אַפִּילוֹן, אַפִּילְיוֹן,

1678, Jastrow 2689
(πυλών, πυλεών) gate-way. Ber. 16b נכנס לאפיליון Ar. (ed. אנפילון, Ms. F. לבית
המרחץ, read לבית החצר, Treat. S’maḥ. I, 10 לחצר).

πυλεών - פִּילוֹן פִּילְיוֹן

1679, Jastrow 23439
(πυλών, πυλεών) gateway. . Lev. R. s. 30, beg. (ref. to Ps. XVI, 11) הודיעני איזה
פ' מפולש וכ' Ar. (ed. תודיעני באיזה) let me know which is the open gate leading
to life everlasting. Gen. R. s. 59, [read as:] Yalk. ib. 103 (ref. to Gen. XXIV,
1) בא בפ' מפולש וכ' he had entered on the gateway leading &c. Gen. R. s. 66, end
פִּילְיוֹנוֹ של וכ' (not פו') Isaac’s gateway was open from both sides, so that
the one came in from one side, and the other from the other side; [ib. s. 48 פלן
של אבינו אברהם וכ'; Yalk. ib. 82 פוולונו (corr. acc., or פָּפִילְיוֹנוֹ, v. פָּפִילְיוֹן].
Lev. R. s. 18 הכל נכנסין בפ' אחד (not בפולין, בפילין) all enter town by the same
gateway [or read: בפילי אחת, v. פִּילי]; Koh. R. to XII, 5 בפילין אגון אחת (בפילי)
(corr. acc.). Ib. כד אתין לפילין (ed. Wil. לפילן, corr. acc.) when they arrived
at the gateway (of the Sepphorean’s residence); a. e.—[Yalk. Ex. 178 פלומי פ',
v. פְּלוּמוֹפִּילוֹן.]

πυλών - אַפִּילוֹן, אַפִּילְיוֹן,

1680, Jastrow 2689
(πυλών, πυλεών) gate-way. Ber. 16b נכנס לאפיליון Ar. (ed. אנפילון, Ms. F. לבית
המרחץ, read לבית החצר, Treat. S’maḥ. I, 10 לחצר).

πυλών - פִּילוֹן פִּילְיוֹן

1681, Jastrow 23439
(πυλών, πυλεών) gateway. . Lev. R. s. 30, beg. (ref. to Ps. XVI, 11) הודיעני איזה
פ' מפולש וכ' Ar. (ed. תודיעני באיזה) let me know which is the open gate leading
to life everlasting. Gen. R. s. 59, [read as:] Yalk. ib. 103 (ref. to Gen. XXIV,
1) בא בפ' מפולש וכ' he had entered on the gateway leading &c. Gen. R. s. 66, end
פִּילְיוֹנוֹ של וכ' (not פו') Isaac’s gateway was open from both sides, so that
the one came in from one side, and the other from the other side; [ib. s. 48 פלן
של אבינו אברהם וכ'; Yalk. ib. 82 פוולונו (corr. acc., or פָּפִילְיוֹנוֹ, v. פָּפִילְיוֹן].
Lev. R. s. 18 הכל נכנסין בפ' אחד (not בפולין, בפילין) all enter town by the same
gateway [or read: בפילי אחת, v. פִּילי]; Koh. R. to XII, 5 בפילין אגון אחת (בפילי)
(corr. acc.). Ib. כד אתין לפילין (ed. Wil. לפילן, corr. acc.) when they arrived
at the gateway (of the Sepphorean’s residence); a. e.—[Yalk. Ex. 178 פלומי פ',
v. פְּלוּמוֹפִּילוֹן.]

πυλών (pylon) - פִּילוֹן

1682, Klein 22733
gateway. PBH [From Gk. pylon (= gateway to a temple or another building), from pyle
(= gate), which is of uncertain origin.]

πυλωρός - פיילדה

1683, Jastrow 23408
, a corrupt., perh. for פִּילוּרָא m. (πυλωρός) janitor. Koh. R. to III, 9 (some
ed. פיילן); [Ar. thinking of פיילי: potter].

πύξινον - פִּיקְסִינָה פִּיקְסִינוֹן פִּקְ'

1684, Jastrow 23576
(πύξινον = πύξος) box-tree, box-wood. Y. Keth. VII, end, 31d (expl. תאשור, Is.
XLI, 19) פיקסינה; Gen. R. s. 15 פקסינון; Tanḥ. T’rum. 9 פקטנין; ed. Bub. נקשנון,
Var. נקשונין, נקסטן (corr. acc.). Y. Yoma III, 41a top (expl. אשכרוע) פסקינין (corr.

πύξος - פִּיקְסִינָה פִּיקְסִינוֹן פִּקְ'

1685, Jastrow 23576
(πύξινον = πύξος) box-tree, box-wood. Y. Keth. VII, end, 31d (expl. תאשור, Is.
XLI, 19) פיקסינה; Gen. R. s. 15 פקסינון; Tanḥ. T’rum. 9 פקטנין; ed. Bub. נקשנון,
Var. נקשונין, נקסטן (corr. acc.). Y. Yoma III, 41a top (expl. אשכרוע) פסקינין (corr.

πυραμίς (pyramis) - פִּירָמִידָה

1686, Klein 22797
pyramid. FW [From Gk. pyramis, gen. pyramidos, which was prob. formed through metathesis
from Old Egypt. pimar.]

πυργίον - (בּוּרְגִּן) בּוּרְגִּין, בּוּרְגָּס

1687, Jastrow 3795
(πυργίον, πύργος) burgus) little turret, isolated place of residence, often used
as a station for travellers (castellum; v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Mansio). Lev. R. s.
7 הגיע לב' וכ' he arrived at the first station &c.; Pesik. Eth. Korb. p. 61a Ar.
(ed. בורגנין, Yalk. Lev. 479, end כור דגן, corr. acc.). Midr. Till. to Ps. X, 1.—Pl.
בּוּרְגְּנִים, בּוּרְגְּנִין. Y. Meg. IV, 75c bot. הדר בב' he who takes lodging
in &c. (contrad. to פונדקי).—Y. Erub. V, 22b bot. ע"י מערות וב' on account of a
connected Sabbath line by means of underground walks and of turrets; (Tosef. ib.
VI (V), 8 מגדלות). Erub. 21a אין ב' בבבל the law as to stations in the neighborhood
of towns eventually counted as outskirts for measuring Sabbath limits, cannot be
applied to Babylon &c. Ib. 55b והב' שבתוכן Ms. M. (ed. שבתוכה) and the station
houses in the fields (containing provision and lodging rooms). Maasr. III, 7, v.
אִלְקָטִית. Mekh. Yith. Baḥod. 1 הרי … את הבּוּרְגְּסִין ואת הבורגמין וכ' (read
ואת הבּוּרְגִּינִין) ye are now forced to keep in repair the large and small stations
for those going to the royal vineyards (prob. to be read כרכים fortresses).—Lev.
R. s. 37; Erub. 64b; Y. Ab. Zar. I, 40a bot. (בורנין, corr. acc.); Tosef. Pes.
I (II), 27 מעיירות (הללו) של ב' אני I am one of those station guards. Lam. R. to
I, 4 it does not read (the roads are in mourning) מבלי ב' מבלי בוליטין (Ar. בליוטין,
read בַּלִּיסְטִין) because they are not guarded with turrets and catapults. [Midr.
Till. l. c. הבורגן, v. בּוּרְגָּנִי.]

πυργίσκος - פַּרְדִּיסְקִים

1688, Jastrow 24343
(a corrupt. of πυργίσκος, v. פַּרְדּסְקִין) casks. Y. Bets. II, 61c bot. פ' היו
מעשנין וכ' (not קיס …) they filled casks with smoke of spices on the day before
the Holy Day, and when the guests came, they opened them; Tosef. ib. II, 14 פַּרְטַסְקָאוֹת
(Var. עדרס', ערדס', v. עַרְדַּסְקוֹס).

πυργίσκος - פַּרְדַּסְקִין (פרסטקין פרסתק')

1689, Jastrow 24353
(a corrupt. of πυργίσκος = armarium, v. Fränkel, Zeitschr. f. Assyriol., April
1894, p. 8) a chest in the wall, closet. Tosef. Ohol. VII, 13 תיבה שעשאה פ' R.
S. to Ohol. VI, 7 (ed. Zuck. פרסטק', פרסתק') a chest which one put up in the wall
as a closet. Ib. 14 פ' שהוא פתוח וכ' a closet standing open in a locked room. Ib.
15; Ohol. VI, 7 רואין את הפ' כאילו הוא וכ' (ed. Dehr. כאילו הם וכ') we consider
the closet as if it were a solid wall.—Pl. פַּרְרַּסְקִין. Ib.—V. פַּרְדִּיסְקִים

πύργος - פִּרְגּוֹס

1690, Jastrow 24315
, pl. פִּרְגּוֹסִין (πύργος) towers. Tanḥ. ed. Bub., Noah 24 (Gen. R. s. 38 סמוכות)

πύργος - (בּוּרְגִּן) בּוּרְגִּין, בּוּרְגָּס

1691, Jastrow 3795
(πυργίον, πύργος) burgus) little turret, isolated place of residence, often used
as a station for travellers (castellum; v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Mansio). Lev. R. s.
7 הגיע לב' וכ' he arrived at the first station &c.; Pesik. Eth. Korb. p. 61a Ar.
(ed. בורגנין, Yalk. Lev. 479, end כור דגן, corr. acc.). Midr. Till. to Ps. X, 1.—Pl.
בּוּרְגְּנִים, בּוּרְגְּנִין. Y. Meg. IV, 75c bot. הדר בב' he who takes lodging
in &c. (contrad. to פונדקי).—Y. Erub. V, 22b bot. ע"י מערות וב' on account of a
connected Sabbath line by means of underground walks and of turrets; (Tosef. ib.
VI (V), 8 מגדלות). Erub. 21a אין ב' בבבל the law as to stations in the neighborhood
of towns eventually counted as outskirts for measuring Sabbath limits, cannot be
applied to Babylon &c. Ib. 55b והב' שבתוכן Ms. M. (ed. שבתוכה) and the station
houses in the fields (containing provision and lodging rooms). Maasr. III, 7, v.
אִלְקָטִית. Mekh. Yith. Baḥod. 1 הרי … את הבּוּרְגְּסִין ואת הבורגמין וכ' (read
ואת הבּוּרְגִּינִין) ye are now forced to keep in repair the large and small stations
for those going to the royal vineyards (prob. to be read כרכים fortresses).—Lev.
R. s. 37; Erub. 64b; Y. Ab. Zar. I, 40a bot. (בורנין, corr. acc.); Tosef. Pes.
I (II), 27 מעיירות (הללו) של ב' אני I am one of those station guards. Lam. R. to
I, 4 it does not read (the roads are in mourning) מבלי ב' מבלי בוליטין (Ar. בליוטין,
read בַּלִּיסְטִין) because they are not guarded with turrets and catapults. [Midr.
Till. l. c. הבורגן, v. בּוּרְגָּנִי.]

πύργος (pyrgos) - בֻּרְגָּן

1692, Klein 3358
turret, military post, inn for travelers. PBH [Loan from Aram. בּוּרְגַן, בּוּרְגֽנָא,
from Gk. pyrgos (= tower) — whence L. burgus (= castle, fort), — which was borrowed
from some other IE language, perhaps Pelasgian, and related to Ger. burg (= city,
tower), and Eng. borough. See ‘borough’ in my CEDEL.]

πωλητήρ - פָּלָטוֹרָא פַּלְ'

1693, Jastrow 23765
(πωλητήρ) market officer. —Pl. פָּלָטוֹרִין, פַּלְ'. Targ. Ez. XXIII, 40.—V. פַּלְטֵרָא

πωλητήρ - פַּלְטֵר

1694, Jastrow 23787
(πωλητήρ, πωλητήριον) shop-keeper, esp. seller of bakers’ ware; shop, esp. bakery-shop.
Ab. Zar. IV, 9 (55b) מוליכין עמו פת לפ' you may carry your own bread with his
(the non-observant baker’s) to the shop-keeper. Dem. V, 4 הלוקח מן הפ' וכ' he who
buys bread at the shop (which contains bread of different batches) must give tithes
of each form separately, contrad. to מנפול. Y. Shek. VII, beg. 51a, a. e. לוקח
מן הפ', v. סִידְקִי. Y. Shebi. VII, 37c top ובלבד שלא יעשה פליטר (not יעשו; R.
S. to ib. VII, 3 פלטר) provided he is not made (their regular) shop-keeper (selling
at the same place, at all times). Cant. R. to I, 6 שנמכרת חוץ לפ' (not לפלטיא),
v. קַיבָר; a. fr.

πωλητήριον - פַּלְטֵר

1695, Jastrow 23787
(πωλητήρ, πωλητήριον) shop-keeper, esp. seller of bakers’ ware; shop, esp. bakery-shop.
Ab. Zar. IV, 9 (55b) מוליכין עמו פת לפ' you may carry your own bread with his
(the non-observant baker’s) to the shop-keeper. Dem. V, 4 הלוקח מן הפ' וכ' he who
buys bread at the shop (which contains bread of different batches) must give tithes
of each form separately, contrad. to מנפול. Y. Shek. VII, beg. 51a, a. e. לוקח
מן הפ', v. סִידְקִי. Y. Shebi. VII, 37c top ובלבד שלא יעשה פליטר (not יעשו; R.
S. to ib. VII, 3 פלטר) provided he is not made (their regular) shop-keeper (selling
at the same place, at all times). Cant. R. to I, 6 שנמכרת חוץ לפ' (not לפלטיא),
v. קַיבָר; a. fr.

ῥάμνος - *אַוְרַנֹּוס, אַבְרַנֹּוס

1696, Jastrow 907
אַוְרַנְסֵי, אַבְרַ' (ῥάμνος, rhamnus) a kind of prickly shrubs, used for medical
purposes and carried in lengthy bundles (v. D. C. Gr. s. v., a. Sm. Ant. s. v.).
Sabb. 91b או' ed. (Ms. M. אב'; Ar. ארנסי). [As to ור, בר for aspirate r, v. Lidd.
a. Scott, Gr. Lex, 7th ed. s. lit. P.]

ῥαψῳδία (rhapsodia) - רַפְסוֹדְיָה

1697, Klein 27363
rhapsody. FW [Gk. rhapsodia (= epic poem, recitation of epic poetry), from rhapsodos
(= rhapsodist), which is compounded of rhaptein (= to sew, weave; to compose songs),
and ode (= song). See אוֹדָה.]

ῥευματικός - רֶאוְמָטִיקוֹס

1698, Jastrow 28107
(ῥευματικός) subject to, afflicted with flux or rheumatism. Lev. R. s. 19 נעשה
ר' (not ד'; Ar. רמתיקוס, ed. Koh. אירומתקוס), v. עָצַל.

ῥευματισμός (rheumatismos) - רֵימָטִיזְם

1699, Klein 27003
rheumatism. FW [Gk. rheumatismos, from rheumatizesthai (= to suffer from a flux),
from rheuma (= that which flows; discharge, flux, rheum), from the stem of rheein,
rhein (= to flow), from IE base * sreu– (= to flow). See רִיתֽמוּס and suff. □ִיזְם.

ρητορική (rhetorike) - רֶטוֹרִיקָה

1700, Klein 26941
rhetoric. FW [Gk. rhetorike, f. of rhetorikos (= fit for a public speaker or public
speaking, oratorical; rhetorical), from rhetor. See רֶטוֹרִי. For the ending of
rhetorikos see subst. suff. ‘–ic’in my CEDEL.]

ῥήτωρ - *, *לְאִיטוֹר

1701, Jastrow 14275
(ῥήτωρ) rhetor, advocate. Sifré Deut. 343 לל' … הבימה ונשכר לו לאהד וכ' like to
an advocate who stands on the platform (in court) and has been hired by a man to
speak in his behalf; Yalk. ib. 951 ללאיטר … ונזכר וכ' (corr. acc.).

ῥήτωρ (rhetor) - רֶטוֹרִי

1702, Klein 26940
rhetorical. FW [Formed with suff. □ִי from Gk. rhetor (= public speaker, orator,
rhetor), which is related to rhema (= word; lit.: ‘that which is spoken’), and
to eiro (= I say, speak), eiron (= dissembler; lit.: ‘sayer’, i.e. one who speaks
in order to hide his thoughts), eironeia (= irony). See אִירוֹנְיָה and cp. פַּרְהֶסֽיָא.

ῥόδινον - יירינון

1703, Jastrow 12451
, Y. Dem. I, 22b top שמן וורד ויי'; Tosef. ib. I, 27 שמן וורד ודנין (ed. Zuck.
only שמן וורד), read: ש' וו' ורוֹדִינוֹן rose-oil and (ῥόδινον, sub. μύρον) rose-unguen

ροδοδάφνη (rododaphne) - הַרְדּוּף

1704, Klein 7112
Nerium oleander (botany). PBH [Together with Syr. הַרְדּוּף, borrowed from Gk. rododaphne
(= Nerium oleander; lit.: ‘rose laurel’), from rodon (= rose) and daphne (= laurel).
See וֶרֶד and דַּפְנָא and cp. הַרְדּוּפְנִין.]

ροδοδάφνη (rododaphne) - הַרְדּוּפְנִין

1705, Klein 7113
Scorzonera (botany). PBH [From Gk. rododaphne. See הַרֽדּוּף.]

ῥοδόμηλον - דרמינון

1706, Jastrow 7396
, Y. Shebi. II, beg. 37b, read: רוֹדוֹמִילוֹן m. (ῥοδόμηλον) a marmelade of quinces
and roses.

ῥομβοειδής (romboeides) - רוֹמְבּוֹאִיד

1707, Klein 26782
rhomboid. FW [Gk. romboeides (= rhomboid), lit. ‘resembling a rhomb’, from rombos
(= rhomb), and oeides (= like), from eidos (= form, shape). See רוֹמֽבּוּס and

ῥόμβος (rombos) - רוֹמְבּוּס

1708, Klein 26783
rhombus. FW [Gk. rombos (= a spinning top, wheel, rhombus), which is related to
rembein (= to turn round, roll about), from IE base * wremb–, a nasalized form
of base * wer-b- (= to turn, twist, bend); so called for its resemblance to a spinning
top. cp. the first element in רוֹמְבּוֹאִיד.]

ῥοσᾶτον - *אורוסטי

1709, Jastrow 866
, a corrupt., prob. רֹוסָאטוֹן, m. (ῥοσᾶτον, rosatum) vin-aux-roses, rose-wine.
Y. Shebi. VII, beg. 37b א' שרי (Mas. איריוסטו) rose-wine is permitted in the Sabbath

ῥοφητόν - *, *רוֹפִיטוֹן

1710, Jastrow 28521
(ῥοφητόν) (an egg) which can be gulped down, boiled down to the size of a pill.
Y. Ned. VI, 39c bot., expl. טרומיטא; [ῥοφητὸν ὠὸν a lightly boiled egg, S.—Our
w. is prob. to be read טרופּין (τρυπῶν) piercing, or טרופיטין (τρυπήτης) borer;
v. טְרוֹמִיטָא].

ῥυθμικός (rhythmikos) - רִיתְמִיקָה

1711, Klein 27040
rhythmics. FW [Formed from Gk. rhythmikos (= rhythmic), from rhythmos. See רִיתֽמוּס.

ῥυκάνη - רוּקָנִי

1712, Jastrow 28540
(ῥυκάνη) plane. Kel. XIII, 4 הר' בפני עצמה (ed. Dehr. 5 רונקי, Ar. Var. רונקא,
a corrupt. of runcina) the plane (the wooden body) by itself; Tosef. ib. B. Mets.
III, 9 האיזמיל של ר' ed. Zolk. (ed. Zuck. דיקני; v. דוּקְנִי).

ῥυκάνη (rykane) - רוֹקָנִי

1713, Klein 26825
plane (tool). PBH [Gk. rykane, of unknown origin.]

Ῥώμη - רוֹמִי רוֹמָא

1714, Jastrow 28485
(Ῥώμη, Roma) Rome; also the Roman empire. Targ. Is. XXXIV, 9 ed. Lag. (omitted
in oth. ed.). Ib. LIV, 1 ed. Lag. (oth. ed. כרכא). Targ. Ps. CVIII, 11 כרכא דר'
רשיעא ed. Lag. (oth. ed. כרכא רשיעא; ed. Wil. כרכא תקיפא; h. text אדום). Targ.
Y. Num. XXIV, 19 Levita (ed. קוסטנטיני, קושט'); a. fr. (mostly changed through
the censor’s influence).—Y. Ab. Zar. I, 39c יום שנתחתן שלמה … וזהו כרך גדול שבר'
on the day that Solomon was connected by marriage with Pharaoh Necho of Egypt,
Michael stuck a reed into the sea …, and this is the origin of the great city of
the Roman empire; Snh. 21b; Sabb. 56b Ms. M. (ed. שברומי omitted). Y. Ab. Zar.
l. c. יום שנסתלק … מלך בר' on the day that Elijah was removed, a king was installed
in Rome. Y. Taan. I, 64a top בספרו … משא דומה משא ר' (not דומי) in R. Meir’s Bible
was (a note) written, massa dumah (Is. XXI, 11) ‘the burden of Rome.’ Ib. אם יאמר
לך … בכרך הגדול שבר' if one should ask thee, where is thy God? tell him, in the
great city of Rome; a. v. fr.—Ab. Zar. 8a ר' שעשתה קלנדא (Alf. עיר) a Roman colony
which celebrates the Calenda.

Ῥώμυλος - *אַרְמִילוֹס

1715, Jastrow 3177
(a disguise of Romulus, Ῥώμυλος = Rome) Armilus, a mythical personage, representative
of wickedness, answering to the Christian Antichrist. Targ. Is. XI, 4 א' רשיעא
A. the wicked. Targ. Y. Deut. XXXIV, 3 ארמלגוס (corr. acc.); cmp. אַרְמַנִּיאָה.
[V. Book of Zerub.; Saadia Emunoth VIII, 2; Graetz Gesch. d. Jud. V, p. 496.]

Σαββατεῖον - סַבַּטְיוֹן סַמְבַּ' סַנְבַּ'

1716, Jastrow 19539
, נְהַר ס' (Σαββατεῖον, Σαββατικός) the river Sabbation, said to rest on the seventh
day (v. Plin. Hist. Nat. XXXI, 2; Jos. Bell. Jud. V, 5, 1; Neub. Géogr. p. 33).
Snh. 65b נהר ס' יוכיח let the river S. prove (that the seventh day is the Sabbath);
Yalk. Lev. 617 סנ'; Gen. R. s. 11 סמ'; Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 33 סמ'; Pesik. R. s. 23
סמ'. Gen. R. s. 73 עשרת … לפנים מנהר סמ' וכ' the ten tribes were exiled to within
the confines of the river S., whereas Judah and Benjamin were scattered over all
lands; Y. Snh. X, 29c bot. סנ'; Targ. Y. Ex. XXXIV, 10 מן לגיו לנהר סמ'.

Σαββατεῖον (sabbateion) - סַמְבַּטְיוֹן

1717, Klein 20356
‘Sambation’ — name of a legendary river. PBH [From Gk. sabbateion, lit.: ‘the place
where the sabbath (= sabbaton) is observed’. See שַׁבָּת.]

Σαββατικός - סַבַּטְיוֹן סַמְבַּ' סַנְבַּ'

1718, Jastrow 19539
, נְהַר ס' (Σαββατεῖον, Σαββατικός) the river Sabbation, said to rest on the seventh
day (v. Plin. Hist. Nat. XXXI, 2; Jos. Bell. Jud. V, 5, 1; Neub. Géogr. p. 33).
Snh. 65b נהר ס' יוכיח let the river S. prove (that the seventh day is the Sabbath);
Yalk. Lev. 617 סנ'; Gen. R. s. 11 סמ'; Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 33 סמ'; Pesik. R. s. 23
סמ'. Gen. R. s. 73 עשרת … לפנים מנהר סמ' וכ' the ten tribes were exiled to within
the confines of the river S., whereas Judah and Benjamin were scattered over all
lands; Y. Snh. X, 29c bot. סנ'; Targ. Y. Ex. XXXIV, 10 מן לגיו לנהר סמ'.

σάββατον (sabbaton) - שַׁבָּת

1719, Klein 27844
1) day of rest, Sabbath. 2) week, i.e. the seven days from Sunday to Sabbath (the
JAram. and Syr. loan words also have both meanings: ‘Sabbath’, and ‘week’; cp.
also Gk. sabbaton and sabbata, which also have both these meanings). 3) feast,
festival. 4) of years, i.e. a period of seven years. 5) the Sabbathical year, ‘shemittah’.
6) ‘Sabbath’, name of the first Mishnah and Talmud tractate of the order מוֹעֵד.
PBH [Derived from שׁבת and lit. meaning ‘day of rest’. Aram.–Syr. שַׁבְּתָא, Arab.
sabt, Ethiop. sanbat, are Heb. loan words. So are Gk. sabbaton (whence L. sabbatum,
It. sabato, Old Provençal–Catalan dissapte, Spanish–Portuguese sábado, Serbo–Croatian
subota, Czech and Slovak sobota, Russ. subbóta, etc.), and its Gk. vulgar var.
sambaton, whence VL sambatum, Rumanian sîmbǎtǎ, Old Slavic so̧bota, Hungarian szombat
(= Saturday), and sambatīdiēs (= the day of Sabbath), whence Old Fren. sambe-di,
whence Fren. samedi (= Saturday), and prob. through the medium of the Gothic —
the first element in Old High Ger. sambaz-tac, middle High Ger. samez-tac, Ger.
Samstag (= Saturday). However, also Akka. shabbatu, shappatu, and Egypt. smdt,
in the sense ‘15th day of the month’ (but not in the meaning ‘7th day of the week’,
nor in that of ‘7th or 14th day of the month’, as supposed by many scholars), are
borrowed from ancient Hebrew. As shown by the above facts, the name שַׁבָּת and
the idea it conveys are of Hebrew origin.]

σάγαρις (sagaris) - סִגָּרוֹן

1720, Klein 19763
arm bearer. PBH [Prob. traceable to Gk. sagaris (= weapon), a foreign word of uncertain
etymology. It is possibly related to L. sagitta (= arrow). See ‘Sagitta’ in my

σαγγάνδης - אִיסְקוּנְדְּרֵי, אִסְק', סְקוּנְדּרֵי

1721, Jastrow 1499
(Pers. iskodâr, ἀσκάνδης, σαγγάνδης, ἀστάδης; v. Perles Et. St. p. 113) prop. despatch-bearers,
name of a game, a kind of chess. Kidd. 21b באי' אטללתו Ar. (Var. Ar. בסק'; ed.
איסקומדרי) you must have played at iskundré (instead of studying). Shebu. 29a דילמא
איס' וכ' (Ms. M. איסקודרי) perhaps he gave them checkers (tokens in game) and passed
them for Zuzé. Ned. 25a. Cmp. איסקרנדה.

σάγος - סָגוּם סָגוֹס

1722, Jastrow 19604
(σάγος, sagus, sagum) a coarse woolen blanket, mostly mentioned as a mattress to
sleep on. Sifré Deut. 277 ס' בלילה וכ' he must give him back the sagum for the
night (B. Mets. IX, 13 את הכַּר). Sifré ib. 234 (ref. to Deut. XXII, 12, ‘wherewith
thou clothest thyself’) פרט לס' this excludes the sagum. Kel. XXIX, 1. Ohol. XI,
3; a. fr.—Pl. סָגֹוסִין. Tosef. Kel. B. Bath. VII, 1 (ed. Zuck. סגסגין, oth. ed.
סגסין, (corr. acc.; v. R. S. to Kel. XXIX, 1). Ib. V, 11 הסנסין (corr. acc.; v.
R. S. to Kel. XXVIII, 8); ib. Neg. V, 14 סנסון (corr. acc.).—[Tanḥ. ed. Bub., Vayera
21 הוא מהלך בסגן Ms. R. (Ms. Parma בסגו, printed text פגן; Gen. R. s. 50, a. e.
כפגן) read: מהלך בסָגוּן כפגן he travelled in a sagum like a commoner; (v. Sm.
Ant. s. v. Sagum.]

σάγος (sagos) - סָגוֹס

1723, Klein 19718
coarse, woolen blanket. PBH [Gk. sagos, from L. sagus, a secondary form of sagum,
a word of Gaulish origin; prob. related to Lithuanian sagis (= traveling dress
of Lithuanian women). cp. ‘sagum’ in my CEDEL. cp. סָגִין.]

Σακασσήνη - סַקְסְנָאָה

1724, Jastrow 20979
of Sacassana (Σακασσήνη), a province of Armenia. Nidd. 65a מנימין ס' Miniamin of
S., v. גִּנְזַכָּיָיה.

Σακαστηνή - סָקִיסְתָּן

1725, Jastrow 20963
(Σακαστηνή) Saḳistan (Segestan), a district of Drangiana in the Persian empire,
occupied by the Sacæ or Scythians. Yoma 10a (ref. to סבתה … וסבתכא, Gen. X, 7)
ס' גוייתא וס' ברייתא וכ' Ms. M. 2 סָגִיסְתָּאן, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 9; Ar.
סַקְוַוסְתָּן) the inner S. and the outer S., with one hundred parasangæ between

σάκκος (sakkos) - שַׂק

1726, Klein 29355
1) sack, bag. 2) sackcloth. [Related to JAram.–Syr. סַקָּא, Egypt.–Aram. שקקן (pl.),
Ethiop. shaqq, Akka. shaqqu (= sack). Egypt. saq (= waistband), Coptic sok, Gk.
sakkos, (whence L. saccus, which was borrowed by most European languages), are
of Heb. origin. See ‘sack’ in my CEDEL.]

σαλαμάνδρα - סַלְמַנְדָּרָא

1727, Jastrow 20496
c. (σαλαμάνδρα) salamander, a reptile believed to be engendered in fire. Targ.
Y. Lev. XI, 29 Ar. (ed. עכברא); ib. 30 ed. (h. text תנשמת).—Sifra Sh’mini, ch.
VI, Par. 5; Ḥull. 127a (classified under צָב).—Ḥag. 27a ס' … הסך מדמה וכ' he who
oints himself with the blood of the salamander becomes fire-proof; Yalk. Ex. 373;
Tanḥ. Vayesheb 3.

σάλπιγξ (salpinx) - סַלְפִּיד, סַלְפִּינוֹס

1728, Klein 20336
trumpet. PBH [Gk. salpinx (= trumpet).]

σαλπίδες - סַלְפִּידִים סַלְפִּידִין סַלְפִּידָס

1729, Jastrow 20510
(σαλπίδες, accus. -δας, a form otherwise unknown; cmp., however, σαλπίζω, fut. σαλπίσω
&c.) trumpets, v. next w.

σάλπιξ - סַלְפִּינְגָּס

1730, Jastrow 20511
(accus. pl. of σάλπιξ) trumpets. Lam. R. introd. (R. Josh. 2) להרים קול בתרועה
ס' Ar. Var. (סלפידס Ar.; ed. סרפינוס, סרפיגס, corr. acc.) ‘to lift up the voice
in shouting’ (Ez. XXI, 27), that means the trumpet signals; Koh. R. to XII, 7 בסרפיניסם
(corr. acc.) Gen. R. s. 99 סולפירים (סלפירין, סילפירי, read ד for ר, v. preced.).
Pesik. R. s. 5 סלפירין (corr. acc.). Pesik. Baḥod., p. 152a כמה קרנות … וכמה סלפידים
וכ' how many horns have they (the gentiles) … how many trumpets!; Midr. Till. to
Ps. LXXXI, 4 ספק ידים (ed. Bub. ספלירין; corr. acc.); Yalk. Lev. 645 סנפירים (corr.
acc.); a. e. (variously corrupted).

σαμάρδακος - סְמַדְרְקוֹס

1731, Jastrow 20549
(transpos. of σαμάρδακος) buffoon, quack. Ex. R. s. 46 בן ארכיאטרוס שפגע בס' וכ'
the son of a chief physician who met a quack and addressed him Lord, master, father

Σαμαρειτική - סְמַרְטִיקִי

1732, Jastrow 20633
(Σαμαρειτική, sub. χώρα) the Samaritan district. Y. Ab. Zar. V, 44d bot.

σάμψυχον (sampsychon) - שׁוּמְשׁוּק

1733, Klein 28114
wild marjoram. PBH [From Gk. sampsychon (= marjoram), a foreign word, whence also
Arab. sumsuq, samsaq (of s.m.).]

σανδαλάριος (sandalarius) - סַנְדְּלָר

1734, Klein 20437
1) sandal maker. PBH 2) shoemaker. NH [Gk. sandalarius, from sandalon. See סַנְדָּל
I and cp. suff. □ָר.]

σανδάλιον (sandalion) - סַנְדָּל

1735, Klein 20433
sandal. PBH [Gk. sandalion, dimin. of sandalon, a word from Asia Minor (whence also
Pers. sandal), orig. meaning ‘shoe of the Lydian god Sandal’).]

σάνδαλον - סַנְדָּל

1736, Jastrow 20666
c. (σάνδαλον, prob. from Pers. sandal = calceus) sandal, 1)a sole with straps,
shoe, contrad. to מַנְעָל a. נַעַל. Sabb. VI, 2, v. סָמַר. Yoma VIII, 1. Yeb.
102a; a. fr.—ס' של בהמה a sort of shoe for animals (v. Sm. Ant., 3rd Engl. ed.,
s. v. Solea). Sabb. 59a ס' של וכ' a metal shoe for animals is liable to levitical
uncleanness (expl. ‘because it may be used as a drinking vessel in war’ &c.); Kel.
XIV, 5 סַנְדְּלֵי בהמה (pl.). Par. II, 3 עשה לה ס' וכ' if one made a shoe for her
(the red cow), that she might not slip.—ס' של עריסה a sort of shoe for the legs
of a bedstead; [Ar.: a board placed under a short leg]. Ohol. XII, 4; Tosef. ib.
XIII, 4.—Yeb. 103b ס' של נחת ע"ז Ar. (ed. ס' של ע"ז) the shoe for the rest of an
idol.—Pl. סַנְדָּלִין. B. Bath. 58a ‘the bed of a scholar’ is כל שאין … ס' וכ'
that under which nothing is placed except the sandals in summer and shoes in winter
time. Y. Sabb. VI, 8a; a. fr.—2)a flat fish like the sole or turbot; trnsf. a flat,
fish-shaped abortion. Nidd. III, 4 המפלת ס' וכ' a woman who discharges a sandal-like
foetus or a placenta. Tosef. ib. IV, 7 ס' שאמרו דומה לס' דג שבים the sandal abortion
of which they speak means a foetus resembling the sea-fish called sandal; [oth.
opin.] דומה ללשון של שור resembling the fish called ‘oxtongue’ (βοὐγλοσσος, lingulaca);
Y.ib. ib. III, 50d bot.; Bab. ib. 25b; a. e. [Snh. 59b סנדלין Ms. M., v. סנְדֵּלְכוֹנִים.

σαπφείρινον - סַמְפִּירִינוֹן סַנְפִּי' סַמְפִּרִ' סַנְפִּרִ'

1737, Jastrow 20616
(σαπφείρινον) sapphir-like; in gen. (= lapis sapphirinus) sapphire, lapislazuli
(v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Sapphir). Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 26 ושל סמ' היו וכ' and they (the
tablets) were lapislazuli, and yet they were like a light object in his hands;
Cant. R. to V, 14 [read:] מעשה נסים היו של סנ' היו וכ' they were a miraculous work:
they were of sapphire, and yet could be rolled up. Tanḥ. B’shall. 21 המטה של סמפר'
היה the staff (of Moses) was of sapphire; Ex. R. s. 8. Pesik. ʿĂniya, p. 135b נאה
כס' הזה beautiful like sapphire. Ib. סמפ י̇ר̇ו' (corr. acc.); Pesik. R. s. 32;
(Lam. R. to IV, 7 סַפִּיר); a. fr.—Chald. Targ. Y. Deut. IV, 13. Ib. XXXIV, 12

σάπφειρος (sappheiros) - סַפִּיר

1738, Klein 20598
sapphire; Lapis Lazuli. [From Old I. sani-prijám (= sapphire), lit.: ‘dear to Saturn’,
from Sani (= Saturn), and prija’ḥ (= dear). See ‘free’ in my CEDEL. Gk. sappheiros
(= sapphire), whence L. sapphīrus, is a Heb. loan word; see ‘sapphire’ in my CEDEL.
cp. Aram. סַנֽפִּירִינוֹן.]

σαράβαρα - סַרְבָּל

1739, Jastrow 21005
(preced. wds.) a thick, shaggy web, cloak. [σαράβαρα, Pers. trousers.] Sabb. 101b
חיט הס' a thread of a sarbal; Ḥull. 76b

Σάραπις - *אָפִיס, סָר א'

1740, Jastrow 2694
(Sarapis, Σάραπις) Serapis, the Nile-god. Ab. Zar. 43a the figure of מיניקה וסר
א' ed. (Ms. סָרָפִיס; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.) a nursing woman (Isis) and of Serapis.
[Cmp. Sachs Beitr. II, 99 and illustr. in Sm. Ant. s. v. Coma.] [Tosef. Par. V
(IV), 2 האפיס ed., read with ed. Zuck. חפאים, v. חַפַּאי.]

σαρδόνυξ - סַנְדַּלְכוֹן

1741, Jastrow 20669
(a corrupt. of σαρδόνυξ, σαρδόνυχος) sardonyx. Targ. Job XXVIII, 18 (h. text ראבות)

σαρδόνυξ - שדרגזין שדרגנין

1742, Jastrow 29536
(a corrupt. of σαρδόνυξ) sardonyx, a jewel in the high priest’s breast-plate. Ex.
R. s. 38, end (for h. אדם, v. LXX Ex. XXVIII, 17, σάρδιον; Mus. שדרנגין).

σαρδόνυχος - סַנְדַּלְכוֹן

1743, Jastrow 20669
(a corrupt. of σαρδόνυξ, σαρδόνυχος) sardonyx. Targ. Job XXVIII, 18 (h. text ראבות)

σαρκόφαγος (sarkophagos) - סַרְקוֹפָג

1744, Klein 20845
sarcophagus. FW [Gk. sarkophagos (n.) (= coffin), from sarkophagos (adj.) (= eating
flesh), from sarx (= flesh) and phagein (= to eat), which derives from IE base
bhag- (= to distribute, share out). In ancient Greece coffins were made of a kind
of limestone that consumed the flesh of the body enclosed.]

σάρος (saros) - סָרוֹס

1745, Klein 20778
saros (the number 3600; 3600 years). FW [Gk. saros, from Akka. shāru.]

σέ - סִי

1746, Jastrow 20003
(σέ) thee. Pesik. R. s. 40 סי לעוֹלה (not חי), v. שֶׂה.

Σεβαστή - סְבַסְטִי

1747, Jastrow 19567
(Σεβαστή) Sebaste, built by Herod on the site of the old Samaria (Shomron). , built
by Herod on the site of the old Samaria (Shomron). Num. R. s. 10 (ref. to Am. VI,
1) that means the ten tribes שהיו יושבים לבטח בס' (not שיושבים) who dwelt safely
in S.; Tanḥ. Sh’mini 5 בסְבַסְטְיָא. Arakh. III, 2 (14a), v. חוֹלַת; Sifra B’ḥuck.
Par. 4, ch. X סְוַוסְטִי; Tosef. Arakh. II, 8 ספוסטא (Var. ספימטא, corr. acc.)

σεβαστοί - *, *סְבַסְטִין

1748, Jastrow 19568
(σεβαστοί) members of the imperial family, princes. Tanḥ. B’midb. 2 [read:] הרבצתי
אתכם כס' וכ' I caused you to recline on couches like princes; (ref. to ויסב, Ex.
XIII, 8) כדרך שהמלכים מסובין וכ' just as kings recline; [Var. בסיגמטין, בסוג',
taken fr. Num. R. s. 1, beg., v. סִיגְמָטִין].

Σειρήν - סִירוֹנִי סִירוֹנִית

1749, Jastrow 20328
(סוּר, an adapt. of Σειρήν) Siren, one of the mythical sea-damsels that entice
the sailors with their songs. Sifra Sh’mini, ch. IV, Par. 3; Yalk. Lev. 537 הסילונית
(corr. acc.).

σεισμο (seismo) - סֵיסְמוֹ□

1750, Klein 20168
combining form meaning ‘of an earthquake’ or ‘connected with an earthquake’. FW
[Gk. seismo- from seismos (= earthquake).]

σεισμός (seismos) - סֵיסְמִי

1751, Klein 20172
seismic. FW [From Gk. seismos (= earthquake). See סֵיסְמוֹ□ and suff. □ִי.]

Σελευκία - סַלְוַוכְיָא סַלְוַוקְיָא

1752, Jastrow 20449
(Σελευκία) Salvakhia (Seleucia), in north-eastern Palestine (an anachronistic adaptation
of סַלְכָה). Targ. Y. Deut. III, 10; Targ. I Chr. V. 11 (Ar. סליוקא).

Σελεύκια - סְלִיק סְלִיקָא

1753, Jastrow 20480
(Σελεύκια) Seleucia (Assyriae or Parthorum), on the confines of Assyria and Babylonia.
Yoma 10a אשור זה ס' Ms. M. (ed. סילק, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note); Keth. 10b סליקא

σέλλιν - סִילוֹן סִילִין

1754, Jastrow 20145
) m. (σελλίον, σέλλιν) chair. Lev. R. s. 25 ס' דדהבא a golden (or gilt) chair.

σελλίον - סִילוֹן סִילִין

1755, Jastrow 20145
) m. (σελλίον, σέλλιν) chair. Lev. R. s. 25 ס' דדהבא a golden (or gilt) chair.

σηκός - סִיקוֹסִים סִיקוֹסִין סִקֹ'

1756, Jastrow 20298
(also used as sing.) (σηκός, corresp. to Lat. saeptum, saepta) [pen, enclosure,]
1)flood-gate. Lam. R. to II, 11 ס' ניתן לעין a flood-gate has been made for (the
tears of) the eye.—2)limitation. Gen. R. s. 10, beg. (ref. to Ps. CXIX, 96) לכל
יש ס' וכ' everything has its limitations … except one thing which has none, that
is the Law (ref. to Job XI, 9); Yalk. Ps. 878. Ex. R. s. 25 (ref. to Gen. XXVIII,
14) ס' נתן הקב''ה וכ' the Lord has set limits (to his words) to Jacob, thy seed
shall become (as low) as the dust of the earth, but when thy children have reached
that condition, then shalt thou spread &c. Lev. R. s. 12 לקרבנות נתתי ס' ולך איני
ניתן ס' for the offerings (to me) I have set limits (ref. to Num. XXVIII, 14),
but for thee I set no limits (God’s gifts to man are unlimited).

σηκρητάριοι - איסקריטורי

1757, Jastrow 1503
, read אִיסְקְרִיטָרְיֵי m. pl. (σηκρητάριοι, secretarii) the sovereign’s private
secretaries (Asecretis, v. D. C. Gr. a. Lat. s. v.). Y. Keth. XII, 35b; Y. Kil.
IX, 32c איסקבטיריי (corr. acc.).

σῆμα - סִימָא

1758, Jastrow 20173
(v. סוּמָא II) mark, sign. Targ. Y. Ex. XXXII, 20. Targ. O. Num. XXXII, 3, v. סוּמָא
II.—Esp. pl. סִימְוָון, סִימְוָן, סִימְוָותָא, סִימְוָאתָא, סִמְ'military ensigns,
standards. Targ. Jer. IV, 21 (Bxt. סִימָן). Targ. Hab. I, 16; a. fr.—Meg. Taan.
IX, beg. איתנטלו ס' וכ' the (foreign) insignia were removed from the Temple; expl.
ib. as referring to Greek idolatrous emblems (סִימְוָאוֹת). [The peculiar application
of our w. is caused by the adaptation of σῆμα a. σημαία.]

σημαία - סִימָא

1759, Jastrow 20173
(v. סוּמָא II) mark, sign. Targ. Y. Ex. XXXII, 20. Targ. O. Num. XXXII, 3, v. סוּמָא
II.—Esp. pl. סִימְוָון, סִימְוָן, סִימְוָותָא, סִימְוָאתָא, סִמְ'military ensigns,
standards. Targ. Jer. IV, 21 (Bxt. סִימָן). Targ. Hab. I, 16; a. fr.—Meg. Taan.
IX, beg. איתנטלו ס' וכ' the (foreign) insignia were removed from the Temple; expl.
ib. as referring to Greek idolatrous emblems (סִימְוָאוֹת). [The peculiar application
of our w. is caused by the adaptation of σῆμα a. σημαία.]

σημαντήρ - סִימַנְטֵיר סִימַנְטֵירִין (סימנטו') סְמַנְ'

1760, Jastrow 20202
(σημαντήρ, σημαντήριον) seal, signet, stamp. Pesik. B’shall., p. 82b חותמו … וס'
שלו her husband’s signature (to the marriage contract) and his seal; Cant. R. to
IV, 12. Y. Ber. I, 3b bot. סמנטרין; Cant. R. to I, 2 סימנט'. Ex. R. s. 19 אם אין
סִימַנְטְרִי וכ' (some ed. סינטרי, corr. acc.) unless the invited guests show my
seal (on the invitation card) &c.; a. e.

σημαντήριον - סִימַנְטֵיר סִימַנְטֵירִין (סימנטו') סְמַנְ'

1761, Jastrow 20202
(σημαντήρ, σημαντήριον) seal, signet, stamp. Pesik. B’shall., p. 82b חותמו … וס'
שלו her husband’s signature (to the marriage contract) and his seal; Cant. R. to
IV, 12. Y. Ber. I, 3b bot. סמנטרין; Cant. R. to I, 2 סימנט'. Ex. R. s. 19 אם אין
סִימַנְטְרִי וכ' (some ed. סינטרי, corr. acc.) unless the invited guests show my
seal (on the invitation card) &c.; a. e.

σημεῖον (semeion) - סִימָן

1762, Klein 20118
1) sign, mark, signal. PBH 2) mnemonic sign. PBH 3) paragraph. MH [From Gk. semeion,
whence also Aram. סִימָנָא, Arab. sīmā (= sign, mark). Gk. semeion derives from
sema (= sign), which is cogn. with Old I. dhīḥ, dhyānaḥ (= thought). See ‘dhyana’
in my CEDEL. and cp. ‘semeio’ ibid. cp. also סֵימַנְטִיקָה, סִיסְמָה, נִסְמָן,
אֲסִימוֹן, סִמְטָא II and the second element in סֶמָפוֹר.]

σήμερον - סִימִירוֹן

1763, Jastrow 20195
(σήμερον = τήμερον) to-day. Y. Keth. II, 26c bot. שמירון (Ar. סמרון, corr. acc.),
interch. with יום דין a. היום.

σηρικόν - סִירִיקוֹן

1764, Jastrow 20341
(σηρικόν, sericum) silk-stuff, silken garment. —Pl. סִירִיקִין. Sabb. 20b הסיריקון
an inferior silk, (contrad. to שיראים); Men. 39b סרקין (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note
6). Ib. סירקין. Ḥag. 16b לבושים ס' dressed in silk. Kidd. 31a סירקון של זהב a gold-embroidered
silk dress. Tosef. Kel. B. Bath. V, 11 סורקין (R. S. to Kel. XXVIII, 8 סיריקון,
read סִירִיקִין) silk cloaks.

σῆρον - *, *סִירוֹן

1765, Jastrow 20327
(σῆρον, imper. aor. of σαίρω) sweep! Lam. R. to IV, 15 (play on סורו, ib.) לשון
יוני הוא ס' ס' it is Greek, (they call) sweep, sweep! (remove the blood-stains);
Lev. R. s. 16.

σίγνον - סִיגְנוּם סִיגְנוֹן סִגְ'

1766, Jastrow 20055
(signum, σίγνον S.) 1)sign, ensign, banner. Gen. R. s. 6, end ספר משנה תורה היה
ס' ליהושע וכ' (Ar. ed. Koh. סגנם, read סגנום) the Book of Deuteronomy was to Joshua
a (commander’s) banner; … he took it up and showed it to the sun &c.; Yalk. Josh.
22 שגנז יהושע (corr. acc.). Ex. R. s. 45 נטל סגנוס של וכ' (some ed. סגנם; corr.
acc.) the commander (of the mutinous legion) took the royal ensign and fled.; Yalk.
Ex. 394 סִיגְנִין (pl.); Tanḥ., ed. Bub., Ki Thissa 15; Y’lamd. to Num. X, 2, quot.
inAr. נטלו סִגְנִים וכ' they (the singulares, v. סִנְגְּלָרִין) took the ensigns
&c.—Pl. סִיגְנִים, סִיגְנִין, סִגְ' (v. supra); סִיגְנִיּוֹת, סִגְ'. Cant. R. to
I, 9 נטל ס' שלהם וכ' the Lord took away their (the Egyptians’) ensigns &c.; Yalk.
Ex. 232; Tanḥ. B’shall. 23 סגיונות (some ed. סגניניות, corr. acc.); Mekh. B’shall.,
s. 2 מגפות (Var. מגניות, corr. acc.; v. מְנָפָה); Y. Sot. VIII, 22b bot. והפיל
סיגנם שלהן (corr. acc., or סיגנום).—Midr. Till. to Ps. XX, end מכיר דגלו מתוך סגנין
שלו ed. Bub., not סגנון; oth. ed. דגליו מכל סְגָנָיו, read: דגלו מתוך ס') recognises
his regiment by its colors; Yalk. Ps. 681 סימנין.—[Tosef. Ab. Zar. V (VI), 1 הסיגנין
some ed., read with ed. Zuck. הטִיגָּנִין.]—2)watchword, signal. Snh. 89a ס' אחד
עולה … בס' אחד the same watchword (divine oracle) is passed to many prophets, but
no two prophets prophesy under the same watchword (use the very same expressions).—3)sign
in the heavens, constellation; v. אִסְטגְנֵין.

σίγνον (signon) - סִגְנוֹן

1767, Klein 19748
1) sign, ensign, banner. PBH 2) style. PBH 3) form, way. NH PBH [From Gk. signon,
L. signum (= mark, token, sign), which is prob. related to secāre (= to cut). See
‘section’ in my CEDEL and cp. קוֹנְסִיגְנַצְיָה.]

Σίκελος - *, *סִיקוּרָה סִיקִי'

1768, Jastrow 20302
(Siculus, Σίκελος) Sicilian, esp. Sicilian cook (v. Sm. Ant. Engl. ed.3 s. v. Cena,
I, p. 394b) sausage-maker. Y. Bets. IV, 62c bot., v. בגומא. Y. Sabb. VII, 10a
bot. ההן ס' כד מבחר וכ' (not מכחד) when the sausage-maker selects from the scraped
meat, from the garlic &c. (v. בְּחַר).—Pl. סִיקוּרַיָּיא, סִיקִי'. Y. Shek., Bab.
ed. VII, 2 יחכמון ס' וכ' (Ms. M. סִיקוּרֵי, Var. in eds. סילוקוס, סיליוקיס; Y.
ed. 50c bot. סיקייריא) let the sausage-makers identify their product (whether the
sausage found was or was not of their make), v. נוּקָנִיקָא.

σίκλος (siklos) - שֶֽׁקֶל

1769, Klein 29419
1) a weight, shekel (orig. ‘weight’). 2) name of a coin. 3) annual Temple tax. PBH
4) annual membership due to the Zionist organization. NH 5) official Heb. name
of the Israeli pound. NH [Borrowed from Akka. shiqlu, which derives from shaqālu
(= to weigh). cp. BAram. תְּקֵל, JAram. תִּקְלָא, Egypt.-Aram. שׁקל, Ugar. tql
(= shekel), Syr. תְּקָלָא (= weight, mass, bulk), Arab. thaql (= load), Gk. siklos
(name of an Old Persian coin, which is a Heb. loan word). See ‘siglos’ in my CEDEL.

σίκυος (sikuos) - קִשּׁוּא

1770, Klein 26256
1) cucumber (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Num. 11:5). 2) gourd, vegetable
marrow. [Related to MH קָשׁוּת, Syr. קַשׁוּתָא, Punic kissou, Arab. quththā, qiththa,
Ethiop. pl. qweswāt, Akka. qishshu (= cucumber). Gk. sikuos (= cucumber) is a Heb.
loan word. See ‘Sicyos’ in my CEDEL.]

Σίμων - סִימוֹן

1771, Jastrow 20182
(Σίμων) Simon, name of several Amoraim. Y. Sabb. VIII, 11a bot.; Y. Shek. VIII,
beg. 51a (also שִׁמְעוֹן). Y. Succ. IV, beg. 54b; a. fr.—Y. Pes. IX, beg. 36c.
Y. Sabb. VII, 9a top; a. fr.—V. Fr. M’bo, p. 118a.—Lam. R. to IV, 15; (Pesik. Vatt.,
p. 133b סימא).

Σιμωνίας - סִימוֹנְיָא סִימוֹנְיָיא

1772, Jastrow 20185
(Σιμωνίας, Joseph. Vita 24) Simonia (Semûniye), west of Nazareth. Gen. R. s. 81,
beg.; Tanḥ. Tsav 5; Y. Yeb. XII, end, 13a (not כימ'); Yalk. Prov. 964 סימונאי.—Nidd.
24b סימוני.

σισύρνα - סוּסִרְנָא

1773, Jastrow 19865
(σισύρνα) a garment made of goat-skin with the hair on. —Pl. סוּסִרְנַיָּה. Y. Ned.
VII, end, 40c כגין אילין ס' (not סוסרנה) like those garments made of goat-skins
(the hair of which is not used for clothing).—V. סִיסִרְנוֹן.

σίσυρνα - סִיסִרְנוֹן

1774, Jastrow 20254
(σισύρνον, usu. σίσυρνα) a garment made of skin. Gen. R. s. 20 end, Ar. (ed. סיסרטון,
corr. acc., or סִיסִרְנְיוֹן σισύρνιον); Tanḥ. ed. Bub., Bresh. 24 סיסטין (corr.
acc.).—V. סוּסִרְנָא.

σισύρνιον - סִיסִרְנוֹן

1775, Jastrow 20254
(σισύρνον, usu. σίσυρνα) a garment made of skin. Gen. R. s. 20 end, Ar. (ed. סיסרטון,
corr. acc., or סִיסִרְנְיוֹן σισύρνιον); Tanḥ. ed. Bub., Bresh. 24 סיסטין (corr.
acc.).—V. סוּסִרְנָא.

σισύρνον - סִיסִרְנוֹן

1776, Jastrow 20254
(σισύρνον, usu. σίσυρνα) a garment made of skin. Gen. R. s. 20 end, Ar. (ed. סיסרטון,
corr. acc., or סִיסִרְנְיוֹן σισύρνιον); Tanḥ. ed. Bub., Bresh. 24 סיסטין (corr.
acc.).—V. סוּסִרְנָא.

σιτιστά - סיטוסימה סיטסמא

1777, Jastrow 20095
, read: סִיטִיסְטָא m. pl. (σιτιστά, v. Matth. XXII, 4) fatlings. Y’lamd. to Gen.
XXXVII, quot. in Ar. אפי' יהו לי פטומות וס' וכ' even if I were to have crammed
(fowls) and fatlings in foreign lands &c.

σιτώνης - *איסתוננסין

1778, Jastrow 1519
Y. Maas. Sh. V, 56b top תלת' א' וכ', read תלתא סִיטֹונֵיסִין (pl. of σιτώνης) three
corn-dealers upon whose estimates he redeemed the second tithes.

σιτώνης - סִיטוֹן

1779, Jastrow 20093
(σιτώνης) corn-merchant, in gen. wholesale provision dealer, contrad. to חנוני shop-keeper,
and בעל הבית the producer. B. Bath. V, 10. Tosef. Dem. III, 13; a. fr.—Pl. סִיטוֹנוֹת.
Dem. II, 4 הס' ומוכרי וכ' the wholesale provision merchants and the corn dealers.
Kel. XII, 1; a. e.—[Midr. Till. to Ps. XXIII הסיטון, v. אַמְיַינְטֹון.]

σιτώνης (sitones) - סִיטוֹן, סִיטוֹנַאי

1780, Klein 20099
resp. NH (pl. סִיטוֹנוֹת, סִיטוֹנִים, resp. סִיטוֹנָאִים) wholesale merchant, wholesaler.
PBH [Gk. sitones (= buyer of corn), from sitos (= wheat, corn, grain, meal, flour,
bread), which is of uncertain origin.]

σίφων - סונטמא

1781, Jastrow 19851
, Lev. R. s. 12, quot. in Ar., quid?—perh. סִיפוֹנָא (σίφων) tube?

σίφων (siphon) - סִיפוֹן

1782, Klein 20188
FW [FromGk. siphon (= pipe, tube), which is of uncertain etymology. cp. סִמְפּוֹן

σίφων (siphon) - סִמְפּוֹן

1783, Klein 20407
bronchial tube. PBH [From Gk. siphon (= pipe, tube), which is of uncertain etymology.
cp. סִיפוֹן.]

σκάφη - אִסְקָפָא, , אִסְקָפִי

1784, Jastrow 2542
(σκάφη, scapha) light boat, skiff. Pl. אִסְקְפָאוֹת. Tosef. Succ. III, 12 איסיפק',
ed. Zuck. (ed. אספק', corr. acc.).

σκεπαστή - אִסְקְפַסְטִי, סְקִיפַּסְטִי

1785, Jastrow 2544
(σκεπαστή, sub. ἅμαξα, σκεπαστόν = καμάρα; v. Poll. ; v. Poll. X, 52, Sachs Beitr.
I, 171)tilted wagon, litter with canopy. Midr. Till. to Ps. 3 אוסקופי, אסקפי (corr.
acc.; read מהלכת). Pesik. Baḥod. p. 103a סקיפס' Ar. (ed. סקופוטי, corr. acc.).
Koh. R. beg. איסקרפסטי (corr. acc.).—Pl. אִסְקְפַסְטִיאוֹת, סְקִיפַּסְטִיּוֹת &c.
Ruth R. to I, 19; Lam. R. to I, 3 אסקפטיות ed. (Ar. סקיפטיות, corr. acc.). Num.
R. s. 12 כמנסקי פסקאות, read כמין סקיפסט'; Yalk. Num. 713 (corr. acc.). [Lev. R.
s. 14 בתוך מעיה כמין סקיפסטי Ar., ed. only בתוך מעיה, v. Midr. Till. to Ps. CIII,
s. v. אִסְקוּפָה.]

σκεπαστόν - אִסְקְפַסְטִי, סְקִיפַּסְטִי

1786, Jastrow 2544
(σκεπαστή, sub. ἅμαξα, σκεπαστόν = καμάρα; v. Poll. ; v. Poll. X, 52, Sachs Beitr.
I, 171)tilted wagon, litter with canopy. Midr. Till. to Ps. 3 אוסקופי, אסקפי (corr.
acc.; read מהלכת). Pesik. Baḥod. p. 103a סקיפס' Ar. (ed. סקופוטי, corr. acc.).
Koh. R. beg. איסקרפסטי (corr. acc.).—Pl. אִסְקְפַסְטִיאוֹת, סְקִיפַּסְטִיּוֹת &c.
Ruth R. to I, 19; Lam. R. to I, 3 אסקפטיות ed. (Ar. סקיפטיות, corr. acc.). Num.
R. s. 12 כמנסקי פסקאות, read כמין סקיפסט'; Yalk. Num. 713 (corr. acc.). [Lev. R.
s. 14 בתוך מעיה כמין סקיפסטי Ar., ed. only בתוך מעיה, v. Midr. Till. to Ps. CIII,
s. v. אִסְקוּפָה.]

σκεπτικός (skeptikos) - סְקֶפְּטִי

1787, Klein 20726
skeptical. FW [Gk. skeptikos (= inquiring, thoughtful, doubting), related to skeptomai
(= I look closely at). See סְפֶּצְיָאלִי and cp. □סְקוֹפּ. cp. also סְקֶפְּטִיּוּת,

σκίφινος - *אַפְסְקִימָא, אפסיקמא, אפסיקימא

1788, Jastrow 2764
(a corruption of σκίφινος) (rope) twisted of palm-leaves, (v. Löw Pfl. p. 118).
Erub. 58a ed. a. Ms. (Ar. אפקימא).

σκοπιά - אִיסְכּוּפְיָה

1789, Jastrow 1467
א' דשילה Iskufia, near Shiloh. Y. Meg. I, 72d top, expl. תאנת שלה Josh. XVI, 6
(σκοπιά; cmp. Zeb. 118b, as quot. in Yalk. Deut. 881).

σκόπιον (skopion) - □סְקוֹפּ

1790, Klein 20705
scope (combining form used to denote an instrument for examining with the eye as
in מִיקְרוֹסְקוֹפּ). FW [Gk. skopion, from skopein (= to look at, examine, survey),
from skopos (= watcher, examiner, spy, scout), which stands in gradational relationship
to skeptomai (= look closely at, look carefully at). See סְפֶּצְיָאלִי and cp.
the second element in הוֹרוֹסְקוֹפּ.]

σκοῦτλον - אִסְקוּטְלָא,

1791, Jastrow 2532
(scutella, σκοῦτλον) a salver or waiter of nearlg square form. Kel. XXX, 1. M.
Kat. III, 7.

σκοῦτλον - סְקוּטְלָא

1792, Jastrow 20942
(scutella, σκοῦτλον) = אִסְקוּטְלָא II, salver, tray. Sifré Num. 89 כגליד … ונעשה
לארץ כמין ס' וכ' (not סק בקוטלא) first (the dew) came down like a frozen mass,
and on the ground became like a tray, upon which the mannah then fell; Yalk. Num.
735 כמין אסקוטלא.

σμαράγδιον - זְמַרַגְדִּין, זְמַרְגַּדִּין

1793, Jastrow 9083
(σμαράγδιον) emerald, a precious stone. Targ. Y. II Ex. XXVIII, 19, v. אִזְמַרְגַּד

σμαράγδιον - אִזְמַרְגַּד, אִזְמַרְגְּדָא, אִזְמַרְגְּדִין, (אִזְמַרְגְּזִין, אִזְמְרַגְדִּין)

1794, Jastrow 980
(σμάραγδος, σμαράγδιον) emerald, a jewel (also colored crystal; v. זמרגד a. זמרגדין).
Targ. Job. XLII, 13. Targ. O. Ex. XXVIII, 18 (Targ. Y. ib. אִזְמֹורַד); a. e.
Ex. R. s. 38, end אִסְמַרַגְדִּין.

σμάραγδος - אִזְמַרְגַּד, אִזְמַרְגְּדָא, אִזְמַרְגְּדִין, (אִזְמַרְגְּזִין, אִזְמְרַגְדִּין)

1795, Jastrow 980
(σμάραγδος, σμαράγδιον) emerald, a jewel (also colored crystal; v. זמרגד a. זמרגדין).
Targ. Job. XLII, 13. Targ. O. Ex. XXVIII, 18 (Targ. Y. ib. אִזְמֹורַד); a. e.
Ex. R. s. 38, end אִסְמַרַגְדִּין.

σμάραγδος - זְמַרְגַּד, זְמַרְגְּדָא, (זמרגדד, זמרגדז)

1796, Jastrow 9082
(σμάραγδος) smaragd, emerald, colored crystal (v. Sm. Ant. s. v.). Targ. Prov.
XXV, 12; a. fr. (in the sense of a precious stone [v. next w.], and as crystal
or spar of copper mine).—Pl. h. זְמַרְגְּדִין. Lev. R. s. 2 (precious stones).

σμάραγδος (smaragdos) - אִזְמָדַגְדְּ

1797, Klein 668
emerald. PBH [Formed with prosthetic א from Gk. smaragdos which itself is of Sem.
origin. See בָּרֶקֶת.]

σμάραγδος (smargados) - זְמָרַגְדְּ

1798, Klein 8618
emerald, smaragd. PBH [From Gk. smargados, which is of Semitic origin. See בָּרֶקֶת.

σμερί (smeri) - שָׁמִיר

1799, Klein 28933
1) smiris corundum, adamant, diamond, emery (in the Bible occurring only Jer. 17:1;
Ezek. 3:9; Zech. 7:12). 2) ‘shamir’ (a legendary worm or stone created on the Sabbath
eve that could cut any stone). [Related to Syr. שָׁמִירָא (= adamant; emery), Arab.
sammūr. שָׁמִיר II is prob. a special sense development of שָׁמִיר I and properly
denotes orig. a thorn or prickle used as a point for engraving. cp. Jer. 17:1:
חַטַּאת יְהוּדָה כְּתוּבָה בְּעֵט בֵּרְזֶל בְּצִפֹּרֶן שָׁמִיר, ‘The sin of Judah
is written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond’. Gk. smiris (=
emery powder) — whence Gk. smeri, whence It. smeriglio, whence Fren. émeri, whence
Eng. emery — is prob. borrowed from שָׁמִיר II. cp. ‘emery’ in my CEDEL.]

σμίλη (smile) - אִזְמֵל

1800, Klein 667
cutting tool, knife. PBH [Formed from prosthetic א□ from Gk. smile (= cutting tool,
chisel, knife — whence also Syr. זְמֶלְיָא, זְמַלְיָא — which derives from IE base
*smēi-, *smī- (= to carve, cut). (See ‘smith’ in my CEDEL). Arab. ’izmīl (= shoe-knife)
is a Syr. loan word.]

σμίρις (smiris) - שָׁמִיר

1801, Klein 28933
1) smiris corundum, adamant, diamond, emery (in the Bible occurring only Jer. 17:1;
Ezek. 3:9; Zech. 7:12). 2) ‘shamir’ (a legendary worm or stone created on the Sabbath
eve that could cut any stone). [Related to Syr. שָׁמִירָא (= adamant; emery), Arab.
sammūr. שָׁמִיר II is prob. a special sense development of שָׁמִיר I and properly
denotes orig. a thorn or prickle used as a point for engraving. cp. Jer. 17:1:
חַטַּאת יְהוּדָה כְּתוּבָה בְּעֵט בֵּרְזֶל בְּצִפֹּרֶן שָׁמִיר, ‘The sin of Judah
is written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond’. Gk. smiris (=
emery powder) — whence Gk. smeri, whence It. smeriglio, whence Fren. émeri, whence
Eng. emery — is prob. borrowed from שָׁמִיר II. cp. ‘emery’ in my CEDEL.]

σουδάριον (soudariom) - סוּדָר

1802, Klein 19851
1) scarf, shawl. PBH 2) sweater. NH [Back formation from supposed pl. סוּדָרִין,
a word borrowed from Gk. soudariom, from L. sūdārium (= handkerchief), lit.: ‘cloth
for wiping off perspiration’, from sūdor (= sweat, perspiration). L. sūdor derives
from IE base sweid-, swoid-, swid- (= to sweat). See ‘sweat’ in my CEDEL and cp.
‘sudarium’ ibid.]

σόφισμα (sophisma) - סוֹפִיזְם

1803, Klein 19924
sophism. FW [Gk. sophisma, from the stem of sophizein (= to make wise, instruct),
from sophos (= clever, skilled, prudent, cunning, learned, wise), which is of uncertain
origin. For the ending see suff. □ִיזְם. cp. סוֹפִיסְט. cp. also the second element
in תֵּיאוֹסוֹפְיָה.]

σοφίστης - סוֹפִיסְטָא … טָה סוֹפִיסְטֵיס

1804, Jastrow 19882
(σοφίστης, sophista) sophist, teacher of grammar, rhetoric, mathematics &c., esp.
arithmetician. Y. Shebi. IX, 38d bot. Pesik. R. s. 21 עד מקום שאין ס' יכול לחשוב
(not … טוס; some ed. טופ', corr. acc.) up to where no arithmetician can count;
Pesik.Baḥod. Baḥod., p. 107b עד מקום שהספיטס וכ' (corr. acc.).—Pl. סוֹפִיסְטִין.
Targ. I Chr. XII, 32.

σοφιστής (sophistes) - סוֹפִיסְט

1805, Klein 19925
sophist. FW [Gk. sophistes (= a clever, skillful, wise man; one who gave lessons
in grammar, rhetoric, etc. for money, a quibbler), from the stem of sophizein.
See סוֹפִיזְם and suff. □ִיסְט.]

σπαθάριος - אִסְפַּתְרִי

1806, Jastrow 2529
(σπαθάριος, v. preced.) carrier of broad sword, one of the imperial body-guard for
which tall men would be selected. Cant. R. to II, 15 אספסתורין (corr. acc.).—Pl.
אִסְפַּתְרִין. Ib. a province (or city) מגדלת א' למלך was rearing spatharii for
the king. [Gen. R. s. 65 ענקמון.]

σπάθη - אִסְפָּתִי, אִסְפָּטִי

1807, Jastrow 2528
(σπάθη, spatha, spata D. C.) broad sword, esp. the executioner’s sword. Pesik.
B’shall. p. 81b באספטי וכ' Ar. (ed. איספטר; Yalk. Is. 302 beg. אספקטי; corr. acc.)
with the sword with which the Egyptians struck, were they struck.—Pl. אִסְפָּתִין.
Ex. R. s. 15 עשו א' prepare ye the swords; v. ספיקולא.

σπασμός (spasmos) - סְפַּסְמָה

1808, Klein 20628
spasm. FW [Gk. spasmos (= spasm, convulsion), from span (= to draw, tearn tear out),
from IE base spe (= to draw, span, stretch, extend). See ‘space’ in my CEDEL.]

σπείρα (speira) - צְפֵירָה

1809, Klein 24621
troop of soldiers; cohort. PBH [From Gk. speira (= coil, twist; something twisted
or wound; cohort). See ‘spire’ in my CEDEL. For sense development cp. L. manipulus
(= handful; bundle; company of soldiers, maniple).]

Σπληνίον - *אִסְפְּלָנִית, אִי'

1810, Jastrow 2500
(= אִסְפַּלְעָנִית or אִסְבְּלָנִית, Ispe. noun of בלע or בלי; cmp. בְּלִיתָא,
a. סִיפְלָני; פ dialect. for ב, induced by preceding sibilant) rag, plaster, compress
(for softening or healing). Sabb. IX, 2 (expl. ib. 133b seven portions of fat and
one portion of wax). Y. Orl. III, beg. 62d העושה א' וכ' he who makes a plaster
of the fat of &c. Y. Sabb. VII, 10d top הממרח את הא' he who spreads a plaster.
Tosef. ib. I, 23; a. fr.—Pesik. R. s. 44 איספלניס (corr. acc.). [Σπληνίον, in Hippocr.,
seems to be a Greek adaptation of our w.]

σπληνίον (splenion) - אַסְפְּלָנִית

1811, Klein 1731
plaster, compress. PBH [A hybrid formed with the Heb. suff. □ִית from Gk. splenion
(= compress of linen laid on a wound; orig.: ‘compress laid on the spleen’), from
splen (= milt, spleen), which stands for splegch and is related to splagcha (=
the inward parts). The אַ□ in אַסְפְּלָנִית is prosthetic (see א□).]

Σποδός (Spodos) - שַׁפּוּד

1812, Klein 29224
1) spit for roasting meat. 2) point, sharp end. PBH [Together with Aram.–Syr. שַׁפּוּדָא.
Borrowed from Gk. Spodos (= spit for roasting meat). Arab. saffūd (= spit), is
an Aram. loan word.]

σταβλίτης - *אִסְטַבְלָאטָא

1813, Jastrow 2349
(stabulata, D. C. = stabularius, σταβλίτης) equerry. Pl. אִסְטַבְלָאטֵי. Esth. R.
to I, 12 קומוס א' (read קֹומֵיס) chief of equerries (comes stabuli) [prob. to be
read אִסְטָאבוּלִי].

Σταδιεύς - סַטְדָּא , (, סוֹטְ')

1814, Jastrow 19963
(prob. of Greek origin, cmp. pr. n. Σταδιεύς) Saṭda; בן ס' son of S., surname of
Jesus of Nazareth. Sabb. 104b; Tosef. ib. XI (XII), 15; Y. ib. XII, end, 13d והלא
בן ס' לא הביא וכ' but did not Ben S. bring sorcery from Egypt only in this way
(by making incisions in his flesh)? Y. Snh. VII, 25d top כך עשו לבן סוט' וכ' so
they did to Ben S. in Lydda, when they made two scholars lie in wait for him &c.;
Y. Yeb. XVI, 15d bot. Sabb. l. c. (in editions not controlled by censors, v. Rabb.
D. S. a. l.) בעל ס' בועל וכ' her husband’s name was S., her lover’s, Pandera; (refuted
and changed) אמו ס' וכ' his mother’s name was S. … סַֹטְֹיַת ד̇אֹ וכ' this one
deserted her husband; Snh. 67a סָטַת דא וכ' (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note).

στάδιον (stadion) - אִצֽטַדֽיוֹן

1815, Klein 1946
arena. PBH [Formed with prosthetic אִ□ from Gk. stadion (= racecourse, stadium),
which is a blend of stadion (= racecourse), and stadion, neuter of stadios (= fix,
firm). See ‘stadium’ in my CEDEL. Stadion is a derivative of stan (= to draw, tear),
from IE base *spē(i)-, *spe (= to draw, span, stretch, extend); see ‘space’ in
my CEDEL. Stadios comes from IE base *stā- (= to stand); see סְטָטִי.]

στακτή - סַטְכַּת

1816, Jastrow 19981
(preced.; a corrupt. of στακτή) oil of myrrh or cinnamon. Pes. 43a (expl. שמן המר,
Esth. II, 12); Meg. 13a; Yalk. Esth. 1083.—Targ. Esth. II, 12 טכסת (corr. acc.)

στακτόν - אִסְטַכְטוֹן, אִסְטַקטוֹן, אִי'

1817, Jastrow 2373
(στακτόν, sub. ἔλκιον) oil that runs off without pressing, virgin oil. Lev. R.
s. 5 שמן אסטכ' Mus., ed. אסטק' (Ar. אסתק'); Num. R. s. 10 אנטכנון; Cant. R. to
IV, 8 אפוקסנין, אפי' (corr. acc.).

στατικός (statikos) - סְטָטִיקָה

1818, Klein 20023
static. FW [From Gk. statikos (= causing to stand). See סְטָטִי.]

στατίων - *(אישטטיון) אִיסְטַטְיוֹן

1819, Jastrow 1429
(στατίων, statio, v. Harper’s Lat. Dict. 1882 s. v. Statio II, B, 4) seat of the
fiscal officers in the Roman provinces, also the staff of officers. Gen. R. s.
66 (play on Shulamith Cant. VII, 1) the people of Israel שמשלמת אִיסְטַטְיֹונֹו
של עולם וכ' that preserves the (divine) government of the world complete (filling
the vacancies) both in this world &c. Cant. R. to l. c. איסטטיונרון, read אִיסְטַטְיֹונָרִין
(stationarii) the number of officers (of the divine government). Cmp. צַדִּיק.
V. סְטַטְיֹונָר

σταφυλή - דּוֹרְקְטִי

1820, Jastrow 6673
(a perversion of τρωκτή, sub. σταφυλή, v. infra) grape used for dessert, fit for
eating but yielding no wine, fig. a woman who has no menstruation. Nidd. IX, 11.
Ib. 64b; Keth. 10b (phonetic etymology) דור קטוע [hence the perversion] a cut-off
race (bound to die out). Ib. משפחת ד' a family the women of which have neither
menstruation nor symptoms of injured virginity. Y. ib. I, 25a bot. quoting Mish.
Nidd. l. c. טְרוֹקְטִי.

σταφυλή - טְרוֹקְטִי

1821, Jastrow 11923
(τρωκτή, sub. σταφυλή) dessert grapes, yielding no wine. Yalk. Num. 709 טריק' (corr.
acc.)—Trnsf. a woman that has no menstruation. Y. Keth. I, 25a bot.; Nidd. IX,
11 Var. in Hai Gaon, v. דּוֹרְקְטִי.

σταφυλῖνος - אִיסְטַפְלִינִין, (אִיסְתַּפְנִינֵי) אִיסְטַפְנִינֵי

1822, Jastrow 1451
(σταφυλῖνος, οι, Syr. אסטפלינין P. Sm. 301, prob. of Semit. orig., rad. טפל) a
kind of carrot, parsnip. Y. Maasr. II, end, 50a bot. Y. Ḥall. IV, 60a top אִיסְתַּ'.
Ib. איסטנינותיא read איסטפנינִיתֵיה his parsnip. Y. Kil. I, 27a bot. אסטפלינון
R. Sims. to Kil. I, 4 (ed. corrupt). Tosef. Ukts. I, 1 אסטפונין.

στενός (stenos) - סְטֶנוֹגְרַמָּה

1823, Klein 20039
stenogram. FW [Formed from Gk. stenos (= narrow), and gramma (= that which is written).
The first element, which is related to steinein (= to make narrow), steinos (=
a narrow space), is of uncertain origin. For the second element see גְרַם II.]

στενός (stenos) - סְטֶנוֹגְרַפְיָה

1824, Klein 20041
stenography. FW [Formed from Gk. stenos (see סְטֶנוֹגְרַמָּה), and graphia, from
graphein (= to write). See □גְרַפְיָה.]

στερέω (stereo) - סְטֶרֵיאוֹ□

1825, Klein 20053
stereo- (combining form). FW [Gk. stereo, from stereos (= firm, hard, solid, stiff),
from IE base ster- (= stiff, rigid). See ‘stare’ in my CEDEL. See also סְטֶרִילִי
in this dictionary.]

στήλη (stele) - אַסְטֶלָה, אַסְטְלֵי

1826, Klein 1679
1) gravestone. NH 2) stele. PBH FW [Formed with prosthetic אַ□ from Gk. stele (=
an upright stone, monument, gravestone), which is related to stellein (= to set
in order, arrange, equip), stole (= adjustment, equipment, clothing). See אִצְטְלָה.

στιβάς - סְטִיבָס

1827, Jastrow 19971
(στιβάς) straw-mattress. Tosef. Sabb. XIII (XIV), 15 לווחין של יסטיכס (Var. יסטבס,
סקיבס) the boards on which the straw rests; Y. ib. XII, beg. 13c ספינה (corr. acc.);
Bab. ib. 47a סקיבס (Ms. M. סקבין; Ms. O. סקיבוס; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note). Tosef.
Kel. B. Mets. VIII, 4 סטיכס (corr. acc.; R. S. to Kel. XVIII, 3 סקבס). [The phonetic
corrupt. of ט into ק in the Babylonian Talmud has been reimported as Variant into
Tosefta.—For the phonetic relationship between t and k, cmp. Lidd.-Scott. Gr. Dict.
sub lit. K.]

στοά (stoa) - אִצְטַבָּה

1828, Klein 1943
1) colonnade. 2) portico. 3) balcony. 4) shelf. 5) bench (fixed to the wall). PBH
[Gk. stoa (= colonnade, porch, corridor), from IE base *sthōu-, *sthāu-, *sthū-
(= upright; a post, pillar). See ‘steer’ (to direct) in my CEDEL and cp. ‘stauro-’

στοά (stoa) - סְטָו

1829, Klein 20009
colonnade, porch, portico. PBH [From Gk. stoa (= colonnade, porch, corridor), from
IE base sthōu-, sthāu-, sthū- (= upright; a post, pillar). See ‘steer’ (to direct)
in my CEDEL and cp. ‘stauro-’ ibid.]

στόμαχος - אִסְטוֹמְכָא, אִי',

1830, Jastrow 2362
(στόμαχος) prop. orifice, esp. stomach. Lev. R. s. 4 the food goes מוישטא לא' from
the gullet into the stomach. Koh. R. to VII, 19 (incorr. order).

στόμαχος (stomachos) - אִסְטוֹמְכָה

1831, Klein 1677
stomach. PBH [Gk. stomachos (= throat, gullet, esophagus, stomach) from stoma (=
mouth). cp. ‘stoma’ and ‘stomach’ in my CEDEL. The אִ□ in אִסְטוֹמְכָה is prosthetic.

στρατεία - אִסְטְרַטְיָא, אִיסְ',

1832, Jastrow 2412
(στρατεία, in the sense of στρατόπεδον) camp, encampment, esp. an open space infront
of the royal palace, court; also station on the road for Temple pilgrims. Erub.
26a א' של מלכים Ms. M. (ed. מלך) camp or court round the royal palace. [Men. 103b
איסטריא של מלך, for איסטרטיא(?), v. however אִסְטַרְיָא.] [Lam. R. to III, 7 באידנא
א'; Ab. d’R. Nath. XXVIlI לאי', read אִסְטְרָטָא. Targ. Y. Num. XX, 19 רַטְיָא
… some ed., v. אִסְטְרָטָא.]—Pl. אִסְטְרַטְיָאֹות. M. Kat. 5a Ms. M. (ed. טאות
…); Mekh. B’shall. Vayissa ch. III א' stations (= רחובות). [Erub. l. c. טיא … שהיו
…, read שהיא, or … יאות; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note.]

στρατήγιον - אִסְטַרְטֵיג, אִסְטַרְטֵיגָא

1833, Jastrow 2414
(στρατήγιον) camp, regular garrison (= h. מַצַּב), contrad. to stragglers &c. Targ.
I Sam. XIII, 23; XIV, 1; 4; 6; 16; a. e.—Pl. אִסְטַרְטִיגִין. Targ. II Sam. VIII,
6 (h. text נציבים). Targ. I Sam. X, 5 … אִסְטַרְטִיגֵי (constr.).—גַיָּא … Targ.
I Kings IV, 5 על א' chief of camps.

στρατηγός - (אסטרטיג) אִסְטַרְטֵיגוֹס

1834, Jastrow 2415
(στρατηγός) military commander, general; (in later Greek) prefect, city-magistrate;
also chief of body guards (στρατηγὸς τῶν πραισενταλίων, D. C.). Ex. R. s. 31 (cmp.
Gen. R. s. 58). Ib. s. 37, beg.; a. fr.—Deut. R. s. 10 לאסטרטיגין וכ' (read … גֹוס);
a. fr.—Pl. אִסְטַרְטֵיגִין, אִסְטַרְטֵיגֵי.—Targ. II, Esth. I, 3 איסתרת' (corr.
acc.) generals. Y. Ber. VIII, 12c top שני א' two chiefs of guards; Gen. R. s. 3;
a. fr.—B. Bath. 143a בולי ואסטרטיגי Ms. M. (ed. אבולי ואסטרוגי); Y. Yoma I, 39a
top כולי ואסרטיגי (read בולי ואסטרטיגי, v. בּוּלִי II). Yalk. Koh. 969 אמר לאסטרון
שלו (read לאסטרטיגין) he ordered his guard.

στρατηγὸς - (אסטרטיג) אִסְטַרְטֵיגוֹס

1835, Jastrow 2415
(στρατηγός) military commander, general; (in later Greek) prefect, city-magistrate;
also chief of body guards (στρατηγὸς τῶν πραισενταλίων, D. C.). Ex. R. s. 31 (cmp.
Gen. R. s. 58). Ib. s. 37, beg.; a. fr.—Deut. R. s. 10 לאסטרטיגין וכ' (read … גֹוס);
a. fr.—Pl. אִסְטַרְטֵיגִין, אִסְטַרְטֵיגֵי.—Targ. II, Esth. I, 3 איסתרת' (corr.
acc.) generals. Y. Ber. VIII, 12c top שני א' two chiefs of guards; Gen. R. s. 3;
a. fr.—B. Bath. 143a בולי ואסטרטיגי Ms. M. (ed. אבולי ואסטרוגי); Y. Yoma I, 39a
top כולי ואסרטיגי (read בולי ואסטרטיגי, v. בּוּלִי II). Yalk. Koh. 969 אמר לאסטרון
שלו (read לאסטרטיגין) he ordered his guard.

στρατηγός (strategos) - אַסְטְרָטֶג

1836, Klein 1690
strategist. PBH [Formed with prosthetic א□ from Gk. strategos (= leader of an army),
which is compounded of stratos (= army), and agein (= to lead, guide, drive). See
סַרְדְּיוֹט and cp. ‘strategy’ in my CEDEL. For the etymology of Gk. agein see

στρατηλάτης - אִסְטְרָטִילָטָא, אִסְטְרָטִילָטֵיס

1837, Jastrow 2419
(στρατηλάτης = magister militum, v. Sm. Ant. s. v.) commander in chief, military
governor. Lev. R. s. 16; a. fr. (everywhere corrupt, corr. acc.). Y. Snh. X, 28b
top אסרטילטֵיה (corr. acc.) his stratelates.—Pl. אִסְטְרָטִילָטִין. Targ. Esth.
III, 12; VIII, 9 אסטרטילוסי (corr. acc.). Gen. R. s. 44; a. fr. (corr. acc.). Ib.
s. 78 אסטרטלי, read אסטרטילטַי my stratelatæ

στρατία - אִסְטְרַטְיָא, (אִסְרַטְיָא), אִיסְ'

1838, Jastrow 2413
(στρατία) prop. army; hence 1)host (of heavens, cmp. LXX Neh. IX, 6). Num. R.
s. 12 א' של מעלה; Midr. Till. to Ps. XCII, end אסר' … divine army (angels, prophets
&c.)—2)royal suite, court-officers. Kidd. IV, 5 מוכתב בא' של מלך recorded in the
king’s list of officers (during Agrippa’s reign, serving as evidence of legitimate
birth; cmp. אַרְכִי I). Lam. R. to II, 2 אסט'; Y. Taan. IV, 68d bot. אסר' the list
of Barkokhba’s suite. [Y. Ned. XI, 42d bot. אסטרטיות read אִסְטְרַטְיֹוטֹות; ib.
אסטרטיות חבק' read אִסְטְרַטְיוֹט. Y. Gitt. III, 45a top. אסטרטיות, v. אַפָּרָטֹוסֹות.
Tanḥ. B’resh. 2 אסטרטיאות, Var. אסטראות, v. אִסְטַרְיָא.]

στρατιά (stratia) - אִסְטְרַטְיָא

1839, Klein 1691
army; royal suite; retinue. PBH [Formed with prosthetic א□ from Gk. stratia (= army;
company, band), from stratos (= army). See סַרְרְּיוֹט and cp. the first element
in אַסְטְרָטֶג.]

στρατιώτης - אִסְטְרַטְיוֹט, אִסְטְרַטְיוֹטָא, אִסְטְרַטְיוֹטֵיס

1840, Jastrow 2416
(στρατιώτης) prop. soldier, later Roman officer (D. C. Gr. s. v.); attendant. Y.
Shek. V, 49a; Cant. R. to III, 6, end אסטרטיג (corr. acc.). Y. Keth. I, 25c top
טיוס … (corr. acc.).—Pl. אִסְטְרַטְיֹוטִין. Targ. I Chr. XVIII, 6 (v. however Targ.
II Sam. VIII, 6). Tanḥ. Haăz. 2, read: באו א' the officers came to meet the king.—אִסְטְרַטְיֹוטֹות.
Y. B. Kam. IV, 4b top ששליח המלכות שני א' (read ששלחה) the Roman governm. sent
two commissioners. Y. Ned. XI, 42d bot. אסטרטיות; v. אִסְטְרַטְיָא II.

στρατιώτης - אִסְרַדְיוֹט, אִי'

1841, Jastrow 2555
= אִסְטְרַטְיֹוט (cmp. stradiot, D. C. s. v. στρατιώτης) Roman officer. Koh. R.
to XI, 1. V. סְרַדְיֹוט.

στρατιώτης - סְרַדְיוֹט

1842, Jastrow 21028
(a corrupt. of στρατιώτης, v. אִסְרַדְיוֹט) Roman or Greek officer, captain. Tosef.
Succ. IV, 28; Y. ib. V, end, 55d; Bab. ib. 56b. Sabb. 32a כמי שנמסר לס' as if given
in charge of an officer (to be brought before court). Num. R. s. 15 למחר קומיס
ולמחר ס' the next day one is a comes, the next day he may be (degraded to be) captain;
a. fr.—Pl. סְרַדְיוֹטוֹת. B. Kam. 38a שלחה מלכות הרשעה שני ס' Ms. M. (not סרדיוטת;
Ar. סְרַדְיוֹטָאוֹת; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) the wicked (Roman) government sent
two commissioners &c. (to study the Jewish law); Yalk. Ex. 341 סנדריוטי (read:
סְרַדְיוֹטִין); Sifré Deut. 344 סרדיטאות (corr. acc.); (Y. B. Kam. IV, 4b אִיסְרַטְיוֹטוֹת).—[Cant.
R. to IV, 8 להביא אותה סרדיוטות, read: אותם דּוֹרוֹנוֹת or דּוֹרָיוֹת.]

στρατιώτης (statiotes) - סַרְדְּיוֹט

1843, Klein 20763
officer, captain. PBH [Gk. statiotes [sic] (= soldier), from stratos (= army), which
derives from IE base ster- (= to spread out, extend, strew), whence also L. sternere
(= to spread out, stretch out; to scatter; to cover). See ‘stratum’ in my CEDEL
and cp. the first element in אֶסְטְרָטֶג.] | **Editor's Note: Perhaps the 'r' was
accidentally dropped and was meant to be 'stratiotes' or 'στρατιώτης.'

στρατός - *אִיסְרָטִין

1844, Jastrow ]1514
(= אסטרטין, pl. of στρατός) band or body of men. Gen. R. s. 87 א' של נואפים (Ar.
אסרטיון) bands of adulterers; א' של רוצחים bands of murderers; (Yalk. Gen. 145

στρόβιλος - אִיסְטְרוֹבִיל, אִיסְטְרוֹבְלָא, אִסְ', אִצְ', אִיצְ'

1845, Jastrow 1453
(στρόβιλος) 1)cone, also kernel of the stone pine, (nux pinea). —Pl. אִיסְטְרֹובְלִין,
אִיסְטְרֹובִילִין &c. Ab. Zar. I, 5 (13b sq.); defined ibid. fruit of the cedar
(stone pine); a. fr. Pesik. R. s. 10 אסטרובלית (read לִים— or לֹות—).—2) (v. Sm.
Ant. s. v. Mola) the cone or lower millstone (which is immovable, hence included
in the sale of the house). B. Bath. IV, 3. Zabim IV, 2.—Pl. אִסְטְרֹובְלִין, אִיסְטְרֹובִילֵי
&c. Gen. R. s. 28; a. e. Keth. 69a Ar. (ed. more correctly בל …, sing.).

στρόβιλος (strobilos) - אִצְטְרֻבָּל

1846, Klein 1954
1) pine, cone. 2) cone (geometry). PBH [Formed with prosthetic אִ□ from Gk. strobilos
(= anything that spins round like a top, anything twisted; pine cone), from strobos
(= a spinning round), which derives from IE base *streb- (= to turn, twist). Cp.
‘strobile’ and ‘strophe’ in my CEDEL.]

στρογγύλον - אִסְטְרוֹנְגִּילוֹן

1847, Jastrow 2406
adv. (στρογγύλον, or στρογγυλοῦν, S.) in a rounded way, circularly (opp. τετράγωνον,
or τετραγώνιον). Pesik. R. s. 10, read: שלא היו יושבין טטרגונין או שורה ארוכה
אלא א' כחצי גורן עגולה וכ' they sat not forming a square or a long line, but in
a semi-circle, like the shape of a half of the rounded court-room (v. גֹּורֶן),
so that they could conveniently see each other. V. בוטרגנין.

στρογγυλοῦν - אִסְטְרוֹנְגִּילוֹן

1848, Jastrow 2406
adv. (στρογγύλον, or στρογγυλοῦν, S.) in a rounded way, circularly (opp. τετράγωνον,
or τετραγώνιον). Pesik. R. s. 10, read: שלא היו יושבין טטרגונין או שורה ארוכה
אלא א' כחצי גורן עגולה וכ' they sat not forming a square or a long line, but in
a semi-circle, like the shape of a half of the rounded court-room (v. גֹּורֶן),
so that they could conveniently see each other. V. בוטרגנין.

στροφώματα - אִסְטְרוֹפוֹמָטָא, אִיסְ'

1849, Jastrow 2407
(variously corrupted, v. infra) m. pl. (στροφώματα) pivots, pins at top and bottom
of a door turning in sockets. Gen. R. s. 66 כמין א' הדלתות וכ' Ar. (ed. איסטריפומיטא;
Yalk. Gen. 115 איסטדומוטא) pivotlike, the doors could be doubled backward. [Yalk.
l. c. may be read אסטרופוטא στρόφωμτος, v. LXX, Ezek. XLI, 24.] Midd. IV, 1 איצטרבאמוטא
Ar., ed. איצטרמיטה (corr. as above). Pesik. B’shall. p. 86b; Yalk. Sam. 152 כאילין
אמפומטא &c. (corr. acc.) like doors turning in sockets.

στρόφωμτος - אִסְטְרוֹפוֹמָטָא, אִיסְ'

1850, Jastrow 2407
(variously corrupted, v. infra) m. pl. (στροφώματα) pivots, pins at top and bottom
of a door turning in sockets. Gen. R. s. 66 כמין א' הדלתות וכ' Ar. (ed. איסטריפומיטא;
Yalk. Gen. 115 איסטדומוטא) pivotlike, the doors could be doubled backward. [Yalk.
l. c. may be read אסטרופוטא στρόφωμτος, v. LXX, Ezek. XLI, 24.] Midd. IV, 1 איצטרבאמוטא
Ar., ed. איצטרמיטה (corr. as above). Pesik. B’shall. p. 86b; Yalk. Sam. 152 כאילין
אמפומטא &c. (corr. acc.) like doors turning in sockets.

στρώματα - סִטְרוֹמָטִין

1851, Jastrow 19995
(στρώματα) covering for a couch, mattresses. Koh. R. to III, 9 (not סטרמוסין).

συγκάθεδρος - סִנְקַתִּדְרוֹס סִינְ' סוּנְ'

1852, Jastrow 20755
(συγκάθεδρος) assessor, associate. Gen. R. s. 49 מלך שהיה לו ס' אחד (not … ים,
… יס; Ar. … רון) a king who had an associate; עשיתי … ס' שלי I have appointed him
my associate. Ib. s. 78 רון … Ex. R. s. 43, beg. סוּנְקַתִּדְרוֹ his associate
regent. Tanḥ. Mishp. 5 סקנדרוס; ed. Bub. 3 סונדוקרוס (corr. acc.); a. fr.—Pl. סִנְקַתִּדְרִין,
סִינְ', סוּנְ'. Yalk. Gen. 13 מלך שהיו לו ס' … חוץ מדעתן a king who had associates
without whose consent he did nothing; Gen. R. s. 8 סנקתדרון … חוץ מדעתו (some ed.
מדעתם, corr. acc.). Yalk. Esth. 1057 סנקדרין (corr. acc.).

συγκλητικός - סִנְקְלִרטִיקוֹס סִינְ'

1853, Jastrow 20753
(συγκλητικός) one of senatorial rank, senator. Ex. R. s. 28 קרא לפלוני ס' וכ' call
such and such a senator that he may come with you. Num. R. s. 18.—Pl. סִנְקְלִיטִיקִים,
סִנְקְלִיטִיקִין, סִינִ'. Sifré Deut. 317; Yalk. ib. 944, v. preced art.

σύγκλητος - סִנְקְלִיטוֹס סִינְ' סוּנְ'

1854, Jastrow 20751
(σύγκλητος) 1) (= סנקליטיקוס) senator, councilor, counselor. Ex. R. s. 46.—Pl.
סִנְקְלִיטִים, סִנְקְלִיטִין. Pesik. Zutr. Haăz. (ed. Bub. p. 113) (ref. to עתודים,
Deut. XXXII, 14) אלו ס' שלהם that means their (the Roman) senators (sent to the
provinces); (Sifré Deut. 317 סנקנירקים, Var. סנקירקים; Yalk. ib. 944 סרקני דקין).
Y. Ber. IX, 13d חילף את כל ס' שלו he changed all his councilors; Y. Snh. XI, 30c
top (some ed. סנקליטון, v. infra). Lev. R. s. 13 גחין ואמר לסִנְקְלִיטָין וכ' he
bent down and said to his assessors, these three things (for which I put to death
three persons) did I do in one night; Midr. Till. to Ps. LXXX לסִנְקְלִיט שלו (sing.;
ed. Bub. סנקוטס, oth. ed. טוקלוס, סנקלוס; corr. acc.). Gen. R. s. 8 מלך שהיו לו
שני ס' וכ' a king that had two counselors, without whose consent he did nothing;
Yalk. ib. 13; a. fr.—2) mostly סִנְקְלִיטוֹן (ἡ σύγκλητος, accus. ) senate, assembly.
Y. Snh. l. c.; Y. Ber. l. c., v. supra. Deut. R. s. 6 תיקרי אומן של סנקליטור (read:
אִימָּן של סנקליטון) let her be called the mother of the senate.—[Pirké d’R. El.
ch. XLVIII, סנקלטורי פרעה, סנקליט', read with Yalk. Ex. 169 ספקלטורי, v. סְפִקְלָטוֹר.

συγκοπή (synkope) - סִינְקוֹפָּה

1855, Klein 20154
syncope. FW [Gk. synkope (= a cutting up, cutting short; syncope), from the stem
of synkoptein (= to cut up), from syn (= with, together with), and koptein (= to
cut). cp. מְסֻנְקָף. cp. also קוֹפִיץ.]

συγκρητισμός (synkretismos) - סִינְקְרֶטִיזְם

1856, Klein 20155
syncretism. FW [Gk. synkretismos (= union), from synkretizein (= to combine against
a common enemy), from syn (= with, together with; see סִינְ□), and kretizein (=
to mix, blend), from krasis (= mixture). See ‘crater’ in my CEDEL.]

συγχρονίζειν (synchronizein) - סִינְכְּרוֹנִיזַצְיָה

1857, Klein 20152
synchronization. FW [From Gk. synchronizein. See סִינְכְּרוֹנִיזְם and suff. □ַצְיָה.

συγχρονισμός (synchronismos) - סִינְכְּרוֹנִיזְם

1858, Klein 20151
synchronism. FW [Gk. synchronismos, from synchronizein (= to be contemporary with),
from synchronos. See סִינְכְּרוֹנִי and suff. □ִיזְם.]

συκῆ - סִיקוֹסִים סִיקוֹסִין סִקֹ'

1859, Jastrow 20299
(fr. סיקוסיס, σύκωσις, v. also Gr. Dict. s. vv. σῦκον a. συκῆ) excrescences (on
trees), lumps. Gen. R. s. 41, beg. (ref. to Ps. XCII, 13) מה התמרה … לא עומקין
ולא ס' Ar. (‘Rashi’ פקיסין, Var. ס'; ed. עקומין for עומקין) as the palm and the
cedar have neither cavities (curves) nor excrescences, so the righteous have not
(in their character) either &c.; Yalk. Ps. 845 סוּקְיוֹסִין.

σῦκον - סִיקוֹסִים סִיקוֹסִין סִקֹ'

1860, Jastrow 20299
(fr. סיקוסיס, σύκωσις, v. also Gr. Dict. s. vv. σῦκον a. συκῆ) excrescences (on
trees), lumps. Gen. R. s. 41, beg. (ref. to Ps. XCII, 13) מה התמרה … לא עומקין
ולא ס' Ar. (‘Rashi’ פקיסין, Var. ס'; ed. עקומין for עומקין) as the palm and the
cedar have neither cavities (curves) nor excrescences, so the righteous have not
(in their character) either &c.; Yalk. Ps. 845 סוּקְיוֹסִין.

συκοφάντης - סְקִיפַנְטְיָא

1861, Jastrow 20968
(συκοφαντία) false accusation. Sifré Deut. 349 (ref. to תריבהו, Deut. XXXIII, 8)
ס' נסתקפה לו וכ' (ed. Fr.) false denunciation turned against him (Aaron); if Moses
said …, what have Aaron and Miriam done?; (oth. ed. סקיפנטום נסתקפת, read: סְקִיפַנְטֵיס
(συκοφάντης) an informer, v. סָקַף); [Yalk. Deut. 954 תסקופים נסתקפת (ed. Lemb.
תשק'); Naḥm. to Deut. l. c. סקופים נסתקפו לו, v. סָקַף a. תַּסקוּפִים].

συκοφαντία - סְקִיפַנְטְיָא

1862, Jastrow 20968
(συκοφαντία) false accusation. Sifré Deut. 349 (ref. to תריבהו, Deut. XXXIII, 8)
ס' נסתקפה לו וכ' (ed. Fr.) false denunciation turned against him (Aaron); if Moses
said …, what have Aaron and Miriam done?; (oth. ed. סקיפנטום נסתקפת, read: סְקִיפַנְטֵיס
(συκοφάντης) an informer, v. סָקַף); [Yalk. Deut. 954 תסקופים נסתקפת (ed. Lemb.
תשק'); Naḥm. to Deut. l. c. סקופים נסתקפו לו, v. סָקַף a. תַּסקוּפִים].

συκών (sykon) - סִיקוּס

1863, Klein 20192
excrescence on a tree, grain, knot. PBH [Of uncertain origin; possibly borrowed
from Gk. sykon (= fig), which is prob. a loan word from a Mediterranean language.

σύκωσις - סִיקוֹסִים סִיקוֹסִין סִקֹ'

1864, Jastrow 20299
(fr. סיקוסיס, σύκωσις, v. also Gr. Dict. s. vv. σῦκον a. συκῆ) excrescences (on
trees), lumps. Gen. R. s. 41, beg. (ref. to Ps. XCII, 13) מה התמרה … לא עומקין
ולא ס' Ar. (‘Rashi’ פקיסין, Var. ס'; ed. עקומין for עומקין) as the palm and the
cedar have neither cavities (curves) nor excrescences, so the righteous have not
(in their character) either &c.; Yalk. Ps. 845 סוּקְיוֹסִין.

συλλογισμός (syllogismos) - סִילוֹגִיזְם

1865, Klein 20105
syllogism. FW [Gk. syllogismos (= computation, calculation). See pref. סִינְ□, לוֹגוֹס
and suff. □ִיזְם.]

συμ (sym) - סִימְ□

1866, Klein 20110
pref. meaning ‘with’, ‘together with’. FW [Gk. sym-, assimilated form of syn- before
m. See סִינְ□.]

συμβίωσις (symbiosis) - סִימְבְּיוֹזָה

1867, Klein 20114
symbiosis. FW [Gk. symbiosis (= a living together), from symbios (= living together),
from sym- (see סִימְ□), and bios (= life). See וִיטָלִי.]

συμβολαί (symbolai) - סִבֹּֽלֶת

1868, Klein 19689
1) joint meal. PBH 2) picnic. NH [Gk. symbolai (= contributions made to provide
a common meal), pl. of symbole (= a coming together, meeting, joining), lit.: ‘something
thrown together’, from symballein (= to throw together). See סִימְבּוֹלִי and cp.

συμβολαί (symbolai) - סִנְבּוֹל

1869, Klein 20426
joint meal. PBH [Gk. symbolai. See סִבֹּלֶת II.]

σύμβολον (symbolon) - סִימְבּוֹלִי

1870, Klein 20111
symbolic(al). FW [Formed with suff. □ִי from Gk. symbolon (= token, sign, pledge,
guarantee, symbol), properly ‘something thrown together’, from symballein (= to
throw together), from sym (see סִימְ□) and ballein (= to throw). See בַּלִּיסְטִיקָה
and cp. סִימְבּוֹלִיזְם.]

σύμβολον (symbolon) - סִימְבּוֹלִיזְם

1871, Klein 20113
symbolism. [From Gk. symbolon. See סִמְבּוֹלִי and suff. □ִיזְם.]

συμπαθητικός (sympathetikos) - סִימְפָּתֶטִי

1872, Klein 20129
sympathetic (in its medical sense). FW [Gk. sympathetikos (= sympathetic), from
sympatheis (= affected by like feelings). See סִימְפַּתְיָה.]

συμπόσιον (symposion) - סִימְפּוֹזְיוֹן

1873, Klein 20124
symposium. FW [Gk. symposion (= a drinking feast; lit.: ‘a drinking together’),
from sym- (= with, together with), posis (= a drinking), which is related to pinein
(= to drink), and to L. pōtāre (= to drink), pōtiō (= a draft, drink). See ‘potion’
in my CEDEL.]

σύμπτωμα (symptoma) - סִימְפְּטוֹם

1874, Klein 20127
symptom. FW [Gk. symptoma (= chance, occurrence; lit.: ‘a falling together’), from
sym (= with, together with), and piptein (= to fall). See ‘feather’ in my CEDEL
and cp. words there referred to. cp. also פֶּטִיצְיָה.]

συμπτωματικός (symptomatikos) - סִימְפְּטוֹמָטִי

1875, Klein 20128
symptomatical. FW [Back formation from Gk. symptomatikos (= accidental, casual),
from symptoma. See סִימְפְּטוֹם and suff. □ִי.]

συμφορέων (symphoreon) - אֶשְׁבּֽוֹרֶן, אַשְׁבֹּֽרֶן

1876, Klein 2228
1) level country. 2) flat place, where water gathers: pool. PBH [Prob. related to
Arab. mushābir (= swamp). According to B. Gross אַשְׁבֹּרֶן is borrowed from Gk.
symphoreon, pres. part. of symphorein (= to bring together), or from symphors (=
a bringing together), which both derive from sympherein, antonym of katapherein
(= to bring down). Accordingly, symphora/ē, *sybborē, *sybore, *sborē, *asboren
(with prosthetic a). Gk. sympherein is formed from syn (= with, together with;
see סִינְ□) and pherein (= to bear, carry). See אֲנָפוֹרָה.]

συμφωνία - סִימְפּוֹנְיָא סִימְפּוֹנְיָה סִימְפּוֹנְיָיא סִמְ'

1877, Jastrow 20208
(Dan. III, 5 סוּמְפּנְיָה; 10 סִיפּנְיָה, Keth. סוּפּ'; 15 סומפניה; v. preced.,
a. cmp. סבכא, שבכא Dan. ll. cc.) [air-passages, cmp. meanings of σύριγξ,] simponia
(Greek adapt. συμφωνία), a wind instrument, double flute. Kel. XI, 6 ס' אם יש בה
בית קיבול כנפים if the simp. has a receptacle for the wings (i.e. a bagpipe); Tosef.
ib. B. Mets. I, 7. Kel. XVI, 8 סמפ' Mish. ed. a. ed. Dehr. (Talm. ed. סִפּוֹנְיָא).—[Midr.
Till. to Ps. XII, beg. עסוקים בהדי סימפוניא ed. Bub. (oth. ed. עוסקים בההיא סמפניא;
Var. in Mss. עוסקים הוסמפניא, הוסתיא &c., v. ed. Bub. note; Yalk. Ps. 656 עסוקים
בהדיה ספסוני', a corrupt. in a spurious passage; perh. to be read: בהוֹרוֹסְקוֹפְיָא
(ὡροσκοπία) engaged in horoscopy.]

συμφωνία (symphonia) - סוּמְפּוֹנְיָה

1878, Klein 19904
1) bagpipe. 2) symphony. NH [BAram., from Gk. symphonia (= concord of sound, harmony,
agreement), from symphonos (= agreeing in sound), from syn (= with, together with)
and phone (= sound). See פוֹנֶטִיקָה and cp. סִימֽפוֹנְיָה. cp. also סִמְפּוֹן
II. For the ending see suff. □ֽיָה.]

συμφωνία (symphonia) - סִימְפוֹנְיָה

1879, Klein 20126
symphony. FW [Gk. symphonia (= concord of sound, harmony, agreement). See סוּמֽפּוֹנְיָה.

σύμφωνον (symphonon) - סִמְפּוֹן

1880, Klein 20408
agreement. PBH [Prob. from Gk. symphonon, neuter of symphonos (= agreeing in sound,
agreeing). See סוּמְפּוֹנְיָה.]

σύν (syn) - סִינְ□

1881, Klein 20135
pref. meaning ‘with, together with’. FW [Gk. syn (= with, together with). Of uncertain
origin. cp. סִימְ□.]

σύνδικος (syndikos) - סַנְדָּק

1882, Klein 20440
‘sandak’, godfather, one who holds the child on his knees for circumcision). MH
[Either from Gk. synteknos (= foster brother; lit.: ‘a child growing up with another’),
or from Gk. syndikos (= one who helps in a court of justice, advocate). See סִינְדִּיקָט.

συνέδριον - סַנְהֶדְרֵי סַנְהֶדְרִין

1883, Jastrow 20683
(also pl.) (συνέδριον) Sanhedrin, the supreme council of the Jews; ס' גדולה the
Great S., consisting of seventy-one members; ס' קטנה the Small S., a judicial court
of twenty-three. Snh. I, 6. Ib. ראויה לס' fit to be a seat of the S. Macc. I,
10 ס' נוהגת בארץ וכ' the S. may exercise its functions in Palestine and outside.
Ib. ס' ההורגת וכ' a S. that executes capital punishment (more than) once in seven
years. Ib. 9 (ref. to Deut. XVII, 6) שלא תהא ס' שומעת וכ' this intimates that the
S. must not hear the testimony from the mouth of an interpreter. Snh. 63a לס' שהרגו
וכ' that a S. which puts a person to death must not taste food during the entire
day of execution; a. v. fr.—Pl. סַנְהֶדְרָיוֹת, סַנְהֶדְרָאוֹת, סַנֶּדְרָ'. Ib.
I, 5 אין עושין ס' לשבטים וכ' supreme courts for tribes (provincial courts, Small
Sanhedrin) can be instituted only by decree of the court of seventy-one; Sifra
K’dosh. ch. VIII, Par. 10 סנדריות של ישראל; Yalk. Lev. 619 סנהד' של שבטים, opp.
ס' גדולה. Snh. 16b כנדראות (also in Chald. diction); a. fr.—Sanhedrin, name of
a treatise, of the Order of N’ziḳin, of Mishnah, Toseftaand Talmud Babli a. Y’rushalmi

συνέδριον (synedrion) - סַנְהֶדְרִין

1884, Klein 20444
1) ‘Sanhedrin’ — the supreme Jewish court (סַנְהֶדְרִין גְּדוֹלָה) in the time of
the Second Temple, consisting of 71 scholars. 2) one of the lesser courts with
23 members, called סַנְהֶדְרִין קְטַנָּה, lit.: ‘the small Sanhedrin’. PBH [Gk.
synedrion (= council, council chamber), lit.: ‘sitting together’, from syn (= with,
together with), and edra (= a seat), which is cogn. with L. sedēre (= to sit).
See אַכְסַדְרָה and cp. פַּרְהֶדְרִין and קָתֶדְרָה. cp. also אַסְלָה and the second
element in דוֹדֶקָאֶדֶר and in סַפְסָל.]

συνηγορία - סְנִיגוֹרְיָא

1885, Jastrow 20721
(συνηγορία) defence, speaking in behalf of. —לִמֵּד ס' על to speak in defence of.
Y. Taan. II, 65d top. Ex. R. s. 15, end. Lev. R. s. 6, beg. [read:] הדא רו"הק ס'
היא מלמדת לכאן וכ' (זכות being a gloss to our w.) that holy spirit speaks in defence
of both sides; a. fr.

συνηγορία (synegoria) - סָנֵגוֹרְיָה

1886, Klein 20431
defense. PBH [Gk. synegoria (= pleading for another, advocacy of another’s cause),
from synegorein (= to plead another’s cause), from synegoros. See סָנֵגוֹר and
suff. □יָּה, and cp. קָטֵגוֹרְיָה.]

συνήγορος - סְנֵיגוֹר

1887, Jastrow 20719
(συνήγορος) advocate, attorney, opp. קטיגור prosecutor. R. Hash. 26a אין קטיגור
נעשה ס' the accuser (gold reminding of the golden calf) must not be made an advocate
(therefore must the high priest on the Day of Atonement not enter the Holy of Holies
in gold-embroidered garments); Ber. 59a. Ḥag. 13b קטיגור יעשה ס' shall the accuser
(the ox or calf) become an advocate? Lev. R. s. 30 אוי … סְנֵיגוֹרוֹ וכ' woe to
this man, his advocate has turned prosecutor!; Y. Succ. III, beg. 53c שניגורו (corr.
acc.); a. fr.—Pl. סְנֵיגוֹרִים, סְנֵיגוֹרִין. Y. R. Hash. I, 57b top; a. fr.—Mekh.
Mishp., s. 20 (ref. to Ex. XXIII, 7) שלא יעמיד אצלו ס' וכ' that he (the judge)
must not allow advocates to stand by his side (in place of the parties themselves),
for it is said, ‘before the judge the words of both of them must come’ (ib. XXII,
8); [Shebu. 30b שלא יעשה סניגרון לדבריו (Ms. M. יעשה דבריו סנגרון; Yalk. Ex. 352
שלא יעשה סניגורין לדבריו) that he must not appoint advocates for what he has to
say (in defense of his decision, if a point of law is raised against it); the entire
passage seems to require emendation in accordance with Mekh. l. c.]

συνήγορος (synegoros) - סָנֵגוֹר

1888, Klein 20429
advocate, defender. PBH [Gk. synegoros (= advocate; lit.: ‘one who speaks for somebody
before an assembly’), from syn (= with, together with), and the stem of agoreyein
(= to harangue, assert, lit.: ‘to speak in the assembly’), from agora (= assembly).
See ‘gregatious’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘agora’ ibid. cp. also קָטֵיגוֹר.]

συνήθεια - סוּנִיתָא

1889, Jastrow 19852
(v. סַנְיָא II) evil habit, (by way of angry antiphrasis) practice, virtue. Gen.
R. s. 50 אוף הדא ס' בישא וכ' (Ar. ed. Koh. סניתא) wilt thou introduce also this
bad practice (another of your noble virtues)?; Yalk. ib. 84 הדין סויניתא (corr.
acc.). [Ar. refers to συνήθεια.]

σύνθεσις (synthesis) - סִינְתֶּזָה

1890, Klein 20156
synthesis. FW [Gk. synthesis (= a putting together, composition), from syn (= with,
together with; see סִינְ□), and tithenai (= to put, place), which derives from
IE base dhē- (= to put, place). See ‘do’ (v.) in my CEDEL and cp. ‘theme’ ibid.

συνθετικός (synthetikos) - סִינְתֶּטִי

1891, Klein 20157
synthetic. FW [Gk. synthetikos (= constructive), from synthetos (= put together,
constructed, compound), verbal adj. of syntithenai. See סִינְתֶּזָה and suff. □ִי.

συνοδία - סִינוֹדְיָא

1892, Jastrow 20218
(συνοδία) travelling company, escort. Y’lamd. to Num. III, 40, quot. in Ar. אני
ומלאכי נעשינו ס' שלך (Ar. ed. Koh. סינוריא; Tanḥ., ed. Bub., B’midb. 22 נצבים עליך,
Var. in Mss. סנהיגוריא, סנגוריא, corrupt. of our w.; Yalk. Is. 316 פמליא) I and
my angels were thy escort.

σύνοδος (synodos) - סִינוֹד

1893, Klein 20138
synod. FW [Gk. synodos (= meeting, assembly), from syn (= with, together with; see
סִינֽ□), and odos (= way). See אֵלֶקְטְרוֹד.]

συνοπτικός (synoptikos) - סִינוֹפְּטִי

1894, Klein 20144
synoptic. FW [Gk. synoptikos (= taking a general view), from synopsis. See סִינוֹפְּסִיס
and suff. □ִי.]

σύνοψις (synopsis) - סִינוֹפְּסִיס

1895, Klein 20145
synopsis. FW [Gk. synopsis (= general view; lit.: ‘a seeing together’), from syn
(= with, together with), and opsis (= sight, view), from IE base opw- (= to see;
eye), whence also ops (= eye, face). See אוֹפְּטִי and cp. סִינוֹפְּטִי.]

σύνταξις (syntaxis) - סִינְטַקְסִיס

1896, Klein 20146
syntax. FW [Gk. syntaxis (= a putting together, a putting together of words, syntax),
from the stem of syntassein (= to put together in order), from syn (= with, together
with), and tassein (= to order, arrange). See טֶכֶס.]

σύντεκνος - סִינְדִּיקְנוֹס

1897, Jastrow 20217
(a corrupt. of σύντεκνος, S.) godfather, he who holds the male infant on his knees
for circumcision. Midr. Till. to Ps. XXXV, end, ed. Bub. (missing in oth. eds.)
בברכיי אני נעשה ס' וכ' with my knees (I praise God)—when I am made the godfather
of children that are circumcised on my knees; Yalk. Ps. 723 אני עושה סינדיקוס (some
ed. סנדיקות, corr. acc.).—[In ritual literature the godfather is called סנדק, sandak,
and his function סַנְדְּקָאוּת.]

σύντεκνος (synteknos) - סַנְדָּק

1898, Klein 20440
‘sandak’, godfather, one who holds the child on his knees for circumcision). MH
[Either from Gk. synteknos (= foster brother; lit.: ‘a child growing up with another’),
or from Gk. syndikos (= one who helps in a court of justice, advocate). See סִינְדִּיקָט.

συντηρείς (synteres) - סַנְטָר

1899, Klein 20469
guardsman, bailiff. PBH [Perhaps from Gk. synteres (= guard, watchman), from syn
(= with, together with), and terein (= to watch over, take care of, guard).]

συντόμως - סִינְטוֹמוֹס סוּנְ'

1900, Jastrow 20223
(συντόμως) concisely, briefly. Cant. R. to I, 12 כך אמר לי הקב"ה ס' וכ' the Lord
has told me so concisely, No uncircumcised &c. (Ex. XII, 48); ib. to III, 7 סונטי';
Num. R. s. 11 (some ed. סינטי').

σύνχρονος (synchronos) - סִינְכְּרוֹנִי

1901, Klein 20150
synchronic(al). FW [Formed with suff. □ִי from Gk. synchronos (= contemporary),
which is formed from syn (= with, together with; see סִינְ□) and chronos (= time).
See כְּרוֹנִי.]

συνώνυμον (synonimon) - סִינוֹנִים

1902, Klein 20141
synonym. FW [Gk. synonimon, neuter of the adj. synonimos used as a noun (lit. meaning
‘having the same name as’). Formed from syn (= with, together with; see סִינְ□),
and onima, dial. form of onoma (= name), which is cogn. with L. nōmen (= name).
See נוֹמִינָלִי.]

Συρία - סוּרְיָא

1903, Jastrow 19912
(Συρία) Syria, name of several districts situated north-east of Palestine (v. Neub.
Géogr. p. 292), sharing in many respects the sanctity of the Holy Land. Ab. Zar.
I, 5 ובס' וכ' but in Syria &c., contrad. to א"י (Palestine) and to חוצה לארץ (v.
אֶרֶץ). Ḥall. IV, 11. Shebi. VI, 2; 5, sq. Ohol. XVIII, 7; a.fr.

Συρικοί - סְרִיקִין

1904, Jastrow 21120
(Syriaci, Συρικοί) 1)Syrians. Y. Erub. V, beg. 22b (דסִירְיָקִין) נפשה דס' the
monument of the Syrians (near Tiberias).—2) (cmp. סוּרְסִי) Syrian cakes. Tosef.
Pes. I (II), 31 אין יוצאין בס' you do not comply with the law (commanding to eat
unleavened ‘bread of misery’ on the first night of Passover) by eating Syrian cakes;
ס' מצויירין Syrian cakes shaped in figures; Y. ib. II, 29b bot. סרוקין (corr. acc.);
Bab. ib. 37a. Ib. סְרִיקֵי בייתוס the Syrian cakes in the house of Boëthos; a.

Συριστί - סוּרִיסְטִין

1905, Jastrow 19918
(Συριστί) in the Syrian language; מישמע ס' (ἐπίστασθαι Σ. ) to understand Syrian.
Y. Ned. X, 42a bot. (not סוריב').

σύρτις (syrtis) - שִׂרְטוֹן

1906, Klein 29529
sandbank. PBH [Borrowed from Gk. syrtis (= quicksand), from syrein (= to trail,
drag, sweep away), which is related to sairein (= to sweep, clean). cp. ‘Syrtis’
in my CEDEL.]

σύσσημον - *, *סִיסְמָא

1907, Jastrow 20247
(pl. of σύσσημον, v. LXX Jud. XX, 40 for h. משאת)fixed signals. Midr. Sam. ch.
IX, beg. אילולי שעשו ס' ביניהן unless they had agreed upon certain signals between
themselves (by which they could find each other on the road).

σύσσημον (syssemon) - סִיסְמָה

1908, Klein 20167
1) sign, signal. PBH 2) slogan, motto. NH [Gk. syssemon (= signal), formed from
syn (= with, together with; see סִינְ□), and sema (= sign). See סִימָן.]

σύσσιτος (syssitos) - שׁוֹשָׁט

1909, Klein 28194
table companion. PBH [Borrowed from Gk. syssitos (= messmate), which is formed from
sy (= with, together with), and sitos (= wheat, corn, grain, meal, food), which
is of uncertain origin.]

σύστημα (systema) - סִיסְטֶמָה

1910, Klein 20163
system. FW [Gk. systema (= composition), lit.: ‘a placing together’, from synistenai
(= to place together), from syn (= with, together with; see סִינְ□), and istenai
(= to place, to stand). See סְטָטִי.]

συστηματικός (systematikos) - סִיסְטֶמָתִי

1911, Klein 20164
systematic. FW [Back formation from Gk. systematikos, from systema. See סִיסְטֶמָה
and suff. □ִי.]

συστηματικός (systematikos) - סִיסְטֶמָתִיקָה

1912, Klein 20166
systematics. FW [From Gk. systematikos. See סִיסְטֶמָתִי.]

σφαῖρα - סְפֵירָא סְפֵירָה

1913, Jastrow 20865
(σφαῖρα) ball. Pesik. R. s. 3; Num. R. s. 14 כהדא ס' וכ' like the ball with which
girls play &c., v. כַּדּוּר.

σφαῖρα (sphaira) - סְפֵירָה

1914, Klein 20600
1) ball. PBH 2) sphere, any of the ten potencies or agencies of the divine manifestation
(a term of the ‘Kaballah’). MH 3) environment. NH [From Gk. sphaira (= ball, globe,
sphere), which is of uncertain origin. cp. the second element in אַטְמוֹסְפֵירָה,
טְרוֹפּוֹסְפֵירָה, יוֹנוֹסְפֵירָה, סְטְרָטוֹסְפֵירָה, פוֹטוֹסְפֵירָה.]

σφαῖρα (sphaira) - פוֹטוֹסְפֵירָה

1915, Klein 22350
photosphere. FW [Lit. ‘ball of light’, compounded of פוֹטוֹ□ and Gk. sphaira (=
ball). See סְפֵירָה.]

σφενδάμνος - אִיסְפֶנְדַּמְנוֹס

1916, Jastrow 1481
(σφενδάμνος) maple-tree. Tanḥ. T’rumah, 9 איספו נרמוז ed. (Ar. אספינדמון; corr.
acc.) Tidhar (Is. LX, 13) means &c.

σφίγξ (sphinx) - סְפִינְכְּס, סְפִינְקְס

1917, Klein 20591
Sphinx. FW [Gk. sphinx (= sphinx; rapacious person; lit. meaning ‘she that binds’,
or ‘she that strangles’). See ‘sphincter’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘Sphinx’ ibid.]

σφόγγος (sphongos) - סְפוֹג

1918, Klein 20545
sponge, any absorbent material. PBH [From Gk. sphongos, spongos, which is borrowed
from an unknown source.]

σφραγίς - סְפַרְגִּיס

1919, Jastrow 20916
(σφραγίς) seal. Gen. R. s. 32 נתן ס' שלו עליו he put his seal on it (the prison
door); ib. s. 49; Yalk. Gen. 34 איספרגוס. Midr. Till. to Ps. XVII, beg. שמו של
הקב"ה חקוק … כמין איסטירטיגוס (ed. Bub. איסטרטיגוס; corr. acc.) the name of the
Lord is impressed upon the hearts of the angels like a seal.

σφραγίς - אִיסְפַּרְגּוֹס, אִסְפַּ'

1920, Jastrow 1489
(ἀσπάραγος) 1)asparagus, also shoots of cabbage, like asparagus in form. Ned.
VI, 10 if one vows abstinence from cabbage אסור בא' he is forbidden to eat asparagus
(the latter being considered a species of the genus ‘cabbage’). Tosef. Dem. IV,
5 לקנב את הא' שׁבו to cut off the stalks thereon (and throw the remainder away).—2)asparagus,
a beverage of wine or beer with asparagus. Ber. 51a. Pes. 110b. Kid. 70a אי' דקריוה
וכ' aspar. as the educated call (the morning drink). [Yalk. Gen. 34 איספרגוס read
אִיסְפַרְגִּיס (σφραγίς) seal, v. סְפַרְגִּיס.]

σχεδία - אַסְדָּא, (סָדָה) אַסְדָּה

1921, Jastrow 2326
(v. סַד) logs joined together, raft. Ber. IV, 6 באסדא (Ar. סדה, Ms. F. אסכדרא,
read אסכדיא; v. infra). Y. ib. 8c היא א' היא אסכדיא וכ' asda, iskhadia (σχεδία)
and rafsodoth are the same. Zab. III, 1 אסדה. Neg. XII, 1 אסדה Ar. (ed. אסקריה,
Var. אסכדיא; v. אַכְסַנְדַּרְיָּא).

σχεδία - *אִסְכַּדְיָא

1922, Jastrow 2449
(σχεδία) raft, float; cmp. אַסְדָּא. Y. Ber. IV, 8c top אסכריא (corr. acc.). Neg.
XII, 1 Var.; Naz. 55a אסקדיא Mus. (ed. אסקר'; Tosef. Ohol. XVIII, 5 אכסרא). V.
אַכְסַנְדַּרְיָא a. אִסְקַרְיָא.

σχεδία (schedia) - אַסְדָּה

1923, Klein 1663
raft. PBH [Of uncertain origin. The derivation of this word from L. esseda (= two-wheeled
war chariot) must be rejected for semantic reasons. There is more probability in
the assumption that אַסְדָּה comes from Gk. schedia (= raft). Gk. schedia is of
uncertain origin. It means perhaps lit. ‘that which is held together’, and derives
from schein (= to hold). See אַסְכּוֹלָה.]

σχῆμα - *(אסכמה) אַסְכְּמָא

1924, Jastrow 2456
(סכם, v. P. Sm. 307 sq. אסכם a. denomin.; an adoption of σχῆμα, -ατος would read
אסכימטא) planning, simulation. Targ. Prov. VII, 10 (h. text שית); cmp. next w.

σχῆμα (schema) - סְכֵימָה

1925, Klein 20236
scheme. FW [Gk. schema (= form, shape, figure, the nature of a thing). cp. ‘scheme’
and ‘hectic’ in my CEDEL. cp. also אַסְכּוֹלָה, אַכֽסְרָה, סְכוֹלַסֽטִיקָה, סְקִיצָה.

σχολαστικός - אִיסְכֹּולַסְטִיקָא, אִסְ'

1926, Jastrow 1466
(σχολαστικός, scholasticus; S.; D. C.) scholasticus = causidicus, advocate, pleader.
Y. Ber. IV, 7d; cmp. Gen. R. s. 64, end, אסקולסטיכא דאורייתא Ar. (trnsp. כ a. ק;
ed. ארכילוסטקיא; corr. acc.) pleader in behalf of the Jewish law.—Pl. אִיסְכֹּולַסְטִיקֵי.
Cant. R. to VII, 9 איסכלוסקי, corr. acc.—אִיסְכֹּולַסְטְקִין Ex. R. s. 43 כקתדרה
של אסט' (corr. acc., כו mistaken for ט) like the pulpit of the scholastici. [Also
written סְכֹו'.]

σχολαστικός (scholastikos) - סְכוֹלַסְטִיקָה

1927, Klein 20224
scholastics, scholasticism. FW [From Gk. scholastikos (= having leisure; devoting
one’s leisure to learning, learned), from schole (= leisure, spare time; leisure
devoted to learning; place of learning, school).]

σχολή - אִסְכּוֹלִי, אִיסְ'

1928, Jastrow 2450
1) (σχολή) school. Pesik. Baḥod. p. 101b; Cant. R. to II, 5; Koh. R. to III, 11;
Yalk. Ex. 272 (all of which compare to arrive at a corr. text). Ex. R. s. 9. Ib.
s. 20, beg.—Pl. אִסְכֹּולִיֹּות, אִיסְ'. Cant. R. to II, 15.—2) (scholæ, sub. palatinæ
= scholares, D. C.) imperial body guard, royal officers. Deut. R. s. 2 אסכילי
פרעה (corr. acc.) Pharaoh’s attendants; Cant. R. to VII, 4 אסקולין (corr. acc.,
or read אִסְכֹּולָרִין); Midr. Till. to Ps. IV, beg.; Y. Ber. IX, 13a אוכלוסין,
אוכלסין; Yalk. Ex. 167 אוכלוס (corr. acc.).

σχολή (schole) - אַסְכּוֹלָה אִיסְכּוֹלֵי

1929, Klein 1707
1) school. 2) system. NH. [Gk. schole, resp. L. schola (= leisure, spare time; leisure
devoted to learning; place of learning, school), which is formed from sche-, stem
of echein (= to have, hold, possess), from IE base *segh- (= to hold in one’s power,
to have), whence also schema (= form, shape). See סֽכֵימָה and cp. אַסֽדָּה in
this dictionary. cp. also אֶשְׁכּוֹלוֹת.]

σχολή (schole) - אֶשְׁכּוֹלוֹת

1930, Klein 2262
schools. PBH [Formed with prosthetic אֶ□ from Gk. schole (= school; see אַסֽכּוֹלָה).
However, the Mishnah explains אֶשְׁכּוֹלוֹת as the pl. of אֶשְׁכּוֹל I (= grape
cluster, grape), and applies it figuratively to scholars, and the Talmud explains
אֶשְׁכּוֹל in our Mishnah folk-etymologically as a contraction of אִישׁ שֶׁהַכֹּל
בּוֹ, ‘a man in whom there is everything’.]

Σωγάνη - סִכְנִין סִכְנִי סִי'

1931, Jastrow 20417
(Σωγάνη, Jos. Vita 5 1)Sikhnin (Sukhnin), north of Jotapata in Galilee, seat of
R. Ḥănania b. T’radyon, and home of R. Joshua. Taan. 16b סיכני. Snh. 32b לס' (v.
Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 30).—Y. Ber. IV, 7b bot., a. fr. ר' יהושע דס'. Lev. R. s.
5 (ref. to הסכן, Is. XXII, 15) מן הדא ס' הוה he came from Sikhnin.—Tosef. Nidd.
III, 11 בקעת סכני the Valley of S.—Cmp. סִיגְנָא II.

σωλήν (solen) - סִילוֹן

1932, Klein 20106
1) duct, pipe. PBH 2) stream. PBH 3) jet plane, jet (shortened from מְטוֹס סִילוֹן).
NH [From Gk. solen (= pipe, channel), which is of uncertain origin.]

τὰ ὀπτικά (ta optika) - אוֹפְּטִיקָה

1933, Klein 531
optics. FW [Ultimately from Gk. ta optika (= optics), neuter pl. of optikos (= pertaining
to the eyes or sight), from optos (= seen, visible). See אוֹפּֽטִי.]

ταβαλά - טַבְלָא,

1934, Jastrow 11255
(טבל, cmp. Aeth. טבלל to tie around, v. Ges. H. Dict.10 s. v. טְבוּלִים; cmp. טבעת,
טבור) a bell or collection of bells, an instrument especially used at public processions
(in Arab. drum, Gr. ταβαλά; v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Tintinnabulum as to forms and uses
of bells). Targ. Koh. VII, 5 קל ט' וכ' the music of the fools. Targ. Cant. I, 1.—Sot.
49b (expl. אֵירוּס) ט' דחד פומא a tabla with one mouth (a single bell). Ber. 57a
תלאי ט' וכ' (I dreamt) I suspended a tabla and shouted into it (differ. in Rashi).
Sabb. 110a בט' to the sound of a tabla (at a wedding). M. Kat. 9b (prov.) בת שיתין
… לקל ט' רהטא a woman of sixty years, like one of six, runs at the sound of the
tabla (to see the procession). Y. Erub. VIII, 25a bot. אפי' ט' if even he has there
a t. (which he dare not move on the Sabbath); Bab. ib. 86a יש לו טבל.—In gen. musical
instrument. Arakh. 10b, v. גּוּרְגָּנָא.

τάβλα - טַבְלָא, טַבְלָה

1935, Jastrow 11256
(tabula, tabella, τάβλα) plank, board, tablet for writing; book of accounts, list;
will. Erub. IV, 8 (49b) כטבלה מרובעת (Talm. ed. כטבלא) like a square tablet. R.
Hash. II, 8 (24a) על הט' בכותל Ms. M. (ed. בט' ובכותל, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note)
(drawings of the phases of the moon) on a tablet on the wall. Gitt. 20a כתב שע"ג
ט' ופינקס writing (of manumission) on a tablet or on a board (account book or will,
v. Treat. ‘Ăbadim, ed. Kirchh. ch. III, Rev. des Etudes Juives 1883, p. 150). Y.
Snh. I, 18d bot. ט'של רפואות list of (superstitious) remedies (Pes. 56a ספר וכ');
a. fr.—[Y. Bets. I, 60c bot. טבלה ברייתא וכ' (read טַבְלָתָה pl.) the outside stone
plates of the colonnade of Asi.]—Pl. טַבְלָאוֹת, טַבְלָיוֹת. Y. B. Bath. VI, 14c
bot. ט' של שיש וכ' polished marble plates for walls. Yalk. Ex. 426 ונראין ט' ט'
וכ' and they appeared like marked off squares surrounding &c. Pes. 57a ט' של זהב
gold plates.—Chald. pl. טַבְלָתָה, v. supra.

τάβλα (tabla) - טֵבְלָא, טַבְלָה

1936, Klein 10440
1) table, board. PBH 2) list. NH [Gk. tabla, L. tabula (= board, plank, writing
tablet, picture), which is of uncertain origin. cp. ‘table’ in my CEDEL. cp. also
first element in דּוֹלְמֶן in this dictionary.]

τάγηνον - טִיגָּן, טִיגְנוֹן, טִגְנָן

1937, Jastrow 11498
(τήγανον, τάγηνον, also ἥγανον, v. Lydd. -Scott Gr. Dict. s. v.; prob. of Semitic
origin = תגן, denom. of אגן; as for ט = ת cmp. Syr. טגר P. Sm. 1432 with Chald.
תגרא) 1)frying pan; also (interch. with טִיגּוּן) a flour-dish prepared with oil.
Snh. 21a (ref. to ותצק, II Sam. XIII, 9) עשתה לו מיני ט' she made for him oil-dishes.
Men. 104b ה' מיני טיגון (most eds.) five sorts of oil-dishes (ref. to Lev. II,
1; 4; 5; 7; 14—15).—Pl. טִיגָּנִין. Tosef. Ab. Zar. V (VI), 1; VIII (IX), 2 הט'
the frying pans.—2) (cmp. Syr. טוגנא, P. Sm. 1431) an engine of torture and execution.
Pesik. R. s. 43 נתנוהו בתיך הטיגנו (read: הטיגנן or הטיגנון) they put him into
the teganon.—Denom. טָגַן, Pi. טִיגֵּן 1) to fry, roast. Men. 50b (expl. תפיני,
Lev. VI, 14; 21) אופה ואח"כ מְטַגְּנָהּ one baked it and then fried it with oil;
a. fr.—Part. pass. מְטוּגָּן. Y. Ned. VI, beg. 39c. [Ib. VI, end, 40a, v. next
w.]—2) to torture, put to death. Pesik. R. l. c. וטיגס אותו (Var. וטגים), read:
אותו וטִיגְּנוּ or וטִיגְּנוּהוּ.—Trnsf. to torture, agonize. Tanḥ. Vayiggash 9
אתה טִגַּנְתָּה וכ' thou causedst agony to thy father &c.

τακτικά (taktika) - טַקְטִיקָה

1938, Klein 10849
tactics. FW [Gk. taktika (= tactics). neuter pl. of taktikos (= fit for ordering
or ordering, pertaining to tactics), used as a noun, from taktos (= ordered). verbal
adj. of tassein (= to put in order, arrange). See טֶכֶס.]

ταμεῖον - טַמְיוֹן, טִימְיוֹן

1939, Jastrow 11735
(ταμεῖον) treasury, esp. Roman aurarium, fiscus. Lev. R. s. 19 מכניס ממונם לט'
confiscated their property for the fiscus. Ib. s. 11, a. e. גבאי ט' tax collector;
Ruth R. introd. end טַמִיאוֹן (insert גבאי). Gen. R. s. 61 עד שנמצאת ארץ מצרים
לטי' until it was found by calculation that the entire land of Egypt would be forfeited
to the treasury (for its indebtedness to the Jews); Yalk. ib. 110; (Meg. Taan.
ch. III עד שהיתה מצרים שלהם). Gen. R. s. 51 תשרף מן ט' shall be set on fire at
public expense; a. fr.—Esth. R. to I, 2 טיטיון, read טימ', v. טַמְיָקוֹן.

ταμεῖον (tameíon) - טִמְיוֹן

1940, Klein 10717
government treasury. PBH [Gk. tameíon, related to tamias (= one who distributes,
dispenser, steward), orig. ‘one who cuts up portions for the sake of distributing
them’, in gradational relationship to temnein (= to cut), tomos (= piece cut off,
section). See ‘tone’ in my CEDEL.]

ταμιακός - טַמְיָקָא, טִימְיָ'

1941, Jastrow 11738
(ταμιακός, tamiacus) belonging to the imperial treasury, tamiaca (praedia), crown-lands,
imperial domains. Esth. R. introd. אתם ט' אתם you are crown property (God’s own
people); הלוקח לו עבד מן הט' שוב וכ' (read של בשר ודם, abbr. של ב"ו, for שוב) does
not he who takes to himself a slave from the crown lands forfeit his life? Ib.
(ref. to Esth. VIII, 7) על דפשט ידיה בט' because he stretched forth his hand against
crown property (the Jews).

ταξᾶτοι - טַקְסְיוֹטֵי

1942, Jastrow 11885
(ταξιώται = ταξᾶτοι, S.) garrison. Y. Erub. III, 21b באילין ט' Ar. s. v. פרהגבן
(ed. טקסיווט) concerning those troops which come as a garrison (whom one likes
to meet), opp. רומאי Roman (hostile) troops.

ταξεώτης - דּוּכְסוּסְיָא

1943, Jastrow 6544
(v. דּוּךְ III, a. סוּסְיָא; a popular adaptation of טַכְסְיוֹטָא, ταξεώτης) the
magistrate’s officer, sergeant. Meg. 27a דוכסו' ed. (Ms. M. דוכסס', Ar. דכסס'),
expl. by R. Shesheth פרשא דמתא the riding messenger of the town. [Cmp. דורקטי.

ταξεώτης - מכסיוטינוס

1944, Jastrow 16402
, Mekh. Yithro, Amal. , s. 2 end, read: טַכְסְיוֹטֵיסִין m. pl. (ταξεώτης) magistrate’s

ταξεώτης - תזקיטא

1945, Jastrow 31737
, a corrupt. of טַקְזְיוֹטָא m. (ταξεώτης) sergeant, commissary. Koh. R. to VII,
26 [read:] ותקף ת' בתריהון, v. לִיסְטָאָה.

τάξις - טַכְסִיס, טַקְסִיס

1946, Jastrow 11653
(τάξις; inflected like a native word, formed like עָצִיץ, as if fr. טכס) order,
array, order of battle; arrangement. Pesik. Vayhi, p. 66b בט' מלכים Ar. (ed. …
בטכסיסי של, read: בטַכְסִיסִין, pl.) in the order in which kings go to war; Tanḥ.
Bo. 4 כטקסין של וכ'; ed. Bub. ib. 4 בטכסיס מלך וכ'; Pesik R. S. 17 בטַכְסִיסֵי
מלכים (pl. constr.). Cant. R. to IV, 12 בטק' המלכים in the order of a royal (regular)
army. Ex. R. s. 8, end בט' הזה הבא וכ' in this consecutive order bring &c.; Tanḥ.
Vaëra 9 בטקסין הזה הביא (corr. acc.). Midr. Till. to Ps. XC בט' של נבואה under
the order of prophecy. Num. R. s. 15 בט' גְּדוּלָּה (not בטקסים) in the array of
power (arrogating power to themselves); Tanḥ. B’haăl. 14 בטקסים גדולים (corr. acc.).
Ib. B’midb. 12 יש להם טכסין מן יעקב אביהן they have a traditional order from the
way their father Jacob arranged his funeral escort; ed. Bub. ib. 12 יש בידן טכסיס
אביהן. Cant. R. to II, 4 טקסים של מעלה (read … ס) the heavenly array; a. v. fr.—2)
(fem.) garrison. Y. Ab. Zar. I 39c, הדא טק' דקסרין the garrison of Caesarea, v.
דּוּקִים.—Pl. טַכְסִיסִין, טַקְ', constr. טַכְסִיסֵי, טַקְ'. Sabb. 31a ט' מלכות
court ceremonial. Pesik. R. s. 17, a. e., v. supra.

τάξις - טְקַס

1947, Jastrow 11883
Pa., טַקֵּיס, Af. אַטְקֵיס same, 1) (corresp. to b. h. אסר) to harness for war,
to prepare battle. Targ. I Kings XX, 14. Targ. Ex. XIV, 6. Targ. I Sam. XV, 5
וטַ' וכ' he arranged his camp (h. text וירב); a. fr.—2)to arrange coins, to count,
collect. Targ. II Kings XXII, 4 (Af.); ib. 9 (ed. Wil. טְקִיסוּ Pe.).—Ib. XXIII,
35 (h. text נגש).—Part. pass. מְטַקַּס arranged, fitted, joined. Ib. XII, 12. Targ.
I Kings VI, 31 (h. text חמשית). Targ. II Esth. V, 1 מט' trimmed | Ithpa. אִיטַּקַּס,
to be equipped, arranged. Targ. Ps. XX, 6 נִיטְקָס Ms. (ed. Ven. a. Levita נִיטְקֵס;
Bxt. a. oth. נְטַקַּס, read נִיטּ'; h. text נדגל). [Targ. Is. XIII, 17, v. טְפַס.]
Targ. I Kings VI, 7 מִטַּ' Levita, closely fitted stones (ed. מַטְקַס noun; h.
text מסע); cmp. מַטְכְּסָא. [Some of the meanings of טקס a. of טכס are influenced
by the Greek τάσσω, τάξις.]

τάξις (taxis) - טֶֽכֶס

1948, Klein 10646
1) arrangement, adornment. PBH 2) ceremony. NH [From Gk. taxis (= arrangement, order,
position). See ‘taxis’ in my CEDEL. cp. טֶקֶס, טכס, טַכְסִיס. cp. also טַקְטִיקָה
and second element in סִינְטַקְסִיס.]

τάξις (taxis) - טַכְסִיס

1949, Klein 10651
1) array of battle, arrangement. PBH 2) stratagem, tactics, scheme, trick. NH [From
Gk. taxis (= arrangement, order, position; a body of soldiers). See טֶכֶס and cp.

τάξις (taxis) - טֶֽקְס

1950, Klein 10851
1) arrangement, adornment. PBH 2) ceremony. NH [Gk. taxis (= arrangement, order,
position; a body of soldiers). See טֶכֶס.]

τάξις (taxis) - תַּכְסִיס

1951, Klein 30360
another spelling for טֵכְסִיס (q.v.). PBH [Since the word derives from Gk. taxis,
and Gk. t corresponds to Heb. ט, the letter spelling of the word is טַכְסִיס.]

ταξιώται - טַקְסְיוֹטֵי

1952, Jastrow 11885
(ταξιώται = ταξᾶτοι, S.) garrison. Y. Erub. III, 21b באילין ט' Ar. s. v. פרהגבן
(ed. טקסיווט) concerning those troops which come as a garrison (whom one likes
to meet), opp. רומאי Roman (hostile) troops.

τάπης - *, *טַפְסָן

1953, Jastrow 11858
(τάπης, cmp. Syr. טפסתא, P. Sm. 1505) carpets, horse-cloths. Targ. Jer. XXXVIII,
11; sq.

τάπης - טַפִּיטָא

1954, Jastrow 11838
(τάπης, ητος) carpet, rug. Lev. R. s. 30 (Ar. דיופוטא).—Pl. טַפִּיטִין. Koh. R.
to III, 9 טפו' (corr. acc.) Gen. R. s. 33 saw in Rome עמודים מכוסין בט' וכ' (not
בטפיסין) statues covered with rugs, in winter &c., Yalk. Ps. 727 בטיפיטין (corr.
acc.); Lev. R. s. 27 בטיפטיאות (read: טַפִּיטִיאוֹת). Lam. R. to I, 16; ib. introd.
(R. Joh. 2) טפטיות (read: טַפִּיטִיּוֹת).

τάραξιν - טְרַקְסִין, טְרִיקְ'

1955, Jastrow 12091
same, esp. אַמָּה ט' the two cedar-covered partitions, with a vacant space between,
which separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy and occupied the space of onecubit,
the text (I Kings VI, 16) leaving it undecided from which of the two sacred areas
that cubit’s space was deducted. In the second Temple that partition was replaced
by two curtains with a space between. Midd. IV, 7 אמה ט' one cubit for the partition.
Yoma 51b אבל … אמה ט' וכ' but in the second Temple, where there was no partition
wall, … they made two curtains. B. Bath. 3a; a. fr.—Y. Kil. VIII, 31c bot. (among
doubtful things) ואמה ט' (add to the above six things) the ammah traksĭn. מהו ואמה
'ט why is it called a. tr.? (Answ., taking our w. for τάραξιν, acc. of τάραξις,
confusion) טריכסון מהו מבפנים מבחוץ (ἐτάραξεν, cmp. בריכסון) it created confusion:
what is it? inside? outside?; Y. Yoma V, 42b bot. טירקסון.

τάραξις - טְרַקְסִין, טְרִיקְ'

1956, Jastrow 12091
same, esp. אַמָּה ט' the two cedar-covered partitions, with a vacant space between,
which separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy and occupied the space of onecubit,
the text (I Kings VI, 16) leaving it undecided from which of the two sacred areas
that cubit’s space was deducted. In the second Temple that partition was replaced
by two curtains with a space between. Midd. IV, 7 אמה ט' one cubit for the partition.
Yoma 51b אבל … אמה ט' וכ' but in the second Temple, where there was no partition
wall, … they made two curtains. B. Bath. 3a; a. fr.—Y. Kil. VIII, 31c bot. (among
doubtful things) ואמה ט' (add to the above six things) the ammah traksĭn. מהו ואמה
'ט why is it called a. tr.? (Answ., taking our w. for τάραξιν, acc. of τάραξις,
confusion) טריכסון מהו מבפנים מבחוץ (ἐτάραξεν, cmp. בריכסון) it created confusion:
what is it? inside? outside?; Y. Yoma V, 42b bot. טירקסון.

τάσσω - טְקַס

1957, Jastrow 11883
Pa., טַקֵּיס, Af. אַטְקֵיס same, 1) (corresp. to b. h. אסר) to harness for war,
to prepare battle. Targ. I Kings XX, 14. Targ. Ex. XIV, 6. Targ. I Sam. XV, 5
וטַ' וכ' he arranged his camp (h. text וירב); a. fr.—2)to arrange coins, to count,
collect. Targ. II Kings XXII, 4 (Af.); ib. 9 (ed. Wil. טְקִיסוּ Pe.).—Ib. XXIII,
35 (h. text נגש).—Part. pass. מְטַקַּס arranged, fitted, joined. Ib. XII, 12. Targ.
I Kings VI, 31 (h. text חמשית). Targ. II Esth. V, 1 מט' trimmed | Ithpa. אִיטַּקַּס,
to be equipped, arranged. Targ. Ps. XX, 6 נִיטְקָס Ms. (ed. Ven. a. Levita נִיטְקֵס;
Bxt. a. oth. נְטַקַּס, read נִיטּ'; h. text נדגל). [Targ. Is. XIII, 17, v. טְפַס.]
Targ. I Kings VI, 7 מִטַּ' Levita, closely fitted stones (ed. מַטְקַס noun; h.
text מסע); cmp. מַטְכְּסָא. [Some of the meanings of טקס a. of טכס are influenced
by the Greek τάσσω, τάξις.]

Ταῦρος - טַוְורוֹס, ט' אוּמָנוֹס, (אוּמָנִיס, מָנוֹס)

1958, Jastrow 11324
(Ταῦρος) Taurus Amanus (v. אֲמָנָה II, 2) corresp. to Hor-Hahar. Targ. Y. Num.
XXXIV, 7, sq. (O. הר טורא).—Targ. Y. ib. XX, 22; 25; Targ. Y. I Deut. XXXII, 50
(!) (Y. II a. O. הור טורא).

ταώς (taos) - טַוָּס

1959, Klein 10523
peacock, peahen. PBH [From Gk. taos (whence also Aram. טַוָּסָא, Arab. ṭāwūs), which
prob. comes ultimately from Tamil tōkei, tōgei (whence also Heb. תֻּכִּי, ‘peacock’,
q.v.). cp. פָּוָן.]

τεκτονική (tektonike) - טֶקְטוֹנִיקָה

1960, Klein 10845
tectonics. FW [Gk. tektonike (= carpentry), f. of tektonikos (= of a carpenter),
from tekton (= carpenter), which is related to techne (= art, skill). See טֶכְנַאי.

τένδα - *, *טוֹרוּס

1961, Jastrow 11407
(sub. מִיטַּת) f. (torus) bolster, couch, sofa. Pirke d’R. El. ch. XLI כטנדס שהיא
פרוסה Ar. (ed. only כטנדס, corr. acc., and add בתיך האהל; v. Mekh. Yithro, Baḥod.
s. 4 כאדם שהוא מציע את הכר על ראש המטה) like a couch which is spread in a tent.
[Ar. refers טנדס to the late Latin tenta, Gr. τέντα (τένδα), Italian tenda.]

τέντα - *, *טוֹרוּס

1962, Jastrow 11407
(sub. מִיטַּת) f. (torus) bolster, couch, sofa. Pirke d’R. El. ch. XLI כטנדס שהיא
פרוסה Ar. (ed. only כטנדס, corr. acc., and add בתיך האהל; v. Mekh. Yithro, Baḥod.
s. 4 כאדם שהוא מציע את הכר על ראש המטה) like a couch which is spread in a tent.
[Ar. refers טנדס to the late Latin tenta, Gr. τέντα (τένδα), Italian tenda.]

τέταρτον - טִיטַרְטוֹן

1963, Jastrow 11522
(τέταρτον) tetarton (quart), a liquid measure, about one quart of a pint. Y. Sabb.
VIII, beg. 11a; Y. Shek. III, 47b bot.; Y. Pes. X, 37c top ט' ורביע (not טיטרטין,
טט') one and one fourth of a t. (is a ritual cup). Ib. III, 30a top ט' דמיי בגו
מודייה (not טרטון) one t. of water for a modius of wheat.

τετράγονος - טֶטְרָגוֹן

1964, Jastrow 11470
1) (τετράγωνος) four-cornered, in a quadrangle, in a square. Naz. 8b; B. Bath.
164b (בית) ט' a house of four corners. Cant. R. to IV, 4 (expl. תלפיות) טֶטְרָגוֹנִין
(τετραγώνιον) in a square. Pesik. R. s. 10 בוטרגונין (corr. acc.), v. אִסְטְרוֹנְגִּילוֹן.—2)
(τετράγονος, v. דִּיגוֹן) for the fourth time. Tosef. Naz. I, 2 הריני נזיר ט'
וכ' ‘I will be a Nazir tetragon’, means four times; Naz. l. c.; B. Bath. l. c.—3)fourfold,
four combined. Midr. Till. to Ps. LXXVIII, 49 מט' היה (corr. acc.) each plague
was fourfold; ed. Bub. טֶטְרָאגוֹן.

τετραγώνιον - טֶטְרָגוֹן

1965, Jastrow 11470
1) (τετράγωνος) four-cornered, in a quadrangle, in a square. Naz. 8b; B. Bath.
164b (בית) ט' a house of four corners. Cant. R. to IV, 4 (expl. תלפיות) טֶטְרָגוֹנִין
(τετραγώνιον) in a square. Pesik. R. s. 10 בוטרגונין (corr. acc.), v. אִסְטְרוֹנְגִּילוֹן.—2)
(τετράγονος, v. דִּיגוֹן) for the fourth time. Tosef. Naz. I, 2 הריני נזיר ט'
וכ' ‘I will be a Nazir tetragon’, means four times; Naz. l. c.; B. Bath. l. c.—3)fourfold,
four combined. Midr. Till. to Ps. LXXVIII, 49 מט' היה (corr. acc.) each plague
was fourfold; ed. Bub. טֶטְרָאגוֹן.

τετράγωνος - טֶטְרָגוֹן

1966, Jastrow 11470
1) (τετράγωνος) four-cornered, in a quadrangle, in a square. Naz. 8b; B. Bath.
164b (בית) ט' a house of four corners. Cant. R. to IV, 4 (expl. תלפיות) טֶטְרָגוֹנִין
(τετραγώνιον) in a square. Pesik. R. s. 10 בוטרגונין (corr. acc.), v. אִסְטְרוֹנְגִּילוֹן.—2)
(τετράγονος, v. דִּיגוֹן) for the fourth time. Tosef. Naz. I, 2 הריני נזיר ט'
וכ' ‘I will be a Nazir tetragon’, means four times; Naz. l. c.; B. Bath. l. c.—3)fourfold,
four combined. Midr. Till. to Ps. LXXVIII, 49 מט' היה (corr. acc.) each plague
was fourfold; ed. Bub. טֶטְרָאגוֹן.

τετράμουλος - טֶטְרָאמוּלִי, טֶטְרָאמוּלִין

1967, Jastrow 11467
(τετράμουλος) a chariot with four animals (mules) abreast, (Lat.) quadriga; [a compound
not recorded in Greek dictionaries]. Ex. R. s. 3 I shall come down בט' שלי with
my quadriga (ref. to Ez. I, 5); ib. s. 42 מילין … (corr. acc.); Tanḥ. Ki Thissa
21. Ex. R. s. 43 והם שומטים אחד מן ט' וכ' and they will unhitch one of the four
animals of my chariot.

τετράπυλον - טִיטְרַפְלִיּוֹת

1968, Jastrow 11524
(τετράπυλον) buildings with four gates, prominent mansions. Y. Succ. I, 52a bot.
טו' שבכרכים the tetrapyla (mansions) in fortified cities; Y. Kil. IV, 29b bot.
טי' שבכרמים (corr. acc.).—Midr. Till. to Ps. XLVIII טִטְרָאפִילוֹת Ar. (ed. טטפראות);
Yalk. Ps. 756; טטרפאות; Yalk. Zech. 568; B. Bath. 75b טוטפראות (v. Rabb. D. S.
a. l. note 50).

τέχνη - טִיכְנִי

1969, Jastrow 11547
(τέχνη) art, cunning. Y’lamd. Sh’laḥ, quot. in Ar. (v. Koh. Ar. Compl. s. v.).

τέχνη (techne) - טֶכְנַאי

1970, Klein 10640
technician. NH [Formed with agential suff. □ַאי from Gk. techne (= art, skill).]
See טֶקְסְט and cp. טֶכֽנִי, טֶכֽנִיקָה.

τεχνικός (technikos) - טֶכְנִי

1971, Klein 10643
technical. FW [Back formation from Gk. technikos (= pertaining to art), from techne
(= art, skill). See טֶכֽנַאי and adj. suff. □ִי.]

τηβέννα - *אבטיגא

1972, Jastrow 97
, Var. חגה Sifré Deut. 80 (v. ed. Friedm. a. l. note 3), read טוֹגָא (toga) or טִיבִינָּא
(τηβέννα) Roman toga.

τήγανον - טִיגָּן, טִיגְנוֹן, טִגְנָן

1973, Jastrow 11498
(τήγανον, τάγηνον, also ἥγανον, v. Lydd. -Scott Gr. Dict. s. v.; prob. of Semitic
origin = תגן, denom. of אגן; as for ט = ת cmp. Syr. טגר P. Sm. 1432 with Chald.
תגרא) 1)frying pan; also (interch. with טִיגּוּן) a flour-dish prepared with oil.
Snh. 21a (ref. to ותצק, II Sam. XIII, 9) עשתה לו מיני ט' she made for him oil-dishes.
Men. 104b ה' מיני טיגון (most eds.) five sorts of oil-dishes (ref. to Lev. II,
1; 4; 5; 7; 14—15).—Pl. טִיגָּנִין. Tosef. Ab. Zar. V (VI), 1; VIII (IX), 2 הט'
the frying pans.—2) (cmp. Syr. טוגנא, P. Sm. 1431) an engine of torture and execution.
Pesik. R. s. 43 נתנוהו בתיך הטיגנו (read: הטיגנן or הטיגנון) they put him into
the teganon.—Denom. טָגַן, Pi. טִיגֵּן 1) to fry, roast. Men. 50b (expl. תפיני,
Lev. VI, 14; 21) אופה ואח"כ מְטַגְּנָהּ one baked it and then fried it with oil;
a. fr.—Part. pass. מְטוּגָּן. Y. Ned. VI, beg. 39c. [Ib. VI, end, 40a, v. next
w.]—2) to torture, put to death. Pesik. R. l. c. וטיגס אותו (Var. וטגים), read:
אותו וטִיגְּנוּ or וטִיגְּנוּהוּ.—Trnsf. to torture, agonize. Tanḥ. Vayiggash 9
אתה טִגַּנְתָּה וכ' thou causedst agony to thy father &c.

τήγανον - *, *טִיגָּנָא,

1974, Jastrow 11500
(τήγανον = πήγανον, v. Löw Pfl. p. 37 2)rue. Ab. Zar. 28a bot.

τήγανον (teganon) - טֵיגַן

1975, Klein 10584
frying pan. PBH [From Gk. teganon (= frying pan). Aram.-Syr. טֵיגְגָא, whence Arab.
ṭājin (= frying pan) is of the same origin.]

τήλη (tele) - טֶלֶגְרָף

1976, Klein 10662
telegraph. FW [Borrowed through the medium of a European language from Gk. tele
(= far off, at a distance) and graphos, from graphein (= to write). See ‘telegraph’
in my CEDEL.]

τιμή - טִימִי,

1977, Jastrow 11565
(τιμή, inflected like a native word; cmp. אוֹנִי I) 1)valuation, value, consideration.
Targ. Esth. III, 8. Targ. Y. Num. XX, 19 טִימְהוֹן. Targ. Prov. XXXI, 10 טִימָהָא
(missing in some eds.) her value.—Y. Peah I, 15d bot., a. fr. דלית לה ט' invaluable
(cmp. אֲטִימִיטוֹן). Gen. R. s. 2, beg., v. אוֹנִי I. Koh. R. to XI, 9 אייתי ט'
מה דאכלת make payment for what thou hast eaten; a. fr.—Y. Shek. V, end, 49b [read:]
הא לך טִימִיתָהּ וזבין קופד here is its price and buy a piece of meat for it. Y.
Taan. I, 64b bot. טִימִיתֵיה (not … תי) the money received for it; a. fr.—Also:
טִימִין (accus. of τιμή). Targ. Y. Gen. XXIII, 15. Targ. Esth. VII, 4.—2)dignity,
object of worship. Y. Ab. Zar. III, 42d ט' דרומי the figure of a Roman deity.
[Targ. Y. Gen. XXXIV, 30, v. טִיב II.]

τίρων - טִירוֹן,

1978, Jastrow 11620
(tiro, τίρων) young soldier, trnsf. beginner, novice. Ex. R. s. 3, beg. ט' היה
וכ' Moses was a novice in prophecy. Y. Erub. V, beg. 22b (ref. to I Kings XVII,
1, where Elijah is for the first time mentioned as a prophet and yet says, ‘the
Lord before whom I stood’) והלא אלי' ט' לנבואה היה (not טירונין לנביאים) was not
Elijah at that time a novice &c.?—Pl. טִירוֹנִין. Tanḥ. Ki Thissa 1 לעסק ט' Ar.
(ed. טרופין, corr. acc.) for the levy of soldiers; Pesik. R. s. 10 עליהם טירבוס
(corr. acc.).

τιτάν (titan) - טִיטָן

1979, Klein 10602
Titan (Greek mythology). FW [Gk. titan (= a Titan), orig. god of the sun, and derived
from tito (= sun, day), which is prob. a loan word from Asia Minor. cp. טִיטָנִיּוּם.

τοληρία - טרמוסיא

1980, Jastrow 12027
, Midr. Till. to Ps. XIII, 5 באיזה ט' וכ'; ed. Bub. תלמוסא, Ms. Vien. טל'; Yalk.
Ps. 660 תלמידא, prob. to be read: באיזו טוֹלְמִירְיָא וכ' (τοληρία) with what hardihood
do you speak such words (of bad omen)?

τόμος - (טִימוֹס) טוֹמוֹס

1981, Jastrow 11364
(τόμος) 1)scroll, roll, tome. Tosef. B. Kam. IX, 31 בט' של וכ' with a roll of
papers in his hand; Y. ib. VIII, beg. 6b; Sifra Emor Par. 14, ch. XX טימסמירות,
טימיסמ' (read: ט' של ניירות or שטרות); Yalk. Lev. 658; a. e.—2)document, record.
Y. Hor. III, 48a bot. ראש טי' at the head of the list; Lev. R. s. 5 בראש ט' Ar.
(ed. only בראש). Gen. R. s. 25 beg. בתוך טִימוֹסָן וכ' in the record of the righteous;
Yalk. ib. 42; Yalk. Chr. 1072 טִימוֹסִין pl.—Pl. טוֹמוֹסִין, טוֹמוֹסוֹת, טִי'.
Pesik. Zakh. p. 27a [read:] ונטל ט' וכ' (or טִימוֹסָן) he took the lists of the
tribes &c.; Tanḥ. Ki Thetse 9. Y. Snh. X, 28a top אף שמותיהם … טֹמְסוֹתֵיהֶם even
their names disappeared from their books of records. Ex. R. s. 15 הוציא הנמוסין
וכ' (corr. acc.; Tanḥ. Vaëra 5 דִּפְתְּרָא) he brought out the lists of the deities.—3)census.
Lam. R. to II, 2 היה טימס … בעגלה their census had to be carried to Jerusalem
on a wagon; [Y. Taan. IV, 69a bot. קטמו' read הטומוס or קִינְסוֹס].

τοξικόν (toxikon) - טוֹקְסִין, טוֹכְּסִין

1982, Klein 10532
toxin. FW [From Gk. toxikon (= bow, arrow), used in the sense of ‘poison’. A loan
word from Scythian taxsha, whence also L. taxus (= yew). See ‘toxic’ and suff.
‘-in’ in my CEDEL.]

τοπάζιον - שומפוזין

1983, Jastrow 29701
, a corrupt. of טוֹמְפַּזְיוֹן m. (τοπάζιον) topaz. Ex. R. s. 38, end (corresp.
to h. פטדה; v. LXX Ex. XXVIII, 17).

τόρνος - *, *טוֹרְנוֹס

1984, Jastrow 11427
(τόρνος, tornus) turner’s wheel, lathe. Pesik. R. s. 21 למורנס הזה (read: כט',
v. Friedm. a. l. note 29) like the lathe which shows a front wherever you turn

τούρμη - טוּרְמִי

1985, Jastrow 11422
, pl. טוּרְמִיאוֹת, טוּרְמִיּוֹת (turma, τούρμη) turma, a squadron of horse; in
gen. division of an army. Y. Sot. VIII, beg. 22b (ref. to Ps. XVIII, 13) כנגד
טומיות שלהם (corr. acc.) corresponding to their (the enemy’s) squadrons. Yalk.
Sam. 160; Mekh. B’shall s. 2 תּוּרְמִיּוֹת. Ib. ת' ת' של מה"ש troops of angels.
Ib. (ref. to סֵעַ: Ex. XIV, 10) נעשו … ת' ת' כאיש אחד they all formed squadrons
marching like one man; Yalk. Ex. 230 ט' ט'. Ib. מכאן … מתנהגות ת' from here (the
Egyptian warfare) the governments learned to form squadrons; Yalk. Ex. 230 ט'.

τράγημα - תַּרְגִּימָא תְּרָגִימָא)

1986, Jastrow 32332
(a popular adaptation of τράγημα, v. preced. art.) [that which comes after the meal,
as the interpretation is read after reading from the original,] dessert. Tosef.
Ber. IV, 4 (Var. תרגומה). Y. Pes. X, beg. 37b תרוגימא; a. e.; v. טְרָגִימָא.

τράγημα - טְרָגִימָא, טְרוֹגִימָא

1987, Jastrow 11897
(τράγημα, τρῶγμα) sweetmeats, dessert (dried fuits &c.). Pes. 107b … מטביל במיני
ט' Ar. (ed. תרג') he may make a luncheon of various sweetmeats. Yoma 79b; Succ.
27a ת'. Tosef. Ber. IV, 4 תרגי' (Var. תרגומה).

τράγημα (tragema) - תַּרְגִּימָא, תַּרְגִּימָה

1988, Klein 30937
dessert, sweetmeat. PBH [From Gk. tragema (= dessert, sweetmeat), from tragein (=
to gnaw, chew), which is related to trox (= weevil; lit.: ‘gnawer’), traktos (=
a gnawer, nibbler), and stands in gradational relationship to tragos (= he-goat;
lit.: ‘gnawer’), from IE base * trō–g–, * trě–g– (= to gnaw). cp. the first element
in טֽרָגֶדְיָה.]

τράγος - טְרָגוֹס

1989, Jastrow 11893
(tragos, τράγος) a mess of groats of wheat, barley &c., groats used for a mess.
Makhsh. VI, 2 טרגיס. Ber. 37a טרגיס (Ms. F. טריגוס); Ib. Ms. M. (missing in ed.)
טרגוס, also טירגוס (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. notes 20, 30). M. Kat. 13b טרגיס חדא לתלתא
(Ms. M. also טירגיס) it is called tragos, when each grain is broken in three parts,
v. חֶילְקָא II.

τράπεζα - טְרַפִּיזָא

1990, Jastrow 12061
(τράπεζα) table, counter. —Pl. טְרַפִּיזִין. Gen. R. s. 64, end (‘Rashi’: טְרַפִּיזוֹת).—V.

τραπέζιον - טְרַפִּיזִין

1991, Jastrow 12063
(τραπέζιον) table, trencher. Gen. R. s. 11 Ar., v. דִּיסְקוֹס I.

τραπέζιον (trapezion) - טְרַפֶּז

1992, Klein 10985
trapezium. FW [Gk. trapezion (= a little table), dimin. of trapeza (= table) which
stands for ptrapeza, a compound lit. meaning ‘provided with four feet’. The first
element represents IE qwetr (= four). See ‘four’ in my CEDEL. The second element
is peza (= foot), which is related to podos (= foot). See ‘foot’ in my CEDEL.]

τράχωμα (trachoma) - טְרָכוֹמָה

1993, Klein 10944
trachoma (medicine). FW [Gk. trachoma (= roughness), from trachys (= rough). The
disease is so called because it is characterized by the roughness of the inner
surface of the eyelids. See ‘trachea’ in my CEDEL and cp. ‘trachoma’ ibid.]

τρῆμα - *, *טְרוֹמִיטָא, טַרְמִיטָא, טַרְמִיטָן

1994, Jastrow 11913
(τρῆμα, ατος, τρημάτιον) perforation, also eye of a needle; only in (בֵּיצָה) בֵּיצַת
ט' an egg boiled down to the size of a pill which, on being swallowed by the patient,
passes the body unchanged, carrying with it matter which serves the physician for
diagnosis. Ned. VI, 1 ביצת טרמיטא Mish. (Bab. ed. ביצה טורמוט'; Y. ed. טרמיטן);
ib. 50a ביצה טורמיטא; Y. ib. VI, 39c bot. ביצה טרומיטא, expl. רופיטון.

τρημάτιον - *, *טְרוֹמִיטָא, טַרְמִיטָא, טַרְמִיטָן

1995, Jastrow 11913
(τρῆμα, ατος, τρημάτιον) perforation, also eye of a needle; only in (בֵּיצָה) בֵּיצַת
ט' an egg boiled down to the size of a pill which, on being swallowed by the patient,
passes the body unchanged, carrying with it matter which serves the physician for
diagnosis. Ned. VI, 1 ביצת טרמיטא Mish. (Bab. ed. ביצה טורמוט'; Y. ed. טרמיטן);
ib. 50a ביצה טורמיטא; Y. ib. VI, 39c bot. ביצה טרומיטא, expl. רופיטון.

τρίακοντα - טְרִיָיאקוֹנְטָא

1996, Jastrow 11977
(τρίακοντα) thirty. Y. B. Bath. X, 17c, v. אוֹגְדוֹיִיקוֹנְטָא.

τρίβολος - טוּרְבִּיל, טוּרְבֵּל

1997, Jastrow 11405
(tribulum, τρίβολος) only in מִטָּה של ט' threshing sledge (couch) consisting of
a wooden platform studded underneath with sharp pieces of flint or with iron teeth.
Ab. Zar. 24b (Ar. a. Yalk. Sam. 122 טרבן); Zeb. 116b; Men. 22a Ms. M. (ed. טרבל),
v. דַּיְשָׁאָה. Par. XII, 9 טַרְבֵּל.

τρίβολος (tribolos) - טֻרְבָּל

1998, Klein 10861
threshing machine. PBH [Gk. tribolos (= threshing machine), from the adj. tribolos
(= three–pointed), which is compounded of tri (= three), and bolos, from the stem
of ballein (= to throw). See טְרִיּוֹ and בַּלִּיסְטִיקָה.]

τρίβων - טריגון

1999, Jastrow 11961
, Treat. Tsitsith, ed. Kirchh. p. 22, v. טוֹגָא.—Ib. p. 23 מכסה כמין ט', prob.
to be read: טְרִיבוֹן (τρίβων) coarse cloak

τρίγονος - טְרִיגוֹן

2000, Jastrow 11960
1) (τρίγωνος) triangular. Neg. XII, 1; Naz. 8b; B. Bath. 164b (בית) ט' a triangularly
built house; Tosef. Neg. VI, 3 טריגין ed. Zuck. (Var. טרגיה, corr. acc.);—2) (τρίγονος)
for the third time. Naz. l. c.; Y. ib. I, 51b top; Tosef. ib. I, 2 דרגון ed. Zuck.
(Var. דיגון, corr. acc.); v. דִּיגוֹן.

τριγώνιον - דִּיגוֹן

2001, Jastrow 6773
1) (δίγονος) prop. born a second time, in gen. for a second term, twice (Lat. bis).
B. Bath. 164b such is the custom of that nation ארכן שנייה קורין לו ד' (Ms. M.
דזגין) an archont in his second term is called digonos (bis, iterum consul). Ib.;
Naz. 8b if one says, I vow to be a Nazir … די' שתים digon, he has to be a Nazir
twice in succession; Tosef. ib. I, 2 טיגון ed. Zuck. (Var. דריגון, corr. acc.).—2)
(by analogy with τριγώνιον, τετραγώνιον) having two corners. Tosef. Neg. VI, 3
(בית) דיגין וכ' ed. Zuck. (corr. acc.) a house which has only two corners (semicircularly
built); B. Bath. l. c.; Naz. l. c.

τρίγωνον (trignonon) - טְרִיגוֹן

2002, Klein 10922
triangle. PBH [Gk. trignonon (= triangle), properly neuter of trigonos (= three-cornered,
triangular), which is compounded of tri (= three) and gonia (= corner, angle).
See ‘-gon’ in my CEDEL and cp. the first element in טְרִיגוֹנוֹמֶטְרְיָה. cp. also
the second element in פֶּנְטָגוֹן.]

τρίγωνος - טְרִיגוֹן

2003, Jastrow 11960
1) (τρίγωνος) triangular. Neg. XII, 1; Naz. 8b; B. Bath. 164b (בית) ט' a triangularly
built house; Tosef. Neg. VI, 3 טריגין ed. Zuck. (Var. טרגיה, corr. acc.);—2) (τρίγονος)
for the third time. Naz. l. c.; Y. ib. I, 51b top; Tosef. ib. I, 2 דרגון ed. Zuck.
(Var. דיגון, corr. acc.); v. דִּיגוֹן.

τρικλίνιον - טְרִיקְלִין, טְרַקְלִין

2004, Jastrow 12009
(τρικλίνιον, triclinium) l) dining couch. Y. Ḥag. II, 77a bot. הט' מוצע לכם the
banqueting couch is spread for you (your reward in the hereafter is prepared).—2)
dining room, reception room. Y. R. Hash. IV, 59b bot. אפ' מט' לקיטון even if they
adjourned from the tricl. to the sleeping room. Y. Keth. IV, 28d; Y. Snh. XI, end,
30c [read:] בעיא הדא אומנתא ט' וקיטין חופה וקיטון וכ' the following construction
is required (in order to make the reception of the bride in the triclinium a legal
consummation of marriage) a tricl. and a marriage chamber, and that chamber communicating
with the tricl.—Ab. IV, 16, v. פְּרוֹזְדּוֹר.—Tosef. Sabb. XVI (XVII), 18 ט' שהסיקה
… בה in a banqueting room (triclinium hibernum) which has been heated a day before
…, you may entertain company on the Sabbath. Tosef. Bets. II, 10 ט' שהסיקוהו וכ';
a. e.—3) (τρίκλινος = ὅρριον, S.) granary. Y. Sot. V, 20b bot. איטלק עלוי חד ט'
וכ' he was fined to fill a granary of forty by forty &c.

τρίκλινος - טְרִיקְלִין, טְרַקְלִין

2005, Jastrow 12009
(τρικλίνιον, triclinium) l) dining couch. Y. Ḥag. II, 77a bot. הט' מוצע לכם the
banqueting couch is spread for you (your reward in the hereafter is prepared).—2)
dining room, reception room. Y. R. Hash. IV, 59b bot. אפ' מט' לקיטון even if they
adjourned from the tricl. to the sleeping room. Y. Keth. IV, 28d; Y. Snh. XI, end,
30c [read:] בעיא הדא אומנתא ט' וקיטין חופה וקיטון וכ' the following construction
is required (in order to make the reception of the bride in the triclinium a legal
consummation of marriage) a tricl. and a marriage chamber, and that chamber communicating
with the tricl.—Ab. IV, 16, v. פְּרוֹזְדּוֹר.—Tosef. Sabb. XVI (XVII), 18 ט' שהסיקה
… בה in a banqueting room (triclinium hibernum) which has been heated a day before
…, you may entertain company on the Sabbath. Tosef. Bets. II, 10 ט' שהסיקוהו וכ';
a. e.—3) (τρίκλινος = ὅρριον, S.) granary. Y. Sot. V, 20b bot. איטלק עלוי חד ט'
וכ' he was fined to fill a granary of forty by forty &c.

τριλογία (trilogia) - טְרִילוֹגְיָה

2006, Klein 10936
trilogy. Gk. trilogia, from tri (= three) and logia, from logos (= word, speech,
discourse, account). See לוֹגוֹס. FW

τρίμετρος - טְרִימִיטְרָא

2007, Jastrow 11988
(τρίμετρος) trimeter, a verse (or tune) of three iambic meters. Y. R. Hash. IV,
59c bot. (defining הֲרָעָה) [read:] כאהן ט' like the trimeter (short-long, short-long
&c.), contrad. to תלת דקיקן three small (short) notes.

τρῖμμα - טרִימָּא

2008, Jastrow 11985
(τρῖμμα) a drink or brew prepared of pounded groats and spices, a spiced drink.
Ber. 38a תמרי … מהן ט' you are permitted to make trimma of dates &c., v. חֲשִׁילְתָּא;
Tosef. Maas. Sh. II, 2 ed. Zuck. (some ed. תרומה, corr. acc.).

τρισκελής - טְרִסְקֵל

2009, Jastrow 12041
(τρισκελής, τρισκέλλων, sub. כסא) a chair on three legs, esp. a camp-chair. Num.
R. s. 12; Tanḥ. Naso 19; (Tanḥ. T’rumah 9; Gen. R. s. 68 תְּרוֹנוֹס). Sabb. 138a
כסא ט' (Ms. O. כסא וט').

τρισκελής (triskeles) - טְרַסְקָל, טְרִיסְקָל

2010, Klein 10972
tripod. PBH [Gk. triskeles (= three–legged), compounded of tri (= three) and skelos
(= leg). See ‘scalene’ in my CEDEL.]

τρισκέλλων - טְרִסְקֵל

2011, Jastrow 12041
(τρισκελής, τρισκέλλων, sub. כסא) a chair on three legs, esp. a camp-chair. Num.
R. s. 12; Tanḥ. Naso 19; (Tanḥ. T’rumah 9; Gen. R. s. 68 תְּרוֹנוֹס). Sabb. 138a
כסא ט' (Ms. O. כסא וט').

τριτημόριον - טַרְטֵימַר, (טַרְתֵּ', תַּרְטֵ')

2012, Jastrow 11943
(τριτημόριον, S.) triens, one third of an as, a coin and a weight (about three ounces).
Snh. VIII, 2 ט' בשר (Bab. ed. 70a ת'; Ms. F. ט', in Gemarah טרדימר; Y. Mish. טרת',
Gemarah 26a טרט') a triens (worth?) of meat. Ib. 70a (ת') ט' זה וכ' I do not know
what this ṭarṭemar means, but judging from R. José doubling the standard for wine,
it may be inferred that ṭ. is half a Manah; Y. l. c. ט' חצי ליטרא ṭ. is half a
Litra. (V. Zuckerm. Talm. Münzen p. 8).

τριτημόριον (tritemorion) - טַרְטֵימָר

2013, Klein 10912
tritermorion (an old Greek coin). PBH [Gk. tritemorion, neut. of tritemorios (=
equal to a third part, forming a third part), from tritos (= third), and moros
(= appointed lot, fate, destiny), which is related to moira (= part, portion, division).
See ‘third’ and ‘Moira’ in my CEDEL. cp. the less correct spelling תַּרְטֵימָר.

τροπαϊκόν (tropaikon) - טְרַפָּעִיק

2014, Klein 10989
an ancient Roman coin. PBH [Gk. tropaikon (= a half-denarius).]

τροπαϊκος [sic] - טַרְפְּעִיק, (טרעפ') טַרְפְּעִיקָא

2015, Jastrow 12071
(corresp. to τροπαϊκος [sic] = Victoriatus) Victoriatus = Quinarius, half a denar
(v. Zuck. Talm. Münz. p. 30). Yoma 35b. Gitt. 45b; Keth. 64a מאי ט' (not טרפעיקין)
how much is a T.? Sifré Deut. 294; Yalk. ib. 938.—Pl. טַרְפְּעִיקִין. Keth. V,
7; Tosef. ib. V, 7 (missing in ed. Zuck., Var. טרפקעי; oth. ed. טַרְפְּעִיקִים).
| **Editor's Note: Should probably be 'τροπαϊκός' but perhaps without a clear attestation,
Jastrow chose to not put an accent on this word.

τροπική - פרוקטו

2016, Jastrow 24490
, prob. a corrupt. for טְרוֹפִּיקִי f. (τροπική, sub. ἡμέρα) the day of the midwinter
solstice. Y. Ab. Zar. I, 39c פ' ראשה של תקופה the festival of tropiké marks the
beginning of the solstice period.

τροπικός (tropikos) - טְרוֹפִּיק

2017, Klein 10895
tropic. FW [Gk. tropikos (= pertaining to a turn), scil. of the ‘sun at the solstice’).
See טֽרוֹפִּי.]

τροπικός (tropikos) - מַהְפָּךְ

2018, Klein 14139
1) tropic. 2) reverse, change. NH [Lit.: ‘that which turns’. Formed from הפך (=
to turn), with pref. מַ□. In the first sense it is a loan translation of Gk. tropikos
(= the tropic circle, the solstice), from the adj. tropikos (= pertaining to a
sun). See ‘tropic’ in my CEDEL.]

τροφικός (trophikos) - טְרוֹפִּי

2019, Klein 10893
tropical. FW [Gk. trophikos (= pertaining to a turn), from trope (= turn, turning),
which is related to trepein (= to turn), from IE base trep (= turn). See אֶפִּיטְרוֹפוֹס
and cp. טְרוֹפִּיזְם, טְרוֹפִּיק.]

τρυπήτης - *, *רוֹפִיטוֹן

2020, Jastrow 28521
(ῥοφητόν) (an egg) which can be gulped down, boiled down to the size of a pill.
Y. Ned. VI, 39c bot., expl. טרומיטא; [ῥοφητὸν ὠὸν a lightly boiled egg, S.—Our
w. is prob. to be read טרופּין (τρυπῶν) piercing, or טרופיטין (τρυπήτης) borer;
v. טְרוֹמִיטָא].

τρυπῶν - *, *רוֹפִיטוֹן

2021, Jastrow 28521
(ῥοφητόν) (an egg) which can be gulped down, boiled down to the size of a pill.
Y. Ned. VI, 39c bot., expl. טרומיטא; [ῥοφητὸν ὠὸν a lightly boiled egg, S.—Our
w. is prob. to be read טרופּין (τρυπῶν) piercing, or טרופיטין (τρυπήτης) borer;
v. טְרוֹמִיטָא].

τρυτάνη - טוּרְטִינִי, טוּרְטָנִי, טְרוּטִינִי, טְרִיטָנִי

2022, Jastrow 11416
, f. (trutina, τρυτάνη, prob. of Semit. origin, cmp. טְרָא) balance, steel-yard.
Sifra K’dosh. Par. 3, ch. VIII במשקל זו טרי' ‘in weight’ (Lev. XIX, 35) that means
the trutina. Sabb. 81a וכי ט' יכניס shall a (gold) balance be brought in (to weigh
accurately)?; Men. 87b. B. Kam. 119a. B. Bath. 89a ט' (for weighing gold), contrad.
to מאזנים. Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. II, 5.—Y. Shek. VI, end, 50b כמין ט' arranged like
a steel-yard. Sot. 34a (ref. to מוֹט, Num. XIII, 23) ט' וט' דט' a combination of
balancing poles (for four couples of carriers); Y. ib. VII, 21d bot. טוּרְטיּרִין
several poles (each carried by two); ט' וטוּרְטוּרֵי טרוטורין a combination &c.—Pl.
טוּרְטָנִין. B. Kam. l. c. Ms. R. 2 (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 400).

τρῶγμα - טְרָגִימָא, טְרוֹגִימָא

2023, Jastrow 11897
(τράγημα, τρῶγμα) sweetmeats, dessert (dried fuits &c.). Pes. 107b … מטביל במיני
ט' Ar. (ed. תרג') he may make a luncheon of various sweetmeats. Yoma 79b; Succ.
27a ת'. Tosef. Ber. IV, 4 תרגי' (Var. תרגומה).

τρωκτή - דּוֹרְקְטִי

2024, Jastrow 6673
(a perversion of τρωκτή, sub. σταφυλή, v. infra) grape used for dessert, fit for
eating but yielding no wine, fig. a woman who has no menstruation. Nidd. IX, 11.
Ib. 64b; Keth. 10b (phonetic etymology) דור קטוע [hence the perversion] a cut-off
race (bound to die out). Ib. משפחת ד' a family the women of which have neither
menstruation nor symptoms of injured virginity. Y. ib. I, 25a bot. quoting Mish.
Nidd. l. c. טְרוֹקְטִי.

τρωκτή - טְרוֹקְטִי

2025, Jastrow 11923
(τρωκτή, sub. σταφυλή) dessert grapes, yielding no wine. Yalk. Num. 709 טריק' (corr.
acc.)—Trnsf. a woman that has no menstruation. Y. Keth. I, 25a bot.; Nidd. IX,
11 Var. in Hai Gaon, v. דּוֹרְקְטִי.

τρώξιμα - טְרוֹקְסִימָא, טְרוֹקְסִימוֹן, טְרוֹכְסִימוֹן, (טרק', טרכ')

2026, Jastrow 11927
(τρώξιμον, τὰ τρώξιμα) 1)whatever can be eaten raw, applied to kitchen vegetables,
esp. endive &c. Lev. R. s. 3 אגודה אחת של טרוקסימא (some ed. … מון) a bunch of
vegetables. Y. Pes. IV, 31b, sq. Y. Sabb. VII, 10a טריקס' ed. Krot. (corr. acc.).—Y.
Pes. II, 29c top (expl. עולשין); Y. Kil. I, 27a top (some ed. מין …, pl.)—Tosef.
Ter. IV, 5 טרקסמן ed. Zuck. (Var. טְרָכְסְמִין, pl.) Tosef. Makhsh. III, 10 טרכ',
contrad. to יֶרֶק.—2) (sub. κῆπος) kitchen-garden. Ber. 35b היו … דרך ט' וכ' (Ms.
M. טרסק'; Ms. F. טריבסמון, corr. acc.) used to bring their fruits home (from the
field to the barn) by the way of the kitchen-garden (in sight of the house) in
order to make them subject to tithes; Gitt. 81a; Yalk. Deut. 938.

τρώξιμον - טְרוֹקְסִימָא, טְרוֹקְסִימוֹן, טְרוֹכְסִימוֹן, (טרק', טרכ')

2027, Jastrow 11927
(τρώξιμον, τὰ τρώξιμα) 1)whatever can be eaten raw, applied to kitchen vegetables,
esp. endive &c. Lev. R. s. 3 אגודה אחת של טרוקסימא (some ed. … מון) a bunch of
vegetables. Y. Pes. IV, 31b, sq. Y. Sabb. VII, 10a טריקס' ed. Krot. (corr. acc.).—Y.
Pes. II, 29c top (expl. עולשין); Y. Kil. I, 27a top (some ed. מין …, pl.)—Tosef.
Ter. IV, 5 טרקסמן ed. Zuck. (Var. טְרָכְסְמִין, pl.) Tosef. Makhsh. III, 10 טרכ',
contrad. to יֶרֶק.—2) (sub. κῆπος) kitchen-garden. Ber. 35b היו … דרך ט' וכ' (Ms.
M. טרסק'; Ms. F. טריבסמון, corr. acc.) used to bring their fruits home (from the
field to the barn) by the way of the kitchen-garden (in sight of the house) in
order to make them subject to tithes; Gitt. 81a; Yalk. Deut. 938.

τσίχλα (tzichla) - שִׁכְלִי

2028, Klein 28611
a kind of a bird, prob. the thrush. PBH [Prob. a loan word from Med. Gk. tzichla
(= thrush).]

τύπος - טוֹפֵס

2029, Jastrow 11395
(v. טָפַס; cmp. דָּפוּס, טָפוּס) frame; trnsf. (influenced by Greek τύπος) formula
(to be filled out according to occasion). Y. Ber. I, 3d ט' ברכות וכ' such is the
formula of the benedictions; Lev. R. s. 34, end; Y. Sabb. XV, end, 15b טופוס.—Esp.
the formula or blank of documents, opp. תורף containing names, dates &c. Y. Gitt.
III, beg. 44c כתב תרפו בט' (also בתוֹפֵס) if the writer filled out a blank. B.
Mets. 7b; a. fr.—Pl. טוֹפְסִין, constr. טוֹפְסֵי. Y. Gitt. II, beg. 44a פוסל בט'
declares illegal deeds of divorce written into ready-made blanks. Gitt. III, 2
הכותב ט' גיטין וכ' he who writes formulas of letters of divorce must leave blanks
for the name &c.; a. fr.

τύπος (typos) - דְּפוּס

2030, Klein 5368
1) form, model, mold. PBH 2) printing, press. NH [From Gk. typos (= blow, mark of
a blow, impression, stamp on a coin, pattern, model), from the stem of typtein
(= to beat, strike), from IE base * (s)tup– (= to strike, cut, hew), whence also
Gk. stypos (= stem, stump). cp. ‘type’ in my CEDEL and words there referred to.

τύπος (typos) - טִיפּוּס, טִפּוּס

2031, Klein 10625
type, kind, class, model. [Gk. typos (= blow, mark of a blow, impression, stamp
on a coin, pattern, model), from the stem of typtein (= to beat, strike), from
IE base *(s)tup (= to strike, cut, hew). See ‘tupe’ in my CEDEL. cp. טֹפֶס.]

τύπος (typos) - טֹֽפֶס

2032, Klein 10826
1) blank of a document. PBH 2) form, mold, model. PBH 3) copy (of a book). NH [Gk.
typos (= blow, make of a blow, pattern, model). See טִיפּוס.]

τυραννία - טִירוּנְיָא, טִירוּנְיָיא, טִר'

2033, Jastrow 11625
(τυραννία) sovereignty, absolute rule, usurpation (corresp. to h. זְרוֹעַ). Y.
Yeb. VIII, 9d top; Y. Kidd. IV, 65d bot. עיקר ט' וכ' the principal designation
of their (the priests’) usurpation lies in the words (Hos. IV, 4). Pesik. R. s.
15; Pesik. Haḥod. p. 52b; Lev. R. s. 23, beg. (ref. to בזרוע, Ps. LXXVII, 16) בטר'
with imperial power. Y. Maas. Sh. V, end, 56d אלו שהן באין בט' לפני וכ' those who
come before the Lord with power (interch. with בזרוע). Ab. Zar. 3a אין הקב"ה בא
בט'וכ' the Lord does not deal despotically with his creatures. Yalk. Deut. 945
היה עולה אצל אביו בט' (Ruth R. introd. במרוצה) came to his father with arrogance

τύραννος - *, *טִירוּנָא, טִרוּנָא

2034, Jastrow 11623
(τύραννος) imperial, powerful. —Pl. טִירוּנִין. Targ. Y. Deut. XX, 1 (synonym. with

τύραννος (tyrannos) - טִירָן

2035, Klein 10636
tyrant. FW [From Gk. tyrannos (= an absolute ruler, tyrant), which is a loan word
from one of the languages of Asia Minor (prob. the Lydian). cp. Etruscan Turan
(= mistress, lady — surname of Venus). cp. also טְרוּנְיָה.]

ὑακίνθινον - דְּיָקִינְתִּינוֹן

2036, Jastrow 7004
(ὑακίνθινον, v. preced.) hyacinth-colored. Esth. R. to I, 6 (quoted as Greek translation
of כרפס ib.) יקינטינון Mus. (ed. טיינון, corr. acc.); v. אלטינון.

ὑάκινθος - דְּיָקִינְתִּין, דְּיָיקִ'

2037, Jastrow 7003
(ὑάκινθος; די for הי or יי to avoid the use of letters of the Tetragrammaton; Ar.
reads ייקינטין) hyacinth, a precious stone. Ex. R. s. 38, end לוי ד' (not דייקני')
Levi was represented on the Highpriests’ breast-plate by a hyacinth (h. ברקת).
Y’lamd. to Deut. X, 1, quot. in Ar. המרגליות ויי' (Yalk. ib. 854 דייקוסנין, דייקינטין,
corr. acc.) the pearls and hyacinths. Gen. R. s. 79, end (after interpreting ק̇ש̇ט̇
in ק̇ש̇י̇ט̇ה̇, Gen. XXXIII, 19) what function have Yod Hé here? [read:] אלו חליות
ד' וזמרגדין שדרכן וכ' (v. ‘Rashi’ a. l. a. Yalk. ib. 134) these are the links of
hyacinths and smaragds with which jewelry is decorated, i.e. the vowel letters
connecting the consonants, but which also have an allegorical meaning (v. the sentence
following: מי כותב וכ').

ὑάκινθος (hyakintos) - יָקִינְטוֹן

2038, Klein 11489
hyacinth. FW [Gk. hyakintos (= wild hyacinth, bluebell). See ‘hyacinth’ in my CEDEL.

ὑδερικόν - הִדְרוֹקָן

2039, Jastrow 7609
(ὑδρωπικόν or ὑδερικόν, sub. πάθος) dropsy; (חולה) ה' one afflicted with dropsy.
Erub. 41b חיה וחולי מעיים וה' Ms. M. (ed. חיה misplaced, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.
note) a lying-in woman, and sufferers from bowel diseases or dropsy. Ber. 25a;
62b; Bekh. 44b; Tam. 27b. Sabb. 33a (Ms. M. הִדְרָקוֹן); a. e. [Ar. reads everywhere

ὑδερικός - *הִדְרָנִיקוֹס

2040, Jastrow 7618
(a corrupt. of ὑδερικός or ὑδρωπικός, cmp. הִדְרוֹקָן; for Var. lect. v. infra)
one afflicted with dropsy. Ber. 58b ואת הננס ואת ה' (Ms. M. ואת הרדינקס, Ms. F.
והננס ה'); Tosef. ib. VII (VI), 3 (absent in ed. Zuck., added in note); Tanḥ. Pinḥ.
10 … הבהקנין ואת דרניקוס; ed. Bub. ib. 1 ואת הדרקונוס … הננס (Mss. הדריקינוס, הדרקוניס);
Y. Ber. IX, 13b bot. (absent); [absent in Bekh. VII, 6, among bodily blemishes
disqualifying for priestly service]. [Our w. is obviously a gloss to one of the
anomalies enumerated in the text, prob. to קִפֵּחַ.—Ar. reads והברדניקוס, in the
place of קפח in our text, giving it the meaning of כִּיפֵּחַ q. v., but records
also הדר' in letter He; Alf. reads בדריקנוס, בדרקינוס, leaving out קפח.—For other
definitions of our w., v. commentaries.]

ὕδρα (hydra) - הִידְרָה

2041, Klein 6199
hydra. FW [Gk. hydra (= water serpent), from hydor (= water). cp. Old I. udráḥ (=
an aquatic animal), Avestic udra (= otter). See הִידְרוֹ□ and cp. נוּטְרִיָּה.
cp. also ‘otter’ in my CEDEL.]

ὑδραύλης - אִדְרַבְלָא

2042, Jastrow 450
(ὑδραύλης, hydraula) player on the hydraulis, organist. —Pl. אִדְרַבְלִין. Gen.
R. s. 50 א' וכרבלין וכ' there are organists and flute players in the land (or organs
and cymbals, v. next w.), and such a land should be destroyed? [Comment.—Perh.
to be read אַרְדִּיכְלִין.] Ib. s. 23 ארדיכולין וכ' (ארדיב', corr. acc.).

ὕδραυλις - אִדְרַבְלִיס, אִרְדַּבְלִיס

2043, Jastrow 451
(trnsp.) m. (ὕδραυλις) water-organ. Y. Succ. V, 55c bot. עוגב זה ארד'. Ib. לא היה
א' וכ' there was no organ used in (the) Jerusalem (Temple) because it interferes
with the sweetness (melody of the song).—Pl. אִדְרַבְלִין; v. foreg. Cmp. הרדוליס

ὕδραυλις - הַרְדּוּבְלִין

2044, Jastrow 8276
(ὕδραυλις) water-organ. Targ. Ps. CL, 4 Ms. (Regia הרדיב', ed. חֲלִילִין).

ὑδρόμηλον - *אִידְרוֹמִילוֹן

2045, Jastrow 1171
(ὑδρόμηλον) a cider of quince jelly. Y. Shebi. III, beg. 37b

ὕδρω (hydro) - הִידְרוֹ□

2046, Klein 6200
combining form meaning ‘water’. FW [Gk. hydro, from hydor (= water), from IE base
* wāed–, *wōd–, *ud– (= water). cp. הִידְרָה. cp. also ווֹדְקָה.]

ὑδρωπικόν - הִדְרוֹקָן

2047, Jastrow 7609
(ὑδρωπικόν or ὑδερικόν, sub. πάθος) dropsy; (חולה) ה' one afflicted with dropsy.
Erub. 41b חיה וחולי מעיים וה' Ms. M. (ed. חיה misplaced, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.
note) a lying-in woman, and sufferers from bowel diseases or dropsy. Ber. 25a;
62b; Bekh. 44b; Tam. 27b. Sabb. 33a (Ms. M. הִדְרָקוֹן); a. e. [Ar. reads everywhere

ὑδρωπικός - אִדְרוֹפִּיקוֹס

2048, Jastrow 455
(ὑδρωπικός) suffering from dropsy. Lev. R. s. 15 (var. corrup.); Yalk. Lev. 554.
Ib. Job. 916 אִנְדְּר' (cmp. אדריינוס a. אנד').

ὑδρωπικός - *הִדְרָנִיקוֹס

2049, Jastrow 7618
(a corrupt. of ὑδερικός or ὑδρωπικός, cmp. הִדְרוֹקָן; for Var. lect. v. infra)
one afflicted with dropsy. Ber. 58b ואת הננס ואת ה' (Ms. M. ואת הרדינקס, Ms. F.
והננס ה'); Tosef. ib. VII (VI), 3 (absent in ed. Zuck., added in note); Tanḥ. Pinḥ.
10 … הבהקנין ואת דרניקוס; ed. Bub. ib. 1 ואת הדרקונוס … הננס (Mss. הדריקינוס, הדרקוניס);
Y. Ber. IX, 13b bot. (absent); [absent in Bekh. VII, 6, among bodily blemishes
disqualifying for priestly service]. [Our w. is obviously a gloss to one of the
anomalies enumerated in the text, prob. to קִפֵּחַ.—Ar. reads והברדניקוס, in the
place of קפח in our text, giving it the meaning of כִּיפֵּחַ q. v., but records
also הדר' in letter He; Alf. reads בדריקנוס, בדרקינוס, leaving out קפח.—For other
definitions of our w., v. commentaries.]

ὕδωρ - אִידוֹר

2050, Jastrow 1157
(ὕδωρ) water. Succ. 35a; v. הִידֹור.

ὕδωρ - הִידוֹר

2051, Jastrow 7797
(ὕδωρ) water. Succ. 35a א"ת הָדָר אלא ה' וכ' Ms. M. 2 (ed. אידור, Ar. הִדֹור) read
not hadar (Lev. XXIII, 40) but hydor, for in Greek water is called h.; Yalk. Lev.

ὕδωρ (hydor) - דֶּהִידְרַצְיָה

2052, Klein 4858
dehydration. FW [Formed from L. dē– (see דֶּ□) and Gk. hydor (= water). See הִידְרָה.

ὑελέψης - *אִילוֹפִיסָה

2053, Jastrow 1286
(prob. ὑελέψης glass-smelter) Ilofisa. Y. Ter. I, 40c top.

υἱός - *(אס) אִיס

2054, Jastrow 1397
(υἱός) son. Ex. R. s. 15, v. אִילִיאֹוס.

ὑμέναιος - הֵינוּמָא, הֵינוּמָה

2055, Jastrow 7912
(נוּם, formed like preced.) slumbering couch, esp. (a popular adaptation of ὑμέναιος)
henuma, a curtained litter on which a virgin bride was carried in procession (cmp.
Sm. Ant. s. v. Lectica, about κλίνη a. φορεῖον). Keth. II, 1 שיצאת בה' that she
was carried out of her father’s home in a henuma or with loosened hair; Y. ib.
I, 25a top הימונא (corr. acc.). Bab. ib. 16b עדי ה' witnesses testifying to her
having been taken out in a h.—Ib. 17b מאי ה' what is henuma? Answ. תנורא דאסא an
oven-shaped (frame) draped with myrtles; oth. opin. קלתא דמנמנמא בה וכ' (not קריתא
דמנמנא, v. Rashbam to B. Bath. 92b) a curtained couch on which the bride reclines
as though slumbering. Y. Keth. II, 26a bot. תמן נמנומא וכ' there (in Babylon) they
call it namnuma (a slumbering couch), the Rabbis here call it פוריומא q. v.

ὑμέναιος (hymenaios) - הִינוּמָא, הִינוּמָה

2056, Klein 6232
bridal veil. PBH [Prob. metathesized from Gk. hymenaios (= wedding or bridal song,
sung as the bride was led to the bridegroom’s house), from Hymen (name of the god
of marriage). cp. הִימְנוֹן.]

ὕμνος - הִימְנוֹן, הִמְ'

2057, Jastrow 7884
(ὕμνος, acc. ) hymn. Ex. R. s. 45. Gen. R. s. 8; Koh. R. to VI, 10 דומינו, דומינון,
דומינין (corr. acc.); Yalk. Gen. 23; Yalk. Is. 261; a. fr.

ὕμνος (hymnos) - הִימְנוֹן

2058, Klein 6228
hymn. FW [Gk. hymnos (= a song in praise of gods or heroes), orig. ‘a wedding song’,
and prob. related to Hymen, name of the god of marriage. See הִינוּמָא.]

ὑπαρχία - הִפַּרְכְיָא, הִפַּרְכְיָה, הִי'

2059, Jastrow 8218
(ὑπαρχία) lieutenancy, provincial government, province. Sifré Deut. 330; Yalk.
ib. 946 [read:] היפטיקוס נכנס לתוך ה' שלו אם יכול ליפרע מכל הוא נפרע ואם לאו וכ'
a consul enters his province; if he is able to collect (taxes) from all &c. Yalk.
Ps. 875 הפרכוס אחרת (corr. acc.; v. preced.)—Pl. הִפַּרְכִיּוֹת, הִי'. Tosef. Gitt.
VIII (VI), 3 ed. Zuck. (v. הורכיינוס).

ὕπαρχος - אִיפַּרְכָא, אִיפַּרְכָה, אֶפַּרְכָא, אֶפַּרְכוֹס

2060, Jastrow 1564
(ὕπαρχος, ἔπαρχος) prefect of a province or town; governor, lieutenant. Gen. R.
s. 11; a. v. fr.—Pl. אִיפַּרְכִין, אִפַּ'; אִפַּרְכֵי, אִיפַּרְכַיָּא. Targ. Y.
Num. XI, 28. Targ. Esth. I, 3; a. e.—Shebu. 6b; a. fr.

ὕπαρχος - הִפַּרְכָא, הִיפַּ'

2061, Jastrow 8216
(not הַפַּ') m. (ὕπαρχος) 1)governor, lieutenant. —Pl. הִפַּרְכִין, הִפַּרְכֵי,
הִי'. Targ. Esth. III, 12.—Ab. Zar. 8b—2)subject (land), colony. Targ. Esth. X,
1 הִפַּרְכֵי ימא (h. text אִיֵי הים); Targ. Y. Gen. XLIX, 13.

ὑπατεία - אִיפַּטְיָא, (אִפַּטְיָא) אִיפַּטִּיאָה

2062, Jastrow 1550
(ὑπατεία) prop. Roman consulship, consulate, in gen. era, dating from accession
to government or an other important event. Lev. R. s. 36 נמנה בא' של מלכים (Ahaz)
was counted under the era of kings (under whom Isaiah prophesied). Num. R. beg.
ואיזה א'—איזה יום what day, month, year and era (from the exodus from Egypt.).
Pesik. Baḥod. p. 104a היו מונין א' וכ' count ye a new era from my son’s redemption.
Ib. Haḥod. p. 52b sq. he wrote her marriage contract וכתב לה א' in which he stated
the era of his government.

ὑπατικός - אִיפָּטִיקוֹס

2063, Jastrow 1551
(incorr. איפוט', איפיט') m. (ὑπατικός) consularis, Emperor’s delegate, viceroy.
Mekh. B’shall. Amalek, 2, א' מבטל וכ' the Hypaticus annuls it over his (the Hegemon’s)
hand (ignoring his authority).—Pl. אִיפָּטִיקִין. Tanḥ. (ed. Bub.), Vayesheb 2
אפסיקין (corr. acc., v. note 4). V. היפטיקוס.

ὑπάτικος - הִיפָּטִיקוֹס

2064, Jastrow 7929
(variously corrupted) m. (ὑπάτικος) consular, governor. Sifré Deut. 309 [read:]
אם היה ה' שגדול משניהם if he were a hypaticos who is higher than either of them;
Yalk. ib. 542.—Sifré ib. 330.—Pl. הִיפָּטִיקִין. Ib. 327; 317 הפיטקים (corr. acc.).
Y’lamd. to Gen. XXV, 23 quot. in Ar. חפאטיקון (read הִפָּאטִיקִין). V. אִיפָּטִיקוֹס

ὑπέρ (hyper) - הִיפֶּר□

2065, Klein 6250
hyper–. FW [Gk. hyper–, from hyper (= over, above, beyond), which is cogn. with
Old I. upári, L. super (= over, above, beyond), which is properly a comparative
from base * upo– (= from below; turning upward, upward, up, over, beyond), whence
also Gk. hypo (= under). See הִיפּוֹ□ and סוּפֶּר□.]

ὑπερβολή (hyperbole) - הִיפֶּרְבּוֹלָה

2066, Klein 6251
1) hyperbole. 2) hyperbola (mathematics). FW [Gk. hyperbole (= a throwing beyond,
overshooting; excess), from hyperballein (= to throw over or beyond, overshoot;
to exceed), from hyper and ballein (= to throw, shoot). See הִיפֶּר□ and בַּלִּיסֽטִיקָה.

ὑπνωτικός (hypnotikos) - הִיפְּנוֹטִי

2067, Klein 6248
hypnotic. FW [Gk. hypnotikos (= inclined to sleep). See הִיפְּנוֹזָה and suff. □ִי.

ὑπο (hypo) - הִיפּוֹ□

2068, Klein 6241
(before a vowel הִיפְּ□) FW combining form ‘hypo–’, ‘hyp–’. [Gk. hypo–, hyp–, from
hypo (= under, below, from below), which is cogn. with Old I. ripa (= near, under,
up to, on), L. sub (= under). See סוּבּ□ and cp. הִיפֶּר□.]

ὑποδήματα - *הדוסטא

2069, Jastrow 7555
, Y. Sabb. VI, 8a top, a corrupt., prob. for הִיפּוֹדִימָטָא m. pl. (ὑποδήματα)
half-shoes, contrad. to sandals or soles which may accidentally be fastened with
the front backward.

ὑπόθεσις (hypothesis) - הִיפּוֹתֵיזָה

2070, Klein 6245
hypothesis. FW [Gk. hypothesis (= foundation, supposition; lit.: ‘a putting under’),
from the stem of hypotithenai (= to put under, lay down). see אִפּוֹתֵיקָה.]

ὑποθήκη - אִפֹּותִּיקִי

2071, Jastrow 2650
(ὑποθήκη) 1)pledge, mortgage; an object made a security without being placed in
the possession of the pledgee, opp. to מַשְׁכּוֹן. —B. Kam. 96a שווייה ניהליה א'
וכ' he made it a mortgage by saying, ‘You can pay yourself only out of this thing’.
Ib. 11b עשה עבדו א' if he mortgaged his slave; a. fr.—2)mortgage-document, deed.
Tosef. Shebi. VIII, 6 שטר שיש בו א' (ed. Zuck. הִפֹּותִּקִי) a note (contract)
containing a mortgage obligation. Ex. R. s. 31 כתוב לי א' על וכ' give me a mortgage
on thy field.—Pl. אִפֹּותִּיקָאֹות. B. Mets. 19a דייתיקאות א' וכ' (Ms. M. הפותיקו',
v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) wills, mortgage deeds &c. Tosef. Sabb. VIII (IX), 13
שטרי דייתיקי וא' ed. Zuck. (ed. הפות', read והפ').

ὑποθήκη (hypotheke) - אִפּוֹתֵיקָה, אָפּוֹתֵיקֵי

2072, Klein 1798
pledge, mortgage. PBH [Gk. hypotheke (= deposit, pledge, mortgage), from the stem
of hypotithenai (= to put under, lay down, pledge), from hypo (= under) and tithenai
(= to put, place). See אַפּוֹתֵיקָה and cp. הִיפּוֹתֵיזָה.]

ὑπομνήματα - *אופימטטאטא, אופימשט'

2073, Jastrow 806
, read אוּפֹּומְנֵימָאטָא m. pl. (ὑπομνήματα) public records, acts. Ex. R. s. 28
a king wanted לעשות א' חוץ וכ' to pass acts without consulting the lieutenant-governor

ὑπομνήματα - במגנימין

2074, Jastrow 4380
, Y. R. Hash. I, 57b, כהדא ב', prob. to be read: כהדין אִיפוֹמְנִימָטִין (ὑπομνήματα)
like the minutes of the court proceedings, opp. to preced. דירין, read דִּיקִין
(δίκη, pl.).

ὑποπόδιον - אִפֹּופֹּודִין, אִי'

2075, Jastrow 2634
(frequ. miscopied אפיפ', and with ר for ד) c. (ὑποπόδιον) footstool to the throne
or to a high chair of distinction. Targ. Y. Ex. XXIV, 10 (corr. acc.).—Y. Ḥag.
II, 77c bot. after building the throne, he makes אפו' שלו his foot-stool; Gen.
R. s. 1; Lev. R. s. 36 (corr. acc.). Kel. XVI, 1 א' של בעלי הבית (in Talm. ed.
בעל) the people’s footstool of the household (a folding stool, cmp. אַסְלָא II).
Ib. XXIV, 7 ג' פנקסין יש הא' וכ' (corr. acc.) there are three boards or tablets
in use (v. פנקס), that which is used as a footsool is susceptible of uncleanness
by being trod upon, that with a receptacle for wax (writing tablet) gets unclean
by &c. [Gen. R. s. 17; Koh. R. to III, 19, v. אֱפִיפְּיוֹן.]

ὕσσωπος (hyssopos) - אֵיזוֹבָא

2076, Klein 647
, Syr. זוּפָא (of s.m.), prob. also to Akka. zūpu (= ‘a garden plant’). Arab. zūfā,
Ethiop. ’azōb (= hyssop), and Gk. hyssopos (= an aromatic plant) are Heb. loan
words. See ‘hyssop’ in my CEDEL.]

φαιλόνης - פִּינוֹלֵס פִּילוֹנֵס

2077, Jastrow 23483
(φαινόλης, φαιλόνης S. = pænula) a travelling cloak, pænula. Treat. Tsitsith (ed.
Kirchh. p. 22) פילגס (corr. acc.; Sifré Deut. 234 תכלא; Yalk. ib. 933 תיכלא, prob.
to be read: פִּינוּלָא). Y. Ned. X, end, 42b מהו להתיר בפלונס (not ם …) is it permitted
to act as judge in absolving from vows wrapped in a pænula (in place of a Tallith)?;
Y. Ḥag. I, 76d top פלנים (corr. acc.).—Pl. פִּינוֹלִין, פִּילֹונִין. Lam. R. to
II, 2 מוכרי פילינין Ar. (ed. Koh. פילינון, corr. acc.; ed. מוכרי טהרות) sellers
of pænulæ; Y. Taan. IV, 69a bot. אורגי פלגס (corr. acc.) weavers of material for
pænulæ.—Tosef. Kel. B. Bath. V, 11 פמליאות, פימ' (R. S. to Kel. XXVIII, 8 פמילאות)
read: פִּינוֹלָאוֹת.

φαινόλης - פִּינוֹלֵס פִּילוֹנֵס

2078, Jastrow 23483
(φαινόλης, φαιλόνης S. = pænula) a travelling cloak, pænula. Treat. Tsitsith (ed.
Kirchh. p. 22) פילגס (corr. acc.; Sifré Deut. 234 תכלא; Yalk. ib. 933 תיכלא, prob.
to be read: פִּינוּלָא). Y. Ned. X, end, 42b מהו להתיר בפלונס (not ם …) is it permitted
to act as judge in absolving from vows wrapped in a pænula (in place of a Tallith)?;
Y. Ḥag. I, 76d top פלנים (corr. acc.).—Pl. פִּינוֹלִין, פִּילֹונִין. Lam. R. to
II, 2 מוכרי פילינין Ar. (ed. Koh. פילינון, corr. acc.; ed. מוכרי טהרות) sellers
of pænulæ; Y. Taan. IV, 69a bot. אורגי פלגס (corr. acc.) weavers of material for
pænulæ.—Tosef. Kel. B. Bath. V, 11 פמליאות, פימ' (R. S. to Kel. XXVIII, 8 פמילאות)
read: פִּינוֹלָאוֹת.

φάκελος (phakelos) - פָּקוֹל

2079, Klein 23333
cotton tuft (in the Talmud used only in the pl. פָּקוֹלִין, ‘cotton tufts’). PBH
[From Gk. phakelos (= bundle, fascicle), which is of uncertain origin.]

φακιόλιον - *, *פִּיקְיָילִין

2080, Jastrow 23571
(facialis, φακιόλιον S.) turban. Y. Bets. V, 63a אפרח רוחא פִּיקְיָילֵיה וכ' (not
פיקי ליה) the wind made his turban fly off R. Meir’s neck.

φανός - פָּנָס

2081, Jastrow 23966
(φανός) torch; lantern. Kel. II, 4 פ' שיש בו וכ' a lantern which contains a receptacle
for oil; Tosef. ib. B. Bath. VII, 11 פ' של זכוכית וכ' a glass lantern &c. (v. פוקטו).
Tosef. Ber. VI (V), 7 פָאנָס ed. Zuck. (Var. פנס); Ber. 53b; Y. ib. VIII, 12b bot.
Ex. R. s. 15 היה נוטל הפ' וכ' he (the Lord) took the torch and carried light before
them (ref. to Ex. XIII, 21). Ib. s. 25 בשר ודם תלמוד טוען פ' וכ' among human beings,
the pupil carries the light before his teacher; not so the Lord &c.; a. fr.—Pl.
פְּנָסִין. Gen. R. s. 3, beg. הדליק נרות ופ' lighted lamps and torches. Ib. s.
68 כבו את הנרות כבו הפ' put out the lamps, put out the torches. Koh. R. to XII,
7 הדליק נרות ופ' לשמה וכ' he lighted lamps and torches in the name of Rome (as
an augury for a war against Rome), and they would not burn; a. e.

φανός (phanos) - פָּנָס

2082, Klein 23073
lamp, lantern. PBH [Gk. phanos (of s.m.), from the stem phainein (= to make appear,
show, shine). See פַנְטַסְיָה.]

φαντασία (phantasia) - פַנְטַסְיָה

2083, Klein 23049
fantasy. FW [Gk. phantasia (= look, appearance, imagination, image), from phantazein
(= to make visible, display), from the stem of phainein (= to make appear, show;
to shine), whence also phanos (= torch), phanoras (= visible, manifest, illustrious);
related to phaos, phos (= light). See פוֹטוֹ□ and cp. פֶנוֹמֶן. cp. also פָּנָס
and the second element in צֶלּוֹפָן and in תֵּיאוֹפַנְיָה. For the ending of פַנְטַסְיָה
see suff. □יָה.]

φανταστικός (phantastikos) - פַנְטַסְטִי

2084, Klein 23048
fantastic. FW [Gk. phantastikos (= able to present to the mind), from phantastes
(= one who is fond of display), from phantazein. See פַנְטַסְיָה.]

φαρμακός - פַּרְמָקוֹס

2085, Jastrow 24636
(φαρμακός) sorcerer. Gen. R. s. 77 Var. (text פרקמוס, incorr.); Cant. R. to III,

φᾶρος - טַלִּית

2086, Jastrow 11691
(טלל) cover, sheet, cloak (similar to the Roman pallium, Gr. φᾶρος). Sabb. 147a
ט' מקופלת a cloak folded up and thrown over the shoulder. Men. 41a ט' כפולה a double-sized
sheet worn by doubling it. Sabb. 138a ט' כפולה וכ' one must not make a tent on
the Sabbath by spreading a double-sized sheet on poles so that the ends hang down.
Kidd. 18a sq. (ref. to בבגדו, Ex. XXI, 8) כיון שפירש טַלִּיתוֹ עליה since he spread
his (bed-) sheet over her (v. בָּגַד).—Esp. Tallith, the cloak of honor, the scholar’s
or officer’s distinction (adorned with fringes according to Num. XV, 38 sq.); the
cloak of the leader in prayer. Num. R. s. 8, end שמלה זו ט' simlah (Deut. X, 18),
that means the cloak to which the show-fringes are attached. Gen. R. s. 36 (ref.
to השמלה, Gen. IX, 23) לפיכך זכה שם לט' וכ' therefore was Shem privileged to wear
the Tallith &c. Ex. R. s. 27 נתמנה … ונטל ט' וכ' when one has been appointed to
an office and has taken the T., he must not &c.; a. fr.—Pl. טַלִּיתוֹת, טַלִּיּוֹת.
Sabb. 147a ed. (Ms. M. sing.). Tanḥ. Korah 2; Num. R. s. 18, beg. ט' תכלת cloaks
all of purple blue; Y. Snh. X, 27d bot. טלויות, ed. Krot. טלוי' (corr. acc. or
טַלִּיוֹת). Zab. IV, 5 עשר טליות וכ' if ten sheets are placed above one another.
Ib. 7; Sabb. 93a

φασιανός - פִּסְיוֹנִי פִּיסְ'

2087, Jastrow 24041
(φασιανός, sub. ὀῤνις) [bird from the river Phasis in Colchis,] pheasant (Phasianus
Colchicus). Num. R. s. 7 מי שהיה מתאוה תרנגול או פסיון וכ' whoever desired to eat
chicken or pheasant, found the taste of it in the manna. Tosef. Kil. I, 8 תרנגול
… ופ' וכ' ed. Zuck. (Var. פסאני, פַּסְיָאנִי) chicken, peacock and pheasant, although
resembling one another, are heterogeneous birds; Y. ib. I, 27a bot. הפוסיוני; Y.
B. Kam. V, end, 5a פי'; Bab. ib. 55a (Rashi: partridge). Yoma 75b (as a species
of quail, v. סְלָיו). Kidd. 31a. Midr. Till. to Ps. IV; a. e.—Pl. פִּסְיוֹנִים,
פִּסְיוֹנִין, פִּי'. Ib. פ' וראשי פטומות pheasants and choice of fattened birds;
a. e.

φερνή (pherne) - פרן

2088, Klein 23684
to pay dowry. [Denominated from Gk. pherne (= that which is brought by the wife,
dowry, portion), a derivative of pherein (= to bear, carry). See אֲנָפוֹרָה.] |
— Hiph. הִפֽרִין he paid dowry, endowed.

φιάλη - פְּיָילִי פְּיָילָא

2089, Jastrow 23409
(φιάλη, fiala) a broad, flat bowl. Targ. Y. I Gen. XL, 12. Targ. Y. I Num. VII,
13 פְּיוֹלִי (Y. II פַּיְילִי; h. text קערה). Targ. Is. LI, 17; 22 פ' כסא (ed.
Wil. פַּיְלִי; h. text קבעת כוס); a. fr.—Tanḥ. Naso 1 פְּיָאלִי של חרש an earthen
bowl; Sifra M’tsorʿa, Par. 1, ch. 1 פיי' של חרס; Sot. II, 2 (15b; Bab. ed. פְּיָלִי);
a. fr.—Gen. R. s. 10, a. fr. פ' פוטירין, v. פּוֹטִירִין.—[Ib. s. 63 קדום פ', קודם
פ', read: פִּילִי.]—[Sabb. 90b פיילי ביירי Rashi, v. פַּלְיָא.]—Pl. (ch.) פַּיְילָוָון,
פַּיְילְוָותָא, פַּיְילָ', פַּיְלָ' (פִּילָ'). Targ. Am. VI, 6 (ed. Lag. פִּלְוָון).
Targ. Y. Num. IV, 7 (ed. Vien. פִּילַיָּו'); a. e.—(Masc. form) פְּיָילֵי, פַּיְילֵי,
פְּיָילַיָּא, פְּיָלַ'. Targ. II Chr. IV, 8; 11; a. e.

φιάλη (piale) - פְּיָלֵי

2090, Klein 22740
flask, broad bowl. PBH [From Gk. piale (= broad, flat bowl), which is of uncertain

φιλανθρωπία (philanthropia) - פִילַנְתְּרוֹפְּיָה

2091, Klein 22746
philanthropy. FW [Gk. philanthropia (= love to mankind, humanity, benevolence, kind-heartedness),
from philanthropos. See פִילַנְתְּרוֹפּ and suff. □יָה.]

φιλο (philo) - פִילוֹ□

2092, Klein 22726
(before a vowel פִילְ□) pref. FW philo–, phil–. [Gk. philo, phil, from philos (=
loved, beloved, dear; as a noun: ‘friend’). Later, in poetry, also used in an active
sense ‘loving, friendly’; whence philein (= to love). Of uncertain origin. cp.
the second element in פַּמְפְלֶט.]

φιλονικεία - פִּילוֹנִיקְיָא

2093, Jastrow 23441
(φιλονικεία) love of strife, contentiousness. Tanḥ. Vaëra 11 (ref. to Is. XLVI,
10b) כל הקורא פסוק זה סבור שמא פ' וכ' (not פלוניקיא) he who reads this verse will
think, is there a contest of opinions above (in heaven)?; ib. ed. Bub. 11 פקלוניא
(corr. acc.); Ex. R. s. 9, beg. פלינקרא, פלינקריא (corr. acc.); (Tanḥ. Thazr. 7
עיות הדין, ed. Bub. 9 עיבור הדין).

φιλοσοφία (philosophia) - פִילוֹסוֹפְיָה

2094, Klein 22736
philosophy. FW [Gk. philosophia (= love of wisdom, philosophy), from philosophos.
See פִילוֹסוֹף and suff. □יָה.] See פַּלְסָפָה.

φιλόσοφος - פִּילוֹסוֹפוֹס

2095, Jastrow 23446
(φιλόσοφος) philosopher, one living a life of speculation and self-denial, monk
(v. Gr. Dict. s. v.). Y. Sabb. III, 6a bot. חד פ' שאל וכ' (not פיוס …) a certain
philosopher (Christian?) asked &c.; Y. Bets. II, 61c. Treat. Der. Er. ch. V (v.
Brüll, Jahrb. 1879, p. 41). Gen. R. s. 1 פ' אחד שאל וכ' (ed. Wil. פילסופי, corr.
acc.) a philosopher asked R. G.; Ab. Zar. 54b פלוספוס; a. fr.—Pl. פִּילֹוסֹופִים,
פִּילֹוסֹופִין, (פְּלֹו'). Ib.; Tosef. ib. VI (VII), 7. Gen. R. s. 65 לא עמדו פ'
בעולם וכ' no philosophers ever arose as wise as Balaam &c. Ib. s. 61 ישבו פ' וחשבו
(= סופיסטיס) accountants sat down and calculated; a. fr.

φιλόσοφος (philosophos) - פִילוֹסוֹף

2096, Klein 22734
philosopher. FW [Gk. philosophos (= lover of wisdom, philosopher), from philos (=
loving; see פִילוֹ□), and sophos (= clever, skilled, prudent, wise, learned), which
is of uncertain origin. Pythagoras was the first who called himself philosophos
instead of sophos (= wise man), since the latter term was suggestive of immodesty.
cp. סוֹפִיזְם.]

φιλοτιμία - פִּילוֹטִימְיָא

2097, Jastrow 23436
(φιλοτιμία, S.) display, public show, esp. gladiatorial exhibition, combats of beasts
&c. (v. Sachs Beitr. I, p. 120). Ex. R. s. 30 שמע שפ' נעשית (not פלוטמיא) he heard
that a show is coming up; שאל … פ' he asked a gladiator (לוּדָר), when will the
show take place?; שאל לאותו שעושה פ' he asked him who was to give the show (‘editor’)

φιλότιμος - *, *כילופיס, כילסופיס

2098, Jastrow 13406
, Pesik. R. s. 23 כשהן כ', read: כשהוא פִּילוֹטִימוֹס (φιλότιμος) when he is liberal
(v. פילוטמיא).

φλάσγα - *, *פלסגר

2099, Jastrow 23860
, Tosef. Ter. VII, 16 ובפ' ed. Zuck. (Var. ובאלפסנה, missing in oth. eds. ) a corrupt.
of פלסגה, פלאסגה = φλάσγα, flask, a gloss to לגין, put in the text through misunderstanding

φλεγματικός (phlegmatikos) - פְלֶגְמָטִי

2100, Klein 22837
phlegmatic. FW [Gk. phlegmatikos (= abounding in phlegm), from phlegma (= inflammation;
phlegm), from phlegein (= to burn, scorch, kindle), which is related to phlox (=
flame, blaze), from IE base * bhleg-, *bhelg- (= to burn, be hot). See ‘black’
in my CEDEL. For the ending of Gk. phlegma see suff. ‘-ma’ ibid.]

Φοίβη - פָּאבִי פִּיאָבִי

2101, Jastrow 22763
(Φοίβη) Pabi, Piabi, mother of a priest Ishmael. Tosef. Yoma I, 21 (ed. Zuck. פואבי,
Var. פא', פיא'); Y. ib. III, 40d top פיא'; Bab. ib. 35b פא' (Ms. M. פיא'); a. e.;
v. יִשְׁמָעאֵל.

φοινική - פוקטו פוקטי

2102, Jastrow 23079
, a corrupt., for פּוּנִיקִי (Punica, φοινική = φοινικική, sub. λαμπάς; v. Sm. Ant.
s. v. Laterna). Punic lantern. Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. II, 6 פ' שיש בה בית קבול שמן
a lantern which contains a receptacle for oil, contrad. to שיש בה בית קבול נר which
has a receptacle for a candlestick.

Φοινίκη (Phoinike) - פֶנִיקִי

2103, Klein 23067
Phoenician. FW [Formed with suff. □ִי from Gk. Phoinike which prob. means lit. ‘land
of purple’, from phoinikos (= purple, crimson; date palm, date; a fabulous bird,
the phoenix), which is related to phoinos (= bloodred), phonos (= murder). All
these words derive from IE base * gwhen- (= to strike). See אוֹפֶנְסִיבָה.]

φοινικική - פוקטו פוקטי

2104, Jastrow 23079
, a corrupt., for פּוּנִיקִי (Punica, φοινική = φοινικική, sub. λαμπάς; v. Sm. Ant.
s. v. Laterna). Punic lantern. Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. II, 6 פ' שיש בה בית קבול שמן
a lantern which contains a receptacle for oil, contrad. to שיש בה בית קבול נר which
has a receptacle for a candlestick.

φοῖνιξ (phoinix) - פֶנִיקְס

2105, Klein 23068
phoenix, phenix. FW [Gk. phoinix. See פֶנִיקִי.]

φολλερόν - בּוֹלְרִין

2106, Jastrow 3733
(φολλερόν, S.) obol, a small coin. Cant. R. to I, 1 if one drops סלע או ב' (Ar.
ed. Koh. בלורין, ed. כילרין) a Sela or (even) a folleron. V. פּוֹלָר.

φολλερόν - פּוֹלָר

2107, Jastrow 23005
(φολλερόν = φόλλις, S., v. בּוֹלְרִין) folleron, a small debased coin. Y. Peah
I, 15d bot. מילה דטבא חד פ' a thing which is worth one folleron; Gen. R. s. 35,
end; Yalk. Prov. 934 מילתא אחד פלן (corr. acc.).—Pl. פּוֹלְרִין, פּוֹלְרֵי. Gen.
R. s. 70 אי … בי' פ' יהיב ליה חמשה פ' when labor was worth ten follera, he (Laban)
gave him five; ואם … בו' פ' הוה יהיב ליה בג' פ' and if the load he brought in was
worth six follera, he (Jacob) gave it to him for three. Ib. s. 49, v. עִיגּוּלָא

φόλλις - פּוֹלָר

2108, Jastrow 23005
(φολλερόν = φόλλις, S., v. בּוֹלְרִין) folleron, a small debased coin. Y. Peah
I, 15d bot. מילה דטבא חד פ' a thing which is worth one folleron; Gen. R. s. 35,
end; Yalk. Prov. 934 מילתא אחד פלן (corr. acc.).—Pl. פּוֹלְרִין, פּוֹלְרֵי. Gen.
R. s. 70 אי … בי' פ' יהיב ליה חמשה פ' when labor was worth ten follera, he (Laban)
gave him five; ואם … בו' פ' הוה יהיב ליה בג' פ' and if the load he brought in was
worth six follera, he (Jacob) gave it to him for three. Ib. s. 49, v. עִיגּוּלָא

φορβεία - אַפְרוֹמְבְּיָא

2109, Jastrow 2810
(φορβεία) halter. Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. IV, 6 sq. V. פְּרוֹמְבְּיָא.

φορβεία - *, *פּוּרְבִּי

2110, Jastrow 23092
(φορβεία) halter. Gen. R. s. 45 (prov.) אם אמר … עתיד לך פ' Mus. (ed. עביד לך פרוכי)
if one tells thee, thou hast the ears of an ass, mind it not; if two, order a halter
for thyself; (Yalk. ib. 79 פְּרוּמֵי, v. פּוּרְמָא).

φορβεία - פְּרוּמְבְּיָא

2111, Jastrow 24452
(φορβεία) halter. Sabb. V, 1, v פַּגָּא I. Y. ib. V, end, 7c; a. e.—Targ. Ps. XXXII,
9 (h. text רסן). Targ. Job XLI, 5 פְּרוּמְבְּיֵיה (Var. in Ms. ריסניה).

φορβειά (phorbeia) - פְּרֻמְבִּיָּה

2112, Klein 23678
halter. PBH [From Gk. phorbeia (by which a horse is tied to the manger, mouthband),
related to pherbein (= to feed, nourish). These words are of uncertain origin.

φορειαφόροι - *, *פִּרְיָיפְרִין

2113, Jastrow 24565
(φορειαφόροι) carriers of the (bridal) litter. B. Mets. VI, 1 (75b) השוכר … להביא
פ' וכ' (Ms. M. רייפרין, corr. acc.; Ms. H. אפירפרין; Y. ed. פרייא פרין, Ms. R.
פירי אפירין, read: פִּרְיָיאפְרִין; Ms. F. a. Mish. Nap. פירייפרין; Alf. פַּרְפִּירִין,
v. פֵּיפוּר) if one hires an ass-driver or a wagoner to bring litter-carriers and
pipers &c. [In Y. ed. a. Mish. Nap. להביא is omitted.]

φορφύρα - פּוּרְפּוּרָא פּוּרְפּוּרָה פּוּרְפִּי'

2114, Jastrow 23140
c. (φορφύρα, purpura) purple, esp. purple cloak, royal garment. Cant. R. to IV,
12 (expl. רקמה, Ez. XVI, 10) פ' purple garments; Pesik. B’shall., p. 84b פורפירון;
Lam. R. beg. (some ed. פורפריא). Ib. מבזע פ' שלו he rends his purple cloak (in
mourning); ib. to II, 17 בזע פּוּרְפִּירֵיה (some ed. פורפירין, corr. acc.), v.
בְּזע. Ex. R. s. 30 גינו בפ' שהוא לבוש (not בפורפרא) they criticised the cloak
he wore. Deut. R. s. 7 לְבוֹשׁ פ' שלי put on my royal cloak. Esth. R. to III, 6
פ' דמלכא מזדבנא וכ' the royal purple is sold, woe to him who sells, woe to him
who buys it; כך ישראל הן פ' שהק"בה מתפאר בהן (some ed. פורפריא) so Israel is the
purple cloak, for the Lord is glorified through them; a. v. fr.—Pl. פּוּרְפְּרָאוֹת.
Pesik. R. s. 10, v. פּוּרְפּוּרְיָא.

φοσσᾶτον - פָּסָּטוֹן

2115, Jastrow 24020
(fossatum, φοσσᾶτον) ditch. Gen. R. s. 46; Yalk. ib. 82 [read with Ar.) עשו לו
סיעה פ' a band made a ditch for him (as a trap).—Pl. פָּסָּטִין. Yalk. Kings 230,
quot. fr. Tanḥ. Thazr. 9 שעשו פטשין … יפלו לתוך הפטשין (corr. acc.) they dug ditches,
saying, when the Israelites come to make war, they will fall into the ditches (Tanḥ.
l. c. בורות, Var. פטשין; ed. Bub. 12 פיטסים, Mss. פוטיסין, פוטסין, read פוֹסָּטִין).—Cmp.

φουλιᾶτον - פּוֹלְיָיטוֹן

2116, Jastrow 22989
(foliatum, φουλιᾶτον S.) an ointment or oil prepared from leaves of spikenard.
Cant. R. to I, 3 לצלוחית של פ' like a flask of foliatum; Snh. 108a פָּלְיָיטוֹן;
(Gen. R. s. 39 אפופלסמון); Ab. Zar. 35b פליטין (Ms. M. פילייטון, corr. acc.). Tosef.
Dem. I, 26 (שמן) של פי' spikenard oil; Y. ib. I, end, 22b. Yalk. Num. 771 (ref.
to כאהלים, Num. XXIV, 6) כפלוטין (corr. acc.) like foliatum. Ib. אתה מכנה אותן
בבצלים … מכנה אותן בפליטון thou (Balaam) comparest them to onions whose smell is
offensive, but I (the Lord) compare them to spikenard oil. Tosef. Sot. XV, 9 אף
על פי' גזר וכ' Ben Baba forbade also the use of foliatum (after the destruction
of the Temple), but &c.; a. e.

φοῦρνος - פּוּרְנִי

2117, Jastrow 23123
(an adaptation of furnus, φοῦρνος, as if from פָּרַן) [the supplier,] a stationary,
large baking oven, contrad. to תנור. Tosef. Bets. III, 20; Bets. 34a. Pes. 31b
פת פ' bread baked in the purni (large loaves). Ab. Zar. 35b פת פ' מאפה סאה bread
of an oven of a batch of a S’ah of flour; a. fr.—Kel. VIII, 9 פּוּרְנָה an earthen
oven; Tosef. ib. B. Kam. VI, 17 פּוּרְנָא.

φραγέλλιον - פַּרְגּוֹל פַּרְגָּל

2118, Jastrow 24313
(adaptation of flagellum, φραγέλλιον; cmp. פַּרְכִּיל) whip, scourge; young vine
shoot. Lev. R. s. 32, beg. (ref. to Zech. XIII, 6) מה לך לוקה בפ' וכ' why art
thou whipped with the scourge? Because I made a Succah; Mekh. Yithro, Baḥod., s.
6 מה לך לוקה מאה פ' (not מאפ') why art thou to get a hundred lashes?; Yalk. Ex.
292; Yalk. Zech. 581; Midr. Till. to Ps. XII, end מה לך יוצא לידקר בפוראגון (ed.
Bub. מה לך לוקה בפרוגין, corr. acc.). Tosef. Kel. B. Mets. IV, 4 פ' שעשה בראשו
וכ' a whip to the top of which a knob is attached to strike with it. Y. B. Bath.
V, beg. 15a אם היה עשוי כמין פ' (not טרגול) if the young shoot of the olive tree
has the shape of a vine shoot (hanging down and knotted).

φραγέλλιον (phragellion) - פַּרְגּוֹל

2119, Klein 23408
whip, scourge, lash. PBH [From Gk. phragellion, L. flagellum, dimin. of flagrum
(= whip, scourge, lash), from * flāgere (= to whip), whence flāgitāre (= to whip,
decry; to demand passionately).]

φράσις (phrasis) - פְרָזָה

2120, Klein 23552
phrase. FW [Gk. phrasis (= speech, expression, phrase), from phrazein (= to point
out, show, tell), which is of uncertain origin. cp. the first element in פְרָזֵיאוֹלוֹגְיֶה
and the second element in פָּרַפֽרָזָה.]

φρίξ (phrix) - פרכס

2121, Klein 23666
to jerk, move convulsively. [Of uncertain origin, possibly formed from Gk. phrix
(= ruffling, ripple, or from phrixos (= shivering, shuddering), which are related
to phrissein (= to be ruffled, to ripple; to shudder). These Greek words are of
uncertain etymology.] | — Pi. פִּרְכֵּס he jerked, moved convulsively. — Hith.
הִתֽפַּרֽכֵּס (of s.m.).

φῦκος (phukos) - פּוּךְ

2122, Klein 22362
antimony, eye paint. [The orig. meaning of this word was ‘fine powder’. It derives
from base פכך (= to pulverize), appearing in Syr. פַּךְ (= he broke, bruised, shattered),
Arab. fakka (= he broke, decomposed, fragmentized). Gk. phukos (= red paint; seaweed),
whence L. fūcus (= rock lichen) is a Heb. loan word. cp. פּוּךְ II. cp. also פִּיקָס.

φῦκος (phykos) - פִּיקָס

2123, Klein 22789
crimson. PBH [From Gk. phykos (= seaweed; red paint), which is a loan word from
Heb. פּוּךְ (q.v.).]

φυλακή - פִּילָקִי פִּלָ'

2124, Jastrow 23472
(φυλακή) prison. Pesik. U’lkaḥ., p. 182a איתייהב בפ' was put in prison; Lev. R.
s. 30 איתחבש בפ'. Ex. R. s. 15 נתנה בפ' he put her in prison. Ib. s. 30, v. בָּעַט
II; a. fr.—Lev. R. s. 34 חבשתינון בסלקי (corr. acc.).—Pl. פִּילָקִיוֹת, פִּלָ'.
Pesik. Vayhi, p. 67a; Pesik. R. s. 17. Ib. s. 42 (ref. to Esth. II, 18, והנחה)
פיתח הפ' he opened the prisons.

φυλακτήρια - קובטירה

2125, Jastrow 26022
, Y. Sabb. VI, beg. 7d, a corrupt., prob. for פִילַקְטִירְיָא (φυλακτήρια) charms,
amulets, v. טוֹטָפֶת a. חוּמַרְּתָּא.

φύλαξ - *, *ספקלי

2126, Jastrow 20901
, Koh. R. to IX, 18 (expl. על הבית II Kings XVIII, 37), a corruption, prob. to be
read פילקס (φύλαξ) chief of the guard (excubitor). —V. סִקְרִיפְטוֹר.

φύλλον - פִּילֹּון

2127, Jastrow 23440
(φύλλον, sub. Ἰνδικόν; folium) aromatic leaves (Malabathrum). Sifra Vayikra, Ḥoba,
Par. 12, ch. XXII המערב … עלי גפנים בפ' who adulterates phyllon with vine leaves;
Tosef. B. Bath. V, 6 בפיליון (corr. acc.); Koh. R. to IX, 13 בפלפלין (corr. acc.);
ib. to VI, 1 בפליון (corr. acc.); Yalk. Lev. 479. Sabb. 62a; Gitt. 69b, v. חוּמַרְתָּא

φυσική (physike) - פִיסִיקָה

2128, Klein 22767
physics. FW [Gk. physike (= natural science), f. of physikos (= pertaining to nature,
natural), from physis (= nature). See פִיסִי.]

φυσικόν - פזמריקון פיז'

2129, Jastrow 23193
, Midr. Till. to Ps. XVIII, 41; Yalk. Gen. 162 פוזמיקון, פוזמיקין; Yalk. Sam. 163
פיזמיקון, read as Gen. R. s. 98 פטיריקון, v. פַּטְרִיקוֹן.—[The corrupt. may have
risen from a fusion of φυσικόν and its synonym πατρικόν.]

φυσικός (physikos) - פִיסִיקָלִי

2130, Klein 22768
physical. FW [Gk. physikos. See פִיסִיקָה. See also adj. suff. ‘–al’ in my CEDEL.
For the ending of פִיסִיקָלִי see suff. □ִי.]

φυσιογνωμία (physiognomia) - פִיסְיוֹגְנוֹמְיָה, פִיסְיוֹנוֹמְיָה

2131, Klein 22761
physiognomy. FW [Gk. physiognomia (= the science of judging a man’s nature by his
features), from physiognomon (= judging a man’s nature by his features), which
is compounded of physis (= nature) and gnomon (= judge, interpreter, indicator),
related to gnome (= a means of knowing; mind, judgment, intelligence; maxim, opinion).
These latter words derive from the base of gnoskein (= to know, perceive, understand),
from IE * ĝenē–, *g̑enō– (= to be able mentally, to know). See ‘can’ (auxil. v.)
in my CEDEL.]

φυσιολογία (physiologia) - פִיסְיוֹלוֹגְיָה

2132, Klein 22764
physiology. FW [Gk. physiologia (= inquiry into nature), from physiologos (= one
who inquires into nature), from physis (= nature; see פִיסִי); and logos (see □לוֹגְיָה).

φυσιόλογος (physiologos) - פִיסְיוֹלוֹג

2133, Klein 22762
physiologist. FW [Gk. physiologos. See פִיסְיוֹלוֹגְיָה.]

φύσις (physis) - פִיסִי

2134, Klein 22760
physical. FW [Formed with suff. □ִי from Gk. physis (= nature), from phyein (= to
bring forth, produce, make to grow), from IE base * bheu– * bhū̆– (= to be, exist,
grow). See ‘be’ in my CEDEL and cp. פִיסִיקָה.]

φωνή (phone) - פוֹטוֹפוֹן

2135, Klein 22351
photophone. FW [Lit. ‘sound through light’, from פוֹטוֹ□ and Gk. phone (= sound,
voice). See פוֹנֶטִיקָה.]

φωνητικός (phonetikos) - פוֹנֶטִיקָה

2136, Klein 22425
phonetics. FW [From Gk. phonetikos (= vocal), from phonetos (= utterable), verbal
adj. of phonein (= to speak clearly, utter), from phone (= sound, voice), from
IE base *bhā– (= to speak, tell, say), whence also L. for, fārī (= to speak), fāma
(= talk, report, rumor, tradition, reputation). See ‘fami’ in my CEDEL, and cp.
פַבּוּלָה. cp. also פוֹנֶמָה and the second element in לִינְגְוָפוֹן, מֶגָפוֹן,
מִיקְרוֹפוֹן, סוּמְפּוֹנְיָה, סִימְפוֹנְיָה, סַקְסוֹפוֹן, פוֹטוֹפוֹן, פּוֹלִיפוֹנְיָה,

φωνο (phono) - פוֹנוֹ□

2137, Klein 22419
(combining form) phono–. FW [Gk. phono, from phone (= sound, voice). See פוֹנֶטִי.

φώρειον (phoreion) - אַפִּרְיוֹן

2138, Klein 1907
canopy (a hapax legomenon in the Bible, occurring Cant. 3:9). [Of uncertain etymology.
Usually regarded as a loan word from Gk. phoreion (= litter), from which it was
formed with prosthetic אַ□. Gk. phoreion is related to phora (= a carrying, bringing),
from the stem of pherein (= to bear, carry), which is cogn. with L. ferre (of s.m.).
In spite of the fact that the Septuagint renders אַפִּרְיוֹן by phoreion, there
are both linguistic and semantic reasons which make the derivation of אַפִּרְיוֹן
from Gk. phoreion very improbable. Before all, Greek words began to appear as Hebrew
loan words only since the period of Hellenism, hence are of much later date than
the Song of Songs; moreover, the prosthetic א□ in אַפִּרֽיוֹן is inorganic and
therefore difficult to explain. On the other hand, Gk. phoreion is never used in
the sense of ‘canopy’. The rendering of אַפִּרְיוֹן by phoreion in the Septuagint
is merely due to its habit of translating Heb. words by such Gk. words as resemble
the Heb. in sound, even though they are only remotely related to them in meaning.

φῶς - *, *פּוֹטָא

2139, Jastrow 22944
(φῶς, pl. φῶτα) lights. Y’lamd. to Num. X, 29, quot. in Ar. פוטיאל שהאיר במעשים
טובים (כמו) שאת אומר ביונית פ' (ed. Koh. פוטיא) Hobab is surnamed Putiel (Ex. VI,
25), because he shone through good deeds, as you say in Greek phota

φῶτα - *, *פּוֹטָא

2140, Jastrow 22944
(φῶς, pl. φῶτα) lights. Y’lamd. to Num. X, 29, quot. in Ar. פוטיאל שהאיר במעשים
טובים (כמו) שאת אומר ביונית פ' (ed. Koh. פוטיא) Hobab is surnamed Putiel (Ex. VI,
25), because he shone through good deeds, as you say in Greek phota

φωτεινός - פּוֹטִינוֹס

2141, Jastrow 22951
(φωτεινός) bright, splendid. Tanḥ. ed. Bub., Vayesheb 16 פ̇ו̇ט̇יפ̇ר̇ שנכנס לביתו
של פרעה ונעשה ביתו פ̇ו̇ט̇יניס וכ' his name was Potifar (φωτοφόρος), because he
entered the house of Pharaoh, and his house became bright, for he brightened up
the house of Pharaoh; Gen. R. s. 86 (differ. paronomasia) שהיה פ̇ור̇ע … כיון שירד
הפ̇ר̇ לשם נעשה פ̇ו̇ט̇ינון Ar. (ed. פויטנון) he used to uncover himself before the
idol, but when the bullock (Joseph, Deut. XXXIII, 17) came there, he (Potifar)
became enlightened; Yalk. ib. 145 וכיון שירד יוסף … פ' [glossator explains עשיר
rich, v. Gen. XXXIX, 5].

φωτία - פּוֹטְיָא

2142, Jastrow 22947
(φωτία) brightness, v. פּוֹטָא.

φωτο (photo) - פוֹטוֹ□

2143, Klein 22337
(combining form) photo. FW [Gk. photo– from the stem of phos (= light), which is
contracted from phaos, a word derived from IE base *bhā– (= to shine). cp. פוֹטוֹן
and the first element of פוֹסְפוֹר. cp. also פַנֽטַסְיָה.]

χ - כי, כ"י

2144, Jastrow 13335
the Greek letter Chi (χ). Men. VI, 3 כמין כי, expl. ib. 75a כמין כי יוני (Ar. יונית)
drawing the figure of a Greek Chi; Tosef. ib. VIII, 8; 10; Ker. 5b; Hor. 12a, expl.
כמין כף יוני ed. (Ms. M. כי). Kel. XX, 7.

χαῖρε - כֵּירִי

2145, Jastrow 13487
(χαῖρε, imper. of χαίρω) hail! Gen. R. s. 89 (play on כר, Is. XXX, 23) (when thy
cattle has pasture) כ' כ' מרובה בעולם Ar. ‘hail! hail!’ is largely heard in the
world (good-will prevails); [ed. כ' עבד קירי אדון; ‘Rashi’: כ' קירי מרובה בעולם
(χαῖρε κύριε, hail, O Lord &c.), misinterpreting: כ' עבד קירי אדון (v. next w.),
which gloss came into the text of the ed. in place of the original passage]. Tanḥ.
Mikk. 9 א"ל קירי כ' Mus. (ed. ברא; ed. Bub. 11 בדא; corr. acc.), he said to him,
hail mylord!

χαίρω - כֵּירִי

2146, Jastrow 13487
(χαῖρε, imper. of χαίρω) hail! Gen. R. s. 89 (play on כר, Is. XXX, 23) (when thy
cattle has pasture) כ' כ' מרובה בעולם Ar. ‘hail! hail!’ is largely heard in the
world (good-will prevails); [ed. כ' עבד קירי אדון; ‘Rashi’: כ' קירי מרובה בעולם
(χαῖρε κύριε, hail, O Lord &c.), misinterpreting: כ' עבד קירי אדון (v. next w.),
which gloss came into the text of the ed. in place of the original passage]. Tanḥ.
Mikk. 9 א"ל קירי כ' Mus. (ed. ברא; ed. Bub. 11 בדא; corr. acc.), he said to him,
hail mylord!

χαλιδοφόρος - כַּלִּיד, כַּלִּידָא

2147, Jastrow 13585
(χάλις, -ιδος, only in χαλιδοφόρος; κύλιξ, κάλιξ, calix) 1)cup. Targ. II Chr.
IV, 5. Targ. O. Gen. XLIV, 12, a. e. (Var. ק', v. Berl. Targ. O. II, p. 16). Targ.
Ps. XI, 6; a. e.—Pl. כַּלִּידִין. Targ. Jer. XXXV, 5.—2)calyx of flowers. Pl. as
ab. Targ. Ex. XXV, 33, sq. (Ms. I ק').

χαλινός - כָּלִינוֹס

2148, Jastrow 13602
(χαλινός) bridle. Tanḥ. Balak 13 כלבוס (corr. acc.); Num. R. s. 20 בלינוס; Y’lamd.
to Num. XXIII, 5 quot. in Ar., v. פָּקַם.—Ab. d’R. N. ch. XXIV לסוס שיש לו כלינס
Ar. (ed. כלים נאים, Var. כלונס, corr. acc.) like a horse which is bridled. Tosef.
Kel. B. Mets. IV, 7 כלינס, כלוניס, כולוניס (corr. acc.). Pesik. R. s. 42 בל' (corr.

χάλις - כַּלִּיד, כַּלִּידָא

2149, Jastrow 13585
(χάλις, -ιδος, only in χαλιδοφόρος; κύλιξ, κάλιξ, calix) 1)cup. Targ. II Chr.
IV, 5. Targ. O. Gen. XLIV, 12, a. e. (Var. ק', v. Berl. Targ. O. II, p. 16). Targ.
Ps. XI, 6; a. e.—Pl. כַּלִּידִין. Targ. Jer. XXXV, 5.—2)calyx of flowers. Pl. as
ab. Targ. Ex. XXV, 33, sq. (Ms. I ק').

χάλκανθος (chalkanthos) - קַנֽקַנְתּוּם

2150, Klein 25783
vitriol. [Assimilated from Gk. chalkanthos (= solution of blue vitriol), which is
compounded of chalkos (= copper), and anthos (= flower). For the second element
see אַנֽטִילוֹפָּה.]

χαλκηδών - כַּדְכְּדוֹן כַּרְכְּדוֹן כַּדְכְּדָנָא

2151, Jastrow 12996
(χαλκηδών, v. Fl. to Levy Talm. Dict. II, p. 449b) chalcedony, Judah’s gem in the
high priest’s breastplate. Targ. Y. I Ex. XXVIII, 18 כדכודי (incorr. a. misplaced);
Y. II כדכדנא (h. text נפך). Ex. R. s. 38, end ברדינין, ברדנין (corr. acc.).—Pl.
כַּדְכְּדוֹנִין. Pesik. Aniya p. 136a כדכריינין, כדכדיינון (corr. acc.). Ib. אבני
כַּדְכְּדַיָּיה Ar. (ed. כידכייא, corr. acc.); Yalk. Is. 339 כַּדְכּוֹדַיָּיה;
Pesik. R. s. 32 אבני כדכדנא Chalcedonian stones; v. כַּדְכֹּד. Targ. II Esth. I,
2 כַּדְכּוֹדָנִין

χαλκίς - כַּלְכִּיד, כַּלְכִּידָא

2152, Jastrow 13615
(χαλκίς, -ίδος) chalkis, a small fish resembling sardines (v. Sm. Ant. s. v.).
Y. Ned. VI, 39c bot. if one says, I will taste no דָּגָה, אינו … אלא בכ' he is
forbidden ony ch. (small fish). Ib.d top כיל' אנא טעים I feel as if I were eating
ch.—Ib. לית … והוא זבין ליה כ' is it not often the case when a man says to his
neighbor, buy me a fish, that he will buy ch. for him?—Y. Erub. III, 20d top כלבודא
(corr. acc.); Y. Peah VIII, 21a top (סלק') כלקורא, read: כַּלְקִידָא.

Χαλκίς - כַּלְקִיס

2153, Jastrow 13643
(Χαλκίς) Chalkis, a town of Cœlesyria. Y. Meg. I, 70c bot. פליטת … במדינת כ' וכ'
refugee scholars in the city of Ch. and in Beth Zibdin; Y. Taan. II, 66a (כול')
בולקוס; Meg. Taan. XII בליקו' (corr. acc.). [Schol. to Meg. Taan. defining our
w.: במדינת קוסליקוס, prob. a corrupt. of Cœlesyria.]

χαλκίς - ίδος (chalkisidos) - כַּלְכִּיד

2154, Klein 12112
name of a fish; prob. a kind of sardine. PBH [According to some scholars a loan
word from Gk. chalkisidos [sic], name of a migratory fish, prob. the sardine. cp.
כִּלְכִּית.] | **Editor's Note: Klein likely meant 'chalikis, -idos' or 'χαλκίς,
-ίδος' which is the way Jastrow presents the etymology. This means that the genitive
is χαλκίδος

χαλκός - *, *כַּלְכּוּס

2155, Jastrow 13614
(χαλκός) a copper, caldron. B. Kam. 100b (ref. to Mish. IX, 4 צבאו כעור) [read:]
מאי כעור … שצבעו כ' (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 50) what does, ‘he dyed it kaʿur’
mean?… the copper dyed it (cmp. הקדיח' היורה ib.); מאי שצבעו כ' כפרא דודי (Ms.
H.) what does it mean &c.? The sediment of kettles. [Editions a. Mss. have כלבוס,
קלבוס with ב].—Pl. כַּלְקִין. Y. B. Bath. IV, 14c bot. בסלקי, (read: בית כלקין,
corresp. to בית היורות Tosef. ib. III, 3) the copper room.

χαμεύνη - *, *כּוּמְנִי

2156, Jastrow 13149
(prob. a corrupt. of χαμεύνη, a pallet-bed) mattress used as a seat for travelling
women. Tosef. B. Bath. IV, 2; B. Bath. 78a, expl. מרכבתא דנשי.

χάος (chaos) - כָּאוֹס

2157, Klein 11658
chaos FW [Gk. chaos (= gulf, chasm, abyss, the rude unformed mass), cogn. with Old
Eng. goma (= palate), from IE base ghō(u)-, ghēu-, gheu- (= to gape). See ‘gum’
in my CEDEL and cp. ‘chaos’ ibid.]

χαράδρα (charadra) - חַרְדְּלִית

2158, Klein 10087
rain-stream, torrent. PBH [Borrowed from Gk. charadra (= mountain-stream, torrent),
which is related to charassein (= to engrave), hence is ultimately of Sem. origin.
See חרשׁ, חרת.]

χαρακτῆρες - בלקטורים, בלקטירין, רין

2159, Jastrow 4366
…, v. כּוֹלֶּקְטָר (collectarius), and כַּלַּקְטֵירִין (χαρακτῆρες).

χαρακτῆρες - כַּלַּקְטֵירִין

2160, Jastrow 13641
(m. pl. χαρακτῆρες) features of the face. Lev. R. s. 23 הריני צר את כל קטורין וכ'
(corr. acc.) I will shape his features in resemblance to &c.; Pesik. R. s. 24 בלקטרים,
בלקטירים (corr. acc.). Ib. יושב וצר בל' וכ' (corr. acc.) was painting the picture
of the ruler (Lev. R. l. c. איקונין). [Ar. s. v. קנכתר: קנכתירין.]—V. also כּוֹלֶּקְטָר

χαρακτηριστικός (charakteristikos) - כָּרַקְטֶרִיסְטִיקָה

2161, Klein 12539
characteristic. FW [From Gk. charakteristikos (= characteristic, adj.), from charakterizein
(= to characterize), from charakter (= graving tool, mark engraved, impress, character),
from the stem of charassein (= to engrave), which is prob. of Sem. origin. cp.
Heb. חָרַשׁ (= he engraved, plowed), חָרַת (= he engraved); see חרשׁ I and חרת.

χαράκωμα (charakoma) - כַּרְקוֹם

2162, Klein 12538
besieging troop. PBH [From Gk. charakoma (= a place paled round, a fortified camp),
from charakoin (= to pale), which is related to charassein (= to engrave). See

χαρίζεσθαι - *, *כורוסתי

2163, Jastrow 13236
, a corrupt. for כַּרִיזֶסְתִּי (χαρίζεσθαι) to do a favor. Y. Ned. III, 38a, v.
בִּיָּיא II.

χάρισμα (charisma) - כָּרִיזְמָה

2164, Klein 12481
charisma. FW [Gk. charisma (= grace, favor, gift), from charizesdai (= to show favor),
from charis (= grace).]

χαριστίων - כַּרִיסְטְיוֹנָא

2165, Jastrow 14034
(χαριστίων) charistion, an instrument for weighing or lifting (Lidd. et Scott. Gr.
Dict.); scales for minute weights (P. Sm. s. v. כרסטונא, p. 1836). Lam. R. to
I, 5 כרסטייתא Ar. (corr. acc.; ed. קְרִצְטְיוֹנָא).

χάρτης - כַּרְטֵיס

2166, Jastrow 14012
(χάρτης) document. Y. Keth. IX, end, 33c כהן דמר אבד כַּרְטֵיסוֹ וכ' (not סן …)
in accordance with the opinion of him who says, if one’s document (of indebtedness)
is lost, write a duplicate for him. Ib. לבד מן כרטוסה קדמייא וכ' (read: כַּרְטֵיסָה
or כַּרְטֵיסַיָּה pl.) irrespective of a previous document (or previous documents,
against me) which may be in thy possession. Ib. [read:] אלא כי אורחא דבר נשא מימר
אבד כַּרְטֵיסִי עבד חורן but is it a usual matter for a man to say (to his debtor),
my document has been lost, write another for me?—V. קַרְטֵיס.

χάρτης - קַרְטֵיס קַרְטֵס

2167, Jastrow 27799
(χάρτης) paper, document. Midr. Till. to Ps. XLV נטל ק' (חלק) ונתן וכ' ed. Bub.
(oth. ed. קוטריס, קרדום, corr. acc.) he took a blank paper and handed it to the
judge; Yalk. ib. 749 קונטרס (corr. acc.).

χάρτης (chartes) - כַּרְטוֹתֵיקָה

2168, Klein 12470
1) document. 2) card index, file. FW [Compounded of Gk. chartes (= a leaf of the
Egyptian papyrus, papyrus, paper), and theke (= case, box, chest). See כַּרֽטִיס
and תִּיק.]

χείρ (cheir) - כִּירוֹמַנְטְיָה

2169, Klein 12023
chiromancy. FW [Lit. ‘divination from the hand’, formed from Gk. cheir (= hand),
and manteia (= oracle, divination). See ‘chiro’ and ‘-mancy’ in my CEDEL. cp. second
element in נֶקְרוֹמַנְטְיָה.]

χειριδωτός - כַּרְדּוּט

2170, Jastrow 13953
(chiridota, χειριδωτός) a tunic with sleeves. Targ. I Sam. II, 18; a. e. (h. text
אפוד).—Pl. כַּרְדּוּטִין. Targ. II Sam. XIII, 18 (h. text מעילים).—V. next art

χείριε - כִּירִי,

2171, Jastrow 13488
(χείριε, vocat. of χείριος = ὑποχείριος) in the control of, captive. Erub. 53b
(of a Galilean woman who wished to say קירי, κύριε, O Lord) מרי כ'.—Ḥull. 139b
(of doves which uttered a sound like קירי קירי) אמרה … קירי בירי (corr. acc.) said
she, blind one, say rather κύριε χείριε lord slave (an allusion to Herod the Great,
v. הַרְדְסִיאוֹת).—[Gen. R. s. 89 כ' עבד קירי אדון, v. preced. w.

χείριος - כִּירִי,

2172, Jastrow 13488
(χείριε, vocat. of χείριος = ὑποχείριος) in the control of, captive. Erub. 53b
(of a Galilean woman who wished to say קירי, κύριε, O Lord) מרי כ'.—Ḥull. 139b
(of doves which uttered a sound like קירי קירי) אמרה … קירי בירי (corr. acc.) said
she, blind one, say rather κύριε χείριε lord slave (an allusion to Herod the Great,
v. הַרְדְסִיאוֹת).—[Gen. R. s. 89 כ' עבד קירי אדון, v. preced. w.

χειρομάνικα - כִּירוֹמָנִיקְיָא

2173, Jastrow 13485
(χειρομάνικα = μανίκια, S.) [tight sleeves,] handcuffs, manacles (cmp. Lat. manicae).
Targ. II Chr. XXXVI, 6 (a gloss to שושלון דנחשא). Ib. XXXIII, 11 כירומנק' ed.
Lag. (h. text חחים);—Y. Snh. X, 28c bot.; Ruth. R. to II, 14 כירומניקאה; Pesik.
Shub. p. 162a כידי ומנקייה (corr. acc.). Cant. R. to IV, 8 (ref. to זקים, Is. XLV,
14) קרקומניקיא, Bxt. כרקומ' (corr. acc.).

χειρουργός (cheiroergos) - כִּירוּרְג

2174, Klein 12024
surgeon. FW [From Gk. cheiroergos [sic] (= working by hand), which is compounded
of cheir (= hand) and ergon (= work).] | **Editor's Note: I could only find reference
to a word for cheirourgos meaning the same thing. Perhaps it's an alternate spelling
or a typo.

χέρνιψ - *, *כַּרְנִיבָּאוֹת

2175, Jastrow 14103
(χέρνιψ, -βος) vessels containing lustral water, placed at the doors of Greek and
Roman temples (v. Sm. Ant. s. v.). Sifré Num. 158 כרדוכאות (corr. acc.; Ar. כַּרְנִבָּאוֹת)

χιλι - כִּילִי

2176, Jastrow 13407
(χιλι-) one thousand-. Pesik. Baḥod., p. 107b; Pesik. R. s. 21; Yalk. Ps. 796 [read:]
כילי כיליאדין מירי מיריאדין (χιλι-χιλιάδες, μυρι-μυρίαδες) a thousand times thousand,
a myriad of myriads.

χιλιάδες - כִּילְיָאדִין

2177, Jastrow 13409
(χιλιάδες) thousands, v. כִּילִי.

χιλιάρχοι - כלירכין

2178, Jastrow 13608
, read: כִּילְיָירְכִין m. pl. (χιλιάρχοι, chiliarchi) chiliarchs, commanders of
one thousand soldiers. Koh. R. to XII, 7 (expl. לשום כרים, Ez. XXI, 27a) (כלור')
כלירכין to appoint chiliarchs; [Lam. R., introd. (R. Josh. 2) פלימרכים, v. פּוֹלִימַרְכוֹס.]—Sifré
Deut. 317 (expl. כרים, Deut. XXXII, 14) אלו כאליריקין שלהם (ed. Fr. כליסריקים,
corr. acc.) this refers to their (the Roman) chiliarchs; Yalk. Deut. 944 כלירקין

χίμαιρα (chimaira) - חִימֶרָה

2179, Klein 9335
chimera, chimaera. FW [From Gk. chimaira (= a young she-goat), which is related
to chimaros (= a young he-goat, lit.: ‘one winter old’), from cheima (= winter),
which is cogn. with L. hiems (= winter), hibernus (= pertaining to winter, wintry).
See ‘hibernate’ in my CEDEL.]

χλαμύδιον - כְּלִינִידִין

2180, Jastrow 13603
(χλανίδιον meant for χλαμύδιον, cmp. Cast. Lex. Syr. s. v.) a fine mantle, an officer’s
distinction. Y. Snh. X, 29a top, v. זוֹנָרָא.

χλαμύς - כְּלָמוּס

2181, Jastrow 13628
(χλαμύς) chlamys, officer’s cloak (v. Sm. Ant. s. v.). Y’lamd. to Gen. XXV, 23;
25, quot. in Ar., corresp. to the Jewish garment טַלִּית, v. כֹּכְלָא.—Tanḥ. Vayera,
ed. Bub., 21 [read:] כל הימים … היה מהלך בסגון כיון שנכנס הלביש הכלמוס שלו (v.
ib. notes 124; 125) as long as he was on the road, he travelled in a sagum (common
soldier’s cloak), when he entered to take office, he put on the chlamys; Gen. R.
s. 50, beg. כפגן … כקאלמין; Lev. R. s. 26 כפגן … כקלאמין; Yalk. Gen. 84 כגפ' …
כקאלמין (read: בסגון … בכְלָאמִין or בקְלָאמִין).

χλανίδιον - כְּלִינִידִין

2182, Jastrow 13603
(χλανίδιον meant for χλαμύδιον, cmp. Cast. Lex. Syr. s. v.) a fine mantle, an officer’s
distinction. Y. Snh. X, 29a top, v. זוֹנָרָא.

χλανίδιον - כְּלָנִידְיָיא

2183, Jastrow 13633
(χλανίδιον,—ια) fine cloaks for women. Y. Sabb. VI, 8b bot. כ' (expl. הרעלות, Is.
III, 19; not ב').

χλωρός (chloros) - כְּלוֹר

2184, Klein 12080
chlorine (chemistry). (From Gk. chloros (= greenish yellow, pale green, green fresh).
See ‘yellow’ in my CEDEL.] FW

χολικός - כּוֹלִיקוֹס

2185, Jastrow 13135
(χολικός, in the sense of μελαγχολικός) one afflicted with melancholy. Y. Ter.
I, 40b המקרע את כסותו כ' if one tears his clothes, I may say, he is melancholy
(but not insane); Y. Gitt. VII, beg. 48c המקרע … קינוקוס (corr. acc.).

χονδρίται - (כַּרְדּוּ') כַּרְדִּיטִין

2186, Jastrow 13955
(a corrupt. of כונדריטין χονδρίται) bread made of groats. Targ. Jer. VII, 18; XLIV,
19 (h. text כַּוָּנִים).

χοραύλης - כּוֹרַבְלִין

2187, Jastrow 13232
(χοραύλης) flute-players accompanying the chorus of dancers. Gen. R. s. 23; s.
50 (variously corrupted), v. אִדְרַבְלָא.

χρονικός (chronikos) - כְּרוֹנִי

2188, Klein 12455
chronic. FW [From Gk. chronikos (= pertaining to time), from chronos (= time), which
prob. stands for ĝhr-on-os and derives from IE base ĝher- (= to seize, take, hold,
close, envelop), whence also cheir (= hand). See כִּירוֹמַנְטְיָה. Time is regarded
as ‘that which embraces all things’. cp. כּֽרוֹנִיקָה. cp. also the first element
in כְּרוֹנוֹגֽרָף, כּֽרוֹנוֹלוֹגְיָה, כְּרוֹנוֹמֶטֶר and the second element in
אֲנַכֽרוֹנִיזְם and in סִינֽכְּרוֹנִי.]

χρυσάργυρον - כְּרִיסוֹ, כ' אַרְגִּירָא

2189, Jastrow 14032
(χρυσοάργυρον, usu. χρυσάργυρον) gold and silver tax levied by Constantine the Great
(v. Sachs Beitr. II, 140; Rapap. Er. Mill. p. 193, a. authors there quoted). Y.
B. Kam. III, 3c top אהן כ' א' וכ' as to the chrysargyron: before that tax is arranged,
it is permitted to say (to the officers), ‘this man is my fellow-trader’; when
it has been arranged (and is being collected), it is not permitted (because it
would injure the person omitted in the list without alleviating the burden of others);
cmp. אכסניי.—Pl. כְּרִיסַרְגּוּרִיּוֹת. Cant. R. II, 2 (variously corrupted).—Midr.
Till. to Ps. XII מרגזאות, ed. Bub. מזה נמסאות; Yalk. ib. 656 מדגראות, read: כְּרִיזַרְגְּרָאוֹת
(ascribed to Hadrian).

χρυσοάργυρον - כְּרִיסוֹ, כ' אַרְגִּירָא

2190, Jastrow 14032
(χρυσοάργυρον, usu. χρυσάργυρον) gold and silver tax levied by Constantine the Great
(v. Sachs Beitr. II, 140; Rapap. Er. Mill. p. 193, a. authors there quoted). Y.
B. Kam. III, 3c top אהן כ' א' וכ' as to the chrysargyron: before that tax is arranged,
it is permitted to say (to the officers), ‘this man is my fellow-trader’; when
it has been arranged (and is being collected), it is not permitted (because it
would injure the person omitted in the list without alleviating the burden of others);
cmp. אכסניי.—Pl. כְּרִיסַרְגּוּרִיּוֹת. Cant. R. II, 2 (variously corrupted).—Midr.
Till. to Ps. XII מרגזאות, ed. Bub. מזה נמסאות; Yalk. ib. 656 מדגראות, read: כְּרִיזַרְגְּרָאוֹת
(ascribed to Hadrian).

χρυσοκαστέλλιον - *, *טוק

2191, Jastrow 11400
, Y. Sabb. VI, 7d bot. פרוש טוק טקלין ed., Ar. פרסטקולין, פרוסטוקטולין, prob. a
corruption of כְּרוּסוֹקַסְטְלוֹן (χρυσοκαστέλλιον) a golden castle, name of a
head-dress (עיר הזהב; v. Sm. Ant. s. v. Corona).

χρυσολάχανον - כְּרִיסוֹלָכַנוֹן

2192, Jastrow 14033
(χρυσολάχανον) orach. Y. Kil. I, 27a bot. כירבי לבנון (corr. acc.).

χρῶμα (chroma) - כְּרוּם

2193, Klein 12446
1) yellow or green color. 2) a fabulous multicolored bird. PBH [Prob. derived from
Gk. chroma (= color), which is related to chroia, of s.m., chrozein (= to touch
the surface of a body, to tinge, to color), from IE base ghrōu-, ghrō- (= to rub,
smear, tinge), which is related to base gher- (= to rub). See ‘chrism’ in my CEDEL.
cp. כְּרוֹם, כְּרוֹמָטִי and כְּרוֹמוֹסוֹמָה, כְּרוֹמוֹסְפֵירָה.]

χρωματικός (chromatikos) - כְּרוֹמָטִי

2194, Klein 12450
chromatic (music). FW [Gk. chromatikos (= pertaining to color), from chroma, genitive
chromatos (= color). See כּֽרוּם and suff. □ִי.]

ψαλμός (psalmos) - שַׁלְמוֹנִית

2195, Klein 28824
‘shalmonith’, name of a kind of ‘selihah’. MH [Of uncertain origin. It is possibly
Hebraization of Gk. psalmos (= psalm), whence also JAram. פִּזְמָא (= liturgical
hymn). See פזם and פִּזְּמוֹן. For the ending of שַׁלְמוֹנִית see suff. □ִית.]

ψελλός - פְּסִילּוֹס

2196, Jastrow 24049
(ψελλός) one unable to pronounce certain letters, stammerer. Lev. R. s. 10, beg.
והיו קורין אותו פ' and they called him (Amos) the stammerer; Yalk. Is. 307, v.
עָמַס. Pesik. Naḥămu, p. 125b his name was Amos שהיה פ' בלשונו (not שהיו) because
he hesitated in his speech.—Pl. פְּסִילִּים. Y. Ned. I, 37a top במקום שקוראין לנזיר
נזיק … נזיר פ' וכ' in a place where people say naziḳ for nazir (owing to a dialectical
peculiarity), I say so: shall a Nazarite among stammerers not be a Nazarite?; Y.
Naz. I, beg. 51a

ψεύδω (pseudo) - פְּסֵידוֹ□

2197, Klein 23136
pseudo- (combining form). FW [Gk. pseudo, from pseudas (= lie, falsehood), from
pseudein (= to cheat by lies).]

ψέφος (psephos) - פְּסֵיפָס

2198, Klein 23173
1) cut and polished stone, mosaic. 2) cube, die. 3) check (in garment), stripe.
PBH [Gk. psephos (= small stone, pebble, used in counting or voting), related to
psammos (= sand), and cogn. with L. sabulum (= sand), Old Eng. sand, etc. (= sand).
cp. מֽפֻסְפָּס and the second element in פָּלִימְפְּסֶסֽט.]

ψῆφος - פְּסִיפָּס פִּסְפָּס פִּיסְ'

2199, Jastrow 24069
(פָּסַס, cmp. פְּסִיסִית) 1)cut and polished stone block, used for paving floors,
stone pavement, mosaic. Ab. d’R. N. ch. XXVIII אבן פסי' שיש וכ' ed. Schechter
(ed. פיספס) a paving block which has four polished sides (a metaphor for a many-sided
scholar). Y. Sabb. VII, 10b top בשאין שם פ' where there is no stone pavement. Ib.
XII, beg. 13c (Chald. dict.) מקטע פ' he who trims a paving stone (or die, v. infra).
Ex. R. s. 10 בתיהם של גדולים … בשיש בפ' the houses of the nobles which were paved
with marble or blocks; Yalk. Sam. 102 בתי השיש והפִּסְפְּסִים (pl.); Yalk. Ps.
820 בתי השיש ובתי הפ' (Midr. Till. to Ps. CV בתי הסיפים, v. סַף). Deut. R. s. 1
ואם בפ' הפ' וכ' and if (she wipes her hands) on the pavement, the pavement will
be blackened, but her hands will not be clean; a. e.—Pl. פְּסִיפְסִים, פְּסִיפְסִין,
פִּסְפְּ', פִּיסְ'. Yalk. Sam. l. c.; Yalk. Ps. l. c., v. supra. Midd. I, 6 ראשי
פסי' וכ' Var. in Ar. s. v. פשפש (Mish. ed. פספ'; Talm. ed. פישפשין) the ends of
the flag-stones in the pavement indicated the mark between the sacred and the secular
grounds; [comment.: blocks on the ceiling]; ib. II, 6; a. e.—[Tosef. Zeb. VII,
1 פסיפסין, Var. פסיפיסין, v. פִּשְׁפָשׁ I.]—2)cube, die. —Pl. as ab. Y. R. Hash.
I, 57c top (expl. המשחק בקוביא) המשחק בפסי' he who plays with dice; Snh. 25b, a.
e. בפיספ' (Rashi: blocks of wood); Y. l. c. משישבור את פְּסִיפְסָיו (he is not
reinstated from his civil disabilities,) until he breaks his dice; Snh. l. c. משישברו
את פִּיסְפְּסֵיהֶן; Y. Shebu. VII, 37d bot. פִּיסְפְּסָיו; Y. Snh. III, beg., 21a
(also פְּשִׂיפְשִׂין). Midr. Till. to Ps. XXVI, 10 אלי המשחקין בפספ' וכ' that means
those who play with dice, who calculate (throw) with the left hand and press with
the right hand, and rob and wrong one another; a. e.—3)check (in garments), square,
or stripe (cmp. פַּס). Neg. XI, 7 והרי הוא פסי' יחידי ed. Dehr. (ed. פספס) suppose
there is only one (white) stripe in the whole garment?—Pl. as ab. Ib. קייטא שיש
בה פ' צבועים וכ' a pieced sheet in which there are checkers colored and white;
Tosef. ib. V, 10. Yalk. Job 927 פספסין הדֵּיהוֹת שלו מכחות וכ' (or הדּוּחוֹת, not
פספסי הרוחות) the faintest checkers (or stripes) of the Leviathan’s skin outshine
the sun (v. Yalk. Lev. 65voting tablet, verdict. Lam. R. to II, 1, v. חִיתּוּךְ.—[The
contact between the Hebrew and Greek languages influenced the form פסיפס and the
coincidence of some meanings of our word with ψῆφος pebble.]

ψίαθος - פסתיין

2200, Jastrow 24129
, read פְּסִיָּיתִין m. pl. (ψίαθος, ψίεθος; v. P. Sm. 3199) mats, mattresses.
Koh. R. to III, 9.

ψίεθος - פסתיין

2201, Jastrow 24129
, read פְּסִיָּיתִין m. pl. (ψίαθος, ψίεθος; v. P. Sm. 3199) mats, mattresses.
Koh. R. to III, 9.

ψυκτήρ - פְּסַכְתֵּר

2202, Jastrow 24083
(corresp. to ψυχθηρ [sic] = ψυκτήρ) [wine-cooler,] a large pot. Y. Ḥag. III, 79a;
Tam. V, 5 כופה … פ' (,Ar. everywhere פסק'), v. כָּפָה; ib. ופ' היה כלי וכ' the
psykter was a large vessel, holding &c. Sifré Tsav, Par. 1, ch. II; Y. Yoma IV,
end, 42a; Num. R. s. 4. Erub. X, 15; a. e.

ψυκτήρ (psykter) - פְּסַכְתֵּר

2203, Klein 23182
a large pot. PBH [Gk. psykter (= wine cooler), from psychein (= to breathe, blow;
to make cold). See פְּסִיכוֹ□.]

ψυχθηρ - פְּסַכְתֵּר

2204, Jastrow 24083
(corresp. to ψυχθηρ [sic] = ψυκτήρ) [wine-cooler,] a large pot. Y. Ḥag. III, 79a;
Tam. V, 5 כופה … פ' (,Ar. everywhere פסק'), v. כָּפָה; ib. ופ' היה כלי וכ' the
psykter was a large vessel, holding &c. Sifré Tsav, Par. 1, ch. II; Y. Yoma IV,
end, 42a; Num. R. s. 4. Erub. X, 15; a. e. | **Editor's Note: Probably should be
'ψυχθήρ' as 'Neuhebräische Grammatik auf Grund der Mišna' writes it, but perhaps
without a clear attestation to such a word, Jastrow chose to not put an accent
on this word.

ψυχικός (psychikos) - פְּסִיכִי

2205, Klein 23157
psychic. FW [Gk. psychikos (= of life, of the soul, spiritual), from psyche (see
פְּסִיכוֹ□) and suff. □ִי.]

ψύχω (psycho) - פְּסִיכוֹ□

2206, Klein 23142
psycho (combining form). FW [Gk. psycho, from psyche (= breath, life, spirit, soul,
mind), from psychein (= to breathe, blow; to make cold), which is cogn. with Old
I. bhas– (of s.m.). cp. פְּסִיכִי, פְּסַכֽתֵּר and the first element in פּֽסִיכֽרוֹמֶטֶר.
For the sense development of Gk. psyche cp. נֶפֶשׁ.]

ᾠδή (ode) - אוֹדָה

2207, Klein 392
ode. FW [Gk. ode, contraction of aoide (= song), which is related to aeido (= sing),
which prob. is cogn. with aedon (= nightingale), aude (= voice, tone, sound), audao
(= I talk, speak). cp. ‘ode’ and words there referred to in my CEDEL.]

Ὠκέανος - אוֹקְיָינוֹס, אוֹקְיָנוֹס, אוֹקְיָאנוֹס

2208, Jastrow 835
(Ὠκέανος) Ocean, mostly Mediterranean Sea. Targ. Y. Gen. I, 7; a. e.—Y. Ḥall. IV,
60a bot.; a. fr.—Tanḥ. Ḥaye 3, and so is א' ים המת the Okeanos called the Sea of
(covering) the dead. [Var. אונק', אנק'.]

ὠκεανός (okeanos) - אוֹקְיָנוֹס

2209, Klein 558
ocean. PBH [Gk. okeanos (= the great river encompassing the whole earth), hence
‘the great Outward Sea’ (opposed to the Inward or Mediterranean), the Ocean, which
is of uncertain etymology.]

ὠνή - אוֹנִי,

2210, Jastrow 736
(אוֹנוּ) אוֹנִית f. = אוֹנָה, cmp. אוֹנִיתָא. [The phonetic coïncidence with ὠνή
produced the peculiar use of our w. in connection with Greek terms, in the Palest.
literature.] Gen. R. s. 2 beg. בא' אחת ובטימי וכ' in one bill of sale and for the
same price. Y. Pes. IV, 31b bot. מיסתיוסיס בא' היא וכ' (read מיסתוס') it is a lease
with a title of possession (for the term), and is (for the time being) an acquisition
like a purchase. Y. Kid. I, 60c (אוני a. אונו); a. e.—Pl. אוֹנִיוֹת. Gen. R. s.
84, end כמה א' וכ' how many deeds were written for him (how many times was he sold)?,
cmp. אוֹן. [Midr. Till. to Ps. CIV, 24; Pesik. Rosh. Hash. p. 151a, v. אוֹנָיָה.

ὠνή (one) - אוֹן, אוֹנָה, אוֹנִי

2211, Klein 487
deed of purchase. PBH [Gk. one (= buying, purchasing; deed of purchase), which is
cogn. with Old I. vasnáh (= purchase money), vasnám (= reward), L. vēnum or vēnus
(= sale), vēnālis (= that which can be bought). See ‘venal’ in my CEDEL. cp. the
second element in אַפֽסַנְיָה.]

ὡρειάριος - אוֹרְיָיר

2212, Jastrow 892
(horrearius, ὡρειάριος, v. אֹורְיָא, אֲהֹורְיָיר)store-keeper, used in the sense
of אֹולְיָיר. Y. B. Bath. IV, beg. 14c מקום הא' (Tosef. ibid. III, 3 בית האוליירין)
the clothes-keeper’s room.—Pl. אֹורְיָירִין. Y. l. c. אורורין, אורוו' (corr. acc.)
Toh. VIII, 7 אודיארין (corr. acc.; Tosef. ib. VII, 8 אוליארין).

ὡρεῖον - אוֹרְיָא אוּרְיָא,

2213, Jastrow 880
(horreum, pl. horrea, ὡρεῖον, ὥριον; v. Sm. Ant. s. v.) store-house, store (of all
kinds). Tanḥ. B’resh. 7 וכל א' שלי בתוכה all my stores are in that ship.—Pl. אוּרְיָאַיָּא
(ch. form). Targ. I Chr. XXI, 13.—אוּרְיָיאֹות (h. form). Targ. II Chr. XXXII,
28 (h. text מסכנות). V. אֹורְיָיר, אֲהֹורְיָיר.

ὥριον - אוֹרְיָא אוּרְיָא,

2214, Jastrow 880
(horreum, pl. horrea, ὡρεῖον, ὥριον; v. Sm. Ant. s. v.) store-house, store (of all
kinds). Tanḥ. B’resh. 7 וכל א' שלי בתוכה all my stores are in that ship.—Pl. אוּרְיָאַיָּא
(ch. form). Targ. I Chr. XXI, 13.—אוּרְיָיאֹות (h. form). Targ. II Chr. XXXII,
28 (h. text מסכנות). V. אֹורְיָיר, אֲהֹורְיָיר.

Ὠρίων (Orion) - אוֹרְיוֹן

2215, Klein 592
Orion. FW [Gk. Orion, of uncertain origin.]

ὡρολόγιον - אוֹרְלוֹגִין, אוֹרוֹלוֹגִין

2216, Jastrow 904
(ὡρολόγιον) horologe, time-piece. Y. R. Hash. I, 57b top. Pesik. R. s. 15; a. e

ὡρολόγιον (orologion) - אוֹרְלוֹגִין, אוֹרוֹלוֹגִין

2217, Klein 607
clock, horologe, timepiece. PBH [Gk. orologion (lit.: ‘that which tells the hour’),
from ora (= hour), and logos (= telling, saying). Gk. ora is cogn. with Avestic
jare (= year), L. hōrnus, for *hōyōrinos (= of this year). See ‘year’ in my CEDEL.
Gk. logos derives from the stem of legein (= to pick up, choose; to speak, declare);
see לוֹגוֹס.]

ὡροσκοπία - סִימְפּוֹנְיָא סִימְפּוֹנְיָה סִימְפּוֹנְיָיא סִמְ'

2218, Jastrow 20208
(Dan. III, 5 סוּמְפּנְיָה; 10 סִיפּנְיָה, Keth. סוּפּ'; 15 סומפניה; v. preced.,
a. cmp. סבכא, שבכא Dan. ll. cc.) [air-passages, cmp. meanings of σύριγξ,] simponia
(Greek adapt. συμφωνία), a wind instrument, double flute. Kel. XI, 6 ס' אם יש בה
בית קיבול כנפים if the simp. has a receptacle for the wings (i.e. a bagpipe); Tosef.
ib. B. Mets. I, 7. Kel. XVI, 8 סמפ' Mish. ed. a. ed. Dehr. (Talm. ed. סִפּוֹנְיָא).—[Midr.
Till. to Ps. XII, beg. עסוקים בהדי סימפוניא ed. Bub. (oth. ed. עוסקים בההיא סמפניא;
Var. in Mss. עוסקים הוסמפניא, הוסתיא &c., v. ed. Bub. note; Yalk. Ps. 656 עסוקים
בהדיה ספסוני', a corrupt. in a spurious passage; perh. to be read: בהוֹרוֹסְקוֹפְיָא
(ὡροσκοπία) engaged in horoscopy.] | **Editor's Note: While the word 'סִימְפּוֹנְיָא'
isn't related to the word 'ὡροσκοπία,' this entry is included to highlight the
use of 'בהוֹרוֹסְקוֹפְיָא' in rabbinic literature which does have a Greek origin